Summary Prospectus | June 1, 2020
Xtrackers Municipal Infrastructure Revenue Bond ETF
Ticker: RVNU Stock Exchange: NYSE Arca, Inc.

Before you invest, you may want to review the fund’s prospectus, which contains more information about the fund and its risks. You can find the fund’s prospectus, reports to shareholders, Statement of Additional Information (SAI) and other information about the fund online at You can also get this information at no cost by e-mailing a request to, calling 1-855-329-3837 or asking your financial representative. The Prospectus and SAI, both dated October 1, 2019, as revised June 1, 2020, as may be revised or supplemented from time to time, are incorporated by reference into this Summary Prospectus.
Investment Objective
The Xtrackers Municipal Infrastructure Revenue Bond ETF (the “fund”) seeks investment results that correspond generally to the performance, before fees and expenses, of the Solactive Municipal Infrastructure Revenue Bond Index (the “Underlying Index”).
Fees and Expenses
These are the fees and expenses that you will pay when you buy and hold shares. You may also pay brokerage commissions on the purchase and sale of shares of the fund, which are not reflected in the table.
(expenses that you pay each year as a % of the value of your investment)
Management fee 1 0.15
Other Expenses None
Total annual fund operating expenses 0.15
1 Effective February 12, 2019, the fund’s management fee was reduced from 0.30% to 0.15% of the fund’s average daily net assets.
This Example is intended to help you compare the cost of investing in the fund with the cost of investing in other funds. The Example assumes that you invest $10,000 in the fund for the time periods indicated and then sell all of your shares at the end of those periods. The Example also assumes that your investment has a 5% return each year and that the fund's operating expenses remain the same. The Example does not take into account brokerage commissions that you may pay on your purchases and sales of shares of the fund. It also does not include the transaction fees on purchases and redemptions of Creation Units (defined herein), because those fees will not be imposed on retail investors. Although your actual costs may be higher or lower, based on these assumptions your costs would be:
  1 Year 3 Years 5 Years 10 Years
  $15 $48 $85 $192
The fund pays transaction costs, such as commissions, when it buys and sells securities (or “turns over” its portfolio). A higher portfolio turnover may indicate higher transaction costs and may mean higher taxes if you are investing in a taxable account. These costs are not reflected in annual fund operating expenses or in the expense example, and can affect the fund's performance. During the most recent fiscal year, the fund’s portfolio turnover rate was 25% of the average value of its portfolio.
Principal Investment Strategies
The fund, using a “passive” or indexing investment approach, seeks investment results that correspond generally to the performance, before fees and expenses, of the Underlying Index, which is designed to track the performance of the US long-term tax exempt bond market, consisting of infrastructure revenue bonds. The fund uses a representative sampling indexing strategy in seeking to track the Underlying Index, meaning that it will generally invest in a sample of securities in the index whose risk, return and other characteristics resemble the risk, return and other characteristics of the Underlying Index as a whole. The fund will invest at least 80% of its total assets (but typically far more) in instruments that comprise the Underlying Index.
The Underlying Index is comprised of tax-exempt municipal securities issued by states, cities, counties, districts, their respective agencies, and other tax-exempt issuers. The Underlying Index is intended to track bonds that have been issued with the intention of funding federal, state and local infrastructure projects, such as water and sewer systems, public sewer systems, toll roads, bridges, tunnels and many other public use projects.


As of July 31, 2019, the Underlying Index consisted of 927 securities with an average amount outstanding of approximately $310 million and a minimum amount outstanding of approximately $40 million. The Underlying Index is a total return index, which assumes that any cash distributions are reinvested back into the Underlying Index.
The Underlying Index is designed to only hold those bonds issued by state and local municipalities where the interest and principal repayments are generated from dedicated revenue streams or double-barreled entities (whose bonds are backed by both a dedicated revenue stream and a general obligation pledge).
The Underlying Index may include private activity bonds, industrial development bonds, special tax bonds and transportation bonds.
Private activity bonds are issued by municipalities and other public authorities to finance development of industrial facilities for use by a private enterprise. The private enterprise pays the principal and interest on the bond, and the issuer does not pledge its full faith, credit and taxing power for repayment.
Industrial development bonds are a specific type of revenue bond backed by the credit and security of a private user and therefore have more potential risk. The interest from industrial development bonds, when distributed by the fund as “exempt-interest dividends” to shareholders, may be subject to the alternative minimum tax (“AMT”).
Special tax bonds are payable for and secured by the revenues derived by a municipality from a particular tax (e.g., tax on the rental of a hotel room, on the purchase of food and beverages, on the rental of automobiles or on the consumption of liquor). Special tax bonds are not secured by the general tax revenues of the municipality, and they do not represent general obligations of the municipality.
Transportation bonds are obligations of issuers that own and operate public transit systems, ports, highways, turnpikes, bridges and other transportation systems.
In order to be eligible for inclusion in the Underlying Index, the municipal securities must be offered publicly; meet a minimum amount outstanding and deal amount; are investment-grade; have a fixed-rate coupon payment; and are not prefunded/escrowed to maturity. Municipal bonds which are subject to the AMT and state and local taxes are eligible for inclusion in the Underlying Index. The Underlying Index does not attempt to achieve a particular duration (which is a measure of a bond’s sensitivity to interest rates), but the Underlying Index limits eligibility for inclusion to municipal securities which have a stated final maturity of 10 years or longer and are not callable for at least the next 5 years. Under normal circumstances, the Underlying Index is reconstituted and rebalanced on a monthly basis. The fund reconstitutes and rebalances its portfolio in accordance with the Underlying Index, and,
therefore, any changes to the Underlying Index’s reconstitution and rebalance schedule will result in corresponding changes to the fund’s reconstitution and rebalance schedule.
Under normal circumstances, the fund invests at least 80% of net assets, plus the amount of any borrowings for investment purposes, in securities issued by municipalities across the United States and its territories which are classified as “municipal infrastructure revenue” bonds based on the Underlying Index’s criteria summarized above, whose income is free from regular federal income tax. Because municipal securities that pay interest subject to the AMT may be included in the Underlying Index without limit, the fund may invest an unlimited amount of its net assets in municipal securities whose income is subject to the AMT. In addition, the fund will invest at least 80% of its total assets (but typically far more) in instruments that comprise the Underlying Index.
As of July 31, 2019, the Underlying Index was wholly comprised of securities of issuers in the United States (and as of the fund’s fiscal year end, a significant percentage of the Underlying Index was comprised of municipal securities of issuers in New York (21.6%) and California (18.1%).
The fund will concentrate its investments (i.e., hold 25% or more of its total assets) in a particular industry or group of industries to the extent that its Underlying Index is concentrated. To the extent that the fund tracks the Underlying Index, the fund’s investment in certain sectors may change over time.
Main Risks
As with any investment, you could lose all or part of your investment in the fund, and the fund’s performance could trail that of other investments. The fund is subject to the main risks noted below, any of which may adversely affect the fund’s net asset value (“NAV”), trading price, yield, total return and ability to meet its investment objective, as well as numerous other risks that are described in greater detail in the section of this Prospectus entitled “Additional Information About Fund Strategies, Underlying Index Information and Risks” and in the Statement of Additional Information (“SAI”).
Municipal securities risk. Municipal securities are subject to the risk that litigation, legislation or other political events, local business or economic conditions or the bankruptcy of the issuer could have a significant effect on an issuer’s ability to make payments of principal and/or interest. Certain municipalities may have difficulty meeting their obligations due to, among other reasons, changes in underlying demographics. Municipal securities can be significantly affected by political changes as well as uncertainties in the municipal market related to taxation, legislative changes or the rights of municipal security holders. Because many municipal securities are issued to
2 Xtrackers Municipal Infrastructure Revenue Bond ETF
Summary Prospectus    June 1, 2020


finance similar projects, especially those relating to education, health care, transportation, utilities and water and sewer, conditions in those sectors can affect the overall municipal market. In addition, changes in the financial condition of an individual municipal issuer can affect the overall municipal market. Municipal securities may include revenue bonds, which are generally backed by revenue from a specific project or tax. The issuer of a revenue bond makes interest and principal payments from revenues generated from a particular source or facility, such as a tax on particular property or revenues generated from a municipal water or sewer utility or an airport.
Revenue bonds generally are not backed by the full faith and credit and general taxing power of the issuer. The market for municipal bonds may be less liquid than for taxable bonds. The value and liquidity of many municipal securities have decreased as a result of the most recent financial crisis, which has also adversely affected many municipal securities issuers and may continue to do so. There may be less information available on the financial condition of issuers of municipal securities than for public corporations.
Fixed income markets risk. The values of many types of debt securities have been reduced over a period of many years since the credit crisis started due to problems relating to subprime mortgages. These market problems have also affected debt securities that are not related to mortgage loans. In addition, broker-dealers and other market participants have been less willing to make a market in some types of debt instruments, which has impacted the liquidity of those instruments. These developments also have had a negative effect on the broader economy.
Market disruption risk. Geopolitical and other events, including war, terrorism, economic uncertainty, trade disputes, public health crises and related geopolitical events have led, and in the future may lead, to disruptions in the US and world economies and markets, which may increase financial market volatility and have significant adverse direct or indirect effects on the fund and its investments. Market disruptions could cause the fund to lose money, experience significant redemptions, and encounter operational difficulties. Although multiple asset classes may be affected by a market disruption, the duration and effects may not be the same for all types of assets.
Recent market disruption events include the pandemic spread of the novel coronavirus known as COVID-19, and the significant uncertainty, market volatility, decreased economic and other activity and increased government activity that it has caused. Specifically, COVID-19 has led to significant death and morbidity, and concerns about its further spread have resulted in the closing of schools and non-essential businesses, cancellations, shelter-in-place orders, lower consumer spending in certain sectors, social distancing, bans on large social gatherings and travel, quarantines, government economic stimulus
measures, reduced productivity, rapid increases in unemployment, increased demand for and strain on government and medical resources, border closings and global trade and supply chain interruptions, among others. The full effects, duration and costs of the COVID-19 pandemic are impossible to predict, and the circumstances surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic will continue to evolve. The pandemic may affect certain countries, industries, economic sectors, companies and investment products more than others, may exacerbate existing economic, political, or social tensions and may increase the probability of an economic recession or depression. The fund and its investments may be adversely affected by the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, and a prolonged pandemic may result in the fund and its service providers experiencing operational difficulties in coordinating a remote workforce and implementing their business continuity plans, among others.
Fixed income securities risk. Fixed-income securities are subject to the risk of the issuer’s inability to meet principal and interest payments on its obligations (i.e., credit risk) and are subject to price volatility resulting from, among other things, interest rate sensitivity, market perception of the creditworthiness of the issuer and general market liquidity (i.e., market risk). Lower rated fixed-income securities have greater volatility because there is less certainty that principal and interest payments will be made as scheduled. There is a risk that a lack of liquidity or other adverse credit market conditions may hamper the fund’s ability to sell the debt securities in which it invests or to find and purchase debt instruments included in the Underlying Index.
Private activity bonds risk. The issuers of private activity bonds in which the fund may invest may be negatively impacted by conditions affecting either the general credit of the user of the private activity project or the project itself. The fund’s private activity bond holdings also may pay interest subject to the AMT. See “Dividends and Distributions” for more details.
Industrial development bond risk. These revenue bonds are issued by or on behalf of public authorities to obtain funds to finance various public and/or privately operated facilities, including those for business and manufacturing, housing, sports, pollution control, airport, mass transit, port and parking facilities. These bonds are normally secured only by the revenues from the project and not by state or local government tax payments. Consequently, the credit quality of these securities is dependent upon the ability of the user of the facilities financed by the bonds and any guarantor to meet its financial obligations. Payment of interest on and repayment of principal on such bonds are the responsibility of the user and/or any guarantor. These bonds are subject to a wide variety of risks, many of which relate to the nature of the specific project. Generally, the value and credit quality of these bonds are sensitive to the risks related to an economic slowdown.
3 Xtrackers Municipal Infrastructure Revenue Bond ETF
Summary Prospectus    June 1, 2020


Special tax bond risk. Special tax bonds are usually backed and payable through a single tax, or series of special taxes such as incremental property taxes. The failure of the tax levy to generate adequate revenue to pay the debt service on the bonds may cause the value of the bonds to decline. Adverse conditions and developments affecting a particular project may result in lower revenues to the issuer of the municipal securities, which may adversely affect the value of the fund’s portfolio.
Transportation bond risk. Transportation bonds may be issued to finance the construction of airports, toll roads, highways or other transit facilities. Airport bonds are dependent on the general stability of the airline industry and on the stability of a specific carrier who uses the airport as a hub. Air traffic generally follows broader economic trends and is also affected by the price and availability of fuel. Toll road bonds are also affected by the cost and availability of fuel as well as toll levels, the presence of competing roads and the general economic health of an area. Fuel costs and availability also affect other transportation related securities, as do the presence of alternate forms of transportation, such as public transportation. Municipal securities that are issued to finance a particular transportation project often depend solely on revenues from that project to make principal and interest payments. Adverse conditions and developments affecting a particular project may result in lower revenues to the issuer of the municipal securities.
Water and sewer bond risk. Water and sewer revenue bonds are often considered to have relatively secure credit as a result of their issuer’s importance, monopoly status and generally unimpeded ability to raise rates. Despite this, lack of water supply due to insufficient rain, run off or snow pack is a concern that has led to past defaults. Further, public resistance to rate increases, costly environmental litigation and federal environmental mandates are challenges faced by issuers of water and sewer bonds.
Interest rate risk. When interest rates rise, prices of debt securities generally decline. The longer the duration of the fund’s debt securities, the more sensitive the fund will be to interest rate changes. (As a general rule, a 1% rise in interest rates means a 1% fall in value for every year of duration.) Recent and potential future changes in monetary policy made by central banks or governments are likely to affect the level of interest rates. Rising interest rates may prompt redemptions from the fund. Although the fund primarily seeks to redeem shares of the fund on an in-kind basis, if the fund is forced to sell underlying investments at reduced prices or under unfavorable conditions to meet redemption requests or other cash needs, the fund may suffer a loss. The fund may be subject to a greater risk of rising interest rates due to the current period of historically low rates.
Credit risk. The fund’s performance could be hurt if an issuer of a debt security suffers an adverse change in financial condition that results in a payment default, security
downgrade or inability to meet a financial obligation. Credit risk is greater for lower-rated securities. Because the issuers of junk bonds may be in uncertain financial health, the prices of their debt securities could be more vulnerable to bad economic news, or even the expectation of bad news, than investment-grade debt securities. Credit ratings may not be an accurate assessment of credit risk.
Geographic focus risk. To the extent that the Underlying Index and the fund are significantly comprised of issuers in a single state, region or sector of the municipal securities market, performance can be more volatile than that of a fund that invests more broadly. As an example, factors affecting a state, region or sector, such as severe fiscal difficulties, an economic downturn, court rulings, increased expenditures on domestic security or reduced monetary support from the federal government, could over time impair the ability of a state, region or sector to repay its obligations.
Risks related to investing in New York. The fund may invest a significant portion of its assets in municipal obligations of issuers located in the State of New York and, therefore, will have greater exposure to negative political, economic, regulatory or other factors within the State of New York, including the financial condition of its public authorities and political subdivisions, than a fund that invests in a broader base of securities. Unfavorable developments in any economic sector may have a substantial impact on the overall New York municipal market. Certain issuers of New York municipal bonds have experienced serious financial difficulties in the past and reoccurrence of these difficulties may impair the ability of certain New York issuers to pay principal or interest on their obligations.
Risks related to investing in California. The fund may invest a significant portion of its assets in municipal obligations of issuers located in the State of California. While California’s economy is broad, it does have major concentrations in high technology, manufacturing, entertainment, agriculture, tourism, construction and services, and may be sensitive to economic problems affecting those industries. Consequently, the fund may be affected by political, economic, regulatory and other developments within California and by the financial condition of California’s political subdivisions, agencies, instrumentalities and public authorities.
Focus risk. To the extent that the fund focuses its investments in particular industries, asset classes or sectors of the economy, any market price movements, regulatory or technological changes, or economic conditions affecting companies in those industries, asset classes or sectors may have a significant impact on the fund’s performance.
Prepayment and extension risk. When interest rates fall, issuers of high interest debt obligations may pay off the debts earlier than expected (prepayment risk), and the fund may have to reinvest the proceeds at lower yields. When interest rates rise, issuers of lower interest debt obligations may pay off the debts later than expected
4 Xtrackers Municipal Infrastructure Revenue Bond ETF
Summary Prospectus    June 1, 2020


(extension risk), thus keeping the fund’s assets tied up in lower interest debt obligations. Ultimately, any unexpected behavior in interest rates could increase the volatility of the fund’s share price and yield and could hurt fund performance. Prepayments could also create capital gains tax liability in some instances.
Liquidity risk. In certain situations, it may be difficult or impossible to sell an investment at an acceptable price. This risk can be ongoing for any security that does not trade actively or in large volumes, for any security that trades primarily on smaller markets, and for investments that typically trade only among a limited number of large investors (such as certain types of derivatives or restricted securities). In unusual market conditions, even normally liquid securities may be affected by a degree of liquidity risk. This may affect only certain securities or an overall securities market.
Although the fund primarily seeks to redeem shares of the fund on an in-kind basis, if the fund is forced to sell underlying investments at reduced prices or under unfavorable conditions to meet redemption requests or other cash needs, the fund may suffer a loss. This may be magnified in a rising interest rate environment or other circumstances where redemptions from the fund may be higher than normal.
Tax risk. Income from municipal securities held by the fund could be declared taxable because of unfavorable changes in tax laws, adverse interpretations by the Internal Revenue Service or state tax authorities, or noncompliant conduct of a securities issuer. In addition, because municipal securities that pay interest subject to the AMT may be included in the Underlying Index without limit, the fund may invest an unlimited amount of its net assets in municipal securities whose income is subject to the AMT. Further, a portion of the fund’s otherwise exempt-interest distributions may be taxable to those shareholders subject to the federal AMT.
Pricing risk. If market conditions make it difficult to value some investments, the fund may value these investments using more subjective methods, such as fair value pricing. In such cases, the value determined for an investment could be different from the value realized upon such investment’s sale. As a result, you could pay more than the market value when buying fund shares or receive less than the market value when selling fund shares.
Issuer-specific risk. The value of an individual security or particular type of security may be more volatile than the market as a whole and may perform differently from the value of the market as a whole.
Indexing risk. While the exposure of an index to its component securities is by definition 100%, the fund’s effective exposure to index securities may vary over time. Because an index fund is designed to maintain a high level of exposure to its Underlying Index at all times, it will not take any steps to invest defensively or otherwise reduce the risk
of loss during market downturns. Market disruptions could cause delays in the Underlying Index’s rebalancing schedule. During any such delay, it is possible that the Underlying Index and, in turn, the fund will deviate from the Underlying Index’s stated methodology and therefore experience returns different than those that would have been achieved under a normal rebalancing schedule.
Tracking error risk. The performance of the fund may diverge from that of its Underlying Index for a number of reasons, including operating expenses, transaction costs, cash flows and operational inefficiencies. The fund’s return also may diverge from the return of the Underlying Index because the fund bears the costs and risks associated with buying and selling securities (especially when rebalancing the fund’s securities holdings to reflect changes in the Underlying Index) while such costs and risks are not factored into the return of the Underlying Index. Transaction costs, including brokerage costs, will decrease the fund’s NAV to the extent not offset by the transaction fee payable by an “Authorized Participant” (“AP”). Market disruptions and regulatory restrictions could have an adverse effect on the fund’s ability to adjust its exposure to the required levels in order to track the Underlying Index. In addition, to the extent that portfolio management uses a representative sampling approach (investing in a representative selection of securities included in the Underlying Index rather than all securities in the Underlying Index) it may cause the fund to not be as well correlated with the return of the Underlying Index as would be the case if the fund purchased all of the securities in the Underlying Index in the proportions represented in the Underlying Index. Errors in the Underlying Index data, the Underlying Index computations and/or the construction of the Underlying Index in accordance with its methodology may occur from time to time and may not be identified and corrected by the index provider for a period of time or at all, which may have an adverse impact on the fund and its shareholders. In addition, the fund may not be able to invest in certain securities included in the Underlying Index, or invest in them in the exact proportions in which they are represented in the Underlying Index, due to legal restrictions or limitations imposed by the governments of certain countries, a lack of liquidity in the markets in which such securities trade, potential adverse tax consequences or other regulatory reasons. To the extent the fund calculates its NAV based on fair value prices and the value of the Underlying Index is based on securities’ closing prices (i.e., the value of the Underlying Index is not based on fair value prices), the fund’s ability to track the Underlying Index may be adversely affected. For tax efficiency purposes, the fund may sell certain securities, and such sale may cause the fund to realize a loss and deviate from the performance of the Underlying Index. In light of the factors discussed above, the fund’s return may deviate significantly from the return of the Underlying Index.
5 Xtrackers Municipal Infrastructure Revenue Bond ETF
Summary Prospectus    June 1, 2020


Market price risk. Fund shares are listed for trading on an exchange and are bought and sold in the secondary market at market prices. The market prices of shares will fluctuate, in some cases materially, in response to changes in the NAV and supply and demand for shares. As a result, the trading prices of shares may deviate significantly from the NAV during periods of market volatility. The Advisor cannot predict whether shares will trade above, below or at their NAV. Given the fact that shares can be created and redeemed in Creation Units (defined below), the Advisor believes that large discounts or premiums to the NAV of shares should not be sustained in the long-term. If market makers exit the business or are unable to continue making markets in fund shares, shares may trade at a discount to NAV like closed-end fund shares and may even face delisting (that is, investors would no longer be able to trade shares in the secondary market). Further, while the creation/redemption feature is designed to make it likely that shares normally will trade close to the value of the fund’s holdings, disruptions to creations and redemptions, including disruptions at market makers, APs or market participants, or during periods of significant market volatility, may result in market prices that differ significantly from the value of the fund’s holdings. Although market makers will generally take advantage of differences between the NAV and the market price of fund shares through arbitrage opportunities, there is no guarantee that they will do so. In addition, the securities held by the fund may be traded in markets that close at a different time than the exchange on which the fund’s shares trade. Liquidity in those securities may be reduced after the applicable closing times. Accordingly, during the time when the exchange is open but after the applicable market closing, fixing or settlement times, bid-ask spreads and the resulting premium or discount to the shares’ NAV is likely to widen. Further, secondary markets may be subject to irregular trading activity, wide bid-ask spreads and extended trade settlement periods, which could cause a material decline in the fund’s NAV. The fund’s investment results are measured based upon the daily NAV of the fund. Investors purchasing and selling shares in the secondary market may not experience investment results consistent with those experienced by those APs creating and redeeming shares directly with the fund.
Operational risk. Cyber-attacks, disruptions, or failures that affect the fund’s service providers or counterparties, issuers of securities held by the fund, or other market participants may adversely affect the fund and its shareholders, including by causing losses for the fund or impairing fund operations. For example, the fund’s or its service providers’ assets or sensitive or confidential information may be misappropriated, data may be corrupted and operations may be disrupted (e.g., cyber-attacks, operational failures or broader disruptions may cause the release of private shareholder information or confidential fund information, interfere with the processing of shareholder transactions, impact the ability to calculate the fund’s net
asset value and impede trading). Market events and disruptions also may trigger a volume of transactions that overloads current information technology and communication systems and processes, impacting the ability to conduct the fund’s operations.
While the fund and its service providers may establish business continuity and other plans and processes that seek to address the possibility of and fallout from cyber-attacks, disruptions or failures, there are inherent limitations in such plans and systems, including that they do not apply to third parties, such as fund counterparties, issuers of securities held by the fund or other market participants, as well as the possibility that certain risks have not been identified or that unknown threats may emerge in the future and there is no assurance that such plans and processes will be effective. Among other situations, disruptions (for example, pandemics or health crises) that cause prolonged periods of remote work or significant employee absences at the fund’s service providers could impact the ability to conduct the fund’s operations. In addition, the fund cannot directly control any cybersecurity plans and systems put in place by its service providers, fund counterparties, issuers of securities held by the fund or other market participants.
Authorized Participant concentration risk. The fund may have a limited number of financial institutions that may act as APs. Only APs who have entered into agreements with the fund’s distributor may engage in creation or redemption transactions directly with the fund (as described below under “Buying and Selling Shares”). If those APs exit the business or are unable to process creation and/or redemption orders, (including in situations where APs have limited or diminished access to capital required to post collateral) and no other AP is able to step forward to create and redeem in either of these cases, shares may trade at a discount to NAV like closed-end fund shares and may even face delisting (that is, investors would no longer be able to trade shares in the secondary market).
Past Performance
The bar chart and table below provide some indication of the risks of investing in the fund by showing changes in the fund’s performance from year to year and by showing how the fund’s average annual returns compare with those of the Underlying Index and a broad measure of market performance. The fund’s past performance (before and after taxes) is not necessarily an indication of how the fund will perform in the future. Updated performance information is available on the fund’s website at
6 Xtrackers Municipal Infrastructure Revenue Bond ETF
Summary Prospectus    June 1, 2020


  Returns Period ending
Best Quarter 5.23% March 31, 2014
Worst Quarter -4.93% December 31, 2016
Year-to-Date 7.00% June 30, 2019
Average Annual Total Returns
(For periods ended 12/31/2018 expressed as a %)
All after-tax returns are calculated using the historical highest individual federal marginal income tax rates and do not reflect the impact of any state or local tax. Your own actual after-tax returns will depend on your tax situation and may differ from what is shown here. After-tax returns are not relevant to investors who hold shares of the fund in tax-deferred accounts such as individual retirement accounts (“IRAs”) or employee-sponsored retirement plans.
  Inception Date 1
Returns before tax 6/4/2013 -0.43 5.46 3.84
After tax on distributions 6/4/2013 -0.43 5.46 3.84
After tax on distributions and sale of fund shares 6/4/2013 0.85 4.95 3.65
Solactive Municipal Infrastructure Revenue Bond Index (reflects no deductions for fees, expenses or taxes)   0.03 6.01 4.11
S&P Municipal Bond Revenue Index (reflects no deductions for fees, expenses or taxes)   1.29 4.59 3.44
Investment Advisor
DBX Advisors LLC
Portfolio Managers
Bryan Richards, CFA, Managing Director. Portfolio Manager of the fund. Began managing the fund in 2017.
Brandon Matsui, CFA, Director. Portfolio Manager of the fund. Began managing the fund in 2017.
Tanuj Dora, Vice President. Portfolio Manager of the fund. Began managing the fund in 2017.
Alexander Bridgeforth, Assistant Vice President. Portfolio Manager of the fund. Began managing the fund in 2017.
Purchase and Sale of Fund Shares
The fund is an exchange-traded fund (commonly referred to as an “ETF”). Individual fund shares may only be purchased and sold through a brokerage firm. The price of fund shares is based on market price, and because ETF shares trade at market prices rather than NAV, shares may trade at a price greater than NAV (a premium) or less than NAV (a discount). The fund will only issue or redeem shares that have been aggregated into blocks of 50,000 shares or multiples thereof (“Creation Units”) to APs who have entered into agreements with ALPS Distributors, Inc., the fund’s distributor.
Tax Information
The fund intends to meet certain federal income tax requirements so that distributions of tax-exempt interest income will be treated as “exempt-interest dividends.” These dividends are not subject to regular federal income tax. The fund may invest an unlimited amount of its net assets in municipal securities that generate interest income subject to the AMT for individuals. All exempt interest dividends may increase certain shareholders’ AMT. The fund expects that its distributions will consist primarily of exempt-interest dividends. The fund’s exempt-interest dividends may be subject to state and local taxes.
For more information regarding the tax consequences that may be associated with investing in the fund, please refer to the section of this Prospectus entitled “Taxes.”
Payments to Broker-Dealers and
Other Financial Intermediaries
If you purchase shares of the fund through a broker-dealer or other financial intermediary (such as a bank), the Advisor or other related companies may pay the intermediary for marketing activities and presentations, educational training programs, the support of technology platforms and/or reporting systems or other services related to the sale or promotion of the fund. These payments may create a conflict of interest by influencing the broker-dealer or other intermediary and your salesperson to recommend the fund over another investment. Ask your salesperson or visit your financial intermediary’s website for more information.
7 Xtrackers Municipal Infrastructure Revenue Bond ETF
Summary Prospectus    June 1, 2020    RVNU-SUM


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