RNS Number:5355D
Chemring Group PLC
11 January 2000

                              CHEMRING GROUP PLC
                              PRELIMINARY RESULTS
                              FOR THE YEAR ENDED
                                31 OCTOBER 1999

*    Group profit before tax increased to #4.3 million from #1.25 million

*    Turnover  on continuing operations increased to #62.1 million from  #57.6

*    Basic earnings per ordinary share increased to 14.49p from 3.52p

*    Diluted earnings per ordinary share on continuing operations increased to
     19.02p from 11.64p

*    Recommended  final  dividend per ordinary share  3.50p,  making  a  total
     dividend of 5.50p for the year, up 10% (previous period : 5.00p)

*    Order book at a record level of #59 million

Ken Scobie, Chemring Group Chairman, commented:

"I  am  pleased to report that the Group has made a strong recovery  following
completion of the restructuring in 1998.  We have had considerable success  in
strategically  positioning our continuing operations in their  market  places.
Since  the year end, significant new orders of #29 million have increased  the
order  book  to  a  record level of #59 million.  Against this  background,  I
believe  the  Group  can  look forward to a strong  period  of  growth  and  a
substantial improvement in shareholder value."


All comparisons are for the thirteen month period ended 31 October 1998.

For further information:

Ken Scobie          Chairman                           0171 930 0777
David Evans         Chief Executive                         0171 930 0777
Paul Rayner         Finance Director                        0171 930 0777
Peter Gaze          Cardew & Co.                            0171 930 0777



I  am  pleased  to report that the Group has made a strong recovery  following
completion of the restructuring in 1998.  Against a background of a successful
year  for  Countermeasures and Marine Safety, a strong order book and exciting
new opportunities for each of the businesses, the Group is set for a period of
sustained growth.


Group  profit before taxation was #4,306,000 compared with #1,251,000  in  the
thirteen  month  period to 31 October 1998, and earnings  per  ordinary  share
increased to 14.49p compared with 3.52p in 1998.

For  continuing  operations,  operating profit, after  absorbing  #295,000  of
aborted  bid  costs,  increased  by  14%  to  #7,766,000  (previous  period  :
#6,814,000) on turnover of #62,082,000, up 8%.  Diluted earnings per  ordinary
share on continuing operations increased by 63% to 19.02p compared with 11.64p
in 1998.

Net  debt reduced by #1,891,000 to #20,681,000 and Group interest and  finance
costs reduced by 23% to #1,979,000.

We continue to invest significant resources in research and development and we
are  confident that this level of expenditure will support growth  across  the
Group particularly in Countermeasures and Marine Safety.

Business Activities

Countermeasures is one of the world leaders in air and naval decoys, with  the
exciting  growth  in  both  the UK and the US continuing.   The  US  operation
increased  its  turnover  by  77%  in  the  year,  as  development  programmes
transitioned into production.

Military  Pyrotechnics  and Explosives disappointed in  1999  as  orders  were
delayed  by  other  UK  priorities in support of the Kosovo  conflict.   These
belated orders are now flowing through and, supported by export business,  the
current order book is strong.  We are continually reviewing the business  cost
base  and, consequently in November 1999, we decided to relocate the  Military
business  to our Derby site.  The savings arising from this will  be  seen  in
2000 and more than outweigh the one-off costs of the relocation.

Marine Safety successfully launched several new products in 1999, including an
award  winning  Emergency Positioning Indicating Radio Beacon (EPIRB)  and  an
innovative Hydrostatic Release Unit (HRU), and this contributed to a  doubling
in its electronics business.  Future growth in electronic products is expected
as a result of increased commercial and leisure legislation.

Kembrey  Wiring  Systems  secured an important five  year  contract  with  BAE
Systems  in  support  of its military aircraft production  that  will  provide
significant  growth  in  2000 and subsequent years.   The  infrastructure  and
organisation  has  been  strengthened in support of this  anticipated  growth,
although  this  necessary investment has increased overheads  and  constrained
profits in 1999.

As  referred  to  in my Interim Report, I felt that Chemring  Plating  Systems
would  benefit  from  being part of a specialist group supplying  the  printed
circuit  board industry and consequently this business was sold on 26  October
1999;  its results are included under discontinued operations.


An  interim dividend for the year ended 31 October 1999 of 2.00p per  ordinary
share was paid on 27 August 1999.  The directors recommend a final dividend of
3.50p per ordinary share, to be paid on 10 April 2000, making a total for  the
year of 5.50p per ordinary share, up 10% (previous period : 5.00p).


Paul  Rayner  was appointed Finance Director on 20 August 1999, following  the
departure  of  Ray  Gibbs.  Paul's operational background is providing  strong
financial management to the Group in the next phase of its development.


The  year has seen the Group make a strong recovery and I would like to  thank
all our employees for their support and hard work.

Current trading and prospects

We  have  had considerable success in strategically positioning our continuing
operations in their market places.  Since the year end, significant new orders
of #29 million have increased the order book to a record level of #59 million.
Against  this  background, I believe the Group can look forward  to  a  strong
period of growth and a substantial improvement in shareholder value.

K C Scobie

11 January 2000


The Group's activities are covered under the following headings:

Countermeasures:                             Chemring  Countermeasures,  Alloy
                                             Surfaces, Pains Wessex Australia
Military Pyrotechnics and Explosives:        Pains    Wessex,   Pains   Wessex
                                             Australia, Haley & Weller

Marine Safety:                               Pains Wessex Safety Systems,
                                             McMurdo Marine, Nova Marine
Wiring Harnesses:                            Kembrey Wiring Systems
Chemical Coatings:                           Alloy Surfaces

Defence Businesses

The  dynamic  growth  in Countermeasures continues, with overall  turnover  in
defence  activities of #35.8 million, up #4.3 million (14%)  on  the  previous
period's  performance.   The  year ended with a  healthy  order  book  of  #26
million,  up  #6  million on 1998; this has further increased to  #48  million
since the year end.

Military  Pyrotechnics and Explosives turnover was down by #1.9 million  (16%)
on the previous period due to known requirements from the UK MoD being delayed
due  to  other MoD priorities in support of the Kosovo conflict; these  orders
have now been received.


The  Group  is recognised as an international market leader in the development
and  manufacture  of expendable countermeasures to protect  valuable  military
platforms,  and continues to develop new products and new markets to  maintain
its leading position.

The  Countermeasures business continues to strengthen its global  position  in
this  expanding  market, with innovative new concepts moving from  development
into production, where we are providing world leading solutions.

A  buoyant  order  book has supported the turnover increase of  33%  to  #25.2
million for the year.  The order book increased by 16% over the year to  #15.4
million and in the first two months of the new financial year this has further
increased to #33 million.

For  aircraft countermeasures, the Group is prime contractor to the UK MoD for
its current range of infra red flares, and in the US, sole source supplier  of
two  out  of the family of four flares in the Advanced Strategic and  Tactical
Expendables  (ASTE)  programme.  ASTE is a joint Air Force  (USAF)/Navy  (USN)
effort to develop advanced infra red (IR) expendable solutions for use against
evolving infra red threats for a variety of USAF/USN platforms.
Development of a new proprietary lower cost 55mm flare for Tornado aircraft is
now  complete  and first production deliveries will be made in 2000.   Tornado
aircraft users include the UK, Germany, Italy and Saudi Arabia.  The Group  is
also  the  developer  of the chaff and flare decoys for the  European  Fighter
Aircraft 2000 (Typhoon).

In  the US, the investment made in 1998 in Alloy Surfaces' new facility in New
Chester,  Pennsylvania supported a 77% increase in turnover.   Alloy Surfaces'
unique infra red material features in all of the advanced infra red expendable
countermeasure  programmes  in  the US, which will  ensure  continued  growth.
Several  new  products have completed their development phase and transitioned
into  production this year, in particular the proprietary BOL  IR  decoy,  for
which  a contract was received from the UK MoD during the year, and for  which
we expect USN orders in 2000.

Alloy   Surfaces  currently  provides  a  special  materials  decoy  for   USN
helicopters  and  has also developed a product for US Army helicopters,  which
will  commence  series  production  in  2001,  when  the  Advanced  Threat  IR
Countermeasures (ATIRCM), which combine missile warning with directable  infra
red countermeasures in a single package, enter service.

Development has been completed on the MEBs (Modular Expendable Blocks),  which
incorporate   both   flare  and  chaff  materials  to   increase   operational
effectiveness  on  both  fixed  wing aircraft  and  helicopters.  As  well  as
significantly  improving  operational  capabilities,  the  MEB  also   confers
significant savings in logistic costs to the user.

In  naval  countermeasures, we have made significant  strides  and  there  are
exciting  growth  prospects.  Development of the UK MoD MK36  130mm  naval  IR
round is almost complete and production deliveries will commence in 2000.   We
have  recently  received a significant order from Denmark for  our  innovative
combined  MK36  compatible  130mm RF/IR round, with deliveries  commencing  in
2000.  This will be the first of its kind and underlines the confidence  which
government  organisations  place  on our innovative  design,  development  and
production  capabilities.  The MK36 decoy launcher is standard  in  most  NATO
navies  and  these two new products add to our portfolio of MK  36  compatible

This  has  been a good year for our Countermeasures business with both  orders
and  sales  reaching record highs, with significant opportunities for  further
increases.  Investment will continue in both facilities and R&D to ensure  the
Group maintains its market position and capitalises on the increasing need  to
protect valuable military platforms.

Military Pyrotechnics and Explosives

The  Group  is  a  leading supplier to the UK MoD and an international  market
leader for its range of specialist pyrotechnic and explosive products used  in
training and other non-offensive activities.

Turnover  in  the year was down by #1.9 million (16%).  At the  year  end  the
order book had increased by 70% to #10.6 million, and has further increased to
#15.3 million in the first two months of the new financial year.

There is good visibility of UK MoD requirements over the next three years  and
the  Group is well placed to maintain its market position.  The relocation  of
the business to Derby and consolidation on one site will result in significant
cost  savings and will allow expansion in UK Countermeasures to take place  at
our Salisbury site.

Pains  Wessex  Australia's military turnover was at a similar  level  to  last
year's  high,  in support of the Australian government strategy  to  encourage
in-country industrial capability.

We  are  increasing our international collaboration initiatives and in Europe,
exploring  closer working relationships with our competitors, to  position  us
for possible European-led defence procurement programmes.
Non-Defence Businesses

Marine Safety

The Group is a market leader in providing legislated marine safety products to
aid  location and rescue, including pyrotechnics, electronic location beacons,
location lights and VHF radio. Electronics sales more than doubled in the year
to assist in increasing Marine Safety turnover to #16.8 million.

The   business  is  primarily  driven  by  global  legislation  set   by   the
International  Maritime Organisation (IMO) under its Safety  of  Life  at  Sea
(SOLAS)  convention.  This mandates the carrying of pyrotechnic  products  and
marine  safety lights - all manufactured by the Group. Electronic products  in
support  of the legislated Global Maritime Distress and Safety System  (GMDSS)
include 406 EPIRBs, SARTs and portable VHF radios.

New  products, which have contributed to the growth this year, are 'all round'
lights,  VHF radios, a pyrotechnic HRU for electronic beacons and life  rafts,
and an award winning lower cost EPIRB, all of which provide a more competitive
range  of  products.  The emphasis has been on innovative low  cost  products,
which  have helped to generate sales and improve margins for the business  and
resulted in increased market share in 1999.

Forthcoming  legislation, both internationally from the  IMO  and  within  the
European  Union, will further expand our market opportunities.  This  includes
new  fishing  vessel safety requirements within the EU and  additional  safety
measures, such as voyage data recorders and automatic identification systems.

Development  in 406 EPIRB technology and the integration of Global Positioning
Systems (GPS) presents new market areas for our technology, including Personal
Locating Beacons (PLB) for land use and Emergency Location Transmitters  (ELT)
for aviation use, as legislation is introduced in these areas.

Wiring Harnesses

Kembrey  Wiring  Systems  is  one  of the largest  UK  manufacturers  of  high
specification cable harnesses for the aerospace industry.  It has an excellent
reputation  for supplying quality wiring systems to manufacturers of  aircraft
and  aircraft  engines.   Major customers include  Rolls-Royce,  BMW  and  BAE

Of  significance  was the contract award received from BAE Systems  to  supply
wiring  harnesses  for  all its military aircraft.  The  contract  is  for  an
initial  five  year  period. Significant investment in equipment,  people  and
training  was  necessary  in  the year in support of  gaining  this  important
strategic  partnership.   This included the latest laser  marking  technology,
computer aided design and improvements to the facilities.  This investment  is
now complete and deliveries to BAE Systems have commenced.

Chemical Coatings

Turnover  for  the year was #2.3 million compared with #2.7 million  in  1998.
Alloy  Surfaces  has  a  niche market in supplying special  chemicals  in  the
aerospace sector for use in diffusion coating of engine components and  demand
is expected to continue at current levels.

D R Evans
Chief Executive
11 January 2000


Operating results

A  summary of the operating results for the year ended 31 October 1999 appears
in  the Chairman's Statement.  Continuing operations' gross profit grew by 11%
to  #17,097,000 on a turnover increase of 8%.  This is the result  of  greater
efficiencies and the introduction of new products.  Gross margins increased to
27% (previous period : 26%).

Overheads in the continuing operations have been well controlled in  the  year
with  distribution costs being 4.3% of turnover (previous period :  5.1%)  and
administration  expenses  being 10.8% of turnover (previous  period  :  9.7%).
Administration  expenses  in  the  year are  stated  after  charging  #295,000
relating  to  the  aborted bid costs; discounting these costs,  administration
expenses  would  have  been 10.3%.  #2,801,000 was expended  on  research  and
development activities during the year.

Operating margins of the continuing operations improved to 12.5% from 11.8%.

The  operating loss on discontinued operations relates primarily  to  Chemring
Plating Systems, which was sold in October 1999.

There   were  no  exceptional  items  during  the  year  (previous  period   :


The   interest  charge  for  the  year  was  #1,979,000  (previous  period   :
#2,582,000).   Interest cover on profit generated by continuing operations  is
3.9 times (previous period : 2.6 times).


The  tax charge of #871,000 is an effective rate of 20%, which represents  tax
arising on overseas operations and a reduced charge on the UK operations,  due
the  utilisation of brought forward tax losses in the UK.  In  future,  it  is
anticipated that the tax rate will increase as losses are used up.

Shareholder returns

Basic  earnings  per  ordinary share increased to 14.49p  (previous  period  :

Diluted  earnings  per  ordinary share on continuing operations  increased  to
19.02p (previous period : 11.64p) up 63%.

Dividend per ordinary share of 5.50p (previous period : 5.00p) is covered 2.63
times (previous period : 0.7 times).

Post  tax  return on capital employed was 11.9%, a significant improvement  on
3.1% for the previous period.


Goodwill   of   #18.3  million  arose  as  acquisitions  were  made   in   the
Countermeasures, Marine Safety and Military businesses.  The Board has carried
out  an  annual  impairment  test  that has demonstrated  no  amortisation  is
necessary on the constituent parts of the goodwill balance.

Cash flow and gearing

Operating cash flow before capital expenditure was #5,834,000 (previous period
:  #7,297,000).  Cash flow in relation to discontinued operations was poor and
this  impacted on the full year cash flows.  Capital expenditure  on  tangible
assets of #2,700,000 in support of continued growth was financed through  cash
flow and leasing during the year.

Growth in the Countermeasures and Marine Safety businesses increased the level
of debtors at the year end.  Post year end cash flow has exceeded expectations
and further reductions in net debt are anticipated.

Proceeds  from  disposals have been used to reduce net  debt  which  stood  at
#20,681,000 (previous period : #22,572,000) a reduction of 8%.  Gearing is now
72% (previous period : 84%).

Funding and going concern

Total  facilities of #22.8 million have been agreed with National  Westminster
Plc  for  all UK companies.  In addition credit lines of #2 million have  been
agreed with various lenders to cater for plant and machinery purchases for the
UK companies.
Facilities  of  US$8.2  million are in place with  Wilmington  Trust  and  the
Pennsylvania  Industrial Development Authority, to provide funding  for  Alloy

Facilities  of  A$1.4  million  exist to  provide  funding  for  Pains  Wessex

The  Board has reviewed the latest guidance on going concern and considers the
above  facilities enable the Group to compile the financial statements on  the
going concern basis and enable it to continue in operational existence for the
foreseeable future.

New accounting developments

The  following  accounting standards have been adopted in  the  year  and  the
financial information amended as appropriate:

     FRS12          Provisions, contingent liabilities and contingent assets.
     FRS13          Derivatives and other financial instruments - disclosure.
     FRS14          Earnings per share.

Year 2000

The  Group  has  not experienced any Year 2000 related issues  and  compliance
costs have not added significantly to overheads.

The Euro

The  Group has traded in the new currency, particularly benefiting the  Marine
Safety business from the price transparencies that now exist within Europe.

P A Rayner
Finance Director
11 January 2000

For the year ended 31 October 1999

                                Audited        Unaudited          Audited
                                   Year          6 month         13 month
                                  ended     period ended     period ended
                            31 Oct 1999      1 May  1999      31 Oct 1998
                                   #000             #000             #000
Turnover  :  Continuing                                                  
  Countermeasures                25,180           11,248           18,929
  Military pyrotechnics                                                  
  and explosives                 10,616            5,341           12,600
                                 35,796           16,589           31,529
  Marine safety                  16,765            8,264           15,622
  Wiring harnesses                7,197            3,153            7,772
  Chemical coatings               2,324            1,291            2,741
                                 26,286           12,708           26,135
                                 62,082           29,297           57,664
Turnover:  Discontinued                                                  
operations                        3,316            2,762           17,082
                                 65,398           32,059           74,746
Operating profit/(loss)                                                  
  Continuing operations           7,766            2,858            6,814
  operations                    (1,551)            (769)            (790)
Profit before taxation            4,306            1,095            1,251
Dividend  per  ordinary                                                  
share                             5.50p            2.00p            5.00p
Basic   earnings    per                                                  
ordinary share                   14.49p            3.74p            3.52p
Diluted earnings per                                                     
ordinary share on                                                        
continuing operations            19.02p            6.40p           11.64p

For the year ended 31 October 1999

                                                               Year ended
                                                              31 Oct 1999
                             Continuing     Discontinued            Total
                             operations       operations       operations
                                   #000             #000             #000
Turnover                         62,082            3,316           65,398
Cost of sales                  (44,985)          (2,064)         (47,049)
Gross profit                     17,097            1,252           18,349
costs                           (2,648)            (149)          (2,797)
expenses                        (6,683)          (2,654)          (9,337)
profit/(loss)                     7,766          (1,551)            6,215
undertaking                                                            70
Loss on                                                                  
disposal of                                                              
operations                                                              -
Profit on                                                                
before interest                                                     6,285
payable                                                           (1,979)
Profit on                                                                
before taxation                                                     4,306
Tax on profit                                                            
on ordinary                                                              
activities                                                          (871)
Profit on                                                                
after taxation                                                      3,435
Dividends                                                         (1,308)
for the                                                                  
year/period                                                         2,127
Basic earnings                                                           
per ordinary                                                             
share                                                              14.49p
earnings per                                                             
ordinary share                                                     13.98p
earnings per                                                             
ordinary share                                                           
on continuing                                                            
operations                                                         19.02p


                                                                 13 month
                                                              31 Oct 1998
                             Continuing     Discontinued            Total
                             operations       operations       operations
                                   #000             #000             #000
Turnover                         57,664           17,082           74,746
Cost of sales                  (42,313)         (11,635)         (53,948)
Gross profit                     15,351            5,447           20,798
costs                           (2,953)          (2,417)          (5,370)
expenses                        (5,584)          (3,820)          (9,404)
profit/(loss)                     6,814            (790)            6,024
undertaking                                                            70
Loss on                                                                  
disposal of                                                              
operations                                                        (2,261)
Profit on                                                                
before interest                                                     3,833
payable                                                           (2,582)
Profit on                                                                
before taxation                                                     1,251
Tax on profit                                                            
on ordinary                                                              
activities                                                          (413)
Profit on                                                                
after taxation                                                        838
Dividends                                                         (1,189)
for the                                                                  
year/period                                                         (351)
Basic earnings                                                           
per ordinary                                                             
share                                                               3.52p
earnings per                                                             
ordinary share                                                      3.37p
earnings per                                                             
ordinary share                                                           
on continuing                                                           
operations                                                         11.64p


For the year ended 31 October 1999

                                              Year ended         13 month
                                             31 Oct 1999     period ended
                                                    #000      31 Oct 1998
Statement of total recognised gains                                      
and losses
Profit on ordinary activities after                                      
taxation                                           3,435              838
Currency translation differences on                                      
foreign currency net investments                   (118)          (1,009)
Decrease in revaluation reserve                        -            (209)
Total recognised gains and losses for                                    
the year/period                                    3,317            (380)

Reconciliation of movements in                                           
shareholders' funds                                     
Profit on ordinary activities after                                      
taxation                                           3,435              838
Dividends                                        (1,308)          (1,189)
Retained profit/(loss) for the                                           
year/period                                        2,127            (351)
Other recognised losses                            (118)          (1,218)
Ordinary shares issued                                 1                -
Share premium arising                                 24               18
Net addition/(reduction) to                                              
shareholders' funds                                2,034          (1,551)
Shareholders' funds at 1 November 1998            26,815           28,366
Shareholders' funds at 31 October 1999            28,849           26,815

As at 31 October 1999

                                                                    As at
                                                                 Oct 1999
                                                    #000             #000
Fixed assets                                                             
Intangible assets                                                        
   Development costs                                 549                 
   Good-will                                      18,246                 
Tangible assets                                                    17,219
Investments                                                           880
Current assets                                                           
Stock                                              9,597                 
Debtors                                           17,928                 
Cash at bank and in hand                           2,408                 
Creditors due within one year                   (20,449)                 
Net current assets                                                  9,484
Total assets less current liabilities                              46,378
Creditors due after more than one year                           (17,089)
Provisions for liabilities and charges                              (440)
Capital and reserves                                                     
Called-up share capital                                             1,247
Share premium account                             10,813                 
Special capital reserve                           12,939                 
Revaluation reserve                                2,590                 
Revenue reserves                                   1,260                 
Shareholders' funds                                                28,849
Attributable to equity shareholders                                28,787
Attributable to non-equity                                 
shareholders                                                           62


                                                                    As at
                                                                 Oct 1998
                                                    #000             #000
Fixed assets                                                             
Intangible assets                                                        
   Development costs                                 608                 
   Good-will                                      18,246                 
Tangible assets                                                    18,549
Investments                                                           863
Current assets                                                           
Stock                                             10,920                 
Debtors                                           14,487                 
Cash at bank and in hand                           2,162                 
Creditors due within one year                   (21,556)                 
Net current assets                                                  6,013
Total assets less current liabilities                              44,279
Creditors due after more than one year                           (16,964)
Provisions for liabilities and charges                              (500)
Capital and reserves                                                     
Called-up share capital                                             1,246
Share premium account                             10,789                 
Special capital reserve                           12,939                 
Revaluation reserve                                2,626                 
Revenue reserves                                   (785)                 
Shareholders' funds                                                26,815
Attributable to equity shareholders                                26,753
Attributable to non-equity                                               
shareholders                                                           62

For the year ended 31 October 1999

                                           Year                  13 month
                                          ended              period ended
                                    31 Oct 1999               31 Oct 1998
                           #000            #000      #000            #000
Net cash inflow from                                                     
operating activities                      5,834                     7,297
reorganisation of                                                        
operations                                (494)                   (1,788)
                                          5,340                     5,509
Returns on investments                                                   
and servicing of                                                         
finance                                 (2,006)                   (2,312)
Taxation                                  (495)                     (165)
Capital expenditure                     (2,842)                   (4,251)
Acquisitions and                                                         
disposals                                 2,813                       401
Equity dividends paid                   (1,186)                     (712)
Cash inflow/(outflow)                                                    
before use of liquid                                                     
resources and                                                            
financing                                 1,624                   (1,530)
- issue of shares            25                        18                
- increase in debt          318                     2,846                
                                            343                     2,864
Increase in cash in                                                      
the year/period
                                          1,967                     1,334
Reconciliation of                                                        
net cash flow to
movement in net
Increase in cash                                                         
in the year/period                        1,967                     1,334
Cash inflow from                                                         
the increase in                                                          
debt and lease                                                           
financing                                 (318)                   (2,846)
Change in net debt                                                       
resulting from                                                           
cash flows                                1,649                   (1,512)
difference                                   49                      (69)
Disposals                                   193                         8
Finance leases                                -                     (378)
                                          1,891                   (1,951)


1.   The financial information set out above does not constitute the company's
     statutory  accounts for the year ended 31 October 1999  or  the  thirteen
     month  period  ended 31 October 1998 but is derived from those  accounts.
     Statutory  accounts  for 1998 have been delivered  to  the  Registrar  of
     Companies,  and those for 1999 will be delivered following the  Company's
     Annual  General  Meeting.  The auditors have reported on those  accounts;
     their  reports  were  unqualified and did not  contain  statements  under
     section 237(2) or (3) of the Companies Act 1985.

     The  financial  information  has been prepared  in  accordance  with  the
     accounting policies adopted for the 1998 accounts.

2.   The  financial  statements for the year ended 31  October  1999  will  be
     posted to shareholders on 26 January 2000 and will also be available from
     that  date  at  the  registered office, 1645 Parkway, Whiteley,  Fareham,
     Hampshire  PO15 7AH.



Chemring (LSE:CHG)
과거 데이터 주식 차트
부터 6월(6) 2024 으로 7월(7) 2024 Chemring 차트를 더 보려면 여기를 클릭.
Chemring (LSE:CHG)
과거 데이터 주식 차트
부터 7월(7) 2023 으로 7월(7) 2024 Chemring 차트를 더 보려면 여기를 클릭.