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Gartmore Balanced Assets Trust PLC GBAT Securities PLC Winding-up of the Companies At the Extraordinary General Meetings held earlier today...
GARTMORE BALANCED ASSETS NAV PER SHARE As at 28-Oct-04 including undistributed current year revenue. GARTMORE BALANCED ASSETS Ordinary shares 0.0p...
GARTMORE BALANCED ASSETS NAV PER SHARE As at 27-Oct-04 including undistributed current year revenue. The value of Total Assets and NAVs have been...
GARTMORE BALANCED ASSETS NAV PER SHARE As at 26-Oct-04 including undistributed current year revenue. The value of Total Assets and NAVs have been...
RNS Number:5027E Official List 27 October 2004 NOTICE OF TEMPORARY SUSPENSION OF LISTING FROM THE OFFICIAL LIST 27/10/2004 7:30 AM...
GARTMORE BALANCED ASSETS NAV PER SHARE As at 25-Oct-04 including undistributed current year revenue. The value of Total Assets and NAVs have been...
Gartmore Balanced Assets Trust PLC (the 'Company') GBAT Securities PLC (the `Subsidiary') Further to the announcement made by the Company and...
GARTMORE BALANCED ASSETS NAV PER SHARE As at 22-Oct-04 including undistributed current year revenue. The value of Total Assets and NAVs have been...
GARTMORE BALANCED ASSETS NAV PER SHARE As at 21-Oct-04 including undistributed current year revenue. The value of Total Assets and NAVs have been...
GARTMORE BALANCED ASSETS NAV PER SHARE As at 20-Oct-04 including undistributed current year revenue. The value of Total Assets and NAVs have been...
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