RNS Number : 1338N

City Pub Group PLC (The)

21 September 2023

The City Pub Group PLC

(the "City Pub Group", the "Company" or the "Group")


The City Pub Group is pleased to announce its unaudited results for the 26 week period to 25 June 2023. The Group operates a predominately freehold estate of 42 trading pubs and in addition has recently acquired a majority shareholding in Mosaic Pubs which have 9 pubs located in London and Birmingham and are predominantly freehold.

Since the last statement at the AGM in June, the business has continued to strengthen its financial position and trading has remained strong. This is despite the poor weather in July and early August and the continuation of train strikes. The Group enjoys one of the lowest levels of gearing in the whole hospitality sector with net debt of only c.GBP8.0m putting the Group in a very strong position to take advantage of appropriately priced opportunities in the market. Whilst our continued focus remains on delivering organic growth, we are currently engaged in negotiations on a number of acquisitions.

Our strategy to premiumise our offer is delivering increased sales and across our existing estate we have successfully sought further labour and purchasing costs efficiencies which have helped mitigate some, but not all, inflationary pressures. Looking forward, energy costs, pleasingly, will be considerably lower than last year with 60% of our energy now hedged to year end.

The second half of the year is traditionally the stronger trading period which benefits from more sporting activity including the Rugby World Cup, return of students from the end of September and the lucrative Christmas trading period. We will benefit from a 53(rd) week in this financial year.

H1 update

-- Positive trading momentum: revenue of GBP31.7 million (H1 2022: GBP26.1 million) and LFL sales up 14%

-- Despite inflationary pressures, pre-IFRS16 adjusted EBITDA* level maintained at GBP3.3 million (H1 2022: GBP3.4 million). The comparatives benefited from c.GBP800k of state aid principally relating to lower VAT rates and business rates

   --    Adjusted profit before tax** of GBP0.8 million (H1 2022: GBP1.3 million) 

* Pre-IFRS16 Adjusted earnings before exceptional items, share option charge, interest, taxation, depreciation and amortisation.

** Pre-IFRS16 Adjusted profit / (loss) before tax is the profit / (loss) before tax, share option charge and exceptional items.

Current trading and Outlook

-- Trading across the summer since the half year end has remained positive and the Group continues to trade in line with full year expectations.

-- Anticipate continued trading momentum in H2 FY23 which benefits from a very active sporting calendar. Christmas bookings are ahead of where they were this time last year.

Clive Watson, Chairman of City Pub Group said:

"The Company is in a strong position with very low net debt and what we believe is amongst the lowest gearing in the sector. We look forward to a strong second half - Christmas bookings are significantly up and the company is well placed to take advantage of new acquisition opportunities. The Mosaic estate has been integrated and is showing significant increases in LFL sales. The economy remains challenging but we are well placed to take advantage of any future upturn.

21 September 2023

 City Pub Group                       Today: via Instinctif 
  Clive Watson, Executive Chairman 
  Holly Elliott, CFO 
 Instinctif Partners 
  Matthew Smallwood                   +44 (0) 20 7457 2020 
 Liberum (Nomad & Joint Broker) 
  Chris Clarke 
  Edward Thomas                       +44 (0) 20 3100 2000 
 Panmure Gordon (UK) Limited 
  (Joint broker) Simon French 
  Ailsa Macmaster 
  Rupert Dearden                      +44 (0) 20 7886 2500 

For further information on City Pub Group pubs visit www.citypubcompany.com


Since my last update at the AGM in June, the Group continues to strengthen its financial position. Sales volumes are continuing to improve; debt remains at historically very low levels and operational efficiencies continue to be delivered. I am pleased to announce that trading continues to be strong and for the first 6 months of 2023 LFL sales were up by 14% on 2022. The strong LFL performance is being driven by our strategy to further premiumise the estate and a continuous, relentless focus on customer service.

For the first 38 weeks of the year LFL sales are up 12.4% - this is very encouraging given the wet summer we have recently experienced and the recent ongoing train strikes. The Group continues to focus on organic sales growth and believes its strengthened marketing and sales teams will continue to drive further optimisation of existing retail space.

Due to the large number of freeholds in the estate, the Group has strong asset backing and good operating margins. The Company's debt level is at a historically low level, and its balance sheet is one of the lowest geared in the hospitality sector. The pub estate is very well invested requiring limited capital expenditure over the next 2 years. This will allow the Group to use its free cashflow to fund further acquisitions and share buybacks.

As the UK economy continues to adjust to higher interest rates, the Group continues to adopt a measured approach to its expansion programme. It believes its focus on organic growth and acquiring c.5 new pubs per annum will stand the business in good stead for when the economy starts to improve. The Board believes this is the right approach for a well-financed trading estate of premium pubs which can deliver sustained growth for shareholders.

Trading Estate

The Group currently operates 42 trading sites (excluding Mosaic).

Since my last statement in June, we have continued to premiumise and enhance our existing estate, and we have upgraded the following pubs at a cost of GBP2m:

- Cliftonville, Cromer - all the bedrooms are now refurbished to high standard and a new ballroom/function room

   -     Georgian Townhouse, Norwich - significant improvement to garden and play area 

- Bow St Tavern - 4 trading levels have all been refurbished to increase capacity for group bookings

   -     Market House, Reading - trading areas refurbished to more group bookings 
   -     Three Crowns, Old Street, Shoreditch - small refurbishment to premiumise the offer 

- The Cork, Bath - significant upgrade to the outside trading area, including more covered areas

Future refurbishments:

- Pontcanna Inn - we now have planning permission for a covered seating area for over 150 people.


The Group acquired a new pub, The Bridge located in Barnes for GBP0.5m. The purchase completed on 9 January 2023.

The Group disposed of The Yard surrendering the lease with the sale completing on 24 March 2023.

Mosaic Investments

In June, we succeeded in securing control of Mosaic Pub and Dining Group Tranche 1 through owning 53% of the equity. City Pub Group will make a further offer to the remaining shareholders before the end of the tax year, i.e. April 5(th) 2024. Mosaic operates 9 high quality pubs of which 6 are in London and 3 in Birmingham. 7 are freehold and 2 are leasehold. These are being integrated into the City Pub trading estate. We anticipate future sales growth from these pubs and cost savings. Whilst the Mosaic Group is well invested, we anticipate some investment in refurbishment to enhance trading performance.

Financial Highlights

Summary for the 26 weeks ended 25 June 2023:

-- Revenue up 21% to GBP31.7 million (H1 2022: GBP26.1 million)

-- Pre-IFRS 16 adjusted EBITDA* of GBP3.3 million (H1 2022: GBP3.4 million)

-- Adjusted profit before tax** of GBP0.8 million (H1 2022: GBP1.3 million)

-- Reported loss of GBP0.8 million (H1 2022: profit GBP0.1 million)

 Key Metrics 
-----------------  ----------  ---------  ----------  --------  --------- 
                    Post IFRS   Pre IFRS   Post IFRS  Pre IFRS 
                     16          16         16         16 
                    26 weeks    26 weeks   26 weeks   26 weeks 
                     to          to         to         to        Change 
                                                                 Pre IFRS 
                    25.06.23    25.06.23   26.06.22   26.06.22    16 
                    GBPm        GBPm       GBPm       GBPm       % 
-----------------  ----------  ---------  ----------  --------  --------- 
 Revenue            31.7        31.7       26.1       26.1       21% 
 Adjusted EBITDA    4.4         *3.3       4.4        *3.4       -3% 
 Adjusted Profit 
  before tax        0.8         **0.8      1.2        **1.3      -34% 
-----------------  ----------  ---------  ----------  --------  --------- 

*Pre-IFRS16 Adjusted earnings before exceptional items, share option charge, interest, taxation, depreciation and amortisation.

**Pre-IFRS16 Adjusted profit / (loss) before tax is the profit / (loss) before tax, share option charge and exceptional items .

Our strong trading figures are the result of having a premium well invested pub estate, however it should be noted that the Group benefited from c.GBP800k of state aid in the form of lower VAT and lower business rates. The second half of the year is traditionally the stronger trading period which benefits from more sporting activity including the Rugby World cup, return of students from mid-September and the lucrative Christmas trading period. We benefit from a 53(rd) week in this financial year.

Bank Facilities/NAV

Current net debt is c. GBP.8.0 million and the Director's valuation of the pub estate, now including the Mosaic Pubs is c.GBP171 million. Using that valuation as a benchmark, Net Asset Value is c.155p per share.

We have undrawn credit facilities of GBP26 million, and the Group operating comfortably within its banking covenants.


The ESG Committee, established in 2021, chaired by Emma Fox, continues its work realising the Group's ESG Strategy to operate as a responsible and transparent business. The Company continues to engage with ESG consultancy, Inspired, to produce ESG reporting for the third year, including an annual ESG Report, reporting against the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) and a standalone TCFD Report. Both the ESG Report and TCFD Report are available on the Company's website. As a PLC, the Company also complies with Energy Saving Opportunity Scheme (ESOS) and reports annually under Streamlined Energy and Carbon Reporting (SECR), which enables the Group to assess and report on energy usage, associated emissions, energy efficiency action and energy performance. City Pub Group voluntarily participates in Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP), which helps us measure and manage our environmental impacts. This year's disclosure will be available in early 2024.

The ESG Committee meets at least bi-annually to monitor and evaluate various ongoing projects under the ESG strategy, including:

   -     CAPEX and behavioural change energy efficiency project 
   -     Community engagement initiatives 
   -     Charitable work 
   -     Mandatory and voluntary ESG reporting 
   -     Development of ESG policies 
   -     Stakeholder engagement with the Company's ESG journey 

Net Zero

The Board agreed to set an ambitious target of being Net Zero by 2040, ahead of Government's commitment of 2050. We further plan to achieve Net Zero for operational emissions (Scope 1&2) by 2035, with great progress being made thanks to the commitment to procuring 100% renewable electricity. We are continuously investing in energy saving solutions to further cut energy use and phase out natural gas from our pubs. Ongoing projects include, smart metering, cellar and refrigeration sensors, secondary glazing and engagement workshops with pub managers.

Share Buybacks/Dividends

Since starting the Share Buyback Programme the Group has purchased c.1.6m shares (c.1.5% of the issued share capital) at a cost of c.GBP1.3m. The Group will continue the Share Buyback Programme whilst the value of the shares continue to trade at large discounts to NAV.

Industry Issues

Energy prices have continued to fall, resulting in our energy bill for this financial year reducing by GBP1m from GBP3m in 2022 to GBP2m. The Group has hedged 60% of its energy cost until year end, minimising any future risks.

High food inflation has impacted margins. We also anticipate that labour costs will continue to rise in line with general inflation, meaning that the Group continually has to look at labour saving measures across its operations and head office to mitigate rising employee costs. The government continues to tax our industry particularly harshly with its recent duty increases on wine, spirits and bottled beer. Business rates continue to discriminate against businesses that operate from premises in city centres and other urban areas. We continue to call on the Government to address the unfairness in the business rates system where pubs pay considerably more as % of sales than big online retailers.


The Group remains in a very strong financial position with low levels of bank debt and operational gearing, as well as owning a predominantly freehold pub estate (63%). From a retail perspective, we continue to premiumise our offer and aim to achieve further organic growth from the existing estate. We seek to become as efficient as possible without compromising our levels of hospitality through further savings across the estate, whether it be better use of energy as a result of our ESG approach, better labour scheduling or improved development of our food menus.

The market for pubs has now become more realistic and whilst our continued focus remains on delivering organic growth, we are currently engaged in negotiations on a small number of appropriately priced acquisitions.

The ambition within City Pub Group remains strong. We have an experienced and committed head office team whose focus is to make City Pub Group one of the best independent pub retailers on the market. All our retail staff are incentivised with a weekly bonus which not only helps improve their renumeration but encourages them to engage in an entrepreneurial way.

The pub sector, despite all challenges it has faced in the last 3-4 years, remains resilient. Undoubtedly, there will be winners and losers going forward. Those pub groups that embrace technological change will be able to further increase their market share and increase returns for their shareholders. As a Group we are focused on being innovative, improving sales per square foot, generating a high level of operating margins and retaining a strong freehold backed balance sheet with low levels of bank debt.

The Group continues to improve its financial strength - it has a clear vision of where it wants to be over the medium term. We are targeting an estate of c.60 quality pubs located in some of the greatest cities across England and South Wales.

City Pub group has become very adept at reacting quickly where we need to, to minimise risk and take advantage of opportunities.

Bookings for H2 FY23 are looking strong, particularly around the Rugby World Cup and the important Christmas trading period and I look forward to updating shareholders with our trading statement in January 2024.

Clive Watson

Executive Chairman

21 September 2023

Consolidated Statement of Profit or Loss

For the 26 weeks ended 25 June 2023

                                             Unaudited             Unaudited             Audited 
                                              26 weeks              26 weeks 
                                                 ended                 ended      52 weeks ended 
                                               25 June                               25 December 
                                                  2023          26 June 2022                2022 
                                    Notes      GBP'000               GBP'000             GBP'000 
 Revenue                                        31,650                26,127              57,793 
 Costs of sales                                (7,755)               (6,285)            (14,063) 
                                            ----------       ---------------   ----------------- 
 Gross profit                                   23,895                19,842              43,730 
 Other operating income               2             70                   184                 239 
 Administrative expenses                      (23,957)              (19,350)            (42,542) 
                                            ----------       ---------------   ----------------- 
 Operating profit                                    8                   676               1,427 
 Reconciliation to adjusted 
 Operating profit                                    8                   676               1,427 
 Depreciation                        & 8         2,713                 2,571               5,174 
 Share option charge                               971                   419               1,042 
 Exceptional items                    3            664                   714               2,439 
 *Adjusted earnings before 
  exceptional items, share 
  option charge, interest, 
  taxation and depreciation                      4,356                 4,380              10,082 
 Share of losses of associates 
  and joint ventures                             (225)                  (76)               (157) 
 Finance costs                                   (598)                 (523)             (1,054) 
                                            ----------       ---------------   ----------------- 
 (Loss)/profit before tax                        (815)                    77                 216 
 Tax credit                           4              -                     -                 735 
 (Loss)/profit for the period 
  and total comprehensive 
  income                                         (815)                    77                 951 
                                            ==========       ===============   ================= 
 (Loss)/earnings per share 
 Basic (loss)/earnings per 
  share (p)                           5         (0.79)                  0.07                0.92 
                                            ==========       ===============   ================= 
 Diluted earnings per share 
  (p)                                 5            n/a                  0.07                0.89 
                                            ==========       ===============   ================= 

All activities comprise continuing operations.

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these interim financial statements.

Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income

For the 26 weeks ended 25 June 2023

                                          Unaudited   Unaudited       Audited 
                                           26 weeks    26 weeks      52 weeks 
                                              ended       ended         ended 
                                            25 June     26 June   25 December 
                                               2023        2022          2022 
                                            GBP'000     GBP'000       GBP'000 
 (Loss)/profit for the period                 (815)          77           951 
 Other comprehensive income 
 Items that will not be reclassified 
  to profit or loss 
 Changes in the fair value of 
  equity investments at fair 
  value through other comprehensive 
  income                                      (105)       (225)         (494) 
 Income tax relating to these 
  items                                          26          56           123 
 Other comprehensive income 
  for the period, net of tax                   (79)       (169)         (371) 
                                         ----------  ----------  ------------ 
 Total comprehensive income 
  for the period                              (894)        (92)           580 
                                         ==========  ==========  ============ 

All of the total comprehensive income for the period is attributable to the owners of The City Pub Group plc and all arise from continuing operations.

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these interim financial statements.

Consolidated Statement of Financial Position

As at 25 June 2023

                                                      Unaudited      Unaudited             Audited 
                                                       26 weeks       26 weeks 
                                                          ended          ended      52 weeks ended 
                                                                       26 June         25 December 
                                                   25 June 2023           2022                2022 
 Assets                              Notes              GBP'000        GBP'000             GBP'000 
 Intangible assets                                        2,880          2,250               2,450 
 Property, plant and equipment         7                 99,576         93,641              99,065 
 Right-of-use assets                   8                 17,228         16,354              17,565 
 Deferred tax assets                                      1,869          1,071               1,843 
 Financial assets at fair 
  value through OCI                                         281            655                 386 
 Investments in associates 
  & joint ventures                                        7,413          6,068               6,004 
 Total non-current assets                               129,247        120,039             127,313 
                                                ---------------   ------------   ----------------- 
 Inventories                                              1,101            921               1,152 
 Trade and other receivables                              4,080          4,439               3,659 
 Cash and cash equivalents                                5,813          3,805               4,121 
 Total current assets                                    10,994          9,165               8,932 
                                                ---------------   ------------   ----------------- 
 Total assets                                           140,241        129,204             136,245 
                                                ---------------   ------------   ----------------- 
 Current liabilities 
 Trade and other payables                              (16,850)       (11,758)            (13,931) 
 Financial liabilities - 
  lease liabilities                                     (2,040)        (1,863)             (1,915) 
 Total current liabilities                             (18,890)       (13,621)            (15,846) 
                                                ---------------   ------------   ----------------- 
 Borrowings                                             (9,744)        (5,630)             (7,657) 
 Financial liabilities - 
  lease liabilities                                    (16,238)       (15,078)            (16,674) 
 Deferred tax liabilities                               (2,445)        (2,460)             (2,445) 
 Total non-current liabilities                         (28,427)       (23,168)            (26,776) 
                                                ---------------   ------------   ----------------- 
 Total liabilities                                     (47,317)       (36,789)            (42,622) 
                                                ---------------   ------------   ----------------- 
 Net assets                                              92,924         92,415              93,623 
                                                ===============   ============   ================= 
 Share capital                         9                 31,281         31,276              31,276 
 Share premium                         9                 59,475         59,475              59,475 
 Own shares                                             (2,015)        (3,272)             (3,359) 
 Other reserve                                            1,231          2,434               2,855 
 Retained earnings                                        2,952          2,502               3,376 
 Total equity                                            92,924         92,415              93,623 
                                                ===============   ============   ================= 

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these interim financial statements.

Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity

For the 26 weeks ended 25 June 2023

                             Share      Share        Own      Other    Retained 
                           capital    premium     shares    reserve    earnings      Total 
                           GBP'000    GBP'000    GBP'000    GBP'000     GBP'000    GBP'000 
 Balance at 
  26 December 
  2021 (Audited)            31,276     59,475    (3,272)      2,184       2,425     92,088 
 Employee share-based 
  compensation                   -          -          -        419           -        419 
  with owners                    -          -          -        419           -        419 
                         ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ----------  --------- 
 Profit for 
  the period                     -          -          -          -          77         77 
 Other comprehensive 
  income                                                      (169)           -      (169) 
 Total comprehensive 
  income for 
  the period                     -          -          -      (169)          77       (92) 
                         ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ----------  --------- 
 Balance at 
  26 June 2022 
  (Unaudited)               31,276     59,475    (3,272)      2,434       2,502     92,415 
                         =========  =========  =========  =========  ==========  ========= 
 Employee share-based 
  compensation                   -          -          -        623           -        623 
 Purchase of 
  own shares                     -          -       (87)          -           -       (87) 
  with owners                    -          -       (87)        623           -        536 
                         ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ----------  --------- 
 Profit for 
  the period                     -          -          -          -         874        874 
 Other comprehensive 
  income                         -          -          -      (202)           -      (202) 
 Total comprehensive 
  income for 
  the period                     -          -          -      (202)         874        672 
                         ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ----------  --------- 
 Balance at 
  25 December 
  2022 (Audited)            31,276     59,475    (3,359)      2,855       3,376     93,623 
                         =========  =========  =========  =========  ==========  ========= 
 Employee share-based 
  compensation                   -          -          -        971           -        971 
 Share options 
  exercised or 
  expired                        -          -      2,125    (2,516)         391          - 
 Purchase of 
  own shares                     -          -      (781)          -           -      (781) 
 Issue of new 
  shares                         5          -          -          -           -          5 
  with owners                    5          -      1,344    (1,545)         391        195 
                         ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ----------  --------- 
 Loss for the 
  period                         -          -          -          -       (815)      (815) 
 Other comprehensive 
  income                         -          -          -       (79)           -       (79) 
 Total comprehensive 
  income for 
  the period                     -          -          -       (79)       (815)      (894) 
                         ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ----------  --------- 
 Balance at 
  25 June 2023 
  (Unaudited)               31,281     59,475    (2,015)      1,231       2,952     92,924 
                         =========  =========  =========  =========  ==========  ========= 

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these interim financial statements.

Consolidated Statement of Cashflows

For the 26 weeks ended 25 June 2023

                                                Unaudited   Unaudited          Audited 
                                                 26 weeks    26 weeks 
                                                    ended       ended   52 weeks ended 
                                                              26 June      25 December 
                                             25 June 2023        2022             2022 
                                                  GBP'000     GBP'000          GBP'000 
 Cash flows from operating activities 
 (Loss)/profit for the period                       (815)          77              951 
 Taxation                                               -           -            (735) 
 Finance costs                                        598         523            1,054 
 Results from equity accounted 
  investment                                          225          76              157 
                                            -------------  ----------  --------------- 
 Operating profit                                       8         676            1,427 
 Adjustments for: 
 Depreciation                                       2,713       2,571            5,174 
 Gain on disposal of property, 
  plant and equipment                               (123)           -             (58) 
 Share-based payment charge                           971         419            1,042 
 Negative goodwill amortisation                     (257)           -                - 
 Impairment                                           413           -              627 
 Change in inventories                                 51         127            (104) 
 Change in trade and other receivables              (537)     (1,108)            (668) 
 Change in trade and other payables                 2,978       (454)            1,723 
                                            -------------  ----------  --------------- 
 Cash generated from operations                     6,217       2,231            9,163 
 Tax received                                         130           -               53 
 Net cash generated from operating 
  activities                                        6,347       2,231            9,216 
                                            -------------  ----------  --------------- 
 Cash flows from investing activities 
 Purchase of property, plant and 
  equipment                                       (2,709)     (4,715)         (10,262) 
 Acquisition of new property sites                  (550)           -          (2,045) 
 Purchase of investments & associates 
  (net of cash acquired)                          (1,359)     (2,522)          (2,539) 
 Proceeds from disposal of property, 
  plant and equipment                                   -      16,687           16,977 
 Net cash (used in)/generated 
  from investing activities                       (4,618)       9,450            2,131 
                                            -------------  ----------  --------------- 
 Cash flows from financing activities 
 Purchase of own shares                             (781)           -             (87) 
 Proceeds/(repayment) of borrowings                 2,000    (19,151)         (17,169) 
 Principal elements of lease payments               (658)       (648)          (1,362) 
 Interest paid (includes implied 
  interest under IFRS 16)                           (598)       (587)          (1,118) 
 Net cash used in financing activities               (37)    (20,386)         (19,736) 
                                            -------------  ----------  --------------- 
 Net change in cash and cash equivalents            1,692     (8,705)          (8,389) 
 Cash and cash equivalents at the 
  start of the period                               4,121      12,510           12,510 
 Cash and cash equivalents at 
  the end of the period                             5,813       3,805            4,121 
                                            =============  ==========  =============== 

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these interim financial statements.

Notes to the Financial Statements

For the 26 weeks ended 25 June 2023

   1       Basis of preparation 

This interim report was approved by the board on 21 September 2023. The interim financial statements are unaudited and are not the Group's statutory accounts as defined in section 434 of the Companies Act 2006.

The consolidated interim financial statements have been prepared under IFRS as adopted by the United Kingdom and on the basis of the accounting policies set out in the statutory accounts of The City Pub Group plc, for the period ended 25 June 2023. The financial statements have not been prepared (and are not required to be prepared) in accordance with IAS 34: 'Interim Financial Reporting'. They do not include any of the information required for full annual financial statements and should be read in conjunction with the consolidated financial statements of the Group for the period ended 25 December 2022.

Statutory accounts for the period ended 25 December 2022 have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies. These accounts contain an unqualified audit report under Section 495 of the Companies Act 2006, which did not make any statements under Section 498 of the Companies Act 2006.

The interim report is presented in Great British Pounds and all values are rounded to the nearest thousand pounds, except where otherwise indicated.

This interim report has been prepared in accordance with the AIM Rules issued by the London Stock Exchange.

   2        Other operating income 

During the interim period the Group has continued to receive Government grants in relation to grants received from Councils. Further analysis of other operating income is set out below.

                                          Unaudited         Unaudited        Audited 
                                           26 weeks          26 weeks       52 weeks 
                                              ended             ended          ended 
                                            25 June                      25 December 
                                               2023      26 June 2022           2022 
                                            GBP'000           GBP'000        GBP'000 
  Other government grants                        70               184            239 
                                                 70               184            239 
                                       ============   ===============   ============ 
   3        Exceptional items 
                                             Unaudited         Unaudited        Audited 
                                              26 weeks          26 weeks       52 weeks 
                                                 ended             ended          ended 
                                               25 June                      25 December 
                                                  2023      26 June 2022           2022 
                                               GBP'000           GBP'000        GBP'000 
  Pre opening costs                                  -               295            575 
  Impairment of a pub site                         413                 -            627 
       Receivables impairments                       -                89              - 
       Release of negative goodwill              (257)                 -              - 
  Site disposals                                   147                 -            962 
  Other non recurring items                        361               330            275 
                                                   664               714          2,439 
                                          ============   ===============   ============ 

For the purposes of this interim announcement and annual report and accounts, Exceptional items are highlighted as part of the use of alternative non-Generally Accepted Accounting Practice ('non-GAAP') financial measures which are not defined within IFRS. The Directors use these measures in order to assess the underlying operational performance of the Group and as such, these measures are important and should be considered alongside the IFRS measures.

All the exceptional items are recorded within administrative expenses line in the statement of profit or loss.

   4        Tax charge on (loss)/profit on ordinary activities 

During the period ended 25 June 2023, deferred tax arising on accelerated capital allowances is considered to be offset by increases in available tax losses and therefore no tax charge or credit has been recognised in the consolidated profit and loss (26 June 2022: GBPnil).

   5        (Loss)/earnings per share 
                                          Unaudited         Unaudited           Audited 
                                           26 weeks 
                                              ended    26 weeks ended    52 weeks ended 
                                                                            25 December 
                                       25 June 2023      26 June 2022              2022 
                                            GBP'000           GBP'000           GBP'000 
  (Loss)/earnings for 
   the period attributable 
   to Shareholders                            (815)                77               951 
                                      =============   ===============   =============== 
       (Loss)/earnings per 
  Basic (loss)/earnings 
   per share (p)                             (0.79)              0.07              0.92 
  Diluted earnings per 
   share (p)                                    n/a              0.07              0.89 
       Weighted average number            Number of         Number of         Number of 
        of shares:                           shares            shares            shares 
  Weighted average shares 
   for basic EPS                        103,246,583       103,868,430       103,845,560 
  Effect of share options 
   in issue                                     n/a         5,054,524         3,524,886 
  Weighted average shares 
   for diluted earnings 
   per share                                    n/a       108,922,954       107,370,446 
                                      =============   ===============   =============== 
   6        Dividends 

The Directors did not propose a dividend in relation to the year ended 25 December 2022 as the Directors believe share buybacks are an efficient way of creating shareholder value (2021: Nil).

   7        Property, plant and equipment 
                                       Freehold        Fixtures, 
                                    & leasehold         fittings 
                                       property    and computers       Total 
 Cost                                   GBP'000          GBP'000     GBP'000 
 At 26 December 2021 (Audited)           96,612           34,947     131,559 
 Additions                                1,169            3,610       4,779 
 Disposals                             (17,121)          (2,982)    (20,103) 
                                  -------------  ---------------  ---------- 
 At 26 June 2022 (Unaudited)             80,660           35,575     116,235 
 Additions                                  358            5,189       5,547 
 Acquisitions                             1,395              450       1,845 
 Disposals                                (584)            (803)     (1,387) 
 At 25 December 2022 (Audited)           81,829           40,411     122,240 
                                  -------------  ---------------  ---------- 
 Additions                                   37            2,672       2,709 
 Reclassifications                        6,254          (6,254)           - 
 Acquisitions                                40               80         120 
 Disposals                                (555)          (1,191)     (1,746) 
                                  -------------  ---------------  ---------- 
 At 25 June 2023 (Unaudited)             87,605           35,718     123,323 
                                  -------------  ---------------  ---------- 
 At 26 December 2021 (Audited)            6,007           18,185      24,192 
 Provided during the period                 423            1,397       1,820 
 Disposals                              (1,294)          (2,124)     (3,418) 
 At 26 June 2022 (Unaudited)              5,136           17,458      22,594 
 Provided during the period                 312            1,499       1,811 
 Impairment                                 189               47         236 
 Disposals                                (813)            (653)     (1,466) 
 At 25 December 2022 (Audited)            4,824           18,351      23,175 
                                  -------------  ---------------  ---------- 
 Provided during the period                 407            1,556       1,963 
 Impairment                                 413                -         413 
 Disposals                                (582)          (1,222)     (1,804) 
 At 25 June 2023 (Unaudited)              5,062           18,685      23,747 
                                  -------------  ---------------  ---------- 
 Net book value 
 At 25 June 2023 (Unaudited)             82,543           17,033      99,576 
                                  =============  ===============  ========== 
 At 25 December 2022 (Audited)           77,005           22,060      99,065 
                                  =============  ===============  ========== 
 At 26 June 2022 (Unaudited)             75,524           18,117      93,641 
                                  =============  ===============  ========== 
 At 26 December 2021 (Audited)           90,605           16,762     107,367 
                                  =============  ===============  ========== 

17 freeholds were independently valued in March 2022. These properties were valued at c.GBP98m and are valued at historic cost per the financial statements. The uplift per the independent valuation is not reflected.

   8        Right-of-use assets 
 Net book value                         GBP'000 
 At 26 December 2021 (Audited)           17,875 
 Additions                                    - 
 Disposals                                (770) 
 Depreciation                             (751) 
 At 26 June 2022 (Unaudited)             16,354 
 Additions                                3,568 
 Disposals                              (1,174) 
 Impairment                               (391) 
 Depreciation                             (792) 
 At 25 December 2022 (Audited)           17,565 
 Additions                                  997 
 Disposals                                (584) 
 Depreciation                             (750) 
 At 25 June 2023 (Unaudited)             17,228 

The addition during the current period relates to the purchase of The Bridge, Barnes. The disposal during the current period relates to The Yard, Chelsea, and therefore no ongoing ROU asset required.

   9        Share capital 

During the period the Group issued 500,000 ordinary shares with a nominal value of GBP0.01, which were unpaid at the period end (2022: GBPnil).

   10      Share buyback 

As at 25 June 2023, the Group has purchased 1.064m shares at a cost of c.GBP863k. The Group will continue the Share Buyback programme if the level of shares continues to trade at large discounts to NAV.

   11      Grant of options 

On 21 June 2023, the Group granted awards in the form of nil cost options over 1,585,000 ordinary shares of 1p each to certain Directors and employees. The Options have been granted under the Company's Long Term Incentive Plan (LTIP), are exercisable in 2026 following release of the Company's audited accounts for the year ended 31 December 2025, are subject to performance conditions relating to the Company's EBITDA profitability (pre-IFRS 16) and have a 10-year term.

   12      Events after the reporting period 

During April 2023, the Group increased its' shareholding in Mosaic Pub and Dining (Tranche one of companies - The Sovereign (City) Pub Company Limited, The Galaxy (City) Pub Company Limited and The Pioneer (City) Pub Company Limited) from 36% to 44% for a consideration of cGBP1.6m. Further shares were purchased in May 2023 for a consideration of cGBP400k, bringing the total shareholding up to 46%.

Following the period ended 25 June 2023, the Group acquired further shares and now own a 53% shareholding in Mosaic Tranche 1. The Group gained operational control of Mosaic Tranche 1 from 26 June 2023, due to the appointment of Rupert Clark and Holly Elliott as directors of the companies.

The Group continued the share buyback programme following the period ended 25 June 2023 and purchased a further 547,299 shares at a cost of GBP479,703.

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(END) Dow Jones Newswires

September 21, 2023 02:00 ET (06:00 GMT)

City Pub (LSE:CPC)
과거 데이터 주식 차트
부터 6월(6) 2024 으로 7월(7) 2024 City Pub 차트를 더 보려면 여기를 클릭.
City Pub (LSE:CPC)
과거 데이터 주식 차트
부터 7월(7) 2023 으로 7월(7) 2024 City Pub 차트를 더 보려면 여기를 클릭.