RNS Number:7576K
London Forfaiting Company PLC
27 September 2001

                        London Forfaiting Company PLC

                             Interim Announcement

                            2001 Half-year Results

                     Immediate release: 27 September 2001

                              INTERIM STATEMENT

In the first six month period to 30 June, 2001 the Company made a loss before
and after tax of #13.96 million, compared with a before and after tax profit
of #0.2 million in the same period last year. As last year, there will be no
interim dividend.

The Company made a pre-tax profit of #1.66 million before a reappraisal of
asset values, against the background of the gathering world economic recession
and political uncertainties. A reduction of #15.62 million in the value of
risk assets is considered necessary to reflect the deterioration in the value
of both distressed and performing assets. In respect of our non-performing
assets and in the context of a prudent and comprehensive reappraisal which we
have just completed, we simply note that our balance sheet is unlikely to be
further adversely affected in the future by those assets, and in respect of
our performing assets we have also reflected conservative valuations.

It is sensible in the current economic environment to continue to reduce our
administrative expenses. Staff numbers are now below 80, compared with an
average of 108 over last year as a whole. As a result of redundancies that we
made yesterday in our London headquarters, there will be a further 9%
reduction in our total staff and we expect to sublet part of our London office

There will be no reduction, however, in the staffing or number of our
marketing offices, located in 11 capital goods exporting countries, as the
main emphasis and drive for profit in our business is in the servicing of
exporters worldwide. We will continue to give full support to our exporting
clients wherever and whenever the markets are open and the risks remain

Forfaiting assets, including emerging market bonds, have been reduced from #
126.45 million at the end of 2000 to #76.09 million as at the end of June this
year. Since 30 June, the portfolio has been further reduced to #46 million by
additional net sales of approximately #30 million of risk assets, reflecting a
decision in the summer to reduce further our risk profile in the current

The portfolio of forfaiting assets at 30 June, 2001 excluding #15.01 million
of Eurobonds was as follows.

                                  30 June 2001 31 December 2000   30 June 2000
                                     # million        # million      # million

EUROPE                                   25.12            46.91          66.54
Central & East Europe                     8.04            22.32          53.50
Croatia                                   0.49             3.12           4.47
Czech Republic                            0.00             5.31          11.28
Macedonia                                 0.38             0.00           0.04
Romania                                   4.76             1.36           6.44
Russia                                    2.41             8.50          20.37
Slovakia                                  0.00             0.19           6.09
Slovenia                                  0.00             0.35           0.38
Ukraine                                   0.00             3.49           4.43
Baltics                                   0.15             0.95           2.02
Estonia                                   0.15             0.83           1.05
Lithuania                                 0.00             0.12           0.97
Other Europe                             16.93            23.64          11.02
Cyprus                                    1.74             0.00           0.00
France                                    1.72             1.83           0.40
Germany                                   1.07             1.00           0.99
Greece                                    0.00             3.38           3.29
Netherlands                               0.04             0.07           0.00
Portugal                                  0.00             0.15           0.00
Switzerland                               0.00             0.00           1.80
Turkey                                   10.84            14.50           2.23
UK                                        1.52             2.71           2.31
AMERICAS                                 15.58            26.58          21.36
South America                             8.94            25.88          18.39
Argentina                                 0.07             8.45           0.39
Brazil                                    0.12             0.37           2.11
Chile                                     0.25             5.84           5.47
Colombia                                  1.34             3.43           4.62
Ecuador                                   7.16             7.73           5.79
Peru                                      0.00             0.06           0.01
Central America & the Caribbean           1.33             0.24           0.00
Cayman Islands                            1.33             0.00           0.00
Costa Rica                                0.00             0.24           0.00
North America                             5.31             0.46           2.97
Mexico                                    0.17             0.32           1.75
USA                                       5.14             0.14           1.22
ASIA                                     14.96            24.73          28.77
Bangladesh                                0.00             0.00           0.19
China                                     0.96             0.67           0.35
Hong Kong                                 2.44             3.71           3.06
India                                     0.00             0.21           1.94
Indonesia                                 0.33             4.42           5.38
Japan                                     0.00             4.35           0.00
Kazakstan                                 3.46             0.00           0.00
Malaysia                                  1.23             4.14           5.04
Philippines                               3.82             3.69           4.24
South Korea                               2.12             2.98           6.34
Thailand                                  0.08             0.56           2.09
Vietnam                                   0.52             0.00           0.14
NORTH AFRICA / MIDDLE EAST                5.42             1.73           2.66
Bahrain                                   0.32             0.31           0.13
Egypt                                     3.94             1.19           2.50
Lebanon                                   0.00             0.00           0.03
Oman                                      0.00             0.23           0.00
Saudi Arabia                              0.47             0.00           0.00
UAE                                       0.69             0.00           0.00
TOTAL                                    61.08            99.95         119.33

The Company's liquidity remains strong. At today's date we are borrowing only
US$ 55 million of a US$ 150 million facility which does not mature until
October 2002. We are within our borrowing covenants and, indeed, we would
remain so at the current date were we to draw down the full amount of the
borrowing facility.

With the recent downsizing of the Group, we have decided to redefine the
duties of three of our Executive Directors. Stathis Papoutes, Chief Executive,
will take direct control of forfaiting trading in London and will relocate
from his office to the trading floor. David Lilley, Director, will focus
exclusively for the time being on the recovery of monies from provisioned
assets. Simon Lay, Director, will focus on new forfaiting business worldwide.

The Group will continue to trade its portfolio actively and in addition to
selling through its existing extensive distribution network, will seek
co-operation agreements with partners who will be in a position to absorb
substantial volumes of assets, sourced by our international network of
marketing offices.

I would like to reassure all our shareholders that the Board is determined to
increase shareholder value from the current low ebb.

Jack A.G. Wilson


27 September, 2001

                        REVIEW REPORT OF THE AUDITORS

Independent Review Report to London Forfaiting Company PLC


We have been instructed by the Company to review the financial information for
the six months ended 30 June, 2001 which comprises the profit and loss
account, the balance sheet, the cash flow statement and related notes 1 to 8.
We have read the other information contained in the interim report and
considered whether it contains any apparent misstatements or material
inconsistencies with the financial information.

Directors' Responsibilities

The interim report, including the financial information contained therein, is
the responsibility of, and has been approved by the directors. The directors
are responsible for preparing the interim report in accordance with the
Listing Rules of the Financial Services Authority which require that the
accounting policies and presentation applied to the interim figures should be
consistent with those applied in the preceding annual accounts except where
any changes, and the reasons for them, are disclosed.

Review Work Performed

We conducted our review in accordance with the guidance contained in Bulletin
1999/4 issued by the Auditing Practices Board for use in the United Kingdom. A
review consists principally of making enquiries of Group management and
applying analytical procedures to the financial information and underlying
financial data and, based thereon, assessing whether the accounting policies
and presentation have been consistently applied unless otherwise disclosed. A
review excludes audit procedures such as tests of controls and verification of
assets, liabilities and transactions. It is substantially less in scope than
an audit performed in accordance with United Kingdom Auditing Standards and
therefore provides a lower level of assurance than an audit. Accordingly, we
do not express an audit opinion on the financial information.

Review Conclusion

On the basis of our review we are not aware of any material modifications that
should be made to the financial information as presented for the six months
ended 30 June, 2001.

Deloitte & Touche                                        Stonecutter Court

Chartered Accountants                                   1 Stonecutter Street

27 September, 2001                                        London EC4A 4TR


                                        (Unaudited)   (Unaudited)   (Audited)
                                        6 months to   6 months to  Year ended
                                           30 June,      30 June, 31 December,
                                               2001          2000        2000
                                              #'000         #'000       #'000

Total sales                     (Note 1)    262,902        159,096    313,277
Trading income                                7,756          8,506     20,931
Bank and other interest                         608            766      1,541
Bank interest payable                       (2,779)        (4,657)    (8,557)
                                              5,585          4,615     13,915
Administrative expenses                     (5,682)        (6,870)   (12,802)
Operating profit/(loss) before                 (97)        (2,255)      1,113
recoveries and revaluations
Recoveries of past downward                   1,759          2,253      2,593
Operating profit/(loss) before                1,662            (2)      3,706
Revaluations for the period                (15,622)            209    (2,638)
Profit (loss) on ordinary                  (13,960)            207      1,068
activities before taxation
Tax on profit/(loss) on ordinary                  -              -          -
Profit/(loss) on ordinary                  (13,960)            207      1,068
activities after taxation
Dividends                                         -              -          -
Retained profit/(loss) for the             (13,960)            207      1,068
Retained loss brought forward              (57,266)       (58,334)   (58,334)
Retained loss carried forward              (71,226)       (58,127)   (57,266)
Earnings/(loss) per share       (Note 2)    (13.32) p        0.20 p     1.02 p


 1. Total sales include sales of emerging market bonds as follows:


    6 months ended 30 June, 2001: 138,446

    6 months ended 30 June, 2000: Nil

    Year ended 31 December, 2000: 20,539

 2. The calculation of the profit (loss) per share is based on the profit
    (loss) after taxation and on the weighted average number of 104,780,000
    ordinary shares in issue.
 3. There are no recognised gains or losses for the current or previous periods
    other than as stated in the profit and loss account.
 4. Group tax losses of approximately #100 million (approximately #45 million
    in the United Kingdom) are available for offset against future profits.
 5. Financial information for the year ended 31 December, 2000 has been
    extracted from the Group's statutory accounts which have been delivered to
    the Registrar of Companies. The audit report on the accounts for the year
    ended 31 December, 2000 was unqualified. The financial information
    contained in this Interim Report does not constitute the Group's statutory
    accounts within the meaning of section 240 of the Companies Act 1985.
 6. It is intended that the Interim Report will be posted to shareholders on 1
    October, 2001 and will be available to members of the public at the
    Registered Office of the Company from that date.

                          CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET

                                         (Unaudited)  (Unaudited)     (Audited)
                                            30 June,     30 June,  31 December,
                                                2001         2000          2000
                                               #'000        #'000         #'000
Fixed assets
Tangible assets                                1,391        1,302         1,561
Current assets
Forfaiting assets               (Note 7)      76,095      119,334       126,453
Prepayments and accrued income                14,053       23,761        19,882
Cash at bank and in hand                      28,987       42,648        17,059
                                             119,135      185,743       163,394
Current liabilities
Bank loans                      (Note 8)      81,924      131,559       112,169
Other creditors                                9,581       13,366         9,805
                                              91,505      144,925       121,974
Net current assets                            27,630       40,818        41,420
Net assets                                    29,021       42,120        42,981
Capital and reserves
Called up share capital                       41,912       41,912        41,912
Share premium account                         33,335       33,335        33,335
Other reserves                                25,000       25,000        25,000
Profit and loss account                     (71,226)     (58,127)      (57,266)
Equity shareholders' funds                    29,021       42,120        42,981


7. Forfaiting assets at 30 June, 2001 include emerging market bonds amounting
to #15.01 million, (30 June, 2000: Nil; 31 December, 2000: #26.5 million)

8. The syndicated facility from banks maturing in October 2002 amounts to #
106,655,000 of which #81,769,000 was drawn at 30 June, 2001.


                               6 months         6 months                  Year  
                                     to               to                 ended  
                                30 June,          30 June,         31 December, 
                                   2001              2000                 2000
                                  #'000             #'000                #'000  
  Net cash inflow from           18,407            87,533               62,793  
  operating activities                                                        
  (Note a)                                                                    

  Servicing of                                                                
  Interest paid on                    -            (1,648)              (1,652) 
  medium term loans                                                           


  UK                    6                  1,452                 1,452          
  tax recovered                                                               

  UK corporation                                                                
  tax paid                                                                    

  Overseas tax          6                      -                     -          

  Overseas tax         (4)                   (14)                  (17)         
                                  8                 1,438                1,435  
  Capital expenditure                                                         

  Purchase of         (22)                   (25)                 (675)         

  Sale of              14                     54                   230          
                                 (8)                   29                 (445) 
  Net cash inflow            18,407                87,352               62,131  
  before financing                                                            


  Medium term                     -               (75,539)             (75,539) 
  bank loans                                                                  

  Increase (decrease)        18,407                11,813              (13,408) 
  in cash                                                                     


 a. Reconciliation of profit (loss) on ordinary activities before taxation to
    net cash inflow from operating activities

                             30 June,2001    30 June,2000    31 December,2000 
                                    #'000           #'000               #'000 

  Profit (loss) on               (13,960)             207               1,068 
  ordinary activities                                                         
  before taxation                                                             

  Interest on medium term               -           1,108               1,214 

  Depreciation charges                140             319                 642 

  Profit on sale of                   (9)            (25)               (137) 
  tangible assets                                                             

  Decrease in forfaiting           50,358          32,781              25,663 

  Decrease in prepayments           5,824           5,290               9,065 
  and accrued income                                                          

  Decrease (increase) in            6,373         (1,935)             (1,428) 
  bank deposits                                                               

  Decrease in creditors             (227)           (595)             (4,151) 

  Exchange rate                        57           (488)               (556) 

  (Decrease) increase in         (30,149)          50,871              31,413 
  bank loans                                                                  

  Net cash inflow from             18,407          87,533              62,793 

 b. Analysis of the balances of cash as shown in the consolidated balance sheet

                           30 June, 2001    30 June, 2000   31 December, 2000 
                                   #'000            #'000               #'000 

  Cash at bank and in                                                         
  hand per consolidated                                                       
  balance sheet                  28,987           42,648              17,058    

  Less bank deposits             (6,153)         (13,034)            (12,526) 
                                  22,834           29,614               4,532 

  Bank overdrafts                      -             (28)                (96) 
                                  22,834           29,586               4,436 

 c. Analysis of changes in cash during the period

                          30 June, 2001    30 June, 2000    31 December, 2000 
                                  #'000            #'000                #'000 

  At 1 January                    4,436           17,302               17,302 

  Exchange rate                     (9)              471                  542 

  Net cash inflow                18,407           11,813             (13,408) 

  At period end                  22,834           29,586                4,436   

Lon.Forfaiting (LSE:LFC)
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Lon.Forfaiting (LSE:LFC)
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부터 7월(7) 2023 으로 7월(7) 2024 Lon.Forfaiting 차트를 더 보려면 여기를 클릭.