RNS Number:9868Q
Moorfield Group PLC
15 September 2000

                        Moorfield Group PLC
        Interim Results for the six months to 30 June 2000
*  Pre-tax profit of #2.135m
*  Earnings per share 0.83p
*  Interim Dividend of 0.3328p
*  #43m of disposals from Moorfield Capital Partners
*  Dom@in's  first  962  bed development  in  Liverpool  has  been
*  Appointment of Graham Sidwell as an Executive Director and Group
Finance Director

Sir Brian Corby, Chairman of Moorfield Group, commented:
"The  results  for  the  six months to 30 June  2000  reflect  the
ongoing  disposals  both  from the limited  partnerships  and  the
wholly owned portfolio.  The Group's strategy clearly remains  one
of  active asset management followed by disposal once the internal
rate  of equity return to the Group has been maximised.  With  the
majority  of  the  Group's  business  now  comprising  of  trading
activities,  the flow of profits will be volatile and continue  to
be dominated by the timing of the asset disposals.

"I  would  like  to welcome Graham Sidwell, as our  Group  Finance
Director,  who  will also have responsibility for originating  and
managing asset and property related investment opportunities.   We
look forward to the year end with confidence."

Marc Gilbard, Managing Director, said:
"We  have  made  excellent progress so  far  this  year  and  have
achieved  consistently  high  returns  on  equity  invested.   The
Company  continues to monitor market conditions for new investment
opportunities  and we are actively pursuing a number  of  exciting
projects  within  the traditional and e-commerce  sectors  of  the

"To  date,  the  share  rating reflects little,  if  any,  of  our
strategy  or its results.  Consequently because of the significant
discount  of  the share price to stated net asset  value,  we  are
currently exploring ways, with our advisors, to enhance  value  to
our shareholders."

Press Enquiries:

Marc Gilbard        Moorfield Group PLC
Graham Stanley
Tel: 020 7399 1900

Jonathon Brill      Bell Pottinger Financial
Charlotte Lambkin
Tel: 020 7353 9203

Results Summary
The results for the six months to 30 June 2000 reflect the ongoing
disposals both from the limited partnerships and the wholly  owned
portfolio.  Net rental income fell by 11% as disposals during  the
last  year took effect, whilst the reduction in Group net interest
payable of 33% highlights the reduced balance sheet gearing.   The
Group's  strategy  clearly remains one of active asset  management
followed  by disposal once the internal rate of equity  return  to
the Group has been maximised.

The  profits  from  the disposals helped generate  Group  pre  tax
profits of #2.135m.  With the majority of the Group's business now
made  up  of  trading  activities, the flow  of  profits  will  be
volatile  and  continue to be dominated by  the  timing  of  asset
disposals.   The  current  period  has  seen  the  focus  more  on
disposals  than  acquisitions  in  order  to  take  advantage   of
valuation  uplifts, reduce the overall level of debt  and  provide
resources  to enable the Company to pursue new opportunities  that
are continually under consideration.

The  Board is recommending that an interim dividend of 0.3328p per
share be paid, an increase of 10% on last year.  The dividend will
be paid on 10 November 2000.

Arundel Great Court
The  disposal  of this property, held in limited partnership  with
funds  managed  by  Blackstone  Real  Estate  Advisors,  has  been
progressing   throughout   the  year.  The   potential   purchaser
highlighted  at  the  time  of the 1999 Final  Results  failed  to
complete the transaction but the property was placed 'under offer'
at  #138.5m to another overseas purchaser during the summer.  This
is  a complicated disposal because of to the courtyard development
that  is  taking  place during the marketing  period.   We  would,
however, expect the disposal to be completed before the year  end.
The  successful  sale of this property will  trigger  both  a  25%
profit share to Moorfield and an enhanced profit share payment  by
the partnership to Moorfield as asset manager. The quantum of this
enhanced  profit share payment will depend on both the  timing  of
the sale and the final cash flows to the partnership. The property
was valued at the last year end at #135m.

Moorfield Capital Partners
The  planned  disposals have continued during  the  year,  with  a
further  #43m of sales completed by the end of July, most  notably
those  in Staines and Peterborough. These transactions were at  an
average of 5% above the year end valuations and some 15% above the
original  purchase prices. This takes the value of the  properties
from  #392.35m on acquisition in April 1999 to below #200m  within
15 months of acquisition.

Further  disposals are planned for the remaining assets, with  the
bulk  of  the  portfolio being liquidated within the  next  twelve

The  joint  venture with the Bank of Scotland, set up  to  develop
purpose  built  accommodation for students  and  key  workers  was
formally established in March this year. The joint venture's first
project, a 962 bed development in Liverpool was completed in  July
2000.  This  project has opened for occupation  and  is  currently
being marketed to new and existing students in Liverpool, with the
new  academic  year beginning this month. A successful  launch  is
expected and this project will be a significant influence  in  the
establishment of the brand in other cities.

The  acquisition for some #3.26m of a site at Prescott  Street  in
Liverpool,  opposite  the Liverpool Teaching  Hospital,  has  been
completed  by  Moorfield  for  possible  inclusion  in  the  joint
venture. A scheme to include homes for nurses and hospital workers
is currently being designed.

A  number  of additional sites across the UK have been  identified
for   potential  acquisition  and  discussions  are  ongoing  with
landowners,  universities,  hospitals  and  local  authorities  to
unlock further development opportunities.

Investment and Trading Portfolio
From  the  wholly  owned portfolio, further disposals  have  taken
place  at  Romford,  Haywards Heath (in part),  West  Drayton  and
Maidstone  this  year  at an average of  4%  above  the  year  end
valuations.  The portfolio has now been reduced to  24  properties
and  further sales are likely during the second half of the  year.
With   the  vast  majority  of  the  Group's  properties  in   the
strengthening  office market, letting activity and  rental  growth
are proving robust.

South Side Development - Teesside International Airport
There  has  been significant progress following the 'in  principal
approval'  of  a Heads of Terms for the new Development  Agreement
between   Moorfield  and  Teesside  International  Airport.    The
Development  Agreement is expected to have been completed  by  the
year  end.   Discussions  continue with  potential  occupiers  and
investors and further details will be forthcoming in due course.

Internet and e-Commerce Related Opportunities
For over 2 years we have studied the likely impact of the internet
and  e-commerce on the property market and as a result we have put
in place a number of initiatives. The majority of both the Group's
and limited partnership's retail property has been sold due to our
concerns  over  the actual and perceived impact  of  e-tailing  on
retail  property  valuations.  Similarly,  the  majority  of   the
industrial property, owned and managed, has been sold due  to  the
significant uplift in values resulting from both a strong economic
environment  and  the  anticipated  demand  for  distribution  and
storage space from internet and related activities.

As  reported  at our year end, we have studied one of  our  wholly
owned buildings, a vacant 55,000 sq ft property on the edge of the
M25,  to  ascertain  its  suitability for co-location  usage.  The
conclusion of this study has left us with a clear understanding of
the  costs, risks and rewards involved in this area of the market.
As  a  result we are currently pursuing the possibility of leasing
the  building to an operator rather than funding the  setup  of  a
competing business in this sector of the market.

We have made a small number of property related software, internet
and   related   investments  that  will  ensure   we   retain   an
understanding  of the changes in the IT sector, and  their  likely
impact  on the property market. We remain potential investors  for
the right opportunities in the future.

Moorfield  has  decided to enter the market for the  provision  of
start-up  and  incubator  office space. Allied  closely  with  our
Dom@in joint venture, this activity is likely to be established in
partnership  with  a  financial organisation, allowing  for  asset
acquisition  and  business  growth as appropriate.  We  expect  to
report  on  the strategy and activity in more detail at the  year-

The receipt of the Group's share of the disposal proceeds from the
MCP  partnerships, and the ongoing net sales programme,  has  left
the  Group  with a modest level of balance sheet gearing  of  37%.
This  is  the  lowest level of gearing for the  past  four  years,
despite buying back in over 20% of the Company's share capital  in
the  past two years, and leaves property gearing (net of cash)  at
only  38%.  This  provides a strong position from  which  to  take
advantage  of  any  market  opportunities  and  to  consider,   if
appropriate, corporate restructuring or additional share buybacks.

The  strong  cash  position enabled the Group  to  repurchase  for
cancellation at the end of June some 17 million shares at a  price
of  30p per share. This has had a positive effect on the net asset
value  per share at the half year, increasing it from a  year  end
level of 42p to a current figure of 44p without the benefit of  an
interim property revaluation.

The Board is pleased to announce the appointment of Graham Sidwell
as  an  Executive Director of the Group. Graham will be the  Group
Finance Director and will also have responsibility for originating
and    managing   'asset   and   property   related'    investment
opportunities.  Graham has been a partner with RSM  Robson  Rhodes
for  the  past 15 years. He has had a variety of senior management
roles  and  has  been Head of Corporate Finance for  a  number  of
years,   specialising   in  acquisitions,  capital   raising   and
structuring  transactions primarily for UK  listed  companies  and
those with overseas operations.

When Moorfield adopted its current strategy of working principally
through  partnerships  and joint ventures, the  intention  was  to
generate  an  earnings capability underpinned  by  secure  assets,
without  requiring  a  return to the equity  capital  markets  for
acquisition finance. This has been achieved and its success proven
by the consistently high returns on equity that have been achieved
from property acquisitions.

However,  to date, the share rating reflects little,  if  any,  of
this  strategy  or  its  results.  Consequently,  because  of  the
significant  discount of the share price to the stated  net  asset
value,  Moorfield, in common with many quoted property  companies,
is  currently exploring ways, with it's advisors, to enhance value
to   shareholders,  and  as  part of  this  consideration  process
intends to renew the share buyback authority  in respect of up  to
15%  of  the  shares. This will necessitate a  reduction of  share
capital  and  share premium account, in order to  create  reserves
which  will  enable the Company's cash resources to  be  used  for
further  share purchases, and we will be writing to   shareholders
shortly  to  seek approval for these proposals   at  an  EGM  next

for the six months to 30 June 2000
                                            Six           Six       Year
                                         months        months      ended
                                          to 30         to 30         31
                                           June          June   December
                                           2000          1999       1999
                                     (unaudited)   (unaudited)  (audited)
                              Note        #'000         #'000      #'000
Turnover - group and share of                                 
 associates                              13,001        13,903     76,947
Less - share of associates                                  
 turnover                                (8,773)       (3,101)    55,939)
                                       --------      --------    --------
Group turnover - continuing                                   
 operations                      2        4,228        10,802     21,008
                                          =====         =====      =====
Gross rental income                       2,943         3,262      6,603
Rents payable and other                                       
 outgoings                       3         (406)         (399)      (595)
                                       --------      --------   --------
Net rental income                         2,537        2,863        6,008
Administration expenses          4         (948)      (1,237)      (4,353)
Profit/(loss) on sale of                                      
 trading properties                         250          688         (429)
Profit on sale of investment                                  
 properties                                  77            4          122
Other operating income           5        1,070        1,500        1,524
Other operating expenses                   (277)        -            -
                                       --------     --------     --------
Operating profit - continuing                                 
 operations                               2,709        3,818        2,872
Group share of operating                                      
 profit of associated                                         
 undertakings                             3,960        2,496       19,687
                                       --------     --------     --------
Profit on ordinary activities                                 
 before interest and                                          
 taxation                                 6,669        6,314       22,559
Net interest payable - Group               (943)      (1,401)      (2,925)
Net interest payable - Share                                  
 of associated undertakings              (3,591)      (1,994)      (6,578)
                                        --------     --------     --------
Profit on ordinary activities                                 
 before taxation                          2,135        2,919       13,056
Taxation on profit on                                         
 ordinary activities                       (679)        (737)      (4,569)
                                       --------     --------      --------
Profit on ordinary activities                                 
 after taxation                           1,456        2,182        8,487
Equity dividends                          (530)         (533)      (1,173)
                                       --------     --------     --------
Retained profit for the                                       
 period                                    926         1,649        7,314
                                          =====        =====        =====
Basic and diluted earnings                                              
 per ordinary share              6        0.83p         1.48p        5.24p
                                          =====        =====        =====

for the six months at 30 June 2000
                                             30            30          31
                                           June          June    December
                                           2000          1999        1999
                                     (unaudited)   (unaudited)   (audited)
                              Note        #'000         #'000       #'000
Fixed assets                                                  
Investment and development                                    
 properties                              50,015        58,918      64,060
Other tangible assets                       222           303         260
                                        -------      --------    --------
                                         50,237        59,221      64,320
                                          =====         =====       =====
Investments in joint venture  7                               
Share of gross assets                     9,399             -           -
Share of gross liabilities               (7,342)            -           -
                                       --------      --------    --------
                                          2,057             -           -
Investment in associated      8                               
 undertakings                            17,622        17,245      29,541
Other fixed asset investment  9             500             -           -
                                       --------      --------   ---------
Total fixed assets                       20,179        17,245      29,541
                                       --------      --------    --------
                                         70,416        76,466      93,861
                                       --------      --------    --------
Current assets                                                
Trading properties                       17,575        24,779      17,258
Debtors                                  13,130         3,315       6,766
Other investments                            62            62          62
Cash at bank and in hand                 18,728         8,097      11,750
                                       --------      --------    --------
                                         49,495        36,253      35,836
Amounts falling due within                                    
 one year                               (16,103)       (6,343)    (17,751)
                                       --------      --------    --------
Net current assets                       33,392        29,910      18,085
                                       --------      --------    --------
Total assets less current                                     
 liabilities                            103,808       106,376     111,946
Amounts falling due after                                     
 more than one year                     (35,619)      (44,923)    (39,830)
Provisions for liabilities                                    
 and charges
Deferred taxation provision                (643)            -        (643)
                                       --------      --------    --------
Net assets                               67,546        61,453      71,473
                                          =====         =====       =====
Capital and reserves                                          
Called up share capital                  15,922        17,623      17,623
Share premium account                    36,744        36,778      36,744
Investment revaluation                                        
 reserve                                 11,402         6,606      11,318
Capital reserve                             648           648         648
Capital redemption reserve                2,848         1,148       1,148
Profit and loss account                    (18)        (1,350)      3,992
                                      --------       --------    --------
Shareholders' funds - equity                                  
 interests                              67,546         61,453      71,473
                                         =====          =====       =====

for the six months to 30 June 2000
                                             Six           Six        Year    
                                          months        months       ended
                                      to 30 June    to 30 June          31
                                            2000          1999        1999
                                      (unaudited)   (unaudited)   (audited)
                               Note        #'000         #'000       #'000
Net cash inflow from operating                                 
 activities                      10          879         8,456      15,518
                                        --------     ---------    --------
Dividends from associated                                      
Dividend received from MCP                                     
 associates                               12,762             -           -
                                        --------     ---------    --------
Returns on investment and                                      
 servicing of finance
Interest received                            640           305         492
Interest and finance fees paid            (1,595)       (1,625)     (3,248)
                                        --------      --------    --------
Net cash outflow from returns                                  
 on investment and servicing                                   
 of finance                                 (955)       (1,320)     (2,756)
                                        --------      --------    --------
Taxation - UK corporation tax                                  
 received/(paid)                          (1,270)            6      (1,171)
                                        --------      --------    --------
Capital expenditure and                                        
 financial investment
  Additions/purchase to                                        
   investment properties                  (3,359)      (2,478)      (9,707)
  Additions to tangible fixed                                  
   assets                                    (15)         (97)        (109)
  Fixed asset investment                    (500)           -            -
  Sale of investment                                           
   properties                              2,752          104       (2,074)
  Sale of tangible fixed                                       
   assets                                      -           40           41
                                        --------     --------     --------
                                          (1,122)      (2,431)      (7,701)
                                        --------     --------     --------
Acquisition and disposals                                      
Original investment in MCP                                     
 associated undertakings                       -       (9,720)     (11,400)
Repayment of investment in                                     
 MCP associated undertakings                   -            -        6,120
Loan to MCP associated                                         
 undertaking                              (5,500)           -            -
Investments in Moorstone                                       
 associated undertakings                    (700)        (930)        (355)
Repayment of loan to Moorfield                                 
 (Atlantic Point) Ltd                     11,622            -            -
Investment in Moorfield                                        
 (Atlantic Point) joint                                        
 venture                                  (1,871)           -            -
Acquisition of subsidiary                                      
 (Firmwalk Ltd)                                -         (633)        (633)
                                        --------     --------     --------
                                           3,551      (11,283)      (6,268)
                                        --------     --------     --------
Equity dividends paid                       (640)        (436)        (969)
                                        --------     --------     --------
Cash inflow/(outflow) before                                   
 use of liquid resources and                                   
 Financing                                13,205       (7,008)      (3,347)
   Share issue proceeds                        -       12,336       12,336
   Share issue expenses                        -         (945)        (979)
Increase/(decrease) in debt:                                   
   Capital element of finance                                  
lease payments                                 -           (4)          (7)
   Loan repayments in the year            (6,277)      (4,555)      (4,598)
                                        --------     --------     --------
Net cash (outflow)/inflow from                                 
 financing                                (6,277)       6,832        6,752
                                        --------     --------     --------
Increase/(decrease) in cash in                                 
 the period                                6,928         (176)       3,405
                                           =====        =====        =====

for the six months to 30 June 2000

1.   Interim Report

This  interim  report was approved by the Board  on  14  September
2000.   It  has been prepared using accounting policies  that  are
consistent  with those adopted in the statutory accounts  for  the
year  ended  31 December 1999.  FRS 15 has no material  effect  on
this  interim  report  and valuations have  been  brought  forward
without amendment from the previous annual accounts.

The  figures for the year ended 31 December 1999 have been derived
from  the statutory accounts for that year. The statutory accounts
have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies and received  an
audit  report which was unqualified and did not contain statements
under s237(2) or (3) of the Companies Act 1985.

2.   Group Turnover

                              Six months    Six months  Year ended
                              to 30 June    to 30 June 31 December
                                    2000          1999        1999
                             (unaudited)   (unaudited)   (audited)
                                   #'000         #'000       #'000
Rental income                      2,943         3,262       6,603
Trading income (commercial                             
 property)                         1,225         6,535      13,046
Trading income (residential                            
 property)                            60         1,005       1,359
                                --------     --------     --------
                                   4,228        10,802      21,008
                                   =====         =====       =====

3.   Rents Payable and Other Property Outgoings

Ground rent payable                   10            10          21
Rates                                 46            27         122
Other non-recoverable                                  
 outgoings                           350           362         452
                                 -------      --------    --------
                                     406           399         595
                                   =====         =====       =====

4.   Administration Expenses

Administration expenses are stated after charging:

                                      Six          Six        Year
                                   months       months       ended
                                    to 30        to 30          31
                                     June         June    December
                                     2000         1999        1999
                              (unaudited)  (unaudited)   (audited)
                                    #'000        #'000       #'000
Expenses for share buy back            16            -           -
Compensation to former                                  
 director for loss of office            -          147         147
Management fee receivable                               
 from associated                                        
 undertakings                        (354)        (196)       (852)

5.   Other operating income

                              Six months    Six months  Year ended
                                   to 30         to 30          31
                                    June          June    December
                                    2000          1999        1999
                             (unaudited)   (unaudited)   (audited)
                                   #'000         #'000       #'000
MCP finance fees                   1,070             -           -
Founders fee receivable                -         1,500       1,500
Sundry income                          -             -          24
                                --------      --------     -------
                                   1,070         1,500       1,524
                                   =====         =====        ====

6.   Basic and diluted earnings per ordinary share

The  earnings per share are calculated using profit after  tax  of
#1,456,000 (1999 - #2,182,000) and the weighted average number  of
shares  in  issue  during  the  period  of  175,765,968  (1999   -

7.   Investment in joint venture

On  7  March 2000 the Company announced that it had completed  the
agreement to form a branded accommodation joint venture with  Bank
of Scotland.
Bank of Scotland subscribed for a 50% stake in Moorfield (Atlantic
Point)  Ltd, previously a 100% subsidiary of Moorfield Group  PLC,
which is in the process of constructing the Atlantic Point student
accommodation development in Liverpool.
Moorfield  Group  PLC also subscribed for further  shares  in  the
company at a cost of #1,871,000.
Subsequent  to  the share subscription the funding of  #11,622,000
from Moorfield Group PLC was repaid.
The   joint  venture  has  continued  to  construct  the   student
accommodation, which was not operational by 30 June 2000.

8.   Investments in associated undertakings

                                       30           30          31
                                     June         June    December
                                     2000         1999        1999
                               (unaudited)  (unaudited)   (audited)
                                    #'000        #'000       #'000
Share of net assets brought        29,541        6,093       6,093
Original investment  in MCP             -        9,720      11,400
Repayment of investment in              -            -      (6,120)
MCP associates
Investment in Moorstone               700          930         355
Share of Moorstone retained            56          109         111
Share of MCP retained profit          321          393      12,998
Dividend received from MCP        (12,762)           -           -
Share of MCP taxation                (283)           -           -
Share of Moorstone                                      
unrealised revaluation                  -            -       4,138
Share of MCP unrealised              (164)           -         986
revaluation surplus
Share of MCP revaluation                                
surplus on property                   213            -           -
Share of deferred tax on MCP                            
unrealised                              -            -        (420)
  revaluation surplus
                                 --------     --------    --------
Share of net assets carried        17,622       17,245      29,541
                                    =====        =====       =====

9.   Fixed asset investment

In March 2000, the Company made an investment of #500,000 to
acquire a 3.07% stake in educentre.com, an unlisted company.
This company was incorporated to develop the use of on-line
technology in education and began trading on 1 January 1999. It
trades as digitalbrain.co.uk and its website was launched on 21
September 1999.
The company raised an additional #4million of share capital in
March 2000 and intends to use these resources to further market
its products to Local Education Authorities and to enhance the
content and support of its website.

10.  Reconciliation of Operating Profit to Cash Flow From
Operating Activities

                               Six months   Six months  Year ended
                                    to 30        to 30          31
                                     June         June    December
                                     2000         1999        1999
                               (unaudited)  (unaudited)   (audited)
                                    #'000        #'000       #'000
Operating profit                    2,709        3,818       2,872
Depreciation of tangible               53           49         103
fixed assets
(Profit) on sale of                   (68)          (4)       (123)
investment properties
Loss on sale of other fixed             -            7           7
                                 --------     --------    --------
                                    2,694        3,870       2,859
                                    =====        =====       =====
Working capital movements                               
Stocks                               (317)       6,719      14,240
Debtors                               877         (952)     (3,062)
Creditors                          (2,375)      (1,181)      1,481
                                 --------     --------    --------
                                   (1,815)       4,586      12,659
                                    =====        =====       =====
Net cash inflow from                  879        8,456      15,518
operating activities
                                    =====        =====       =====

11. Share buy back

On  26  June  2000, the Company purchased 16,652,191 ordinary  10p
shares  for #4,996,000, and on 30 June 2000, the Company purchased
a further 350,000 ordinary 10p shares for #101,500.
These amounts were settled on 3 July and 7 July respectively.
These shares represented 9.65% of the share capital in issue on 26
June   and,   following  these  transactions,  the   Company   has
159,223,177 ordinary 10p shares in issue.

The  comparative figures for the financial year ended 31  December
1999  are an extract from the Group's statutory accounts for  that
financial  year.   Those accounts have been  reported  on  by  the
Group's auditors and delivered to the Registrar of Companies.  The
report  of  the  auditors was unqualified and did  not  contain  a
statement under section 237 (2) or (3) of the Companies Act  1986.
A  copy  of  this statement is being sent to all shareholders  and
will  be  available  for  inspection at the  Company's  registered

Moorfield Grp. (LSE:MRF)
과거 데이터 주식 차트
부터 1월(1) 2025 으로 2월(2) 2025 Moorfield Grp. 차트를 더 보려면 여기를 클릭.
Moorfield Grp. (LSE:MRF)
과거 데이터 주식 차트
부터 2월(2) 2024 으로 2월(2) 2025 Moorfield Grp. 차트를 더 보려면 여기를 클릭.