RNS Number:8398I
Warner Estate Holdings PLC
30 November 2007

                           Warner Estate Holdings PLC

                           A PERIOD OF CONSOLIDATION

Warner Estate Holdings PLC ("Warner Estate" or "Group"), the property investment
and management company has today announced its preliminary results for the half
                         year ended 30 September 2007.

Financial Highlights

*   Adjusted net asset value per share 766p (March 2007:  800p)(i)

*   Net asset value per share 752p (March 2007:  774p)(ii)

*   Total annualised adjusted negative return 4.3% (September 2006:
    positive 23.7%)

*   Operating profit before net gain on investments #9.9million
    (September 2006:  #9.4million)

*   Realised profits #11.2million (September 2006:  #7.9million)(iii)

*   #6.4million capital profits on property disposals - 13% over March
    2007 values

*   Earnings per share excluding fair value movements 22.1p (September
    2006: 15.0p)

*   Losses per share 10.7p (September 2006:  earnings 73.3p)

*   Interim dividend up 12.5% to 11.25p

Business Highlights

*     Property owned and under management #3.3billion

*     Commercial rent roll owned and under management up 3% to #180million
      per annum

*     Completion of development at Bouverie Place, Folkestone in November

(i)   Adjusted for deferred tax on on assets not within the REIT election and 
      the proposed interim dividend

(ii)  The NAV includes deferred tax on assets not within the REIT
      election and is before the proposed interim dividend

(iii) This excludes fair value movements, Group and joint ventures' tax

Philip Warner, Chairman of Warner Estate commented

"Our strategy continues to increse revenue and deliver outperformance against
our IPD benchmark.  We are soundly financed both to weather current conditions
and to take advantage of attractive opportunities.  Reflecting the Board's
confidence in the future, the interim dividend has been raised by 12.5%."

Date:  30 November 2007

For further information contact:

Warner Estate Holdings PLC                            City Profile
Philip Warner, Chairman                               Simon Courtenay
Peter Collins, Finance Director                       Tel:  020-7448-3244
Michael Stevens, Property Director
Tel:  020-7907-5100
Web:  www.warnerestate.co.uk


The property market has been heavily influenced over the last few months by
turmoil in the financial markets. Although our results reflect that negative
influence, there is much from which shareholders can draw encouragement both in
the results and in the actions flowing from the strategy pursued in recent years
in anticipation of more difficult times. In particular the Group's property
performance has beaten the relevant IPD benchmark, one of our key measurements.


In the six months to September 2007 adjusted net asset value per share fell by
4% from 800p to 766p and net asset value per share by 3% from 774p to 752p.
Nevertheless, there is further value both in the Apia and AIF asset management
businesses, which generated a recurring operating profit of #2.5million
(September 2006:  #2.2million), and in the development pipeline wherein
expenditure is held at cost until completion.

The Group made a loss for the period after tax of #6.0million (September 2006:
#39.0million profit).  Realised profit before tax, excluding share of joint
ventures' tax credit, rose by #3.3million to #11.2million (September 2006:
#7.9million) but due to the reduction in property values the Group made a loss
of #9.7million (September 2006:  #48.3million profit) before tax.  The property
revaluation deficit of #20.9million (September 2006:  #24.5million surplus) is
unrealised and actual sales of #45million of property (March 2007 values) were
made  at an average profit of 13% during the six months to September 2007.
However the effect of the deficit, albeit mitigated by a tax saving of at least
#2.4million due to our REIT status, was to produce a negative total return of
4.3% (September 2006:  positive 23.7%).

A more detailed analysis of the half year will be found in the Reports from the
Property Director and the Finance Director which follow this statement.

The Board has increased the interim dividend to 11.25p against 10p last year, a
rise of 12.5%.  Although the dividend is not covered by recurring earnings, it
is covered twice by realised profits after tax and will be paid on 22 February
2008 to shareholders on the register at close of business on 25 January 2008.


The Group's focus is on income, the generating, improving and increasing of
revenue. The move into fund management was made with that in mind and so too was
the build up of a development capability. Development not only creates new
income but improves the quality of that already flowing.  The Group's 200,000 sq
ft shopping centre in Folkestone completed this month, 92% pre-let, and will be
valued at 31 March 2008. In joint venture with Bank of Scotland, construction
started on 100,000 sq ft of retail in Bolton, already 70% pre-let and scheduled
for completion in the next financial year. More development is in the pipeline
and the sales and purchases made over the last few years and continuing have
further upgraded the quality of the portfolio as a whole.

The Group pursues a prudent approach to borrowing and has little exposure to
current credit market conditions. We have a number of long term banking
relationships, which include joint ventures with our banks, and all the Group's
borrowings are on bank balance sheets and not exposed to the commercial mortgage
backed securities (CMBS) market. Although gearing at 86% (currently 83%) was
higher than anticipated at 30 September, following more acquisitions on balance
sheet than in joint venture, the properties purchased have been in the best
performing sector, London offices, and the Group's loan to value ratio (LTV) is
a comfortable 58%. Income cover is, arguably even more important than LTV and
the Group's quantity and quality of rental income have continued to increase.
Only 7% of the Group's revolving facilities are scheduled for renewal during the
current financial year and gearing is expected to reduce following more budgeted

Yields have moved out across most sectors and the investment market is opaque
and uncertain; this is a reflection of financial markets and limited
transactional evidence, not of the occupational market. Our underlying income
stream has increased on a like for like basis during the period with reduced
void levels and improved rental values.  Although we expect further outward
movement in yields, the current share price represents a substantial discount
both to today's NAV and to that which might follow reasonable expectations of
yield shift.  Furthermore, the effect on the Group will be ameliorated by the
absence of tax, consequent upon our REIT status, by the improvements in quality
and quantity of income brought about by asset management and by the prospect of
lower interest rates in 2008.


The Group manages a total portfolio of #3.3billion of property for itself and
external investors.  Of the property managed, some #1.2billion represents the
Group's equity commitment which is broken down as directly owned property (42%),
share of investment in joint ventures (40%) and share of investment in funds
(18%).  It is this equity portfolio which drives the Group's NAV and generates
the majority of its income.  The element that is not owned produces management
fee income and the potential for performance fees which supplement the Group's
overall profit performance.  In the six months to September 2007 this income
stream produced a profit before tax of #1.5million (September 2006:
#1.0million) for a minimal capital investment.

Across the total managed portfolio, annual rental income for the first six
months increased by #4.8million to #179.9million and income from standing
investments, those managed throughout the period, rose by #1.8million.  The main
drivers have been a reduction in void rate which, excluding the Ashtenne
Industrial Fund  (which has a deliberate void rate of 10% to14%), now stands at
4.9% representing #6.4million pa, down from 6.3% at March  2007, and our
aggressive asset management programme.  The same core income improvement
philosophy is at the heart of our management strategy.  Our target void rate at
the start of the year was 5.0% and this has already been achieved.

Total return from our equity portfolio for the first six months was 2.1% (on the
total managed portfolio of #3.3billion it was 2.2%) compared with 1.1% from the
IPD benchmark, with income returns of 2.7% (total managed portfolio 2.8%)
against 2.4% from IPD.

Occupational markets continue to be robust in the face of rising yields, the
opposite of the situation 12 to 24 months ago, and there is now net
disinvestment as opposed to considerable demand.  The equity portfolio's ERV
increased by #5.5million over the first six months to #80.2million pa,
representing growth of 7% which provides plenty of opportunity for continuing
income improvement.

The hard work put in over the last three years to bring our development pipeline
forward is now coming to fruition with #1.88million of new contracted income to
come through in the second half of this year following November 2007 completions
at Folkestone and Bardon of which #1.74million is the Group's share.  The table
below details the schemes completed and underway during this year.


                                                                                 achieved to
                                        Anticipated     Cost of     ERV (at         date in     
  Business                       Size     Practical    scheme to  commencement    total (and     Group      Comments
    Area         Project         sq ft   Completion   completion    of works)    as % of ERV)   Interest    & Timing

Wholly Owned   Folkestone,      200,000  Second half  #27million   #1.9million    #1.6million     100%     Centre opened
               Bouverie Place            07/08                                    (85%)                    26.11.07
               Shopping Centre                                                   

Joint Ventures Bardon, Leics,   54,000   Second half  #4.4million  #0.275million  #275,225        50%      Practical
               Interlink Park            07/08                                    (100%)                   completion

               Bolton Shopping  100,000  Second half  #35million   #3.2million    #1.9million     50%      Under
               Centre - The              08/09                                    (59.5%)                  construction 
               Market Hall                                                       

In addition, the Ashtenne Industrial Fund, which the Group asset manages and has
a 6.5% investment in, has an active ongoing development programme with two
projects currently underway at Optima Park in Kent and at Tameside Business Park
in Manchester, which totals 170,000 sq ft.

The autumn credit crunch has brought illiquidity rather than, as yet, market
deals generating comparable evidence of capital value decline; valuations are at
present falling on sentiment and lower volumes.

The IPD Quarterly index recorded a fall in value over the six months to
September 2007 of 1.3%, its first decline since 2001, and the IPD Universe net
initial yield rose by 6 bps to 4.64%.  Our own wholly owned portfolio followed a
similar trend with its net initial yield rising by 7bps to 5.09% whilst the
overall managed portfolio of #3.3billion saw its net initial yield rise by 10bps
to 5.24% with a similar rise on the standing investments.  A table showing the
complete analysis of the All Property Returns against IPD can be found at the
end of the Property Review.  We believe there will be greater falls across the
market in the value of secondary assets, whilst prime investments should remain
more resilient.  Our own properties increasingly lean towards prime, as reported
in June 2007, and this trend has continued in the first half year with
#45million of property realising #55million before costs from disposals of
secondary and ex-growth assets at a net 13% above their March 2007 values which
have been replaced by #93million of Central London offices with significant
asset management potential.

                                   Total under management                       Warner equity investment
                            30 September 2007       31 March 2007          30 September 2007         31 March 2007

Capital Value                   #3,252million       #3,221million              #1,215million         #1,172million
Annualised rent roll            #179.9million       #175.1million               #65.8million          #62.6million
Initial Yield                           5.24%               5.14%                      5.15%                 5.06%
Equivalent Yield                        6.26%               6.24%                      5.95%                 5.99%
Average Unexpired Lease            6.80 years          7.16 years                 8.63 years            6.96 years
Void Rate                                8.6%               10.8%                       5.9%                  7.5%
Number of Properties                      542                 562                        n/a                   n/a
Average Lot Size                 #6.00million        #5.73million                        n/a                   n/a

*Investment properties and properties under the course of development, where the
 capital value is before the accounting adjustment for ground lease interest for
 leasehold properties and certain properties treated as finance lease assets of
 #4.5million (2006: #1.1million).


Property Type                                                      Ownership
                                   Share of                                               Net
                            Wholly    Joint   Share of            Annualised          Initial  Equivalent
                             Owned Ventures      Funds     Total   Rent Roll      ERV   Yield       Yield   Weighting
                          #million #million   #million  #million    #million #million

Shopping Centres                85      289          -       374        19.2     26.6   4.75%       5.89%       30.8%
Shopping Centre                 25        -          -        25         n/a      n/a     n/a         n/a        2.1%
Other Retail                   116        -          -       116         6.0      6.8   4.99%       5.43%        9.5%

Total Retail                   226      289          -       515        25.2     33.4   4.78%       5.82%       42.4%

Offices                        205       51        137       393        22.4     26.7   5.20%       5.97%       32.3%
Distribution                    18      148          -       166        10.7     10.7   5.95%       5.95%       13.7%
Industrial                      44        -         83       127         7.0      8.9   5.41%       6.68%       10.5%
Other                           14        -          -        14         0.5      0.5     n/a         n/a        1.1%

Total Equity                   507      488        220     1,215        65.8     80.2   5.15%       5.95%      100.0%

                                                           Number    Capital  Annualised rent            Net initial
                                                    of properties      value             roll        ERV      yield     
                                                                    #million         #million   #million           %
Aggregate of all properties
Wholly Owned*                                                  78      506.7             27.3       31.6       5.09%
Joint Ventures (50% owned)
   *  Agora / Agora Max Shopping Centres*                      11      577.7             29.2       42.2       4.60%
   *  Radial Distribution*                                     14      296.6             18.3       18.4       5.90%
   *  Greater London Offices*                                   2      102.4              4.6        6.1       4.26%
Funds asset managed by the Group
Apia Regional Offices                                          22      501.0             28.2       32.7       5.27%
Ashtenne Industrial**                                         415    1,267.3             72.3       94.7       5.42%

Total under management                                        542    3,251.7            179.9      225.7       5.24%

*  Capital value is before accounting adjustments for ground lease interest for
   leasehold properties, and certain properties treated as finance lease assets

** Includes 100% of the Space Northwest JV portfolio

Wholly Owned Portfolio
Value:                      #506.7million (Cushman & Wakefield and Directors)
Rental Income:        #27.3million pa

Acquisition activity has been almost exclusively focused on Central London with
close to #100million of acquisitions across three office buildings: America
House, America Square, London EC3 (#26.0million); 16 Upper Woburn Place London
WC1 (#22.6million) and Cable House, New Broad Street, London EC2 (#44.0million).
85% of the Wholly Owned properties are located in London and the South East.

The strategy for selling out of smaller ex-growth properties has continued with
the realisation of approximately #55million, a net surplus of 13% on March 2007
valuations, from the sale of 11 assets.

Rental income has increased by #2.81million pa (11.5%) over the half year.


Within our Wholly Owned portfolio the new 200,000 sq ft Bouverie Place Shopping
Centre, Folkestone reached practical completion in November 2007, 92% pre-let
(by floor area)  and in Aylesbury, where we are working with Aylesbury Vale
District Council on the 265,000 sq ft (24,628 sq m) extension to the Hale Leys
Centre, a planning application is expected to be made  in early 2008.  The
acquisition of JS Real Estate plc in March 2007 included a number of potential
new development opportunities most notably Herluin Way, Weston-Super-Mare,
40,000 sq ft of out-of-town retail.

In our joint ventures the 54,000 sq ft extension by Radial to Interlink Park,
Bardon, Leicestershire, also reached practical completion in November and is
100% pre-let. Works on the 100,000 sq ft (9,294 sq m) extension to Agora's
shopping centre in Bolton are continuing to programme and budget, 70% pre-let
(by floor area) including the two anchor stores leased to H&M Hennes and Zara.
Recent new pre-lets at #164 and #172 per sq ft headline Zone A are ahead of the
initial estimated rental value at the start of the scheme.  The project is on
course for opening in autumn 2008.

In the Funds, AIF completed its 85,500 sq ft (7,946 sq m) industrial scheme of
15 units at Quadrant Centre, Gloucester in April 2007.  Construction started in
May 2007 on the redevelopment of Tameside Business Centre, Manchester consisting
of 78,000 sq ft (7,249 sq m) of new office/industrial space.  Phase 2 of Optima
Park, Crayford, Kent a six unit 93,000 sq ft (8,643 sq m) industrial park, was
completed in August 2007 with 45% of the space pre-let or pre-sold at practical


Agora / Agora Max Shopping Centres

Value:                     #577.7million (DTZ and Directors)

Rental Income:       #29.2million pa

In June 2007 planning consent was granted for a new 1,400 sq ft (130 sq m) cafe
in The Grange Shopping Centre, Birkenhead which will be a flagship
sustainability project.  Work is due to commence on site in early 2008.  Recent
lettings in The Grange and Pyramids Shopping Centres include Caffe Nero and
Republic, improving both the food and fashion offer.

At The Pallasades in Birmingham discussions continue with Network Rail regarding
their Gateway proposals for New Street Station.  The scheme proposes extensive
changes to the station and the shopping centre.  We continue to improve the
retail offer at the centre with six new lettings completed since March including
a new letting to Pret a Manger, who have introduced the first of their new
concept 'Pret Pod'.

Improvement works are planned in Cavern, Liverpool and early phases of the
extension to Fishergate in Preston are being pursued with retailer attitude to
the centre continuing to be encouraging.

In both Preston and Bolton we have extended the joint ventures' ownerships with
the acquisition of Victoria and Albert Buildings in Preston for #1.25million and
32-34 Corporation Chambers, in Bolton, for #0.35million. Both provide
significant asset management opportunities. At Middleton, through active
management we have increased the rental level in the main mall from #72 per sq
ft Zone A (ITZA) to #78 per sq ft ITZA.

Total income in Agora and Agora Max increased over the period by #500,000 pa.

Radial Distribution

Value:                     #296.6million (DTZ and Directors)

Rental Income:             #18.3million pa

Following the purchase of a fourth 222,000 sq ft warehouse at DIRFT, Daventry
for #17.9million in January of this year, Radial now has 14 UK assets with a
total floor space of 3.2million sq ft under management.  The new unit at DIRFT
is vacant but has the benefit of a full rental cover until July 2008.

A bespoke 54,000 sq ft extension and lease re-gear was completed to the Antalis
warehouse at Interlink Park, Bardon, Leicestershire in November.

Radial is now focusing on its stated strategy to extend growth further into
Europe and hopes to purchase at least two European warehouses within the next
six to nine months.

Total income in Radial increased over the period by #33,000 pa.

Greater London Offices

Value:                      #102.4million (CBRE)

Rental Income:              #4.6million pa

Assets owned by the joint venture continue to perform well on the back of strong
market conditions.  We completed the refurbishment of vacant space at 55 Old
Broad Street and let all 27,100 sq ft to MWB Business Exchange at #40 per sq ft
against ERV of #37.50 per sq ft.

Total income fell over the period by #312,000 pa (6.8%).


Apia Regional Office Fund

Value:                     #501.0million (DTZ)

Rental Income:             #28.2million pa

The Fund remains one of the few specialists investing exclusively in city centre
offices outside Central London.

Over the six month period ending September 2007 there has been a total of c.
35,000 sq ft of lettings representing new contracted income of #273,000 pa and
helping to reduce the overall void rate from 6.4% at March 2007 to a historical
low level of 5.4%.

Notable letting successes have been achieved in the Scottish properties with a
further floor (14,253 sq ft) letting in 225 Bath Street, Glasgow to WA Fairhurst
and a total of 10,000 sq ft in Apex 123, Edinburgh to EC Harris and Cyril Sweet,
all ahead of ERV, and each following completed refurbishment projects.

Ashtenne Industrial Fund (AIF)

Value:                     #1.27billion (King Sturge and DTZ)

Rental Income:             #72.3million pa

There has been little transactional activity in 2007 due to market conditions
and uncertainty over pricing.  This change in the market was foreseen so the
team has been focused on the large number of value enhancing opportunities
inherent in the Fund.  As a result of this activity the void level of AIF has
fallen from 11.14% in March 2007 to 10.1% in September 2007 (200,000 sq ft
reduction).  Rental income has increased by #1.62million pa (2.3%).

Over the last two years AIF has acquired #130million of assets (held at existing
use value) which have potential for either residential, office or retail
alternative use.  If planning applications for better use are achieved these
properties will supplement the returns of the Fund in the short to medium term.

The most noticeable transaction in the period was the sale of four vacant
estates in the northwest for #8.2million which represented a 30% return on

With the healthy occupier market throughout the UK for good quality industrial
units under 10,000 sq ft, AIF is well placed due to the size of units it owns
to minimise the effects of the present correction which is taking place in
industrial values.

                                                   All Property

                            Value                            6 Month Returns             Spot measures as at 30
                                                                                             September 2007
                          % WEH     100%       Equity      Total  Capital   Income    Initial  Equivalent      Void 
                         Equity    Value     Invested     Return   Growth   Return      Yield       Yield      Rate
                                #million     #million

Wholly Owned               100%    506.7        506.7       3.0%     0.4%     2.7%      5.09%       5.93%      6.0%
Joint Ventures

*  Agora / Agora     
   Max (Shopping
   Centres)                 50%    577.7        288.8       0.5%   (1.9)%     2.5%      4.60%       5.90%      6.9%

*  Radial               
   (Distribution)           50%    296.6        148.3       0.0%   (3.0%)     3.1%      5.90%       5.87%      0.0%

*  Greater                
   London Offices           50%    102.4         51.2       6.2%     3.5%     2.5%      4.26%       5.31%      0.0%

   Funds asset managed
   by the Group

*  Apia                     27%    501.0        137.4       2.8%     0.0%     2.8%      5.27%       5.88%      5.4%
   (Regional Offices)

*  AIF (Industrial)          7%  1,267.3         82.6       2.6%   (0.2%)     2.8%      5.42%       6.88%       n/a

Total (excl. AIF from voids)     3,251.7      1,215.0       2.2%   (0.6%)     2.8%      5.24%        6.3%      4.9%

                                                                                      AIF included in
                                                                                      void rate                8.6%

IPD Monthly Index Industrials                               0.6%    (2.1%)    2.8%      5.38%       6.28%     11.1%
IPD Monthly Index Offices                                   3.4%     1.0%     2.4%      4.51%       5.57%     10.4%
IPD Monthly Index Retails                                  (0.4%)   (2.7%)    2.3%      4.45%       5.31%      7.2%
IPD Monthly Index Shopping Centre                           0.3%    (2.3%)    2.6%      4.93%       5.90%      8.8%

IPD All Property (excl. Industrials from voids)             1.1%    (1.3%)    2.4%      4.64%       5.56%      8.5%

                                                                                      IPD Industrials
                                                                                      included in void        
                                                                                      rate                     8.9%


The information contained in this review is extracted or calculated from the
attached income statement, balance sheet, cashflow statement, statement of
recognised income and expense, statement of changes in equity and notes, as has
the information included in the presentation on these results that has been
posted on the Group's website together with these results.  The presentation
contains some additional analysis of the results, particularly in respect of the
analysis of the Group's REIT and non-REIT income. It should also be noted that
this is the first period in which the Group has announced its results as a REIT
whereas the comparatives for September 2006 covered a period when the Group was
not a REIT and therefore comparable REIT information is not available.  In
addition the Group's results include #2.0 million of tax credits in the pre tax
profit line as required under IFRS accounting for the profits of joint ventures
which have been reallocated to the tax line in the following commentary.


For the six months to 30 September 2007, the Group made a loss before tax of
#9.7million, which includes property revaluation deficits of #20.9million
compared to a #24.5million surplus in 2006.

                                                                    30 September 2007            30 September 2006
                                                                             #million                     #million

Recurring profit before taxation                                                  5.1                          6.5
Non-recurring profits                                                             6.1                          1.4

Realised profits                                                                 11.2                          7.9
Fair value movements                                                           (20.9)                         40.4

(Loss) / profit before tax                                                      (9.7)                         48.3
Joint ventures' tax                                                               2.0                        (5.8)

                                                                                (7.7)                         42.5
Group tax                                                                         1.7                        (3.5)

(Loss) / profit after tax                                                       (6.0)                         39.0

The realised profit before tax rose by #3.3million to #11.2million compared to
the equivalent period in 2006.  This increase was due to capital profits in the
period of #6.4million compared to #1.8million in the comparable period and
represented a 13% profit over the 31 March 2007 values.

The Group's recurring profits fell by #1.4million to #5.1million.  The main
reason for the reduction, accounting for #1.1million of the adverse variance, is
the disposal of higher yielding properties and their replacement with Central
London properties at lower yields with potential for significant growth,.  The
other main constituents are increased void costs of #0.5million arising mainly
due to development works and additional administration costs which have been
partly offset by an increase in asset management fees.

Recurring profit before tax is analysed below and, as noted above, due to the
Group's conversion to a REIT best estimates have been used to reallocate head
office costs for the period to 30 September 2006.

Recurring Profit                                                   30 September 2007            30 September 2006
                                                                            #million                     #million

Net income from property investment activities                                  10.1                          9.3
Net income from asset management activities                                      1.0                          0.6
Share of joint ventures' profits                                                 0.7                          0.6
Unallocated head office costs                                                  (0.9)                        (0.8)
Income from investment in funds                                                  2.8                          2.5
Net interest payable                                                           (8.6)                        (5.7)

                                                                                 5.1                          6.5

The average cost of debt during the period was 5.6% compared to 6.8% last year.
The reduction in the cost of debt, despite a significant increase in interest
rates, is due to last year's repayment of #65.5million of expensive debt coupled
with a reduction in the Group's borrowing margins.

The reduction in property asset values of #20.9million includes #3.2million
relating to three assets purchased in the last six  months, two of which have
increased in value although not sufficiently to totally offset the costs of
acquisition. The most recent purchase, Cable House, London for #44million,
exchanged in August, completed on the 24 September and had its #2.5million of
purchase costs written off.  Given the purchase of a property within a month of
the period end the impact of costs being written off is particularly acute in
these results.

Fair Value Movements                                                30 September 2007            30 September 2006
                                                                             #million                     #million
   -   Wholly Owned                                                            (11.4)                          8.2
   -   Share of Joint Ventures                                                  (9.5)                         16.3

                                                                               (20.9)                         24.5
Investments in Funds
   -   AIF                                                                      (0.7)                          4.2
   -   Apia                                                                     (0.3)                          7.9

Other Investments                                                               (0.2)                          1.1

Swaps & Caps Marked to Market
   -   Wholly Owned                                                              0.5                           0.7
   -   Share of Joint Ventures                                                   0.7                           2.0

                                                                               (20.9)                         40.4

Due to the reduction in property values in the half year, the Group's total
adjusted return was a negative 4.3% compared to a positive 23.7% in the
comparable period last year.

Return                                                              30 September 2007            30 September 2006
                                                                             #million                     #million

(Loss) / profit for the period                                                  (6.0)                         39.0

(Less) / add back deferred tax movement on revaluations                         (3.0)                          1.7
during the period
Change in fair value of fixed rate debt, net of tax                             (0.2)                          0.9

Total adjusted return for the period                                            (9.2)                         41.6

Equity shareholders' funds at start of period                                   432.7                        350.6

Annualised return on shareholders' funds                                        -2.8%                        22.2%

Annualised adjusted return on shareholders' funds                               -4.3%                        23.7%

REIT Analysis

The profit before tax has been analysed in the table below between profits
falling within the REIT regime and therefore not taxable and those which remain
taxable.  This shows that the Group made a loss in the period on its non-REIT
business which was exacerbated by the fact that under the REIT rules all costs
are apportioned against profits leaving no unallocated head office costs.  The
period does not include any income from performance fees that might be
receivable by the Group as, whilst both funds managed by the Group have
performed well in their year to date, they have December year ends and it is too
early to say whether any performance fees will be earned this year.

                    REIT                     Non-REIT                Capital        Fair          Head          Total
                                                                                   Value        Office
                                                                                Movement       Costs**
                                 Management     Other     Total
                   #million        #million  #million  #million     #million    #million      #million       #million

before reallocated 
costs*                  6.2             0.8     (1.1)     (0.3)          6.7      (20.9)         (1.4)          (9.7)
Reallocated costs**    (0.3)           (1.1)         -     (1.1)            -           -           1.4              -

before tax*             5.9           (0.3)     (1.1)     (1.4)          6.7      (20.9)             -          (9.7)
Current tax               -             0.1       1.0       1.1            -       (0.1)             -            1.0
Deferred tax              -               -         -         -            -         2.7             -            2.7

Profit/(loss)           5.9           (0.2)     (0.1)     (0.3)          6.7      (18.3)             -          (6.0)
after tax

*   This excludes tax credits in the joint ventures of #2.0million
**  These are  pure head office costs which are reallocated to arrive at the 
    REIT profit


This is the first year in which the Group has operated as a REIT.  All profits,
whether revenue or capital, that arise within the REIT part of the Group are not
taxable and, as the non-REIT element of the business in total made a loss, there
is no corporation tax payable in the period.  The Group will continue to show
deferred tax on its listed and unlisted investments as these do not fall within
the REIT although any distribution income from the Funds is not subject to tax.
Movements on the value of interest rate swaps are also subject to deferred tax.
During the period the income statement includes a credit of #0.8million due to a
reduction in the value of the Group's investments.  In addition, our share of
joint venture results will show deferred tax movements on the valuation of
properties within Agora Max and Greater London Offices as these have not been
elected for REIT status.  Our share of joint venture results includes a deferred
tax credit of #2.2million as the decrease in the value of the properties owned
by Agora Max exceeded the increase in those owned by Greater London Offices and
this is offset by a charge of #0.2million on our share of the positive fair
value movement of the joint venture interest rate swaps.

In terms of the impact of the REIT the Group paid no corporation tax on its REIT
income and would have paid #2.4million in capital gains tax on the capital
profits made in the period if we had not converted to a REIT.  This represents
15% of the REIT conversion charge paid by the Group excluding the joint

Fund Management

This business manages #1.8billion (March 2007: #1.8billion) of assets and has
seven regional offices which employ 130 people of which 29 are service charge
recoverable.  The Ashtenne Industrial Fund and Apia Regional Office Fund have
four and fourteen years respectively to run.

Summary Fund Management Income Statement
                                                                    30 September 2007            30 September 2006
                                                                             #million                     #million

Asset management and other fees                                                   6.2                          5.3
Direct expenditure                                                              (3.7)                        (3.1)

Operating profit                                                                  2.5                          2.2
Head office recharges                                                           (0.8)                        (1.0)

                                                                                  1.7                          1.2

Performance fees                                                                    -                            -
Reallocated net interest                                                        (0.2)                        (0.2)

Profit before reallocated costs                                                   1.5                          1.0

Operating margin                                                                  40%                          41%

AIF Asset Management
                                                                     30 September 2007            30 September 2006
                                                                              #million                     #million

Asset management fees                                                              3.2                          2.6
Letting and other fees                                                             2.0                          1.8

Total fees                                                                         5.2                          4.4
Direct expenditure                                                               (3.2)                        (2.7)

Operating profit                                                                   2.0                          1.7
Head office recharges                                                            (0.7)                        (0.8)

                                                                                   1.3                          0.9

Performance fees                                                                     -                            -
Reallocated net interest                                                         (0.2)                        (0.2)

Profit before reallocated costs                                                    1.1                          0.7

Operating margin                                                                   38%                          38%

Group investment in AIF
Distributions from fund                                                            0.8                          1.1
Value of units at 30 September  2007                                              44.1                         42.9
% share of fund                                                                  6.52%                        6.52%
Annualised yield on holding                                                      3.87%                        5.24%

Total fees earned by this business increased by 18% year-on-year as a result of
the expansion of AIF in the period with the profit before performance fees and
reallocated net interest being 44% higher at #1.3million.  Negotiations to
review the formulae for the performance fee assessment and to extend the life of
the Fund, which currently has four years to run, have been scheduled for 2008.

This business is carried in the Group's accounts at #11million being the
acquisition goodwill net of surpluses made on the disposal of assets purchased
as part of the acquisition. An interest element of #0.2million (September 2006:
#0.2million) relating to the carrying value of this goodwill has been
reallocated to this business unit and profit before tax and reallocated group
costs has risen by 57% to #1.1million.

Apia Asset Management
Income statement
                                                                     30 September 2007            30 September 2006
                                                                              #million                     #million

Asset management fees                                                              1.0                          0.9
Direct expenditure                                                               (0.5)                        (0.4)

Operating profit                                                                   0.5                          0.5
Head office recharges                                                            (0.1)                        (0.2)

                                                                                   0.4                          0.3
Performance fees                                                                     -                            -
Profit before reallocated costs                                                    0.4                          0.3

Operating margin                                                                   50%                          55%

Group investment in Apia
Distributions from fund                                                            2.0                          1.4
Value of units at 30 September 2007                                               74.5                         71.8
% share of fund                                                                 27.43%                       28.59%
Annualised yield on holding                                                      5.43%                        3.77%

In the period to 30 September 2007 the business earned #1.0million in management
fees, an increase of 11% from September 2006.  This increase resulted in profit
in the period of #0.4million. The Group's accounts and therefore the NAV do not
include any value for the Apia fund management business which was set up two
years ago and established in-house rather than purchased from a third party.

Management Fees

The table below briefly summarises the main terms on which the Group received
its management fee income from each of the funds.

                     Fee %                                                              Property 
       Year       Property                                                             Valuation        Rent Roll
       End     Asset Value                                                     30 September 2007     30 September       
Name                           Other Fees             Performance Fees                                       2007

AIF    31/12          0.5% Lettings, rent      Based on outperforming the IPD    #1,267.3million     #72.3million
       (a)                 reviews, disposals, all industrial index on a
                           additions, etc      3-year rolling basis
Apia   31/12       0.4%(b) n/a                 Based on outperforming the IPD      #501.0million     #28.2million
       (a)                                     regional office index
                                               (excluding business parks) on
                                               a 3-year rolling basis and a
                                               minimum 10% total return.

(a):   The performance fees in these Funds are receivable in the second half of the Group's financial 
       year to 31 March as the fees are calculated on the results of the Funds for the year to 31 December.

(b):   The Apia management fee reduces to 0.35% on the property assets managed between #0.5billion
       and #1.0billion and to 0.3% on the property assets managed over #1.0billion.

Earnings per Share

Losses per share were 10.7p (September 2006:  earnings 73.3p).  Earnings per
share excluding valuation movements were 22.1p (September 2006:  15.0p).  The
earnings per share figures are not strictly comparable as those for 2006 include
a full tax charge on realised profits and deferred tax on properties which are
now within the REIT and this reduced the earnings per share by 6.5p per share.
This period's earnings are further analysed as follows:

                                                                                         #million    Pence per share

REIT profits                                                                                  5.9               10.6
Capital profits                                                                               6.7               12.0
Non-REIT losses                                                                             (0.3)              (0.5)

                                                                                             12.3               22.1
Revaluation movements (properties, investments and derivative                              (18.3)             (32.8)
financial instruments)
                                                                                            (6.0)             (10.7)


Under the REIT rules, 90% of the profits of the property rental business (the
REIT profits) for the year must be distributed by way of a dividend known as a
Property Income Distribution ("PID").  This distribution will be made net of 22%
withholding tax unless shareholders have filled in the appropriate forms
allowing the dividend to be paid gross, details of which were circulated to
shareholders earlier this month and are contained on the Group's website.

The Group has made the decision to declare an interim dividend of 11.25p, the
whole of which will be distributed as a PID.  As seen in the table above, 10.6p
relates to REIT profits which will be 100% distributed.  The remaining 0.65p of
the interim dividend relates to capital profits made on the disposal of the
Group's investment properties.  These profits are not liable to tax and any
distributions are treated as part of the PID.


The cashflow from operations in the period shows an outflow of #16.2million.
This outflow includes some #18.1million in respect of the JS Real Estate PLC ("
JSRE") acquisition; the bulk of which was the #13.6million redemption of loan
notes that have been refinanced by equivalent bank debt and the purchase of
#4.5million of JSRE shares and related costs in April, the funding of which was
put in place prior to 31 March 2007.  The operation's cashflow also does not
include dividends received from the Group's investments in the Funds of
#2.75million which are received quarterly and the Group would treat as part of
its operations cashflow.  These items have been adjusted for in the following

                                                                              Six months ended 30 September 2007

Operating cashflow                                                                                           4.7
Dividends                                                                                                  (6.2)


Capital Movements

  -   Net property acquisitions                                                                           (60.4)
  -   Net purchases of own shares                                                                          (1.7)
  -   Net loan repayments                                                                                 (20.6)
  -   Other movements                                                                                      (4.6)*


Net cash outflow                                                                                          (88.8)

* This mainly relates to the JSRE share purchases and related costs referred to

Balance Sheet

As at 30 September 2007, shareholders' funds were #418.4million (March 2007:
#432.7million), a decrease of 3%. The underlying elements of the movement in
equity shareholders' funds are analysed in the table below.

                                                                                   #million        Pence per share

Equity shareholders' funds at 31 March 2007                                           432.7                  773.8
Change in number of shares in issue                                                                            3.8


Movement in the period to 30 September 2007 (Group and share of
joint ventures)
Profit before fair value losses                                                        11.2                   20.1
Net fair value losses                                                                (20.9)                 (37.5)
Taxation - current                                                                      1.0                    1.8
Taxation - deferred                                                                     2.7                    4.9

Loss for the period                                                                   (6.0)                 (10.7)

Other equity movements
Shares issued                                                                           0.1                    0.2
Dividends paid                                                                        (6.1)                 (11.0)
Investment in own shares                                                              (1.7)                  (3.1)
Share based payments reserve                                                          (0.6)                  (1.1)

Equity shareholders' funds at 30 September 2007                                       418.4                  751.9

As shown in the table below, the equity shareholders' funds have been adjusted
for the remaining deferred tax on fair value gains on the Group's investment in
Apia and AIF along with our share of the fair value gains in Agora Max and
Greater London Offices which have not been elected for REIT status.  The Group
does not anticipate this deferred tax will materialise.  In addition, we have
adjusted for the fair value on fixed rate debt which is not included on the
balance sheet along with the interim proposed dividend which is also excluded.

The Group's net asset value per share at 30 September 2007 was  751.9p; the
adjustments result in an adjusted net asset value per share of 766.3p.

                                                                        30 September 2007            31 March 2007
                                                                  #million      Pence per    #million    Pence per
                                                                                    share                    share

Equity shareholders' funds                                           418.4          751.9       432.7        773.8

Add back deferred tax on revaluation gains (including JVs)            13.8           24.8        19.0         34.0
Less proposed dividend                                               (6.3)         (11.3)       (6.2)       (11.0)
Add fair value adjustments on derivative financial instruments         0.5            0.9         0.7          1.3
Add fair value gain on Folkestone                                        -              -         1.2          2.1

Adjusted equity shareholders' funds                                  426.4          766.3       447.4        800.2


The Group is cognisant of the various difficulties that the current financial
and credit market conditions could present.  However, the potential impact on
the Group's funding is limited for the following reasons:

1.  Although the commercial mortgage backed securities ("CMBS") market is
    effectively closed, the Group's borrowings are on balance sheet and 
    therefore not exposed to the CMBS market.  There are two tranches of 
    funding in the joint ventures where the financing was sold by the banks 
    onto the CMBS market in 2006 but these are not due for renewal until 2011.

2.  The disparity between the bank base rate and 3-month LIBOR is currently
    around 50bps compared to a norm of 15 to 20bps.  This problem has been 
    avoided by rolling any unhedged debt either on the overnight money market 
    or at 1-week LIBOR depending on the rates available.  This has recently 
    meant rolling at a rate of 7bps or 8bps above the bank base rate of 5.75%.

3.  The margins currently being charged by banks for new debt facilities have 
    increased by 30bps to 40bps compared to the position before August 2007.
    Over the next twelve months the Group only has one facility, representing 
    less than one fifth of the Group's total facilities, which is due for 
    renewal in 2008.  There is also one facility in the Agora joint venture 
    with Bank of Scotland which is due for renewal in April 2008.   The other 
    joint venture facilities are not due for renewal until 2009 or 2011 whilst 
    the facilities in the funds are in place until 2010 and 2011.


Total net borrowings for the Group as at 30 September 2007 were #365.6million
(March 2007:  #296.6million) including loan notes of #6.2million.  The increase
in net debt of #69.0million was mainly utilised to fund the acquisition, net of
disposals, of three properties with a combined value of over #90million for the
wholly owned portfolio.  Net gearing on adjusted equity shareholders' funds has
risen from 66% at the year end to 86% at 30 September 2007.  The breakdown of
debt at 30 September 2007, compared with 31 March 2007, is set out below.

                                      On balance sheet      Share of joint         Share of funds            Total
                                              #million            #million               #million         #million

Net short-term debt / (cash)                      69.1                64.3                  (6.0)            127.4
Long term debt                                   296.5               260.3                   94.6            651.4

Total net debt at 30 September 2007              365.6               324.6                   88.6            778.8

Of which:
Total net recourse debt                          340.1                   -                      -            340.1
Long-term non-recourse debt                       25.5               324.6                   88.6            438.7

Gearing (on adjusted                               86%                                                        183%
shareholders' funds)
Recourse gearing                                   80%                                                         80%

Total net debt at 31 March 2007                  296.6               321.8                   90.7            709.1

Gearing (on adjusted                               66%                                                        158%
shareholders' funds)
Recourse gearing                                   61%                                                         61%

Since 30 September 2007, cash received from two properties sold before the
period end totalling #10.6million has reduced net debt to #355million and
reduced gearing to 83%.

The Group debt of #366million is secured by #579million of assets which
represents a loan to value (LTV) of 63%.  The Group has additional assets that
can be used as chargeable security in excess of #50million which, if taken into
account, reduces the LTV to 58%.

The Group's average cost of debt at 30 September 2007 was 6.48% (March 2007:
6.18%).  The increase of 30bps is due to the increase in interest rates from
5.25% at 31 March 2007 to 5.75% at 30 September 2007 on the unhedged portion of
debt.  The Group's Rental Income to Interest cover was 1.5 times (March 2007:
1.8 times).  The reduction is due to the purchase of low yield properties during
the period, along with the increase in bank base rate on the unhedged portion of
the Group debt.

At 30 September 2007, the Group had #468million of borrowing facilities of which
#415million were revolving credit facilities and the balance, term debt
facilities (see table below).  Since the period end the Group has refinanced
#27million of term debt facility to fund the Folkestone development through
utilisation of its existing revolving credit facilities.  As a result, the Group
now has #441million of borrowing facilities, more than half of which roll on an
ongoing basis.  Of these facilities, the amount unutilised was #102million at 30
September 2007 (March 2007:  #171million) and #39million (March 2007:
#54million) can be utilised without the provision of any additional security.
This is sufficient to meet our working capital requirements.

Debt Analysis
                                                                  Committed                Drawn            Amount
                                                                 Facilities                 Debt            Hedged
                                                                   #million             #million          #million

Group                                                                   468                  366               196

Joint Ventures
                Agora                                                   160                  148               143
                Agora Max                                               235                  235               234
                Radial                                                  260                  218               154
                GLO                                                      72                   72                72

Managed Funds
                Apia                                                    240                  237               195
                AIF                                                     480                  455               335

With regard to the joint ventures discussions have commenced with the bank with
a view to extending the Agora Shopping Centres' borrowing facility for a further
five years from April 2008.  The development at Market Hall, Bolton, within the
Agora Shopping Centre joint venture, has bank funding in place until the
completion of this development in September 2008.

At 30 September 2007, the Group held investments in the Apia Regional Office
Fund and the Ashtenne Industrial Fund amounting to 27.4% and 6.5% respectively.
At this date Apia had debt of #237million with property under management of more
than #500million and AIF had debt of #455million with property under management
of more than #1.2billion.  The Funds have loan to value ratios of 47% and 41%
and rental income to interest cover ratios of 2.2 and 2.4 times respectively.


The interest rate exposure on the Group's debt is managed to ensure that there
is a balance between flexibility and certainty.  The Group has put in place a
strategy to build up 80% to 90% of cover on the floating rate debt over a period
of time so that the hedging instruments will have different maturity and call
dates, in order to ensure that at any given time there will be more than 75% of
cover on the floating rate debt.  The exact timing of these additional hedges is
dependent on the ability to obtain rates which are at competitive levels.

Proportion of Floating Rate Debt Hedged as at 30 September 2007

                                                     Group on Balance Sheet               Share of Joint Ventures
                                                                   #million                              #million

Fixed Rate debt                                                        25.5                                     -
Floating Rate debt                                                    340.1                                 324.6

                                                                      365.6                                 324.6

Percentage of floating rate loans at 30 September 2007
Covered by swaps                                                        14%                                   70%
Covered by caps                                                         44%                                   23%

                                                                        58%                                   93%

Percentage of floating rate loans at 31 March 2007
Covered by swaps                                                        18%                                   70%
Covered by caps                                                         39%                                   23%

                                                                        57%                                   93%

Against Group debt, there is now #25.5million of fixed rate debt together with
swaps of #47million and a cap of #150million which provide coverage of 58% of
the floating rate debt.  When combined, the total amount of hedging and fixed
rate debt comprises 61% of the total Group debt.  With effect from 1 April next
year a further #25million swap becomes effective at a rate of 4.16% at which
point the coverage rises to 68%.

The Group's share of the #649.2million of net debt in the joint ventures is
hedged by caps amounting to #151million and swaps of #451million which comprises
93% of the total joint venture net debt.

Both of the Funds, Apia and AIF, were 82% and 74% covered by a combination of
swaps and caps as at 30 September 2007.

Post Balance Sheet Events

The developments at Folkestone and Bardon (owned by Radial Distribution), which
are included in these results at cost, completed in November 2007.  Any
valuation movements will be included in the results for the year ending 31 March


The Directors confirm that this condensed set of financial statements has been
prepared in accordance with IAS 34 Interim Financial Reporting, as adopted by
the European Union, and that the Interim Announcement herein includes a fair
review of the information as required by 4.2.7 and 4.2.8 of the Disclosure and
Transparency Rules.

The Directors of Warner Estate Holdings PLC are stated in the Group's Annual
Report for the year ended 31 March 2007.

By the order of the Board
D J Lanchester
30 November 2007



We have been engaged by the company to review the condensed set of financial
statements in the half-yearly financial report for the six months ended 30
September 2007, which comprises the consolidated income statement, consolidated
balance sheet, consolidated statement of recognised income and expense,
consolidated statement of changes in equity, consolidated cash flow statement
and related notes. We have read the other information contained in the
half-yearly financial report and considered whether it contains any apparent
misstatements or material inconsistencies with the information in the condensed
set of financial statements.

Directors' responsibilities

The half-yearly financial report is the responsibility of, and has been approved
by, the directors. The directors are responsible for preparing the half-yearly
financial report in accordance with the Disclosure and Transparency Rules of the
United Kingdom's Financial Services Authority.

As disclosed in note 1, the annual financial statements of the group are
prepared in accordance with IFRSs as adopted by the European Union. The
condensed set of financial statements included in this half-yearly financial
report has been prepared in accordance with International Accounting Standard
34, "Interim Financial Reporting", as adopted by the European Union.

Our responsibility

Our responsibility is to express to the company a conclusion on the condensed
set of financial statements in the half-yearly financial report based on our
review. This report, including the conclusion, has been prepared for and only
for the company for the purpose of the Disclosure and Transparency Rules of the
Financial Services Authority and for no other purpose. We do not, in producing
this report, accept or assume responsibility for any other purpose or to any
other person to whom this report is shown or into whose hands it may come save
where expressly agreed by our prior consent in writing.

Scope of review

We conducted our review in accordance with International Standard on Review
Engagements (UK and Ireland) 2410, 'Review of Interim Financial Information
Performed by the Independent Auditor of the Entity' issued by the Auditing
Practices Board for use in the United Kingdom. A review of interim financial
information consists of making enquiries, primarily of persons responsible for
financial and accounting matters, and applying analytical and other review
procedures. A review is substantially less in scope than an audit conducted in
accordance with International Standards on Auditing (UK and Ireland) and
consequently does not enable us to obtain assurance that we would become aware
of all significant matters that might be identified in an audit. Accordingly, we
do not express an audit opinion.


Based on our review, nothing has come to our attention that causes us to believe
that the condensed set of financial statements in the half-yearly financial
report for the six months ended 30 September 2007 is not prepared, in all
material respects, in accordance with International Accounting Standard 34 as
adopted by the European Union and the Disclosure and Transparency Rules of the
United Kingdom's Financial Services Authority.

PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
Chartered Accountants
30 November 2007


(a)  The maintenance and integrity of the Warner Estate Holdings PLC website is
     the responsibility of the directors; the work carried out by the auditors 
     does not involve consideration of these matters and, accordingly, the 
     auditors accept no responsibility for any changes that may have occurred 
     to the interim report since it was initially presented on the website.

(b)  Legislation in the United Kingdom governing the preparation and
     dissemination of financial information may differ from legislation in other


Date           Detail                                                                       Category

April 2007     Company converts to a Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT)                    Group

April 2007     Purchase of St Magnus House, Aberdeen by Apia Regional Office Fund for       Funds

May 2007       Purchase of 2 America Square, London EC3 for #25.1million and 16 Upper       Group Investment
               Woburn Place, London WC1 for #21.75million                                   Property

August 2007    Purchase of Cable House, 56 - 62 New Broad Street, London EC2 for #44million Group Investment

August 2007    250,000 Ordinary shares purchased as Treasury shares                         Group


Date           Detail                                                                       Category

November 2007  Completion of development at Bouverie Place, Folkestone                      Group

November 2007  Completion of extension at Interlink Park, Bardon                            Joint Ventures


For the six months ended 30 September 2007
                                                             Unaudited       Unaudited         Audited
                                                              6 months        6 months            Year
                                                                 ended           ended           ended
                                                          30 September    30 September        31 March
                                                    Notes         2007            2006            2007
                                                                  #000            #000            #000

Revenue                                                         21,950          21,349          53,424

Rental and similar income                                       13,013          10,936          21,604
Revenue from property trading activities                             -           1,731           5,225
Cost of sales of property trading activities                         -         (1,346)         (4,170)
Service charge and similar income                                1,710           2,329           4,172
Service charge expense and similar charges                     (2,277)         (2,710)         (4,703)

Net rental and trading income                           2       12,446          10,940          22,128

Revenue from asset management activities                         7,227           6,353          22,423
Cost of sales of asset management activities                   (6,217)         (4,124)        (12,215)

Net income from asset management activities             2        1,010           2,229          10,208
Administrative expenses                                        (1,334)         (1,713)         (3,757)
Property expenses                                              (2,220)         (2,045)         (3,778)

Operating profit before net gains on investments        2        9,902           9,411          24,801

Net (loss) / gain from fair value adjustments on
investment properties                                         (11,410)           8,169          11,198
Net (loss) / gain from fair value adjustment on             
investments                                                    (1,277)          13,230          14,124
Profit on sale of investment properties                 4        6,306           1,738           1,751
Profit on sale of finance lease assets                             133               -               -
Profit on sale of investments                           5            -              28             987
Operating profit                                                 3,654          32,576          52,861
Finance income                                          6        3,695           3,281           8,185
Finance expense                                         7      (9,451)         (7,129)        (21,460)
Change in fair value of derivative financial                  
instruments                                                        513             710           1,011
Share of associates' post tax profits                                -              19               -
Share of joint ventures' post tax (losses) /       
profits                                                13      (6,148)          13,069          27,157

(Loss) / profit before income tax                              (7,737)          42,526          67,754
Taxation - current                                      8          979         (3,617)         (5,182)
Taxation - deferred                                     8          798              98          17,787
REIT conversion charge                                               -               -        (10,917)
(Loss) / profit for the period                                 (5,960)          39,007          69,442

Attributable to:
Equity holders                                                 (5,960)          39,004          69,425
Minority interests                                                   -               3              17

                                                                    p                p               p
Basic (losses) / earnings per share                    10      (10.67)           73.28          129.26
Fully diluted (losses) / earnings per share            10      (10.52)           72.33          127.69


                                                  Notes     Unaudited        Unaudited         Audited
                                                                   At               At              At
                                                         30 September     30 September        31 March
                                                                 2007             2006            2007
                                                                 #000             #000            #000
Non-current assets
Goodwill                                             11        11,279           11,205          11,279
Investment properties                                12       482,586          305,768         437,832
Properties under the course of development           12        24,896           14,414          19,658
Plant and equipment                                               550              527             539
Investments in joint ventures                        13       145,420          132,798         151,568
Investments in funds                                 14       119,465          115,766         120,622
Investments in listed and unlisted shares            15        13,140           21,406          13,260
Investments in associates                            16            24              155              24
Net investment in finance leases                                3,761                -           5,283
Deferred income tax assets                           17           553              383           1,343
Derivative financial assets                                     1,144                -             810
Trade and other receivables                                        16               97              33

                                                              802,834          602,519         762,251
Current assets
Inventories                                                         -            9,819               -
Net investment in finance leases                                    9                -               9
Trade and other receivables                                    36,109           24,417          29,754
Current income tax assets                                           -              358             384
Cash and cash equivalents                                      25,187           30,813          34,333

                                                               61,305           65,407          64,480

Total assets                                                  864,139          667,926         826,731

Non-current liabilities
Borrowings, including finance leases                        (300,162)        (223,203)       (286,725)
Trade and other payables                                     (12,197)                -        (14,238)
Derivative financial liabilities                                (317)            (720)           (451)
Deferred income tax liabilities                      17      (10,931)         (29,274)        (11,814)
Retirement benefit obligations                        3         (201)            (556)           (378)
Provisions for other liabilities and charges         18       (3,306)          (8,829)         (5,334)

                                                            (327,114)        (262,582)       (318,940)

Current liabilities
Borrowings, including finance leases                         (88,109)            (417)        (25,803)
Trade and other payables                                     (27,046)         (17,410)        (46,754)
Current income tax liabilities                                  (939)                -               -
                                                            (116,094)         (17,827)        (72,557)

Total liabilities                                           (443,208)        (280,409)       (391,497)

Net assets                                                    420,931          387,517         435,234

Capital and reserves attributable to the
Company's equity holders
Share capital                                        20         2,806            2,675           2,805
Reserves                                             20       416,668          382,413         430,661
Investment in own shares                             20       (1,051)            (908)           (740)
Equity shareholders' funds                                    418,423          384,180         432,726
Minority interest                                    23         2,508            3,337           2,508

Total equity                                                  420,931          387,517         435,234


For the six months ended 30 September 2007

                                                             Unaudited       Unaudited         Audited
                                                              6 months        6 months            Year
                                                                 ended           ended           ended
                                                          30 September    30 September        31 March
                                                                  2007            2006            2007
                                                                  #000            #000            #000
(Loss) / profit for the period attributable to equity   
shareholders                                                   (5,960)          39,004          69,425
Actuarial profits / ( losses) on retirement benefit              
obligations                                                        134           (109)              22
Deferred tax arising on retirement benefit obligations            (53)              23            (31)

Total recognised income and expense for the period             (5,879)          38,918          69,416


For the six months ended 30 September 2007
                                                             Unaudited                         Audited
                                                              6 months       Unaudited            Year
                                                                 ended  6 months ended           ended      
                                                          30 September    30 September        31 March       
                                                                  2007            2006            2007                  

                                                                  #000            #000            #000

Opening equity in shareholders' funds                          432,726         350,586         350,586
Shares issued                                                        1               -             130
Share premium on shares issued                                      82               -          21,311
Acquisition of investment in own shares                          (330)           (341)           (386)
Disposal of investment in own shares                                19             359             572
Cost of share based payments                                        72               -           1,004
Deferred tax arising on share based payments                     (652)               -             784
Acquisition of treasury shares                                 (1,454)               -               -

                                                               430,464         350,604         374,001
Total recognised income and expense for the period             (5,879)          38,918          69,416
Dividend paid in period                                        (6,162)         (5,342)        (10,691)

Closing equity shareholders funds                              418,423         384,180         432,726


For the six months ended 30 September 2007

                                                           Notes    Unaudited    Unaudited     Audited
                                                                 30 September 30 September    31 March
                                                                         2007         2006        2007
                                                                         #000         #000        #000
Cash flows from operating activities
Cash (outflows) / inflows from operations                     21     (10,283)      (6,240)       6,105
Interest paid                                                         (9,228)      (6,445)    (21,601)
Interest received                                                       1,008          186       2,330
UK Corporation tax received / (paid)                                    2,282      (9,400)    (11,249)

Net cash outflow from operating activities                           (16,221)     (21,899)    (24,415)

Cash flows from investing activities
Purchase of investment properties and related                       (106,526)     (12,771)    (15,336)
capital expenditure
Sale of investment properties                                          46,136       48,289      51,812
Purchase of plant and equipment                                         (103)        (134)       (225)
Purchase of investments in listed shares                                    -        (209)       (209)
Sale of investments in listed shares                                        -            -       5,242
Sale of investments in funds                                                -          438         500
Purchase of investments in unlisted shares                                  -            -     (5,000)
Net cash acquired from purchase of shares in                                -          137    (82,984)
subsidiary company
Purchase of shares in joint ventures                                        -     (11,072)    (11,062)
Loans to joint ventures                                                     -      (6,724)    (13,299)
Loans repaid by joint ventures                                              -            -       1,883
Dividends received from listed investments                                  -           79         123
Dividends received from unlisted investments                                -            -          87
Dividends received from funds                                           2,750        3,153       6,340
Dividends received from joint ventures                                      -        1,274       1,274
Dividends received from associates                                          -          373         373

Net cash (outflow) / inflow from investing activities                (57,743)       22,833    (60,481)

Cash flows from financing activities
Issue of shares                                                            83            -      21,441
Purchase of own shares for AESOP scheme                                 (330)        (341)       (386)
Disposal of own shares for share option scheme                              -          352         456
Purchase of treasury shares                                           (1,454)            -           -
Dividends paid                                                        (6,162)      (5,342)    (10,691)
Purchase of derivative financial instruments                                -            -       (882)
Increase in bank loans                                                  7,429        1,548       3,549
Repayment of bank loans                                              (14,431)      (5,339)    (71,200)
Repayment of mortgages and other loans                                      -            -       (384)

Net cash outflow from financing activities                           (14,865)      (9,122)    (58,097)

Net decrease in cash and cash equivalents*                           (88,829)      (8,188)   (142,993)
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period                    (220,665)     (77,672)    (77,672)

Cash and cash equivalents at end of period                          (309,494)     (85,860)   (220,665)

* Includes overdraft facility balances shown in borrowings



Basis of preparation

The unaudited interim consolidated financial statements of the Group for the six
months to 30 September 2007 have been prepared in accordance with Disclosure and
Transparency Rules of the Financial Services Authority and with IAS 34 Interim
Financial Reporting, as adopted by the EU, and on the basis of accounting
policies set out in the Group's Annual Report and Accounts for the year ended 31
March 2007.

These Interim Financial Statements do not comprise statutory accounts within the
meaning of Section 240 of the Companies Act 1985.

The statutory accounts for the year ended 31 March 2007 have been delivered to
the Registrar of Companies and include an audit report which was unqualified and
did not contain a statement under either Section 237(2) or 237(3) of the
Companies Act 1985.


business segments

For management purposes the Group is organised into two operating divisions,
Property Investment and Asset Management:

                                                            Property Asset Management  Unallocated and       Total
                                                          Investment                  other activities
                                                                #000             #000             #000        #000

Six months to 30 September 2007 (unaudited)
Revenue                                                       14,723            7,227                -      21,950

Rental and similar income                                     13,013                -                -      13,013
Service charge and similar income                              1,710                -                -       1,710
Service charge expense and similar charges                   (2,277)                -                -     (2,277)

Net rental and trading income                                 12,446                -                -      12,446
Turnover from asset management activities                          -                                             -
       Management fee income                                       -            7,227                -       7,227
       Performance fee income                                      -                -                -           -
                                                                   -            7,227                -       7,227
Asset management expenses                                          -          (6,217)                -     (6,217)
Administrative expenses                                            -                -          (1,334)     (1,334)
Property  management expenses                                (2,220)                -                -     (2,220)

Operating profit / (loss)  before net gain on    
investments                                                   10,226            1,010          (1,334)       9,902
Net loss from fair value adjustments on investment      
properties                                                  (11,410)                -                -    (11,410)
Net loss from fair value adjustments on investments                -                -          (1,277)     (1,277)
Profit on sale of investment properties                        6,306                -                -       6,306
Profit on sale of finance lease assets                           133                -                -         133

Operating profit  / (loss)                                     5,255            1,010          (2,611)       3,654

Total assets                                                 531,599           23,149          309,391     864,139
Liabilities net of borrowings                               (28,026)          (6,775)         (20,136)    (54,937)
Borrowing, including finance leases                          (3,735)                -        (384,536)   (388,271)

Net assets / (liabilities)                                   499,838           16,374         (95,281)     420,931

Other segment items:
Capital expenditure                                            7,845                -                -       7,845
Depreciation                                                      16               65               11          92

                                                            Property Asset Management  Unallocated and       Total
                                                          Investment                  other activities
                                                                #000             #000             #000        #000

Six months to 30 September 2006 (unaudited)
Revenue                                                       14,996            6,353                -      21,349

Rental and similar income                                     10,936                -                -      10,936
Turnover from property trading activities                      1,731                -                -       1,731
Cost of sales of property trading activities                 (1,346)                -                -     (1,346)
Service charge and similar income                              2,329                -                -       2,329
Service charge expense and similar charges                   (2,710)                -                -     (2,710)

Net rental and trading income                                 10,940                -                -      10,940

Turnover from asset management activities
             Management fee income                                 -            6,353                -       6,353
             Performance fee income                                -                -                -           -
                                                                   -            6,353                -       6,353
Asset management expenses                                          -          (4,124)                -     (4,124)
Administrative expenses (restated)i                                -                -          (1,713)     (1,713)
Property  management expenses                                (2,045)                -                -     (2,045)

Operating profit / (loss)  before net gain on         
investments                                                    8,895            2,229          (1,713)       9,411
Net gain from fair value adjustments on investment          
properties                                                     8,169                -                -       8,169
Net gain from fair value adjustments on investments              
(restated)ii                                                       -                -           13,230      13,230
Profit on sale of investment properties                        1,738                -                -       1,738
Profit on sale of investments                                      -               28                -          28
Operating profit                                              18,802            2,257           11,517      32,576

Total assets                                                 349,643          263,346           54,937     667,926

Total liabilities                                           (28,897)         (20,019)          (7,873)    (56,789)

Borrowing, including finance leases                          (1,501)                -        (222,119)   (223,620)

Net assets / (liabilities)                                   319,245          243,327        (175,055)     387,517

Other segment items:
Capital expenditure                                            2,244                -                -       2,244
Depreciation                                                       -                -               72          72

                                                            Property Asset Management  Unallocated and       Total
                                                          Investment                  other activities
                                                                #000             #000             #000        #000
Year ended 31 March 2007 (audited)
Revenue                                                       31,001           22,423                -      53,424

Rental and similar income                                     21,604                -                -      21,604
Turnover from property trading activities                      5,225                -                -       5,225
Cost of sales of property trading activities                 (4,170)                -                -     (4,170)
Service charge and similar income                              4,172                -                -       4,172
Service charge expense and similar charges                   (4,703)                -                -     (4,703)

Net rental and trading income                                 22,128                -                -      22,128

Turnover from asset management activities
       Management fee income                                       -           13,939                -      13,939
       Performance fee income                                      -            8,484                -       8,484
                                                                   -           22,423                -      22,423
Asset management expenses                                          -         (12,215)                -    (12,215)
Administrative expenses (restated)i                                -                -          (3,757)     (3,757)
Property  management expenses                                (3,778)                -                -     (3,778)

Operating profit / (loss) before net gain on          
investments                                                   18,350           10,208          (3,757)      24,801
Net gain from fair value adjustments on investment         
properties                                                    11,198                -                -      11,198
Net gain from fair value adjustments on investments                -                -           14,124      14,124
Profit on sale of investment properties                        1,751                -                -       1,751
Profit on sale of investments                                      -                -              987         987

Operating profit                                              31,299           10,208           11,354      52,861

Total assets                                                 469,078           20,617          337,036     826,731
Total liabilities                                           (29,817)          (1,620)         (47,532)    (78,969)
Borrowing, including finance leases                          (1,500)                -        (311,028)   (312,528)

Net assets / (liabilities)                                   437,761           18,997         (21,524)     435,234

Other segment items:
Capital expenditure                                            7,988                -                -       7,988
Depreciation                                                       -                -              151         151

All turnover and operating profit has arisen from continuing operations.

As the property investment and asset management segments have developed, the
following adjustments are required:

i.   Administrative expenses have been reallocated from property investment
     to unallocated and other activities.

ii.  Net gain from fair value adjustments on investments have been
     reallocated from asset management to unallocated and other activities.


The Group operates and contributes to pension schemes for certain Directors and
employees and makes some discretionary allowances.  The costs charged to the
income statement for the six months to 30 September 2007 in respect of these
amounted to #457,000 (September 2006:  #386,000; March 2007:  #762,000).
Pension premiums paid in advance were #66,000 (September 2006:  #306,000; March
2007:  #181,000).

The Group operated a defined benefit scheme in the UK, The Warner Estate Group
Retirement Benefits Scheme.  The costs charged to the income statement for the
six months to 30 September 2007 in respect of these amounted to #31,000
(September 2006:  #32,000; March 2007:  #62,000).  A full valuation was carried
out at 1 April 2005.  The values at 30 September 2007, 30 September 2006, and 31
March 2007 were updates of the 1 April 2005 valuation carried out by a qualified
independent actuary.

It has been agreed with the Trustees that the Group contributes 26.8% of
pensionable salary plus #68,000 per annum.

The value of the assets and liabilities of the Scheme were as follows:

                                                             Unaudited     Unaudited     Audited
                                                                    At            At          At
                                                          30 September  30 September    31 March
                                                                  2007          2006        2007
                                                                  #000          #000        #000

Total market value of assets                                     5,816         5,791       5,845
Present value of scheme liabilities                            (6,017)       (6,347)     (6,223)
Retirement benefit obligations                                   (201)         (556)       (378)

Analysis of amount charged to operating profit:

                                                             Unaudited     Unaudited     Audited
                                                              6 months      6 months        Year
                                                                 ended         ended       ended
                                                          30 September  30 September    31 March
                                                                  2007          2006        2007
                                                                  #000          #000        #000

Current service cost                                                31            32          62


                                                             Unaudited     Unaudited     Audited
                                                              6 months      6 months        Year
                                                                 ended         ended       ended
                                                          30 September  30 September    31 March
                                                                  2007          2006        2007
                                                                  #000          #000        #000
Surplus over carrying value:
Investment properties                                            6,306         1,738       1,751


                                                             Unaudited     Unaudited     Audited
                                                              6 months      6 months        Year
                                                                 ended         ended       ended
                                                          30 September  30 September    31 March
                                                                  2007          2006        2007
                                                                  #000          #000        #000

Surplus over carrying value:
Listed investments                                                   -             -         959
Unlisted investments                                                 -            28          28

                                                                     -            28         987


                                                             Unaudited     Unaudited     Audited
                                                              6 months      6 months        Year
                                                                 ended         ended       ended
                                                          30 September  30 September    31 March
                                                                  2007          2006        2007
                                                                  #000          #000        #000

Income from investments
Dividends from listed investments                                    -            79         123
Dividends from unlisted investments                                  -             -          87
Distributions from funds (see note 14)                           2,877         2,505       5,989

                                                                 2,877         2,584       6,199
Interest receivable and similar income:
From joint ventures                                                271           530       1,466
Other interest                                                     538           161         506
Other finance income
Expected return on pension scheme assets                           173           157         316
Interest on pension scheme liabilities                           (164)         (151)       (302)
                                                                     9             6          14

                                                                 3,695         3,281       8,185


                                                             Unaudited     Unaudited     Audited
                                                              6 months      6 months        Year
                                                                 ended         ended       ended
                                                          30 September  30 September    31 March
                                                                  2007          2006        2007
                                                                  #000          #000        #000

Interest payable on loans and overdrafts                         9,974         7,309      14,002
Charges in respect of cost of raising finance                      266           310       8,626

                                                                10,240         7,619      22,628
Less: Interest capitalised                                       (860)         (551)     (1,300)

                                                                 9,380         7,068      21,328
Interest payable under finance leases                               71            61         132

                                                                 9,451         7,129      21,460

8.       TAXATION

The taxation credit / (charge) for the period has been estimated from the
expected taxable profits of the Group after taking account of capital allowances

9.       DIVIDENDS
                                                             Unaudited    Unaudited     Audited
                                                              6 months     6 months        Year
                                                                 ended        ended       ended
                                                          30 September 30 September    31 March
                                                                  2007         2006        2007
                                                                  #000         #000        #000
On Ordinary 5p shares
Final 11.0p at 31 March 2007 paid 21 September 2007              6,162            -           -
Final 10.0p at 31 March 2006 paid 15 September 2006                  -        5,343       5,343
Interim 10.0p at 30 September 2006 paid 23 February 2007             -            -       5,348

                                                                 6,162        5,343      10,691


Basic losses per share of 10.67p (half year to 30 September 2006: earnings
73.28p; year to 31 March 2007: earnings 129.26p) are calculated on the loss for
the period of #5,960,000 (half year to 30 September 2006:  profit #39,004,000;
year to 31 March 2007:  profit #69,425,000) and the weighted average of
55,840,016 (half year to 30 September 2006:  53,224,590; year to 31 March 2007:
53,709,342) shares in issue throughout the period.

Fully diluted losses per share of 10.52p (half year to 30 September 2006:
earnings 72.33p; year to 31 March 2007:  earnings 127.69p) are based on the loss
for the period as above divided by the weighted average number of shares in
issue, being 56,678,166 (half year to 30 September 2006:  53,926,052; year to 31
March 2007:  54,369,516) after the dilutive impact of share options granted.

A reconciliation of the weighted average number of shares used to calculate
earnings per share and to that used to calculate diluted earnings per share is
shown below:

                                                              Unaudited    Unaudited      Audited
                                                               6 months     6 months         Year
                                                                  ended        ended        ended
                                                           30 September 30 September     31 March
                                                                   2007         2006         2007
Earnings per share: weighted average number of shares        55,840,016   53,224,590   53,709,342
Weighted average ordinary shares to be issued under    
employee incentive arrangements                                 838,150      701,462      660,174
Diluted earnings per share: weighted average number of       56,678,166   53,926,052   54,369,516

11.     goodwill

At 31 March 2007 (audited) and 30 September 2007 (unaudited)            11,279
At 31 March 2007 (audited) and 30 September 2007 (unaudited)                 -
Net book value at 31 March 2007 (audited) and 30 September 2007    
(unaudited)                                                             11,279

Goodwill is not amortised but is subject to an annual impairment test.  Goodwill
of #11,205,000 is allocated to the cash generating unit ("CGU") defined as the
fund management business owned by Industrial Funds Limited.  The remaining
goodwill of #74,000 is allocated to the CGU defined as the property investment
business owned by JS Real Estate Limited.  The recoverable amount of the CGU has
been calculated based on the value-in-use calculations.  These calculations use
cash flow projections based on financial projections approved by management
covering a five year period.

12.     investment properties and properties under the course of development

                                                     Freehold   Leasehold    
                                                                with over         Total Properties Under     
                                                                 50 years    Investment    the Course of
                                                                unexpired    Properties      Development
                                                         #000        #000          #000             #000

At 1 April 2007 (audited)                             397,206      40,626       437,832           19,658
Acquisitions                                           25,010      75,200       100,210                -
Capital expenditure                                     2,534          73         2,607            5,238
Disposals                                            (46,751)        (14)      (46,765)                -
Exchange differences                                      112           -           112                -
Net loss from fair value adjustments on         
investment property                                    (7,432)     (3,978)      (11,410)                -

At 30 September 2007 (unaudited)                      370,679     111,907       482,586           24,896


                                                          Unaudited At    Unaudited At      Audited At
                                                          30 September    30 September   31 March 2007
                                                                  2007            2006
                                                                  #000            #000            #000
Share of joint ventures
At 1 April                                                     151,568         103,372         103,372
Share of (loss) / profit for the period                        (6,148)          13,069          27,157
Net equity movements                                                 -           9,633          39,910
Net loan movements                                                   -           6,724        (18,871)
At 30 September / 31 March                                     145,420         132,798         151,568
Unlisted shares at cost less amounts written off                72,834          37,798          72,834
Group's share of post acquisition retained profits and       
reserves                                                        53,646          50,465          59,794

                                                               126,480          88,263         132,628
Amounts owed by joint ventures                                  18,940          44,535          18,940

                                                               145,420         132,798         151,568

Included in share of joint ventures' gross assets and liabilities are:

                                            Agora        Radial  Agora Max    Greater    Others        Total
                                         Shopping  Distribution    Limited     London
                                                        Limited               Offices       
                                          Centres                             Limited
                                              (a)           (b)        (d)        (e)       (f)
                                             #000          #000       #000       #000      #000         #000
Period to 30 September 2007 (unaudited)
Group share of results Revenue              4,209         4,304      5,711      1,559         -       15,783

Operating profit before net gains on        
investments                                 2,421         4,038      3,371      1,274         6       11,110
Net (loss) / gain from fair value        
adjustments on investment properties      (1,050)       (4,548)    (5,535)      1,636         -      (9,497)

Operating profit / (loss)                   1,371         (510)    (2,164)      2,910         6        1,613
Net finance (expense) / income            (2,104)       (3,508)    (3,588)    (1,242)         7     (10,435)
Change in fair value of derivative      
financial instruments                       (408)         (267)      1,492       (96)         -          721

(Loss) / profit before income tax         (1,141)       (4,285)    (4,260)      1,572        13      (8,101)
Taxation - current                             22             -          -          -       (5)           17
Taxation - deferred                           141            95      2,150      (452)         -        1,934

(Loss) / profit after income tax            (978)       (4,190)    (2,110)      1,120         8      (6,150)
Minority interests                              -             -          2          -         -            2

(Loss) / profit for the period              (978)       (4,190)    (2,108)      1,120         8      (6,148)

Amounts received and receivable by Group
Asset management fees                         157           277        477         33         -          944
Performance fees                                -             -          -          -         -            -
Interest receivable                             -             -          -        271         -          271

Group share of
Non-current assets
Investment properties                     133,808       140,326    173,879     51,200         -      499,213
Investments in unlisted shares                  -             -          -          -        25           25
Finance lease assets                            -         3,282          -          -         -        3,282
Derivative financial assets                   749           934      8,046        615         -       10,344
Other non-current assets                      850             -          -          -         -          850

                                          135,407       144,542    181,925     51,815        25      513,714
Current assets
Finance lease assets                            -           249          -          -         -          249
Other current assets                        3,797         4,954      4,413      1,350     1,585       16,099
                                            3,797         5,203      4,413      1,350     1,585       16,348

Total assets                              139,204       149,745    186,338     53,165     1,610      530,062

                                   Agora       Radial   Agora Max     London 
                                Shopping Distribution     Limited    Offices        
                                 Centres      Limited                Limited     Others       Total
                                     (a)          (b)         (d)        (e)        (f)
Non-current liabilities
Deferred income tax liabilities    (225)        (280)     (4,753)      (776)          -     (6,034)
Borrowings, including finance   
leases                           (4,515)    (107,728)   (132,005)   (39,425)          -   (283,673)
Other non-current liabilities      (960)      (1,137)           -          -          -     (2,097)

                                 (5,700)    (109,145)   (136,758)   (40,201)          -   (291,804)
Current liabilities
Borrowings, including finance 
leases                          (74,806)            -           -          -          -    (74,806)
Other current liabilities        (6,072)      (4,162)    (24,378)    (1,560)      (800)    (36,972)

                                (80,878)      (4,162)    (24,378)    (1,560)      (800)   (111,778)

Total liabilities               (86,578)    (113,307)   (161,136)   (41,761)      (800)   (403,582)

Share of net assets               52,626       36,438      25,202     11,404        810     126,480

                                       Agora        Radial       Bareway  Agora Max    Greater     Others       Total
                                    Shopping  Distribution    Industrial    Limited     London
                                                   Limited    Properties               Offices        
                                     Centres                     Limited               Limited
                                         (a)           (b)           (c)        (d)        (e)        (f)
                                        #000          #000          #000       #000       #000       #000        #000
Period to 30 September 2006
Group share of results
Revenue                                4,332         2,802             -      5,464          -          -      12,598
Operating profit / (loss) before   
net gains on investments               2,643         2,568           (6)      3,825          -          4       9,034
Net gain from fair value    
adjustments on investment
properties                             4,966         5,711             -      5,675          -          -      16,352
Operating profit / (loss)              7,609         8,279           (6)      9,500          -          4      25,386
Net finance (expense) / income       (2,398)       (2,563)             -    (3,535)          -         21     (8,475)
Change in fair value of             
derivative financial instruments         234           534             -      1,877      (648)          -       1,997
Profit / (loss) before income tax      5,445         6,250           (6)      7,842      (648)         25      18,908
Taxation - current                       (2)          (17)             -          -          -        (6)        (25)
Taxation - deferred                  (1,668)       (2,054)             -    (2,283)        194          -     (5,811)
Profit / (loss) after income tax       3,775         4,179           (6)      5,559      (454)         19      13,072
Minority interests                         -             -             -        (3)          -          -         (3)
Profit / (loss) for the period         3,775         4,179           (6)      5,556      (454)         19      13,069

                                    Agora       Radial       Bareway  Agora Max    Greater     Others       Total
                                 Shopping Distribution    Industrial    Limited     London
                                               Limited    Properties               Offices        
                                  Centres                    Limited               Limited
                                      (a)          (b)           (c)        (d)        (e)        (f)
                                     #000         #000          #000       #000       #000       #000        #000
Amounts received and
receivable by Group
Asset management fees                 300          302             -        432          -          -       1,034
Performance fees                        -            -             -          -          -          -           -
Interest receivable                   272          258             -          -          -          -         530
Group share of
Non-current assets
Investment properties             130,338      118,203             -    177,542     48,792          -     474,875
Investments in unlisted shares          -            -             -          -          -         25          25
Finance lease assets                    -        3,954             -          -          -          -       3,954
Deferred income tax assets              -            -             -          -        194          -         194
Derivative financial assets         1,381          245             -      1,928          -          -       3,554
Other non-current assets              418            -             -          -          -          -         418

                                  132,137      122,402             -    179,470     48,986         25     483,020

Current assets
Finance lease assets                    -          257             -          -          -          -         257
Other current assets               23,109        3,116             -      5,171        946      3,854      36,196

                                   23,109        3,373             -      5,171        946      3,854      36,453

Total assets                      155,246      125,775             -    184,641     49,932      3,879     519,473

Non-current liabilities
Deferred income tax liabilities   (9,755)       (5,486)            -    (4,462)          -          -    (19,703)
Borrowings, including finance   
leases                           (86,669)     (103,583)            -  (131,489)   (39,392)          -   (361,133)
Derivative financial    
liabilities                             -             -            -          -      (648)          -       (648)

                                 (96,424)     (109,069)            -  (135,951)   (40,040)          -   (381,484)

Current liabilities
Borrowings, including finance  
leases                            (4,860)             -            -        (7)          -          -     (4,867)
Other current liabilities        (14,802)       (4,140)            -   (22,682)      (861)    (2,374)    (44,859)

                                 (19,662)       (4,140)            -   (22,689)      (861)    (2,374)    (49,726)

Total liabilities               (116,086)     (113,209)            -  (158,640)   (40,901)    (2,374)   (431,210)

Share of net assets                39,160        12,566            -     26,001      9,031      1,505      88,263

                                    Agora       Radial       Bareway  Agora Max    Greater     Others       Total
                                 Shopping Distribution    Industrial    Limited     London
                                               Limited    Properties               Offices        
                                  Centres                    Limited               Limited
                                      (a)          (b)           (c)        (d)        (e)        (f)
                                     #000         #000          #000       #000       #000       #000        #000
Year to 31 March 2007 (audited)
Group share of results
Revenue                             8,497        7,017             -     11,307      1,454          -      28,275

Operating profit / (loss)           3,626        6,312           (5)      5,330      1,179         16      16,458
before net gains on investments
Net gain from fair value            3,621        7,155             -      6,558        373          -      17,707
adjustments on investment
Profit on sale of                       -          374             -          -          -          -         374
investment properties

Operating profit / (loss)           7,247       13,841           (5)     11,888      1,552         16      34,539
Net finance (expense) /           (4,967)      (6,354)             -    (7,049)    (1,247)         92    (19,525)
Change in fair value of                10        1,490             -      6,502        711          -       8,713
derivative financial

Profit / (loss) before income       2,290        8,977           (5)     11,341      1,016        108      23,727
Taxation - current                    567            8             -          -          -       (92)         483
Taxation - deferred                 7,722        3,053             -    (4,722)      (325)          -       5,728

Profit / (loss) after income tax   10,579       12,038           (5)      6,619        691         16      29,938
REIT conversion charge            (1,281)      (1,515)             -          -          -          -     (2,796)
Minority interests                      -            -             -         15          -          -          15

Profit / (loss) for the year        9,298       10,523           (5)      6,634        691         16      27,157

Amounts received and
receivable by Group
Asset management fees                 692          758             -        974         34          -       2,458
Performance fees                    2,986            -             -      3,722          -          -       6,708
Interest receivable                   543          649             -          -        274          -       1,466

Group share of
Non-current assets
Investment properties             132,143      143,742             -    179,029     49,445          -     504,359
Investments in unlisted shares          -            -             -          -          -         25          25
Finance lease assets                    -        3,408             -          -          -          -       3,408
Derivative financial assets         1,157        1,200             -      6,554        711          -       9,622
Other non-current assets              402            -             -          -          -          -         402

                                  133,702      148,350             -    185,583     50,156         25     517,816
Current assets
Finance lease assets                    -          243             -          -          -          -         243
Other current assets                5,244        7,337             -      4,845      1,222      3,048      21,696

                                    5,244        7,580             -      4,845      1,222      3,048      21,939

Total assets                      138,946      155,930             -    190,428     51,378      3,073     539,755

                                    Agora       Radial       Bareway  Agora Max    Greater     Others       Total
                                 Shopping Distribution    Industrial    Limited     London
                                               Limited    Properties               Offices        
                                  Centres                    Limited               Limited
                                      (a)          (b)           (c)        (d)        (e)         (f)
                                     #000         #000          #000       #000       #000       #000        #000
Non-current liabilities
Deferred income tax liabilities     (366)        (378)             -    (6,902)      (324)          -     (7,970)
Borrowings, including finance    
leases                            (4,515)    (109,975)             -  (131,907)   (39,391)          -   (285,788)
Derivative financial liabilities  (1,121)      (1,326)             -          -          -          -     (2,447)

                                  (6,002)    (111,679)             -  (138,809)   (39,715)          -   (296,205)
Current liabilities
Borrowings, including finance 
leases                           (72,861)            -             -          -          -          -    (72,861)
Other current liabilities         (6,140)      (3,626)             -   (24,538)    (1,486)    (2,271)    (38,061)

                                 (79,001)      (3,626)             -   (24,538)    (1,486)    (2,271)   (110,922)

Total liabilities                (85,003)    (115,305)             -  (163,347)   (41,201)    (2,271)   (407,127)

Share of net assets                53,943       40,625             -     27,081     10,177        802     132,628

(a) Agora Shopping Centres was set up on 5 March 2003 and subsequently
    acquired the Pyramids, Birkenhead on 25 June 2003 and The Grange, Birkenhead
    on 30 September 2004.  On 7 March 2006, The Pyramids, Birkenhead and 
    The Grange, Birkenhead were disposed of into the Agora Max joint venture 

(b) Fairway Industrial Limited was set up on 29 August 2003 and changed its
    name to Radial Distribution Limited on 14 October 2004.

(c) Bareway Industrial Properties Limited was set up on 29 August 2003.  In
    November 2005, the properties were disposed of into the Ashtenne Industrial
    Fund. On 11 September 2006 the Group acquired the remaining 50% interest of
    Bareway Industrial Properties Limited.

(d) Agora Max Limited was set up on 16 September 2005 and subsequently acquired
    The Pallasades, Birmingham on 25 October 2005.  The Pyramids and The
    Grange, both in Birkenhead, were acquired from Agora Shopping Centres on 
    7 March 2006.

(e) Greater London Offices Limited was set up and subsequently acquired Old
    Broad Street and Central House, London on 28 September 2006.

(f) Net assets relate to a #25k investment in the general partner of Apia
    Regional Office Fund and  net assets of #785k which is the investment in 
    smaller joint ventures acquired through Ashtenne.

Amounts owed by / (due to) joint ventures comprise:          Unaudited       Unaudited         Audited
                                                                    At              At              At
                                                          30 September    30 September        31 March 
                                                                  2007            2006            2007
                                                                  #000            #000            #000

Agora Shopping Centres Limited                                   2,600          27,085           2,940
Radial Distribution Limited                                         57          17,074             429
Agora Max Limited                                               21,447             279          21,573
Greater London Offices Limited                                   4,160           2,654           3,907
Others                                                         (1,074)               -         (1,074)

                                                                27,190          47,092          27,775


As at 31 March 2007 (audited)                                120,622
Net loss from fair value adjustments                         (1,157)
At 30 September 2007 (unaudited)                             119,465

Fund information:
                                                               AIF          Apia       Others       Total
                                                               (a)           (b)          (c)
                                                              #000          #000         #000        #000
Period to 30 September 2007 (unaudited)

Distributions receivable                                       854         2,023            -       2,877

Net assets at 30 September 2007                            676,902       271,462            -
Percentage share at 30 September 2007                        6.52%        27.43%            -
Group share of net assets                                   44,134        74,462          869     119,465

                                                             AIF          Apia       Others         Total
                                                             (a)           (b)          (c)

                                                            #000          #000         #000          #000
Period to 30 September 2006 (unaudited)

Distributions receivable                                   1,126         1,356           23         2,505

Net assets at 30 September 2006                          658,328       251,287            -
Percentage share at 30 September 2006                      6.52%        28.59%            -
Group share of net assets                                 42,923        71,843        1,000       115,766

                                                             AIF          Apia       Others         Total
                                                             (a)           (b)          (c)
                                                            #000          #000         #000          #000
Year to 31 March 2007 (audited)

Distributions receivable                                   2,838         3,130           21         5,989

Net assets at 31 March 2007                              687,546       266,537            -
Percentage share at 31 March 2007                          6.52%        28.07%            -
Group share of net assets                                 44,828        74,817          977       120,622

(a) The Group invested #12,000,000 in the Ashtenne Industrial Fund in
    August 2005.  A #23,105,000 investment was acquired on the purchase of the
    remaining 50% of Industrial Funds Limited.

(b) The Apia Regional Office Fund was set-up on 7 June 2005 and the Group
    invested an initial #44,088,000.  A further #10,000,000 was invested in 
    December 2005, of which #902,000 was disposed of in March 2006.  A further 
    #472,000 was disposed of in April 2006. It is treated as an investment 
    rather than an associate as the Group does not exert significant influence 
    as a Trustee which is independent of the Group is responsible for the 
    strategic decisions of the unit trust and the Group's investment holding in
    the unit trust will continue to reduce over the short-term.

(c) This relates to minority interest holdings in Agora Max Unit Trust, Agora 
    Max Birkenhead Unit Trust and The Pallasades Birmingham Unit Trust which
    were acquired during the year to 31 March 2006.


                                                             Unaudited        Unaudited         Audited
                                                                    At               At              At
                                                          30 September     30 September        31 March 
                                                                  2007             2006            2007
                                                                  #000             #000            #000

Listed investments                                                 843            6,397           1,045
Unlisted investments                                            12,297           15,009          12,215

                                                                13,140           21,406          13,260

At 31 March 2007 (audited) and 30 September 2007 (unaudited)                                        24

Goodwill arising on acquisition
At 31 March 2007 (audited) and 30 September 2007 (unaudited)                                         -

Net book value at 31 March 2007 (audited) and 30 September 2007                                     24


                                                             Unaudited        Unaudited         Audited
                                                                    At               At              At
                                                          30 September     30 September   31 March 2007
                                                                  2007             2006
                                                                  #000             #000            #000
Deferred taxation assets
Deferred taxation arising from unrealised derivative                95              216             135
financial instruments valuations
Deferred taxation arising from retirement benefit                   60              167             113
Deferred taxation arising from share based payments                398                -           1,095

                                                                   553              383           1,343

Deferred taxation liabilities
Deferred taxation arising from the temporary differences
noted below:
Short term temporary differences                                  (51)                -            (31)
Capital and industrial buildings allowances claimed on               -          (1,813)               -
investment properties
Unrealised property and investment valuations                 (10,880)         (27,461)        (11,783)

                                                              (10,931)         (29,274)        (11,814)

                                                                                      Onerous contracts

At 31 March 2007 (audited)                                                                        5,334
Utilised during the period                                                                      (2,028)

At 30 September 2007 (unaudited)                                                                  3,306

Provisions have been analysed between current and non-current as follows:

                                                             Unaudited        Unaudited         Audited
                                                                    At               At              At
                                                          30 September     30 September        31 March
                                                                  2007             2006           2007
                                                                  #000             #000            #000

Non-current                                                      3,306            8,829           5,334
Current                                                              -                -               -
                                                                 3,306            8,829           5,334

The onerous lease provision is made in relation to onerous leases on properties
which are vacant or sublet at a level which renders the properties loss-making
over the remaining life of the lease. The provision represents the Directors'
estimate of the net cash flows on the properties.


Financial Liabilities

The interest rate profile of the Group's financial liabilities at 30 September
2007, after taking account of interest rate instruments taken out by the Group

                                                          Unaudited At    Unaudited At      Audited At
                                                          30 September    30 September        31 March
                                                                  2007            2006            2007
                                                                  #000            #000            #000

Floating financial rate liabilities                            143,454               -         110,975
Capped rate financial liabilities                              150,000          12,731         100,000
Fixed rate financial liabilities                                70,852         194,153          85,643

                                                               364,306         206,884         296,618

The above balances are net of cash balances of #20,230,000 (half year to 30
September 2006:  #15,657,000; year to 31 March 2007:  #14,410,000) which can be
offset under the Group's borrowing arrangements.

The benchmark rate for determining interest payments for the floating rate
financial liabilities was LIBOR / base rate depending upon the facility.

The weighted average interest rate on the fixed rate debt and the average
maturity of that debt was as follows:

                                                          Unaudited At    Unaudited At      Audited At
                                                          30 September    30 September        31 March
                                                                  2007            2006            2007
                                                                     %               %               %
Weighted average interest rate
Group                                                             5.62            5.90            6.52
Joint Ventures                                                    5.84            5.81            5.74

Weighted average period for which interest rate is fixed         Years           Years           Years
Group                                                             2.39            6.60            4.50
Joint Ventures                                                    6.26            5.87            1.24

Maturity of financial liabilities                         Unaudited At    Unaudited At      Audited At
                                                          30 September    30 September        31 March
                                                                  2007            2006            2007
                                                                  #000            #000            #000

Within one year or on demand                                    88,226             417          25,824

Between one and two years                                          441          14,214             429

Between two and five years                                     296,976         185,410         285,972

In five years or more                                                -          22,500               -

                                                               385,643         222,541         312,225

Borrowing facilities

The Group has various borrowing facilities that were not fully utilised at the
period end and for which the conditions for utilising those facilities were met.

                                                          Unaudited At     Unaudited At      Audited At
                                                          30 September     30 September        31 March
                                                                  2007             2006            2007
                                                                  #000             #000            #000

Expiring in one year or less:

Total facilities                                                67,500                -               -

Unutilised                                                       9,188                -               -

Expiring between two and five years:

Total facilities                                               286,000          123,388         263,400

Unutilised                                                      29,861           19,120          54,383

Fair values of financial assets and liabilities

The table below sets out by category the changes to the balance sheet values on
fixed rate debt that would occur if fair values were applied.

                                                             Unaudited       Unaudited         Audited
                                                                    At              At              At
                                                          30 September    30 September        31 March
                                                                  2007            2006            2007
                                                            Difference      Difference      Difference
                                                          between book    between book    between book
                                                              and fair and fair values and fair values
                                                                  #000            #000            #000


Primary financial instruments


Long term debt (over one year)                                     757         (6,052)           1,011


Long term loan notes (over one year)                              (63)           (935)           (227)

Joint Ventures

Primary financial instruments

Long term loan notes                                                63             935             227

                                                                   757         (6,052)           1,011

The effect on net assets per share of the total fair value adjustment (#757,000
less tax #227,000) would be an increase of 0.9p (half year to 30 September 2006:
decrease 8.0p; year to 31 March 2007:  increase 1.3p)

The calculation of the fair values has been arrived at as follows:

Debt has been calculated by discounting cash flows at prevailing rates of
interest for instruments with a similar risk profile.


                                                               Non-distributable                Investment
                                                                        reserves                    in own
                                                         Share                   Distributable      shares
                                                       Capital                        reserves                Total
                                                          #000              #000          #000        #000      #000

At 31 March 2007 (audited)                               2,805           193,109       237,552       (740)   432,726
Shares issued                                                1                 -             -           -         1
Premium on shares issued                                     -                82             -           -        82
Retained loss for the period                                 -                 -       (5,960)           -   (5,960)
Realised on disposal of investment properties                -          (11,202)        11,202           -         -
Net loss from fair value adjustment on investment      
properties                                                   -          (11,410)        11,410           -         -
Share of joint ventures' net loss from fair value        
adjustment on investment properties                          -           (9,497)         9,497           -         -
Net loss from fair value adjustment on listed            
investments                                                  -             (202)           202           -         -
Net loss from fair value adjustment on unlisted              
investments                                                  -           (1,075)         1,075           -         -
Change in fair value of derivative financial                
instruments                                                  -               513         (513)           -         -
Share of change in fair value of joint ventures'         
derivative financial instruments                             -               721         (721)           -         -
Acquisition of investments in own shares                     -                 -             -       (330)     (330)
Disposal of investment in own shares                         -                 -             -          19        19
Acquisition of treasury shares                               -                 -       (1,454)           -   (1,454)
Dividends paid                                               -                 -       (6,162)           -   (6,162)
Actuarial gain on pensions scheme assets                     -                 -           134           -       134
Deferred tax movement on pension assets                      -                 -          (53)           -      (53)
Cost of share based payments                                 -                72             -           -        72
Deferred tax movement on share based payments                -             (652)             -           -     (652)

At 30 September 2007 (unaudited)                         2,806           160,459       256,209     (1,051)   418,423


                                                             Unaudited        Unaudited         Audited
                                                                    At               At              At
                                                          30 September     30 September        31 March
                                                                  2007             2006            2007
                                                                  #000             #000            #000

Operating profit before net gains on investments                 9,902            9,411          24,801
Depreciation of plant and equipment                                 92               72             151
Decrease in inventories                                              -            1,120           3,514
Decrease / (increase) in trade and other receivables             2,034          (1,163)         (8,284)
Decrease in trade and other payables                          (22,311)         (15,680)        (14,077)

Cash (outflows) /inflows from operations                      (10,283)          (6,240)           6,105

                                                              Unaudited       Unaudited         Audited
                                                                     At              At              At
                                                           30 September    30 September        31 March
                                                                   2007            2006            2007
                                                                   #000            #000            #000

Potential performance fees arising under joint venture
Agora Shopping Centres                                                -           8,800               -
Radial Distribution                                                   -           1,800               -

                                                                      -          10,600               -

These assets have not been recognised on the balance sheet.


This represents investments held by The F15 Partnership in Balmcrest Estates


In accordance with IAS 27 "Consolidated and Separate Financial Statements,"
transactions between the company and subsidiaries, which are related parties,
have been eliminated on consolidation and are not disclosed in this note.

Details of transactions and balances between the Group and joint ventures are
set out in note 13.

Remuneration of key management personnel:
                                                          Unaudited Six       Unaudited         Audited
                                                        months ended 30      Six months      Year ended
                                                         September 2007        ended 30        31 March
                                                                         September 2006            2007
                                                                   #000            #000            #000

Short-term employee benefits                                        986             857           1,665
Post-employee benefits                                               49             277             340
Share based payments                                                 49              67             226
                                                                  1,084           1,201           2,231


The developments at Folkestone and Bardon (owned by Radial Distribution), which
are included in these results at cost, completed in November 2007.  Any
valuation movements will be included in the results for the year ending 31 March

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange


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