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Guardian P Global REIT ETF

Guardian P Global REIT ETF (GIGR)

마감 30 12월 6:12AM

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Guardian Capital Announces Final Valuation of Guardian i3 Global REIT ETF

TORONTO, Dec. 18, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Guardian Capital LP (the “Manager”) today announced the final valuation of Guardian i3 Global REIT ETF (the “ETF”). The ETF was voluntarily delisted...

Guardian Capital Announces the Termination of Guardian i³ Global REIT ETF

TORONTO, Oct. 03, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Guardian Capital LP (the “Manager”) today announced that it will terminate Guardian i3 Global REIT ETF (TSX: GIGR and GIGR.B) (the “ETF”) effective on...

Guardian Capital Announces September 2023 Distributions for Guardian Capital ETFs

TORONTO, Sept. 15, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Guardian Capital LP announces the following regular cash distributions for the period ending September 30, 2023, in respect of the ETF series of the...

Guardian Capital Announces June 2023 Distributions for Guardian Capital ETFs

TORONTO, June 16, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Guardian Capital LP announces the following regular cash distributions for the period ending June 30, 2023, in respect of the ETF series of the...

Guardian Capital Announces March 2023 Distributions for Guardian Capital ETFs

TORONTO, March 17, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Guardian Capital LP announces the following regular cash distributions for the period ending March 31, 2023, in respect of the ETF series of the...

Guardian Capital Confirms Annual 2022 Special Distributions for Guardian Capital ETFs

TORONTO, Dec. 30, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Guardian Capital LP ("Guardian Capital") announces the confirmed amounts of the annual special year-end distributions (the "Special Distributions") for...

Guardian Capital Announces December 2022 Distributions for Guardian Capital ETFs

TORONTO, Dec. 14, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Guardian Capital LP announces the following regular cash distributions for the period ending December 31, 2022, in respect of the ETF series of the...

Guardian Capital Announces September 2022 Distributions for Guardian Capital ETFs

TORONTO, Sept. 15, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Guardian Capital LP announces the following regular cash distributions for the period ending September 30, 2022, in respect of the ETF series of the...

Guardian Capital Announces December 2021 Distributions for Guardian Capital ETFs

TORONTO, Dec. 16, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Guardian Capital LP (“Guardian Capital”) announces the following regular cash distributions for the period ending December 31, 2021, in respect of the...

Guardian Capital Announces September 2021 Distributions for Guardian Capital Funds

TORONTO, Sept. 17, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Guardian Capital LP announces the following regular cash distributions for the period ending September 30, 2021, in respect of the ETF series of the...

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nowwhat2 nowwhat2 1 분 전
Is this "politics" ?.........Or economics ......
sortagreen sortagreen 2 분 전
And it should bother them that their hero Trumpy doesn't see how silly it would be.

Yeah... really? He speaks... They believe. We will have to rely on the military honoring their oaths. MAGAts will never have any loyalty except to him.
barnstormer barnstormer 4 분 전
That's pretty much spot on Gary. The vast majority of these cases settle. I've had occasion over the years to argue a couple of hundred cases with our attorneys where I felt the facts supported going to trial, however they almost always chose settlement. Finally, had it drummed into me that almost w
janice shell janice shell 4 분 전
Is it very hot? You need to get that air conditioner.
sortagreen sortagreen 5 분 전
No... I agree with you on that.

Our military will not go to war with NATO.. Not legally.
fuagf fuagf 6 분 전
Have never been able to understand that, maybe this could help

The Language of Machines: How AI Communicates in Ones and Zeros

Lay down earlier and ended up o
gitreal gitreal 7 분 전
Huh? Price of fuel not equal to gravel? What in the world does that mean? People truck gravel all the time, and the closer to your project the cheaper it is.

If you have a dirt road that routinely washes out and ruts in the wet season and needs gravel, and there's a pile of alrea
sortagreen sortagreen 7 분 전
I'll have a look at that.
mrfence mrfence 8 분 전
I think I can, I think I can, I think I can...
janice shell janice shell 8 분 전
That's good. Do you eat nachos for breakfast? If so, it would be important to get the cheese sauce right.
sortagreen sortagreen 10 분 전
Omeprazole is the generic of Prilosec. I take it on an empty stomach half an hour before I eat anything in the morning. It's been an absolute life saver for me.
familyof5 familyof5 12 분 전
Hardazoak Hardazoak 12 분 전
Basic math basher, price of fuel is not equal to price of gravel, even if rock can be stolen.
fuagf fuagf 12 분 전
Sure is, and almost incomprehensible until you have met a few as we get to here.
janice shell janice shell 14 분 전
Unfortunately, AI only understands ones and zeros.
Citrati Citrati 14 분 전
This news goes back to June of this year. Just refreshing forgetful minds. 😃
sortagreen sortagreen 15 분 전
It's sad that there are people like that.
fuagf fuagf 15 분 전
You'd be right. My ideal was most likely a never will be ..


Not possible without some big restrictions. What it can do is look at known "good" sites and compare news with site that is potentially "bad". Obvious problem here is defining some sites as absolute trut
Hardazoak Hardazoak 15 분 전
Told you before basher, Chris does not take instructions from no one, especially someone in mommy's basement.
JJ8 JJ8 17 분 전
Intel share price had a Low Pole Reversal on 23-Dec-2024. This is positive.
It suggests an improvement in price could follow. GLTA
infamous infamous 21 분 전
i read posts too. in early 2024 people thought 2024 would be a great year lol
infamous infamous 22 분 전
ok miss chloe lol
janice shell janice shell 25 분 전
A1 should be honest in all things...

That would be nice, but how can it be? It doesn't know what truth is, and it never will. That's why it sometimes lies, and sometimes lies outrageously. It just wants to solve the problem presented to it, and if that means leaving truth by the waysi

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