RNS Number:8423I
Creston PLC
30 November 2007

30 November 2007

Creston plc Reports Interim Results 2007

Excellent growth in revenue and profit underpinned by good like-for-like growth

Creston plc (LSE: CRE), the Insight and Communications group, today announced
its interim results for the six months ended 30 September 2007.


   * Reported and Headline Diluted EPS up 159% (4.10 pence) and 5% (7.18 pence) 

   * Like-for-like revenue and operating company PBIT growth of 11% and 10%

   * Like-for-like revenue growth in the Insight and Communications divisions
     of 15% and 10% respectively

   * Revenue from digital and on-line up to 16% of revenue Group (2006: 12%)
     with a 39% like-for-like growth

   * Headline operating margin maintained at 17%

   * EBITDA increase of 24% to #7.7 million (2006: #6.2 million)

   * Dividend increase of 10% to 0.97 pence per share

   * Annualised net new business wins of over #5 million driven by blue chip
     client wins

Financial Results

                               Headline results **        Reported results
                              2007    2006    Change  2007        2006    Change
Revenue                       39.2    30.8     +27%   39.2        30.8     +27%
PBIT*                          6.6     5.2     +26%    5.6         3.1     +82%
Pre-tax profit                 5.8     4.9     +18%    3.9         1.8    +117%
Diluted EPS (pence)           7.18    6.85      +5%   4.10        1.58    +159%
Dividends per share (pence)   0.97    0.88     +10%   0.97        0.88     +10%

* Profit before Interest and Tax (PBIT) is defined as Profit before finance
income, finance costs, income from financial assets and taxation. It has been
restated to reflect the accounting treatment of deemed remuneration as described
in Note 2 of the Interim Report.

** Headline performance measures exclude the impact of deemed remuneration,
notional finance costs on deferred consideration and amortisation of intangible
assets. A reconciliation of Headline PBIT, PBT and Profit after taxation (PAT)
to their Reported equivalents is set out in Note 4 of the Interim Report.

Commenting on today's announcement, Don Elgie, Group Chief Executive, said:

"We have had one of our best ever commercial performances. This has translated
into a 27% increase in revenue and 39% like-for-like growth in digital and
on-line revenue. The number of new business wins and the new products and
services utilising web based platforms give a solid foundation for the second
half of the year. Our confidence is reflected in a 10% increase in dividend to
0.97 pence per share. "


Creston plc                                            020 7930 9757
Don Elgie, Chief Executive
Barrie Brien, COO/CFO

Hogarth Partnership Limited                            020 7357 9477
Chris Matthews/Sarah Macleod

About Creston plc

*  Creston is an Insight and Communications marketing services group.  The
   Board's aim is to identify  synergistic benefits between its marketing 
   services companies offering premium services such as market research, direct 
   and interactive marketing, advertising, public relations, insight and to 
   build a Group that offers clients solutions to  both existing and future 
   marketing needs across both on-line and off-line channels.

*  Creston's companies boast a range of blue-chip clients including the AA,
   AstraZeneca, BA, Bayer, BMW, BT, Burger King, Canon, COI Communications, 
   Cow & Gate, Diageo, eBay, General Motors, George Wimpey, GlaxoSmithKline, 
   Halifax, Kimberly-Clark, Lexus, Lloyds Black Horse, Morrisons, Nestle 
   Rowntree, Nissan, Norwich Union, Pfizer, Roche Diagnostics, Sainsbury's, 
   Tesco, Toshiba, T-Mobile, Tropicana, Unilever, Vodafone, Walkers and WHSmith.

*  Creston's share price is quoted in the Financial Times, The Daily Telegraph,
   The Times and the London Evening Standard.


The Board is pleased to report a strong first half performance, building on a
successful record of delivery against financial and strategic objectives. During
the first half of the 2008 financial year, Creston has benefited from the new
digital and on-line initiatives introduced in the prior year, which have proven
to be a success in the Group's integrated on and off-line offerings to clients.

The growth in revenue, operating profit and earnings per share, supported by a
strong like-for-like of 11% and 10% in revenue and Headline PBIT respectively,
demonstrate the robustness and relevance of our business model and client
focused structure.

The period has seen Creston respond to the changing dynamics of the industry and
clients' demand for an integrated approach and accordingly the Group has changed
its operational framework to a two divisional structure consisting of the
Insight and Communications divisions. The latter division encompasses those
businesses previously included within the BRANDCOM, MARCOMS and PR divisions,
while the former incorporates Creston's research offerings and remains
unchanged. The Group's continued investment in its employees and its range of
client offerings, combined with the internal reorganisation of the business into
two divisions, has ensured that Creston remains well positioned to benefit from
client demands in a changing marketing environment.

We were delighted that DLKW was ranked 14th (2006: 24th) and digitaltmw 25th
(2006: 41st) in the recent NMA Interactive Agencies 2007 league tables - on a
combined turnover basis this would place Creston's digital offering 7th in the
UK. Overall our on-line and digital investment is proving successful. On-line
and digital revenues have increased 39 per cent on a like-for-like basis and now
contribute 16 per cent (2006: 12 per cent) to Group revenues. The Group is very
pleased with this increased contribution from internet derived activity and that
it is meeting its target of keeping apace with, if not ahead of the overall
growth of the digital market. We are also pleased that this objective, which is
crucial to our long-term growth, has been met with no reduction in Headline
operating margin.

Strategic goals

As we announce these results, there is much publicised change and volatility in
the financial markets as well as continued change and fragmentation in how
consumers absorb brands and communication. In regard to the marketing services
industry, the Board believes that there is more opportunity than ever for a
diversified, entrepreneurial and dynamic Group such as Creston to gain market
share by helping its clients in these rapidly changing times.

We believe that our business model is of sound logic and we remain committed to
building the group both organically and acquisitively in the long-term. However,
with the global economic uncertainty, particularly in the US and also growing
concerns about the UK, together with the effect this has had on equity markets,
we have decided to focus on organic growth in the short term by redoubling our
efforts on synergy and operational efficiencies in each of our two divisions.

Until clarity emerges on consumers' resilience and normality returns to the
equity markets, our investments in the short to medium term will focus on
enabling our operating companies to win a greater proportion of clients'
budgets. Our investments will be in five distinct areas:

   * digital and on-line initiatives, such as newvista research and Sway
     online marketing;

   * increase of digital resource to service the growth in this segment;
   * organisational structure to make our client proposition relevant and
     compelling, such as DLKW's integrated offer;

   * client-driven opportunities overseas where on-the-ground representation
     is commercially beneficial; and

   * sector expertise, where we will seek to build further on our sector
     specialisations, eg in healthcare, technology and telecommunications

Net new business

The Group has continued its impressive record of net new business wins.
Annualised net new business wins of #5m included:

   * new clients such as Alton Towers, Capital One, Freeview, Homeform, Marie
     Curie, Pricerunner, Royal Mail, Thorpe Park, T-Mobile and Smart;

   * new wins from existing clients such as Alfa Romeo, Astellas, Bayer, BT,
     eBay, General Motors, GSK, Nissan (Infiniti Pan European launch), Opel,
     Pepsico, Roche, Sainsbury's Bank, T-Mobile and Unilever; and

   * synergy wins from Andreas Stihl, AstraZeneca, Canon, eBay, The Financial
     Times, Freeview, Morrisons, Pepsico and Toshiba.

The Partners' Board has proved to be an excellent mechanism for our companies to
establish new business opportunities, culminating in our highest ever level of
joint pitches and cross referrals.


Overall, trading for the first six months of the year ending March 2008 has been
in line with expectations. Revenue has increased by 27 per cent to #39.2m (2006:
#30.8m) and Headline PBIT has increased by 26 per cent to #6.6m (2006: #5.2m).
Reported PBIT has increased by 82 per cent to #5.6m (2006: #3.1m). This Reported
PBIT performance has been driven by a mixture of the underlying Headline growth
and the impact of the non-recurring charges for consideration deemed as
remuneration of #1.0m (2006: #1.5m) plus amortisation of intangible assets
related to acquisitions of nil (2006: #0.6m).

The revenue and Headline PBIT has been driven by new business wins and the
like-for-like growth of 11 per cent and 10 per cent respectively plus the
inclusion of a full six months performance for the companies acquired in 2006
(ICM, PAN and TMW).

Headline Basic EPS has increased by 4 per cent to 7.21 pence (2006: 6.93 pence)
and Headline Diluted EPS has increased by 5 per cent to 7.18 pence (2006: 6.85
pence). Reported Basic EPS has increased by 158 per cent to 4.12 pence (2006:
1.60 pence) and Reported Diluted EPS has increased by 159 per cent to 4.10 pence
(2006: 1.58 pence).

Divisional performance

To enable a better understanding of the underlying divisional performance of the
Group, Creston refers to Headline PBIT, which eliminates the non-recurring
non-cash charges associated with the acquisitions included in the reported

Insight Division

The Insight Division has contributed revenue of #9.0m (2006: #6.8m) and PBIT of
#2.8m (2006: #2.0m), which represents growth of 33 per cent and 37 per cent
respectively. On the Reported basis the PBIT was #2.6m (2006: #1.6m). This
division continues to perform strongly, generating like-for-like revenue and
PBIT growth of 15 per cent (2006: 6 per cent) and 14 per cent (2006: 7 per cent)
respectively. The PBIT margin remains strong at 31 per cent (2006: 30 per cent).

The growth of this division has been led by the excellent performances of all
our companies but also by the expansion of newvista research, which now boasts
an on-line market research panel in excess of 100,000 members. On-line research
now represents 19 per cent of the Insight Division's revenue (2006: 10 per cent)
and has generated like-for-like revenue growth of 108 per cent. Our on-line
turnover in Insight exceeded #2.4m for the six months (2006: #1.1m) and as an
annualised turnover, this would rank newvista research amongst the market
leaders in on-line research.

The division has a prestigous client base that includes BT, Burger King, Coca
Cola, COI, Danone, Norwich Union, Nutricia, O2, Orange, Tesco and Vodafone. This
has been supplemented by new business wins including Britvic, Heinz Foods, Shell
and T-Mobile and by group synergy referrals including Canon, eBay, Morrisons and

Within the Insight Division healthcare research has continued to develop with
the group investing in additional senior management resources to support its
expanding client base of EPMRA, GE Healthcare, Intervet, Merial, the NHS,
Novartis and Solvay. The Group's healthcare capabilities were further enhanced
by the launch of businessvista research, an on-line panel of professional
experts, which includes a specific panel of GPs and other medical practitioners.

Communications Division

The Communications Division generated revenue of #30.2m (2006: #24.0m) and PBIT
of #5.7 m (2006: #4.7m), which represents growth of 26 per cent and 23 per cent
respectively. On the Reported basis the PBIT was #5.2m (2006: #3.2m). This
division has performed strongly, generating like-for-like revenue growth of 10
per cent (2006: 3 per cent) and like-for-like PBIT growth of 8 per cent (2006:
decreased 13 per cent). The PBIT margin is good at 19 per cent (2006: 19 per
cent). On the same divisional basis as the prior year the BRANDCOM, MARCOMS and
PR divisions would have reported like-for-like PBIT growth of 8 per cent, 6 per
cent and 10 per cent, respectively.

The division has an enviable client base which includes the AA, Alfa Romeo,
Astra Zeneca, British Airways, Burger King, Canon, COI, eBay, General Motors,
GSK, HBOS, Lexus, Lloyds, Morrisons, Nissan, Nutricia, PepsiCo, Roche,
Sainsburys, SPMSD, T-Mobile, Unilever and WH Smith. This has been enlarged by
new business wins including Alton Towers, Capital One, Freeview, GM Eco Green
campaign, GSK, Homeform, Infiniti, Pricerunner, Royal Mail and Sainsbury's Bank
and by Group synergy referrals including AstraZeneca, Freeview and The Financial

Net debt

The Group generated positive operating cash flow of #5.9 million (2006: #3.0
million) for the period, which represents a conversion from reported PBIT of 103
per cent (2006: 98 per cent) and demonstrates an improvement in the Group's
management of working capital.

At 30 September 2007, Creston had net debt of #24.4m (March 2007: #21.7m), which
represents a gearing level of 30 per cent (March 2007: 27 per cent). The
increase since the year end has been caused by the settlement of the deferred
consideration for NBC and RDC by issuing loan notes. Settling deferred
consideration predominantly in loan notes, rather than by the issue of shares,
continues the Board's objective to use strong cash flow to maximise earnings per
share. There are no deferred consideration liabilities to be settled in the
second half of the financial year. The next settlement of deferred consideration
of #13.0 million is due next financial year and is therefore now treated as a
short term liability. This will be settled through a combination of operating
cashflow and draw downs from our unused available banking facilities. Creston
continues to maintain significant headroom in its banking covenants.


An interim dividend per share of 0.97 pence (2006: 0.88 pence) will be paid on
14 January 2008 to shareholders on the register at 14 December 2007. This
continues the Group's progressive dividend policy and represents an increase in
the interim dividend per share of 10 per cent.

Principal risks and uncertainties

Creston's principal operating risks and uncertainties are associated with the
retention of key personnel and customers. In common with many businesses in the
marketing services sector, the loss of certain key personnel could jeopardise
the continuing success of the business. The Group seeks to mitigate these risks
via non-compete and non-solicit covenants, incentivising its key personnel
through LTIP and bonus arrangements and it has a good track record of retaining
key personnel.

The Group derives much revenue from contracts with its major customers. The
Group has instigated a system of customer satisfaction reviews to identify areas
for improving its service and is continuously working towards reducing client

Creston US

Creston US, led by Steve Blamer, commenced operations at the beginning of the
current financial period. His task is to build the profile and offering of our
UK companies to a US client base. This objective was to be achieved by a mixture
of organic growth by our UK companies and occasional highly selective bolt on
acquisitions. However, in light of recent concerns about an economic downturn in
the US, we have reviewed our acquisition strategy and timing and decided not to
pursue such acquisitions at this time. We will continue to build Creston's
profile and offering of our UK companies to a US client base.


The Group's results have historically been weighted toward the second half of
the year due to the timing of our year end in March and client spending patterns
and the Board sees no exception to this trend. Our companies are not
experiencing any declines in client marketing budgets and are conversely
benefiting from their unique ability to position themselves and deliver to
clients effective Insight and Communication solutions. Our wins in the first
half of the year and full new business pipelines give us good momentum to
deliver another solid performance for the year.

David Marshall                                          Don Elgie
Chairman Chief                                          Executive

                                                        (                  2007)


for the six months ended 30 September 2007

                                                             Six months             Year 
                                    Note   Six months             ended            ended
                                                ended      30 September         31 March
                                         30 September              2006             2007
                                                 2007         (restated)       (restated)
                                                #'000             #'000            #'000

Turnover (billings)                            68,643            53,484          117,621
                                           -----------       -----------       ----------

Revenue (fees earned)                          39,199            30,755            69,665
Operating costs                               (33,612)          (27,692)          (59,353)
                                           -----------       -----------        ----------

Profit before finance income, finance
costs, income from financial assets 
and taxation                           4        5,587             3,063            10,312
Finance income                                     28               115               199
Finance costs                                  (1,724)           (1,387)           (3,095)
Income from financial assets                        -                 -               241
                                            -----------      -----------        ----------

Profit before taxation                 4        3,891             1,791             7,657
Taxation                               6       (1,611)           (1,001)           (3,212)
                                            -----------      -----------        ----------

Profit for the period                  4        2,280               790             4,445
                                            -----------      -----------        ----------

Basic earnings per share (pence)       7         4.12              1.60              8.50
Diluted earnings per share (pence)     7         4.10              1.58              8.41

The results above arise wholly from continuing operations.


as at 30 September 2007

                                   Note          As at         As at       As at
                                          30 September  30 September    31 March
                                                2007      (restated)  (restated)
                                               #'000          2006        2007
                                                             #'000       #'000

Non-current assets
Intangible assets
Goodwill                             9       123,475       110,009     122,984
Other                                9         1,369         1,080       1,290
Property, plant and equipment        9         4,042         4,529       4,267
Trade and other receivables                        -         1,158       1,325
Investments - available for sale                 550           550         550
Deferred tax assets                            1,443           962       1,347
                                            ----------     ---------   ---------
                                             130,879       118,288     131,763
                                            ----------     ---------   ---------
Current assets
Inventories and work in progress               3,811         3,676       5,080
Trade and other receivables                   30,946        24,383      29,454
Cash and cash equivalents                         22         3,644       1,655
                                            ----------     ---------   ---------
                                              34,779        31,703      36,189

Current liabilities
Trade and other payables                     (25,222)      (24,692)    (28,208)
Corporate income tax payable                  (1,829)         (825)     (1,601)
Obligations under finance leases                 (53)         (132)        (61)
Bank overdraft, loans and loan
notes                                         (7,208)       (5,595)     (7,309)
Short term provisions               10       (12,955)       (1,131)     (4,139)
                                            ----------     ---------   ---------
                                             (47,267)      (32,375)    (41,318)
                                            ----------     ---------   ---------
Net current liabilities                      (12,488)         (672)     (5,129)
                                            ----------     ---------   ---------

Total assets less current
liabilities                                  118,391       117,616     126,634

Non-current liabilities
Bank loans and loan notes                    (17,200)      (12,740)    (16,000)
Long term provisions                10       (20,418)      (29,877)    (31,430)
                                            ----------     ---------   ---------
                                             (37,618)      (42,617)    (47,430)
                                            ----------     ---------   ---------

Net assets                                    80,773        74,999      79,204
                                            ----------     ---------   ---------

Called up share capital                        5,576         5,497       5,576
Share premium account                         33,345        33,345      33,345
Own shares                                      (233)         (139)       (104)
Shares to be issued                            2,394         1,492       1,998
Other reserves                                31,357        30,943      31,357
Retained earnings                              8,334         3,861       7,032
                                            ----------     ---------   ---------

Total equity                                  80,773        74,999      79,204
                                            ----------     ---------   ---------


Six months ended 30 September 2007

           Share capital  Share premium  Own shares Shares to be  Other reserves  Retained   Total
                                                          issued                  earnings
                 #'000          #'000       #'000        #'000           #'000     #'000     #'000
in equity
for the

At 1
2007 (as         
restated)        5,576         33,345        (104)       1,998          31,357     7,032    79,204

scheme               -              -           -          396               -         -       396

purchased            -              -        (129)           -               -         -      (129)

for the              
period               -              -           -            -               -     2,280     2,280

Dividends            -              -           -            -               -      (978)     (978)
                 ------        -------      ------       ------          ------   -------   -------
At 30
2007             5,576         33,345        (233)       2,394          31,357     8,334    80,773
                 ------        -------      ------       ------          ------   -------   -------

Six months ended 30 September 2006

            Share capital  Share premium  Own shares Shares to be  Other reserves    Retained     Total
                                                           issued                    earnings
                  #'000          #'000       #'000     (restated)         #'000    (restated)  (restated)
                                                          #'000                       #'000       #'000
Changes in
equity for
the period

At 1 April        
2006              3,759         19,734         (46)       1,836          17,682       4,429      47,394

adjustment            -              -           -         (829)              -        (473)     (1,302)
                  ------        -------      ------      -------          ------     -------     -------
At 1 April
2006 (as
restated)         3,759         19,734         (46)       1,007          17,682       3,956      46,092

New shares
issued            1,738         13,611          53            -          13,288           -      28,690

Credit for
scheme                -              -           -          485               -           -         485

Own shares
purchased             -              -        (146)           -               -           -        (146)

Loss on
scheme                -              -           -            -             (27)          -         (27)

Profit for
period                -              -           -            -               -         790         790

Dividends             -              -           -            -               -        (885)       (885)
                  ------        -------      ------      -------          ------     -------     -------
At 30
restated)         5,497         33,345        (139)       1,492          30,943       3,861      74,999
                  ------        -------      ------      -------          ------     -------     -------

Year ended 31 March 2007

            Share capital  Share premium  Own shares Shares to be  Other reserves    Retained     Total
                                                           issued                    earnings
                  #'000          #'000       #'000     (restated)         #'000    (restated)  (restated)
                                                          #'000                       #'000       #'000
Changes in
equity for
the year

At 1 April        
2006              3,759         19,734         (46)       1,836          17,682       4,429      47,394

adjustment            -              -           -         (829)              -        (473)     (1,302)
                  ------        -------      ------      -------          ------     -------     -------
At 1 April
2006 (as
restated)         3,759         19,734         (46)       1,007          17,682       3,956      46,092

New shares
issued            1,817         13,611          96            -          13,669           -      29,193

Credit for
scheme                -              -           -          991               -           -         991

Own shares
purchased             -              -        (154)           -               -           -        (154)

Profit on
scheme                -              -           -            -               6           -           6

Profit for
year                  -              -           -            -               -       4,445       4,445

Dividends             -              -           -            -               -      (1,369)     (1,369)
                  ------        -------      ------      -------          ------     -------     -------
At 31
2007              5,576         33,345        (104)       1,998          31,357       7,032      79,204 
                  ------        -------      ------      -------          ------     -------     -------


for the six months ended 30 September 2007

                                     Note    Six months    Six months       Year
                                                  ended         ended      ended
                                           30 September  30 September   31 March
                                                 2007          2006       2007
                                                #'000         #'000      #'000
Operating cash flow                  11         5,850         2,999      8,700
Finance income                                     28           115        199
Finance costs                                    (474)         (451)    (1,180)
Income from financial assets                        -             -        241
Tax paid                                       (1,479)       (1,374)    (4,173)
                                              ---------    ----------  ---------
Net cash inflow from operating
activities                                      3,925         1,289      3,787

Investing activities
Purchase of subsidiary
undertakings                                   (2,511)      (31,062)   (44,501)
Net cash acquired with
subsidiaries                                        -         9,140     10,663
Purchase of property, plant and                  (742)       (1,030)    (1,738)
Sale of property, plant and
equipment                                           -             -         99
                                              ---------    ----------  ---------
Purchase of intangible assets                    (145)            -       (399)
Decrease in restricted cash
deposits                                            -             -         13
                                              ---------    ----------  ---------
Net cash outflow from investing
activities                                     (3,398)      (22,952)   (35,863)

Financing activities
Issue of shares for cash                            -        15,109     15,164
Share issues costs                                  -          (545)      (545)
Share repurchases                                (129)         (146)      (154)
Net (decrease)/increase in
borrowings                                     (1,500)        6,530     15,530
Equity dividends paid                            (978)         (885)    (1,369)
Capital element of finance lease
payments                                           (8)          (73)      (199)
                                              ---------    ----------  ---------
Net cash (outflow)/inflow from
financing                                      (2,615)       19,990     28,427
                                              ---------    ----------  ---------
Decrease in cash and cash
equivalents                                    (2,088)       (1,673)    (3,649)

Cash and cash equivalents at start
of period                                       1,633         5,282      5,282
                                              ---------    ----------  ---------
Cash and cash equivalents at end
of period                            12          (455)        3,609      1,633
                                              ---------    ----------  ---------


for the six months ended 30 September 2007

1.        Presentation of financial information

The financial information contained in this Interim Report does not constitute
statutory accounts within the meaning of  the Companies Act 1985 and has not
been audited or reviewed by the Group's auditors.

The financial information for the year to 31 March 2007 does not constitute
statutory accounts within the meaning of  Section 240 of the Companies Act 1985.
It is extracted from the statutory accounts for that year that were prepared 
under IFRS, on which the Group's auditors at that time, PricewaterhouseCoopers
LLP, gave an unqualified audit report  and amended in the period as described in
Note 2 below. Statutory accounts for the year ended 31 March 2007 have been 
delivered to the Registrar of Companies.

2.        Basis of Preparation

The Interim Report of Creston plc for the six months ended 30 September 2007
have been prepared in accordance with the Disclosure and Transparency Rules of
the Financial Services Authority and with IAS 34, "Interim financial reporting"
as adopted by the European Union.

The accounting policies applied in the preparation of the annual financial
statements are based on the European Union adopted International Financial
Reporting Standards (IFRS) and IFRIC interpretations that are applicable at this

The preparation of financial statements requires the use of certain critical
accounting estimates. It also requires  management to exercise judgment in the
process of applying the Group's accounting policies.

The following new standards, amendments to standards and interpretations are
mandatory for the first time for the  financial year ending 31 March 2008:

   *IFRS 7, 'Financial instruments: Disclosures', effective for annual
    periods beginning on or after 1 January 2007. IAS 1, 'Amendments to capital
    disclosures', effective for annual periods beginning on or after 1 January
    2007. As this interim report contains only condensed financial statements,
    and as there are no material financial instrument-related transactions in
    the period, full IFRS 7 disclosures are not required at this stage. The full
    IFRS 7 disclosures, including the sensitivity analysis to market risk and
    capital disclosures required by the amendment of IAS 1, will be given in the
    annual financial statements.

   *IFRIC 8, 'Scope of IFRS 2', effective for annual periods beginning on or
    after 1 May 2006. This interpretation has not had any impact on the
    recognition of share-based payments in the Group.
   *IFRIC 9 'Reassessment of embedded derivatives', effective for annual
    periods beginning on or after 1 June 2006. This interpretation has not had
    any impact on the reassessment of embedded derivatives as the group already
    assessed if embedded derivatives should be separated using principles
    consistent with IFRIC 9.
   *IFRIC 10, 'Interims and Impairment', effective for annual periods
    beginning on or after 1 November 2006. This interpretation has not had any
    impact on the group's accounts.
   *IFRIC 11, 'IFRS 2 - Group and treasury share transactions', effective for
    annual periods beginning on or after 1 March 2007.

The following new standards, amendments to standards and interpretations have
been issued, but are not effective for the financial year ending 31 March 2008
and have not been early adopted:
   *IFRS 8, 'Operating segments', effective for annual periods beginning on or
    after 1 January 2009, subject to EU endorsement. Management do not currently
    foresee any changes to the group's business segments.
   *IFRIC 12, 'Service concession arrangements', effective for annual periods
    beginning on or after 1 January 2008. Management do not expect this
    interpretation to be relevant for the Group.


Prior period adjustment

The treatment of share awards under long term incentive plans in respect of
acquisitions has been amended in the period. Such awards were previously
included as an acquisition cost and hence as part of goodwill, but are now
recognised in the income statement (as deemed remuneration) over the related
vesting period.

This change has resulted in a restatement of the comparative figures. The impact
on the balance sheet at 1 April 2006 is to decrease goodwill by #1,122,000,
decrease shares to be issued by #827,000, decrease deferred tax assets by
#180,000 and decrease retained earnings by #475,000. The income statement charge
for the year ended 31 March 2007 is #629,000 and for the comparative six month
period ended 30 September 2006 is #302,000. The corresponding tax effect for the
year ended 31 March 2007 is #142,000 and for the six month period ended 30
September 2006 is #75,000.

Basic reported earnings per share and diluted reported earnings per share were
reduced by 0.93 pence and 0.92 pence respectively for the year ended 31 March
2007 and by 0.46 pence and 0.46 pence respectively for the period ended 30
September 2006.

3.        Accounting policies

The interim consolidated financial statements of Creston plc for the six months
ended 30 September 2007 have been  prepared in accordance with the accounting
policies contained in the Group's 2007 Annual Report and the policies as 
described in Note 2 above.

4.        Reconciliation of Headline profit to Reported profit

The Directors are of the opinion that certain accounting policies relating to
charges deemed as remuneration, notional finance costs on deferred consideration
and amortisation of intangible assets have a material impact on the reported
results and introduce volatility to the reported figures. In order to enable a
better understanding of the underlying trading of the Group, Creston refer to
Headline PBIT, PBT and PAT which eliminates these non-recurring non-cash charges
from the reported figures, as follows:

Six months ended 30 September 2007                    PBIT        PBT        PAT
                                                   #'000      #'000      #'000
Headline                                           6,597      5,757      3,989
Future acquisition payments to employees deemed
as remuneration                                   (1,010)    (1,010)    (1,010)
Notional finance costs on future deferred
consideration                                          -       (856)      (856)
Taxation impact                                        -          -        157
                                                   -------    -------    -------
Reported                                           5,587      3,891      2,280
                                                   -------    -------    -------
Headline Basic EPS (pence)                                                7.21
Headline Diluted EPS (pence)                                              7.18
Reported Basic EPS (pence)                                                4.12
Reported Diluted EPS (pence)                                              4.10

Six months ended 30 September 2006(restated)          PBIT        PBT        PAT
                                                   #'000      #'000      #'000
Headline                                           5,220      4,884      3,421
Future acquisition payments to employees deemed
as remuneration                                   (1,532)    (1,532)    (1,532)
Amortisation of intangible assets                   (625)      (625)      (625)
Notional finance costs on future deferred
consideration                                          -       (936)      (936)
Taxation impact                                        -          -        462
                                                   -------    -------    -------
Reported                                           3,063      1,791        790
                                                   -------    -------    -------
Headline Basic EPS (pence)                                                6.93
Headline Diluted EPS (pence)                                              6.85
Reported Basic EPS (pence)                                                1.60
Reported Diluted EPS (pence)                                              1.58

Year ended 31 March 2007(restated)                    PBIT        PBT        PAT
                                                   #'000      #'000      #'000

Headline                                          14,003     13,263      9,173
Future acquisition payments to employees deemed
as remuneration                                   (2,536)    (2,536)    (2,536)
Amortisation of intangible assets                 (1,155)    (1,155)    (1,155)
Notional finance costs on future deferred
consideration                                          -     (1,915)    (1,915)
Taxation impact                                        -          -        878
                                                   -------    -------    -------
Reported                                          10,312      7,657      4,445
                                                   -------    -------    -------
Headline Basic EPS (pence)                                               17.54
Headline Diluted EPS (pence)                                             17.35
Reported Basic EPS (pence)                                                8.50
Reported Diluted EPS (pence)                                              8.41

The acquisition related charges deemed as remuneration arises on payments made
by Creston to non-shareholding employees in respect of the consideration on the
business acquisitions. The notional finance costs relate to the deferred
consideration and will cease once the relevant earn-outs have been settled. The
amortisation of intangible assets is also a non-recurring non-cash charge
relating to the acquisitions. Headline EPS calculations are adjusted for the
costs disclosed above.

5.        Segmental analysis

The Group has changed its operational framework to a two divisional structure
consisting of the Insight and Communications divisions. The latter division now
encompasses those businesses previously included within the BRANDCOM, MARCOMS
and PR divisions while the former incorporates Creston's research offerings and
remains unchanged.

                 Insight  Communications              Head office              Group
                 #'000           #'000                    #'000              #'000
Six months
ended 30
September 2007

(billings)      15,562          53,081                       -              68,643

Revenue          8,994          30,205                       -              39,199

Profit before
finance costs,
income from
assets and
result)          2,609           5,179                  (2,201)              5,587

Finance income       -               -                      28                  28

Finance costs     (195)           (661)                   (868)             (1,724)

Income from          
assets               -               -                       -                   -
              ----------      ----------              ----------          ----------
Profit before    
taxation         2,414           4,518                  (3,041)              3,891

Taxation                                                                    (1,611)

Profit for the                                                               
period                                                                       2,280

                 Insight   Communications               Head office             Group
                 #'000            #'000                   #'000               #'000
Six months
ended 30
September 2006

(billings)      11,978           41,506                      -               53,484

Revenue          6,761           23,994                      -               30,755

Profit before
finance costs,
income from
assets and
result)          1,620            3,212                (1,769)                3,063

Finance income       -                -                   115                   115

Finance costs     (103)            (833)                 (451)               (1,387)

Income from          
assets               -                -                     -                     -
              ----------      ----------              ----------          ----------

Profit before    
taxation         1,517            2,379                (2,105)                1,791

Taxation                                                                     (1,001)

Profit for the                                                                  790
period                                                                   ----------- 

                                Insight   Communications    Head office        Group
                                #'000            #'000          #'000        #'000
Year ended 31 March 2007
Turnover (billings)            27,575           90,046              -      117,621
Revenue                        15,386           54,279              -       69,665
Profit before finance
income, finance costs,
income from financial
assets and taxation
(segment result)                4,306            9,704         (3,698)      10,312
Finance income                      -                -            199          199
Finance costs                    (244)          (1,671)        (1,180)      (3,095)
Income from financial               -                -            241          241
assets                          -------       ----------      ---------     --------

Profit before taxation          4,062            8,033         (4,438)       7,657
Taxation                                                                    (3,212)

Profit for the financial                                                     4,445
year                                                                     -----------

Secondary segmental analysis by geography

The following table provides an analysis of the Group's turnover and revenue by
geographical market, irrespective of the origin of the services.

Revenue Turnover

             Period Period ended 30 Year ended 31 Period ended 30 Period ended 30 Year ended 31
                     September 2006    March 2007  September 2007  September 2006    March 2007
           ended 30
            #'000           #'000         #'000           #'000           #'000         #'000
UK         30,697          24,748        60,230          53,310          43,394        95,994
Rest of     7,830           5,632         7,968          14,241           8,276        18,628
Overseas      672             375         1,467           1,092           1,814         2,999
           --------       ---------      --------       ---------        --------       -------

           39,199          30,755        69,665          68,643          53,484       117,621
           --------       ---------      --------       ---------        --------       -------

All significant assets and liabilities are located within the UK with the
exception of certain trade receivables which relate to the turnover and revenue
noted above and the net working capital associated with Creston US (which is not

6.        Taxation

Taxation is recognised based on management's best estimate of the weighted
average annual income tax rate expected for the full financial year. The
estimated average annual tax rate used for the year to 31 March 2008 is 49% (the
estimated tax rate for the six months ended 30 September 2006 was 56%).

The Headline average annual tax rate for 31 March 2008 is expected to be 31%
(the estimated Headline tax rate for the six months ended 30 September 2006 was

7.        Earnings per share

         Reported earnings per share for the period            Headline earnings per share for the period
         ended 30 September 2007                               ended 30 September 2007

         Reported profit         Weighted  Pence per share     Headline profit         Weighted  Pence per share
                 for the   average number                              for the   average number
               financial        of shares                            financial        of shares
                  period                                                period
                 #'000                                                 #'000
share            2,280       55,290,839             4.12               3,989     55,290,839             7.21

Options              -          278,387            (0.02)                  -        278,387            (0.03)

share            2,280       55,569,226             4.10               3,989     55,569,226             7.18

         Reported earnings per share for the period            Headline earnings per share for the period
         ended 30 September 2006 (restated)                    ended 30 September 2006

         Reported profit         Weighted  Pence per share     Headline profit         Weighted  Pence per share
                 for the   average number                              for the   average number
               financial        of shares                            financial        of shares
                  period                                                period
                 #'000                                                 #'000
share              790       49,372,200             1.60               3,421       49,372,200             6.93

Options              -          564,591            (0.02)                  -          564,591            (0.08)

share              790       49,936,791             1.58               3,421       49,936,791             6.85

         Reported earnings per share for the year ended        Headline earnings per share for the year ended
         31 March 2007 (restated)                              31 March 2007

         Reported profit         Weighted  Pence per share     Headline profit         Weighted  Pence per share
                 for the   average number                              for the   average number
               financial        of shares                            financial        of shares
                  period                                              period
                 #'000                                               #'000
share            4,445       52,294,443             8.50               9,173       52,294,443            17.54

Options              -          573,674            (0.09)                  -          573,674            (0.19)

share            4,445       52,868,117             8.41               9,173       52,868,117            17.35

DEPS has been calculated based on the following dilutive elements. An estimate
of 278,387 options (2006: 564,591) remain outstanding that would have been
issued based on the average share price (this includes SAYE, EMI and unapproved
options). The contingent shares in 2006 related to the equity element of the
deferred consideration due within one year.

The Headline EPS and Headline diluted EPS are based on the Headline PBT analysed
in note 4 less attributable tax and divided by the weighted average number of
shares and by the weighted average number of diluted shares respectively.

8.        Dividends

The Board has declared an interim dividend to be paid on 14 January 2008 of 0.97
pence (2006: 0.88 pence) per share to all ordinary shareholders on the register
at 14 December 2007. This dividend is not reflected in the Income Statement for
the six months to 30 September 2007 as it was not approved by the Board until 29
November 2007. However, the final dividend of 1.76 pence per share for the year
to 31 March 2007 was recognised during the period after it was approved at the
AGM on 30 July 2007 and paid on 3 August 2007.

9.        Capital expenditure

Six months ended 30 September 2007
                                     Property, plant  Intangible      Intangible
                                       and equipment    assets -  assets - other
                                             #'000       #'000           #'000
Net book
amount at 1
April 2007                                   4,267     122,984           1,290
Additions                                      742           -             145
Adjustments to
consideration                                    -         491               -
amortisation                                  (967)          -             (66)
                                          ----------  ----------      ----------

Net book
amount at 30
September 2007                               4,042     123,475           1,369
                                          ----------  ----------      ----------

Six months ended 30 September 2006
                                     Property, plant  Intangible      Intangible
                                       and equipment    assets -  assets - other
                                             #'000       #'000           #'000
Net book
amount at 1
April 2006                                   3,006      65,413             350
Additions                                    1,030      43,374               -
Adjustments to
consideration                                    -       1,222               -
amortisation                                  (842)          -            (625)
Acquired on
acquisition of
subsidiary                                   1,335           -           1,355
                                          ----------  ----------      ----------

Net book
amount at 30
September 2006                               4,529     110,009           1,080
                                          ----------  ----------      ----------

Year ended 31 March 2007
                              Property, plant     Intangible          Intangible
                                and equipment       assets -      assets - other
                                      #'000          #'000               #'000
Net book
amount at 1
April 2006                            3,006         65,413                 350
Additions                             1,793         55,336                 399
Disposals                               (69)             -                   -
intangibles                            (206)             -                 206
Adjustments to consideration              -              -
amortisation                         (1,776)         2,535              (1,270)
Acquired on
acquisition of
subsidiary                            1,519              -               1,605
                                   ----------     ----------          ----------

Net book
amount at 31
March 2007                            4,267        122,984               1,290
                                   ----------     ----------          ----------

10. Short term and long term provisions

Short term and long term provisions represent the fair value of deferred
consideration. The deferred consideration will be settled by a mixture of cash,
loan notes and new ordinary shares, dependent on the terms of the relevant sale
and purchase agreement.

11. Reconciliation of profit before finance costs income from investments and
taxation to operating cash flow

                                    Six months       Six months             Year
                                         ended            ended            Ended
                                  30 September     30 September         31 March
                                        2007    2006 (restated)  2007 (restated)
                                       #'000            #'000            #'000
Profit for the period                  2,280              790            4,445
Taxation                               1,611            1,001            3,212
Profit before taxation                 3,891            1,791            7,657
Income from financial assets                                              (241)
Finance costs                          1,724            1,387            3,095
Finance income                           (28)            (115)            (199)
Profit before finance costs,
income                                 5,587            3,063           10,312
from investments and taxation
Depreciation of property, plant
and                                      967              842            1,776
Amortisation of intangible                66              625            1,270
Share based payments                      99              166              400
Deemed remuneration                    1,010            1,532            2,536
Profit on disposal of property,
plant and equipment                        -                -              (30)
Decrease/(increase) in
inventories                            1,269              259           (1,042)
and work in progress
(Increase)/decrease in trade and
other receivables                       (429)           2,535           (2,080)
(Decrease) in trade and other
payables                              (2,719)          (6,023)          (4,442)
                                    ----------       ----------       ----------
Operating cash flow                    5,850            2,999            8,700
                                    ----------       ----------       ----------

12. Analysis of net debt

                                     As at  Cash Flow  Acquisitions        As at
                                   1 April    #'000         #'000   30 September
                                    2007                                 #'000

Cash and short term deposits       1,633     (1,633)            -            -
Bank overdrafts                        -       (455)            -         (455)
Revolving credit facility         (3,000)     1,500             -       (1,500)
Acquisition loan notes              (309)    (2,144)                    (2,453)
Bank loans                       (20,000)         -                    (20,000)
Finance leases                       (61)         8             -          (53)
                                  --------   --------      --------    ---------
Net (debt)                       (21,737)    (2,724)            -      (24,461)
Restricted cash deposits              22          -             -           22
                                  --------   --------      --------    ---------
Net (debt) including restricted
cash deposits                    (21,715)    (2,724)            -      (24,439)
                                  --------   --------      --------    ---------

                                     As at  Cash Flow  Acquisitions        As at
                                   1 April    #'000         #'000   30 September
                                    2006                                 #'000

Cash and short term deposits       5,282     (1,673)            -        3,609
Acquisition loan notes              (128)         -        (4,207)      (4,335)
Bank loans                        (7,470)    (6,530)            -      (14,000)
Finance leases                      (205)        73             -         (132)
                                   _______    _______       _______     ________
Net (debt)                        (2,521)    (8,130)       (4,207)     (14,858)
Restricted cash deposits              35          -             -           35
Net (debt) including restricted    _______    _______       _______      _______
cash deposits
                                  (2,486)    (8,130)       (4,207)     (14,823)
                                   _______    _______       _______      _______

                   As at  Cash Flow  Acquisitions  Non-cash items          As at
                 1 April    #'000         #'000           #'000    31 March 2007
                  2006                                                   #'000

Cash and short
term deposits    5,282     (3,649)            -               -          1,633
overdrafts           -     (3,000)            -               -         (3,000)
loan              (128)     7,025        (7,206)              -           (309)
Bank loans      (7,470)   (12,530)            -               -        (20,000)
Finance leases    (205)       199             -             (55)           (61)
                 _______    _______       _______         _______        _______
Net (debt)      (2,521)   (11,955)       (7,206)            (55)       (21,737)
cash                35        (13)            -               -             22
Net (debt)       _______    _______       _______         _______        _______
cash deposits
                (2,486)   (11,968)       (7,206)            (55)       (21,715)
                 _______    _______       _______         _______        _______

Non-cash items relate to #55,000 of new finance leases entered into during the
year ended 31 March 2007.

The restricted cash deposits are maintained in a designated account as security
for the loan notes issued on the acquisition of MSL and are, therefore, not
freely available to the Group.

The bank overdrafts, revolving credit facility, acquisition loan notes and bank
loans are as follows:-

                     30 September          30 September            31 March 2007
                             2007                  2006
                          #'000                 #'000                    #'000

Non-current              17,200                12,740                   16,000
Current                   7,208                 5,595                    7,309
                       ----------            ----------                ---------
                         24,408                18,335                   23,309
                       ----------            ----------                ---------

On 14 August 2007, the Group restructured its banking arrangements to more fully
align its financial structure with the Group's development plans. The principals
changes were:-

(i) the undrawn term loan facility of #10.0 million at 31 March 2007 converted
to a revolving credit facility which will remain available until 31 March 2012;

(ii) the repayments of the drawn term loan of #20.0 million have been re-phased.

13. Related-party transactions

During the six months ended 30 September 2007 total fees of #15,741 (six months
ended 30 September 2006: #18,486) were paid to City Group P.L.C. and #12,741
(2006: #10,486) for the provision of secretarial services and #13,000 (2006:
#8,000) for the services of Mr D C Marshall.

14. Statement of directors' responsibilities

The directors confirm that this condensed set of financial statements has been
prepared in accordance with IAS 34 as adopted by the European Union, and that
the interim management report herein includes a fair review of the information
required by DTR 4.2.7 and DTR 4.2.8.

The directors of Creston plc are listed in the Creston plc Annual Report for 31
March 2007, with the exception that as noted in the Annual Report Mr D Hanger
and Mr P Cunard resigned as directors on 30 July 2007. A list of current
directors is maintained on the Creston plc website: www.creston.com.

15. Forward-looking statements

Certain statements in this interim report are forward-looking. Although the
Group believes that the expectations reflected in these forward-looking
statements are reasonable, we can give no assurance that these expectations will
prove to have been correct. Because these statements involve risks and
uncertainties, actual results may differ materially from those expressed or
implied by these forward-looking statements.

We undertake no obligation to update any forward-looking statements whether as a
result or new information, future events or otherwise.

16. Availability of the Interim Report

Copies of the Interim Report will be sent to shareholders in due course and are
available from the Company's registered office at City Group P.L.C., 30 City
Road, London, EC1Y 2AG and on the company's website www.creston.com

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange


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