Concordia Resource Corp. (TSX VENTURE:CCN) ("Concordia" or the "Company") is
pleased to report that all of the results of the second phase of drilling at its
100% owned Kerboule Project in northern Burkina Faso are now available. A total
of 10,367 meters of reverse circulation ("RC") drilling and 3,388 m of core
drilling was completed in the Kerboule area during the two phases of drilling
during 2012. 

Highlights include: 20 m at 2.39 g/t gold ("Au") (hole KBS-RC-005); 29 m at 7.43
g/t Au (KBS-RC-010); 23 m at 1.27 g/t Au (KBS-RC-012); 40 m at 1.94 g/t Au
(KBS-RC-013); 38 m at 3.95 g/t Au (KB-DD-005); 29 m at 4.0 g/t Au (KB-RC-010);
and 4 m at 15.79 g/t over 4m (YAL-RC-001).

Six areas were drilled within the five-kilometer Kerboule-Yalema mineralization
trend, confirming and extending the known mineralization at Kerboule Main,
Kerboule North, Kerboule South, and Yalema. Further work is required in this
area to identify the source of the significant artisanal workings in Yalema East
in view of the inconclusive results to date. 

In addition to the above, limited drilling was carried out on new geophysical
anomalies and a new area of mineralization has been identified at 'Kerboule
Village South East'. These results are significant, as it confirms
mineralization over a much broader zone than the known Kerboule-Yalema trend. 

Significant new intersections from the main target areas are shown below.

To view Figures 1 and 2, click on the following link:

At Kerboule South the highlights of the 2012 drilling program include 1.05 g/t
over 21m from KBS-DD-003, 1.28 g/t over 22m from KBS-DD-004, 2.39 g/t over 20m
from KBS-RC-005, 7.43 g/t over 29m from KBS-RC-010, 1.27 g/t over 23m from
KBS-RC-012, 1.94 g/t over 40m from KBS-RC-013, and 1.95 g/t over 22m from

                                     From      To  Length      Au
Anomaly        Hole ID      Type      (m)     (m)     (m)   (g/t)
Kerboule South KBS_DD_001   Core        2       9       7    1.23
               KBS_DD_001   Core      138     144       6    1.64
               KBS_DD_001   Core      179     183       4    1.18
               KBS_DD_002   Core      121     126       5    5.13
               KBS_DD_002   Core      134     139       5    1.43
               KBS_DD_003   Core       85     106      21    1.05
               KBS_DD_004   Core       81      90       9    3.04
               KBS_DD_004   Core       95     101       6    1.45
               KBS_DD_004   Core      114     136      22    1.28
               KBS_DD_004   Core      158     170      12    1.29
               KBS_DD_005   Core       84     101      17    1.30
               -including              87      95       7    2.19
               KBS_DD_005   Core      121     125       4    1.93
               KBS_DD_005   Core      138     140       2    1.38
               KBS_DD_005   Core      185     190       5    1.12
               KBS_DD_005   Core      209     213       4    1.36
               KBS_DD_005   Core      276     279       3    1.67
               KBS_RC_001   RC         14      23       9    3.71
               KBS_RC_001   RC         45      56      11    2.65
               KBS_RC_002   RC         27      36       9    0.69
               KBS_RC_002   RC        133     139       6    2.42
               KBS_RC_005   RC         31      37       6    1.07
               KBS_RC_005   RC         67      87      20    2.39
               -including              73      78       5    5.82
               KBS_RC_005   RC         96     100       4    1.83
               KBS_RC_006   RC         15      18       3    2.55
               KBS_RC_008   RC         73      93      20    0.97
               -including              73      80       7    1.36
               KBS_RC_009   RC          6       8       2    1.17
               KBS_RC_010   RC        101     130      29    7.43
               -including             127     128       1  188.11
               KBS_RC_011   RC        107     118      11    1.78
               -including             110     117       7    2.43
               KBS_RC_011   RC        141     146       5    1.43
               KBS_RC_012   RC         13      36      23    1.27
               -including              20      26       6    2.46
               KBS_RC_013   RC         35      39       4    2.35
               KBS_RC_013   RC         55      95      40    1.94
               -including              66      77      11    3.11
               KBS_RC_017   RC         89     111      22    1.95
               KBS_RC_018   RC         41      45       4    1.40
               KBS_RC_018   RC         51      59       8    1.13
               KBS_RC_018   RC         66      71       5    1.95
               KBS_RC_019   RC         91     101      10    1.88
               KBS_RC_019   RC        129     137       8    1.04
               KBS_RC_020   RC         82      92      10    1.23
               KBS_RC_021   RC         37      48      11    1.34
               KBS_RC_023   RC         62      76      14    1.16
               KBS_RC_025   RC        140     143       3    1.08
               KBS_RC_026   RC         35      41       6    2.50
               KBS_RC_026   RC         88      99      11    1.22

Highlights from the drilling at Kerboule Main include 4.08 g/t over 5 m from
KB-DD-001, 3.60 g/t over 5m from KB-RC-002 and 2.81 g/t over 5m from KB-RC-003. 

                                     From      To  Length      Au
Anomaly        Hole ID      Type      (m)     (m)     (m)   (g/t)
Kerboule Main  KB_DD_001    Core       71      76       5    4.08
               -including              71      73       2    8.78
               KB_DD_002    Core       58      62       4    1.07
               KB_DD_002    Core      176     184       8    1.29
               KB_RC_002    RC         38      43       5    3.60
               KB_RC_003    RC         35      40       5    2.81
               -including              36      37       1   10.37
               KB_RC_017    RC         35      38       3    2.88
               KB_RC_020    RC         24      31       7    1.36

At Kerboule North, highlights of the 2012 drilling program include 3.95 g/t over
38m from KB-DD-005, 4.0 g/t over 29m from KB-RC-010, and 3.74 g/t over 5m from
KB-RC-012. Significant intercepts from this area are shown below:

                                     From      To  Length      Au
Anomaly        Hole ID      Type      (m)     (m)     (m)   (g/t)
Kerboule North KB_DD_004    Core       99     100       1   99.85
               KB_DD_005    Core       80      83       3    2.15
               KB_DD_005    Core      104     118      14    1.03
               KB_DD_005    Core      121     159      38    3.95
               -including             121     122       1   93.49
               -including             144     145       1   13.27
               -including             150     151       1   18.26
               KB_DD_006    Core      170     188      18    1.09
               KB_RC_008    RC        115     124       9    1.35
               -including             115     116       1    7.24
               KB_RC_008    RC        129     133       4    1.09
               KB_RC_009    RC         45      50       5    1.68
               KB_RC_009    RC         64      77      13    0.83
               KB_RC_009    RC        130     143      13    1.52
               -including             132     133       1    7.75
               KB_RC_010    RC         76      84       8    0.94
               KB_RC_010    RC        121     150      29    4.00
               -including             137     138       1   86.48
               KB_RC_011    RC         33      46      13    1.00
               KB_RC_012    RC         32      37       5    3.74
               KB_RC_012    RC         85      89       4    1.07
               KB_RC_013    RC        100     108       8    1.47
               KB_RC_013    RC        129     139      10    1.67
               -including             133     139       6    2.55
               KB_RC_016    RC         72      75       3    1.74
               KB_RC_018    RC         91      96       5    1.68
               KB_RC_021    RC         10      18       8    1.29
               KB_RC_021    RC         91      96       5    1.39
               KB_RC_039    RC         14      25      11    1.05
               KB_RC_041    RC         30      38       8    1.07
               KB_RC_041    RC        108     110       2    1.53
               KB_RC_043    RC        122     150      28    1.19
               -including             149     150       1   12.07
               KB_RC_045    RC         54      56       2    2.98
               KB_RC_046    RC         77      86       9    1.04
               KB_RC_049    RC         71      94      23    1.41
               -including              83      89       6    2.32
               KB_RC_049    RC        106     124      18    1.31
               -including             107     115       8    2.15

At Yalema, highlights of the 2012 drilling program include 15.79 g/t over 4m
from YAL-RC-001, and 8.51 over 2m from YAL-RC-003. Significant results from this
area are shown below:

                                     From      To  Length      Au
Anomaly        Hole ID      Type      (m)     (m)     (m)   (g/t)
Yalema         YAL_DD_001   Core      108     111       3    1.79
               YAL_RC_001   RC         52      56       4   15.79
               YAL_RC_003   RC         32      34       2    8.51

Highlights from drilling on a new geophysical target at 'Kerboule Village South
East", include 1.21 g/t over 18m from KB-RC-023 and 1.47 g/t over 13m from
KB-RC-023. These are shown below:

                                     From      To  Length      Au
Anomaly        Hole ID      Type      (m)     (m)     (m)   (g/t)
 Village SE    KB_RC_023    RC         31      49      18    1.21
               KB_RC_023    RC         73      86      13    1.47
               -including              76      80       4    2.91

The gold mineralization in the Kerboule area consists predominately of discrete
stockwork zones located at sheared lithological contacts. The mineralization
occurs within tubular bodies lying sub-parallel to the main foliation fabric,
the 'Inata-Kerboule shear zone'. The 2012 drilling program was designed define
an initial mineral resource at Kerboule South, Kerboule Main and Kerboule North.


Mr. Barry Bayly, is a member of the South African Council for National
Scientific Professionals (SACNSP), South Africa, and is a qualified person in
accordance with National Instrument 43-101 Standards of Disclosure for Mineral
Projects ("NI 43-101"). He is responsible for the exploration program on
Kerboule. He has verified the data disclosed in this news release. Drill samples
were submitted to the Bigs Global Laboratory in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, for
preparation and assaying using the Pb based Fire-Assay / Flame AAS analysis
technique. In order to ensure the Quality Control of the samples, check and
repeat assays were submitted on a regular basis, 4% of the samples were
standards, 3% were blanks and 3% were duplicates. Mr. Bayly is the chief
operating officer of Swala Resources Inc., a 100%-owned subsidiary of Concordia,
and is therefore not independent within the meaning of NI 43-101.


Concordia is a well-financed junior exploration company with an emphasis on
developing mineral deposits in Africa and South America. Concordia has an
extensive exploration portfolio in the resource-endowed regions of Burkina Faso
and the Democratic Republic of Congo (the "DRC"), with a land package in Africa
totalling approximately 8,500 km2. In addition, Concordia has acquired an option
to purchase 100% of the historic La Providencia silver mine located in the Puna
of northwestern Argentina and has also acquired an option to purchase the 14,000
ha Cerro Amarillo-Cajon Grande copper-gold-molybdenum property located in the
Malargue District of Argentina. The Company has an experienced management team
and board of directors with extensive expertise across the globe. 

On behalf of the Board of Concordia Resource Corp.

R. Edward Flood, Chairman

Certain of the statements made and information contained herein is
"forward-looking information" within the meaning of the British Columbia
Securities Act. When used in this news release, the words "anticipate",
"believe", "estimate", "expect", "target", "plan", "forecast", "may", "schedule"
and similar words or expressions, identify forward-looking information. The
forward-looking information relate to, among other things, the receipt of
necessary permits to conduct exploration and construction, timing of anticipated
exploration program and results of current exploration program, the number of
the holes and meters to be drilled and future plans of the Company.
Forward-looking information is subject to a variety of risks and uncertainties
which could cause actual events or results to differ from those reflected in the
forward-looking information, including, without limitation, risks and
uncertainties relating to risks inherent in mining including environmental
hazards, industrial accidents, unusual or unexpected geological formations,
ground control problems and flooding; risks associated with the estimation of
mineral resources and reserves and the geology, grade and continuity of mineral
deposits; the possibility that future exploration, development or mining results
will not be consistent with the Company's expectations; the potential for and
effects of labour disputes or other unanticipated difficulties with or shortages
of labour or interruptions in production; actual ore mined varying from
estimates of grade, tonnage, dilution and metallurgical and other
characteristics; the inherent uncertainty of production and cost estimates and
the potential for unexpected costs and expenses, commodity price fluctuations;

political and economic environments; changes in laws or policies, delays or the
inability to obtain necessary governmental permits; and other risks and
uncertainties, including those described in each management discussion and
analysis. Forward-looking information is in addition based on various
assumptions including, without limitation, the expectations and beliefs of
management, the assumed long term price of metals; appropriate equipment and
sufficient labour and that the political environment where the Company operates
will continue to support the development and operation of mining projects.
Should one or more of these risks and uncertainties materialize, or should
underlying assumptions prove incorrect, actual results may vary materially from
those described in the forward-looking information. Although the Company has
attempted to identify important factors that could cause actual results to
differ materially, there may be other factors that cause results not to be
anticipated, estimated or intended. The Company does not intend, and does not
assume any obligation, to update the forward-looking information to reflect
changes in assumptions or changes in circumstances or any other events affecting
such information, other than as required by applicable law. Accordingly, readers
are advised not to place undue reliance on forward-looking information.

Kaizen Discovery, Inc. (TSXV:CCN)
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부터 9월(9) 2024 으로 10월(10) 2024 Kaizen Discovery, Inc. 차트를 더 보려면 여기를 클릭.
Kaizen Discovery, Inc. (TSXV:CCN)
과거 데이터 주식 차트
부터 10월(10) 2023 으로 10월(10) 2024 Kaizen Discovery, Inc. 차트를 더 보려면 여기를 클릭.