Blocklisting - Interim Review
05 7월 2003 - 1:10AM
UK Regulatory
To: Listing Applications
UK Listing Authority
Financial Services Authority
25, The North Colonnade
Canary Wharf
London, E14 5HS
Please ensure the entries on this return are type
1. Name of company Kelda Group plc
2. Name of scheme Executive Share Option Scheme
3. Period of return: From 01/12/2002 to 30/05/2003
4. Number and class of share(s) (amount 42,514 Ordinary shares of 15 5/9
of stock/debt security) not issued pence
under scheme
5. Number of shares issued/allotted None
under scheme during period:
6. Balance under scheme not yet issued/ 42,514
allotted at end of period
7. Number and class of share(s) (amount 150,000 Ordinary shares of 15 5/9
of stock/debt securities) originally pence 17/07/1996
listed and the date of admission;
Please confirm total number of shares in issue at the end of the period in
order for us to update our records
Contact for queries: Lesley Bryenton Address: Kelda Group plc, Western
House, Halifax Road, Bradford BD6 2SZ
Name: Lesley Bryenton Telephone: 01274 804133
Person making return Name: Lesley Bryenton
Position: Shareholder Relations Officer Signature:
To: Listing Applications
UK Listing Authority
Financial Services Authority
25, The North Colonnade
Canary Wharf
London, E14 5HS
Please ensure the entries on this return are type
1. Name of company Kelda Group plc
2. Name of scheme Profit Sharing Scheme
3. Period of return: From 01/12/2002 to 30/05/2003
4. Number and class of share(s) (amount 124,474 Ordinary shares of 15 5/9
of stock/debt security) not issued pence
under scheme
5. Number of shares issued/allotted None
under scheme during period:
6. Balance under scheme not yet issued/ 124,474
allotted at end of period
7. Number and class of share(s) (amount 90,000 Ordinary shares of 15 5/9
of stock/debt securities) originally pence 13/12/1995
listed and the date of admission;
Please confirm total number of shares in issue at the end of the period in
order for us to update our records
Contact for queries: Lesley Bryenton Address: Kelda Group plc, Western
House, Halifax Road, Bradford BD6 2SZ
Name: Lesley Bryenton Telephone: 01274 804133
Person making return Name: Lesley Bryenton
Position: Shareholder Relations Officer Signature:
To: Listing Applications
UK Listing Authority
Financial Services Authority
25, The North Colonnade
Canary Wharf
London, E14 5HS
Please ensure the entries on this return are type
1. Name of company Kelda Group plc
2. Name of scheme Sharesave Scheme
3. Period of return: From 01/12/2002 to 30/05/2003
4. Number and class of share(s) (amount 293,722 Ordinary shares of 15 5/9
of stock/debt security) not issued pence
under scheme
5. Number of shares issued/allotted 491
under scheme during period:
6. Balance under scheme not yet issued/ 293,231
allotted at end of period
7. Number and class of share(s) (amount 1,000,000 Ordinary shares of 15 5/9
of stock/debt securities) originally pence 25/10/1999
listed and the date of admission;
Please confirm total number of shares in issue at the end of the period in
order for us to update our records
Contact for queries: Lesley Bryenton Address: Kelda Group plc, Western
House, Halifax Road, Bradford BD6 2SZ
Name: Lesley Bryenton Telephone: 01274 804133
Person making return Name: Lesley Bryenton
Position: Shareholder Relations Officer Signature: