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News) - Quindell PLC Thursday said that its shares will be suspended from December 16 pending a court hearing about it ...
Quindell PLC 26 November 2015 26 November 2015 Quindell Plc ("Quindell" or the "Company") RESULTS OF GENERAL MEETING Further...
News) - Quindell PLC tabled a final attempt to move beyond its troubled recent past on Monday as it said it intends to ...
News) - Insurance technology company Quindell PLC said on Monday it will give shareholders the opportunity to vote on ...
Quindell PLC 09 November 2015 9 November 2015 Quindell Plc ("Quindell" or the "Company") PROPOSED REDUCTION OF CAPITAL, RETURN...
News) - Insurance technology company Quindell PLC on Wednesday said it has completed the acquisition of the remainder ...
Quindell PLC 04 November 2015 4 November 2015 Quindell Plc ("Quindell" or the "Company" or the "Group") Completion...
News) - Insurance technology company Quindell PLC on Monday said it will pursue a two-tranche distribution of 100.00 p ...
Quindell PLC 02 November 2015 2 November 2015 Quindell Plc ("Quindell" or the "Company" or the "Group") Capital...
News) - Insurance technology company Quindell PLC on Friday said it has agreed to settle a tranche of vested share opt ...
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