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Schroder Asian Total Return Investment Company Plc

Schroder Asian Total Return Investment Company Plc (ATR)

마감 10 12월 1:30AM

포트폴리오 강화: 실시간 토론 및 실행 가능한 거래 아이디어.

ATR 뉴스

공식 뉴스 전용
zakattack zakattack 37 초 전
massive tax loss today sad
farml1234 farml1234 37 초 전
Hey is anyone worrying today ?

Just think it will only get WORSE.
dstock07734 dstock07734 40 초 전
You own 144k? Are you kidding me?

If you even owned 10k, I would cut you some slack and be nice to you. Do you even show any curiosity about all the updates that the longs have been posting? None.
Jp_SHMP Jp_SHMP 44 초 전
0.0048 almost gone
weeeee are on it again
LeAcc LeAcc 1 분 전
Oooh not by the sounds of that monthly update 🤣 down to .07 we go
JoJr JoJr 1 분 전
That's the tipping point.

Hold your shares.
StayHumble StayHumble 1 분 전
💹66+MillionXPERT .000001 BUYS💹XPERTS HereBUYING✅
SpaceManTrades SpaceManTrades 2 분 전
Momentum. Public interest. There's a reason this is showing up all over social media. When people start talking about a dead stock that means somebody somewhere knows it's not going to be a dead stock long so people start loading and at these low trip levels people load a lot. True it may just be a
ThunderousSeer8 ThunderousSeer8 2 분 전
It'll get there too if we have entry of new traders. Between Crowin and these other clueless traders we'll never get anywhere. We need some more diversity amongst the traders present here. Right now we're stuck with some real ridiculous characters. That's why they're so afraid they're predictable fl
Chiron Chiron 2 분 전
Serpico2005 Serpico2005 2 분 전
Any material news and they will all chase soon. 
NeoSunTzu NeoSunTzu 2 분 전
... you are welcome, pleasure is all mine ... love your apropos signature
Lime Time Lime Time 3 분 전
Why are people buying these over bloated stocks with huge OS?

They will never move. The vol needs to move over to better picks to get some huge OTC runners.

40.7 BILLION Float here. No thanks.
doc2016 doc2016 3 분 전
elon musk planning for 1 million gpu data center they say in memphis. it's going to need gpus/infrastructure/cpu/switches /routers/ iot connections; networking, dynamic routing, and authentication and data. might need cuda-q?
eastunder eastunder 3 분 전
AI and ORCL report after bell

AI cpps 41.97

ORCL cpps 189.54
JP313 JP313 4 분 전
Ok so that post was a bunch of crock
Orange Cassidy Orange Cassidy 4 분 전
I think at this point for him it's sell plasma and panhandle. Imagine being on the edge of your seat for a stock that has no volume or interest!
glenn1919 glenn1919 4 분 전
BullNBear52 BullNBear52 4 분 전
60 Minutes is a cesspool of libtard propaganda

Just how old are you? Libtard really?

Well I'll tell you something this liberal solved your problem on Q&A that you were too retarded to figure out on your own.
dstock07734 dstock07734 4 분 전
You don't think it is revolutionary? I cannot blame you. You have to be equipped with appropriate IQ to understand what I was talking about.

Keep playing your little dirty game. That's your job, is it not?

Keep in mind the longs here are doing an enormous favor for you
bigstocksnbonds bigstocksnbonds 4 분 전
Sorry about your truck!! Yes it is!!
camarotyphoon camarotyphoon 4 분 전
what a idiotic management. From wordless to worthless
fwb fwb 5 분 전
Vol over 100 MILLION on a down Market day as of 1:30pm
does this mean the MM want these NVDA shares?
Fallingknife75 Fallingknife75 5 분 전
You can lead the herd to RDAR but you cant make them think....

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