RNS Number:4478F
Mid Kent Water PLC
20 December 2002

20 December 2002

                                 MID KENT WATER

                               INTERIM STATEMENT

                   FOR THE HALF YEAR ENDED 30 SEPTEMBER 2002

                              CHAIRMAN'S STATEMENT

In my last report in June, I outlined the significant changes in both management
and ownership that had occurred. I am delighted to report that these changes
have now delivered significant improvements in performance, and the Company has
moved from 23rd to 14th place in The Office of Water Services (OFWAT)'s overall
performance assessment of levels of service for all companies for 2001/2.
Furthermore, the Company has successfully completed an efficiency project which
will deliver cost reductions in excess of #1.3m in 2003/4. Both achievements
stand the company in good stead as it prepares its draft Business Plan for the
next periodic review period, 2005-2010.

Financial Performance

Turnover in the half year to 30 September 2002 was #20.2m compared with #19.0m
for the same period last year, an increase of 6.1%. Water income rose by 4.2% to
#18.4m, which includes the price increase of 4.07% allowed by OFWAT.

Operating profit was #7.1m before restructuring costs of #1.3m associated with
the performance improvement project, compared with #6.6m for the same period
last year.

Net interest payable has increased from #2.0m to #2.6m, reflecting the increased
borrowings required to fund the ongoing capital expenditure programme.

There have been a number of significant disposals of surplus property and land,
which have resulted in profits of #1.4m.

As a result of the above factors, profit before tax in the half year to 30
September 2002 was #4.6m compared with #4.7m for the same period last year.


Since the end of the period, the Company has restructured its balance sheet, and
has replaced its previous borrowing from its parent company with long term debt
funded through a 30 year bond issue. This debt will match the long term nature
of the Company's assets. As part of this process the Company has paid a one-off
restructuring dividend of #26.8m, and accordingly no dividend was proposed for
the period under review.

Capital Expenditure

Cash payments for capital expenditure in the period amounted to #13.9m, compared
to #15.8m for the same period last year. A new treatment plant at Goudhurst was
commissioned in August ahead of the Drinking Water Inspectorate ("DWI")
milestone date. A new granular activated carbon (GAC) treatment process is being
built at our only surface water treatment facility at Bewl Water and will be
commissioned this month, two months ahead of the DWI milestone date.

Water Quality

The quality of water at our customers' taps continues to improve, with reported
compliance for 2001 being 99.84% compared with 99.80% for the previous year.

Non Regulated Activity

We have continued to refocus our contracted services for the industrial/
commercial market place, and we are very pleased to report our success in
recently winning a contract for rehabilitation works outside of our supply area
with a value in excess of #0.5m; together with further works at preferred bidder
stage that should come to fruition in the second half of the financial year. The
re-branding of the Company was launched in September, and this has enabled us to
develop further water related activity within the Mid Kent area.


The last six months have been a difficult time for our staff with much upheaval
and uncertainty associated with the restructuring. However, their performance
has been first class throughout this period, and I would like to take this
opportunity to thank them for their efforts in continuing to ensure that Mid
Kent Water delivers an excellent service to its customers at all times.

Keith Tozzi

20 December 2002.

                               INTERIM STATEMENT

                   FOR THE HALF YEAR ENDED 30 SEPTEMBER 2002

                            PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT

                                                                Half year ended      Half year ended          Year ended
                                                                   30 September         30 September            31 March
                                                                           2002                 2001                2002
Notes                                                               (unaudited)          (unaudited)
                                                                           #000                 #000                #000

4     Turnover                                                           20,150               18,983              38,710
      Operating costs                                                  (14,363)             (12,345)            (24,478)

5     Operating profit                                                    5,787                6,638              14,232
      Profit on sale of fixed assets                                      1,409                   43                 477

      Profit on ordinary activities before interest                       7,196                6,681              14,709
      Interest receivable                                                    46                   72                 106
      Interest payable and similar charges                              (2,675)              (2,031)             (4,357)

3     Profit on ordinary activities before taxation                       4,567                4,722              10,458
      Tax on profit on ordinary activities                              (1,627)                (705)             (1,464)

6     Profit on ordinary activities after taxation                        2,940                4,017               8,994
      Dividends                                                               -              (1,762)             (4,402)

      Retained profit for the period                                      2,940                2,255               4,592

      Earnings per ordinary share                                         15.8p                21.5p               48.2p

      Dividends per ordinary share                                        0.00p                9.45p              23.61p

                               INTERIM STATEMENT

                   FOR THE HALF YEAR ENDED 30 SEPTEMBER 2002

                            SUMMARISED BALANCE SHEET

                                                               Half year ended      Half year ended           Year ended
                                                                  30 September         30 September             31 March
                                                                          2002                 2001                 2002
                                                                   (unaudited)          (unaudited)   
                                                                          #000                 #000                 #000

    Fixed assets                                                       
    Tangible assets                                                    158,522              143,867              151,978

    Current assets
    Stocks                                                                 730                  459                  567
    Debtors                                                              8,071                7,948                7,922
    Cash at bank and in hand                                               806                2,383                1,370

                                                                         9,607               10,790                9,859

    Creditors: amounts falling due within one year                    (27,396)             (36,637)             (33,200)

    Net current liabilities                                           (17,789)             (25,847)             (23,341)

    Total assets less current liabilities                              140,733              118,020              128,637

    Creditors: amounts falling due after more than one
    year                                                              (64,157)             (48,631)             (56,107)

    Provision for deferred taxation                                   (14,004)             (12,094)             (12,898)

    Net assets                                                          62,572               57,295               59,632

    Capital and reserves
    Attributable to equity interests                                   
    Called up share capital                                             18,646               18,646               18,646
    Profit and loss account                                             43,926               38,649               40,986

    Capital employed                                                    62,572               57,295               59,632

                               INTERIM STATEMENT

                   FOR THE HALF YEAR ENDED 30 SEPTEMBER 2002

                         SUMMARISED CASH FLOW STATEMENT

                                                               Half year ended      Half year ended           Year ended
                                                                  30 September         30 September             31 March
                                                                          2002                 2001                 2002
                                                                   (unaudited)          (unaudited)
                                                                          #000                 #000                 #000

    Net cash inflow from operating activities                            8,700               10,044               17,727
    Returns on investments and servicing of finance                    (2,476)              (1,639)              (4,009)
    Taxation                                                             (884)                  687                  682
    Capital expenditure                                               (11,314)             (15,471)             (27,456)
    Equity dividends paid                                              (2,640)              (2,521)              (4,283)
    Cash outflow before financing                                      (8,614)              (8,900)             (17,339)
    Financing                                                            8,050                6,099               13,525
    Decrease in cash                                                     (564)              (2,801)              (3,814)

    Notes 7 to 10 are part of this statement.


1    The interim results have been prepared on the basis of the accounting 
     policies adopted for the financial year ended 31 March 2002.

     The results for the year ended 31 March 2002 are an abridged extract from 
     the published accounts delivered to the Registrar of Companies and on which 
     the auditors' report was unqualified.

2    All recognised gains and losses are included in the profit and loss account 
     for the period.

3    The tax charge for the period ended 30 September 2002 has been based on the 
     estimated effective rate for the full year.

                                                                Half year ended      Half year ended          Year ended
                                                                   30 September         30 September            31 March
                                                                           2002                 2001                2002
                                                                    (unaudited)          (unaudited)
                                                                           #000                 #000                #000
4    Analysis of turnover
     Unmeasured supplies                                                 10,636               10,716              21,200
     Measured supplies                                                    7,735                6,915              14,645
     Other activities                                                     1,779                1,352               2,865
                                                                         20,150               18,983              38,710

5    Operating profit
     Operating profit is stated after charging
     Restructuring costs                                                  1,307                    -                   -

6    Dividends

     No interim dividend is proposed (year ended 31 March 2002: 9.45p) pending a change in the Company's capital

7    Reconciliation of operating profit to operating cash flow

     Operating profit                                                     5,787                6,638              14,232
     Depreciation charge                                                  3,403                3,375               6,637
     Increase in stocks                                                   (163)                    -               (108)
     Increase in debtors                                                  (487)                (599)               (249)
     Increase/(decrease) in creditors                                       160                  630             (2,785)

                                                                          8,700               10,044              17,727

8   Analysis of cash flows
    Returns on investment and servicing of finance
    Interest received                                                        46                   58                 106
    Interest paid                                                       (2,522)              (1,689)             (4,100)
    Interest element of finance lease rental payments                         -                  (8)                (15)

                                                                        (2,476)              (1,639)             (4,009)
    Capital expenditure
    Purchase of tangible fixed assets                                  (13,906)             (15,809)            (28,473)
    Contributions to infrastructure assets                                  772                  287                 805
    Sale of tangible fixed assets                                         1,820                   51                 212

                                                                       (11,314)             (15,471)            (27,456)
    Capital element of finance lease rental payments                          -                  (1)                (75)
    Loans from holding company                                            8,050                6,100              13,600

                                                                          8,050                6,099              13,525

9    Analysis of net debt                                                    At                 Cash                  At
                                                                        1 April                 flow   30 September 2002
                                                                           #000                 #000                #000

     Cash at bank and in hand                                             1,370                (564)                 806
     Finance leases                                                        (53)                    -                (53)
     Unsecured loans                                                   (51,600)              (8,050)            (59,650)
     Debenture stock                                                    (4,461)                    -             (4,461)

                                                                       (54,744)              (8,614)            (63,358)

10   Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement in net debt

     Decrease in cash in the period                                       (564)              (2,801)             (3,814)
     Cash outflow from finance lease repayments                               -                    1                  75
     Cash inflow from unsecured loans                                   (8,050)              (6,100)            (13,600)

     Movement in net debt resulting from cash flows                     (8,614)              (8,900)            (17,339)

     Net debt at start of period                                       (54,744)             (37,405)            (37,405)

     Net debt at end of period                                         (63,358)             (46,305)            (54,744)

11   Post balance sheet events

     On 21 November 2002, Mid Kent Financing Limited became the Company's 
     immediate parent company.

     On 3 December 2002, the Company re-registered as a private company in order 
     that it could provide financial assistance to other group undertakings. The 
     financial assistance provided was in respect of the discharging of loans 
     incurred by Swan Capital Investments on the acquisition of the entire share 
     capital of Swan Group Limited on 18 May 2001.

     On 9th December 2002 the Company received a loan of #135million from Royal 
     Bank of Scotland plc. This loan is an index linked 30 year facility and is 
     secured upon the assets of the Company. On the same day the Company repaid
     its outstanding intercompany loan from Swan Group Limited of #58.25million 
     and made a loan of #35million to its new parent company, Mid Kent Financing 
     Limited. These loans enabled Swan Capital Investments to repay the
     #120million term loan from WestLB and to fund its ongoing working capital 

     The Company also arranged a #5million working capital facility from NatWest 
     Bank and a #2million committed overdraft facility.

     The Company declared a special dividend of #26.75million paid on 9 December 

     The Company subsequently re-registered as a public limited company on 11 
     December 2002.

For Further Information:

Bob Atwood, Group Finance Director, swan group plc    Telephone: 01634 873035

Mark Woolfenden, Smithfield Financial                 Telephone: 020 7360 4900

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange


Mid Kent Wtr4% (LSE:48HO)
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부터 9월(9) 2024 으로 10월(10) 2024 Mid Kent Wtr4% 차트를 더 보려면 여기를 클릭.
Mid Kent Wtr4% (LSE:48HO)
과거 데이터 주식 차트
부터 10월(10) 2023 으로 10월(10) 2024 Mid Kent Wtr4% 차트를 더 보려면 여기를 클릭.