RNS No 2336k
18th December 1998

      Interim Results for the 27 weeks to 31 October 1998

Crest  Packaging  plc  ("Crest"), the flexible  packaging  and
folding  cartons manufacturer, announces Interim  Results  for
the 27 weeks to 31 October 1998.

                                  Interim       Interim
                                     1998          1997
Turnover                           #29.9m        #30.7m
Operating profit                   #1.96m        #2.06m
Pre-tax profit                     #1.58m        #1.82m
Earnings per share                   2.8p          3.5p

* Results  reflect demanding trading conditions throughout
  the Group

* Offer  for  the  entire issued share  capital  of  Crest
  Packaging plc from Angley Holdings PLC on 2 December 1998

* Continued investment in both divisions

* Operating profit in Flexible Packaging division improved
  due to achievement of cost savings and efficiencies

* Restructuring   in  Flexible  Packaging   substantially
  completed and on budget

* Cartons  division affected by a temporary slow  down  in
  demand  and  short  term costs associated with  the  ongoing
  integration of Wellingborough and Gillingham plants

Ian Tegner, Chairman, commented:

"As  stated  in  the Offer document, trading  conditions  have
continued to be demanding.  While it is too early to  forecast
the  results for the year as a whole, the business has to date
performed in line with expectations and the Directors are  not
aware of any reason why this will not continue".

For further information, please contact:

Crest Packaging plc                               01634 234444
Roy Cook, Managing Director
Mike Kenny, Deputy Managing Director

Square Mile Communications                       0171 583 4567
Louise Robson

      Interim Results for the 27 weeks to 31 October 1998

                     CHAIRMAN'S STATEMENT


Group  turnover in the 27 weeks to 31 October 1998  was  #29.9
million compared to #30.7 million in the 26 weeks in the first
half  of last year.  Operating profit reduced to #1.96 million
(1997:  #2.06 million) and profit after tax reduced  to  #1.14
million (1997: #1.4 million).  Pre-tax profit reduced to #1.58
million (1997: #1.82 million)

The  interest charge of #374,000 (1997: #235,000)  principally
reflects  continued investment in modern productive equipment.
As  stated  in  the 1998 Annual Report & Accounts,  a  further
Roland  700  Litho Printing Press and ancillary equipment  was
installed  at  Crest Chapman in Wellingborough  in  March  and
April at a cost of #2 million.

Earnings  per  share reduced to 2.8p (1997:  3.5p).   The  tax
charge at 28% reflects the anticipated full year charge  after
a  reduction  in the deferred tax provision arising  from  the
change in the Corporation Tax rate to 30% from 31%.

Gearing  has improved to 27.7% compared to 32.6% at  the  same
time  last  year and 33.7% at 30 April 1998.   This  level  of
gearing,  together  with interest cover of approximately  five
times,  will  continue  to  support  the  ongoing  substantial
investment programme being undertaken by the business.


As  you  may be aware, the Company is the subject of an  Offer
dated  2  December 1998 from Angley Holdings PLC on behalf  of
Rodney  Webb  to acquire the entire issued share capital.   In
the  event that the Offer is not declared, or does not become,
unconditional, it would be the Directors' intention to pay  an
interim dividend of 1p per share (1997: 1.375p per share).  It
is  expected that if such a dividend were declared it would be
paid  on 12 March 1999 to shareholders on the register  at  12
February 1999.

Flexible Packaging

Turnover  reduced  to  #12.9 million  (1997:  #13.5  million).
Operating  profit has improved to #1.21 million  (1997:  #1.01
million)  reflecting  cost  savings  and  efficiencies   being

As   stated   in   the  1998  Annual  Report,   the   #250,000
restructuring  programme,  projected  to  achieve  savings  of
#450,000  a year, has been substantially completed  on  budget
and  management's  focus is now targeted to further  improving
efficiency levels.  Additional investments are actively  being
considered  to  support these improvements  and  to  meet  the
demands and expectations of our customer base.

The  installation  of  an oxidiser at a cost  of  #700,000  to
restrict  the  emission  of  Volatile  Organic  Compounds,  as
required under the obligations of the Environmental Protection
Act, is now nearing completion.


Turnover  reduced  to  #17.0 million  (1997:  #17.2  million).
Operating  profit  reduced  to  #0.99  million  (1997:   #1.36
million)  as  a result of a temporary slowdown in  demand  and
short  term  costs associated with the ongoing integration  of
the Wellingborough and Gillingham plants.

A  fourth Roland 700 commissioned in April 1998 together  with
ancillary  equipment is fully operational and is now achieving
the  efficiency  levels necessary to provide  the  anticipated
return on investment.

Current Trading

As  stated  in  the  Offer document, trading  conditions  have
continued to be demanding.  While it is too early to  forecast
the  results for the year as a whole, the business has to date
performed in line with expectations and the Directors are  not
aware of any reason why this will not continue.

Ian N Tegner     

For further information, please contact:

Crest Packaging plc                               01634 234444
Roy Cook, Managing Director
Mike Kenny, Deputy Managing Director

Square Mile Communications                       0171 583 4567
Louise Robson

                      Crest Packaging plc
      Interim Results for the 27 weeks to 31 October 1998
                   Summarised Group Results

                                 Unaudited    Unaudited   Audited
                               27 weeks to  26 weeks to   Year to
                                31 October   25 October     April
                                      1998         1997      1998
                                     #'000        #'000     #'000
Flexible                            12,939       13,503    27,078
Cartons                             16,981       17,208    33,817
                                   -------      -------   -------
                                    29,920       30,711    60,895
                                   -------      -------   -------             
Segment profit:                                      
Flexible                             1,212        1,005     1,780
Cartons                                989        1,365     2,326
Restructuring costs                      -            -      (250)
Common costs                          (244)        (311)     (597)
                                   -------      -------   -------             
Operating profit                     1,957        2,059     3,259
Interest payable                      (374)        (235)     (562)
                                   -------      -------   -------             
Profit on ordinary activities        
before taxation                      1,583        1,824     2,697
Taxation                              (443)        (420)     (500)
                                   -------      -------   -------             
Profit on ordinary activities    
after taxation                       1,140        1,404     2,197
Dividends                                -         (551)   (1,102)
                                   -------      -------   -------             
Profit retained for the year         1,140          853     1,095
                                   -------      -------   -------             
Basic and diluted earnings per share  2.8p         3.5p      5.5p
Dividends per share                      -       1.375p     2.75p

                      Crest Packaging plc
      Interim Results for the 27 weeks to 31 October 1998
                      Group Balance Sheet
                                 Unaudited    Unaudited   Audited             
                                     as at        as at     as at
                                31 October   25 October  30 April
                                      1998         1997      1998
                                     #'000        #'000     #'000
Fixed assets                        27,627       26,738    28,367
                                   -------      -------   -------
Current assets:                                      
Stocks                               8,632        8,923     8,648
Debtors                             14,894       16,355    15,088
                                   -------      -------   -------             
                                    23,526       25,278    23,736
Creditors due within one year:                       
Bank overdraft                      (2,472)      (4,666)   (3,280)
Other creditors                    (14,480)     (15,528)  (15,523)
                                   -------      -------   -------             
                                   (16,952)     (20,194)  (18,803)
                                   -------      -------   -------             
Net current assets                   6,574        5,084     4,933
                                   -------      -------   -------             
Total assets less current      
liabilities                         34,201       31,822    33,300
Obligations under finance                            
leases due in more than one year    (3,644)      (2,547)   (3,935)
Provisions for liabilities and   
charges                             (6,122)      (5,846)   (6,070)
                                   -------      -------   -------             
                                    24,435       23,429    23,295
                                   -------      -------   -------             
Capital and reserves:                                
Called-up share capital              2,004        2,004     2,004
Reserves                            22,431       21,049    21,291
Capital reserves                         -          376         -
                                   -------      -------   -------             
Total shareholders' funds           24,435       23,429    23,295
                                   -------      -------   -------             
                      Crest Packaging plc
      Interim Results for the 27 weeks to 31 October 1998
                   Group Cash Flow Statement
                                     Unaudited    Unaudited   Audited         
                                         as at        as at     as at
                                    31 October   25 October  30 April
                                          1998         1997      1998
                                         #'000        #'000     #'000         
Net cash inflow/(outflow) from           2,611       (1,350)    2,759
operating activities
Returns on investments and servicing                      
of finance:
Net interest (paid)/received              (217)          13      (182)
Interest paid on finance leases           (179)        (131)     (255)
                                       -------      -------   -------
                                          (396)        (118)     (437)
Net corporation tax (paid)/received       (120)         575       145
                                       -------      -------   -------         
Capital expenditure and financial                         
Purchase of tangible fixed assets         (576)        (512)   (1,888)
Proceeds from sales of tangible 
fixed assets                               100           17       169
                                       -------      -------   -------         
                                          (476)        (495)   (1,719)
Acquisitions                                 -          129       129
Equity dividends paid                     (551)      (1,101)   (1,653)
                                       -------      -------   -------         
Cash inflow/(outflow) before      
financing                                1,068       (2,360)     (776)
Issue of ordinary shares                     -            -         -
Net cash (outflow)/inflow from     
finance leases                            (260)        (190)      388
(Repayment)/issue of acceptance credits (2,000)           -     2,000
Receipt of money market loans            2,500            -         -
                                       -------      -------   -------         
Increase/(decrease) in cash in the year  1,308       (2,550)      836
                                       -------      -------   -------
Reconciliation of operating profit to net cash inflow/(outflow) 
from operating activities:
Operating profit                         1,957        1,824     3,259
Depreciation                             1,216        1,128     2,259
Gain on sale of tangible fixed assets        -          (87)      (33)
Decrease/(increase) in stocks               17       (1,123)     (916)
Decrease/(increase) in debtors             260       (2,949)   (1,880)
(Decrease)/increase in creditors          (839)        (143)       70
                                       -------      -------   -------         
Net cash inflow/(outflow) from     
operating activities                     2,611       (1,350)    2,759
                                       -------      -------   -------         
Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement in net debt:

Increase/(decrease) in cash in the  
period                                   1,308       (2,550)      836
Cash outflow from decrease in      
finance leases                             260          190       388
Repayment/(issue) of acceptance    
credits                                  2,000            -    (2,000)
Receipt of money market loans           (2,500)           -         -
                                       -------      -------   -------         
Change in net debt resulting from     
cash flows                               1,068       (2,360)     (776)
Issue of new shares                          -            -         -
New finance leases                           -            -    (1,806)
                                       -------      -------   -------  
Decrease/(increase) in net        
borrowings                               1,068       (2,360)   (2,582)
                                       -------      -------   -------         
Net borrowings brought forward          (7,840)      (5,258)   (5,258)
                                       -------      -------   -------         
Net borrowings carried forward          (6,772)      (7,618)   (7,840)
                                       -------      -------   -------         
                      Crest Packaging plc
      Interim Results for the 27 weeks to 31 October 1998
                     Notes to the Accounts
1    Basis of Preparation

     The  interim  financial information has been prepared  on
     the  basis  of  the accounting policies set  out  in  the
     Group's  1998  Annual Report and Accounts.  The  taxation
     charge  for the 27 weeks ended 31 October 1998  has  been
     calculated  on  the basis of the estimated effective  tax
     rate for the full year.
2    Non-statutory Accounts

     These  statements do not constitute financial  statements
     within  the  meaning of Section 240 of the Companies  Act
     1985.   The  comparative figures for the  year  ended  30
     April  1998  are  an abridged statement  of  the  Group's
     financial  statements  for that period  which  have  been
     delivered to the Registrar of Companies and on which  the
     auditors   made  an  unqualified  report.   No  financial
     statements  will  be  filed for the  27  weeks  ended  31
     October 1998.
3    Earnings per Share

     The  basic  earnings per share for the  27  weeks  to  31
     October  1998, the year ended 30 April 1998  and  the  26
     weeks  to  25  October  1997 are based  on  the  weighted
     average number of ordinary shares of 40,088,315 (diluted:
     40,127,473), 40,088,302 (diluted: 40,129,914), 40,087,699
     (diluted: 40,130,229) respectively.
4    Contingent Liability

     The Group faces a product liability claim from a customer
     for approximately #650,000.  The matter has been referred
     to  the Group's insurers and investigations are presently
     being  undertaken.   The  insurers  have  reserved  their
     position  pending the conclusion of these investigations.
     A  contingent liability exists to the extent that  it  is
     not  yet  clear whether, in the event that the  Group  is
     found liable, there will be any residual liability on the
     Group  not covered by insurance.  No provision  has  been
     made  in  the accounts in respect of the claim as  it  is
     expected  that  in the event the Group  is  found  to  be
     liable  (and no admissions are made in this regard),  the
     insurers will meet any liability arising.
5    Interim Statement

     The  interim statement is being sent to shareholders  and
     will  be  available  at the Company's registered  office,
     Courtney Road, Gillingham, Kent, ME8 0RX


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