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Quanergy begins trading on the NYSE under Ticker “QNGY” tomorrow, February 9, 2022 Transaction Proceeds and...
Achieved industry-first 200 meter OPA range milestone Exceeded 2021 revenue guidance; 32% sequential revenue growth from Q3 ’21 Increased...
Quanergy Systems, Inc., a leading provider of OPA-based solid-state LiDAR sensors and smart 3D solutions for...
Quanergy Systems, Inc. (“Quanergy”), a leading provider of OPA-based solid state LiDAR sensors and smart 3D solutions for automotive and IoT...
CITIC Capital Acquisition Corp. Announces Effectiveness of Registration Statement and January 31, 2022 Extraordinary General Meeting to Approve...
Quanergy’s 100% CMOS silicon solid state OPA technology is a game changer for the automotive and the industrial markets, designed for...
Capital Commitment Provides a Strong and Flexible Funding Source to Support Quanergy’s Future Growth Quanergy Systems, Inc. (“Quanergy”) and...
Mobile solution can be deployed anywhere to ensure security of remote sites Cost-effective, flexible security...
M1 Edge smart solution offers 3x price/performance advantage vs incumbent solutions Ideal for collision...
Quanergy, a leading provider of OPA-based solid state LiDAR sensors and smart 3D solutions for automotive and IoT, will host a webcast to provide...
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