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Photonstar Led (PSL)

Photonstar Led
정렬 기준:
 검색 관련기사 보기:LSE:PSL
2020/04/0815:01RNS Non-RegulatoryBould Opportunities PLC Corporate UpdateLSE:PSLPhotonstar Led
2019/04/1001:45UK RegulatoryFTSE Russell Photonstar LED GroupLSE:PSLPhotonstar Led
2019/04/0922:31Alliance NewsAlliance NewsPhotonstar Considers Funding Options As Shareholders Reject ResolutionLSE:PSLPhotonstar Led
2019/04/0915:00UK RegulatoryPhotonstar LED Group PLC Shareholder updateLSE:PSLPhotonstar Led
2019/04/0521:36UK RegulatoryPhotonstar LED Group PLC Result of General MeetingLSE:PSLPhotonstar Led
2019/04/0302:19Alliance NewsAlliance NewsInvestor Shafi Picks Up 7.5% Interest In PhotonStar LED (ALLISS)LSE:PSLPhotonstar Led
2019/04/0300:40UK RegulatoryPhotonstar LED Group PLC Second Price Monitoring ExtnLSE:PSLPhotonstar Led
2019/04/0300:35UK RegulatoryPhotonstar LED Group PLC Price Monitoring ExtensionLSE:PSLPhotonstar Led
2019/04/0222:43UK RegulatoryPhotonstar LED Group PLC Holding(s) in CompanyLSE:PSLPhotonstar Led
2019/03/2903:35Alliance NewsAlliance NewsPhotonStar Urges Shareholders To Approve Fundraising PlansLSE:PSLPhotonstar Led
2019/03/2902:02UK RegulatoryPhotonstar LED Group PLC Update regarding upcoming General MeetingLSE:PSLPhotonstar Led
2019/03/1920:50Alliance NewsAlliance NewsPhotonstar LED Group Raises GBP200,000 Via Share Placing (ALLISS)LSE:PSLPhotonstar Led
2019/03/1920:25UK RegulatoryPhotonstar LED Group PLC REPLACEMENT: Conditional issue of equityLSE:PSLPhotonstar Led
2019/03/1916:00UK RegulatoryPhotonstar LED Group PLC Conditional issue of equityLSE:PSLPhotonstar Led
2019/03/1520:16Alliance NewsAlliance NewsCORRECT (Mar 13): Antos Glogowski's Photonstar Holding Down To 14% (ALLISS)LSE:PSLPhotonstar Led
2019/03/1401:50Alliance NewsAlliance NewsAntos Glogowski Lowers Holding In Photonstar LED To 14% (ALLISS)LSE:PSLPhotonstar Led
2019/03/1401:09UK RegulatoryPhotonstar LED Group PLC Holding(s) in CompanyLSE:PSLPhotonstar Led
2019/03/1316:00UK RegulatoryPhotonstar LED Group PLC Posting of Circular and Notice of General MeetingLSE:PSLPhotonstar Led
2019/03/0703:05Alliance NewsAlliance NewsAntos Glogowski Holds 21% Stake In Soon-To-Be Cash Shell Photonstar (ALLISS)LSE:PSLPhotonstar Led
2019/03/0702:19UK RegulatoryPhotonstar LED Group PLC Holding(s) in CompanyLSE:PSLPhotonstar Led
2019/03/0622:20Alliance NewsAlliance NewsPhotonstar LED Group Raises GBP170,000 Via Share Placing (ALLISS)LSE:PSLPhotonstar Led
2019/03/0616:00UK RegulatoryPhotonstar LED Group PLC Placing and directors' conditional subscriptionLSE:PSLPhotonstar Led
2019/02/0621:06Alliance NewsAlliance NewsGledhow Investments Now Holds 6.88% Stake In Photonstar LED (ALLISS)LSE:PSLPhotonstar Led
2019/02/0620:48UK RegulatoryPhotonstar LED Group PLC Holding(s) in CompanyLSE:PSLPhotonstar Led
2019/01/3121:32UK RegulatoryPhotonstar LED Group PLC Change of Registered OfficeLSE:PSLPhotonstar Led
2019/01/3116:00UK RegulatoryPhotonstar LED Group PLC Replacement - Placing, adviser & board changesLSE:PSLPhotonstar Led
2019/01/3021:33Alliance NewsAlliance NewsPhotonstar LED Raises GBP175,000 As It Plans To Become Cash Shell (ALLISS)LSE:PSLPhotonstar Led
2019/01/3018:48UK RegulatoryPhotonstar LED Group PLC Placing, adviser & board change & business updateLSE:PSLPhotonstar Led
2019/01/2300:52Alliance NewsAlliance NewsPhotonstar LED Group Chief Technology Officer Majd Zoorob ResignsLSE:PSLPhotonstar Led
2019/01/2300:30UK RegulatoryPhotonstar LED Group PLC Resignation of DirectorLSE:PSLPhotonstar Led
 검색 관련기사 보기:LSE:PSL