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RNS Number:3371U British Land Co PLC 16 January 2004 The British Land Company PLC announces that it received notification on 16 January...
RNS Number:2897U British Land Co PLC 15 January 2004 Notification of monthly investment in the British Land Share Incentive Plan ('SIP...
RNS Number:2380U British Land Co PLC 14 January 2004 The British Land Company PLC announces that it received the following notification on...
RNS Number:0507U British Land Co PLC 09 January 2004 The British Land Company PLC announces that on 8th January 2004, Mr D A Higgs, Lord...
RNS Number:9769T British Land Co PLC 07 January 2004 SCHEDULE 5 BLOCKLISTING SIX MONTHLY RETURN To: Listing Applications UK...
RNS Number:7751T British Land Co PLC 02 January 2004 The British Land Company PLC announces that it received the following notification on...
RNS Number:5243T British Land Co PLC 22 December 2003 22nd December 2003 BRITISH LAND'S ABERDEEN ACQUISITIONS The...
RNS Number:5042T British Land Co PLC 19 December 2003 The British Land Company PLC announces that it received notification on 19...
RNS Number:3997T British Land Co PLC 18 December 2003 18th December 2003 BRITISH LAND INCREASES ITS INTEREST IN BLYTHE VALLEY PARK...
RNS Number:3863T British Land Co PLC 17 December 2003 Notification of monthly investment in the British Land Share Incentive Plan (' SIP...
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