RNS Number : 9661D

Hunter Resources PLC

04 February 2015

4 February 2015

Hunter Resources plc

("Hunter" or the "Company")





The Company is pleased to announce the results from its recent exploration programme at Pampamali, its high-grade gold, silver and base metal project in Peru.


-- 83 samples were taken in the Santo Domingo and Liz-Luz areas to investigate historical anomalies identified by previous explorers.

-- The existence of a 350m long Santo Domingo Vein anomaly identified by Peruvian Mining Company Buenaventura (NYSE: NVN) was confirmed by latest results and extended by an additional 900m by Hunter, returning high-grade results.

   --     Identification by Hunter of new anomalous zones containing very high grades: 
   --     Strong Au-Ag anomalies on Santo Domingo and adjacent veins 
   --     Best results:      60.2 g/t Au, 869 g/t Ag 

36.5 g/t Au, 1005 g/t Ag

36.0 g/t Au, 175 g/t Ag

14.6 g/t Au, 51.2 g/t Ag

   --      Sampled previously unmapped Northeast Vein, north east of the Luz vein 
   --      Best results:       85.9 g/t Au, 1065 g/t Ag 

27.0 g/t Au, 169 g/t Ag

8.07 g/t Au, 151 g/t Ag

Simon Hunt, Executive Chairman of Hunter, said "We are pleased and encouraged with the excellent results received from our recent sampling programme at Pampamali, including the discovery of the Santo Nuevo and Northeast veins. The results indicate wide spread high-grade gold occurrences which provide strong support for the potential of the project and the discovery of gold and silver resources. Every effort will be made to secure the necessary approvals required for the Company to lodge its application for a drilling permit from the relevant authorities as soon as possible."


Pampamali consists of at least 36 veins from surface outcrops. The high-grade veins have mapped outcrops of between 100 and 2,000m in length, with widths ranging from 0.2m to over 3m. The Pampamali project has 8 exploration concessions covering a total area of 3,500 hectares and is located in central Peru in the Department of Huancavelica, approximately 550 km by road from the city of Lima.

Exploration results

Fieldwork during December 2014 focused on sampling and mapping two gold-silver anomalies encountered by Buenaventura exploration, as previously announced by Hunter on 27 August 2014. The majority of high grade samples collected by Hunter were collected from around the old Spanish workings on both the Santo Domingo Vein and the Northeast Vein.

Table 1 summarises the outcomes of sampling the Buenaventura anomalies while Tables 2 and 3 provide a summary of assay highlights obtained by Hunter from the recent programme.

 Table 1. Check sampling comparison with previously identified 
  gold-silver targets 
      Buenaventura Anomaly            Hunter comparative sampling results 
                                                   (Dec 2014) 
-------------------------------  --------------------------------------------- 
 Santo Domingo Vein: 
  350m section averaged 0.57        Sampling of target anomaly returned 
  g/t Au, 84 g/t Ag, 2.21%          assays as good or better than obtained 
  Pb and 2.00% Zn.                  by Buenaventura as reported by Hunter. 
                                    Over this 350m section, the Hunter 
                                    samples averaged 1.13 g/t Au, 28.4 
                                    g/t Ag, 0.21% Pb and 0.35% Zn (with 
                                    peaks of 3.02 g/t Au, 51.3 g/t Ag, 
                                    0.8% Pb and 2.03% Zn) 
                                    IN ADDITION, highly anomalous assays 
                                    peaking at 60.2g/t Au and 1005 g/t 
                                    Ag were obtained by Hunter over a 
                                    further strike length of 900m immediately 
                                    south of the Buenaventura anomaly 
                                    within the Santo Domingo Vein (Figure 
                                    3 in Additional Information below) 
-------------------------------  --------------------------------------------- 
 Luz Vein: 
  470m mineralised vein exposed     Access due to mine collapse and flooding 
  of which a 200m section           was unavailable to the underground 
  averages 8.84 g/t Au, 97          workings from which these results 
  g/t Ag, 0.39% Pb and 4.16%        were obtained by Buenaventura. Hunter 
  Zn.                               undertook sampling in the surface 
                                    veins in and around the area. 
-------------------------------  --------------------------------------------- 


The veins identified by Buenaventura were observed to be variably covered by recent colluvium and veins such as Santo Domingo comprised multiple sub parallel veins of similar widths (Figures 1-3 - refer to Additional Information below).

However, anomalous gold-silver grades obtained by Hunter have not only returned values similar to those previously obtained by Buenaventura over a 350m strike length (Table 1) but extended that anomaly by another 900m to the south with high gold and silver grades (Figure 3 in Additional Information below). The best values obtained included 60.2 g/t Au, 869 g/t Ag; 36.5 g/t Au, 1005 g/t Ag; 36.0 g/t Au, 175 g/t Ag and 14.6 g/t Au, 51.2 g/t Ag.

There are significant Spanish workings on the main Santo Domingo Vein with two levels. The lower level is approximately 50m long and 10m high. The upper level is approximately 40m long and 1-5m high. Accessible material in these upper levels (20m-40m only) has largely been mined save for some in dumps and in limited locations. Samples 3736, 3738, and 3739 were taken from dump/stockpile material and what little remnant mineralisation was accessible within the working. These all returned exceptionally high grade samples which reinforces the prospectivity of the vein below the workings.

The vein widths of the high-grade samples are good with the Santo Domingo Vein averaging 0.6 to 1m. Within those veins the high-grade sub-section sampled of Santo Domingo is approximately 1m wide. Significant base metal grades were found in multiple samples, primarily along the Santo Domingo Vein and nearby parallel veins

Field work has identified a potentially significant control on the structure and mineralisation in the area around Santo Domingo and the southern portion of the tenements. A major structural corridor comprising a north-northwest trending, recessive alteration zone was identified which is a strong target for both geophysical and geochemical exploration, possibly for a disseminated or massive style deposit (Figures 1, 2 in Additional Information below). The alteration zone exhibited a higher density of veins and veinlets, sericite, and pervasive disseminated iron oxides (after sulphides).

The highest gold and silver values seem to be located in the veins to the east of this alteration zone. However, the full extent of the alteration and veins within the alteration has not been sampled and may contain significant mineralization.

A previously unmapped Vein (Santo Nuevo) was located immediately adjacent to the alteration zone and detailed sampling and mapping is planned for the next field visit (Figure 1 in Additional Information below). It provides a good marker as this vein can be visually followed up the ridge with the large historical (Spanish) workings on Santo Domingo. The historical Spanish workings on this Vein are fairly extensive, although largely collapsed and flooded.

Importantly, there are indications that Santo Nuevo, with its orientation, width and appearance, may trend into the high-grade Northeast Vein, north east of Luz as described below. If so this may prove to be a very useful marker horizon.

 Table 2. Summary of assay highlights received (channel and rock 
  chip samples) 
          Vein            Sample     WGS84     WGS84 Northing   Sample   Au g/t   Ag g/t   Pb %   Zn % 
                           Number    Easting                     Width 
-----------------------  --------  ---------  ---------------  -------  -------  -------  -----  ----- 
 Santo Domingo 
  dump and 
  vein mineralisation)     3717      544680       8552425        0.90      0.04     51.4   0.51   0.37 
-----------------------  --------  ---------  ---------------  -------  -------  -------  -----  ----- 
                           3721      544680       8552425        0.30      8.23      239   0.76   1.02 
-----------------------  --------  ---------  ---------------  -------  -------  -------  -----  ----- 
                           3730      544722       8552290        0.40      3.02     33.9   0.25   2.03 
                         --------  ---------  ---------------  -------  -------  -------  -----  ----- 
                           3736      544834       8552056        N/A*     60.20      869   0.33   2.06 
                         --------  ---------  ---------------  -------  -------  -------  -----  ----- 
                           3738      544883       8552000        N/A*     36.50     1005   0.52   0.16 
                         --------  ---------  ---------------  -------  -------  -------  -----  ----- 
                           3739      544905       8551990        N/A*     10.85     74.9   0.06   0.13 
                         --------  ---------  ---------------  -------  -------  -------  -----  ----- 
                           3743      544990       8551813        0.10      4.44     15.8   0.05   0.40 
                         --------  ---------  ---------------  -------  -------  -------  -----  ----- 
                           3744      544990       8551813        0.20     36.00      175   0.13   0.67 
                         --------  ---------  ---------------  -------  -------  -------  -----  ----- 
                           3745      545070       8551796        0.98     13.60      132   0.39   3.51 
                         --------  ---------  ---------------  -------  -------  -------  -----  ----- 
                           3748      545138       8551765        0.40     14.60     51.2   0.19   21.9 
                         --------  ---------  ---------------  -------  -------  -------  -----  ----- 
                           3750      545128       8551688        0.45      8.30     40.9   0.01   0.58 
                         --------  ---------  ---------------  -------  -------  -------  -----  ----- 
                           3752      545309       8551478        0.20      7.34     62.8   0.03   1.88 
                         --------  ---------  ---------------  -------  -------  -------  -----  ----- 
                           3753      545330       8551471        0.20      5.12      575   2.22   2.38 
-----------------------  --------  ---------  ---------------  -------  -------  -------  -----  ----- 

*Vein material from mine workings in dumps at surface


The area where the Luz and Liz Veins are located is slightly more recessed than the rest of the ridge to the east and identification of the veins from surface is more obscured and difficult to trace.

The Buenaventura target anomaly over the Luz Vein was sampled primarily by underground sampling which was not able to be replicated or tested at this stage due to lack of access caused by collapse and flooding. Other sampling was undertaken in an around the immediate area of Luz.

Results from this Luz area sampling have confirmed that the Luz and Liz vein systems comprises more sub parallel veining over similar strike lengths but have not attained the same high tenor of grade (see Figure 3 and Table 1). The previously unmapped Northeast Vein was identified and sampled to the northeast of Luz. This contains extensive Spanish workings and returned high gold-silver assays.

At least a dozen Spanish workings of varying sizes are located on the hill occupied by the Luz and Liz veins and another ten on the hill beyond these veins. The largest of these workings is at least 5m high and 20m deep and is located on the Northeast Vein. This working is probably larger, but entry was prevented due to collapse and flooding. The highest grade samples were taken from this location including samples 3790, 3791 and 3792 which returned exceptionally high grades of 27g/t Au, 169 g/t Ag; 8.07 g/t Au, 151 g/t Ag and 85.9 g/t Au, 1065 g/t Ag respectively (see Figure 3).

As mentioned above, there are early suggestions that the Northeast Vein may be an extension of the Santo Nuevo Vein adjacent to the alteration zone to the north. The Vein widths of the high grade samples are very good with the Northeast Vein averaging 1m wide of which the high grade sampled sub-section is almost 0.4m wide.

 Table 3. Summary of assay highlights received (channel and rock 
  chip samples) 
    Vein      Sample     WGS84     WGS84 Northing   Sample   Au g/t   Ag g/t   Pb %   Zn % 
               Number    Easting                     Width 
-----------  --------  ---------  ---------------  -------  -------  -------  -----  ----- 
 Luz Vein 
  area         3782      545212       8550386        0.10      5.02      165   0.07   0.03 
-----------  --------  ---------  ---------------  -------  -------  -------  -----  ----- 
  Vein (NE 
  of Luz)      3789      545484       8550558        0.70      6.38     14.4   0.10   0.12 
-----------  --------  ---------  ---------------  -------  -------  -------  -----  ----- 
               3790      545482       8550560        0.10     27.00      169   0.42   0.08 
-----------  --------  ---------  ---------------  -------  -------  -------  -----  ----- 
               3791      545482       8550560        0.40      8.07      151   0.47   0.12 
             --------  ---------  ---------------  -------  -------  -------  -----  ----- 
               3792      545482       8550564        0.38     85.90     1065   0.05   0.09 
-----------  --------  ---------  ---------------  -------  -------  -------  -----  ----- 
               3798      545572       8550492        0.25      3.91     19.6   0.07   0.08 
-----------  --------  ---------  ---------------  -------  -------  -------  -----  ----- 

Update on the Approvals and Regulatory Requirements for the DIA

As announced on 22 December 2014, before lodging the DIA (Environmental Impact Assessment) application Hunter is seeking the approvals from all local communities involved in the Pampamali area to commence drilling activities. There are only four communities affected from a legal and regulatory point of view; however these communities form part of a larger group within the district. Additional time is required to progress discussions with this larger group. No decision was made at a meeting with the communities that took place on 5January 2015 and Hunter is continuing discussions and negotiations. When consensus is reached and the approvals are obtained, the DIA will be lodged. Drilling will commence immediately upon the grant of the DIA.

Revised Agreement with the Owner of Pampamali

Legal documentation for the revised agreement is being finalised and is expected to be signed shortly. As announced on 22 December 2014 this significantly improves the terms on which the Company is able to purchase an initial 51% interest in the Pampamali project with the right to proceed to purchase up to 80%.

In accordance with the guidelines of the AIM Market of the London Stock Exchange, Andrew Richards BSc (Hons), DipEd MAusIMM MAIG MSEG GAICD, a Director of Hunter and a qualified geologist with over thirty years of experience in the mining industry, is the qualified person as defined in the London Stock Exchange's Guidance Note for Mining and Oil and Gas companies. Mr. Richards has reviewed and approved the technical information contained in this announcement and has relied on primary information supplied by staff and third party consultants in carrying out his review."

For further information, please contact:

Hunter Resources PLC                 Allenby Capital Limited 
 Simon Hunt                           (Nominated Adviser and Broker) 
 (Chairman)                           Nick Harriss/Nick Naylor 
 +44 7733 337 755 
 Andrew Richards                      +44 20 3328 5656 
 (Director and qualified geologist) 
 +6142304 4879                        www.allenbycapital.com 
-----------------------------------  ------------------------------- 

Additional Information

A copy of this announcement with mapping of lithology, veins and sample locations, shown with the Hunter Resources concessions can be viewed at www.hunter-resources.com, with the references as shown above.

Figure 1. Looking north at Santo Domingo and Santo Nuevo Veins from the Luz-Liz area. The high grade Au Spanish workings(shown in Figures 2 and 3) can be seen at the top of the valley on Santo Domingo.

Figure 2. Map of the southern portion of the tenements illustrating the recessive alteration zone; sampling by Hunter and the Spanish workings discussed in this report. The Santo Nuevo Vein and the Northeast Vein encountered in December 2014 may be related.

Figure 3. Map showing the samples taken by Hunter along the Santo Domingo vein and general Luz area including the Northeast Vein. Santo Domingo is frequently covered by colluvium that is prevalent in the valley.The original Buenaventura anomaly identified for sampling along the Santo Domingo vein is shown in the north of the diagram while the new 900m extension containing exceptional high grade values is highlighted immediately to the south.

Figures 4 and 5. High grade Spanish gold workings on Santo Domingo. Looking south.

Figure 6. Northeast Vein with significant Spanish workings and high grade gold samples to the north east of Luz

This information is provided by RNS

The company news service from the London Stock Exchange



Hunter Res. (LSE:HUN)
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