RNS Number : 5821P 
Capcon Holdings PLC 
27 March 2009 

Capcon Holdings plc ("Capcon" or the "Company") 
Final results for the year ended 30 September 2008 
Main points: 
  *  Increased profit from operations before exceptional items 
  *  Litigation successfully resolved 
  *  Central overhead costs, before exceptional items, further reduced. 
  *  Focus on core business creating stronger base 
  *  Prospects continue to remain strong. 
Capcon Holdings plc, the AIM listed investigations and risk management company, 
announces its audited consolidated results for the year ended 30 September 2008. 
    Ken Dulieu, Chairman, commented: 
'The year to 30 September 2008 has seen further progress made in strengthening 
the Group. Profitability of our leisure sector based services continued to 
improve and, following the successful resolution of the litigation proceedings, 
Argen has been re-building its specialised services business. We remain 
optimistic that, despite the present harsh market conditions, there will be a 
strong demand for our services as clients focus even more on processes that will 
maximize their profit margins through reduced wastage and better cost control.' 
Capcon Holdings plc 
Paul Jackson, Non executive Director                                020 74170417 
Shore Capital and Corporate Limited 
Pascal Keane                                                              020 
7408 4090 
Chairman's statement 
Operational review 
During the year ended 30 September 2008 the Group achieved further progress 
towards sustainable operating profit growth despite seriously adverse market 
conditions affecting clients in our main target sector, leisure, in the period. 
Traditionally, many of our clients have turned to Capcon during difficult 
trading conditions in order to make full use of our services to assist in the 
preservation or increase in their gross margins. This reaction has been evident 
in Capcon's results for the year ended 30 September 2008 and has offset the 
effect of reduced volumes from some existing clients as a result of their 
contracting hotel, pub and restaurant estates. 
The board has continued a disciplined approach to cost control throughout the 
year which combined with the successful implementation of a strategy of 
introducing higher skilled services to our audit and stocktaking clients has led 
to an improvement in the overall profit margin achieved on leisure sector 
Other investigation services, principally in Argen, have been profitable, and 
several new clients have been gained during the year. Considerable commitment to 
marketing these services will continue to be necessary as part of our strategy 
to rebuild this business following the loss of clients suffered during the 
protracted litigation proceedings. 
Having achieved a satisfactory conclusion to the long running litigation 
proceedings with the Argen vendors, the Directors have remained focused on 
continuing to strengthen the core business whilst considering alternative 
strategies for Group development and expansion. 
Financial overview 
Sales for the year to 30 September 2008 were GBP3.83 million (2007: GBP4.06 
million) representing a 5.7% decrease on last year which was entirely 
attributable to reduced activity in Argen. The overall gross margin of 37.8%, 
although lower than last year's level of 38.2%, was entirely attributable to the 
lower sales of the traditionally higher margin Argen services and masks an 
improvement in the overall level achieved for other core services. 
The Group achieved an operating profit of GBP0.09 million (2007: GBP0.81 
million) for the year after exceptional items. The Group generated a profit from 
operations before exceptional items for the year of GBP0.19 million (2007: 
GBP0.14 million). A loss was generated before tax of GBP0.11 million (2007: 
GBP0.59 million profit) after charging exceptional items of GBP0.10 million 
(2007:(GBP0.67million)) and interest of GBP0.20 million (2007:GBP0.22 million). 
This year is the first in which the Group has adopted International Financial 
Reporting Standards and the previous year's figures have been re-stated where 
appropriate. The Directors considered that no further impairment of goodwill was 
necessary for the year. 
The basic loss per share of 0.1p for the year compares with a re-stated 5.8p 
profit per share for the year ended 30 September 2007 and, excluding exceptional 
items, the loss per share was reduced to 0p compared with a 0.8p loss per share 
in 2007. 
The Board has continued to scrutinise every aspect of the central administration 
of the Group in order to maintain the recent trend of reducing overheads before 
exceptional items and has successfully reduced these costs by 17% compared with 
last year. The exceptional cost of GBP0.10 million relates principally to the 
legal costs incurred by the Group in connection with the recently settled 
litigation proceedings involving the Argen vendors. 
There was a net cash inflow from operations of GBP0.14 million (2007: GBP0.08 
million outflow) reflecting the higher profit from operations before exceptional 
items achieved whilst maintaining good control over working capital. Bank 
borrowings were marginally reduced in the year by GBP0.01 million from GBP0.94 
million to GBP0.93 million with total borrowings being maintained at the same 
level as last year. 
The significant legal fees incurred this year leading up to the resolution of 
the litigation proceedings with the Argen vendors have mainly neutralised the 
gains made from further profit growth in the year. This, in turn, has limited 
the Directors' opportunity to reduce the level of Group borrowings. 
Additionally, the Directors do not consider that a reduction in the Group's 
borrowings through an equity issue is feasible at this time. Accordingly, the 
Directors will continue the policy of not recommending the payment of a 
dividend, as last year, for the time being. 
Litigation resolved 
As announced on 10 December 2008, the litigation proceedings brought against the 
Company by the Argen vendors were dismissed following a protracted period of 
mediation. The outcome, as expected by the Directors in the Interim Report for 
the six months ended 31 March 2008, has resulted in no further payments being 
made to the Argen vendors and a contribution of GBP36,000 being made by the 
vendors towards the Group's legal costs. Additionally, the Group will benefit 
from the proceeds of sale of the Argen vendors' shares in the Company equivalent 
to approximately GBP26,000 at the current share price. The provision previously 
made in respect of the Group's potential liability of GBP0.82 million in respect 
of these proceedings was released in the year to 30 September 2007 in 
expectation of this outcome. 
Audit, stocktaking and investigations - Leisure 
The segmental analysis of the business, now reported in the accounts in detail 
under note 4, distinguishes between those services provided to the leisure 
sector and 'other investigation services'. Capcon's core business was founded on 
the provision of a range of services aimed at improving the profit margins of 
our clients' businesses in the leisure sector. The Directors consider that, as 
these services are marketed specifically to the leisure sector and represent a 
significant part of the overall business, they should be distinguished from our 
other, more specialised, investigation services which are not sector based. 
Sales of GBP3.46 million were 1.6% higher than last year due to increased 
revenues from audit and stocktaking services. Profit from operations was GBP0.51 
million compared with GBP0.48 million last year, a 4.7% improvement. The trend 
commented on in the Group's Interim Report for the six months ended 31 March 
2008 whereby gross margins have increased as a result of our clients' demands 
for services which offer them higher added value, continued into the second half 
of the year. In addition, operating costs continue to be closely reviewed on an 
on going basis which has further improved the margin achieved this year. 
We have gained several new stocktaking clients in the year and, in particular, 
we have been successful in attracting small pub groups, many having developed 
from the disposal of non core units from the larger national pub chains. In 
addition, some existing and new clients have requested consultancy work and 
audit work which is more complex than our traditional services which, in turn, 
has justified a higher fee rate being charged, leading to an improved margin 
level. This consultancy work requires our field managers to work closely with 
our clients' operational managers in the formulation of joint action plans to 
resolve stock and cash control issues. Inevitably, these assignments lead to 
further integration with the client and security for our services in the future. 
During the year, the Group developed new relationships with several hotel chains 
which has led to a recurring business stream for audit and stocktaking work but, 
more particularly, for investigation services. The investigations division has 
been successful in the marketing of its traditional higher margin services and 
the growth of business in the hotel sector has become an important niche for 
future development. 
Our ongoing attention to minimising costs and maximising operational 
efficiencies has been critical in maintaining our unit costs at a level that 
ensures our clients receive best value during a period of change that is 
unprecedented in our target market. 
The tough market conditions facing the leisure sector during the year led to 
many clients increasing their attention to controls over cost and wastage to 
maximise profit margins on their lower volume of business. This trend was 
evident during the recession of the early 1990's and created growth 
opportunities for our services at that time. Consequently, we anticipate that 
the continuing harsh economic conditions may similarly increase demand for our 
audit, stocktaking and investigation services in the current year. 
Other investigation services 
Sales for other investigation services for the year were GBP0.38 million 
compared with GBP0.67 million last year, a 44% decrease. As reported in the 
Group's Interim Report for the six months ended 31 March 2008, the traditional 
services provided by Capcon Argen have suffered from the effects of the Argen 
litigation. Consequently, significant time and effort has been expended on 
marketing activities aimed at re-building this division. The decline in demand 
for Argen's services has been arrested and we are seeing evidence of growth in 
certain areas in which Argen specialises. 
Several new clients have been gained in the year and marketing activity has led 
to some significant tenders being submitted to blue chip clients seeking an 
on going contractual service. Although Argen has not benefited in the period 
under review from such contracts, we remain optimistic that a number of current 
outstanding tenders may be concluded in our favour in the medium term. The 
traditional Argen business is assignment based and, in contrast to contractual 
work, is too unpredictable to be forecast with any certainty. We, therefore, 
remain cautious with regard to the current year's trading performance. 
As previously reported, a significant and progressive rationalisation of the 
operating cost base has been undertaken over the past two years including a 
relocation of the office from London to Surrey. These cost savings have 
contributed to an improved operating margin percentage in the year to 30 
September 2008 despite the lower level of activity. The Directors believe that 
overhead costs can be contained if activity increases in the current year and 
this will have a further beneficial effect on the operating margin level. 
Group costs 
I am pleased to report that our continuous attention to the reduction of central 
overhead costs as the Group re-focuses on core activities has resulted in 
further savings of 17% in the year to 30 September 2008 compared with the 
previous year. 
Legal fees of GBP101,377, mainly associated with the proceedings related to the 
Argen vendors' pursuit of further earn out payments, have been treated as 
exceptional items.  Legal fees of GBP155,535 in respect of these proceedings 
were incurred in the previous year. Due to the successful conclusion of these 
proceedings in December 2008, no related fees will be incurred after the current 
Current trading and prospects 
The new financial year has started well with sales levels for audit and 
stocktaking services being maintained despite the prevailing difficult economic 
climate. The demand from pub companies and hotels for higher skilled consultancy 
services continues in the current year with a consequent benefit to operating 
margin levels. There has been little adverse effect from the deteriorating 
leisure sector so far but the Directors are wary of the potential for a down 
turn should the current economic situation worsen and contingency plans are 
already in place to soften the impact on Capcon of any consequent reduction in 
Instructions for Argen's specialised investigation services are slowly 
increasing from the lower activity base that was established last year and the 
Directors remain optimistic that, based on the quality of feedback from an 
increasing client base, this part of the Capcon business will continue to grow 
in the medium term. However, Argen is an assignment based business which makes 
any short term forecasting difficult. 
Having successfully resolved the long running legal dispute with the Argen 
vendors, whilst simultaneously restoring profit in the core Capcon business, the 
Group has been, once again, growing in strength. Nevertheless, at present, the 
Directors are limited in the options open for future development until the 
current difficulties of funding growth are resolved. The Directors are 
considering various alternative strategies for Group development which take 
account of the Group's high level of gearing and limited scope for a new equity 
K P Dulieu 
27 March 2009 
|                             Capcon Holdings plc                                                                                     | 
|                             Consolidated income statement for the year ended 30 September 2008                                      | 
|                                                                                                                                     | 
|                                                                                                     2008                     2007   | 
|                                                                                                      GBP                      GBP   | 
|                             Revenue                                                            3,829,100                4,055,593   | 
|                                                                                                                                     | 
|                             Cost of sales                                                    (2,382,182)              (2,505,749)   | 
|                                                                                             ____________             ____________   | 
|                             Gross profit                                                       1,446,918                1,549,844   | 
|                                                                                                                                     | 
|                             Administrative expenses                                          (1,353,430)                (744,146)   | 
|                                                                                                                                     | 
|                             Profit from operations before                                        194,865                  140,582   | 
|                             exceptional items                                                  (101,377)                  665,116   | 
|                             Exceptional items                                                                                       | 
|                                                                                                                                     | 
|                             Profit from operations                                                93,488                  805,698   | 
|                             Finance income                                                             -                       41   | 
|                             Finance expense                                                    (199,100)                (218,810)   | 
|                                                                                             ____________             ____________   | 
|                             (Loss)/ profit before taxation                                     (105,612)                  586,929   | 
|                                                                                                                                     | 
|                             Tax expense                                                                -                        -   | 
|                                                                                             ____________             ____________   | 
|                             (Loss)/ profit for the year attributable                           (105,612)                  586,929   | 
|                             to equity shareholders                                          ____________             ____________   | 
|                                                                                                                                     | 
|                             (Loss) / earnings per share for                                                                         | 
|                             (loss)/profit                                                                                           | 
|                             attributable to the equity holders of                                                                   | 
|                             the                                                                                                     | 
|                             parent during the year                                                (0.1p)                     5.8p   | 
|                                                                                                                                     | 
|                             Basic                                                                                                   | 
|                             Diluted                                                                                                 | 
|                                                                                                                                     | 
|                                                                       Share premium                                                 | 
|                             Group                                           account          Merger        Retained                 | 
|                             Share Capital                         reserve        earnings    Total equity                           | 
|                                                                 GBP             GBP             GBP             GBP             GBP | 
|                             At 1 October 2006               101,568       2,774,094         950,000     (5,102,441)     (1,276,779) | 
|                                                                                                                                     | 
|                             Profit for the year                   -               -               -         586,929         586,929 | 
|                             ____________    ____________    ____________    ____________    ____________                            | 
|                             At 1 October 2007 and           101,568       2,774,094         950,000     (4,515,512)       (689,850) | 
|                             30 September 2007                                                                                       | 
|                                                                                                                                     | 
|                             Loss for the year                     -               -               -       (105,612)       (105,612) | 
|                                                        ____________    ____________    ____________    ____________    ____________ | 
|                             Total recognised income         101,568       2,774,094         950,000     (4,621,124)       (795,462) | 
|                             and expense                                                                                             | 
|                                                                                                                                     | 
|                             Issue of Share Capital           15,235          43,801               -               -          59,036 | 
|                                                        ____________    ____________    ____________    ____________    ____________ | 
|                             At 30 September 2008            116,803       2,817,895         950,000     (4,621,124)       (736,426) | 
|                             ____________    ____________    ____________    ____________    ____________                            | 
|                                                                                                                                     | 
|                                                                                                  2008                         2007  | 
|                             Assets                                                                GBP                          GBP  | 
|                             Non current assets                                                                                      | 
|                             Intangible assets                                               1,425,264                    1,425,264  | 
|                             Property plant and equipment                                       56,420                       65,819  | 
|                             ____________                 ____________                                                               | 
|                             Total non current assets                                        1,481,684                    1,491,083  | 
|                                                                                                                                     | 
|                             Current assets                                                                                          | 
|                             Trade and other receivables                                       856,503                      900,585  | 
|                             Cash and cash equivalents                                             657                           35  | 
|                             ____________                 ____________                                                               | 
|                             Total current assets                                              857,160                      900,620  | 
|                             ____________                 ____________                                                               | 
|                             Total assets                                                    2,338,844                    2,391,709  | 
|                                                                                                                                     | 
|                             Liabilities                                                                                             | 
|                             Non current liabilities                                                                                 | 
|                             Loans and borrowings                                              675,000                      666,317  | 
|                                                                                                                                     | 
|                             Current liabilities                                                                                     | 
|                             Trade and other payables                                        1,251,852                    1,269,065  | 
|                             Loans and borrowing                                             1,031,368                    1,037,867  | 
|                             Provision                                                         117,050                      108,304  | 
|                                                                                          ____________                 ____________  | 
|                             Total current liabilities                                       2,400,270                    2,415,236  | 
|                             ____________                 ____________                                                               | 
|                                                                                                                                     | 
|                             Total liabilities                                               3,075,270                    3,081,553  | 
|                                                                                          ____________                 ____________  | 
|                             Net liabilities                                                 (736,426)                    (689,850)  | 
|                             ____________                 ____________                                                               | 
|                                                                                                                                     | 
|                             Capital and reserves                                                                                    | 
|                             Called up share capital                                           116,803                      101,568  | 
|                             Share premium account                                           2,817,895                    2,774,094  | 
|                             Merger reserve                                                    950,000                      950,000  | 
|                             Retained earnings                                             (4,621,124)                  (4,515,512)  | 
|                             ____________                 ____________                                                               | 
|                                                                                                                                     | 
|                             Shareholders' deficit                                           (736,426)                    (689,850)  | 
|                             ____________                 ____________                                                               | 
|                                                                                                                                     | 
|                                                                                                                                     | 
|                                                                                                  2008                         2007  | 
|                                                                                                   GBP                          GBP  | 
|                             Cash flows from operating activities                                                                    | 
|                                                                                                                                     | 
|                             Profit/(loss) for the period                                    (105,612)                      586,929  | 
|                             Depreciation                                                       29,340                       66,122  | 
|                             Finance expense                                                   199,100                      218,769  | 
|                                                                                                                                     | 
|                             Cash flows from operating activities before                       122,792                      871,820  | 
|                             changes in working capital                                                                              | 
|                                                                                                                                     | 
|                             Decrease in debtors                                                44,082                      165,015  | 
|                             (Decrease)/increase in creditors                                 (25,724)                  (1,119,385)  | 
|                                                                                          ____________                 ____________  | 
|                             Net cash generated/ (outflow) from operating                      141,150                       82,550  | 
|                             activities                                                                                              | 
|                                                                                                                                     | 
|                             Investing Activities                                                                                    | 
|                                                                                                                                     | 
|                             Purchase of property, plant and equipment                        (19,905)                     (12,888)  | 
|                                                                                          ____________                 ____________  | 
|                             Net cash used in Investing Activities                            (19,905)                     (12,888)  | 
|                                                                                                                                     | 
|                             Financing activities                                                                                    | 
|                                                                                                                                     | 
|                             Issue of ordinary shares                                           59,036                            -  | 
|                             Interest paid                                                   (156,332)                    (117,012)  | 
|                             Repayment of loans                                                  (648)                     (57,335)  | 
|                             Invoice discounting facilities                                   (33,197)                       43,314  | 
|                             Principal payment under finance leases                            (8,534)                     (16,265)  | 
|                                                                                                                                     | 
|                             Net cash used in Financing Activities                           (139,675)                    (147,298)  | 
|                                                                                          ____________                 ____________  | 
|                             (Decrease) in cash in the year                                   (18,430)                    (242,736)  | 
|                                                                                                                                     | 
|                             Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning                      (525,610)                    (282,874)  | 
|                             of year                                                      ____________                 ____________  | 
|                                                                                                                                     | 
|                             Cash and cash equivalents at the end of year                    (544,040)                    (525,610)  | 
|                             ____________                 ____________                                                               | 
|                                                                                                                                     | 
|                                                                                                                                     | 
This information is provided by RNS 
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange 

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