Final Results

                          Real Affinity plc

       Preliminary Results for the period ended 31 March 2007

      Significant increase in turnover; restructuring completed

Real Affinity plc ("Real Affinity" or "the Company"), the AIM  quoted
marketing services group, announces  its Preliminary Results for  the
period ended 31 March 2007.


  * Turnover increased to �19.58m (2006: �9.91m)
  * Loss before tax �4.12 m post exceptional items of �2.88m (2006
    Loss: �1.22m)
  * Group gross profit increased marginally
  * Continuing businesses turnover fell slightly but gross margin
  * Venues Unlimited acquisition performed well; sales up 16%; net
    profit 98%
  * Corporate Hospitality Services acquired December 2006
  * Significant new client wins

Post period events

  * Restructuring into two operating divisions (Real Affinity Agency
    and Real Affinity Events) completed
  * Board restructured

John Ross, Executive Chairman, Real Affinity plc commented:

"Whilst it is disappointing to report a year of continuing losses,  I
am able to confirm that progress is being made on both  restructuring
and re-focussing  the  Group  and, most  importantly,  resolving  its
underlying problems.    During February  we  started the  process  of
simplifying the  structure  of  our  operating  businesses  into  two
business streams.  It  is pleasing to note  that since completion  of
the reorganisation, the  two new divisions  Real Affinity Agency  and
Real Affinity Events are sharing information and working together  on
many more client assignments.

"The strategy for the  business is to grow  through a combination  of
organic  growth   and   acquisition.     However,   the   significant
restructuring means that the changes need to bed down and for them to
show real  delivery  before the  Group  commits further  resource  to

"First quarter trading to  30th June 2007  has been encouraging  with
operating performance above budget in both divisions.

"Whilst it is too early  to predict the outcome  for the year we  are
confident that the  continuing businesses  are in  better shape,  the
primary  loss-making  businesses  have  been  discontinued  and   the
restructuring has been completed".
                                                    27 September 2007


Real Affinity plc                         0113 290 8730
John Ross, Chairman
Brent Fitzpatrick, Non-executive Director

HB Corporate                              0207 510 8600
Edward Hutton

Bankside Consultants                      0207 367 8888
Michael Padley / Susan Scott


This is my first statement to shareholders since I became chairman in
October last year.   Whilst it is disappointing  to report a year  of
continuing losses, I am able to report that progress is being made on
both restructuring and re-focussing the Group and, most  importantly,
resolving its underlying problems.

During the year, we  have acquired a  profitable and cash  generative
events and conference business and this has continued to perform well
since acquisition.

We have also  consolidated the  various group  subsidiaries into  two
main divisions and  Real Affinity  now operates as  the two  distinct
brands: Real Affinity Agency  and Real Affinity Events.   It is  also
pleasing to note that since completion of the reorganisation, the two
divisions are sharing information and  working together on many  more
client assignments.  The new structure took effect from June 2007.

The Group continues  to employ  loyal and  hardworking staff  looking
after our equally loyal  blue chip clients,  most of whom  appreciate
the highly  professional service  we provide.   I  wish to  place  on
record my thanks to our people at all levels and for their  continued
belief in what we are trying to achieve.

With the changes made this year,  I expect to report a much  improved
result next  year. Thereafter,  a return  to a  more solid  financial
basis will enable  the Board to  develop a strategy  aligned to  long
term sustainable growth and an improved share price performance.

Financial Review

An equity placing was completed on 29th June 2006, to raise funds for
the  initial  cash  consideration  and  costs  of  acquiring   Venues
Unlimited, which was completed simultaneously, (the trading style  of
Conferaccom Ltd), an  event management and  venue sourcing  business.
 �1.01m gross was raised at 0.13p per ordinary share.

Venues Unlimited has performed well during the year and  successfully
achieved its earn out target for the period to 31 March 2007.   There
is a second earn-out year and progress to date suggests that  targets
will be met.

The Group  also acquired  Corporate Hospitality  Services Limited  in
December 2006, which  brought both  PR expertise  and further  events
management experience into the Group.   The acquisition also added  a
number of new high quality clients, including KPMG.

Evolve Sport Ltd was sold on 30th March 2007 and Navigator:The Sports
Business Limited has been closed down post the year end.

The  addition  of  Venues  Unlimited  to  the  Group  gave  rise   to
significant changes in the analysis of financial performance for  the
period.  Gross sales and gross  profit percentage are of a  different
scale to the previous operating companies of the Group.  In  addition
to this change, the discontinuation  of the Group's sports  marketing
businesses makes comparison from year to year difficult.

Total turnover was �19,575,531  including �580,829 from  discontinued
businesses and �10,898,421  from the  acquisitions (Venues  Unlimited
was included for 9 months) compared to �9,905,033 in 2006.

Due to the losses experienced  in the discontinued businesses,  gross
profit increased  only marginally  to �5,459,208  from �5,372,188  in

The continuing  businesses,  RP&F  Ltd,  Onstate  Ltd,  Holly  Benson
Communications Ltd and Quadrant Exhibitions Ltd suffered a  reduction
of 9.8% in sales but improved  the gross profit margin from 50.4%  in
the year ended  31 March 2006  to 55.4%  in the year  ended 31  March
2007.  Venues Unlimited improved sales in the period to 31 March 2007
by 16.0% and  net profit before  tax by 98.2%,  compared to the  same
period in 2006.

Overhead costs rose by  3.0% in the  year on a  like for like  basis.
Nonetheless, the  combined  continuing businesses  recorded  a  small
trading profit in  the year  and this  was further  augmented by  the
trading profit from Venues Unlimited.

Goodwill  is  amortised   on  a   straight  line   basis  after   the
consideration of the  overall issue  of impairment.   In the  current
year all goodwill relating to the sports businesses has been  written
off and a charge  of �251,160 has been  made for the amortisation  of
goodwill on continuing businesses and acquisitions.

Total exceptional items are �2,879,905, and the exceptional items  in
the continuing businesses are related to the write down of the  value
of  the  goodwill  associated  to  sports  marketing  businesses  and
provisions for redundancies.

Interest payable  was �204,243,  against �152,687  in 2006  and  this
overall performance has resulted in a loss before tax of �4,118,171.

In a full year  the staff reductions already  effected will create  a
saving in excess of �300,000 in the overhead costs of the  continuing

The acquisition of Venues Unlimited brought significant cash balances
into the Group and whilst the borrowings in the other Group companies
increased,  these   balances   broadly   match   the   Group's   bank

Operating Performance Review

RP&F Ltd traded  in the  year under  two brands,  Ladders and  David,
delivering our direct marketing  and creative services  respectively.
RP&F has  performed  well and  profitably  overall, with  Ladders  in
particular showing real  growth and sustained  profitability.   David
has had a more challenging year.

Quadrant  Exhibitions  Ltd  produced  record  results  delivering   a
commendable performance and  this excellent  trading performance  has
continued into the current year.

Onstate Ltd,  our  digital  and internet  marketing  business  had  a
challenging year.  The business  was significantly affected by  staff
changes and its  small scale.   As part of  the Real Affinity  Agency
division the current year is  showing more promising signs.   Digital
and internet  marketing  is  a  key  area  of  growth,  with  clients
investing more  and more  in on-line  activities and  we are  equally
clear about the need  to be effectively  structured and committed  to
this sector.

After  many  years  of  consistent  profit  delivery,  Holly   Benson
Communications Ltd, our  marketing communications  subsidiary, had  a
difficult year.  Sales  declined and as  part of the  re-structuring,
the business  was split  in  two, its  marketing services  arm  being
integrated into Real Affinity Agency,  and its conference and  events
division being merged into Real Affinity Events.  This  restructuring
should deliver more focus and return these activities to profit.

Both Evolve Sport  Ltd and  Navigator: The Sports  Business Ltd  made
continuing losses during  the period  and the Board  decided to  exit
from this  sector  of  the  Group's  business.    This  decision  has
necessitated  substantial  write-offs   of  goodwill,   inter-company
balances and other items  and the financial  effects have been  fully
reflected in these financial statements.

Restructuring Programme

During February we started the  process of simplifying the  structure
of our operating businesses into two business streams.  This has  now
been successfully completed.

The Board  decided to  integrate the  direct marketing,  digital  and
internet marketing, creative, advertising and design services under a
new brand, 'Real Affinity Agency',  and our events management,  venue
identification and  event services  businesses  under the  new  'Real
Affinity Events'  brand.   It was  also decided  that the  individual
brand names of the previous businesses  would no longer be used  post
year-end, and the individual limited companies would cease to trade.

This change has allowed the Board to reduce the number of  management
teams from eight to two, with one management team appointed for  each
business stream, reporting directly to the main Board.  This provides
for a more streamlined, focused and accountable management structure,
as well as  a much simpler  brand positioning and  sales approach  to
clients and potential clients.  Jean Gambold, who has a strong  track
record in the  management of  direct marketing  businesses, has  been
appointed Head  of  Real  Affinity  Agency.    Anita  Lowe  has  been
appointed as Head of Real Affinity Events.  Anita came into the Group
as Chief Executive and Founder of  Venues Unlimited and has a  wealth
of experience and connections in the sector.

The other key decision taken was to end the losses made in the sports
marketing businesses in the Group,  which were undercutting the  more
promising performance elsewhere.  It was decided to dispose of Evolve
Sport Ltd and to close down Navigator:  The Sports Business Ltd.  The
Group is  therefore  no  longer  involved  in  sports  management  or

Strategic Review

The strategy for  the business is  to grow through  a combination  of
organic  growth   and   acquisition.     However,   the   significant
restructuring means that the changes need to bed down and for them to
show real  delivery  before the  Group  commits further  resource  to
acquisitions.  The  simplification and integration  of the  operating
businesses, and the  clearer positioning,  means that  we can  pursue
incremental business from our existing  client base and new  business
from new clients, more effectively.  It is this aspect of growth that
we will concentrate  on in the  immediate future.   The business  has
invested further during the year  in better quality sales and  client
management staff to support this approach and the Group sales  effort
is now managed through a new Group Sales Director, Simon Webster.

Post Year-end Events

Since the year end, and following the restructuring, Gerard  Corcoran
our Group Chief  Executive resigned  from the Group  to pursue  other
business interests and I shall  assume the role of interim  Executive
Chairman.  Gerard was in office during a difficult time for the Group
and we wish him well in his new pursuits.

Paul Thompson, our Finance Director has also agreed to step down from
the Group role after the Annual General Meeting to assume the role as
Finance Director  of the  Real Affinity  Agency division.   Paul  has
worked closely with  Gerard during this  transitional period and  his
expertise will be especially valuable in that division.

The Board  are  actively  seeking  to appoint  a  new  Group  Finance

Geoff Hedges also retired from the  Board on 30th April 2007.   Geoff
had been Managing  Director of  Holly Benson  Communications Ltd  for
many years and stepped down from this post during the year.  I  would
like to express my thanks to Geoff for his support and contribution.

Those staff affected by the overall reduction in staff numbers mostly
left the  business during  the March  to  May period.   A  review  of
business locations  has resulted  in  plans to  vacate two  sites  as
quickly as possible.

Finally, the  Head Office  and northern  based staff  relocated  from
Bradford to Leeds in  June.  Leeds is  a leading marketing and  media
centre and a  city with a  vibrant business and  corporate ethos  and
provides us with the opportunity to accelerate our sales efforts  and
also gives us with more visibility within the business community.

Current Trading and Prospects

First quarter trading  to 30th  June 2007 has  been encouraging  with
operating performance above budget in both divisions. Cash remains  a
concern as the costs  of restructuring have  been borne largely  from
our working  capital resources  and we  continue to  examine ways  of
releasing extra working capital from our assets.

It is  too early  to predict  the outcome  for the  year but  we  are
confident that the  continuing businesses  are in  better shape,  the
primary  loss-making  businesses  have  been  discontinued  and   the
restructuring has been completed.

John S Ross
Executive Chairman

27 September 2007

Real Affinity plc
for the year ended 31 March 2007

                         Notes              2007                 2006
                                               �                    �

- - continuing                           8,096,281            8,980,736
- - discontinued                           580,829              924,297
- - acquisitions                        10,898,421                    -
                                      19,575,531            9,905,033

Cost of sales                       (14,116,323)          (4,532,845)
GROSS PROFIT                           5,459,208            5,372,188
Other operating expenses
(net)                                (6,548,131)          (5,843,365)
administration costs                 (2,879,905)            (750,082)
- - continuing                         (1,259,459)          (1,051,277)
- - discontinued                       (2,964,217)            (169,982)
- - acquisitions                           254,848                    -
                                     (3,968,828)          (1,221,259)
Interest receivable                       54,910                2,741
Interest payable                       (204,243)            (152,687)
BEFORE TAXATION                      (4,118,161)          (1,371,205)
Taxation                     2          (50,707)                8,208
YEAR                                 (4,168,868)          (1,362,997)
PER ORDINARY SHARE           2           (0.15)p              (0.20)p

No separate Statement of Total Recognised Gains and Losses has been
presented as all such gains and losses have been dealt with in the
profit and loss account.

Real Affinity plc
31 March 2007

                              Notes        2007                  2006
                                              �                     �
Intangible assets                     4,529,871             3,374,522

Tangible assets                         594,351               310,553

                                      5,124,222             3,685,075
Stocks                                  250,763               642,942
Debtors due within one year           4,376,817             2,010,461

Cash at bank and in hand              2,104,358               220,267
                                      6,731,938             2,873,670
CREDITORS: Amounts falling
due within one
year                                (9,836,514)           (3,402,109)

NET CURRENT LIABILITIES             (3,104,576)             (528,439)
LIABILITIES                           2,019,646             3,156,636
Amounts falling due after
more than one year                    (351,686)             (430,965)
CHARGES                                (32,788)                     -

NET ASSETS                            1,635,172             2,725,671
Called up share capital               3,249,188             1,621,853
Shares to be issued                   1,400,000               462,500
Share premium account                 5,979,087             5,465,553
Merger reserve                          426,992               426,992

Profit and loss account             (9,420,095)           (5,251,227)

EQUITY SHAREHOLDERS' FUNDS            1,635,172             2,725,671

The financial statements on pages 16 to 46 were approved by the board
of directors and authorised  for issue on 27  September 2007 and  are
signed on its behalf by:

J S Ross
Executive Chairman

N B Fitzpatrick

Real Affinity plc
for the year ended 31 March 2007

                                                2007             2006
                              Notes                �                �

Net cash outflow from
operating activities              3        (699,445)        (646,376)
Returns on investments and
servicing of finance                       (149,333)        (149,946)
Taxation                                     (5,163)            8,208
Capital expenditure and
financial investment                        (93,298)         (13,244)
Acquisitions and disposals                   388,303         (22,985)
RESOURCES AND FINANCING                    (558,936)        (824,343)
Financing                                    832,136        1,182,876
PERIOD                                       273,200          358,533


                                            2007                 2006
                            Notes              �                    �

Increase in cash in the
year                            3        273,200              358,533
Cash inflow/(outflow) from
increase in debt and
leasefinancing                            73,049             (79,976)
Change in net debt
resulting from cash flows                346,249              278,557
New finance leases                      (15,528)             (36,642)
Deferred consideration
loans                                  (133,410)                    -
YEAR                                     197,311              241,915
NET (DEBT) AT 1 APRIL 2006             (999,825)          (1,241,740)
NET (DEBT) AT 31 MARCH 2007            (802,514)            (999,825)

Notes to the financial statements

1.         Basis of Preparation
The financial statements have been prepared under the historical cost
convention and in accordance with applicable accounting standards.

As a result of the post balance sheet events, the directors  consider
it appropriate to prepare the accounts on a going concern basis.

The consolidated  financial  statements  incorporate  those  of  Real
Affinity plc and all  of its subsidiary undertakings  for the year.
Subsidiaries acquired  during the  year  are consolidated  using  the
acquisition method.   Their results  are incorporated  from the  date
that control passes.  The difference between the cost of  acquisition
of shares in  subsidiaries and the  fair value of  the separable  net
assets acquired  is capitalised  as  goodwill.   The value  of  these
assets is subject to an annual review.

In the year  ended 31 March  2004 the acquisition  of Navigator:  The
Sports Business Limited was accounted  for as a merger in  accordance
with FRS 6.

2.         Earnings per Ordinary Share
The calculation of basic loss per ordinary share is based on a loss
of (�4,168,868) (2006: (�1,362,997)) and is based on 2,717,790,934
(2006: 673,595,470) Ordinary shares, being the weighted average
number of ordinary shares in issue during the year.  The calculation
of loss per ordinary share  for discontinued businesses takes into
account the loss in the discontinued statutory companies only. Losses
arising from the write off of investments in the discontinued
companies which are held in continuing companies are included in the
calculation of the loss per ordinary share for continuing companies.

Share options and deferred consideration have not been taken into
account in calculating the number of shares for diluted loss per
share as this would reduce the reported loss per share.

                                                  2007         2006
Earnings per share:
Before exceptional items                       (0.05)p      (0.09)p
Exceptional items less attributable tax        (0.10)p      (0.11)p
                                               (0.15)p      (0.20)p

3.                  Cash Flows

|                                 |             2007 |         2006 |
|                                 |                � |            � |
| Reconciliation of losses to net |                  |              |
| cash flow from                  |                  |              |
| activities                      |                  |              |
| Operating activities            |                  |              |
| Operating loss on ordinary      |      (3,968,828) |  (1,221,259) |
| activities before               |                  |              |
| interest                        |                  |              |
| Impairment review               |        1,553,368 |       49,598 |
| Fixed asset write off           |                - |       17,314 |
| Depreciation of tangible fixed  |          184,143 |      116,348 |
| assets                          |                  |              |
| Amortisation of intangible      |          253,494 |       20,423 |
| assets                          |                  |              |
| Loss on disposal of intangibles |           49,621 |            - |
| Loss on sale of fixed assets    |           29,842 |        3,204 |
| (Increase)/decrease in stocks   |          392,179 |     (84,207) |
| (Increase)/decrease in debtors  |      (1,449,026) |      856,520 |
| Increase/(decrease) in          |        2,255,762 |    (404,317) |
| creditors                       |                  |              |
| Net cash flow from operating    |        (699,445) |    (646,376) |
| activities                      |                  |              |


Real Affinity (LSE:RAF)
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Real Affinity (LSE:RAF)
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부터 10월(10) 2023 으로 10월(10) 2024 Real Affinity 차트를 더 보려면 여기를 클릭.