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Claymore Securities, Inc., the third-fastest growing exchange-traded fund (?ETF?) provider in 2007*, today announced the final...
Claymore Securities, Inc. today announced the launch of two new Exchange Traded Funds on the American Stock Exchange (AMEX...
The unaudited net asset value per share of the following Investment Trust at the close of business on 23 January 2004 was as follows:- Scottish...
RNS Number:5982U New Opportunities Inv. Trust PLC 23 January 2004 SCHEDULE 10 NOTIFICATION OF MAJOR INTERESTS IN SHARES This...
The unaudited net asset value per share of the following Investment Trust at the close of business on 16 January 2004 was as follows:- Scottish...
The unaudited net asset value per share of the following Investment Trust at the close of business on 9 January 2004 was as follows:- Scottish...
The unaudited net asset value per share of the following Investment Trust at the close of business on 2 January 2004 was as follows:- Scottish...
In accordance with the continuing obligations under Listing Rule 21.20 (l) (ii), Scottish Value Trust's ten largest holdings as at the close of...
In accordance with the continuing obligations under Listing Rule 21.20 (l) (i), Scottish Value Trust confirms that, as at the close of business on...
The unaudited net asset value per share of the following Investment Trust at the close of business on 19 December 2003 was as follows:- Scottish...
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