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Cole Real Estate Investments Confirms Ex-Dividend Date for January Dividend PR Newswire PHOENIX, Jan. 30, 2014 PHOENIX, Jan. 30, 2014...
Stockholders of American Realty Capital Properties and Cole Real Estate Investments Approve Merger Merger Creates World's Largest Net Lease REIT...
American Realty Capital Properties and Cole Real Estate Investments Announce Preliminary Results of Merger Consideration Election PR Newswire NEW...
ISS and Glass Lewis Recommend ARCP and Cole Stockholders Vote "FOR" Proposals Pertaining to Proposed Merger PR Newswire NEW YORK and...
Notice is hereby given that Faruqi & Faruqi, LLP has filed a class action lawsuit in the United States District Court for the District of...
American Realty Capital Properties and Cole Real Estate Investments to Participate at NAREIT's REITWorld® November 13-15, 2013 PR Newswire NEW...
American Realty Capital Properties Appoints Lisa Pavelka McAlister as Chief Accounting Officer PR Newswire NEW YORK, Nov. 6, 2013 NEW YORK, Nov...
Cole Real Estate Investments Announces Third Quarter 2013 Financial Results: Record Private Capital Flows, Continued Strong Operating Results and...
SHAREHOLDER ALERT: Faruqi & Faruqi, LLP is Investigating the Board of Cole Real Estate Investments, Inc. for Potential Breaches of Fiduciary...
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