RNS Number:2855B
Westbury Property Fund Limited
28 July 2004

                       The Westbury Property Fund Limited
         Unaudited Interim Report for the six months ended 30 June 2004

Chairman's Statement for the period 1 January 2004 to 30 June 2004

This Interim Report is published in respect of six months to 30 June 2004.  I am
delighted to report the unaudited net asset value due to capital shareholders
has increased to 150.28p (compared to 104.19p as at 30 June 2003).  This is an
increase of some 44% compared to the same period last year and reflects the
underlying quality of the Company's property portfolio and the strength of the
UK property market as a whole.  Furthermore, this strong performance has been
generated across the entire portfolio and has not been confined to any one
single asset or sector.

During the period, Income Share dividends of 4p per Income Share have been
declared.  Going forward and in the absence of any unforeseen circumstances, it
is the intention of the Board to declare and pay quarterly dividends of 2p per
Income Share in line with their entitlement to receive a fixed preferential
dividend of 8% per annum over their life.

Share Price Performance

The share price performance of the Income Shares has been relatively stable
throughout the period and has consistently traded at a premium to par.  This
reflects the strong asset backing of the Income Shares and the spread of rental
receipts across the entire portfolio.

I have been disappointed by the share price performance of the Capital Shares
which have, on average, traded at a discount of approximately 25% to the
published net asset value.  This is an anomaly compared to other comparable
property funds and the Board is currently reviewing the Company's capital
structure to see whether the Company itself can take steps to ensure that the
discount to NAV can be narrowed.  Further announcements, if any, will be made in
due course.

Bank Borrowings

The Company has fixed rate borrowings with Bradford & Bingley amounting to
#38.5m currently drawn down and fixed at an average all-in-cost of just over
6.0% until 25 June 2009.  The Company has a further #5m drawn down under its
revolving facility which remains at an all-in floating rate of around 5.5%.  The
Board considers this to be a prudent interest rate policy as it will enable debt
breakage costs to be minimised in the event that any assets are disposed of
pending reinvestment.  Most commentators believe that interest rates are more
likely to rise than fall over the coming months and it remains the Company's
policy not to expose itself to any material interest rate risk.

Property Portfolio - Balanced

As at 30 June 2004, the Company has a direct property portfolio of 14 properties
with an aggregate valuation of #72.8m.  The Company has 45 tenancies in the
balanced portfolio, an annual rent roll of circa #5m and a weighted average
lease length of 13.25 years.

There is a wide and diverse spread by sector, by region and by tenant covenant.

The main drivers to performance over the last six months have been the
completion of our two pre-let developments at Worcester and Guildford, the
anticipated rent review settlement at our Hull retail warehouse and continued
yield shift across the entire portfolio.  There remain a number of significant
asset management opportunities within the existing portfolio and these will be
implemented over the coming months.

Given the strength of the UK property market, disposals of assets will be
considered if individual realisation prices can be achieved ahead of current
business plans.

Property Portfolio - Ventures

I am pleased to report that the Company has, subsequent to the period end,
disposed of its interest in Lunar Partnership Limited.  This investment has been
revalued to reflect the net profit after all costs of over #700,000 on top of
the original investment cost of #2m which was made in October 2003.  The
investment result was well ahead of our original expectations returning an
estimated IRR of some 50%.

The Company's other venture investments at Ropewalks One in Liverpool and at the
Orton Shopping Centre in Peterborough are making good progress and the Board is
confident that good returns can be generated from these assets.

A fourth venture investment has been made following the period end.  The
investment is in a North West based storage and facilities handling business
which operates from a 55 acre site with road, rail, sea and inland waterway
access.  The Company has made an initial investment of circa #0.5m in the
business and a further investment of circa #1m will be committed if certain
lease arrangements and development plans are approved.  The Company has a 50%
interest in a syndicate of investors which includes Berrington Fund Management
Limited, Barlows Holdings Limited, London & Palatine Estates Limited and a
private investor.

Property Investment Funds ("PIFs")

There has been a great deal of press comment and interest in the Treasury's
consultation regarding the possible introduction of a tax transparent property
investment fund.  It is possible that this legislation could be passed as early
as 2005.

Unlike all UK domiciled quoted property companies, the Company already has the
benefits of tax transparency.  There is no capital gains tax for Guernsey
companies, there is currently no tax paid on the Company's rental income and all
returns to shareholders are distributed gross.

Notwithstanding this, the Board will monitor the progress of PIF legislation and
will consider a change of domicile, if PIFs are introduced and it is in
shareholders' interests to convert the Company into a PIF.

Full Year Outlook

The UK property market has performed very strongly this year and whilst some
commentators believe that it has reached its peak we are still seeing a number
of signs that further rises could take place.  The occupier market is looking a
little stronger compared to this time last year and the weight of money being
allocated to property by pension funds and other institutional investors is
showing no signs of abating.  That being said, we remain cautious but
opportunistic and whilst we may dispose of individual assets on a tactical
basis, we remain committed to expanding the Company's asset base overall.

The total return outlook for 2004 is ahead of our expectations at the beginning
of this year however we remain concerned that some property prices being paid at
the moment are too high.

Shareholder Communication

In addition to the Annual and Interim Reports, the Investment Manager has also
published a two-page monthly report on the activities of the Company.  In
future, as the Fund is now broadly fully invested, this monthly report will be
replaced by a quarterly performance report which will be distributed to
shareholders by email.  Any shareholder who does not currently receive direct
communication from the fund manager should contact info@berringtonfm.com.

Rodney Baker-Bates

27 July 2004

Property Holdings as at 30 June 2004

Set out below is the schedule of properties together with net annual rents
receivable.  The individual valuations shown are the Prospectus values or
purchase price, but excluding the actual costs of acquisition.


Address                     Use                  Tenure              Current Net    Prospectus value
                                                                     Annual Rent    or net purchase
                                                                     Receivable     cost

14-20 Watergate Street,     Town centre retail   Freehold               #332,500       #4,775,000

Carr Office Village, 3/6    Multi-let offices    Freehold               #320,177       #3,415,000
White Rose Way, Doncaster

Admiral Retail Park,        Retail warehouse     Freehold             #1,004,787      #12,300,000
Lottbridge Drove,
Eastbourne                  park

B&Q Warehouse, Stoneferry   Retail warehouse     Freehold              #614,000*      #10,100,000
Road, Kingston upon Hull    park

Hallamshire Court,          Multi-let offices    Freehold               #184,770       #2,460,000
Summerfield Street,

Meadowcourt III, Meadowhall Multi-let offices    Freehold               #254,910       #3,035,000
Road, Sheffield

34 Regent Street, Swindon   Town centre retail   Freehold               #103,000       #1,374,000

66/68 High Street, Staines  Town centre retail   Freehold               #133,200       #1,795,000

Comau Estil Unit, 10        Industrial/Warehouse Freehold               #192,000       #1,920,000
Midland Road, Luton

Health & Fitness Club,      Other                Freehold               #306,000       #3,782,000
Queen Elizabeth Barracks,

The Whitbread Centre, Hedge Industrial/Warehouse Freehold               #638,500       #7,860,000
End, Southampton

WRTL Premises, Waterside    Industrial/Warehouse Long Leasehold*        #138,000       #1,665,000
Park, Great Bridge, Tipton                       *

Area 7, Pershore Road,      Industrial/Warehouse Freehold               #477,302       #5,649,000

Graylaw Trading Estate,     Industrial/Warehouse Long Leasehold         #211,288       #2,815,000
Wareing Road, Aintree,

Ropewalks One LLP           Joint Venture        Special Purpose             n/a         #500,000

Lunar Partnership Limited** Joint Venture        Special Purpose             n/a       #2,000,000
*                                                Vehicle

Orton Shopping Centre LLP   Joint Venture        Special Purpose             n/a       #1,100,000
TOTAL                                                                 #4,910,434      #66,545,000
* Pending rent review settlement.

** Option to purchase the freehold for #1 in 2023.

*** Sold July 2004.

LATEST PORTFOLIO VALUATION (excluding Joint Ventures) 30 JUNE 2004   #72,850,000

Unaudited Consolidated Statement of Operations
for the period from 1 January 2004 to 30 June 2004
                                                               01/01/2004         01/01/2003         01/01/2003
                                                                       to                 to                 to
                                                               30/06/2004         30/06/2003         31/12/2003
                                                                Unaudited          Unaudited            Audited
                                                                        #                  #                  #

Rent receivable                                                 2,320,431          1,844,755          4,247,937
Bank & other interest                                             135,279             31,559             49,811

Total Income                                                    2,455,710          1,876,314          4,297,748


Interest payable and similar charges, including
dividends on income shares                                      2,169,558          1,965,365          3,981,812
Investment Manager's fees                                         453,780            462,002            922,381
Legal and professional fees                                        56,060            142,518            261,571
Property management expenses                                       67,894             28,615            177,180
Administration fee                                                 46,101             32,000             96,250
Directors' fees                                                    36,125             33,500             66,375
General expenses                                                   70,688            107,801            151,969
Bank charges                                                       12,133             11,448             23,104
Audit fee                                                          15,591             15,978             22,835

Total Expenses                                                  2,927,930          2,799,227          5,703,477

Net loss before investment result                               (472,220)          (922,913)        (1,405,729)

Realised gain/(loss) on sale of investment properties              15,319                  -           (75,964)
Movement in unrealised gain on revaluation of
investment properties                                           3,130,893          1,712,838          3,477,827
Movement in unrealised gain on revaluation of investments         700,000                  -                  -

Net profit for the period                                       3,373,992            789,925          1,996,134

UK Taxation                                                       (4,778)                  -           (50,486)
Profit transferred to reserves                                  3,369,214            789,925          1,945,648

Basic and diluted profit per Capital Share                         34.32p              8.05p             19.82p

Unaudited Consolidated Balance Sheet as at 30 June 2004
                                                               30/06/2004       30/06/2003        31/12/2003
                                                                Unaudited        Unaudited           Audited
                                                                        #                #                 #
Non-current Assets
      Investment properties                                    72,850,062       62,962,241        64,479,348
      Investments                                               4,763,944                -         4,939,001

                                                               77,614,006       62,962,241        68,418,349

Current Assets
      Cash and cash equivalents                                 1,236,702          196,109         3,261,222
      Debtors                                                     372,826          376,540           625,628

                                                                1,609,528          572,649         3,886,850

Total Assets                                                   79,223,534       63,534,890        73,305,199

Current Liabilities
      Creditors                                                   970,807          970,402           993,535

Non-current Liabilities
      Long term loan                                           43,313,584       32,265,265        40,799,228
      Income Shares                                            20,186,998       20,072,016        20,129,506

                                                               63,500,582       52,337,281        60,928,734

Total Liabilities                                              64,471,389       53,307,683        61,922,269

Net Assets                                                     14,752,145       10,227,207        11,382,930

Capital and Reserves
      Share capital                                               981,615          981,615           981,615
      Share premium                                             8,387,893        8,387,893         8,387,893
      Reserves                                                  5,382,637          857,699         2,013,422

Issued capital and reserves                                    14,752,145       10,227,207        11,382,930

Net Asset Value per Capital Share                                 150.28p          104.19p           115.96p

The unaudited financial statements on pages 4 to 8 were approved at a meeting of 
the Board of Directors held on 27 July 2004 and signed on its behalf by:

Rodney Baker-Bates, Chairman                                       )
Peter Dickson, Director                                            )

Unaudited Company Balance Sheet
as at 30 June 2004
                                                               30/06/2004      30/06/2003           31/12/2003
                                                                Unaudited       Unaudited              Audited
                                                                        #               #                    #
Non-current Assets
      Investment in subsidiary companies                       10,000,002      10,630,002           10,000,002
      Investment                                                2,684,369               -            2,000,000
      Loans to subsidiary companies                            58,608,355      49,707,590           56,537,661
                                                               71,292,726      60,337,592           68,537,663

Current Assets
      Cash and cash equivalents                                   100,000          30,713               20,496
      Debtors                                                      27,811               -                    -
                                                                  127,811          30,713               20,496

Total Assets                                                   71,420,537      60,368,305           68,558,159

Current Liabilities
      Creditors                                                   544,520          49,317              170,471
Non-current Liabilities
      Long term loan                                           43,313,584      32,265,265           40,799,228
      Income shares                                            20,186,998      20,072,016           20,129,506

                                                               63,500,582      52,337,281           60,928,734

Total Liabilities                                              64,045,102      52,386,598           61,099,205

Net Assets                                                      7,375,435       7,981,707            7,458,954

Represented by:

Capital and Reserves
      Share capital                                               981,615         981,615              981,615
      Share premium                                             8,387,893       8,387,893            8,387,893
      Reserves                                                (1,994,073)     (1,387,801)          (1,910,554)

Issued capital and reserves                                     7,375,435       7,981,707            7,458,954

The unaudited financial statements on pages 4 to 8 were approved at a meeting of
the Board of Directors held on 27 July 2004 and signed on its behalf by:

Rodney Baker-Bates, Chairman                                            )
Peter Dickson, Director                                                 )

Unaudited Consolidated Cash Flow Statement
for the period from 1 January 2004 to 30 June 2004
                                                                 01/01/2004       01/01/2003           01/01/2003
                                                                         to               to                   to
                                                                 30/06/2004       30/06/2003           31/12/2003
                                                                  Unaudited        Unaudited              Audited
                                                                          #                #                    #
Operating activities
Rent received                                                     2,334,544        2,347,787            4,372,393
Bank and other interest received                                    135,279           31,559               49,811
Expenses paid                                                     (965,132)        (928,862)          (1,806,179)
Interest paid and similar charges, including
dividends on Income Shares                                      (1,680,788)      (1,965,365)          (3,841,911)

Net cash outflow from operating activities                        (176,097)        (514,881)          (1,225,886)

Investing Activities
Purchase of investments                                                   -                -          (4,939,001)
Purchase of investment properties                               (6,088,799)     (11,822,754)         (15,226,671)
Sales of investment properties                                      865,319                -            3,674,036
Sale/repayment of investments                                       875,057                -                    -

Net cash outflow from investing activities                      (4,348,423)     (11,822,754)         (16,491,636)

Financing Activities
Issue costs paid on issuance of Capital Shares                            -                -             (17,606)
Issue costs paid on issuance of Income Shares                             -                -             (37,394)
Draw down of long term loan                                       2,500,000       10,500,000           19,000,000

Net cash inflow from financing activities                         2,500,000       10,500,000           18,945,000

(Decrease) Increase in cash and cash equivalents                (2,024,520)      (1,837,635)            1,227,478

Cash and cash equivalents at 01 January 2004                      3,261,222        2,033,744            2,033,744

Cash and cash equivalents at 30 June 2004                         1,236,702          196,109            3,261,222

Notes to the Unaudited Financial Statements
for the period from 1 January 2004 to 30 June 2004

1.The results for the six-month period, which are not statutory accounts and
have not been audited, have been prepared on the same basis as set out in the
audited accounts for the period ended 31 December 2003.

2.The results for the year ended 31 December 2003 constitute non-statutory
accounts extracted from the statutory accounts for that period on which the
auditors gave an unqualified report.

3.All turnover and operating profit arose from continuing operations.

4.Basic and diluted profit per Capital Share is based on the net profit for the
period and on 9,816,146 Capital Shares in issue.

5.Dividends payable on Income Shares:
                                                                                   01/01/2004       01/01/2003
                                                            Rate      Rate                 to               to
                                            No. of Income     pence     pence      30/06/2004       30/06/2003
                                                Shares        2004      2003                #                #

First interim dividend paid 6 April 2004      20,848,140      2.00      3.00          416,963          625,444
(declared March 2004)
Second interim dividend paid 8 July 2004      20,848,140      2.00      2.00          416,963          416,963
(declared June 2004)
                                                                                      833,926        1,042,407

6.The figures for both freehold and long leasehold properties at 30 June 2004
and 31 December 2003 are based on valuations determined by Knight Frank.

7.A copy of this statement has been sent to every shareholder.  Further copies
are available from the Company's registered office.

8.The interim financial statements were approved at a meeting of the Board of
Directors held on 27 July, 2004.

        Directors:                   Rodney Baker-Bates
                                     Tim Chesney
                                     Peter Dickson
                                     William Kay
                                     Iain Stokes

        Investment Committee:        Richard Burrell
                                     Peter Hadley
                                     Philip Gadsden
                                     Duncan Owen
                                     Andrew Bird

        Registered Office:           East Wing
                                     Trafalgar Court
                                     Admiral Park
                                     St. Peter Port
                                     Channel Islands
                                     GY1 6HJ

        Investment Manager:          Berrington Fund Management Limited
                                     East Wing
                                     Trafalgar Court
                                     Admiral Park
                                     St. Peter Port
                                     Channel Islands
                                     GY1 6HJ

        Investment Advisers to the   Insight Investment Management Limited
        Investment Manager:          33 Old Broad Street
                                     EC2N 1HZ

                                     Barlows Asset Management Limited
                                     Chepstow House
                                     Dee Hills Park
                                     CH3 5AR

        Administrator and            Mourant Guernsey Limited
        Secretary:                   East Wing
                                     Trafalgar Court
                                     Admiral Park
                                     St. Peter Port
                                     Channel Islands
                                     GY1 6HJ

       Channel Islands                Mourant Capital Markets Services
       Sponsor:                       Limited:
                                      22 Grenville Street
                                      St. Helier
                                      Channel Islands
                                      JE4 9EX

       Auditors:                      Ernst & Young LLP
                                      14 New Street
                                      St. Peter Port
                                      Channel Islands
                                      GY1 4AF

       Independent Property           Knight Frank, Chartered Surveyors
       Valuer:                        20 Hanover Square
                                      W1S 1HZ

       Principal Bankers:             Bradford & Bingley PLC
                                      Croft Road
                                      West Yorkshire
                                      BD16 2UA

       Legal Advisers:                Carey Olsen
                                      7 New Street
                                      St. Peter Port
                                      Channel Islands
                                      GY1 4BZ

       Stockbroker:                   Collins Stewart Limited
                                      88 Wood Street
                                      EC2V 7QR

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange


Westbury Property Fund (LSE:WPFI)
과거 데이터 주식 차트
부터 6월(6) 2024 으로 7월(7) 2024 Westbury Property Fund 차트를 더 보려면 여기를 클릭.
Westbury Property Fund (LSE:WPFI)
과거 데이터 주식 차트
부터 7월(7) 2023 으로 7월(7) 2024 Westbury Property Fund 차트를 더 보려면 여기를 클릭.