RNS No 6436f
21st July 1997


@RANGE is an exciting and new 'massively multiplayer' naval warfare game that
supports large communities of simultaneous players on the Internet.  S.E.A.
Multimedia, a leading game publisher in Israel, has developed a proprietary
game architecture to support up to 3600 users simultaneously per game session
from anywhere in the world.  This takes on-line gaming to a new level since
current games only allow up to 16 users. 

@RANGE is S.E.A.'s first game to use this architecture which has the
versatility to allow new players to join the game at any point thereby
increasing the challenge.  It is an action packed submarine simulation game
with real-life, technically accurate performance characteristics for all
vessels, weapons and sensors which create a realistic and detailed naval
environment to enhance the player's experience. In addition, players can swap
information with their allies through real-time chatting and data linking in
an attempt to devise joint strategies to sink enemy vessels.  @RANGE is a new
breed of game only available on-line unlike the "hybrid" games (stand-alone
and on-line) being published up to now by most game publishers. 

The agreement with Mpath represents the official launch of @RANGE into the
market.  Mpath will launch @RANGE through Mplayer, on its new zone for
online-only content.  @RANGE is the first piece of online-only content to
debut on Mplayer.  The cost of playing @RANGE will be an hourly charge of
approximately $1.25.  

On-line games are set to revolutionise the games industry.  Currently there
are 30 million users of the world-wide web.  Within the U.S. approximately 7
million on-line gamers play regularly and it is estimated that this figure
will increase to 15 million by the year 2000.  

The Net is set to play an increasing role in our lives and it is estimated
that 30 million people world-wide will access on-line games on a regular basis
by the next millennium.  @RANGE is an example of S.E.A. Multimedia's
investment in the future as the market moves increasingly towards 'massively
multiplayer' on-line games.  It has been estimated that the on-line and
Internet games market will be worth $1.6 billion by 2000 (Jupiter Research)
and S.E.A. Multimedia is well placed in this rapidly expanding market.

Commentating on the new venture, Don Keane, Marketing Director from Mpath
Interactive Inc said; " @RANGE is a sensational and totally new addition to
our growing portfolio of games.  The technical and graphical advances that
@RANGE represents are vital in maintaining our position as a leading games
network company."

Tal Barnoach, Chief Executive of S.E.A. Multimedia said; " We are very excited
about the launch of @RANGE which represents the creativity and technical
advances of our company and will be the first of several original titles to be
launched over the coming year."  


S.E.A. Multimedia                           Tel:      00 972 3691 2424

Tal Barnoach, Chief Executive               e-mail:   Tal@sea.co.il
Ellen Rubin, Marketing Director             Web site: http://www.sea.co.il

Hudson Sandler                              Tel:      0171 796 4133
Wendy James


1. History:  S.E.A. Multimedia is an innovative technology based publishing
company, based in Tel Aviv, Israel.  In June 1996, the company obtained a
listing on AIM valuing the company at #15.8m.  

2. Activities: The company is principally involved in publishing and
technology development in two specific areas: Games Publishing and Digital
Sports Publishing. 

- Games Publishing: S.E.A.'s strategy is to develop original and innovative
new games with equally exciting stand alone and on-line experiences.  The
major emphasis in the gaming market is now being placed on the development of
new multi-user interactive games and S.E.A. Multimedia has the architecture to
support on-line, multiplayer games putting the company at the leading edge of
the games market.  In addition, S.E.A is currently developing "hybrid" games
including Mafia and submarine themes.

- Digital Sports Publishing: This is the company's core business and has been
built around relationships with leading international sports organisations,
such as the International Olympic Committee, the National Basketball
Association and others.  The company develops award winning multimedia
products and Internet sites using exclusive content from these organisations
and markets these products through distribution partners around the world in
several languages.

3.Management: Tal Barnoach, Chief Executive & Chairman, Ze'ev Rozov, Managing
Director, David Dohan, Finance Director.

Head Office:         Nahalat Itzhak
                     34a Tel Aviv

       Tel:          00 972 3 6912 424
       Fax:          00 972 3 6912 425

       e-mail:       Tal@sea.co.il
       Web site:     http://www.sea.co.il


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