RNS No 3658h
20th October 1997

Chairman's Statement

It  is with pleasure that I am able to report an increase
in  net assets per share for the year ended 30 June  1997
of 50% to 10.27 pence per share.  This good result mainly
arose  from a combination of the profit for the financial
year  of  #1,657,000  and  transfer  to  the  revaluation
reserve  of #1,210,000.  The issue of ordinary shares  in
connection with the acquisition of Meridian Land  Limited
at  a  price in excess of net asset value per  share  was
also a contributing factor.

Profit before taxation on ordinary activities amounted to
#1,657,000  compared  with #1,503,000  for  the  previous
year,  which included an exceptional credit of  #465,000.
Excluding  this item there was an increase in profits  of
60%.   There  was  no  charge for  taxation  due  to  the
availability of tax losses and allowances.  Earnings  per
share  were  1.8 pence compared with 2.0  pence  for  the
previous  year  and 1.4 pence excluding  the  exceptional
profit.  Notwithstanding the good result, the board  have
not  proposed  a dividend for the year as they  presently
consider  that  the  company's cash  resources  are  most
beneficially employed within the business.

The  board's strategy over the last two years has had two
principal  objectives.  Firstly, to enlarge the recurring
income base to produce a positive cash flow after funding
overheads  and interest.  Secondly, to exploit fully  the
group's  asset selection and management skills to enhance
the value of its property investments and create property
dealing profits.  The steps taken during the year by  the
group's  executives  towards achieving  these  objectives
have been successful.

Attention  has  also  been given  towards  improving  the
company's   financial  base.   New   share   capital   of
#1,832,000  net  of  expenses  was  issued,   which   was
principally   in  connection  with  the  acquisition   of
Meridian  Land  Limited.  This issue, together  with  the
profit  for  the  financial  year  and  the  transfer  to
revaluation reserve, has enabled the group to  finance  a
proportionately  larger property portfolio  that  in  the
present  favourable market conditions  provides  enhanced

A large part of the group's debt was also refinanced with
Bank  of  Scotland under a #17 million seven and  a  half
year  revolving credit facility.  Most of the debt  under
this  facility  is  at  fixed  interest  rates  with  the
consequence that 75% of total debt, excluding convertible
loan  stocks  and convertible loan notes, is financed  at
fixed  rates  and is repayable in more than  five  years.
Accordingly, over the medium term the potential threat to
the  group's cash flow of higher interest rates has  been
considerably reduced.

In  the light of opportunities already created the  board
is  confident  of the group's prospects for  the  current
year.   As  noted  in  the  Operating  Review  the   last
financial  year was extremely busy as well as  successful
and,  accordingly,  I would like to express  the  board's
appreciation  of  the very considerable  efforts  of  the
group's  employees.   I would also like  to  express  the
board's  thanks to Mr Ansdell who resigned as a  director
in April this year.


Operating Review

The  last financial year was extremely busy and, in light
of  the substantial improvement of 50% in net assets  per
share,  very successful.  The group's property  portfolio
increased in size from #24.2 million to #43.7 million and
the rent roll rose by 80% to #4.3 million.

Meridian  Land  Limited with its #13.3  million  property
portfolio  was  our  first  corporate  acquisition.   Its
activities were quickly integrated with those of the rest
of  the  group.   Each property has been  considered  and
steps  have  and  continue to be taken to maximise  their
current  value  and  potential  for  growth.   Meridian's
portfolio contributed a positive cash flow and  a  modest
revaluation  surplus.  Trading profits of  #380,000  were
also  realised on the conclusion of a small joint venture
in  Ealing  and  the receipt of a profit share  upon  the
completion  of  a  sale at Mizens  Farm,  Woking  to  Tag
McLaren Holdings Limited.

A potentially important development for the group relates
to  the  interest  expressed by H  M  Prison  Service  in
Middleton  Towers,  Morecambe, a former  Pontins  holiday
camp that is owned by a 75% subsidiary.  The 65 acre site
is  currently  being considered for use as a  category  C
prison  and a public enquiry has been scheduled  for  the
near future to consider the proposed use.

In addition to Meridian's portfolio, four properties were
acquired  during  the year for a total of  #10.1  million
including costs.

St  George's  Court, New Malden was acquired  in  October
1996.   This  office property is let on long leases  with
84%  of  rental income from a major covenant.   With  the
market  continuing  to  improve for  such  buildings  the
prospect of an enhancement in value is good.

In  December  1996  Premier House, Woking  was  acquired.
This  office building, which is located within  the  town
centre,  offers scope for redevelopment or  refurbishment
and  with office rentals reaching #20 per sq ft we expect
to  see enhancement in value.  In addition to the offices
there  is  8,000 sq ft of retail space that  was  let  to
BeWise  Limited  for a further two years.  Simultaneously
with  acquisition  a new, 15 year lease  was  granted  to
BeWise,  with  a landlord's only break option  after  two
years, and the property was revalued at a surplus.

Brighouse  Court,  Gloucester  a  36,000  sq  ft   office
building let to five good covenants on predominantly long
leases was purchased in December 1996.  The void areas at
the  time  of purchase have now been let and the property
is  expected to be profitably disposed of in the  current
financial year.

A  retail  warehouse in Southampton was acquired  in  May
1997  with  a  strategy  in  mind.   Shortly  after   the
acquisition  a  lease surrender was negotiated  from  its
tenant.  Steps are underway to re-let the property at  an
enhanced  rental, which should result in an  increase  in
value over purchase price.

Three properties were sold during the year, including the
company's former head office at 34 Grosvenor Gardens,  at
an  overall  profit  of #424,000.  In addition,  after  a
lengthy delay the Dunblane land was sold, contributing to
profits by #350,000.

Contrary  to  expectations, the outcome of  the  planning
application   for   increased   leisure   activities   at
Dougalston  Golf Course, which has been sold  subject  to
receiving planning permission, remains outstanding.   The
remaining  14  acres of land at Springhill,  Glasgow  are
being  marketed and it is hoped to dispose of most of  it
for  residential development during the current financial

Following  the  year end, the leasehold  interest  in  26
Grosvenor  Gardens, London SW1 was purchased.  The  6,000
sq  ft  of  offices is partly used as the  company's  new
headquarters and it is anticipated that 4,000 sq ft  will
be  sublet  adding  further to the group's  growing  rent
roll.   In addition there is a Mews house with a  further
1,200 sq ft of space.

As  the  Chairman  noted in his statement,  opportunities
have  already  been created that provide  the  basis  for
continuing  success  during the current  financial  year.
Our  intention  is  to  convert that  potential  into  an
increase in net assets per share, but we shall give equal
attention to developing new opportunities to provide  the
basis for further growth in later years.

Managing Director

Financial Review

As  set  out  in the Chairman's Statement the  group  has
pursued a strategy with two main objectives.  Firstly, to
enlarge  its recurring income base to create  a  positive
cash   flow   after  deducting  overheads  and  interest.
Secondly,  to  exploit the group's  asset  selection  and
management  skills to enhance the value of  its  property
investments  and  create dealing  profits.   The  group's
financial  policies  have  been  set  to  facilitate  the
achievement of these objectives.

With  the  increase in the group's portfolio  during  the
year,  turnover,  excluding  that  relating  to  property
trading and other significant non-recurring items,   rose
to  a level approximately equal to overheads and interest
expense.   Overheads were carefully controlled  with  the
main    component,   administrative   expenses,   falling
marginally.   Looking  ahead it  remains  a  priority  to
continue to build recurring positive net cash flow.

To facilitate the group's ability to enhance the value of
its  property investments and create dealing profits, the
group continued to be fully invested with the consequence
that gearing remained high.  The board considers that  in
the  current  favourable property market conditions  this
policy  offers  greater opportunity  for  growth  in  net
assets per share.  Nevertheless, measures have been taken
to  protect the group from the risk, exacerbated by  high
gearing, of an increase in interest rates.

During  the  year  a large part of the group's  debt  was
refinanced  with  Bank of Scotland under  a  #17  million
seven  and  a  half year revolving credit facility.   The
interest rate on #11.5 million of the facility was  fixed
for  seven years and a further #2.5 million was fixed for
five  years.   The  balance of the facility  is  afforded
protection from significantly higher short term  interest
rates by an interest rate cap, purchased over three years
ago.   In  addition  to  interest rate  protection,  this
facility  enables the company to react rapidly to  market
opportunities  by  eliminating the requirement  to  enter
fresh loan documentation for each transaction.

As a consequence of the Bank of Scotland refinancing, 75%
of  the  group's debt, other than convertible loan stocks
and convertible loan notes, is financed at fixed interest
rates   and  is  repayable  in  more  than  five   years.
Furthermore, the majority of the remaining  25%  is  also
financed  at fixed rates, although repayable within  five
years.  Other than the Bank of Scotland debt, all of  the
group's debt is of non-recourse or of limited recourse to
assets other than those directly financed by such debt.

As referred to in note 14 to the accounts, the #3 million
6% convertible redeemable unsecured loan stock is subject
to  redemption in March 1999 or shortly afterwards.   The
board  has already given consideration to various options
for  refinancing this debt.  Note 14 to the accounts also
indicates  that  there  are three long  term  loans  with
interest  rates that average to slightly more  than  13%.
These  loans came as part of the acquisition of  Meridian
Land  Limited.  On consolidation a fair value  adjustment
has  been  made  in  recognition of their  high  interest
rates,  which will be amortised against interest  expense
over the periods of these loans.

On  30  June 1997 the group's freehold and long leasehold
property  was  valued by the directors at #29.3  million.
In  relation  to property valued at #25.1 million,  these
valuations  were, as set out in note 8 to  the  accounts,
based  on professional valuations carried out earlier  in
the  year.  In reaching these directors' valuations  only
very  minor  adjustments were made  to  the  professional
valuations of three of these properties.  During the year
75%  of  the  group's stock property was also subject  to
professional valuations, which confirmed that their  book
values were equal to or less than open market value.

Finance Director

Consolidated Profit and Loss Account
for the year ended 30 June
                                               1997      1996
                                                #000      #000
Turnover                                       5,952     8,062
Existing activities                           3,987     7,667
Acquisitions                                  1,965         -
Continuing activities                         5,952     7,667
Discontinued activities                          -        395
Cost of sales                                  (587)   (3,882)
Gross profit                                  5,365     4,180
Existing activities                           3,562     4,365
Acquisitions                                  1,803         -
Continuing activities                         5,365     4,365
Discontinued activities                           -     (185)
Administrative expenses                      (1,541)   (1,601)
Operating profit                              3,824     2,579
Existing activities                           2,085     2,871
Acquisitions                                  1,739         -
Continuing activities                         3,824     2,871
Discontinued activities                           -      (292)
Profit on disposal of investment                424         -
Exceptional items relating to                      -       465
subsidiaries and associate
Profit on ordinary activities before           4,248     3,044
Net interest payable                          (2,591)   (1,541)
Profit on ordinary activities before           1,657     1,503
Existing activities                             830      1,275
Acquisitions                                    827         -
Continuing activities                         1,657      1,275
Discontinued activities                          -         228
Tax on profit on ordinary activities               -        -
Profit for the financial year                 #1,657    #1,503
Earnings per share                             1.8 p      2.0p
Fully diluted earnings per share               1.6 p      1.7p
Dividends                                         -         -
Consolidated Balance Sheet
at 30 June

                                            1997           1996
                                            #000           #000

Fixed assets
Tangible assets                            29,345        20,371
Investments                                    -             17

                                           29,345        20,388
Current assets
Stocks                                     14,421         3,899
Debtors                                     3,313         1,058
Cash at bank and in hand                      355         1,470

                                           18,089         6,427
Creditors: amounts falling 
           due within one year
           including convertible debt      (4,178)       (2,835)

Net current assets                         13,911         3,592

Total assets less current liabilities      43,256        23,980

Creditors: amounts falling due 
           after more than one year
           including convertible debt     (33,452)      (17,735)
Provisions for liabilities and charges       (153)       (1,000)

Net assets                                 #9,651        #5,245

Capital and reserves
Called up share capital                      940            766
Share premium account                      3,925          2,267
Revaluation reserve                        1,420            264
Special reserve                            1,386          1,386
Other reserve                              (339)           (46)
Profit and loss account                    2,319            608

Total equity shareholders' funds           #9,651        #5,245

Statement of Total Recognised Gains and Losses
for the year ended 30 June

                                            1997           1996
                                            #000           #000

Profit for the financial year              1,657          1,503

Transfer of deferred fees to the           
revaluation reserve                        1,000             -
Unrealised surplus on revaluation of 
properties                                   210            77

Total recognised gains and losses 
for the year                              #2,867        #1,580

Reconciliation of Movements in Shareholders' Funds
for the year ended 30 June

                                            1997           1996
                                            #000           #000

Total recognised gains and losses for the 
year                                       2,867          1,580
New share capital subscribed               1,832            178
Goodwill transferred to profit and loss account in
respect of subsidiary no longer held        -               289
Goodwill written off on acquisition         (293)            -
Net addition to shareholders' funds        4,406          2,047

Opening total equity shareholders' funds   5,245          3,198

Closing total equity shareholders' funds  #9,651         #5,245

Historical Cost Profits and Losses
for the year ended 30 June

                                            1997           1996
                                            #000           #000

Reported profit on ordinary activities 
before taxation                            1,657           1,503
Net difference between the 
profit on the disposal of
assets calculated on historical 
costs and that calculated on
revalued amounts                              52              -
Difference  between  historical 
cost depreciation  charge and the
depreciation  charge for the 
year based on  the  revalued amount            2              2

Historical  cost  profit  on ordinary  activities  before
taxation                                    1,711          1,505

Historical cost profit for the year        #1,711         #1,505

Consolidated Cash Flow Statement
for the year ended 30 June

                                            1997           1996
                                            #000           #000

Net cash (outflow) inflow from 
operating activities                      (4,286)          1,966

Returns on investments and 
servicing of finance
Interest received                            103             108
Interest paid                              (3,918)        (1,850)

Net   cash  outflow  from  
returns  on  investments   and
servicing of finance                       (3,815)        (1,742)

Taxation                                       -              -

Capital expenditure and financial investment
Purchase of property                        (3,296)        (974)
Purchase of plant, vehicles and equipment      (45)         (20)
Sale of property                             4,519           75
Sales of plant, vehicles and equipment          16           28
Net cash inflow (outflow) from capital expenditure
and financial investment                     1,194         (891)

Acquisitions and disposals
Purchase of a subsidiary undertaking:
   Cash, including costs of acquisition     (1,159)          -
   Share issue expenses written off to share 
   premium                                     (80)          -
   Cash at bank acquired with subsidiary     1,197           -
Charged cash balance forgone   
on liquidation of
subsidiaries                                    -        (1,561)
Net receipt from subsidiary in receivership     -            25

Net cash outflow from acquisitions and 
disposals                                      (42)      (1,536)

Net cash outflow before financing           (6,949)      (2,203)

Issue of share capital for cash consideration  301          178
New medium term loans                       22,192        1,199
Repayment of bank loans                    (16,373)        (640)

Net cash inflow from financing               6,120          737

Decrease in cash                             #(829)     #(1,466)



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Conduit (LSE:CRE)
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