Canexus Corporation (TSX:CUS) (the "Corporation" or "Canexus") today announced
its financial results for the second quarter ended June 30, 2012. 


--  Canexus recorded cash operating profit in the quarter of $22.9 million,
    which was lower than expected. Despite this our full year guidance is
    unchanged. Demand for both chlorine and hydrochloric acid were down
    significantly in the quarter, affecting chlorine netback prices and
    hydrochloric acid sales volumes. Weak demand for chlorine and a
    prolonged spring breakup affecting hydrochloric acid demand has resulted
    in lower year-to-date operating rates at North Vancouver, reducing
    produced caustic soda volumes available for sale. The combined impact of
    these items had a negative effect on the quarter of about $8.0 million.
    Metric electrochemical unit ("MECU") realized netback prices were down
    by 17% from first quarter levels. Higher fixed costs from planned
    maintenance at all of our plants (sodium chlorate and chlor-alkali) in
    both North and South America also reduced cash operating profit in the
    quarter (maintenance costs expensed in the quarter were $7.7 million).
    Distributable cash was $8.2 million ($0.07 per share) and $35.5 million
    ($0.29 per share) for the three and six months ended June 30, 2012,
    resulting in payout ratios of 203% and 93%, respectively. 
--  We continue to expect to generate $140.0 million to $145.0 million of
    cash operating profit for the full year (year-to-date cash operating
    profit is $63.2 million) for a payout ratio of 75% to 80%. Improved
    demand for hydrochloric acid and chlorine in the second half of the year
    should allow us to run our North Vancouver plant above 90% of practical
    capacity (210,000 MECU's/year), returning us to expected cash flow
    levels in this business. In July our plant ran at 93% of nameplate
    capacity (228,000 MECU's/year). 
--  The North American sodium chlorate business was slightly behind plan in
    the quarter due to maintenance outages at customer plants. Demand and
    pricing are expected to remain strong for the balance of the year. We
    have one remaining planned maintenance shutdown for four to five days in
    2012 in Q3 at our low-cost Brandon sodium chlorate plant to coincide
    with the tie-in of the upgraded power line. This is expected to increase
    capacity modestly (2% to 3%) and paves the way for a meaningful future
    potential expansion. 
--  The $30.0 million project at our North American Terminal Operations
    ("NATO") business unit to increase diluted bitumen and crude oil
    ("DBCO") transloading capacity from 7,500 bbls/day to 35,000 bbls/day is
    on track for completion by year-end. By the end of the third quarter we
    expect DBCO transloading throughput to be 17,500 bbls/day increasing to
    35,000 bbls/day in December. 
--  We continue to advance detailed engineering, have ordered pipe and
    commenced civil work at the site to potentially expand our terminal
    capabilities at Bruderheim to include pipeline connected unit train
    operations for large scale movements of diluted bitumen shipments from
    the terminal by rail and for receiving diluent shipments to the terminal
    by rail. Discussions with MEG Energy Corp. to connect the Canexus
    Bruderheim terminal with the MEG Energy Stonefell Terminal and
    potentially with other pipeline systems in the area are progressing. We
    are also in discussions with a number of potential customers for unit
    train movements. 
--  The Corporation's hydrochloric acid capacity expansion projects at its
    North Vancouver chlor-alkali facility are on track for start-up in the
    first and fourth quarters of 2013. These expansions will each add an
    additional 110,000 wet metric tonnes ("WMT") of capacity increasing our
    total hydrochloric acid capacity to 370,000 WMT's per year. The output
    from the first of the two expansions is sold out under multi-year
--  The Board declared the regular quarterly dividend of $0.1368 per common
    share payable October 15, 2012 to shareholders of record on September
    30, 2012.

"As expected, Canexus' second quarter results reflected planned maintenance
shutdowns at all of our sodium chlorate and chlor-alkali plants in North and
South America," said Gary Kubera, President and CEO. "However, we did not
anticipate the weaker demand for hydrochloric acid ("HCl" or "acid") resulting
from a prolonged spring breakup due to very wet weather affecting drilling and
completion activities in the Swan Hills region through the entire second
quarter, in addition to any impact on activity from lower oil prices." 

"Also, due to the tight supply for hydrochloric acid experienced late in 2011
and into the first quarter of 2012, a reasonable volume of expensive HCl was
imported by others in tote containers that is currently being worked through. As
a result, we have redirected some of our acid into the U.S. where the market has
tightened due to reduced byproduct supply. We fully expect acid demand to
improve in the oil and gas sector in Western Canada into the third and fourth
quarters as drilling and completion activities are continuing to improve. We are
also now entering the peak demand period for chlorine for water treatment.
Looking ahead to the remainder of the year, and based on solid performance for
July, we are on track to meet our full year guidance," he added.

To facilitate a meaningful analysis and discussion of the Corporation's
financial performance for the six months ended June 30, 2012, the following
financial information for the six months ended June 30, 2011 has been prepared
on a proforma basis to include the 100% financial results of Canexus Limited
Partnership ("Canexus LP") for the period January 1, 2011 to February 6, 2011.
On February 7, 2011, the Corporation's predecessor, Canexus Income Fund,
indirectly acquired Nexen Inc's interest in Canexus LP and consolidated the 100%
financial results of Canexus LP from that date.

Distributable Cash 

Distributable cash of Canexus Corporation was $8.2 million ($0.07 per share) and
$35.5 million ($0.29 per share) for the three and six months ended June 30, 2012
resulting in payout ratios of 203% and 93% respectively.

                                      Three Months Ended  Six Months Ended  
                                            June 30            June 30      
CAD thousands                              2012     2011      2012     2011 
Cash Operating Profit                    22,935   28,744    63,230   50,297 
  Interest Expense                       (4,969)  (5,616)  (10,639) (11,845)
  Realized Currency Translation Gains       (61)   3,453                    
   (Losses)                                                    (22)   3,373 
  Maintenance Capital Expenditures       (7,446)  (3,798)  (11,500)  (7,482)
  Provision for Current Income Taxes       (819)  (1,194)   (2,731)  (2,328)
  TCP Severance Costs Paid                    -     (566)     (888)  (2,133)
  Other                                  (1,456)    (118)   (1,954)      92 
Distributable Cash                        8,184   20,905    35,496   29,974 
Distributable Cash Per Share              $0.07    $0.18     $0.29    $0.26 
Dividends Declared Per Share            $0.1368  $0.1368   $0.2736  $0.2736 
Payout Ratio                                203%      76%       93%     105%

Below is a reconciliation of net cash generated from operating activities to
Distributable Cash of the Corporation for the three and six months ended June
30, 2012 and 2011.

                                      Three Months Ended  Six Months Ended  
                                            June 30            June 30      
CAD thousands                              2012     2011      2012     2011 
Net Cash Generated from Operating                                           
 Activities                              18,546   14,444    33,098   29,930 
  Changes in Non-Cash Operating                                             
   Working Capital and Due to/from                                          
   Affiliates, Net                            -    8,686    18,969   10,487 
  Non-Cash Change in Income Tax                                             
   Payable and Interest Payable          (2,131)   1,465    (3,762)    (811)
  Interest Income                           138      139       195      233 
  Maintenance Capital Expenditures       (7,446)  (3,798)  (11,500)  (7,482)
  Realized Foreign Currency                                                 
   Translation Gains (Losses) on Cash       (10)     567        25      426 
  TCP Severance Costs Paid                    -     (566)     (888)  (2,133)
  Amortization of the Purchase Cost of                                      
   Foreign Exchange Options                (531)     (82)     (909)    (293)
  Expenditures on Decommissioning                                           
   Liabilities                             (257)     (79)     (393)     (77)
  Operating Non-Cash Items                 (125)     129       661     (306)
Distributable Cash                        8,184   20,905    35,496   29,974 

Segmented Information for the Three Months Ended June 30, 2012 and 2011 

Canexus has a total of six manufacturing plants - four in Canada and two at one
site in Brazil - organized into three business units. Canexus also provides
fee-for-service hydrocarbon transloading at its terminal in Alberta. NATO
results are included in the North America Chlor-alkali results. Below is our
second quarter performance by segment.

CAD thousands, except as noted     North America                            
Three Months Ended                 Sodium    alkali   South                 
June 30, 2012                    Chlorate       (2) America   Other   Total 
Sales Revenue                      56,110    59,658  25,368       - 141,136 
Cost of Sales                      33,274    40,537  21,498     314  95,623 
Distribution, Selling and                                                   
 Marketing                          7,403    16,765     301     578  25,047 
General and Administrative (1)      2,957     3,748     991   1,515   9,211 
Operating Profit (Loss)            12,476    (1,392)  2,578  (2,407) 11,255 
Depreciation and Amortization                                               
 included in Cost of Sales          3,196     5,700   1,755     355  11,006 
Depreciation and Amortization                                               
 included in General and                                                    
 Administrative                         -         -      12     176     188 
Share-based Compensation Expense        -         -       -     486     486 
Cash Operating Profit (Loss)       15,672     4,308   4,345  (1,390) 22,935 
Cash Operating Profit Percentage       28%        7%     17%      -      16%
CAD thousands, except as noted     North America                            
Three Months Ended                 Sodium    alkali   South                 
June 30, 2011                    Chlorate       (2) America   Other   Total 
Sales Revenue                      54,392    50,732  25,410       - 130,534 
Cost of Sales                      33,780    28,495  19,857    (185) 81,947 
Distribution, Selling and                                                   
 Marketing                          6,629    15,264     297     410  22,600 
General and Administrative (1)      2,393     3,031   1,149     674   7,247 
Operating Profit (Loss)            11,590     3,942   4,107    (899) 18,740 
Depreciation and Amortization                                               
 included in Cost of Sales          3,503     5,807   1,458       -  10,768 
Depreciation and Amortization                                               
 included in General and                                                    
 Administrative                         -         -      11     229     240 
Share-based Compensation                                                    
 Recovery                               -         -       -  (1,004) (1,004)
Cash Operating Profit (Loss)       15,093     9,749   5,576  (1,674) 28,744 
Cash Operating Profit Percentage       28%       19%     22%      -      22%
(1) General and administrative expenses are for functional areas such as    
    human resources, finance, information technology and legal and are      
    allocated to the operating segments based on production volumes.        
(2) Revenues and costs for NATO are included in North America Chlor-alkali. 
Business Unit Highlights                                                    
North America Sodium Chlorate:                                              
--  Q2 2012 versus Q1 2012: Sales revenue for the North America sodium
    chlorate segment decreased 6% to $56.1 million for the three months
    ended June 30, 2012 from $59.8 million for the three months ended March
    31, 2012. Sales volumes decreased 7% and realized netback prices
    decreased 1% for the three months ended June 30, 2012. Sales volumes
    were impacted by both planned and unplanned maintenance at customer
    plants. Cash operating profit percentage decreased from 32% to 28% as a
    result of lower realized netback prices due to customer weighting, lower
    production volumes (primarily at our low-cost Brandon plant) and higher
    fixed costs as a result of planned maintenance shutdowns at all three of
    our North American sodium chlorate plants and slightly higher
    electricity costs. 
--  Q2 2012 versus Q2 2011: Sales revenue for the North America sodium
    chlorate segment increased 3% to $56.1 million for the three months
    ended June 30, 2012 from $54.4 million for the three months ended June
    30, 2011 as result of a 5% increase in realized netback prices,
    partially offset by 3% lower sales volumes. Realized netback prices were
    positively affected by the weaker Canadian dollar (Q2 2012 - US $1.00 as
    compared to US $1.03 for Q2 2011). Cash operating profit percentage
    remained consistent at 28% with higher realized netback prices, slightly
    higher production volumes and lower salt costs being offset by higher
    fixed costs and slightly higher electricity costs. 
--  Price increases were announced for Q3 which should add modestly to
    netback prices across our system. We expect our plants to run at
    capacity for the balance of 2012. 

North America Chlor-alkali:                                                 

--  Q2 2012 versus Q1 2012: Sales revenue for the North America chlor-alkali
    segment decreased 3% to $59.7 million for the three months ended June
    30, 2012 from $61.3 million for the three months ended March 31, 2012.
    The decrease in sales revenue was primarily due to lower hydrochloric
    acid sales volumes (33%) and lower realized netback prices for
    hydrochloric acid (17%) and chlorine (85%), partially offset by higher
    chlorine sales volumes (45%). Cash operating profit percentage decreased
    from 26% to 7% for the three months ended June 30, 2012 as a result of
    lower MECU realized netback prices (17%), lower production volumes,
    higher fixed costs and slightly higher electricity costs, partially
    offset by slightly lower natural gas costs. The increase in fixed costs
    was due to the planned maintenance shutdown for two weeks in April 2012.
--  Q2 2012 versus Q2 2011: Sales revenue for the North America chlor-alkali
    segment increased 18% to $59.7 million for the three months ended June
    30, 2012 from $50.7 million for the three months ended June 30, 2011 due
    to higher realized netback prices for hydrochloric acid (102%) and
    caustic soda (25%) and higher caustic soda sales volumes (7%), partially
    offset by lower hydrochloric acid (27%) and chlorine (7%) sales volumes
    and lower chlorine realized netback prices (90%). Cash operating profit
    decreased from $9.7 million for the three months ended June 30, 2011 to
    $4.3 million for the three months ended June 30, 2012 as a result of
    lower production volumes (9,600 MECU's). This resulted in lower produced
    volumes of caustic soda sold, higher fixed costs, higher electricity and
    salt costs and a higher allocation of general and administrative
    expenses, partially offset by higher MECU realized netback prices (16%).
    Production volumes were lower and fixed costs were higher as a result of
    the planned maintenance shutdown in April 2012. 
--  As noted in the highlights section, we expect to operate our North
    Vancouver plant at higher rates for the balance of the year which should
    result in higher sales volumes of produced caustic soda and to meet
    higher acid demand, contributing to cash operating profit and also
    expect to see a slight to modest improvement in MECU netback prices. 

South America:                                                              

--  Q2 2012 versus Q1 2012: Sales revenue for the South America segment
    decreased 9% to $25.4 million for the three months ended June 30, 2012
    from $27.9 million for the three months ended March 31, 2012 on lower
    sales volumes for all products primarily as a result of a planned
    shutdown by our major customer as well as at our plants. Cash operating
    profit decreased from $6.8 million for the three months ended March 31,
    2012 to $4.3 million for the three months ended June 30, 2012 primarily
    as a result of lower production volumes and higher fixed costs
    associated with planned maintenance shutdowns at both the sodium
    chlorate and chlor-alkali plants during the quarter. 
--  Q2 2012 versus Q2 2011: Sales revenue for the South America segment was
    consistent for the three months ended June 30, 2012 and 2011 at $25.4
    million. Cash operating profit decreased from $5.6 million for the three
    months ended June 30, 2011 to $4.3 million for the three months ended
    June 30, 2012 primarily as a result of lower production volumes and
    higher fixed costs associated with planned maintenance shutdowns at both
    the sodium chlorate and chlor-alkali plants during the quarter. 
--  We expect our plants to run at or near capacity for the balance of the

Market Fundamentals

North America Sodium Chlorate: Pulp markets entered the second quarter building
on momentum acquired in the latter part of the first quarter. Global pulp
inventories fell to a year low in March at 31 days, and have since slowly
climbed back to 34 days (June). Year-to-date global pulp shipments are higher by
0.6% (June) year-over-year supported by the strong shipments to China which are
up an impressive 18% for the same period. This favorable environment provided
producers with opportunities to promote price increases across most major pulp
grades. However, as the quarter progressed, producers' price increase
initiatives were met with resistance, due to additional material made available
from Europe and lower than expected growth in China. Although June list prices
remained unchanged, several major producers have settled on price reductions for
the third quarter. Pulp pricing is expected to remain under pressure for the
immediate term, but should stabilize later in the quarter and recover in the
fourth quarter. 

Demand for sodium chlorate was relatively stable throughout the quarter, even as
several pulp and paper producers took their annual downtime. Industry
fundamentals were supportive of price increase initiatives during the quarter.
Additional demand for chlorate will materialize in the second half of 2012 with
the start-up of new fluff pulp capacity in the US in July and the recently
announced restart of an idled NBSK mill in the fourth quarter. As such, chlorate
industry operating rates are poised to remain strong, around the 95% level for
the remainder of the year. 

North America Chlor-alkali: The North American chlor-alkali industry operated at
an estimated 78% of capacity in the second quarter of 2012, compared with 85% in
the prior quarter and 88% in the second quarter of 2011. The decrease in
industry capacity utilization was due to significant planned production outages
in May combined with reduced demand for PVC. Buyers of PVC reduced purchases in
an attempt to push for lower prices after several months of increases. It
remains unclear how much of the lower demand was due to the impact of global
economic weakness versus PVC inventory destocking. Industry operating rates are
expected to improve slightly in the third quarter due to an uptick in seasonal
water treatment demand and recovering PVC demand later in the quarter.

North American hydrochloric acid production decreased in the second quarter of
2012 due to lower operating rates from by-product supply (Methylene Diphenyl
Diisocyanate ("MDI")/Toluene Diisocyanate ("TDI")/Fluorocarbon) which is
expected to continue in the third and fourth quarters. Acid demand from oil and
gas well fracturing in Western Canada was significantly reduced due to an early
and extended spring breakup. Demand in this region is expected to improve
significantly in the third quarter. 

North American caustic soda production decreased in the second quarter of 2012
consistent with lower chlorine operating rates. Demand remained strong from most
consuming segments with an increase in demand from export markets taking
advantage of the low cost position of US gulf coast production. 

MECU prices declined during the second quarter of 2012 due to erosion of prices
for chlorine, acid and caustic. Price increases for caustic soda and
hydrochloric acid have been announced for the third quarter.

South America: Brazilian pulp exports were stable during the first five months
of 2012 accompanied by an increase in global hardwood pulp inventories. Canexus
Brazil`s major sodium chlorate customer's pulp production has been aligned with
our estimate and our overall sodium chlorate sales are in line with our 2012

In the first half of 2012, the Brazilian chlor-alkali capacity utilization rate
was 84%, approximately 5% higher than the same period last year. Brazilian
industry operating rates were lower in 2011 due to power outages and planned
outages at several chlor-alkali facilities during the year. Canexus Brazil's
chlor-alkali capacity utilization was 95% in the first half of 2012 driven by
higher HCl sales as a result of lower spent acid availability in North Eastern
Brazil due to the shutdown of a TDI facility in the region.

Western Canadian Oil and Gas: Crude oil prices fell during the second quarter as
global economies slowed. Production levels have been strong and supported by
increasing North American shale oil production. Consequently, oil inventory
levels in the U.S. and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and
Development (OECD) regions are above five year averages. Despite overall
softening of price levels, price differentials between Western Canadian grades
and other key benchmarks remain wide; supporting demand for rail based oil
transportation services. 

Natural gas prices have remained weak as inventories remain well above five year
average levels. Natural gas continues to be in oversupply due to new drilling
techniques and warm winter conditions. As a result, natural gas drilling
activity has fallen in North America. 

Drilling activity in Western Canada slowed significantly in the second quarter
due to the seasonal spring thaw period in Western Canada which limits access to
drilling leases with heavy equipment. These conditions were exacerbated in the
second quarter due to the heavy rains experienced in Western Canada in addition
to the normal thaw period.

Financial Updates 

--  Long-term Debt and Finance Income (Expense): 
    --  We borrow in US dollars, which creates unrealized currency
        translation gains as the Canadian dollar strengthens. A substantial
        portion of our revenues are denominated in or referenced to the US
        dollar. During the second quarter of 2012, we recorded an unrealized
        currency translation loss of $6.1 million as a result of the
        weakening of the Canadian dollar at the end of the quarter compared
        to the end of Q1 2012 (Q2/11 - $1.5 million unrealized loss and $2.9
        million of realized gains on credit facility repayments). These
        amounts are included in finance income (expense). 
    --  Interest expense in the quarter was $5.0 million (Q2/11 - $5.6
        million). Interest capitalized on major projects was $0.2 million in
        Q2 2012 ($0.1 million in Q2/11). 
    --  We recorded mark-to-market changes in fair value of convertible
        debentures of $0.5 million (gain) in Q2 2012 ($4.5 million gain in
--  Other Income (Expense): 
    --  In the second quarter, mark-to-market fair value losses of $0.9
        million (Q2/11 - $0.1 million losses) and realized gains of $0.4
        million (Q2/11 - $nil) were recorded on foreign exchange option
    --  In the second quarter, we recorded mark-to-market fair value gains
        of $0.3 million (Q2/11 - $nil) on interest rate swaps and realized
        losses of $0.3 million (Q2/11 - $0.4 million losses). 
    --  In the second quarter, we recorded mark-to-market fair value losses
        on a cross currency swap of $0.4 million as a result of the
        weakening of the Canadian dollar at the end of the quarter compared
        to the end of Q1 2012. In Q3 2011, we entered into a cross currency
        swap to effect the payment of interest on the Series IV Convertible
        Debentures issued on June 30, 2011 in US dollars. 
--  Capital Expenditures: Capital expenditures for the three months ended
    June 30, 2012 were $25.9 million, of which $7.4 million was spent on
    maintenance projects and the balance on continuous improvement ($1.5
    million) and expansion projects ($17.0 million). Expansion capital was
    spent on the continued development of our NATO site, the hydrochloric
    acid expansions at our North Vancouver facility and the power line
    upgrade at our Brandon plant. 
--  Provision for Income Taxes:  The provision for income taxes is higher in
    the second quarter of 2011, as compared to the same period in 2012, due
    to higher earnings in that quarter. As of June 30, 2012, Canexus has
    approximately $465.0 million of future tax deductions resulting
    predominantly from capital expenditures which can be used to shelter
    future taxable income in Canada. 
--  Liquidity: As of June 30, 2012, total borrowings under committed credit
    facilities were $314.2 million with remaining available undrawn capacity
    of approximately $150.0 million. Cash on hand at June 30, 2012 was $3.8
    million. Our debt-to-EBITDA ratio is 2.4 times (3.4 times inclusive of
    convertible debentures). 

Operating Results for the Three and Six Months Ended June 30, 2012 and 2011 
                                     Three Months Ended   Six Months Ended  
                                          June 30             June 30       
                                         2012      2011      2012      2011 
Sales Revenue                         141,136   130,534   290,114   256,510 
Cost of Sales (1)                      95,623    81,947   185,732   169,339 
Gross Profit                           45,513    48,587   104,382    87,171 
Distribution, Selling and Marketing    25,047    22,600    46,183    43,181 
General and Administrative (2)          9,211     7,247    18,674    16,166 
Operating Profit                       11,255    18,740    39,525    27,824 
Finance Expense                       (11,913)     (684)  (23,589)   (1,076)
Income (Loss) before Other Income                                           
 (Expense) and Income Taxes              (658)   18,056    15,936    26,748 
Other Income (Expense)                 (1,282)      513      (891)      543 
Income (Loss) before Income Taxes      (1,940)   18,569    15,045    27,291 
Provision for Income Taxes                                                  
  Current                                 819     1,194     2,731     2,328 
  Deferred                              1,075     5,231     5,891     7,731 
                                        1,894     6,425     8,622    10,059 
Net Income (Loss)                      (3,834)   12,144     6,423    17,232 
(1) Depreciation and amortization included for the three and six months     
    ended June 30, 2012 - $11.0 million and $21.8 million respectively;     
    depreciation and amortization included for the three and six months     
    ended June 30, 2011 of $10.7 million and $21.5 million respectively.    
(2) Depreciation and amortization included for the three and six months     
    ended June 30, 2012 - $0.1 million and $0.3 million respectively;       
    depreciation and amortization included for the three and six months     
    ended June 30, 2011 of $0.2 and $0.5 million respectively.              

Financial Statements, Conference Call and Webcast

Financial Statements and Management's Discussion and Analysis will be posted on
the Canexus web site at and filed on SEDAR when available.
Management will host a conference call at 10:00 a.m. ET on Friday, August 10,
2012, to discuss the results. A Q2 2012 presentation will be available on our
website to facilitate the conference call. Please dial 416-644-3415 or
1-877-974-0445. The conference call will also be accessible via webcast at A replay of the conference call will be available until midnight
August 17, 2012. To access the replay, call 416-640-1917 or 1-877-289-8525,
followed by passcode 4545687#.

Non-GAAP Measures 

Cash operating profit, cash operating profit percentage, payout ratio,
distributable cash and gross profit are non-GAAP financial measures, but
management believes they are useful in measuring the Corporation's performance.
Readers are cautioned that these measures should not be construed as
alternatives to net income or loss or other comparable measures determined in
accordance with GAAP as an indicator of the Corporation's performance or as a
measure of the Corporation's liquidity and cash flow. The Corporation's method
of calculating non-GAAP measures may differ from the methods used by other
issuers and accordingly, the Corporation's non-GAAP measures are unlikely to be
comparable to similarly titled measures used by other issuers. Readers should
consult the Corporation's 2012 MD&A filed on SEDAR for a complete explanation of
how the Corporation calculates each such non-GAAP measure.

Forward-Looking Statements

This news release contains forward-looking statements and information relating
to expected future events relating to Canexus and its subsidiaries, including
with respect to: chlorine and hydrochloric acid demand recovery and the impact
on North Vancouver operating levels and chlorine netback prices; North American
sodium chlorate demand, plant utilization and pricing; Canexus' corporate
performance, including resultant expectations for cash operating profit and
payout ratio; Brandon power line tie-in and its impact on plant capacity; the
timing of and completion and capacity implications of capital projects at NATO;
the timing of completion and capacity implications of the hydrochloric acid
expansion project at Canexus' North Vancouver chlor-alkali facility; South
American sodium chlorate and chlor-alkali plant activity; and expectations with
respect to Canexus' ability, and sources of capital, to finance its growth
projects. The use of the words "expects", "anticipates", "continue",
"estimates", "projects", "should", "believe", "plans", "intends", "may", "will"
or similar expressions are intended to identify forward-looking statements.
These statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other
factors that may cause actual results to differ materially from those
anticipated in such forward-looking statements for a variety of reasons,
including market and general economic conditions, future costs, treatment under
governmental regulatory, tax and environmental regimes and the other risks and
uncertainties detailed under "Risk Factors" in the Corporation's Annual
Information Form filed on the Corporation's SEDAR profile at
Management believes the expectations reflected in these forward-looking
statements are currently reasonable but no assurance can be given that these
expectations will prove to be correct and such forward-looking statements should
not be unduly relied upon. Due to the potential impact of these factors, Canexus
disclaims any intention or obligation to update or revise any forward-looking
statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise,
unless required by applicable law. Financial outlook information contained in
this press release about prospective results of operations, financial position
or cash flows is based on assumptions about future events, including economic
conditions and proposed courses of action, based on management's assessment of
the relevant information currently available. Such financial outlook information
should not be used for purposes other than those for which it is disclosed

About Canexus

Canexus produces sodium chlorate and chlor-alkali products largely for the pulp
and paper and water treatment industries. Our four plants in Canada and two at
one site in Brazil are reliable, low-cost, strategically-located facilities that
capitalize on competitive electricity costs and transportation infrastructure to
minimize production and delivery costs. Canexus also provides fee-for-service
hydrocarbon transloading services to the oil and gas industry from its terminal
at Bruderheim, Alberta. Canexus targets opportunities to maximize shareholder
returns and delivers high-quality products to its customers. Canexus' common
shares (CUS) and debentures (Series I - CUS.DB; Series III - CUS.DB.A; Series IV
- CUS.DB.B) trade on the Toronto Stock Exchange. More information about Canexus
is available at

Titan Digital (Tier2) (TSXV:TDI)
과거 데이터 주식 차트
부터 9월(9) 2024 으로 10월(10) 2024 Titan Digital (Tier2) 차트를 더 보려면 여기를 클릭.
Titan Digital (Tier2) (TSXV:TDI)
과거 데이터 주식 차트
부터 10월(10) 2023 으로 10월(10) 2024 Titan Digital (Tier2) 차트를 더 보려면 여기를 클릭.