14 년 전
Income Statement
12 Month Period Ending:
Currency is Euro 03/31/2006
12 Months
Reclassified as of
03/31/2007 03/31/2007
12 Months
Reclassified as of
03/31/2008 03/31/2008
12 Months
Restated as of
03/31/2009 03/31/2009
12 Months
Reclassified as of
03/31/2010 03/31/2010
12 Months
Revenue and Gross Profit
Revenue 21,448 23,073 24,123 23,970 20,994
Other Revenue, Total 4 4 4 5 5
Total Revenue 21,452 23,077 24,127 23,975 20,999
Operating Expenses
Cost of Revenue, Total 15,182 16,443 20,832 22,247 20,631
Sell/Gen/AdminExpenses,Tot 3,450 3,349 25 115 35
Depreciation 1,617 1,740 1,562 1,604 1,640
Amortiz of Intangibles 39 42 44 -- --
Depreciation/Amortization 1,656 1,782 1,606 1,604 1,640
Restructuring Charge -- -- (2) 14 152
Other Unusual Expnse (In) (5) 0 (40) (17) 0
Unusual Expense (Income) (7) (13) (51) (8) 173
Loss(Gain)/Sale Asts (Oper) (2) (13) (9) (5) 21
Other, Net (284) 283 434 322 390
Other Operat Expse, Total (284) 283 434 322 390
Total Operating Expense 19,997 21,844 22,846 24,280 22,869
Operating Income 1,455 1,233 1,281 (305) (1,870)
Non-Operating Income & Expenses
Inter Expse, Non-Operating (432) (445) (412) (426) (445)
Inter Capital, Non-Operat 40 38 46 58 35
Inter Expse,Net Non-Operat (392) (407) (366) (368) (410)
Inter Income, Non-Operating 116 196 175 268 106
Invest Income, Non-Operat 39 68 -- (894) (186)
Inter/Invest Inc, Non-Oper 155 264 175 (626) (80)
Gain(Loss)on Sale of Assets -- -- 113 -- --
Other, Net (18) 28 (45) 95 231
Income Before Tax 1,200 1,118 1,158 (1,204) (2,129)
Income Taxes
Income Tax - Total 256 248 358 (439) (586)
Income After Tax 944 870 800 (765) (1,543)
Minority Interest and Equity in Affiliates
Minority Interest (8) 4 (19) (7) 1
Equity In Affiliates (23) 17 (24) (42) (17)
U.S. GAAP Adjustment 91 (74) -- -- --
Net Inc Before Extra Items 1,004 817 757 (814) (1,559)
Extraordinary Items
Total Extraordinary Items 0 0 -- -- --
Net Income 1,004 817 757 (814) (1,559)
Adjustments to Net Income
Income Available to Common Excl. Extra. Items 1,004 817 757 (814) (1,559)
Income Available to Common Incl. Extra. Items 1,004 817 757 (814) (1,559)
EPS Reconciliation
Basic/Primary Weighted Average Shares 263 266 285 295 294
Basic/Primary EPS Excl. Extra. Items 3.81 3.07 2.66 (2.76) (5.30)
Basic/Primary EPS Incl. Extra. Items 3.81 3.07 2.66 (2.76) (5.30)
Dilution Adjustment 0 0 -- 0 0
Diluted Weighted Average Shares 284 296 308 295 294
Diluted EPS Excl. Extra. Items 3.53 2.76 2.46 (2.76) (5.30)
Diluted EPS Incl. Extra. Items 3.53 2.76 2.46 (2.76) (5.30)
Common Stock Dividends
Div/Share-ComStockPrimIssue 0.30 0.48 0.58 0.00 0.00
Gross Divid - Common Stock 41 88 174 0 0
Pro Forma Income
Pro Forma Net Income -- -- -- -- --
Supplemental Items
Interest Expense, Suppl 392 407 366 368 410
Interest Capitalized, Suppl (40) (38) (46) (58) (35)
Depreciat/Amort, Suppl 1,617 1,740 1,562 1,607 1,652
Normalized Income
Total Special Items (2) (13) (164) (8) 173
Normalized Income Before Tax 1,198 1,105 994 (1,212) (1,956)
EffectSpecItemsInclTax(STEC) (1) (3) (51) (3) 61
InclTaxExcl/ImpactSpecItems 255 245 307 (442) (525)
Normalized Income After Tax 943 860 687 (770) (1,431)
Normalized Inc Avail to Common 1,003 807 644 (819) (1,447)
Basic Normalized EPS 3.81 3.03 2.26 (2.78) (4.91)
Diluted Normalized EPS 3.53 2.72 2.09 (2.78) (4.91)
() = Negative Value
Values are displayed in Millions