RNS Number:9637S
AuIron Energy Ld
14 March 2002


ACN 000 754 174

Interim Financial Report for period to 31 December 2001


The directors present their report together with the consolidated interim
financial report for the half-year ended 31 December 2001 and the audit report


The directors of AuIron Energy Limited, at any time, during or since the end of
the half-year are :

Name                                                       Period of Directorship

Alfred L Paton                                             Director since 30/11/98
B Eng, FAIM, MIE, MausIMM, FAICD                           Appointed Chairman 1998

Neill F Arthur                                             Director since 30/10/87
Eur Ing. BE(Chem) Hons, C Eng, FIChE, FAusIMM, FAICD       Appointed Managing Director 1998

Louis A Clinton                                            Director since 30/11/98
AIMM                                                       Appointed Deputy Chairman 1998

Dr Michael Andrews                                         Director since 21/09/94
B.Sc. Ph.D., MAusIMM

Warwick J Higgs                                            Director since 01/06/94

Robin H Chambers                                           Director since 16/12/99
BA LLB (Hons) (Melb) LLM (Duke)


The principal continuing activities of the consolidated entity were operating a
demonstration pig iron smelter in South Australia and exploration and assessment
of iron ore and coal in Australia and the United Kingdom. As at 31 December,
2001 the Company had $43.7 million in cash. Net assets almost doubled from $53.9
million at 30 June 2001 to $103.9 million at 31 December 2001.

SASE South Australia (90% AuIron)

During the six months to 31 December 2001, AuIron continued to advance the
operational requirements of the SASE demonstration plant and the parallel
Phillipson coal-washing program. In September 2001 preparation of approximately
4,500 tonnes of washed coal product was completed, most of which is being used
in the smelting plant.

During 2001, the smelting operations achieved steady operating rates as high as
55% above nominal design capacity using commercially available third party coal
for economy. Such an operating performance bodes well for scale up to the
proposed commercial smelter modules.

Accordingly, in August 2001, the Company announced a two Phase upgrade of the
demonstration plant designed to achieve much higher smelting intensity levels -
as much as three times design during additional operating trials known as the
"high intensity smelting feasibility program". Should this objective be achieved
as planned during 2002, there would be direct benefits to the proposed
commercial project from reducing the scale-up ratio and reducing commercial
plant financing risks and costs.

Work on increasing the plant's coal drying capacity commenced during August as
the major part of Phase 1 of the expansion plan and concluded in December 2001
with the successful commissioning of the upgraded fuel coal preparation

The first successful production of hot metal (pig iron) using AuIron's
Phillipson (Ingomar) coal as fuel (lance injected) coal to the process was
tapped from the smelter furnace during a short campaign period up to the
Christmas/New Year shutdown. This achievement is a major milestone for the

Further plant modifications are underway (in parallel with the continuing
operating campaign using Phillipson coal) that will allow the Company to assess
a number of reductant coal (coal added with the iron ore feed) formulations for
several Phillipson and non-Phillipson coals. As at 31 December 2001, the
procurement of major equipment was in progress. Basic engineering, including
flowsheets, process and instrumentation diagrams, general arrangements and HAZOP
(hazardous operations review) was completed. The installation of this plant will
begin once the current operating program, which restarted in January 2002, is

Work designed to assist the Company to assess the potential for power station
long term coal sales contracts was also progressed during the half year. Washed
coal samples referred to above have been delivered to an independent commercial
combustion testing organisation. These samples are the subject of ongoing
combustion tests jointly supervised by an overseas owned utility and the

SASE has been granted a 2.5 square kilometres mineral claim (MC 3258) covering
the Peculiar Knob hematite deposit situated approximately 50 kilometres to the
northeast of SASE's Hawks Nest iron ore deposits.

The iron mineralisation at Peculiar Knob occurs in a steeply dipping zone of 15
to 36 metres wide extending for approximately 1,100 metres. The dominant mineral
in the ore zone is coarse, massive, high grade, specular hematite. An Inferred
Resource of 14 million tonnes averaging 63 per cent Fe (iron) has been estimated
by the SA Department of Minerals and Energy (MESA) from drilling carried out in
1995 by MESA and previous drilling by CRA (Rio Tinto).

During December 2001, the Company announced the appointment from January 2002 of
Mr Jon Parker as Chief Operating Officer - Australia. Mr Parker, formerly a
senior development executive with the Rio Tinto Group with wide experience in
coal and iron mine development, power generation and smelting, has taken over
responsibility for progressing all South Australian projects. Mr Parker is based
in the company's new Adelaide office, and reports to the Managing Director and
CEO, Mr Neill Arthur.

 Ballymoney, Northern Ireland (100% AuIron)

The Ballymoney Power project continues to be advanced in a previously announced
four-phased process leading to the planned commissioning of the proposed 600MW
generator on the Ballymoney lignite coalmine site.

The first and second phases involve:

      • refining the data relating to the lignite coal deposit to the level
        needed to support mine and power station design and capital and
        operating costs determinations. Rank Geological Services Pty Limited
        completed the infill drilling programme needed to complete the
        refinement during December 2001.

      • selecting the boiler/generator process and configuration best suited
        for the resource and determining the power station capital and operating
        costs. Burns Roe Worley, the international power station engineering
        group, has been engaged to complete this work. MineConsult Pty Limited
        has been engaged to finalise the mine design and determine mining
        capital and operating costs to supply fuel to this power station

      • confirming that the market for electricity available to the project
        will deliver a demand for the entire output of the project. Private
        Energy Partners Pty Limited has been engaged to carry out the updated
        electricity market analysis for the "all island" system.

These phases are on schedule for completion in the March quarter of 2002.

The third phase involves obtaining the project approvals for planning,
development and operations. RPS Environmental Sciences Limited has been engaged
and is preparing the environmental base-line study to support the approval
process. The study is scheduled for completion in April 2002 and updates two
previous detailed environmental planning studies.

The fourth phase involves the funding of the design and construction of the
mine, generator and associated infrastructure. Engagement of a financial advisor
is an integral part of this phase and will occur either:

      • immediately prior to the commencement of the negotiations to take on a
        "power partner" or,

      • if the decision is taken to proceed without a "power partner", in the
        lead up to securing funding for the commercial project.

A decision concerning the taking on of a "power partner" will be made as late as
possible in the third phase so as to maximize the value of the project to
Ballymoney Power and its AuIron shareholders.

 State of Affairs

Significant changes in the state of affairs of the consolidated entity during
the half-year were as follows:

      • The non-renounceable fully underwritten pro rata 1 for 4 Rights Offer
        closed in July 2001 and raised total net proceeds of $51,625,784 (some
        costs were recognised prior to 30 June 2001), upon the issue of
        65,157,846 ordinary Shares. The cash proceeds are reflected in the
        Statement of cashflows at 31 December 2001.

Other than as commented about or dealt with in these accounts, there has not
arisen in the interval between the end of the half-year and the date of this
report, any item, transaction or event of a material nature that has
significantly affected or may significantly affect:

 i. the operations of the consolidated entity;

ii. the results of those operations; or

iii.the state of affairs of the consolidated entity subsequent to the half-year
    ended 31 December 2001.

Group Results

The loss from ordinary activities for the half-year after income tax was $2.587
million (half-year 31 December 2000 $4.96 million).

The economic entity operates in one industrial segment, being exploration and
assessment of base metals and hydrocarbons.

Signed at Sydney on 14 March 2002 in accordance with a resolution of the

Neill F Arthur
Managing Director & Chief Executive Officer


In the opinion of the directors of AuIron Energy Limited:

        1.     The financial statements and notes set out on pages below:

            (a)     give a true and fair view of the financial position of the
            consolidated entity as at 31 December 2001 and of its performance,
            as represented by the results of its operations and cash flows for
            the half-year ended on that date; and

            (b)     comply with Accounting Standard AASB 1029 "Interim Financial
            Reporting" and the Corporations Regulations 2001; and

        2.     at the date of this declaration there are reasonable grounds to
        believe that the company will be able to pay its debts as and when they
        become due and payable.

Signed at Sydney on 14 March 2002 in accordance with a resolution of the

Neill F Arthur

Managing Director & Chief Executive Officer


Statements of Financial Position

as at 31 December 2001
                                                        Note          31 Dec 2001        30 June 2001       31 Dec 2000
                                                                            $                  $                  $

Cash                                                     4             43,731,057          6,180,544         16,292,246
Receivables                                                               537,708            664,157            207,878
Other                                                                     180,359            113,441              5,665

TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS                                                   44,449,124          6,958,142         16,505,789


Exploration Expenditure                                  5             29,313,191         27,043,651         20,145,058
Property, Plant and Equipment                                             545,957            538,841            375,665
Demonstration Plant                                                    34,933,934         26,472,111         17,461,411
Intangible Assets                                        6              5,269,053          5,415,416          5,561,778

TOTAL NON-CURRENT ASSETS                                               70,062,135         59,470,019         43,543,912

TOTAL ASSETS                                                          114,511,259         66,428,161         60,049,701


Payables                                                                2,816,673          5,011,501          2,803,071
Interest Bearing Liabilities                                               32,074             31,068             30,096
Provisions                                                              1,295,983          1,002,448            280,694

TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES                                               4,144,730          6,045,017          3,113,861

Government Grant                                                        6,205,713          6,205,713          6,205,713
Interest Bearing Liabilities                                              191,746            208,495            224,732
Provisions                                                                 97,452             77,247         -

TOTAL NON-CURRENT LIABILITIES                                           6,494,911          6,491,455          6,430,445

TOTAL LIABILITIES                                                      10,639,641         12,536,472          9,544,306

NET ASSETS                                                            103,871,618         53,891,689         50,505,395

Contributed Equity                                       7            141,362,349         89,110,335         83,210,740
Reserves                                                                7,075,483          6,760,385          5,694,842
Accumulated losses                                                   (45,159,302)       (42,665,619)       (39,280,648)

SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY ATTRIBUTABLE TO MEMBERS OF                       103,278,530         53,205,101         49,624,934

OUTSIDE EQUITY INTERESTS IN CONTROLLED ENTITIES                           593,088            686,588            880,461

TOTAL SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY                                            103,871,618         53,891,689         50,505,395

The accompanying notes form part of these financial statements.


Statements of Financial Performance

for the half year ended 31 December 2001
                                                                     6 mths ended        Year ended        6 mths ended
                                                                      31 Dec 2001         June 2001         31 Dec 2000
                                                        Note           $                  $                  $
Other revenue from ordinary activities                   2              1,037,584            806,891            442,517
Occupancy expenses                                                       (87,688)          (123,947)           (64,000)
Administration expenses                                               (3,529,046)        (6,410,945)        (2,535,063)
Borrowing costs expense                                                   (8,033)           (15,215)            (7,826)
Other expenses from ordinary activities                                         -        (2,795,889)        (2,795,889)

Loss from ordinary activities before income tax                       (2,587,183)        (8,539,105)        (4,960,261)
Income tax expense                                                              -                  -                  -

Loss from ordinary activities after income tax                        (2,587,183)        (8,539,105)        (4,960,261)
Outside equity interests in operating loss after                           93,500            193,873                  -
income tax

Net (loss) after income tax attributable to the                       (2,493,683)        (8,345,232)        (4,960,261)
members of the group

Non - owner transaction charges in equity                                 

Net exchange difference on translation of financial
statements on self-sustaining foreign operations                          315,098          3,661,397          2,595,854

Total revenues, expenses and valuation adjustments                       
attributable to members of the parent entity
recognised directly in equity                                             315,098          3,661,397          2,595,854

Total charges in equity other than those resulting                    (2,178,585)        (4,683,835)        (2,364,407)
from transactions with owners as owners

The only movement in accumulated losses is the net loss after income tax
attributable to the members of the group in the period.

Basic earnings loss per share (cents per share)                            (0.1)              (3.4)              (2.1)
Diluted earnings loss per share (cents per share)                          (0.1)              (3.2)              (1.8)

Weighted average number of ordinary shares on issue used in          323,012,447        247,497,237        238,290,548
the calculation of basic earnings per share


Statements of Cash Flows

for the half year ended 31 December 2001
                                                                      6 mths ended        Year ended        6 mths ended
                                                                      31 Dec 2001         June 2001         31 Dec 2000
                                                                            $                  $                  $

Payments for exploration expenditure and to suppliers                 (5,512,552)       (11,037,326)        (3,206,205)
and employees
Cash receipts in course of operations                                      18,048             10,038                  -
Interest paid                                                             (8,033)           (15,215)                  -
Interest received                                                         903,185            780,922            442,517

NET CASH USED IN OPERATING ACTIVITIES                                 (4,599,352)       (10,261,581)        (2,763,688)

Payments for non-current assets                                       (9,834,682)       (19,716,869)       (10,990,497)

NET CASH USED IN INVESTING ACTIVITIES                                 (9,834,682)       (19,716,869)       (10,990,497)

Net proceeds from issue of shares                                      52,012,909         23,053,349         16,914,651
Repayment of Borrowings                                                  (30,051)           (30,051)                  -
Grant from Federal Government                                                   -            374,871            374,870

NET CASH PROVIDED BY FINANCING ACTIVITIES                              51,982,858         23,398,169         17,289,521

Net increase/(decrease) in cash                                        37,548,824        (6,580,281)          3,535,336
Cash at beginning of financial period                                   6,180,544         12,747,759         12,747,759
Effect of exchange rate changes on the balances of                          1,689             13,066              9,151
cash held in foreign currencies at the beginning of
the period

CASH AT END OF FINANCIAL PERIOD                                        43,731,057          6,180,544         16,292,246


Notes to and forming part of the Financial Statements

for the half year ended 31 December 2001


             The half-year consolidated financial report is a general purpose
        financial report and does not include a full set of notes as disclosed
        in the Annual Financial Report. The half year financial report has been
        prepared in accordance with the requirements of the Corporations Act
        2001, Accounting Standard 1029 "Interim Financial Reporting" and Urgent
        Issues Group consensus views. It is recommended that this half-year
        financial report be read in conjunction with the 30 June 2001 Annual
        Financial Report and any public announcements by AuIron Energy Limited
        and its Controlled Entities during the half-year in accordance with
        continuous disclosure obligations arising under the Corporations Act

             It has been prepared on the basis of historical costs and except
        where stated, does not take into account changing money values or
        current valuations of non-current assets.

             These accounting policies have been consistently applied by each
        entity in the economic entity and, except where there is a change in
        accounting policy, are consistent with those of the previous year and
        annual financial report.

             The carrying amounts of non-current assets are reviewed to
        determine whether they are in excess of their recoverable amount at the
        end of the half-year. If the carrying amount of a non-current asset
        exceeds the recoverable amount, the asset is written down to the lower
        amount. In assessing recoverable amounts the relevant cash flows have
        not been discounted to their present value. Certain significant
        accounting policies are restated below;

             Exploration and evaluation expenditure

             Exploration and evaluation expenditure incurred is accumulated in
        respect of each separate identifiable area of interest. These costs are
        only carried forward where right of tenure of the area of interest is
        current and to the extent that they are expected to be recouped through
        successful development and commercial exploitation, or alternatively,
        sale of the area or where activities in the area have not yet reached a
        stage which permits reasonable assessment of the existence of
        economically recoverable reserves.

             Accumulated costs in relation to an abandoned area are written off
        in full in the period in which the decision to abandon the area is made.

             Government Grants received relating to exploration activities are
        offset against exploration and evaluation expenditure.


             Goodwill represents the excess of the purchase consideration plus
        incidental costs over the fair value of identifiable net assets acquired
        on the acquisition of a controlled entity.

             Goodwill associated with the purchase of equity in SASE Pty Ltd is
        amortised on a straight line basis over 20 years. The policy regarding
        amortisation is reviewed on a regular basis as the project is in
        developmental phase.


             For the purpose of the statements of cash flows, cash includes:

 i. cash on hand and at call deposits with banks or financial institutions, net
    of bank overdrafts; and

ii. investments in money market instruments with less than 14 days to maturity.

             Demonstration Plant

             Costs associated with the construction of the iron ore smelting
        demonstration plant are capitalised until such time as an assessment of
        the commercial viability of the plant is determined. If a decision is
        made to proceed to commercial development of smelting operations, the
        accumulated costs will be amortised against future revenue streams.


Notes to and forming part of the Financial Statements

for the half year ended 31 December 2001
                                                                     31 Dec 2001       30 June 2001         31 Dec 2000
                                                                          $                 $                    $
           Revenue from operating activities
           Sales revenue                                                 18,048               10,038                   -
           Other revenue
           - interest received                                        1,019,536              796,853             442,517
                                                                      1,037,584              806,891             442,517


           Loss from ordinary activities before income tax has
           been determined after charging/(crediting) the
           Borrowing costs expenses:
           Finance lease charges                                          8,033               15,215               7,826
                                                                          8,033               15,215               7,826

           Provision for annual leave                                    10,603               56,883              92,743
           Provision for long service leave                              83,136              246,474              56,883
           Provision for employee bonuses                                     -              420,000                   -
           Provision for directors' retirement allowance                220,000              225,000                   -
           Depreciation of plant and equipment                           28,958               40,492              19,503
           Depreciation of buildings                                      4,308                  718                   -
           Net loss on disposal of plant and equipment                        -                5,233                   -
           Amortisation of leased motor vehicles                         16,560               33,157              16,597
           Amortisation of goodwill                                     146,363              292,725             146,363
           Rental expense on operating leases                            87,688               58,628              26,640
           Unrealised foreign exchange gains                            (1,689)             (13,066)                   -

           Individually significant items included in loss from
           ordinary activities before income tax
           Write-off of expenditure on exploration areas in                   -              212,724             212,724
           Indonesia and associated expenses
           Write-off Indonesian Investment                                    -            2,583,165           2,583,165
                                                                              -            2,795,889           2,795,889

4.         CASH
           Cash at bank and on hand                                   6,938,180              563,469              96,340
           Short-term deposits                                       36,792,877            5,617,075          16,195,906
                                                                     43,731,057            6,180,544          16,292,246

           Expenditure carried forward in respect of areas of
           interest in the exploration and evaluation phase:
               Expenditure relating to projects current 1 July       27,043,651           18,595,506          18,595,506

           Add:     Expenditure during the period                     1,950,704            6,443,126             599,643
                    Exchange difference on opening balances             318,836            2,005,019             949,909

           Expenditure carried forward at 31 December                29,313,191           27,043,651          20,145,058

The above exploration and evaluation expenditure has been incurred largely in
respect of coal deposits in Australia and Northern Ireland. Specifically the
costs relate to drilling, the completion of reports dealing with geological,
hydrological, geotechnical and environmental studies, together with mine plans
and capital and operating cost studies.

The ultimate recoupment of this expenditure is dependent on the successful
development and commercial exploitation or, alternatively, sale of these areas
of interest.


Notes to and forming part of the Financial Statements

for the half year ended 31 December 2001

                                                                       31 Dec 2001        30 June 2001       31 Dec 2000
                                                                             $                  $                  $
      Goodwill on the purchase of SASE Pty Ltd ( at cost )               5,854,504          5,854,504          5,854,504
      Less :     Accumulated amortisation                                (585,451)          (439,088)          (292,726)
                                                                         5,269,053          5,415,416          5,561,778

      a)    Issued and paid up capital 326,589,232 ordinary            141,362,349         89,110,335         83,210,740

            During the half year ended 31 December 2001
            65,207,486 shares were issued (Rights Offer
            65,157,486, Other 50,000) net proceeds credited to
            capital $52,252,014.

      b)    The company has on issue the following options at                       NUMBER ON ISSUE
                                                                         2,810,000         -                  -
                @ $0.52 on or before 7 December 2008

                                                                           500,000            500,000            500,000
                @ $0.30 on or before 30 November 2003

                                                                         1,060,000          1,060,000          1,060,000
                @ $0.30 on or before 18 October 2005

                                                                         7,500,000          7,500,000          7,500,000
                @ $0.45 on or before 31 December 2002 or

                @ $0.90 on or before 31 December 2004

                                                                         5,500,000          5,500,000          5,300,000
                @ $0.77 on or before 8 September 2005

                                                                           150,000            150,000         -
                @ $1.10 on or before 8 September 2005

                                                                        -                  -                     950,000
                @ $0.24 on or before 30 June 2001


Geographic segments                       Australia                              Indonesia
                                Dec 2001    June 2001     Dec 2000     Dec 2001    June 2001     Dec 2000
                                    $000         $000         $000         $000         $000         $000
Inter-segment sales                                            720
Total revenue                      1,019          807          442

Segment Result                   (2,342)      (8,253)      (2,271)                                (2,796)

Consolidated Loss before
income tax

Segment assets                   147,460       87,756       74,330

8.     SEGMENT INFORMATION (continued)

Geographic segments                    United Kingdom
                               Dec 2001     June 2001     Dec 2000
                                   $000          $000         $000

Inter-segment sales
Total revenue

Segment Result                    (245)         (286)        1,046

Consolidated Loss before
income tax
Segment assets                   15,365        13,891       15,477

8.     SEGMENT INFORMATION (continued)
Geographic segments                       Eliminations                            Consolidated
                                  Dec 2001     June 2001    Dec 2000      Dec 2001     June 2001    Dec 2000
                                      $000          $000        $000          $000          $000        $000

Inter-segment sales                                            (720)

Total revenue                                                                  797           807         442

Segment Result                                                 (939)       (2,587)       (8,539)     (4,960)

Consolidated Loss before                                                   (2,587)       (8,539)     (4,960)
income tax

Segment assets                    (48,314)      (35,219)    (29,757)       114,511        66,428      60,050


         The information for the half-year ended 31 December 2001 has been
         audited and the balance sheet at 30 June 2001 has been audited.


         There have been no significant events since balance date.

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange

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