As with most other  junior resource exploration companies,  Brazilian 
Diamonds Limited  ("Brazilian Diamonds"  or the  "Company") has  been 
affected by  the continuing  uncertainties in  international  capital 
markets which have negatively impacted the ability of junior resource 
exploration companies to finance their activities.  As a consequence, 
as at  December 31,  2008,  the Company  had  a net  working  capital 
deficiency of $329,000. 
To manage its liquidity requirements, the Company has been  reviewing 
its strategic  plans  for the  future  activities of  the  business. 
Following this review,  the Directors  are pleased  to announce  that 
they have entered  into preliminary  agreements for the  sale of  the 
Company's laboratory  and  facilities  at Patos  de  Minas  to  third 
parties for a total consideration of approximately Can$466,000. 
In addition, the Company has  also signed a preliminary agreement  to 
sell all its interests in Cobre Sul Mineracao Ltda. to third parties. 
Cobre Sul Mineracao  Ltda owns assets  associated with the  Company's 
Santo Antonio de Bonita diamondiferous alluvial gravels project.  The 
consideration includes a cash payment of Can$452,000 and  Can$516,000 
in polished  diamonds which  are to  be independently  valued in  New 
York, USA and then delivered to the Company within 90 days of signing 
of the sale agreement. 
The gross proceeds of the transactions will be used to repay debt and 
to enable  the Company  to  advance the  Canastra 1  project  towards 
development.  The transactions both remain subject to the negotiation 
of formal sale contracts with the purchasers and full details will be 
announced on signing of the contracts. 
The Company  remains  encouraged by  the  recent publication  of  the 
government's inter-departmental deliberations  over the  finalization 
of permanent boundaries for the Serra da Canastra National Park which 
is located in proximity  to the Canastra 1  project and the  progress 
made with respect to the passage  of this legislation.  A draft  bill 
(Projeto de  Lei #  1448/2007)  was submitted  in  June 2007  to  the 
Brazilian Congress to formally exclude the Company's projects in  the 
Serra da Canastra region from any new proposed Canastra National Park 
boundary.  The draft bill  was approved by  the Camara dos  Deputados 
(Lower House) on October 29, 2008 and has moved to the Senado  (Upper 
House) for final approval which is expected during 2009.  The Company 
has renewed  the  Canastra mineral  licenses  that it  holds  and  is 
maintaining them  in good  standing while  waiting for  trial  mining 
permits to be issued  which is expected to  follow final approval  of 
this legislation.  The Company hopes to commence trial mining at  its 
Canastra 1 project once the bill  has received final approval but  in 
the meantime the Company's projects  in the Serra da Canastra  region 
will remain on care and maintenance.. 
The Company has  kept its mineral  licenses in the  Santo Antonio  do 
Bonito River  region  in  good  standing and  the  Company  hopes  to 
continue work on the  project in the future  but for the moment,  the 
Santo Antonio do Bonito River kimberlite exploration project  remains 
on care and maintenance.  Licensing for the Regis and Tucano projects 
in the Patos de Minas region has also been renewed and they are being 
maintained in good standing while these projects will remain on  care 
and maintenance. 
For further information contact: 
Brazilian Diamonds Limited 
Ken Judge, Chairman                                 + 44 7733 001 002 
Stephen Fabian, CEO                                 + 55 31 9186 4660 
Hanson Westhouse Limited (Nomad and Broker to the   + 44 113 246 2610 
Tim Feather/Matthew Johnson 
The following  discussion  of  performance  and  financial  condition 
should be read in conjunction with the audited consolidated financial 
statements of the Company for the year ended December 31, 2008.   The 
Company's  financial  statements  are  prepared  in  accordance  with 
Canadian GAAP.  The accounting policies  followed by the Company  are 
set out in note 3 to the audited consolidated financial  statements. 
The Company's reporting  currency is Canadian  dollars.  The date  of 
this Management's Discussion and Analysis is March 25, 2009. 
Description of Business 
Brazilian Diamonds  Limited (the  "Company") is  a development  stage 
resource company currently  engaged in  the acquisition,  exploration 
and development  of kimberlite  and  alluvial diamond  properties  in 
Brazil.  The Company holds 23,107 hectares of alluvial and kimberlite 
exploration properties in the Paranaiba  and Santo Antonio do  Bonito 
River Basins and  the Patos de  Minas region as  well as over  51,328 
hectares of  prospective  exploration  properties  in  the  Serra  da 
Canastra   Kimberlite   Province   including   the   advanced   stage 
diamondiferous Canastra 1 kimberlite pipe.  In addition, the  Company 
has its own  diamond laboratory  used in the  recovery of  kimberlite 
indicator minerals  and in  2006 the  Company received  an ISO  17025 
rating for the facility.  Subsequent to year end this laboratory  has 
been sold. 
The Company's head office  is located in  Belo Horizonte, Brazil  and 
the corporate  office  is  located  in  Vancouver  British  Columbia, 
Canada.  Exploration  headquarters are  located  in Patos  de  Minas, 
The Company is a  reporting issuer in  Ontario and British  Columbia, 
Canada and its common shares trade on the Toronto Stock Exchange  and 
Alternative Investment Market  ("AIM") of the  London Stock  Exchange 
under the symbol BDY. 
Corporate Developments 
As at March 25, 2009, the Company owes $115,000 (December 31, 2008  - 
$107,000) to SAFM Mineracao Inc.,  a company associated with  Stephen 
Fabian  (director),  with  accrued  interest  based  on  the  monthly 
interest of  the standard  Brazilian  CDB bank  rate for  Banco  Itau 
payable on demand. 
As at March 25, 2009, the  Company owes $84,000 (December 31, 2008  - 
$32,000) to Itapiruba Internacional  Ltda., a subsidiary company  of 
Hamilton Capital Partners Limited and Kenneth Judge (director),  with 
accrued interest  based  on  the monthly  interest  of  the  standard 
Brazilian CDB bank rate for Banco Itau payable on demand. 
In February  2009, the  Company  was notified  by the  Toronto  Stock 
Exchange ("TSX") that it was reviewing the eligibility for  continued 
listing of the  Company's shares  on the  TSX.  The  review is  being 
conducted under the TSX's Remedial  Review Process pursuant to  which 
the Company has  been given until  June 26, 2009  to satisfy the  TSX 
that it meets  all TSX  requirements for  continued listing,  failing 
which the Company's shares will be delisted as of July 26, 2009.  The 
Company is therefore  considering its options  in this regard,  which 
include applying for  a transfer of  its listing to  the TSX  Venture 
Exchange or having its listing on the AIM market of the London  Stock 
Exchange continue as the Company's  sole market for its shares.   The 
Company anticipates a definitive decision on the Company's course  of 
action being made well in advance of the TSX deadline. 
In March 2008, the  Company completed a  private placement for  gross 
proceeds of $2,596,000.  The Company issued 25,957,000 common  shares 
at a price of $0.10 per share. 
Discussion of Operations 
Current Year Activity 
Amounts have  been restated  to  conform to  a change  in  accounting 
policy and also  a restatement  due to the  retroactive treatment  of 
future income taxes within other  comprehensive income as set out  in 
EIC 172.   See "Changes  in Accounting  Policies" or  note 2  of  the 
audited consolidated financial statements for the year ended December 
31, 2008. 
Change in  accounting policy  and restatement  regarding  exploration 
                (Restated-note 2) 
                      December 31                December 31, 
                             2007   Write-down           2008 
Coromandel                  1,585        (793)            792 
Patos de Minas                312        (312)              - 
Serra da 
Canastra                    1,400        (700)            700 
Salvador 1                    466        (466)              - 
Total                       3,763      (2,271)          1,492 
                   As                 (Restated-note2)     (Restated-note2) 
           previously                      December 31,         December 31, 
             reported   Adjustments                 2006                2007 
Coromandel      8,620       (7,035)                1,585               1,585 
Patos de 
Minas           2,737       (2,425)                  312                 312 
Serra da 
Canastra        7,121       (5,721)                1,400               1,400 
Salvador 1        466             -                  466                 466 
Data Sets       2,383       (2,383)                    -                   - 
projects           63          (63)                    -                   - 
Total          21,390      (17,627)                3,763               3,763 
During the  year ended  December 31,  2008, the  Company focused  the 
first part  of the  year  on exploration  activities on  its  diamond 
properties within Minas Gerais and Bahia States, Brazil and the  last 
quarter of the year the  Company focused on reorganizing  activities, 
termination of some of the claims and on care and maintenance of  its 
Salvador 1 
Salvador 1 Kimberlite Testing 
The Salvador  1  kimberlite is  a  six hectare  body  partly  exposed 
beneath the sands  and gravels  of an  old alluvial  diamond mine  in 
central  Bahia  State,  Brazil.   The  testing  of  the  Salvador   1 
kimberlite has involved the excavation of a number of pits, with each 
pit designed to extract approximately 1,300 tonnes of kimberlite from 
different parts of the kimberlite pipe. 
Extraction began in the last quarter of 2007 and continued through to 
September 2008.  The  kimberlite is  multiphase with as  many as  six 
kimberlite rock  types  identified  in  Pit  1,  therefore  providing 
numerous challenges in evaluation process. 
Processing of the kimberlite samples  began in December 2007 using  a 
processing plant consisting of  a primary disaggregation rotary  pan, 
followed by  x-ray flowsort  and  grease table  for the  recovery  of 
diamonds.  The processing  plant has recently  been augmented with  a 
roll crusher to better  handle harder kimberlite fragments,  however, 
sample treatment remained slower than excavation. 
Quality control and quality assurance of this evaluation process  was 
undertaken at  the Company's  certified ISO  17025 indicator  mineral 
processing laboratory  on Patos  de  Minas, where  concentrates  were 
re-examined  for  diamonds  that  may  not  have  been  recovered  in 
processing by the on-site plant. 
By September 2008, the Company completed field operations at its  pit 
sample evaluation of  the Salvador  1 kimberlite  pipe.  The  Company 
excavated three pits from 8 to  11m deep and processed the  extracted 
kimberlite in  a  plant  built on-site.   In  addition,  the  Company 
completed drill holes  and conducted microdiamond  tests to  identify 
potentially higher grade zone.  Kimberlite weighing 603.5 tonnes from 
Pit 1 yielded 12.44 carats  of diamonds, demonstrating that the  pipe 
is diamondiferous  although  with  a low  abundance  in  the  portion 
tested.  Preliminary results from 402 tonnes of kimberlite  extracted 
from Pit 3 yielded 10.44 carats of diamonds.  Additional  kimberlite, 
mostly from  the  second and  third  pits  has been  shipped  to  the 
Company's mineral processing laboratory in Patos de Minas, Brazil for 
final diamond processing and quality control tests following  initial 
processing steps on-site.  All field equipment was moved to the Santo 
Antonio do  Bonito  project site  in  Minas Gerais  State  where  the 
Company was investigating the possibility of re-starting operations. 
Salvador 1 Alluvial Sand and Gravel Testing 
Concurrent with the kimberlite sampling and processing at Salvador 1, 
a separate processing  plant was  used to recover  diamonds from  the 
sands and gravels overlying the Salvador 1 kimberlite.  Approximately 
2,300 tonnes  of sands  and gravels  were processed  through the  jig 
plant, yielding  78.93 carats.   The two  largest recovered  diamonds 
weighed 3.15  and 2.65  carats respectively.   The shallow  overlying 
alluvial sands and gravels are  enriched in diamond content  compared 
to  the   kimberlite,  although   the  volumes   are  smaller.    The 
confirmation of  a  diamondiferous kimberlite  feeding  the  alluvial 
deposits of  central  Bahia  has positive  implications  for  further 
exploration within the Company's extensive land position and database 
for the region. 
At December 31, 2008, the Company has assessed the recoverability  of 
its Salvador  1  project and  has  recorded an  asset  impairment  of 
$466,000.  The Company has closed down its testing programs and it is 
unlikely that  the relevant  mineral licenses  will be  renewed.   To 
conserve cash reserves,  the Salvador  1 project has  been placed  on 
care and maintenance. 
Coromandel Region 
Santo Antonio do Bonito River 
In 2008, all field equipment was consolidated at the Santo Antonio do 
Bonito project  site in  Minas Gerais  State, where  the Company  was 
investigating the possibility of re-starting operations. 
As at December 31, 2008, the Company has assessed the  recoverability 
of its Santo Antonio do Bonito  River project and determined that  no 
impairment was required as the  projects were written down to  $nil. 
  The Company  has kept  its mineral  licenses in  good standing  and 
hopes to continue  work on the  project in the  future.  To  conserve 
cash reserves, the  Santo Antonio  do Bonito River  project has  been 
placed on care and maintenance. 
Santo Antonio do Bonito Alluvial Diamond Mining Joint Venture 
In 2008,  the Company's  joint venture  partners made  a decision  to 
defer the next phase  of studies with regards  to developing a  large 
scale, dredge based mining operation  on the Santo Antonio do  Bonito 
alluvial project. 
As at December 31, 2008, the Company has assessed the  recoverability 
of its  Santo  Antonio do  Bonito  alluvial mining  project  and  has 
recorded an impairment of  $793,000.  The fair  value of the  mineral 
properties of Cobre Sul Mineracao Ltda. were written down to  reflect 
the sale proceeds subsequent to year end. 
Patos de Minas 
As at December 31, 2008, the Company has assessed the  recoverability 
of its project in Parima and has recorded an impairment of $312,000. 
Only the Regis  and Tucano  mineral licenses  in the  Patos de  Minas 
region have  been  renewed  and  maintained  in  good  standing.   To 
conserve cash reserves, the Patos de Minas projects have been  placed 
on care and maintenance. 
Serra da Canastra 
The issue of permits to commence trial mining of the Canastra 1  pipe 
has been delayed until a dispute surrounding a possible extension  of 
the nearby Serra da Canastra National Park boundary is resolved.  New 
legislation was submitted to the Brazilian Camara of Deputies  (Lower 
House) in June  28, 2007 which  proposed the creation  of a new  park 
boundary but excluded the  Canastra 1 and  nearby Canastra 1  trend. 
This new legislation was  approved on October 29,  2008 and the  bill 
will now proceed to the Senate (Upper House) for final approval which 
is expected during 2009. 
The Company has  assessed the  recoverability of its  project in  the 
Serra da  Canastra region  and has  recorded an  asset impairment  of 
$700,000.  All  Canastra  mineral  licenses  have  been  renewed  and 
maintained in  good standing  while the  Company is  waiting for  the 
trial mining permits.  The Company hopes to commence trial mining  at 
its Canastra 1 project once approved.  To conserve cash reserves, the 
Serra da  Canastra  region projects  have  been placed  on  care  and 
Historical Information 
Following the acquisition  of several  mineral exploration  databases 
from De Beers, the Company has  access to the accumulated results  of 
more than 30  years of  exploration activity in  the Canastra,  Santo 
Antonio do Bonito and Patos de Minas regions in Minas Gerais and  the 
Chapada Diamantina  region in  Bahia.  Included  within the  Canastra 
data set are indicator mineral samples, microprobe chemical analyses, 
and  19,000  line  kilometres  of  proprietary  airborne   geophysics 
covering the entire region.  De Beers has also provided details about 
35 known kimberlite occurrences and the results of ground  geophysics 
within  the  Canastra  region.   The  Chapada  Diamantina  data  set, 
acquired in  September  2006 from  De  Beers, includes  194,120  line 
kilometres  of  airborne   geophysics,  indicator  mineral   samples, 
microprobe analysis  and mineral  licenses  covering the  Salvador  1 
kimberlite body plus five other kimberlites. 
This data  complements an  already significant  database the  Company 
previously acquired  as  a  result  of  the  purchase  of  De  Beers' 
Brazilian  subsidiary  Mineracao   do  Sul  in   August  2002.   That 
acquisition also included  40,000 hectares of  mineral claims in  the 
Canastra area and the  Canastra 1 kimberlite  for which licenses  are 
being sought to commence trial mining. The licencing process has been 
complicated by the  potential expansion of  a nearby National  Park. 
Although there is every indication that a licence will be granted  to 
mine Canastra  1,  it is  not  possible to  accurately  estimate  the 
timetable for such a grant. While the Company continues to work  with 
various ministries of the Brazilian  federal government in an  effort 
to hasten the  process for the  license grant, the  Company has  been 
concentrating the majority of its exploration activity and  resources 
on its other prospective projects outside the Canastra Region. 
The Company has assessed the recoverability of its data sets and  has 
recorded an asset  impairment of $1,583,000.   The Canastra data  set 
has value as  long as  the project continues.   All Canastra  mineral 
licenses have been renewed and maintained in good standing while  the 
Company is waiting for trial mining permits. 
During the past  four years,  the Company  has committed  significant 
resources evaluating  kimberlite  targets  in the  Santo  Antonio  do 
Bonito River Basin  and Patos  de Minas  regions and  subject to  the 
availability of  financing, this  is  set to  remain  a part  of  the 
Company's activities. 
Salvador 1, Bahia 
In 2007, the Company collected 6 replicate samples totaling 6  tonnes 
from the Salvador 1 kimberlite in an attempt to confirm results  from 
a smaller (580 kg) sample taken in 2006.  In total, 111 diamonds were 
recovered from these new samples which together with original  sample 
tallied 120 diamonds.   Preparations began  in the  third quarter  of 
2007 for the collection of  six much larger samples of  approximately 
650 m3 each  from different  parts of  the Salvador  1 kimberlite  in 
order to  better assess  its diamond  potential.  Excavation  of  the 
first pit was completed in the  fourth quarter and excavation of  the 
second and third pits  were started.  Results from  the first of  the 
bulk sample pits identified at  least six different kimberlitic  rock 
types or "phases". 
At December 31, 2008, the Company has assessed the recoverability  of 
its Salvador  1  project and  has  recorded an  asset  impairment  of 
$466,000.  The Company has closed  down its testing programs and  the 
mineral licenses will not be renewed.  To conserve cash reserves, the 
Salvador 1 project has been placed on care and maintenance. 
Serra da Canastra, Minas Gerais 
The  Company  is  awaiting  final  approval  before  commencing   the 
environmental licensing process for the development of the Canastra 1 
kimberlite body  for which  mine feasibility  work has  already  been 
completed and the required Mines Department approvals are already  in 
place.  The Company hopes  to bring Canastra  1 into production  once 
the environmental licensing process is completed. 
The Company has  assessed the  recoverability of its  project in  the 
Serra da  Canastra region  and has  recorded an  asset impairment  of 
$700,000.  All  Canastra  mineral  licenses  have  been  renewed  and 
maintained in  good standing  while the  Company is  waiting for  the 
trial mining permits.  The Company  expects to commence trial  mining 
at its Canastra 1 project once approved.  To conserve cash  reserves, 
the Serra da  Canastra region projects  has been placed  on care  and 
Coromandel - San Antonio do Bonito River 
As at December 31, 2008, the Company has assessed the  recoverability 
of its Santo Antonio do Bonito  River project and determined that  no 
impairment was  required  as  the amounts  were  insignificant.   The 
Company has kept its mineral licenses in good standing and expect  to 
continue work on the project in the future. 
Coromandel, Minas Gerais  - San  Antonio do  Bonito Alluvial  Diamond 
Mining Joint Venture 
The  Company  with  its  Joint  Venture  partners  assessed   various 
alternatives for the  possible development  of one  or more  alluvial 
mining operations at  the Santo Antonio  do Bonito alluvial  project. 
 These options  included  large  scale  dredging  operations  on  the 
broader river flat areas along the  Santo Antonio do Bonito river  as 
well as a smaller scale operation on what are considered to be highly 
prospective but narrower  river terrace areas.   As at September  30, 
2008, the Joint Venture  partners have made a  decision to defer  the 
next phase of studies.   The Company sold  the mineral properties  in 
the Santo Antonio do Bonito  which were contained alluvial  resources 
and its assets to a third  party subsequent to the December 31,  2008 
year end. 
Patos de Minas, Minas Gerais 
As at December 31, 2008, the Company has assessed the  recoverability 
of its project in Parima and has recorded an impairment of $312,000. 
Only the Regis  and Tucano  mineral licenses  in the  Patos de  Minas 
region have been renewed and maintained in good standing. To conserve 
cash reserves, the Patos de Minas  projects have been placed on  care 
and maintenance. 
Financial Performance 
Current Quarter 
The loss for the three months ended December 31, 2008 was  $4,845,000 
as compared to a  loss of $1,100,000 (restated)  for the same  period 
last year. The increase in losses  over the same period last year  is 
due mainly  to the  write-down of  intangible assets  of  $1,583,000, 
mineral properties of $2,271,000 and property, plant and equipment of 
Exploration  costs  decreased  $728,000  and  foreign  exchange  loss 
increased $104,000 over the same period last year. 
Cash and cash equivalent balances decreased by $143,000 to $83,000 at 
December 31, 2008.  At December 31,  2008, the Company had a  working 
capital deficiency $329,000 (2007 - net working capital of $377,000). 
The loss  for the  year ended  December 31,  2008 was  $7,965,000  as 
compared to a loss of $4,349,000 (restated) for the same period  last 
year.  The increase in losses over  the same period last year is  due 
mainly to the write-down of intangible assets of $1,583,000,  mineral 
properties  of  $2,271,000  and  property,  plant  and  equipment  of 
The expenses decreased over the same period last year due mainly to a 
decrease  in   exploration   costs  of   $576,000   and   stock-based 
compensation of $435,000, foreign exchange loss of $79,000,  investor 
relations of $53,000, travel expenses of $44,000 and legal and  audit 
of $39,000. 
Cash and cash equivalent balances decreased by $373,000 to $83,000 at 
December 31, 2008.  Exploration costs for the year ended December 31, 
2008 was $2,453,000 (2007 -  $3,029,000 restated)).  At December  31, 
2008, the Company had a  working capital deficiency $329,000 (2007  - 
net working capital of $377,000). 
As at December 31, 2008, the Company has assessed the  recoverability 
of its Santo Antonio do Bonito  River project and determined that  no 
impairment was  required  as  the amounts  were  insignificant.   The 
Company has kept its mineral licenses  in good standing and hopes  to 
continue work  on  the  project  in the  future.   To  conserve  cash 
reserves, the Santo Antonio do  Bonito River project has been  placed 
on care and maintenance. 
As at December 31, 2008, the Company has assessed the  recoverability 
of its  Santo  Antonio do  Bonito  alluvial mining  project  and  has 
recorded an impairment of  $793,000.  The fair  value of the  mineral 
properties of Cobre Sul Mineracao Ltda. were written down to  reflect 
the sale proceeds subsequent to year end. 
As at December 31, 2008, the Company has assessed the  recoverability 
of its  project  in Parima  (Patos  de  Minas) and  has  recorded  an 
impairment of $312,000.  Only the  Regis and Tucano mineral  licenses 
in the Patos de Minas region have been renewed and maintained in good 
standing.  To conserve  cash reserves,  the Patos  de Minas  projects 
have been placed on care and maintenance. 
The Company has  assessed the  recoverability of its  project in  the 
Serra da  Canastra region  and has  recorded an  asset impairment  of 
$700,000.  All  Canastra  mineral  licenses  have  been  renewed  and 
maintained in  good standing  while the  Company is  waiting for  the 
trial mining permits.  The Company  expects to commence trial  mining 
at its Canastra 1 project once approved.  To conserve cash  reserves, 
the Serra da  Canastra region projects  has been placed  on care  and 
At December 31, 2008, the Company has assessed the recoverability  of 
its Salvador  1  project and  has  recorded an  asset  impairment  of 
$466,000.  The Company has closed  down its testing programs and  the 
mineral licenses will not be renewed.  To conserve cash reserves, the 
Salvador 1 project has been placed on care and maintenance. 
Results of Operations 
Summary of Quarterly Results 
The table below present's selected  financial data for the  Company's 
eight most recently completed quarters. Amounts have been restated to 
conform to a change in accounting policy.  See "Changes in Accounting 
Policies" or note 2 of the audited consolidated financial  statements 
for the year ended December 31, 2008. 
                        Restated Restated Restated Restated  Restated  Restated Restated 
   ($000)       Dec.31, Sept.30, June 30,  Mar.31,  Dec.31,  Sept.30,  June 30, Mar. 31, 
                   2008     2008     2008     2008     2007      2007      2007     2007 
for period        4,845    1,065    1,071      984    1,100     1,533       489    1,227 
loss               (28)      231      120      367      (9)       317       345      384 
    Basic and 
diluted loss 
(income) per 
share              0.02     0.01     0.00     0.01     0.01      0.01      0.00     0.01 
costs               272      666      806      709    1,000       554       669      806 
Balance sheet 
    Cash and 
short term 
deposits             83      226    1,039      701      456     1,075     2,147    3,037 
properties        1,492    3,763    3,763    3,763    3,763     3,763     3,763    3,763 
assets            2,945    7,505    8,730    8,539    8,835     9,015    10,343   11,449 
equity            2,218    7,035    8,337    8,064    8,395     8,395     9,508    9,997 
Selected Annual Information 
The following financial  data has  been prepared  in accordance  with 
Canadian  generally  accepted   accounting  principles  in   Canadian 
currency:  Amounts  have been  restated  to conform  to a  change  in 
accounting policy.  See "Changes in Accounting Policies" or note 2 of 
the audited  consolidated financial  statements  for the  year  ended 
December 31, 2008. 
                                                                Restated                    Restated 
   ($000)                        Year ended                   Year ended                  Year ended 
                               December 31,                 December 31,                December 31, 
                                       2008                         2007                        2006 
    Net loss 
for period                            7,773                        3,883                      15,957 
loss                                    690                        1,037                           - 
    Basic and 
diluted loss 
per share                              0.04                         0.03                        0.11 
costs                                 2,453                        3,029                       3,606 
Balance sheet 
    Cash and 
equivalents                              83                          456                       4,514 
properties                            1,492                        3,763                       3,763 
assets                                2,945                        8,835                      13,568 
equity                                2,218                        8,395                      11,881 
Liquidity and Capital 
The Company  does  not currently  own  or  have an  interest  in  any 
producing mineral properties  and does not  derive any revenues  from 
operations.  The Company's activities have been funded through equity 
financing and  loans  from  companies  associated  with  two  of  the 
Directors of the Company.  While the Company remains optimistic  that 
it will continue  to be able  to utilize these  sources of  financing 
until it  develops  cash  flow  from  operations,  there  can  be  no 
assurance, however,  that  the  Company will  be  successful  in  its 
efforts.  If such funds are not available or other sources of finance 
cannot be  obtained, then  the Company  will attempt  to curtail  its 
activities to  a level  for  which funding  is  available or  can  be 
Most of  the  capital equipment  for  operations at  Canastra  1  has 
already been acquired and is included as part of resource properties. 
The  Company  has  minimal  operating  lease  commitments  (refer  to 
Contractual Commitments). 
During the year ended December 31,  2008, the Company incurred a  net 
loss of $7,965,000 (December 31, 2007 - $4,349,000 (restated)) and at 
December 31, 2008 has  a net working  capital deficiency of  $329,000 
(December 31,  2007  -  net  working  capital  of  $377,000).   These 
liquidity issues were  partly alleviated subsequent  to the year  end 
with the  sale of  some  mineral properties  and the  laboratory  and 
facilities at Patos de Minas for gross proceeds of approximately $1.4 
The Company's ability  to continue  as a going  concern is  dependent 
upon its ability to fund its ongoing operating costs and  exploration 
and development of mineral properties.  These financial statements do 
not reflect  the adjustments  to the  carrying values  of assets  and 
liabilities   and   the   reported   expenses   and   balance   sheet 
classifications that  would  be  necessary  were  the  going  concern 
assumption inappropriate, and these adjustments could be material. 
Subsequent Events 
a) Starting  February  1,  2009,  the  Company  will  pay  a  monthly 
corporate administration fee of  $13,400 which includes office  rent, 
administration, accounting,  corporate secretarial,  chief  financial 
officer,  investor  relations  and  other  related  services  to  HRG 
Management Ltd.  HRG is  a management  company that  provides  shared 
office space and staff  to certain other public  companies on a  cost 
recovery basis. The Company shares  directors and officers in  common 
with HRG. The  agreement can  be terminated with  sixty days  written 
b) On March 12, 2009, the  Company signed a preliminary agreement  to 
sell the  laboratory  and  facilities  at Patos  de  Minas  to  third 
parties.  A  deposit  of $14,000  was  received March  24,  2009  and 
$452,000 is due thirty days from signing. 
c) On March 12, 2009, the  Company signed a preliminary agreement  to 
sell all the assets of Cobre Sul Mineracao Ltda. to third parties.  A 
cash payment of  $452,000 is  due within  sixty days  of signing  and 
$516,000 in polished diamonds  is to be  independently valued in  New 
York, USA and  then delivered to  the Company within  ninety days  of 
signing of the sales agreement. 
Contractual Commitments 
Except as  outlined  below,  the Company  has  no  other  contractual 
                 2009           2010           2011         Total 
 Photocopier     $              $              $            $ 
leases           9              9              1            19 
Off Balance Sheet Arrangements 
The Company has not entered into any off-balance sheet arrangements. 
Transactions with Related Parties 
During the  year  ended September  30,  2008 and  2007,  the  Company 
entered into the following transactions with related parties: 
                                                       2008      2007 
                                                          $         $ 
HRG Management Ltd. - Kenneth Judge (director), 
Stephen L. 
Fabian (director), Kerry Beamish (CFO) (note a) 
Paid or accrued contractual service costs (note a)  245,000   231,000 
Miscellaneous office recoveries (note b)                  -    28,000 
Deposits made (note c)                               62,000    82,000 
Hamilton Capital Partners Limited ("HCPL") - 
Kenneth Judge 
Paid or accrued consulting fees and office rent     170,000   190,000 
Sale of Hidefield shares (note d)                   185,000   607,000 
Massif Limited - Stephen L. Fabian 
Paid or accrued management fees - (note e)          126,000   129,000 
Lang Michener - David Cowan (partner) 
Paid or accrued legal fees - (note f)                15,000     5,000 
Hidefield Gold PLC - Kenneth Judge (director), 
Francis Johnstone 
Office and technical cost recoveries (note g)             -    25,000 
SAFM Mineracao Inc. - Stephen L. Fabian (director) 
Related party demand loan and interest payable      107,000         - 
(note (i)) 
Itapiruba Internacional Ltda. - subsidiary of HCPL 
Related party demand loan and interest payable       32,000         - 
(note (j)) 
a) During  the year  ended  December 31,  2008,  the Company  paid  a 
monthly corporate administration fee of approximately $18,400 (2007 - 
$17,000)  that  includes  office  rent,  administration,  accounting, 
corporate secretarial,  chief financial  officer, investor  relations 
and other  related  services to  HRG  Management Ltd.  ("HRG")  (note 
17(a)).  HRG  is a  management company  that provides  shared  office 
space and staff to certain other public companies on a cost  recovery 
basis.  The Company shares directors and officers in common with HRG. 
 The agreement can  be terminated  by either party  with ninety  days 
written notice.   Kenneth  Judge  and  Stephen  L.  Fabian  are  both 
directors of HRG.  Kerry Beamish is the CFO of HRG. 
b) At December 31, 2008, HRG owed the Company $1,000 (2007 - $17,000) 
and Kenneth Judge owed the Company $10,000 (2007 - $Nil) with  normal 
trade terms. 
c) At December  31, 2008,  $62,000 (2007  - $80,000)  is included  in 
accounts receivable, prepaids  and deposits to  HRG for fixed  assets 
and services. 
d) The Company received proceeds of $185,000 on the sale of 2 million 
Hidefield Gold plc shares at 4.75 pence from HCPL. 
e) The Company paid  or accrued management fees  of $126,000 (2007  - 
$129,000) to Massif Limited, a company in which Stephen L. Fabian  is 
f) The Company paid or accrued  professional fees of $15,000 (2007  - 
$5,000) to a law firm in which David Cowan, director is a partner. 
g) The Company has $Nil office and technical cost recoveries (2007  - 
$25,000 restated-note 2) from Hidefield Gold PLC ("HIF"). 
h)      The Company owed  $22,000 (2007 - $Nil)  to directors of  the 
Company, $56,000 to Massif (2007 - $Nil), $98,000 to HCPL  and $3,000 
(2007 - $Nil) to HRG with normal trade terms. 
i) The Company owed $107,000 (2007 - $Nil) to SAFM Mineracao Inc.,  a 
company associated with Stephen  Fabian, with accrued interest  based 
on the monthly interest rate of the standard Brazilian CDB bank  rate 
for Banco Itau payable on demand. 
j) The Company owed $32,000 (2007 - $Nil) to Itapiruba  International 
Ltda., a company associated with Kenneth Judge, with accrued interest 
based on the monthly interest rate of the standard Brazilian CDB bank 
rate for Bancu Itau payable on demand. 
Share Capital Information 
The table below presents the Company's common share data as of  March 
25, 2009. 
                            Exercise                        Number of 
                               Price      Expiry date   common shares 
Common shares, issued and 
outstanding                                               194,370,722 
Securities convertible into 
common shares                                                       - 
Options                        $0.65   March 29, 2009          50,000 
                                          October 26, 
                               $0.45             2009       2,875,000 
                               $0.41    April 5, 2011       2,175,000 
                               $0.25    July 12, 2012       1,750,000 
                                          October 12, 
                               $0.25             2012         100,000 
Critical Accounting Estimates 
Critical accounting  estimates  upon which  the  Company's  financial 
status depends are those requiring estimates of the recoverability of 
its capitalized mineral property expenditures and intangible  assets, 
impairment of long-lived assets and the amount of future  reclamation 
Mineral Properties and Development Costs 
During the  year ended  December 31,  2008, the  Company changed  its 
accounting  policy   relating   to   mineral   property   exploration 
expenditures  and  it  now  expenses  exploration  expenditures  when 
incurred.  See  "Changes in  accounting policies"  or note  2 of  the 
consolidated financial  statements for  the year  ended December  31, 
2008 for a description and the effects of the change. 
When it has been established  that a mineral deposit is  commercially 
mineable and  an  economic analysis  has  been completed,  the  costs 
subsequently incurred to develop a mine on the property prior to  the 
start of  mining operations  are capitalized  and will  be  amortized 
against production following  commencement of commercial  production, 
or written  off  if  the  property  is  sold,  allowed  to  lapse  or 
Although the  Company has  taken  steps to  verify title  to  mineral 
properties in which it has  an interest, in accordance with  industry 
standards for the  current stage of  exploration of such  properties, 
these procedures do not guarantee the Company's title. Property title 
may be subject to prior agreements and non-compliance with regulatory 
Impairment of Long-lived Assets 
The Company  assesses  the  possibility  of  impairment  in  the  net 
carrying value of its long-lived assets when events or  circumstances 
indicate that  the carrying  amounts  of the  net  asset may  not  be 
recoverable. As outlined before, as of December 31, 2008 the  Company 
has recorded the amount of  $4,097,000 related to impairment for  its 
mineral properties and property, plant and equipment in the extension 
that it is necessary to reflect the recoverable amount. 
Intangible assets 
Intangible assets which consist of data sets related to the Company's 
Brazilian exploration  activities,  are  recorded  at  cost  and  are 
expensed to  operations.   Management assess  the  recoverability  of 
intangible  assets  annually   and  at  such   times  as  events   or 
circumstances  indicate  that  the   carrying  amounts  may  not   be 
recoverable.  In  the event  that an  impairment is  identified,  the 
carrying value  of  the  intangible  asset is  written  down  to  its 
estimated fair value. 
The Company has assessed the recoverability of its intangible  assets 
and has recorded  an asset  impairment of  $1,583,000.  The  Canastra 
data set  is considered  to have  significant value  as long  as  the 
Company's projects continue. 
Asset Retirement Obligations 
The Company relied on the results of a professional, engineering firm 
and used the discount and inflation  rate as at December 31, 2008  to 
estimate the fair value of its asset retirement obligations. 
Changes in Accounting Policies 
Goodwill and Intangible Assets 
The Company  adopted the  new Handbook  Section 3064,  "Goodwill  and 
Intangible  Assets",  which  replaced  Section  3062,  "Goodwill  and 
Intangible Assets".  The new  standard establishes revised  standards 
for the  recognition,  measurement, presentation  and  disclosure  of 
goodwill and  intangible  assets.   The new  standard  also  provides 
guidance for the  treatment of preproduction  and start-up costs  and 
requires that these costs be expensed as incurred. 
Exploration Expenditures 
During the year ended December 31, 2008, the Company  retrospectively 
changed its accounting  policy for exploration  expenditures to  more 
appropriately align itself with policies applied by other  comparable 
companies at a similar  stage in the mining  industry.  Prior to  the 
year ended December 31, 2008, the Company capitalized all such  costs 
to mineral properties on the basis of specific claim blocks or  areas 
of geological interest until the properties to which they relate  are 
placed into production, sold or management has determined there to be 
impairment in value. 
Exploration expenditures are  now charged to  operations as they  are 
incurred until the mineral  property reaches the development  stage. 
Significant  costs  related   to  property  acquisitions,   including 
allocations for undeveloped mineral interests, are capitalized  until 
the viability of  the mineral  interest is determined.   When it  has 
been established that a mineral deposit is commercially mineable  and 
an economic  analysis  has  been completed,  the  costs  subsequently 
incurred to develop  a mine  on the property  prior to  the start  of 
mining operations are capitalized.  The impact of this change on  the 
previously  reported   December  31,   2007  consolidated   financial 
statements is as follows: 
               previously                           December 31, 2007 
                 reported  Restatement                    As restated 
                        $            $                              $ 
assets                -        2.115                            2.115 
properties         24.657   (20.894)                            3.763 
plant and 
equipment             -          1.206                          1.206 
Amortization          -            429                            429 
costs                 -          3.029                          3.029 
compensation          161          274                            435 
Gain on sale 
of assets             -         (11)                           (11) 
Loss for the 
year              (162)     (3.721)                         (3.883) 
Loss per share     0,00       (0,03)                         (0,03) 
Deficit at 
December 31, 
2007           (70.836)     (17.573)                       (88.409) 
Deficit at 
December 31, 
2006           (70.674)     (13.852)                       (84.526) 
* The numbers restated in this  table do NOT include the  adjustments 
of EIC 172 following mentioned. 
Capital Disclosures 
Effective August 1, 2008, the  Company adopted CICA Handbook  Section 
1535 - Capital Disclosures.   Section 1535 establishes standards  for 
disclosing information  about  an  entity's capital  and  how  it  is 
managed.  Under  this  standard  the  Company  will  be  required  to 
disclose the  following  based on  the  information provided  by  the 
entity's key management personnel: 
1)  qualitative  information  about  its  objectives,  policies   and 
processes for managing capital; 
2) summary quantitative data about what it manages as capital; 
3) whether during the period it complied with such externally imposed 
capital requirements to which it is subject; and 
4) when the  Company has  not complied with  such externally  imposed 
capital requirements, the consequences of such non-compliance. 
The Company  has  included the  disclosures  recommended by  the  new 
Handbook section  in Note  4 to  the audited  consolidated  financial 
Financial Instruments - Disclosures and Presentation 
Effective August 1, 2008, the Company adopted CICA Handbook  Sections 
3862 (Disclosures) and Section  3863 (Presentation). These  standards 
replace  CICA   3861,   Financial  Instruments   -   Disclosure   and 
Presentation. The increase disclosures will enable users to  evaluate 
the significance of financial  instruments for an entity's  financial 
position and performance, including disclosures about fair value.  In 
addition, disclosure  is  required of  qualitative  and  quantitative 
information  about   exposure  to   risks  arising   from   financial 
instruments, including  specified  minimum disclosures  about  credit 
risk, liquidity risk  and market risk.  The quantitative  disclosures 
must provide  information about  the extent  to which  the entity  is 
exposed to risk, based  on information provided  by the entity's  key 
management personnel. 
The Company  has  included the  disclosures  recommended by  the  new 
Handbook section in Note 5 of the consolidated financial statements. 
General Standards on Financial Statement Presentation 
CICA Handbook Section 1400, "General Standards on Financial Statement 
Presentation" ("CICA 1400"), has been amended to include requirements 
to assess and  disclose an entity's  ability to continue  as a  going 
concern.  During the year  ended December 31,  2008, the Company  has 
adopted the  disclosure  requirements  of CICA  1400.   The  standard 
requires that management make an assessment of a company's ability to 
continue as a going concern and to use the going concern basis in the 
preparation of  the  financial statements  unless  management  either 
intends to  liquidate the  company or  to cease  trading, or  has  no 
realistic alternative but  to do  so.  When management  is aware,  in 
making its assessment, of material uncertainties related to events or 
conditions that may cast significant  doubt upon a company's  ability 
to continue  as  a  going  concern,  those  uncertainties  should  be 
Income Statement Presentation of  a Tax Loss Carryforward  Recognized 
Following an Unrealized Gain in Other Comprehensive Income 
Effective September 30,  2008, the Company  adopted EIC-172,  "Income 
Statement  Presentation  of  a   Tax  Loss  Carryforward   Recognized 
Following  an  Unrealized   Gain  in   Other  Comprehensive   Income" 
("EIC-172").  This  abstract provides  guidance  on whether  the  tax 
benefit from  the recognition  of  previously unrecognized  tax  loss 
carryforwards consequent  to the  recording  of unrealized  gains  in 
other   comprehensive   income,   such   as   unrealized   gains   on 
available-for-sale assets, should be recognized  in net income or  in 
other comprehensive  income.   Upon  adoption, EIC  172  was  applied 
retrospectively with  restatement of  prior  periods resulting  in  a 
reduction of  $658,000 in  "opening balance  adjustment -  transition 
adjustment" in  accumulated other  comprehensive income  in order  to 
record the future income tax liability against deficit. Future income 
tax recovery in the same amount  was recorded against deficit. As  of 
December 31, 2007, the amount of $466,000, due to the unrealized gain 
reversal, was booked against accumulated other comprehensive  income. 
Future income tax  expense in  the same amount  was recorded  against 
operations accordingly. 
New Accounting Pronouncements 
In 2006, the Canadian Accounting Standards Board ("AcSB") published a 
new strategic plan that will significantly affect financial reporting 
requirements  for  Canadian  companies.   The  AcSB  strategic   plan 
outlines the convergence of Canadian GAAP with IFRS over an  expected 
five-year transitional period.  In February 2008, the AcSB  announced 
that 2011 is the changeover date for publicly listed companies to use 
IFRS, replacing  Canadian  GAAP.   The  effective  date  is  for  the 
Company's interim  and  annual  financial  statements  for  the  year 
beginning January 1, 2011.   The transition date  of January 1,  2011 
will require  the restatement  for  comparative purposes  of  amounts 
reported by the Company for the year ended December 31, 2010.   While 
the Company has begun  assessing the adoption of  IFRS for 2011,  the 
financial reporting  impact  of  the transition  to  IFRS  cannot  be 
reasonably estimated at this time. 
There are significant risks that might affect further development  of 
the Company.  Although the  Company has prospective diamond  projects 
and has demonstrated that it has the ability to obtain  environmental 
and trial mining permits,  there is a risk  that these projects  will 
not be economically  mineable or  that the required  permits will  be 
granted in the  future.  Further, future  market prices for  diamonds 
are not predictable.   There is  also a risk  that should  additional 
development of  the  properties be  required,  financing may  not  be 
obtainable.  Repatriation  of earnings  and  capital from  Brazil  is 
subject to compliance with registration requirements. There can be no 
assurance that restrictions  on repatriation will  not be imposed  in 
the future. 
Management's Responsibility for Financial Statements 
The information  provided in  this  report, including  the  financial 
statements, is the responsibility of management.  In the  preparation 
of these  statements, estimates  are sometimes  necessary to  make  a 
determination of future  values for certain  assets or  liabilities. 
Management  believes  such  estimates  have  been  based  on  careful 
judgments and  have  been  properly  reflected  in  the  accompanying 
financial statements. 
Disclosure Controls and Procedures 
Disclosure controls and procedures are designed to provide reasonable 
assurance that all relevant information  is gathered and reported  to 
senior management, including the  President, Chief Executive  Officer 
("CEO") and the Chief Financial Officer ("CFO"), on a timely basis so 
that appropriate decisions can be made regarding public disclosure. 
An evaluation of the effectiveness of the design and operation of the 
Company's disclosure  controls and  procedures  was conducted  as  of 
December 31,  2008,  by  and under  the  supervision  of  management, 
including the CEO and the CFO. Based on this evaluation, the CEO  and 
the CFO have  concluded that  the Company's  disclosure controls  and 
procedures,   as   defined   by   Multilateral   Instrument   52-109, 
Certification of Disclosure in  Issuers' Annual and Interim  Filings, 
are effective to ensure that information required to be disclosed  in 
reports filed or submitted  under Canadian securities legislation  is 
recorded, processed, summarized and  reported within the time  period 
specified in those rules and forms and reported to senior  management 
so  that  appropriate   decisions  can  be   made  regarding   public 
Internal control  over financial  reporting  is designed  to  provide 
reasonable assurance regarding the reliability of financial reporting 
and the  preparation  of  financial  statements  in  accordance  with 
Canadian  GAAP.  Management  is  responsible  for  establishing   and 
maintaining adequate internal  control over  financial reporting  for 
the Company. 
An evaluation of the  design of the  Company's internal control  over 
financial reporting was  conducted as  of December 31,  2008, by  and 
under the supervision of management,  including the CEO and the  CFO. 
Based on this evaluation, the CEO and the CFO have concluded that the 
Company's design  of internal  control over  financial reporting,  as 
defined  by   Multilateral   Instrument  52-109,   Certification   of 
Disclosure in Issuers' Annual and  Interim Filings, is sufficient  to 
provide reasonable assurance regarding  the reliability of  financial 
reporting and the preparation  of financial statements in  accordance 
with Canadian GAAP. 
There have  been  no  changes  in  internal  control  over  financial 
reporting  during  the  year  ended  December  31,  2008  that   have 
materially affected, or are  reasonably likely to materially  affect, 
the Company's internal control over financial reporting. 
Other information 
Additional information is available on the Company's website at 
www.braziliandiamonds.com or on SEDAR at www.sedar.com. 
Caution Regarding Forward Looking Statements 
Except for historical  information contained in  this discussion  and 
analysis, disclosure statements contained herein are forward-looking. 
Forward-looking statements are  subject to  risks and  uncertainties, 
which could cause actual results  to differ materially from those  in 
such forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements are  made 
based on management's beliefs, estimates and opinions on the date the 
statements are  made  and the  Company  undertakes no  obligation  to 
update forward-looking  statements if  these beliefs,  estimates  and 
opinions  or  other  circumstances  should  change.   Investors   are 
cautioned against  attributing  undue  certainty  to  forward-looking 
Consolidated Balance Sheet 
(expressed in thousands of Canadian                  (Restated-note2) 
Dollars)                               December 31        December 31 
(unaudited)                                   2008               2007 
                                                 $                  $ 
Current assets 
Cash and cash equivalents                       83                456 
Accounts receivable, prepaids and 
deposits                                       204                240 
Due from related parties                        11                 17 
                                               298                713 
Investments                                     68              1,038 
Intangible assets                              264              2,115 
Property, plant and equipment                  823              1,206 
Mineral properties                           1,492              3,763 
                                             2,945              8,835 
Current liabilities 
Accounts payable and accrued 
liabilities                                    309                336 
Due to related parties                         318                  - 
                                               627                336 
Hidefield options                                -                 19 
Asset retirement obligation                    100                 85 
                                               727                440 
Shareholders' Equity 
Capital stock                               95,326             92,848 
Warrants                                         -                519 
Contributed surplus                          3,336              2,817 
Deficit                                   (96,182)           (88,217) 
Accumulated other comprehensive income 
(loss)                                       (262)                428 
                                             2,218              8,395 
                                             2,945              8,835 
Nature of Operations and Going Concern 
(note 1) 
Consolidated Statements of Loss and                      (Restated- 
Deficit                                                  note 2) 
(expressed in thousands of Canadian       Year ended     Year ended 
dollars)                                  December 31,   December 31, 
                                          2007           2007 
                                          $              $ 
Amortization                              398            429 
Corporate administrative services         80             70 
Consultants                               211            217 
Exploration costs                         2,453          3,029 
Foreign exchange loss                     21             100 
Insurance                                 45             64 
Interest income                           (5)            (73) 
Investor relations                        122            175 
Legal and audit                           125            164 
Office costs                              139            145 
Regulatory                                120            143 
Salaries and management fees              126            131 
Stock-based compensation                  -              435 
Travel                                    29             73 
                                          (3,864)        (5,102) 
Other income (expenses) 
Unrealized gain on Hidefield options      19             473 
Realized gain on Hidefield options        -              345 
Gain on sale of investments               98             390 
Gain on sale of assets                    71             11 
Write-down of intangible assets           (1,583)        - 
Write-down of mineral properties          (2,271)        - 
Write-down of property, plant and 
equipment                                 (243)          - 
Loss for the year before income taxes     (7,773)        (3,883) 
Future income taxes expense               (192)          (466) 
Loss for the year                         (7,965)        (4,349) 
Deficit - Beginning of year               (88,217)       (83,868) 
Deficit - End of year                     (96,182)       (88,217) 
Loss per common share - basic and         0.04           0.03 
Weighted average common shares 
outstanding (000's)                       188,342        168,414 
Consolidated      Statements       of                  (Restated- 
Comprehensive Loss                                     note 2) 
(figures  in   tables  expressed   in                  Year ended 
thousands of Canadian dollars)          Year ended     December 
                                        December 31,   31, 
                                        2008           2007 
                                        $                           $ 
Loss for the year                       (7,965)        (4,349) 
Other comprehensive loss 
   Portion associated with shares       (77) 
sold during the period                                 - 
   Unrealized loss on                   (613) 
available-for-sale securities                          (1,037) 
Comprehensive loss for the year         (8,655)        (5,386) 
Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows                    (Restated- 
(figures   in   tables   expressed   in                  note 2) 
thousands of Canadian dollars)            Year ended     Year ended 
                                          December 31,   December 31, 
                                          2008           2007 
                                          $              $ 
Cash flows from operating activities 
Loss for the year                         (7,965)        (4,349) 
Add (deduct) items not affecting cash 
Amortization                              398            429 
Accretion                                 15             6 
Future income tax expense                 192            466 
Gain on sale of investments               (98)           (390) 
Gain on sale of assets                    (71)           (11) 
Stock-based compensation                  -              435 
Write-down of intangible assets           1,583          - 
Write-down of mineral properties          2,271          - 
Write-down of property, plant and         243            - 
Unrealized gain on Hidefield options      (19)           (473) 
        Realized gain on Hidefield        -              (345) 
Changes in non-cash working capital 
related to operations 
Accounts receivable, prepaid and          36             (20) 
Related parties receivable                6              (13) 
Accounts payable and accrued              (27)           (435) 
Related parties payable                   318            - 
                                          (3,118)        (4,700) 
Cash flows from financing activities 
Issue of shares for private placement     2,596          - 
Share issue costs                         (118)          - 
                                          2,478          - 
Cash flows from investing activities 
Proceeds from disposal of property,       82             35 
plant and equipment 
Proceeds from exercise of Hidefield       185            607 
options and shares 
                                          267            642 
Decrease in cash and cash equivalents     (373)          (4,058) 
Cash and cash equivalents - Beginning     456            4,514 
of year 
Cash and cash equivalents - End of year   83             456 
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements 
1.      Nature of Operations and Going Concern 
The Company  is engaged  in the  exploration for  and development  of 
mineral resources. The properties of the Company are without a  known 
body of  commercial  ore,  the exploration  programs  undertaken  and 
proposed constitute an exploratory search, and there is no  assurance 
that the Company will  be successful in its  search. The Company  has 
not earned any  revenue to date  from its current  operations and  is 
therefore considered to be in the development stage.  The business of 
exploring for minerals and mining involves a high degree of risk, and 
few properties  that  are  explored  are  ultimately  developed  into 
producing mines. Significant  expenses may be  required to  establish 
ore reserves, to develop recovery processes, and to construct  mining 
and processing facilities at a particular site. It is not possible to 
ensure that the current exploration  programs planned by the  Company 
will result in a profitable commercial mining operation. 
These  financial  statements  have   been  prepared  using   Canadian 
generally  accepted  accounting  principles  applicable  to  a  going 
concern, which contemplates the realization of assets and  settlement 
of liabilities in the normal course  of business as they become  due. 
The Company has adopted the  disclosure requirements of The  Canadian 
Institute of Chartered  Accountants ("CICA") Section  1400 -  General 
Standards of Financial Statement Presentation. This standard requires 
that management make an assessment of a company's ability to continue 
as a  going  concern  and to  use  the  going concern  basis  in  the 
preparation of  the  financial statements  unless  management  either 
intends to  liquidate the  company or  to cease  trading, or  has  no 
realistic alternative but  to do  so.  When management  is aware,  in 
making its assessment, of material uncertainties related to events or 
conditions that may cast significant  doubt upon a company's  ability 
to continue as a  going concern, such as  those set out below,  those 
uncertainties should be disclosed. 
During the year ended December 31,  2008, the Company incurred a  net 
loss of $7,965,000 (December 31, 2007 - $4,349,000 (restated)) and at 
December 31, 2008 has  a net working  capital deficiency of  $329,000 
(December  31,  2007  -  net  working  capital  of  $377,000).  These 
liquidity issues were alleviated subsequent to the year end with  the 
sale of some mineral properties and the laboratory and facilities  at 
Patos de Minas for gross proceeds of approximately $1.4 million. 
The Company's ability  to continue  as a going  concern is  dependent 
upon its ability to fund its ongoing operating costs and  exploration 
and development of mineral properties.  These financial statements do 
not reflect  the adjustments  to the  carrying values  of assets  and 
liabilities   and   the   reported   expenses   and   balance   sheet 
classifications that  would  be  necessary  were  the  going  concern 
assumption inappropriate, and these adjustments could be material. 
2.      Change in Accounting Policy and Adoption of Recent Accounting 
Goodwill and Intangible Assets 
The Company  adopted the  new Handbook  Section 3064,  "Goodwill  and 
Intangible  Assets",  which  replaced  Section  3062,  "Goodwill  and 
Intangible Assets".  The new  standard establishes revised  standards 
for the  recognition,  measurement, presentation  and  disclosure  of 
goodwill and  intangible  assets.   The new  standard  also  provides 
guidance for the  treatment of preproduction  and start-up costs  and 
requires that these costs be expensed as incurred. 
Exploration Expenditures 
During the year ended December 31, 2008, the Company  retrospectively 
changed its accounting  policy for exploration  expenditures to  more 
appropriately align itself with policies applied by other  comparable 
companies at a similar  stage in the mining  industry.  Prior to  the 
year ended December 31, 2008, the Company capitalized all such  costs 
to mineral properties on the basis of specific claim blocks or  areas 
of geological interest until the properties to which they relate  are 
placed into production, sold or management has determined there to be 
impairment in value. 
Exploration expenditures are  now charged to  operations as they  are 
incurred until the mineral  property reaches the development  stage. 
Significant  costs  related   to  property  acquisitions,   including 
allocations for undeveloped mineral interests, are capitalized  until 
the viability of  the mineral  interest is determined.   When it  has 
been established that a mineral deposit is commercially mineable  and 
an economic  analysis  has  been completed,  the  costs  subsequently 
incurred to develop  a mine  on the property  prior to  the start  of 
mining operations are capitalized.  The impact of this change on  the 
previously  reported   December  31,   2007  consolidated   financial 
statements is as follows: 
                              December 31, 
                                      2007               December 31, 
                             As previously                       2007 
                                  reported  Restatement   As restated 
                                         $            $             $ 
Intangible assets                      -        2.115           2.115 
Mineral properties                  24.657   (20.894)           3.763 
Property, plant and 
equipment                              -          1.206         1.206 
Amortization                           -            429           429 
Exploration costs                      -          3.029         3.029 
Stock-based compensation               161          274           435 
Gain on sale of assets                 -         (11)          (11) 
Loss for the year                  (162)      (3.721)       (3.883) 
Loss per share                      0,00       (0,03)        (0,03) 
Deficit at December 31, 2007    (70.836)     (17.573)      (88.409) 
Deficit at December 31, 2006    (70.674)     (13.852)      (84.526) 
* The numbers restated in this  table do NOT include the  adjustments 
of EIC 172 following mentioned. 
Capital Disclosures 
Effective August 1, 2008, the  Company adopted CICA Handbook  Section 
1535 - Capital Disclosures.   Section 1535 establishes standards  for 
disclosing information  about  an  entity's capital  and  how  it  is 
managed.  Under  this  standard  the  Company  will  be  required  to 
disclose the  following  based on  the  information provided  by  the 
entity's key management personnel: 
1)  qualitative  information  about  its  objectives,  policies   and 
processes for managing capital; 
2) summary quantitative data about what it manages as capital; 
3) whether during the period it complied with such externally imposed 
capital requirements to which it is subject; and 
4) when the  Company has  not complied with  such externally  imposed 
capital requirements, the consequences of such non-compliance. 
The Company  has  included the  disclosures  recommended by  the  new 
Handbook section in  Note 4 to  these audited consolidated  financial 
Financial Instruments - Disclosures and Presentation 
Effective August 1, 2008, the Company adopted CICA Handbook  Sections 
3862 (Disclosures) and Section  3863 (Presentation). These  standards 
replace  CICA   3861,   Financial  Instruments   -   Disclosure   and 
Presentation. The increase disclosures will enable users to  evaluate 
the significance of financial  instruments for an entity's  financial 
position and performance, including disclosures about fair value.  In 
addition, disclosure  is  required of  qualitative  and  quantitative 
information  about   exposure  to   risks  arising   from   financial 
instruments, including  specified  minimum disclosures  about  credit 
risk, liquidity risk  and market risk.  The quantitative  disclosures 
must provide  information about  the extent  to which  the entity  is 
exposed to risk, based  on information provided  by the entity's  key 
management personnel. 
The Company  has  included the  disclosures  recommended by  the  new 
Handbook  section  in   Note  5  of   these  consolidated   financial 
General Standards on Financial Statement Presentation 
CICA Handbook Section 1400, "General Standards on Financial Statement 
Presentation" ("CICA 1400"), has been amended to include requirements 
to assess and  disclose an entity's  ability to continue  as a  going 
concern.  During the year  ended December 31,  2008, the Company  has 
adopted the  disclosure  requirements  of CICA  1400.   The  standard 
requires that management make an assessment of a company's ability to 
continue as a going concern and to use the going concern basis in the 
preparation of  the  financial statements  unless  management  either 
intends to  liquidate the  company or  to cease  trading, or  has  no 
realistic alternative but  to do  so.  When management  is aware,  in 
making its assessment, of material uncertainties related to events or 
conditions that may cast significant  doubt upon a company's  ability 
to continue  as  a  going  concern,  those  uncertainties  should  be 
Income Statement Presentation of  a Tax Loss Carryforward  Recognized 
Following an Unrealized Gain in Other Comprehensive Income 
Effective September 30,  2008, the Company  adopted EIC-172,  "Income 
Statement  Presentation  of  a   Tax  Loss  Carryforward   Recognized 
Following  an  Unrealized   Gain  in   Other  Comprehensive   Income" 
("EIC-172").  This  abstract provides  guidance  on whether  the  tax 
benefit from  the recognition  of  previously unrecognized  tax  loss 
carryforwards consequent  to the  recording  of unrealized  gains  in 
other   comprehensive   income,   such   as   unrealized   gains   on 
available-for-sale assets, should be recognized  in net income or  in 
other comprehensive  income.   Upon  adoption, EIC  172  was  applied 
retrospectively with  restatement of  prior  periods resulting  in  a 
reduction of  $658,000 in  "opening balance  adjustment -  transition 
adjustment" in  accumulated other  comprehensive income  in order  to 
record the future income tax liability against deficit. Future income 
tax recovery in the same amount  was recorded against deficit. As  of 
December 31, 2007, the amount of $466,000, due to the unrealized gain 
reversal, was booked against accumulated other comprehensive  income. 
Future income tax  expense in  the same amount  was recorded  against 
operations accordingly. 
3.      Significant Accounting Policies 
Basis of consolidation 
The consolidated  financial statements  include the  accounts of  the 
Company and  its  wholly  owned subsidiaries:  BSG  Investments  Inc. 
("BSGII") and its  subsidiaries, Canastra  Investments Holdings  Inc. 
("Canastra"),  Mineracao  do  Sul  Ltda.  ("Mineracao"),  and  Parima 
Mineracao Ltda. ("Parima"); Game Creek Company Ltd. ("Game Creek")and 
its subsidiaries, principally Samsul  Mineracao Ltda. ("Samsul")  and 
Cobre Sul Mineracao Ltda.  ("Cobre Sul")  Inter-company balances  and 
transactions  are   eliminated  on   consolidation.   The   Company's 
corporate office is located in Vancouver, British Columbia,  Canada. 
Canastra, Mineracao, Parima and Samsul are located in Brazil.   BSGII 
and Game Creek are British Virgin Island incorporated companies. 
Use of estimates 
The preparation of financial  statements in conformity with  Canadian 
generally accepted accounting principles requires management to  make 
estimates and assumptions that affect  the reported amount of  assets 
and liabilities and disclosure  of contingent assets and  liabilities 
at the date of the financial  statements and the reported amounts  of 
revenues and expenditures  during the  reporting period.  Significant 
estimates include assessment of potential impairments of the carrying 
value of mineral  properties, the determination  of asset  retirement 
obligations  and  the  determination  of  stock-based  compensation. 
Actual results could differ from those reported. 
Cash and cash equivalents 
Cash and cash  equivalents comprise cash  and short term  investments 
with maturities of  three months  or less from  date of  acquisition. 
Cash and  cash  equivalents include  cash  balances held  with  major 
Canadian and  Brazilian  banks  and short-term  deposits  with  these 
banks.  All cash equivalents are highly liquid, with low credit risk. 
The Company's  investments in  equity instruments  are designated  as 
available-for-sale measured at fair value pursuant to Section 3855 of 
the CICA  Handbook.   Prior  to January  1,  2007,  investments  were 
carried at cost less provisions, where applicable, for impairments in 
value that were other than temporary. 
Mineral properties 
During the  year ended  December 31,  2008, the  Company changed  its 
accounting  policy   relating   to   mineral   property   exploration 
expenditures  and  it  now  expenses  exploration  expenditures  when 
incurred (note 2). 
When it has been established  that a mineral deposit is  commercially 
mineable and  an  economic analysis  has  been completed,  the  costs 
subsequently incurred to develop a mine on the property prior to  the 
start of  mining operations  are capitalized  and will  be  amortized 
against production following  commencement of commercial  production, 
or written  off  if  the  property  is  sold,  allowed  to  lapse  or 
Although the  Company has  taken  steps to  verify title  to  mineral 
properties in which it has  an interest, in accordance with  industry 
standards for the  current stage of  exploration of such  properties, 
these procedures do not guarantee the Company's title. Property title 
may be subject to prior agreements and non-compliance with regulatory 
 Property, plant and equipment 
Property, plant and equipment are carried at cost less amounts 
written off.  Amortization is provided for over the estimated lives 
of the related assets based on annual rates as follows: 
Heavy equipment                                               20% 
Vehicles                                                 20 - 40% 
Buildings                                                      4% 
Plant                                                         20% 
Furniture and fixtures                                        10% 
Machine and equipment                                    10 - 20% 
Computers                                                     20% 
Computer software                                             20% 
                           straight-line over the term of the 
Leasehold improvements   lease 
Intangible assets 
Intangible assets which consist of data sets related to the Company's 
Brazilian exploration  activities,  are  recorded  at  cost  and  are 
expensed to  operations.   Management assess  the  recoverability  of 
intangible  assets  annually   and  at  such   times  as  events   or 
circumstances  indicate  that  the   carrying  amounts  may  not   be 
recoverable.  In  the event  that an  impairment is  identified,  the 
carrying value  of  the  intangible  asset is  written  down  to  its 
estimated fair value. 
Asset retirement obligations 
The fair value  of a  liability for an  asset retirement  obligation, 
such as  site closure  and reclamation  costs, is  recognized in  the 
period in which it is incurred if a reasonable estimate of fair value 
can be made.  The Company is required to record the estimated present 
value  of  future  cash  flows  associated  with  site  closure   and 
reclamation as a  liability and  increase the carrying  value of  the 
related assets for that amount.  Subsequently, these asset retirement 
costs are expensed to  operations.   At the end  of each period,  the 
liability is revised to  reflect the passage of  time and changes  in 
the estimated future  cash flows  underlying any  initial fair  value 
Financial instruments 
Section 3861, "Financial Instruments - Disclosure and  Presentation", 
has  been  replaced  by   Section  3862,  "Financial  Instruments   - 
Disclosure",  and   Section   3863   -   "Financial   Instruments   - 
Presentation".  These  new  standards require  entities  to  disclose 
quantitative  and  qualitative  information  that  enables  users  to 
evaluate the significance of financial instruments for the  Company's 
financial performance, and  the nature  and extent  of risks  arising 
from financial instruments to which the Company is exposed during the 
period and at the  balance sheet date.  In  addition, the Company  is 
required to disclose management's objectives, policies and procedures 
for managing these risks. 
Fair Value 
The Company  classifies  its  financial assets  as  either  held  for 
trading, available-for-sale,  or  loans and  receivables.   Financial 
liabilities are classified as either  held for trading, or loans  and 
Held for trading  financial assets  and liabilities  are recorded  at 
fair values  as  determined by  active  market prices  and  valuation 
models,  as  appropriate.   Valuation  models  require  the  use   of 
assumptions concerning the amount and timing of estimated future cash 
flows and  discount rates.   In  determining these  assumptions,  the 
Company uses  readily observable  market inputs  where available  or, 
where not available,  inputs generated  by the  Company.  Changes  in 
fair value of held for trading financial instruments are recorded  in 
Available-for-sale financial  assets are  recorded at  fair value  as 
determined by active market prices.   Unrealized gains and losses  on 
available-for-sale investments are recognized in other  comprehensive 
income (loss).  If a decline in fair value is deemed to be other than 
temporary, the unrealized loss is recognized in operations. 
Loans and receivables are  recorded initially at  fair value, net  of 
transaction costs incurred, and subsequently at amortized cost  using 
the effective interest rate method. 
The  fair  values  of  the  Company's  held  for  trading   financial 
liabilities, such  as accounts  payable and  accrued liabilities  and 
assets retirement obligations were  likely below carrying values  due 
to the liquidity issues of the Company, as indicated by the  $329,000 
working capital  deficiency at  December  31, 2008.   However,  the 
subsequent sale of the laboratory  and facilities  at Patos de  Minas 
and the  asset  sale of  Cobre  Sul Mineracao  Ltda.  alleviated  the 
liquidity issues and the fair values of the trading financial  assets 
and liabilities, subsequently approximate their carrying values.  The 
fair values of the Company's held for trading financial assets,  such 
as GST and  other receivables, approximate  their carrying values  at 
December 31, 2008. 
The Company's available-for-sale  investments are  measured  at  fair 
values with gains and losses of a temporary nature recorded in  other 
comprehensive income (loss). 
Stock-based compensation 
The Company  uses  the  fair  value  method  of  accounting  for  all 
stock-based  compensation,  including   options  granted  under   the 
Company's incentive  stock  option plan.   Compensation  expense  for 
options granted is determined based  on the estimated fair values  of 
the stock  options  at  the time  of  grant,  the cost  of  which  is 
recognized over  the  vesting  periods  of  the  respective  options. 
Stock-based  compensation  expense  is   recorded  as  a  charge   to 
operations  with  a  corresponding  credit  to  contributed  surplus. 
Consideration paid for shares on the exercise of options is  credited 
to share capital. 
Loss per share 
Loss per share is calculated based on the weighted average number  of 
shares issued and outstanding during the year. Basic and diluted loss 
per share are  the same for  the periods reported,  as the effect  of 
potential  issuances  of  shares   under  warrant  or  share   option 
agreements would be anti-dilutive. 
Future Income taxes 
Future income taxes are recorded using the asset and liability method 
whereby future income tax assets  and liabilities are recognized  for 
the future tax consequences  attributable to differences between  the 
financial  statement  carrying   amounts  of   existing  assets   and 
liabilities and their  respective tax  bases. Future  tax assets  and 
liabilities are measured using  enacted or substantively enacted  tax 
rates expected to apply when the  asset is realized or the  liability 
settled. The effect on future tax assets and liabilities of a  change 
in tax rates is recognized in  income in the period that  substantive 
enactment or enactment occurs.  To the extent  that the Company  does 
not consider it to be  more likely than not  that a future tax  asset 
will be  recovered, it  provides a  valuation allowance  against  the 
Foreign Currency Translation 
The Company's subsidiaries are integrated foreign operations and  are 
translated into Canadian dollars using the temporal method.  Monetary 
items are translated at  the exchange rate in  effect at the  balance 
sheet date; non-monetary items are translated at historical  exchange 
rates. Income  and  expense  items  are  translated  at  the  average 
exchange rate for the  period. Exchange gains  and losses arising  on 
currency translation are credited or charged to earnings. 
4.      Capital management 
The Company's objectives when managing  capital are to safeguard  the 
Company's ability to continue as a  going concern in order to  pursue 
the development of its mineral properties and to maintain a  flexible 
capital  structure  for   its  projects  for   the  benefit  of   its 
stakeholders. As  the  Company  is  in  the  exploration  stage,  its 
principal source of funds is from the issuance of common shares. 
In the management of capital, the Company includes the components  of 
shareholders'  equity  as   well  as  cash   and  cash   equivalents, 
receivables and investment balances. 
The Company manages the capital structure and makes adjustments to it 
in  light   of  changes   in  economic   conditions  and   the   risk 
characteristics of the underlying assets.  To maintain or adjust  the 
capital structure, the Company may attempt to issue new shares, enter 
into joint  venture  property  arrangements, acquire  or  dispose  of 
assets or  adjust  the  amount  of  cash  and  cash  equivalents  and 
In order to  facilitate the management  of its capital  requirements, 
the Company prepares annual expenditure  budgets that are updated  as 
necessary depending on various factors, including successful  capital 
deployment and general  industry conditions. The  annual and  updated 
budgets are approved by the Board of Directors. 
The Company's  investment policy  is  to invest  its cash  in  highly 
liquid short-term interest-bearing investments with maturities  three 
months or less from the  original date of acquisition, selected  with 
regards to  the  expected  timing  of  expenditures  from  continuing 
The Company is uncertain as to whether its current capital  resources 
will be sufficient to carry its exploration and development plans and 
operations through  its current  operating period  and,  accordingly, 
management is reviewing the timing  and scope of current  exploration 
and  development  plans   and  is  also   pursuing  other   financing 
alternatives to fund the Company's operations. 
The Company's financial instruments are exposed to certain  financial 
risks. The risk exposures and  the impact on the Company's  financial 
instruments are summarized below. 
Foreign Currency Risk 
The  Company's  functional  currency  is  the  Canadian  dollar.  The 
Company's operations,  however,  are  located in  Brazil  where  many 
exploration and  administrative expenses  are incurred  in the  local 
currency, the Brazilian Real.  The Company's ability to advance funds 
to Brazil  (for  capital  investment or  operations)  is  subject  to 
changes in the valuation of the Real as well as rules and regulations 
of the Brazilian government.  Fluctuations in the  value of the  Real 
may have an adverse affect on  the operations and operating costs  of 
the Company. 
Interest Rate and Credit Risk 
The Company has  neither significant  cash balances  nor credit  risk 
arising from operations. 
Accounts and other receivable consist  of goods and services tax  due 
from the  Federal  Government of  Canada,  amounts due  from  related 
parties with normal trade terms, and funds advanced for  exploration. 
Management believes that the  credit risk concentration with  respect 
to receivables is remote. 
Liquidity Risk 
Liquidity risk is the risk that the Company will not be able to  meet 
its financial  obligations  as they  fall  due. The  Company  has  an 
insignificant cash balance and  significant interest-bearing debt  to 
related parties.  At December 31, 2008, the Company has a net working 
capital deficiency  of  $329,000 (December  31,  2007 -  net  working 
capital  of  $377,000  (restated)).   These  liquidity  issues   were 
alleviated subsequent to the year end with the sale of the laboratory 
and facilities at  Patos de  Minas and the  asset sale  of Cobre  Sul 
Mineracao Ltda. for gross proceeds of  approximately $1.4 million. 
Commodity Price Risk 
The Company's ability to  raise  capital  to  fund  exploration   or 
development   activities   is   subject  to  risks  associated   with 
fluctuations in the  market prices of  diamonds. The Company  closely 
monitors commodity  prices to  determine  the appropriate  course  of 
action to be taken by the Company. 
Sensitivity Analysis 
The Company  has designated  its investments  as  available-for-sale, 
which are measured at fair value. Accounts receivable are  classified 
as loans  and  receivables, which  are  measured at  amortized  cost. 
Accounts payable and accrued liabilities are classified as loans  and 
payables, which are measured at amortized cost. 
As of December 31, 2008,  the carrying amount of accounts  receivable 
and payable approximates fair market value. 
The movements below may impact the Company's operation as follows: 
a) Cash and cash equivalents include deposits which are at variable 
interest rates. Sensitivity to a plus or minus 1% change in rates 
would affect net loss by $1,000. 
b) The Company holds balances in foreign currencies which may give 
rise to exposure to foreign exchange risk.  Sensitivity to a plus or 
minus 1% change in rates would affect net loss by $500. 
c) Price risk is remote since the Company is currently not a 
producing entity. 
                              December 31, 2008 
                   Number of Carrying 
                   Shares    Value    Fair Value % Holding 
Hidefield Gold plc 7,625,000    $ 331       $ 68     2.74% 
                              December 31, 2007 
                   Number of Carrying 
                   Shares    Value    Fair Value % Holding 
Hidefield Gold plc 9,625,000   $  418    $ 1,038      3.5% 
a) During the year ended December 31, 2008, the Company recognized an 
unrealized loss,  net  of  future  income tax  of  $613,000  (2007  - 
$1,037,000) on marketable securities designated as available-for-sale 
in other comprehensive loss. 
b) On February 8, 2008, the Company sold 2,000,000 Hidefield Gold plc 
("Hidefield") shares at a price of  4.75 pence per share for a  total 
of $185,000 to Hamilton Capital Partners Limited and recorded a  gain 
of $98,000. 
c) On January  25, 2008,  the Company's  7,125,000 Hidefield  options 
expired and  the  $19,000  unrealized fair  value  of  the  Hidefield 
options was written off. 
This announcement was originally distributed by Hugin. The issuer is 
solely responsible for the content of this announcement. 

Brazilian (LSE:BDY)
과거 데이터 주식 차트
부터 8월(8) 2024 으로 9월(9) 2024 Brazilian 차트를 더 보려면 여기를 클릭.
Brazilian (LSE:BDY)
과거 데이터 주식 차트
부터 9월(9) 2023 으로 9월(9) 2024 Brazilian 차트를 더 보려면 여기를 클릭.