RNS No 5401f
12th November 1998


Oxford Instruments plc, the advanced instrumentation company, today announced
Consolidated Interim Results (Unaudited) for the half year to 30 September
1998 as follows:

Group turnover, excluding share of joint venture #78.7 million (#81.4 million)
Profit on ordinary activities before taxation     #5.1 million  (#7.3 million)
Earnings per share (basic)                         7.0 pence    (10.0 pence)
Dividend per share                                 2.4 pence     (2.3 pence)


Oxford Instruments plc    Sir Peter Williams, Chairman
                          Andrew Mackintosh, Chief Executive
                          Martin Lamaison, Financial Director
                          0171 382 8464 (before 11.15am on 12 November 1998)
                          01865 884666 or 01865 881437 (thereafter)

                          John Rudofsky, Citigate Communications Plc       
                          0171 282 8000

Chairman's statement
Sir Peter Williams, Chairman of Oxford Instruments plc, said today:-

Financial Summary
Firm demand for our products worldwide has seen the moving annual total of new
orders (excluding the joint venture) at #166 million increase by 2% on the
rate at the previous year end.  However, shipments in the six months to 30
September 1998 at #78.7 million have not kept pace to a satisfactory extent. 
After excluding the effects of the Medical Systems acquisition and the sale of
Helios 2, sales for the half year were down by 6%, due in part to the mix and
timing in the order book.  Pre-tax profit was down by 30% at #5.1 million.

The effect of foreign exchange and the strength of Sterling was to depress
sales and pre-tax profits in the half year by #3.6 million and #0.4 million

This performance, even with due regard to external factors, is disappointing. 
A number of measures have therefore been implemented to control costs, improve
management and to restore the momentum in the business.

Cash inflow for the half year was #3.3 million, up #3.6 million on the same
half last year.  In view of the company's significant cash balance and in
order to enhance earnings per share your Board decided to use the powers
granted at the recent Annual General Meeting to repurchase 5% of the company's
issued equity.  After allowing for this, closing cash was #9.4 million.

Given both the company's potential for future growth and the continuing
positive cash flows from operations, your Directors have recommended an
Interim Dividend of 2.4p, up by 4.3% on the prior half year.

Oxford Magnet Technology
As I forecast, Oxford Magnet Technology (OMT) has made a strong recovery in
the half year.  This resulted both from the leading market positions of OMT's
major customers and from the clear design benefits in OMT's new range of
products introduced last November.  After delays in the previous half year
following this development programme, output has now risen to record levels
with the annualised rate of shipments now just over #100 million.  Demand for
OMT's products is firm and prospects for the next twelve months are good,
despite the continuing regulatory and economic pressures which require ever
increasing efficiencies and cost effectiveness.  OMT remains the clear world
leader in its field.

Medical Systems
The benefits of the acquisition of the Neurology businesses from Vickers last
December are already clear.  Considerable rationalisation has taken place with
substantial cost savings in both the original Oxford Instruments business and
in the acquired companies.  This was fully provided for in last year's
exceptional charge.  Sales at #18.9 million are up by #11.9 million and
operating profits moved ahead by #1.3 million.  Based on performance during
our period of ownership, we estimate likely full year orders at around #40
million.  While much remains to be done to improve the absolute rate of return
on capital employed, a good start has been made.

In contrast, the recovery in our Research Instruments business has been at a
slower rate than planned as a result of further delays to shipments.  Changes
to senior management in this business have therefore been necessary and I am
confident that under the new Managing Director and Production Director the
second half should see improved results.

Similarly, our NMR Instruments business also experienced production
difficulties which impacted sales in the half year.  These problems  were
mainly of a technical nature, but good progress is now being made under a new
Managing Director.  Following the launch of several new products during the
half year, our market share remains strong.  The next test of the prototype
900 MHz system under development for a major US customer is expected to take
place during the second half.

Our superconducting wire business, world leader in its field, performed well
and while shipments from our Accelerator Technology business fell behind plans
in the half year, new orders were encouraging.

Our Instrumentation businesses are typically more rapidly affected by
industrial market cycles than those in superconductivity, which are more
sensitive to Government and public sector expenditure.  In this regard, the
Microanalysis business has felt the effects of the cut backs on investment in
the semiconductor industry which has impacted both orders and sales.  However,
the release in the half year of a novel microanalysis product, 'INCA', which
builds on the market leadership of its predecessor, 'ISIS', has enhanced our
competitiveness and will restore our momentum in this sector.  Early
indications are of an enthusiastic reception from customers which will be
central to the recovery in performance in this business.

Demand for our Industrial Analysis products remains soft, partly as a result
of our exposure to the Asian economic situation.  However, new product
introductions in industries as diverse as cement and petrochemicals should
restore opportunities for growth in this area.  Our other instrumentation
businesses all moved ahead relative to the prior half year.

Innovation and Future Growth 
Our central strategy remains the profitable exploitation of organic growth
opportunities, complemented by acquisitions where appropriate.  Following the
successful medical acquisition, we are placing increased emphasis on the
search for further such opportunities and, in parallel, we are re-examining
our approach to internal developments in order to deliver greater
effectiveness in our Research and Development programmes.  In line with this,
we have increased our already strong commitment to R&D, with an expenditure of
#5.9 million in the six months' period.  Only by continuing to enhance our
leading position at the cutting edge of technology can we develop new
world-beating products.  Our task is then to translate this competitive
advantage into more profitable performance.

In the coming months many of the benefits of the management changes and
rationalisations we have instigated will start to be felt in an improved
overall performance around the Group.  Rigorous attention will continue to be
given to the cost base of the company.  We remain concerned regarding the
global markets in which we operate, but looking ahead we see sufficient
opportunities to enable us to begin to move forward again in the current year
and beyond.  I am confident that we shall achieve that aim.

Consolidated Profit and Loss Account (Unaudited)

                                      Half year to    Half year to    Year to
                                         30 Sep 98       30 Sep 97  31 Mar 98
Notes                                         #000            #000       #000
1 Turnover
  Group and share of joint venture         103,736          94,009    199,336
2 Less: share of joint venture's turnover  (25,026)        (12,605)   (27,126)
                                          ----------      ---------  ---------
1 Group turnover                            78,710          81,404    172,210
  Cost of sales                            (51,332)        (54,352)  (111,049)
                                          ----------      ---------  ---------
  Gross profit                              27,378          27,052     61,161
  Net operating expenses                   (26,036)        (22,326)   (49,205)
                                          ----------      ---------  ---------
1 Group operating profit                     1,342           4,726     11,956
2 Share of operating profit of joint venture 3,660           1,734      2,659
                                          ----------      ---------  ---------
                                             5,002           6,460     14,615
  Net interest receivable                      138             833      1,223
                                          ----------      ---------  ---------
  Profit on ordinary activities before tax   5,140           7,293     15,838
4 Tax on profit on ordinary activities      (1,673)         (2,334)    (4,801)
                                          ----------      ---------  ---------
5 Profit for the period attributable to 
  shareholders                               3,467           4,959     11,037

6 Dividends                                 (1,138)         (1,128)    (4,029)
                                          ----------      ---------  ---------
  Retained profit for the period             2,329           3,831      7,008
                                          ----------      ---------  ---------
                                             pence           pence      pence
5 Earnings per share        - basic            7.0            10.0       22.2 
                            - diluted          7.0             9.9       22.1
                                          ----------      ---------  ---------
6 Dividend per share                           2.4             2.3        8.1
                                          ----------      ---------  ---------

All turnover and operating profits are derived from the Group's continuing

Statement of Total Recognised Gains and Losses (Unaudited) 
                                      Half year to    Half year to    Year to
                                         30 Sep 98       30 Sep 97  31 Mar 98
                                              #000            #000       #000
Profit after tax for the period              3,467           4,959     11,037
Currency translation differences on foreign   (386)            293       (768)
currency net investments                  ----------      ---------  ---------
Total recognised gains and losses for the    3,081           5,252     10,269
period                                    ----------      ---------  ---------
Consolidated Balance Sheet (Unaudited) 

                                             As at         As at        As at
                                         30 Sep 98   30 Sep 1997  31 Mar 1998 
                                              #000          #000         #000
Fixed assets
Tangible assets                            43,314         35,029       42,279
 Share of gross assets of joint venture    15,483         10,452       14,340 
 Share of gross liabilities of joint      (10,733)        (5,903)     (12,140)
 venture                                 ----------      ---------   ---------
 Net investment in joint venture            4,750          4,549        2,200 
 Other investments                            813            659          460
                                         ----------      ---------   ---------
                                            5,563          5,208        2,660
                                         ----------      ---------   ---------
Total fixed assets                         48,877         40,237       44,939
                                         ----------      ---------   ---------

Current assets
Stocks                                     34,070         31,880       33,863
Debtors                                    55,287         48,560       62,018
Cash at bank and in hand                   11,015         26,797       14,816
                                         ----------      ---------   ---------
                                          100,372        107,237      110,697
                                         ----------      ---------   ---------

Creditors: amounts falling due within one year
Bank loans and overdrafts                  (1,606)        (2,719)      (3,500)
Other creditors                           (51,587)       (46,485)     (52,729)
                                         ----------      ---------   ---------
                                          (53,193)       (49,204)     (56,229)
                                         ----------      ---------   ---------
Net current assets
Due within one year                        45,408         56,291       53,737
Debtors due after more than one year        1,771          1,742          731
                                         ----------      ---------   ---------
                                           47,179         58,033       54,468
                                         ----------      ---------   ---------
Total assets less current liabilities      96,056         98,270       99,407
Provisions for liabilities and charges          -         (1,586)           -
                                         ----------      ---------   ---------
Net assets employed                        96,056         96,684       99,407
                                         ----------      ---------   ---------
Shareholders' funds                        96,056         96,684       99,407
                                         ----------      ---------   ---------

Movements in Shareholders' Funds (Unaudited) 

                                     Half year to    Half year to     Year to
                                        30 Sep 98       30 Sep 97   31 Mar 98 
                                             #000            #000        #000
Profit for the period                       3,467           4,959      11,037
Dividends                                  (1,138)         (1,128)     (4,029)
Repurchase of own shares                   (5,309)              -           -
Other recognised gains and losses            (386)            293        (768)
New share capital subscribed                   38             185         810
Goodwill written off during the period        (23)            (40)        (58)
                                         ----------      ---------   ---------
Net movements in shareholders' funds       (3,351)          4,269       6,992

Opening shareholders' funds                99,407          92,415      92,415
                                         ----------      ---------   ---------
Closing shareholders' funds                96,056          96,684      99,407
                                         ----------      ---------   ---------

Consolidated Cash Flow Statement (Unaudited)

                                     Half year to    Half year to    Year  to
                                        30 Sep 98       30 Sep 97   31 Mar 98
Notes                                        #000            #000        #000
7 Net cash inflow from operating activities 8,140           4,590      14,580
  Dividend from joint venture                   -               -       2,946
7 Returns on investments and servicing 
  of finance                                  627             808       1,461
  Taxation                                 (1,444)            337      (3,411)
7 Capital expenditure and financial
  investment                               (3,992)         (5,977)    (12,440)
  Acquisitions                                  -               -     (12,993)
  Equity dividends paid                         -               -      (3,825)
                                         ----------      ---------   ---------
  Cash inflow (outflow) before management   3,331            (242)    (13,682)
  of liquid resources and financing
7 Management of liquid resources              482           2,000      14,000
7 Financing                                (5,271)            185         810
                                         ----------      ---------   ---------
 (Decrease) increase in cash in the period (1,458)          1,943       1,128
                                         ----------      ---------   ---------

Reconciliation of Net Cash Flow to Movement in Net Funds (Unaudited) 

                                     Half year to    Half year to     Year to
                                        30 Sep 98       30 Sep 97   31 Mar 98 
                                             #000            #000        #000

(Decrease) increase in cash in the period (1,458)           1,943       1,128
Change in liquid resources                  (482)          (2,000)    (14,000)
Translation difference                        33              (48)          5
                                         ----------      ---------   ---------
Movement in net funds in the period       (1,907)            (105)    (12,867)
Opening net funds                         11,316            24,183     24,183
                                         ----------      ---------   ---------
Closing net funds                          9,409            24,078     11,316
                                         ----------      ---------   ---------

Analysis of Net Funds (Unaudited)  

                             As at        Exchange            Cash      As at 
                         30 Sep 98            rate     movement in  31 Mar 98 
                                            effect          period  
                              #000            #000            #000       #000

Cash at bank on demand       5,015             (18)         (1,783)     6,816
Bank overdrafts               (958)            (22)            325     (1,261)
                          ---------        --------        --------   --------
Net cash                     4,057             (40)         (1,458)     5,555
Cash on deposit              6,000               -          (2,000)     8,000
Debt due within one year      (648)             73           1,518     (2,239)
                          ---------        --------        --------   --------
Net funds                    9,409              33          (1,940)    11,316
                          ---------        --------        --------   --------

Notes on the Interim Financial Statements

1.      Accounting policies and results by business groups
The consolidated profit and loss account and balance sheet for the half       
years ended 30 September 1998 and 30 September 1997 have been prepared        
on a basis consistent with the accounting policies disclosed in the           
Group's Report and Accounts 1998.  No operations were discontinued            
during the period. The results analysed by business groups were as follows:
                          Turnover                Operating Profit (Loss)
                  Half year to   Half year to   Half Year to   Half Year to
                   30 Sep 98       30 Sep 97      30 Sep 98      30 Sep 97
                     #000            #000           #000           #000
Medical Systems    18,885           6,954            605           (660)
Superconductivity  34,837          48,007            206          3,244
Instrumentation    24,988          26,443            531          2,142
                  --------        --------        -------       --------
                   78,710          81,404          1,342          4,726
Share of OMT
jv(49%)            25,026          12,605          3,660          1,734
                  --------        --------        -------       --------
                  103,736          94,009          5,002          6,460
                  --------        --------        -------       --------

2.      Joint venture
The Group owns 49% of the issued share capital of Oxford Magnet               
Technology Limited ('OMT') of 3,000,000 #1 ordinary shares.  It is            
engaged in advanced instrumentation and is registered and operates in         
England.  The Group has accounted for its interest in OMT as a joint          
venture under Financial Reporting Standard (FRS) 9.

3.      Exchange Rates
The principal exchange rates used to translate the Group's overseas           
results were as follows:-

                Half year to              Half year to           Year to
                  30 Sep 98                30 Sep 97            31 Mar 98 
               Average  Period End   Average  Period End   Average  Period End
US Dollar       1.66      1.70        1.63      1.62        1.65       1.67
German Mark     2.95      2.84        2.86      2.85        2.92       3.10
Yen              231       231         196       195         203        223

4.      Taxation
The tax charge for the half year ended 30 September 1998 has been based on the
estimated effective rate for the full year.

5.       Earnings per share
Earnings per share (EPS) has been calculated using earnings of #3,467,000
(1997 #4,959,000) and weighted average shares of 49,577,137 (1997 49,607,407)
for basic EPS and 49,720,002 (1997 49,981,020) for diluted EPS respectively.

6.       Dividends per share
An interim dividend of 2.4p (1997 2.3p) will be paid on 8 April 1999 to
shareholders registered at the close of business on 5 March 1999, the record
date.  The shares will be marked 'ex-dividend' on 1 March 1999.

7.      Cash flows netted in the consolidated cash flow statement

                                      Half year to    Half year to    Year to
                                         30 Sep 98       30 Sep 97  31 Mar 98
                                              #000            #000       #000
Operating profit                             1,342           4,726     11,956
Depreciation charges and amortisation        2,572           1,897      4,468
Change in stocks                              (291)          3,561      8,790
Change  in debtors                           7,046            (381)    (4,008)
Change in creditors                         (2,529)         (5,213)    (6,626)
                                         ----------      ---------   ---------
Net cash inflow from operating activities    8,140           4,590     14,580
                                         ----------      ---------   ---------

Interest received                              665             837      1,627
Interest paid                                  (38)            (29)      (166)
                                         ----------      ---------   ---------
Net cash inflow from returns on 
investments and servicing of finance           627             808      1,461
                                         ----------      ---------   ---------
Purchase of fixed assets                    (3,638)         (5,625)   (12,445)
Sale of fixed assets                           177             132        449
Investments acquired                          (531)           (484)      (444)
                                         ----------      ---------   ---------
Net cash outflow for capital expenditure 
and financial investment                    (3,992)         (5,977)   (12,440)
                                         ----------      ---------   ---------
Decrease in term deposits                    2,000           2,000     14,000
Decrease in term loans                      (1,518)              -          -
                                         ----------      ---------   ---------
Net cash inflow from management of 
liquid resources                               482           2,000     14,000
                                         ----------      ---------   ---------
Issue of ordinary shares including 
share premium                                   38             185        810
Repurchase of own shares                    (5,309)              -          -
                                         ----------      ---------   ---------
Net cash (outflow) inflow from financing    (5,271)            185        810
                                         ----------      ---------   ---------

8.       Report and Accounts 1998
The comparative figures for the financial year ended 31 March 1998 are
extracted from the company's statutory accounts for that financial year. 
Those accounts have been reported on by the company's auditors and delivered
to the Registrar of Companies.  The report of the auditors was unqualified and
did not contain a statement under section 237 (2) or (3) of the Companies Act
1985.  Copies of the Report and Accounts 1998 are available from the Company's
registered office by applying to the Company Secretary, Oxford Instruments
plc, Old Station Way, Eynsham, Witney, Oxon, OX8 1TL.

The Company is registered in England Number 775598

For further copies of this Interim Results announcement please contact Lisa
Cooper at the Company's registered office at Old Station Way, Eynsham, Witney
Oxon OX8 1TL.



Oxford Instruments (LSE:OXIG)
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Oxford Instruments (LSE:OXIG)
과거 데이터 주식 차트
부터 7월(7) 2023 으로 7월(7) 2024 Oxford Instruments 차트를 더 보려면 여기를 클릭.