RNS Number:1941D
Petrol AD
03 September 2007

                                 REVIEW REPORT



                              AS OF JUNE 30, 2007

Table of contents

Review report.. .............................................................3

Consolidated financial statements as of June 30, 2007........................6

Notes to the consolidated financial statements..............................12

                                 Review report

               REPORT on review of interim financial information



1. We have reviewed the accompanying interim consolidated balance sheet of
Petrol AD ("the Parent company") and its subsidiaries ("the Group") as of June
30, 2007, and the related interim consolidated statements of income, changes in
equity and cash flows for the six-month period then ended, and a summary of
significant accounting policies and other explanatory notes. Management is
responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of this interim
consolidated financial information, in accordance with the International
Financial Reporting Standards, as adopted by the European Union Commission. Our
responsibility is to express a conclusion on this interim consolidated financial
information based on our review.

Scope of review

2. Except as discussed in paragraphs 4, 5 and 6 below, we conducted our review
in accordance with the International Standard on Review Engagements 2410,
"Review of Interim Financial Information Performed by the Independent Auditor of
the Entity". A review of interim financial information consists of making
inquiries, primarily of persons responsible for financial and accounting
matters, and applying analytical and other review procedures. A review is
substantially less in scope than an audit, conducted in accordance with the
International Standards on Auditing, and consequently does not enable us to
obtain assurance that we would become aware of all significant matters that
might be identified in an audit. Accordingly we do not express an audit opinion.

3. We have not been engaged by management and respectively have not performed
neither an audit nor review of interim financial information as of March 31,
2007 and for the three month periods from April 1, 2007 to June 30, 2007 and
from April 1, 2006 to June 30, 2006, which are presented by management in the
accompanying consolidated financial statements.

Basis for qualified conclusion

4. Trade and other payables as of June 30, 2007 and December 31, 2006, include
net current liabilities of the Parent company to a supplier amounting to BGN
77,753 thousand and BGN 48,781 thousand, respectively presented net of
receivables from the same supplier. We have not received direct confirmation
from this supplier of the balance due to it and currently the Company is in
mutual litigation with the supplier as disclosed in note 39 to the accompanying
consolidated financial statements. The nature of the related agreement between
the counterparties and these court cases give rise to significant uncertainty as
to the outcome of these disputes. As a result, we were not able to satisfy
ourselves as to the valuation, completeness  and fair presentation of the
current liabilities to this supplier as of June 30, 2007 and December 31, 2006,
as well as to the overall effect of this litigation on the financial statements
of the Group.
5. Inventories amounting to total BGN 122,290 thousand, include fuels with a
carrying value of BGN 20,406 thousand as of June 30, 2007 (and respectively, BGN
137,968 thousand and BGN 18,313 thousand as of December 31, 2006), purchased
under the fuel supply agreement signed with the supplier referred to in
paragraph 4 above. We have not received confirmation from this supplier
regarding the inventory quantities as of June 30, 2007 and December 31, 2006. As
of June 30, 2006 and December 31, 2005, respectively, we received confirmation
letters from the supplier, which states higher quantities of fuels than those
recorded by the Parent company as of these dates. As a result of the above, we
were not able to satisfy ourselves through other alternative procedures as to
whether inventories and current liabilities amounting to approximately BGN
20,406 thousand and BGN 18,313 thousand are complete and fairly presented in
these consolidated financial statements as of June 30, 2007 and December 31,
2006, respectively.

6. Trade and other receivables amounting to BGN 131,010 thousand and BGN 107,731
thousand as of June 30, 2007 and December 31, 2006 include various overdue
receivables amounting to approximately BGN 2,500 thousand and BGN 1,500
thousand, respectively for which there are indications for impairment. The Group
has not assessed and recorded impairment allowance for such receivables. We have
not been provided with sufficient evidence of the recoverability of these
receivables to enable us to determine whether trade and other receivables
amounting to BGN 2,500 thousand and BGN 1,500 thousand are fairly presented and
valued as of June 30, 2007 and December 31, 2006, respectively.

Qualified conclusion

7. Except for the adjustments to the interim financial information that we might
have become aware of had it not been for the matters described in paragraphs 4,
5 and 6 above, based on our review, nothing has come to our attention that
causes us to believe that the accompanying interim consolidated financial
information does not present fairly, in all material respects, the financial
position of  the Group as of June 30, 2007, its financial performance and cash
flows for the six-month period then ended, in accordance with the International
Financial Reporting Standards, as adopted by the European Union Commission.
Deloitte Audit OOD

Sylvia Peneva
Managing Director
Registered Certified Public Accountant

Aug 28, 2007

                               as of June 30, 2007

For the six months ended June 30, 2007

                                               Notes    Six months   Six months Three months Three months
                                                        ended June   ended June   ended June   ended June
                                                (1)            30,          30,          30,          30,
                                                              2007         2006         2007         2006
                                                           BGN'000      BGN'000      BGN'000      BGN'000
                                                                                        (not         (not
                                                                                   reviewed)    reviewed)

Revenue                                          6         560,612      631,536      332,051      317,375
Other income                                     7           1,454       12,139          514        9,907

Total operating revenue                                    562,066      643,675      332,565      327,282

Cost of goods sold                               8       (486,673)    (572,641)    (290,343)    (285,089)
Materials                                        9         (5,464)      (5,803)      (3,148)      (3,075)
Hired services                                   10       (16,682)     (17,655)      (8,951)      (7,001)
Employee benefits expenses                       11       (15,021)     (12,804)      (7,375)      (6,876)
Depreciation and amortization expenses           12        (8,649)      (9,965)      (4,256)      (4,700)
Other expenses                                   13        (4,793)      (5,052)      (3,129)      (3,389)

Finance income                                   14          3,859        2,609        2,159        1,603
Finance costs                                    14       (31,228)      (5,148)     (16,573)      (2,569)
Share of loss of associates                      19          (166)        (136)         (96)         (32)
Profit (loss) before tax                                   (2,751)       17,080          853       16,154
Income tax expense                               15          (585)      (2,757)        (931)      (2,202)

Net profit (loss) for the period                           (3,336)       14,323         (78)       13,952
Earnings (loss) per share (BGN)                  32         (0.03)         0.13         0.00         0.13

These consolidated financial statements have been approved on behalf of Petrol
AD by:

Svetoslav Yordanov                                            Desislava Todorova
Executive Director                                              Chief Accountant

August 27, 2007

The accompanying notes from page 12 to page 51 are an integral part of these
consolidated financial statements)

as of June 30, 2007
                                                        Notes      June 30,     March 31,  December 31,
                                                         (1)           2007          2007          2006
                                                                    BGN'000       BGN'000       BGN'000
                                                                            (restated and    (restated)
                                                                            not reviewed)
Non-current assets

Property, plant and equipment                             16        210,790       202,497       201,614
Intangible assets                                         17          1,343         1,359         1,400
Investment property                                       18         19,545        18,085        18,252
Investments in associates and other investments           19          1,650         1,746         1,816
Goodwill                                                  20         20,309        20,309        20,309
Interest-bearing loans granted                            21         44,698        44,698        44,698

Total non-current assets                                            298,335       288,694       288,089

Current assets

Inventories                                               22        122,290       158,030       137,968
Trade and other receivables, net                          23        131,010       122,936       107,731
Interest-bearing loans granted                            21         27,366        39,746        39,746
Cash and cash equivalents                                 24         36,608        15,696        62,987
Non-current assets, held for sale                         25          2,466         1,387         1,387

Total current assets                                                319,740       337,795       349,819
Total assets                                                        618,075       626,489       637,908
Current liabilities

Trade and other payables, net                             26        175,980       143,382       188,886
Interest-bearing loans                                    27         62,885        95,698        56,953
Finance lease liabilities                                 28          2,108         2,014         1,955
Current income tax                                        29          1,155           273           328
Retirement benefits obligations                           33             32            32            32
Liabilities directly associated with non-current          25
assets, held for sale                                                    87             -             -

Total current liabilities                                           242,247       241,399       248,154
Non-current liabilities

Interest-bearing loans                                    27        207,071       206,975       207,217
Finance lease liabilities                                 28          4,370         4,663         4,955
Deferred tax liabilities                                  15            257           817         1,689
Retirement benefits obligations                           33            438           438           438

Total non-current liabilities                                       212,136       212,893       214,299
Net assets                                                          163,692       172,197       175,455

Share capital                                             30        109,250       109,250       109,250
Retained earnings                                                     7,143        23,651        26,723
Revaluation reserve                                       31         28,536        28,631        28,817
Other reserves                                                       18,763        10,665        10,665

Total equity                                                        163,692       172,197       175,455

These consolidated financial statements have been approved on behalf of Petrol
AD by:

Svetoslav Yordanov                                            Desislava Todorova
Executive Director                                              Chief Accountant

August 27, 2007

The accompanying notes from page 12 to page 51 are an integral part of these
consolidated financial statements)

For the six months ended June 30, 2007

                             Share  Revaluation     Other  Retained    
                           capital      reserve  reserves  earnings    Total
                           BGN'000      BGN'000   BGN'000   BGN'000   BGN'000

Balance at January 1,      109,250       28,865    10,489    12,901    161,505

Revaluation reserve of
disposed non-current
assets                           -       (1,168)        -     1,168          -

Net income, recognized
directly in equity               -       (1,168)        -     1,168          -

Profit for the period            -            -         -    14,323     14,323

Total income (expenses)
recognized in the period         -       (1,168)        -    15,491     14,323
Allocation of profit to
the reserves                     -            -       145      (145)         -
Dividends                        -            -         -      (727)      (727)

Balance at June 30, 2006   109,250       27,697    10,634    27,520    175,101

Revaluation reserve of
disposed non-current
assets                           -         (480)        -       480          -
Change in the tax rate of
deferred tax liabilities,
recognized in equity             -        1,600         -         -      1,600

Net income, recognized
directly in equity               -        1,120         -       480      1,600

Loss for the period              -            -         -    (1,246)    (1,246)

Total income (expenses)
recognized in the period         -        1,120         -      (766)       354

Allocation of profit to
the reserves                     -            -        31       (31)         -
Dividends                        -            -         -         -          -

Balance at December 31,
2006                       109,250       28,817    10,665    26,723    175,455

Revaluation reserve of
disposed non-current
assets                           -         (281)        -       281          -

Net income, recognized
directly in equity               -         (281)        -       281          -

Loss for the period              -            -         -    (3,336)    (3,336)

Total income (expenses)
recognized in the period         -         (281)        -    (3,055)    (3,336)
Allocation of profit to
the reserves                     -            -     8,098    (8,098)         -
Dividends                        -            -         -    (8,427)    (8,427)

Balance at June 30, 2007   109,250       28,536    18,763     7,143    163,692

These consolidated financial statements have been approved on behalf of Petrol
AD by:

Svetoslav Yordanov                                            Desislava Todorova
Executive Director                                              Chief Accountant

August 27, 2007

The accompanying notes from page 12 to page 51 are an integral part of these
consolidated financial statements)

For the six months ended June 30, 2007

                    Six months      Six months    Three months    Three months
                ended June 30,  ended June 30,  ended June 30,  ended June 30,
                          2007            2006            2007            2006
                       BGN'000         BGN'000         BGN'000         BGN'000
                                      (restated)  (not reviewed)  (not reviewed)
Cash flows from

Net profit
(loss) before
taxation                (2,751)         17,080             853          16,154

Adjustments for:

of non-current
assets                   8,649           9,965           4,256           4,700
expenses and
bank fees and
net                     12,218           5,148           6,268           2,569
income and
income                  (3,744)         (1,806)         (2,159)         (1,064)
Shortages and
assets,                    912             767             566             481
net of excess
Provisions for
unused annual
paid leave and
benefits                 2,192             860             926             734
Low cost
assets written
off                          -             218               -             218
Net effect
from applying
the equity
method                     166             136              96              32
(Gain) loss on
disposal and
liquidation of
assets                    (534)         (2,463)            145          (1,072)
Loss on
dealing with
derivatives             19,010               -          10,003               -
exchange loss
(gain)                     (30)           (263)             10             (71)
Impairment                   8             603               8             576

Cash flows
provided by
activities              36,096          30,245          20,972          23,257

Interest and
bank fees and
paid                    (3,869)         (5,010)         (2,383)         (2,845)
Income taxes
paid                    (1,177)         (6,293)           (596)         (5,296)

profit before
changes in
capital                 31,050          18,942          17,993          15,116

(decrease) in
trade payables         (26,029)         58,567          21,686          33,250
decrease in
inventories             14,884         (10,605)         35,292          11,679
decrease in
receivables            (16,496)        (35,423)         (1,908)        (53,747)

Net cash
generated by
activities               3,409          31,481          73,063           6,298

Cash flows from

Acquisition of
assets                 (21,983)         (3,296)        (16,789)         (1,522)
Proceeds on
disposal of
assets                   1,243           4,447             342           2,189
Payments on
dealing with
derivatives            (19,103)              -         (11,037)              -
received on
loans and
deposits and
income                   1,178           1,277             171             705
Cash paid for
deposits and
granted loans,
net                     12,380         (46,135)         12,380          (8,032)

Net cash used
in investing
activities             (26,285)        (43,707)        (14,933)         (6,660)

For the six months ended June 30, 2007

                                                       Six months   Six months Three months Three months
                                                       ended June   ended June   ended June   ended June
                                                              30,          30,          30,          30,
                                                             2007         2006         2007         2006
                                                          BGN'000      BGN'000      BGN'000      BGN'000
                                                                    (restated)         (not         (not
                                                                                  reviewed)    reviewed)

Cash flows from financing activities

Proceeds from bank and trade loans                        250,707      441,887       65,969      224,197
Bank and trade loans and bond issue repaid              (253,155)    (432,261)    (102,658)    (221,699)
Dividends paid                                                (5)            -          (2)            -
Finance lease payments                                    (1,049)        (465)        (526)        (252)

Net cash provided by (used in) financing activities       (3,502)        9,161     (37,217)        2,246

Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents     (26,378)      (3,065)       20,913        1,884
for the period

Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of period       62,987       11,490       15,696        6,541

Cash and cash equivalents at the end of period (see        36,609        8,425       36,609        8,425
also note 24)

These consolidated financial statements have been approved on behalf of Petrol
AD by:

Svetoslav Yordanov                                            Desislava Todorova
Executive Director                                              Chief Accountant

August 27, 2007

The accompanying notes from page 12 to page 51 are an integral part of these
consolidated financial statements)

                   to the consolidated financial statemenets
                              as of June 30, 2007

1.         Legal status

Petrol AD (the Parent company) is registered in Sofia. The headquarters of the
Parent company is located at 43, Cherni Vruh Blvd. Sofia. As of June 30, 2007
the majority shareholder of
Petrol AD is Petrol Holding AD with 68,99 % ownership of the share capital. The
remaining part of the Parent company's share capital is owned by other legal
entities, the State - through the Ministry of Economy and by individual
shareholders (see note 31).

Effective from July 1, 1998 Petrol AD is registered as a public company in the
Public Register of the Financial Supervision Commission.

The main activities of Petrol AD and its subsidiaries (the Group) comprise
retail and wholesale of oil and non-oil products, rendering of transport
services and maintenance. The Parent company is one of the oldest commercial
companies in Bulgaria and owns the largest network of fuel stations in the

These consolidated financial statements have been approved for issue by the
management on August 27, 2007.

2.         Basis for preparation of the consolidated financial statements and
accounting principles

2.1.      Basis for preparation of the consolidated financial statements

The Group prepares and presents its consolidated financial statements in
accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), issued by
the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) and the interpretations,
issued by the International Financial Reporting Interpretations Committee
(IFRIC), approved by the European Commission. The Bulgarian Accountancy Act (the
Act), effective for 2007 requires the application of IFRS, adopted by the
European Commission. Based on the amendments of the Act, effective January 1,
2007 direct application of the updated version of IFRS is allowed. IFRS as
adopted by the European Commission do not differ from IFRS, issued by the IASB,
and are effective for reporting periods ended as of June 30, 2007, except for
certain requirements for hedge reporting in accordance with the IAS 39 Financial
Instruments: Recognition and Measurement, which has not been adopted by the
Commission. The management believes that if the hedge requirements has been
approved by the Commission it would have no influence on the consolidated
financial statements.

These interim consolidated financial statement for the first six months of 2007
have been prepared in accordance to the IAS 34 Interim Financial Reporting and
include the full set of financial statements in compliance with IAS 1
Presentation of Financial Statements. The accounting policies adopted are
consistent with those to the annual period ended 31 December 2006.

These consolidated financial statements are prepared under the historical cost
convention, except for the assets (liabilities), which are stated at fair value
- financial assets (liabilities), including derivatives, reported at fair value
in the income statement.

2.2.            Functional and presentation currency of the consolidated
financial statements

Functional currency is the currency of the primary economic environment in which
an entity operates and in which it primary generates and expends cash. A Group's
functional currency reflects the underlying transactions, events and conditions
that are relevant to it.

The Group keeps its records and prepares its financial statements in the
national currency of the Republic of Bulgaria - the Bulgarian Lev, which is
adopted by the Company as its functional currency. Effective January 1, 1999,
the Bulgarian Lev is fixed to the EUR at the rate of
BGN 1.95583 = EUR 1.

These consolidated financial statements are presented in thousand Bulgarian

2.3.      Foreign currency

Transactions in foreign currency are initially recorded at the official rate of
exchange of the Bulgarian National Bank (BNB) as of the date of the transaction.
The foreign exchange rate differences, arising upon the settlement of these
monetary positions or at restatement of these positions at rates, different from
those when initially recorded, are reported as financial income or financial
expenses in the income statement for the period in which they arise.

The monetary positions denominated in foreign currency as of June 30, 2007 and
December 31, 2006 are stated in these consolidated financial statements at the
closing exchange rate of BNB. The closing exchange rates of BGN against USD as
of the respective reporting period are as follows:

June 30, 2007                          1 USD = BGN 1.44823
March 31, 2007                         1 USD = BGN 1.46856
December 31, 2006                      1 USD = BGN 1.48506

2.4.            Subsidiary companies and consolidation

The consolidated financial statements incorporate the financial statements of
the Parent company and its subsidiaries. A subsidiary is an entity that is
controlled by the Parent company. Control is the power to govern the financial
and operating policies of an enterprise so as to obtain benefits from its

For consolidation purposes, the separate financial statements of the Parent
company and its subsidiaries have been combined on a line-by-line basis by
adding together like items of assets, liabilities, equity, income and expenses.

For consolidation purposes all intra-group balances as at March, 31 and June 30,
2007 and December 31, 2006 and intra-group transactions, as well as all
intra-group profits and losses, including unrealized profits and losses as of
June 30, 2007 and 2006 are eliminated in full.

The carrying amount of the Parent company's investment in each subsidiary and
the Parent company's portion of equity of each subsidiary are eliminated

The results of subsidiaries, which have been acquired or disposed during the
year, are included in the consolidated income statement from the date of the
acquisition, till the date at which control ceases.

2.5.      Associates

An associate is an enterprise over which the Parent company has significant
influence. Significant influence is the right of participation in, but not
control over, the financial and operating policy decisions of the invitee.

Interests in associates are presented in the balance sheet in accordance with
IAS 28 Investments in Associates, using the equity method of accounting,
according to which the investment is recorded initially at cost as adjusted by
post-acquisition changes in the investor's share in the net assets of the

2.6.      Business combinations

In accordance with IFRS 3 Business combinations, a business combination is the
bringing together of separate enterprises or businesses into one reporting
entity. If an entity obtains control over another entity, which does not
represent a separate business, the bringing together of these enterprises is not
a business combination. When there is no business combination, the purchase
method cannot be used and instead of this the transaction should be presented as
a merger.

If the transaction meets the criteria for a business combination, it should be
determined if the business combination is involving companies under common
control. According to IFRS 3, two enterprises are under common control, when the
combining enterprises or businesses are ultimately controlled by the same party
(parties) both before and after the business combination and when the control is
not temporary (transitional).

IAS 22 Business Combinations (replaced by the effective IFRS 3 Business
Combinations) and IFRS 3 Business Combinations, applicable as of the date of the
present consolidated financial statements exclude from their scopes business
combinations involving entities under common control. IFRS do not provide
guidance for the accounting treatment of business combinations involving
companies under common control.

IAS 8 Accounting Policies, Changes in Accounting Estimates and Errors effective
from January 1, 2005, requires that upon absence of a specific Standard or
Interpretation, management should develop accounting policy, which is reliable
and relevant to the economic decision making needs of the users of the financial
statements. The acquirer should take into consideration the requirements and
guidance of standards and pronouncements of other international standard setting
bodies, other accounting literature and established best practices, treating
similar issues, to the extent that they do not conflict with sources of
directions of the IASB (including IFRS, Interpretations and Framework for
preparation and presentation of financial statements).

On the basis of these sources, management should select an appropriate policy
for reporting of business combinations involving entities under common control
and apply it consistently.

The present international practices provide guidance for two alternative methods
of accounting for business combinations involving entities under common control
- the purchase method and the method of uniting of interests.

Management believes that the use of the method of uniting of interests is not
appropriate, since its application for business combinations is not allowed by
IFRS 3. In addition, according to the international practices, the method of
uniting of interests can be applied in exceptionally rare circumstances, mostly
in the cases when it cannot be determined which of the combining enterprises is
the acquirer. According to IASB in most of the business combinations, as well as
in the particular situation, the acquirer can be identified.

2.6.      Business combinations (continued)

Taking into account the above arguments, management has decided to adopt the
purchase method and apply it consistently for all similar transactions within
the Group for the current and prior reporting periods.

In October 2003 the Ultimate parent company, Petrol Holding AD, performs
reorganization of the companies and the business within the economic group, as a
result of which the Parent company acquires Naftex Petrol EOOD through purchase
from the Ultimate parent company. The cost of acquisition amounts to BGN 100,966
thousand, and is based on market valuation of BGN 1.058 per share, made by a
licensed appraiser, in compliance with the requirements of art. 114 of the
Public Offering of Securities Act. The performed reorganization meets the
criteria for a business combination, as Petrol AD obtains control over the
business of Naftex Petrol EOOD - wholesale with fuels, which represents bringing
together of two separate businesses into one economic entity, within the meaning
of IFRS 3. As the Ultimate parent company before and after the transaction is
Petrol Holding AD, this is a business combination involving entities under
common control. The management accounted for that transaction in 2003, applying
the purchase method. The management considers that the use of the purchase
method of accounting is appropriate within the given circumstances.
International Accounting Standard Board has deferred till the second phase of
Business Combination Standard project to deal with accounting methods for
business combination of companies under common control. Depending on the outcome
of this project in the future, further considerations to the accounting method
used might be required.

2.7.      Goodwill

Goodwill represents the excess of the cost of acquisition over the Group's
interest in the net fair value of identifiable assets, liabilities and
contingent liabilities of the acquired entity as of the date of the exchange
operation and is recognized as an asset. When the acquisition cost is lower than
the fair value of the net assets acquired by the Group, the acquirer should
reassess the identification and measurement of the acquiree's identifiable
assets, liabilities and contingent liabilities and the measurement of the cost
of the business combination and any excess remaining after that reassessment
should be recognized immediately in profit or loss

Subsequent to its initial recognition goodwill is not amortized, in compliance
with IFRS 3, applicable for reporting periods after March 31, 2004. At the end
of each reporting period a test for impairment is performed (see also note 4).

2.8.      Accounting estimates and reasonable assumptions

The preparation of the consolidated financial statements in accordance with IFRS
requires management to make some accounting estimates and reasonable assumptions
that affect some of the reported amounts of assets, liabilities, revenues and
expenses. These estimates and assumptions are based on the best estimate of
management, taking into account historical experience and analysis of all
factors of significance in the circumstances as of the date of the consolidated
financial statements. The actual results could differ from those estimates,
presented in these consolidated financial statements.

2.9.      Errors in prior reporting periods and changes in accounting policy

Prior year errors represent omissions and misstatements in the consolidated
financial statements of the Group for prior periods, arising as a result of
omitted or inaccurately used reliable information. This is information, which
was available when the consolidated financial statements for those periods have
been authorised for issue or which could reasonably be expected to have been
obtained and taken into account upon preparation and presentation of those
consolidated financial statements. Prior year errors can arise upon recognition,
measurement, presentation or disclosure of elements of the consolidated
financial statements. They are restated retrospectively by restating the
comparative information for the prior periods or the opening balances of assets,
liabilities and equity (if the errors occurred before the earliest prior period
presented). The restatement is reported in the first consolidated financial
statements authorised for issuance after the errors have been identified.
3.   Definition and valuation of the balance sheet and income statement items

3.1. Property, plant and equipment and intangible assets

Property, plant and equipment and intangible assets are recognized and initially
carried at cost, including the purchase price, import duties and non-refundable
taxes, as well as any costs directly attributable to bringing the asset to the
location and condition necessary for it to be capable of operating in the manner
intended by management. Assets, acquired by means of a business combination are
carried at fair value. After initial recognition, property, plant and equipment
and intangible assets are stated at cost less accumulated depreciation
(amortization) and accumulated impairment loss, if any (see note 3.3).

Some tangible fixed assets, available at December 31, 2002, have been revalued
by coefficients, based on the accounting legislation, applicable as of the end
of 2001, as a result of which a revaluation reserve has been created. In
compliance with the changes in accounting legislation, management has reviewed
all material items of property, plant and equipment as of December 31, 2002 to
verify the measurement of their carrying amount. Those assets, for which the
carrying amount was materially different from their fair value, were revalued to
their fair value as of the same date. The so formed revaluation reserve was
added to the revaluation reserve, resulting from the accounting legislation
applicable as of December 31, 2001.

When property, plant and equipment include parts with different useful lives and
a cost that is significant in relation to the total cost of the item, such parts
are recognized as separate assets.

Subsequent costs, including costs for replacement of an item of property, plant
and equipment are recognized in the carrying amount of the asset, if they
satisfy the recognition principle. The carrying amount of the replaced item is
derecognized in accordance with the requirements of IAS 16 Property, Plant and
Equipment. All other subsequent costs are recognized as expense for the period
as incurred.

Depreciation and amortization are charged over the estimated useful lives, using
the straight-line method.

3.1.      Property, plant and equipment and intangible assets (continued)

The assets' estimated useful lives are as follows:

Useful life                                        2007                  2006
                                               25 years              25 years

Administrative and trade buildings
Machines, fixtures and equipment      2, 3 and 25 years     2, 3 and 25 years
Vehicles                                 5 and 10 years        5 and 10 years
Office furniture                                7 years               7 years
Intangible assets                         2 and 7 years         2 and 7 years

Depreciation of an asset begins in the month following the month in which the
asset is available for use and ceases at the earlier of the date when the asset
is classified as held for sale, in accordance with IFRS 5 Non-current Assets
Held for Sale and Discontinued Operations, and the date when the asset is

Land, assets under construction and fully depreciated assets are not

3.2.      Investment property

Investment property is property held by the Group to earn rentals or for capital
appreciation, or for both.

Investment property is measured at cost less accumulated depreciation and
impairment loss, if any (see note 3.3).

When some properties comprise portion that is held to be used in Group's
operations, another portions to earn rentals, and these portions cannot be
reported separately, these properties are presented in compliance with IAS 16 -
Property, Plant and Equipment.

Depreciation on investment properties is charged to the income statement, by
applying the straight line method, on the basis of their estimated useful life,
as follows:

Useful life                                        2007                 2006
                                               25 years             25 years

Administrative and trade buildings
Machines, fixtures and equipment      2, 3 and 25 years    2, 3 and 25 years
Office furniture                                7 years              7 years

3.3. Impairment of property, plant and equipment and intangible assets,
investment property and goodwill

At each balance sheet date, the management reviews the carrying amounts of its
property, plant and equipment, intangible assets, investment property and
goodwill to determine whether there is any indication for impairment of these
assets. If any such indication exists, the recoverable amount of the respective
asset is estimated. Where it is not possible to estimate the recoverable amount
of an individual asset, the Group estimates the recoverable amount of the
cash-generating unit, to which the asset belongs.

The recoverable amount is the higher of the asset's fair value less costs to
sell the asset and its value in use. If the recoverable amount of an asset (or
cash-generating unit) is estimated to be less than its carrying amount, the
carrying amount of the asset (cash generating unit) is reduced to its
recoverable amount. Impairment loss is recognized in the income statement
immediately, unless the asset is carried at a revalued amount, in which case the
impairment loss is treated as a decrease in the revaluation reserve (see note

Where an impairment loss subsequently reverses, the carrying amount of the asset
(cash generating unit) is increased to the revised estimate of its recoverable
amount, but so that the increased carrying amount does not exceed the carrying
amount that would have been determined had no impairment loss been recognized
for the asset (cash generating unit) in prior years. A reversal of an impairment
loss is recognized as income immediately, unless the relevant asset is carried
at a revalued amount, in which case the reversal of the impairment loss is
treated as an increase in the revaluation reserve.

An impairment loss is recognized for a cash-generating unit to which goodwill
was allocated if and only if the recoverable amount is lower than its carrying
amount. The impairment loss is allocated to reduce the carrying amount of the
assets in the cash-generating unit, first to reduce the carrying amount of
goodwill and then, the carrying amount of other assets in the unit, pro rata on
the basis of the carrying amount of each asset in the unit. The impairment loss
of goodwill could not be reversed.

3.4.      Non-current assets and disposal groups, held for sale

Non-current assets (or disposal groups) are classified as held for sale if their
carrying amounts would be recovered principally through a sale transaction
rather than through continuing use. This condition is regarded to be met only
when the asset (disposal group) is available for immediate sale in its present
condition and its sale is highly probable.

Non-current assets (or disposal groups), held for sale are measured at the lower
of carrying amount and fair value, less costs to sell.

3.5.      Inventories

Inventories are stated at lower of cost and net realizable value. Cost comprises
purchase price, transportation, customs duties and other similar costs. Net
realizable value represents the estimated selling price less all estimated costs
to be incurred in selling.

Upon consumption, the cost of inventories is calculated using the following

Petroleum                       Specific identification price of each delivery
Fuel and other inventories      Weighted average cost
Materials                       Weighted average cost

3.6.      Financial instruments

A financial instrument is any contract that gives rise to a financial asset of
one entity and a financial liability or equity instrument of another entity.

Financial assets (liabilities) are recognized in the consolidated balance sheet
only when the Group becomes a party to the contractual provisions of the
instrument. Financial assets are removed from the balance sheet after the
contractual rights for receiving cash flows are expired or the asset is
transferred and the transfer meets the derecognition requirements under IAS 39
Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement. Financial liability is
removed from the consolidated balance sheet when, and only when, it is
extinguished - that is when the obligation specified in the contract is
discharged, cancelled, or expires.

On initial recognition financial assets (liabilities) are measured at fair
value. Transaction costs, which are directly attributable to the acquisition or
issue of the financial assets (liabilities) are included in their value, except
when the financial assets (liabilities) are measured at fair value through
profit or loss.

For the purposes of subsequent measurement, the Group classifies the financial
assets and financial liabilities into the following categories: financial assets
and financial liabilities reported at fair value through profit or loss, loans
granted and other trade receivables and other financial liabilities (other than
those, measured at fair value through profit or loss). Classification under each
category depends on the purpose and term of the respective contract.

3.6.1.   Financial assets (liabilities), measured at fair value through profit
or loss

This category of financial instruments are acquired with the purpose of trading.
This category includes derivatives, which comprises options and futures
contracts, concluded on the American stock exchanges (CME and NYMEX), expect if
derivatives are designated and effective hedging instrument.

After their initial recognition these financial assets are measured at fair
value as of the reporting date and differences from this value are recognized in
the income statement for the period when they arise.

3.6.2.   Trade and other receivables, net

Trade and other receivables are non-derivative financial assets with fixed or
determinable payments that are not quoted in an active market. They originate
when the Group provides cash, goods for sale or services having no intention to
trade them. Receivables are stated at amortized cost by applying the effective
interest method, excluding current receivables, which are not subject to

3.6.3.   Cash and cash equivalents

Cash and cash equivalents comprise short-term highly liquid investments that are
readily convertible to a known amount of cash and are subject to an
insignificant risk of change in value. For the purposes of cash flow
presentation, cash represents cash on hand and cash in bank accounts, cash in
transfer, as well as margin deposits, which are short-term collaterals on
options and futures contracts concluded by the Group. Cash in transfer comprise
cash, collected by the fuel stations as of the balance sheet date, but actually
received at the bank accounts of the Group at the beginning of the following
reporting period.

3.6.4.   Trade and other payables, net

Trade and other payables incurred because of purchases of goods and services or
receipts of cash, which are not classified as financial liabilities measured at
fair value through profit and loss, are stated in the balance sheet at amortized
cost. Current liabilities are not amortized.

3.6.5.   Interest bearing loans

Interest bearing loans are initially recorded at the fair value of proceeds
received, net of transaction cost. After initial recognition, interest bearing
loans are measured at amortized cost, as any difference between the initial cost
and maturity cost is recognized in income statement over the loan period, using
the effective interest method. If no transaction costs have been incurred in
negotiating an interest bearing loan, the loan is not subject to amortization.
The same applies to bank overdrafts, where the borrower is entitled to multiple
borrowings or repayments of the borrowed funds within a pre-determined overdraft

Financial expenses, including direct issue costs, are accounted for on an
accrual basis to the income statement using the effective interest method,
except for transaction costs on bank overdrafts, which are recognized in the
income statement on a straight line basis over the overdraft period.

Interest bearing loans are considered short-term when they should be settled no
later than twelve months after the balance sheet date.

3.6.6.   Share capital

The share capital of the Parent company is presented at historical cost as of
the date of its registration.

3.6.7.   Risk assessment and management

Market risk

Market risk arises when the value of financial instruments fluctuates as a
result of changes in market prices. Market risk relates to trading with
short-term financial assets, reported at fair value.

Currency risk

The Group performs transactions denominated in foreign currency. As a result it
is exposed to the risk of possible deviations of the USD / BGN ratio. The Group
does not use derivative financial instruments for currency risk hedging, but is
sufficiently insured against this risk, as the national currency is fixed to the
EUR (see note 2.2).

Interest rate risk

Financial instruments that potentially expose the Group to interest rate risk
are mainly loans received and loans granted. Most of them bear fixed interest
rate, due to which the Group is potentially exposed to fair value interest rate
risk, in case that market interest rates rise significantly over or fall below
the contracted rates. As the rest of the loans bear floating interest rate with
fixed margin over the base interest rate (BIR) and SOFIBOR, respectively LIBOR/
EURIBOR, the Group is potentially exposed to cash flow interest rate risk.
Management believes that due to the limit movement in market interest rates, the
Group is not exposed to significant fair value and cash flows interest rate

Information on the applicable interest rates is disclosed in the respective

Credit risk

Financial assets that potentially expose the Group to credit risk are primarily
its trade receivables and loans granted. Basically, the Group is exposed to
credit risk, in case the clients do not meet their payment obligations. The
Group's policy is directed primarily to sales of goods and services in cash, in
advance, as well as sales on credit to clients with appropriate credit rating.
Credit risk of cash at banks is insignificant as the Group deals only with banks
with high credit rating.

3.7.      Retirement benefits to employees

The Government of the Republic of Bulgaria is to provide pensions according to
defined retirement benefits schemes. Costs related to payment of contributions
under these schemes are recognized by the Group in profit or loss in the period
they occur.

In accordance with the Labour Code, the Group has an obligation to pay
retirement benefits to its employees, based on length of service, age and labour
category. As these retirement benefits meet the definition of other long-term
employee benefits according to IAS 19 Employee benefits and its provisions, the
Group recognizes the present amount of the benefits as a liability. All
actuarial gains and losses and past service cost is recognized immediately in
the income statement.

3.8.      Deferred income and deferred expense

Deferred income and deferred expense represent income and expense, which are
paid in the current, but refer to future accounting periods - guarantees,
insurance, subscription, rent, etc.

3.9.      Income tax                                     

Income tax expense comprises current income tax and deferred tax.

The tax currently payable is based on the combined taxable profit (tax loss) for
the year of the Patent company and its subsidiaries, as reported in their
separate corporate tax returns, by applying the effective tax rate according to
the tax legislation as of the date of the financial statements. Deferred tax is
the tax expected to be payable (recoverable) in future periods on taxable
(deductible) temporary differences. Temporary difference is the difference
between the carrying amount of an asset or liability in the balance sheet and
its tax base. Deferred income taxes are calculated using the balance sheet
liability method. Deferred tax liabilities are recognized for all taxable
temporary differences, whereas deferred tax assets are recognized for deductible
temporary differences, only to the extent that it is probable that taxable
profit will be available against which the deductible temporary difference can
be utilized.

3.9.      Income tax (continued)

Deferred tax assets (liabilities) are calculated at the tax rates that are
expected to apply in the period when the liability is settled or the asset
realized, based on the tax rates that have been enacted or substantively enacted
by the balance sheet date. Deferred tax is charged or credited in the income
statement, except when it relates to items charged or credited directly to
equity, in which case the deferred tax is also charged or credited in equity.

Although income tax in Bulgaria is not calculated on a consolidation basis, the
Group has adopted the policy of accruing deferred tax assets (liabilities) on
all temporary differences, arising from the elimination of unrealized
intra-group income from sale of non-current assets, which are treated as timing
differences. These temporary differences are reversed by the subsequent
adjustments to depreciation expenses by the acquiring company or upon disposal
of the respective assets by the Group, when the profit on sale is realized for
the Group.

The carrying amount of deferred tax assets is reviewed at each balance sheet
date and reduced to the extent that it is no longer probable that sufficient
taxable profit will be available to allow the benefit of all or a part of the
deferred tax asset to be utilized.

Deferred tax assets and liabilities are reported net when they are subject to an
unified tax regime. In accordance with the tax legislation enforceable for 2007
and 2006, the tax rate applied for the calculation of the Group's current tax
liabilities is 10 % and 15 %. Deferred tax assets and liabilities as of June 30,
2007 are calculated by using the tax rate at 10%, applicable for 2007.

3.10.    Revenue and expenses recognition

Revenue and expenses are accrued when they arise, regardless of cash receipts
and payments. They are reported in compliance with the matching concept.

Revenue is measured at the fair value of the consideration received or
receivable, less any discounts allowed by the Group.

Revenue from sales of goods and production is recognized when:
*    The significant risks and rewards of ownership of the goods or production
     are transferred to the buyer;

*    The Group retains neither continuing managerial involvement to the degree
     usually associated with ownership nor effective control over the goods and
     production sold;

*    It is probable that economic benefits associated with the transaction
     will flow to the Group;

*    Income and expenses, directly arising from the transaction can be
     measured reliably.

When the outcome of a transaction involving rendering of services can be
estimated reliably, revenue recognition is based on the stage of completion of
the transaction at the balance sheet date. If the outcome cannot be estimated
reliably, revenue is recognized only to the of the expenses recognized that are

Gains or losses on sales of property, plant and equipment and intangible assets
are stated as other income or other expense.

Interest income (expense) is accrued by using the effective interest method.

3.11.    Leases

A finance lease is a lease that transfers substantially all the risks and
rewards incidental to ownership of an asset.

Assets acquired under finance lease are recognized at the lower of the fair
value of the leased asset and the present value of the minimum lease payments,
determined at the inception of the lease. The corresponding liability to the
lessor is included in the Group's balance sheet as finance lease obligations.

Lease payments are apportioned between interest charges and principal payments,
so as to achieve a constant rate of interest on the remaining balance of the

A finance lease gives rise to depreciation expense for depreciable assets, as
well as finance expense for each reporting period. The depreciation policy for
depreciable leased assets is consistent with that for depreciable assets that
are owned.

Costs incurred for assets leased under operating leases are recognized in the
income statement on a straight line basis over the lease term.

Lease income from operating leases is recognized as income on a straight line
basis over the lease term. Initial direct costs incurred in negotiating an
operating lease are added to the carrying amount of the leased asset and are
recognized as an expense on a straight line basis over the lease term.

4.   Critical accounting estimates and key sources of estimation

In the application of the adopted accounting policy, management makes certain
estimates (other than the disclosed in note 2.8), which have significant effect
on these financial statements. Such estimates, by definition, may differ from
actual results. Due to their nature, they are subject to constant review and
update, and comprise the historical experience and other factors, including
expectation of future events, which the management believes are reasonable under
the present circumstances.

A critical accounting estimate, which includes significant risk of considerable
adjustments to the carrying amount of assets and liabilities in subsequent
reporting periods, is the test for impairment of goodwill, arising from a
business combination.

As disclosed in notes 2.7 and 3.3, goodwill is not subject to amortisation, but
is reviewed for impairment at each year end, as well as at any time when any
indications for impairment exist.

The impairment test of the goodwill from the acquisition of Naftex Petrol EOOD
(see also notes 2.6 and 20) has been performed as of June 30, 2007 by using the
methodology of the discounted net cash flows. This methodology is based on
current forecasts of net cash flows, prepared by management of the subsidiary
for a three-year period after June 30, 2007. The net cash flows for the periods
after the last forecast period, are calculated at a 3% increase towards the
latter, by applying the "eternal rent" method with constantly increasing rate
and discounting of the resulting terminal value by observing the above stated
methodology. The applied discount rate of 9 % is equal to the weighted average
cost of the subsidiary's equity. As of June 30, 2007, according to the
calculation performed under the above methodology, the estimated value of the
investment in the subsidiary exceeds the sum of carrying amount of the
investment before its elimination and the carrying amount of goodwill, goodwill
has not been impaired.

5.         Changes in IFRS

The stated below IFRS, IFRS revisions, and IFRIC, have been approved by IASB and
IFRIC as of the date of the consolidated financial statements, but are effective
for annual periods beginning on or after June 1, 2007.

IFRS or IFRIC, effective date                  Title of IFRS or IFRIC
IFRS 8, effective for reporting periods        Operating Segments
beginning on or after January 1, 2009
IFRIC 12, effective for reporting periods      Service Concession Agreements
beginning on or after January 1, 2008
IFRIC 13, effective for reporting periods      Customer Loyalty Programmes
beginning on or after July 1, 2008
IFRIC 14, effective for reporting              IAS 19: The Limit on a Defined 
periods beginning on or after January 1, 2008  Benefit Asset Minimum Funding 
                                               Requirements and their 

Amendment to IAS 23, effective for reporting   Borrowing Costs
periods beginning on or after January 1, 2009

IFRS 8 Operating Segments, IFRIC 10 Interim Financial Reporting and Impairment,
IFRIC 11 IFRS 2 Group and Treasury Share Transactions and IFRIC 12 Concession
Service Agreements have been suggested, but as of the date on which these
consolidated financial statements have been approved for issue, are not endorsed
by the European Commission. No suggestion for endorsement of the amendment to
IAS 23 Borrowing Costs, IFRIC 13 Customer Loyalty Programmes and IFRIC 14  IAS
19: The Limit on a Defined Benefit Asset Minimum Funding Requirements and their
Interaction, have been made as of the same date.

6.         Revenue

                                             Six months      Six months    Three months    Three months
                                         ended June 30,  ended June 30,  ended June 30,  ended June 30,
                                                   2007            2006            2007            2006
                                                BGN'000         BGN'000         BGN'000         BGN'000
                                                                         (not reviewed)  (not reviewed)

Sales of goods                                  534,038         606,881         318,061         304,845
Sales of services                                24,567          21,839          12,738          11,496
Rental income                                     1,585           1,092             898             279
Sales of finished goods                             422           1,724             354             755

Total                                           560,612         631,536         332,051         317,375

Until December 31, 2005, according to the terms of a fuel supply agreement with
a counterparty (the Counterparty), the Parent company has recognized income in
the revenue, which represents increase of the remuneration of the Company for
incurred operating expenses and discounts given to customers. The management
believes that the total amount of BGN 25,830 thousand as of December 31, 2005 is
correct and is in accordance with the terms of the agreement. Considering the
fact that the above amount is disputed by the Counterparty and it is unlikely to
be paid in the near future, as of December 31, 2005 the management has found
indications for this receivable to be doubtful. Due to these facts the Parent
company has fully impaired this receivable.

Due to the intense disagreements with the Counterparty and the uncertain
collection of the receivables, as well as on the grounds of revenue recognition
principle of IAS 18 Revenue, from January 1, 2006 the Parent company excludes
revenue from the income statement and presents this claim off balance. The
increase of the remuneration, which is not included in these consolidated
financial statements as at June 30, 2007 and 2006 amounts to BGN 2,990 and BGN
3,750 thousand respectively (as at March 31, 2007- BGN 1,182 thousand, as at
December 31, 2006 - BGN 7,263 thousand).

Revenue from sales of goods comprises:

                                               Six months      Six months    Three months    Three months
                                           ended June 30,  ended June 30,  ended June 30,  ended June 30,
                                                     2007            2006            2007            2006
                                                  BGN'000         BGN'000         BGN'000         BGN'000
                                                                           (not reviewed)  (not reviewed)

Light fuels (gasoline, diesel oil and jet
oil)                                              513,867         588,155         308,377         296,205
Lubricants and other goods                         18,786          14,217           9,556           7,509
Heavy fuels (heating oil)                           1,385           4,509             128           1,131

Total                                             534,038         606,881         318,061         304,845

7.         Other income

                                                Six months     Six months   Three months    Three months
                                            ended June 30, ended June 30,  ended June 30, ended June 30,
                                                      2007           2006          2007            2006
                                                   BGN'000        BGN'000       BGN'000         BGN'000
                                                                         (not reviewed)  (not reviewed)

Gain on sales of non-current assets,
including:                                             538         2,457             -            1,043
Revenue from sales of non-current assets             1,193         4,345             -            2,513
Carrying amount of non-current assets
written-off                                          (655)       (1,888)             -          (1,470)
Income from penalties                                  262         9,076           166            8,511
Insurance claims                                       187           244            70              159
Surplus of assets                                      153           228            69              161
Gain on liquidation of non-current assets,               -             6             8               29
Revenue from liquidation of non-current                  -           480            17              272
Carrying amount of non-current assets                    -         (474)           (9)            (243)
Other                                                  314           128           201                4
Total                                                1,454        12,139           514            9,907

8.         Cost of goods sold

                                                Six months    Six months  Three months     Three months
                                            ended June 30, ended June 30,  ended June 30, ended June 30,                
                                                      2007          2006          2007             2006          
                                                   BGN'000       BGN'000       BGN'000          BGN'000
                                                                        (not reviewed)   (not reviewed)

Light fuels (gasoline, diesel oil and gas
oil)                                               469,170       555,055       282,164          276,985
Lubricants and other goods                          16,209        13,222         8,051            6,999
Heavy fuels (heating oil)                            1,294         4,364           128            1,105

Total                                              486,673       572,641       290,343          285,089

9.         Materials

                                                Six months    Six months  Three months     Three months
                                            ended June 30, ended June 30,  ended June 30, ended June 30,                
                                                      2007          2006          2007             2006          
                                                   BGN'000       BGN'000       BGN'000          BGN'000
                                                                         (not reviewed)  (not reviewed)

Fuels                                                1,417         1,505           759              802
Electricity                                          1,281         1,496           634              588
Advertising materials                                  877           327           689                6
Spare parts                                            852           980           473              691
Office consumables                                     627           557           338              316
Water supply                                           158           234           114              186
Working clothes                                        147           279           115              215
Heating                                                 28            27             7                7
Disposals of assets with low value                       -           218             -              218
Other expense                                           77           180            19               46

Total                                                5,464         5,803         3,148            3,075

10.       Hired services

                                                Six months    Six months  Three months     Three months
                                            ended June 30, ended June 30,  ended June 30, ended June 30,                
                                                      2007          2006          2007             2006          
                                                   BGN'000       BGN'000       BGN'000          BGN'000
                                                                         (not reviewed)  (not reviewed)

Commissions                                          3,556         2,355         2,280            1,617
Advertisement costs                                  2,374         2,566         1,485            1,490
Consulting and training                              1,835         1,630           884          (1,895)
Transportation                                       1,637         4,021           576            2,009
Maintenance and repairs                              1,498         1,691           748            1,148
Security                                             1,206         1,315           597              637
Communications                                         882         1,018           439              495
Insurances                                             882           487           420              274
Rents                                                  778           779           327              337
Cash collection                                        735           925           345              440
State and municipal fees                               333           427           203              241
Other expense                                          966           441           647              208

Total                                               16,682        17,655         8,951            7,001

11.       Employee benefits expenses

                                                Six months    Six months  Three months     Three months
                                            ended June 30, ended June 30,  ended June 30, ended June 30,                
                                                      2007          2006          2007             2006          
                                                   BGN'000       BGN'000       BGN'000          BGN'000
                                                                         (not reviewed)  (not reviewed)

Wages and salaries                                  11,785         9,838         5,691            5,333
Social security contributions and benefits           3,236         2,966         1,684            1,543

Total                                               15,021        12,804         7,375            6,876

12.       Depreciation and amortization expenses

                                                Six months    Six months  Three months     Three months
                                            ended June 30, ended June 30,  ended June 30, ended June 30,                
                                                      2007          2006          2007             2006          
                                                   BGN'000       BGN'000       BGN'000          BGN'000
                                                                         (not reviewed)  (not reviewed)

Depreciation of property, plant and
equipment                                            8,115         9,289         4,003            4,392
Depreciation of investment property                    327           417           163              192
Amortization of intangible assets                      207           259            90              116

Total                                                8,649         9,965         4,256            4,700

13.       Other expenses

                                               Six months      Six months    Three months    Three months
                                           ended June 30,  ended June 30,  ended June 30,  ended June 30,
                                                     2007            2006            2007            2006
                                                  BGN'000         BGN'000         BGN'000         BGN'000
                                                                           (not reviewed)  (not reviewed)

Entertainment expenses and sponsorship              1,710             460             908             225
Taxes and tax charges                               1,052           1,057             790             756
Shortages of assets                                   886             916             456             615
Penalties and indemnities                             435           1,152             346             558
Business trips                                        197             185             104             107
Scraped non-current assets                            179              79             179              27
Impairments                                             8             603               8             576
Loss from liquidation of non-current
assets, including:                                      4               -               -               -
Revenue from liquidation of non-current
assets                                              (130)               -               -               -
Net book value of scraped non-current
assets                                                134               -               -               -
Loss on sales of non-current assets,
including:                                              -               -             153               -
Revenue from sales of non-current assets                -               -           (295)               -
Net book value of non-current assets                    -               -             448               -
Insurance claims                                        -             318               -             318
Preservations of assets                                 -             163               -             163
Other                                                 322             119             185              44

Total                                               4,793           5,052           3,129           3,389

14.       Finance income and costs

                                               Six months      Six months    Three months    Three months
                                           ended June 30,  ended June 30,  ended June 30,  ended June 30,
                                                     2007            2006            2007            2006
                                                  BGN'000         BGN'000         BGN'000         BGN'000
                                                                           (not reviewed)  (not reviewed)
Finance income

Interest income                                     3,393           1,769           2,107           1,032
Foreign exchange rate gains                           115             803               -             539
Discount of purchased receivable                       52              33              52              32
Other finance income                                  299               4               -               -

Total                                               3,859           2,609           2,159           1,603

Finance costs

Interest expense                                 (11,672)         (4,638)         (6,001)         (2,317)
Foreign exchange rate losses                            -               -           (302)               -
Losses on dealings with derivatives,
                                                 (19,010)               -        (10,003)               -
Loss from dealings                               (19,103)               -        (11,037)               -
Revaluations at fair value                             93               -           1,034               -
Bank fees, commissions and other costs              (546)           (510)           (267)           (252)

Total                                            (31,228)         (5,148)        (16,573)         (2,569)

15.       Taxation

Tax expense in the income statement includes the amount of current and deferred
income taxes in accordance with the requirements of IAS 12 Income Taxes.

                                               Six months      Six months    Three months    Three months
                                           ended June 30,  ended June 30,  ended June 30,  ended June 30,
                                                     2007            2006            2007            2006
                                                  BGN'000         BGN'000         BGN'000         BGN'000
                                                                           (not reviewed)  (not reviewed)

Current tax expense                                 2,004           2,593           1,478           2,075

Change in deferred taxes, including:
Temporary differences reversed during the
period                                                 40           1,204            (29)           1,167
Temporary differences originated during
the period                                        (1,459)         (1,040)           (518)         (1,040)

Total                                             (1,419)             164           (547)             127

Total tax expense (income)                            585           2,757             931           2,202

As at June 30, 2007 the deferred tax liability of the subsidiary company New-Co
Zagora EOOD (former Petrol Storage EOOD) has been presented as liabilities
directly associated with non-current assets, held for sale.

                                                       Six months ended June 30, Six months ended June 30,
                                                                            2007                    2006
                                                                         BGN'000                 BGN'000

Consolidated accounting profit (loss)                                    (2,751)                  17,080
Applicable tax rate                                                          10%                    15 %
Income tax at the applicable tax rate                                      (275)                   2,562
Combined tax effect on permanent                                            (99)                      71
Tax effect on tax assets/liabilities                                          26                      83
originated and unrecognized in the current
reporting period
Tax effect on consolidation adjustments                                      933                      41

Total tax expense                                                            585                   2,757

Effective tax rate                                                        21.30%                  16.14%

Tax effect from consolidation adjustments as at 30, June 2007 includes mainly
intragroup profits arising as result of valuation to market value of assets
transferred by in kind contribution from the Parent company to New-Co Zagora
EOOD, eliminated intragroup dividends and effect of applying equity method for
associate companies. Although the Group has adopted the policy of accruing
deferred tax assets (liabilities) on all temporary differences, arising from the
elimination of unrealized intra-group income from sale of non-current assets, in
this particular case no deferred tax has been presented. The reason is the fact
that as at 30, June 2007 the assets transferred by in kind contribution has been
classified as held for sale.

The deferred tax liability, presented net in the balance sheet, arises as a
result of the income tax charges on deductible and taxable temporary
differences, the effect of which is as follows:

15.       Taxation (continued)

                                                June 30,             March 31,          December 31,
                                                  2007                 2007                 2006
                                                 BGN'000              BGN'000             BGN'000
                                                                  (not reviewed)
                                            Temporary       Tax   Temporary     Tax   Temporary      Tax
                                           difference    effect  difference  effect  difference   effect                

Balance at the beginning of the period

Tax loss to be carried forward                      -         -           -       -       7,653    1,148
Impairment of assets                            1,940       194       1,940     194       1,963      295
Property, plant and equipment                (20,972)   (2,096)    (20,972) (2,096)    (28,738)  (4,311)
Liabilities related to unused paid leave        2,124       213       2,124     213       1,392      208        
and retirement benefits                                                         

Total                                        (16,908)   (1,689)    (16,908) (1,689)    (17,730)  (2,660)

Originated during the period

Tax loss to be carried forward                 12,234     1,223       7,537     754           -        -
Impairment of assets                                -         -           -       -          32        3
Property, plant and equipment                     (9)       (1)         616      61       5,827      584
Liabilities related to unused paid leave        2,192       221       1,266     126       1,726      173
and retirement benefits                                                         
Subsequent measurement of financial
instruments                                       162        16           -       -           -        -

Total                                          14,579     1,459       9,419     941       7,585      760

Reversed during the period

Tax loss to be carried forward                      -         -           -       -     (7,653)  (1,148)
Impairment of assets                                -         -           -       -        (55)      (8)
Property, plant and equipment                     202        20       (388)    (39)       1,939      291
Liabilities related to unused paid leave        (604)      (60)       (306)    (30)       (994)    (149)
and retirement benefits                                                       

Total                                           (402)      (40)       (694)    (69)     (6,763)  (1,014)

Adjustment originated from the change in
tax rate

Impairment of assets                                -         -           -       -           -     (96)
Property, plant and equipment                       -         -           -       -           -    1,340
Liabilities related to unused paid leave            -         -           -       -           -     (19)
and retirement benefits                                                 


Total                                               -         -           -       -           -    1,225

Included in disposal group

Property, plant and equipment                     133        13           -       -           -        -

Total                                             133        13           -       -           -        -

Balance at the end of the period

Tax loss to be carried forward                 12,234     1,223       7,537     754           -        -
Impairment of assets                            1,940       194       1,940     194       1,940      194
Property, plant and equipment                (20,646)   (2,064)    (20,744) (2,074)    (20,972)  (2,096)
Liabilities related to unused paid leave        3,712       374       3,084     309       2,124      213
and retirement benefits
Subsequent measurement of financial
instruments                                       162        16           -     -             -        -

Total                                         (2,598)     (257)     (8,183)   (817)    (16,908)  (1,689)

16.       Property, plant and equipment

                                   Land  Buildings  Plant and  Vehicles     Other   Assets under   Total
                                                    equipment                       construction
                                BGN'000    BGN'000    BGN'000   BGN'000   BGN'000        BGN'000     BGN'000            

Balance at January 1, 2006       50,122     68,636    159,795    16,204    21,722          2,348    318,827

Additions                             -         22        341     6,633       123          2,448      9,567
Impairment                            -          -          -      (27)         -              -       (27)
Disposals                          (45)      (318)    (1,975)   (3,357)   (1,138)           (21)    (6,854)
Transfers                       (1,445)      (925)        168        88       256          (840)    (2,698)         

Balance at June 30, 2006         48,632     67,415    158,329    19,541    20,963          3,935    318,815

Additions                            17          -        225     1,148       213         10,736     12,339
Disposals                         (252)    (1,077)    (2,979)     (454)      (74)            (7)    (4,843)
Impairment                            -          -          -         1         -              -          1
Transfers                          (48)        112      1,579         -        10        (1,653)          -             

Balance at December 31, 2006     48,349     66,450    157,154    20,236    21,112         13,011    326,312

Additions                           500          -        425       694        50         17,310     18,979
Disposals                         (445)      (407)      (783)     (145)      (24)           (22)    (1,826)
Impairment                            -          -          -         -         -              -          -
Transfers                          (19)      3,149      5,942        10       605       (15,655)    (5,968)

Balance at June 30, 2007         48,385     69,192    162,738    20,795    21,743         14,644    337,497

Accumulated depreciation

Balance at January 1, 2006            -     31,965     64,797     9,022    10,226              -    116,010

Charged for the period                -        871      5,741     1,208     1,469              -      9,289
Disposals for the period              -      (139)    (1,450)   (2,724)   (1,069)              -    (5,382)
Transfers                             -      (328)      (156)      (14)       103              -      (395)

Balance at June 30, 2006                    32,369     68,932     7,492    10,729              -    119,522

Charged for the period                -        853      4,673     1,467     1,525              -      8,518
Disposals for the period              -      (459)    (2,414)     (354)     (115)              -    (3,342)
Transfers                             -          -        (1)         1         -              -          -           

Balance at December 31, 2006          -     32,763     71,190     8,606    12,139              -    124,698

Charged for the period                -        844      4,293     1,496     1,482              -      8,115
Disposals for the period              -      (181)      (532)     (141)      (13)              -      (867)
Transfers                             -       (86)    (5,155)         -         2              -     (5,239)            

Balance at June 30, 2007              -     33,340     69,796     9,961    13,610              -    126,707

Carrying amount at
January 1, 2006                  50,122     36,671     94,998     7,182    11,496          2,348    202,817

Carrying amount at
June 30, 2006                    48,632     35,046     89,397    12,049    10,234          3,935    199,293

Carrying amount at
December 31, 2006                48,349     33,687     85,964    11,630     8,973         13,011    201,614

Carrying amount at
June 30, 2007                    48,385     35,852     92,942    10,834     8,133         14,644    210,790

17.       Intangible assets

                                     Software      Licenses         Other     Assets under         Total
                                      BGN'000       BGN'000       BGN'000          BGN'000       BGN'000

Balance at January 1, 2006              1,178         1,014           406               52         2,650

Additions                                  70             8             -              110           188
Disposals                                (30)          (22)             -                -          (52)
Transfers                                 232             -         (293)             (12)          (73)

Balance at June 30, 2006                1,450         1,000           113              150         2,713

Additions                                  54             2             2               60           118
Disposals                                   -           (1)           (2)                -           (3)
Transfers                                   -             -             -                -             -

Balance at December 31, 2006            1,504         1,001           113              210         2,828

Additions                                   -            15            75               87           177
Disposals                                   -             -             -                -             -
Transfers                                (16)          (15)             -                -          (31)

Balance at June 30, 2007                1,488         1,001           188              297         2,974

Accumulated amortization

Balance at January 1, 2006                691           150           228                -         1,069

Charged for the period                    170            74            15                -           259
Disposals for the period                 (31)          (23)             -                -          (54)
Transfers                                  96             -         (194)                -          (98)

Balance at June 30, 2006                  926           201            49                -         1,176

Charged for the period                    169            74            10                -           253
Disposals for the period                    -             -           (1)                -           (1)

Balance at December 31, 2006            1,095           275            58                -         1,428

Charged for the period                    118            74            15                -           207
Disposals for the period                    -             -             -                -             -
Transfers                                 (4)             -             -                -           (4)

Balance at June 30, 2007                1,209           349            73                -         1,631

Carrying amount at
January 1, 2006                           487           864           178               52         1,581

Carrying amount at
June 30, 2006                             524           799            64              150         1,537

Carrying amount at
December 31, 2006                         409           726            55              210         1,400

Carrying amount at
June 30, 2007                             279           652           115              297         1,343

18.       Investment property

                                          Land     Buildings     Plant and         Other         Total
                                       BGN'000       BGN'000       BGN'000       BGN'000       BGN'000

Balance at January 1, 2006               2,443        18,818         2,019         1,847        25,127

Additions                                    -             8            34            14            56
Disposals                                (680)         (415)         (295)         (611)       (2,001)
Impairment                               (549)             -             -             -         (549)
Transfers                                1,445         1,073            25           228         2,771

Balance at June 30, 2006                 2,659        19,484         1,783         1,478        25,404

Additions                                    -           101            12            46           159
Transfers                                (390)         (814)           (4)         (221)       (1,429)

Balance at December 31, 2006             2,269        18,771         1,791         1,303        24,134

Additions                                1,628             -             -             -         1,628
Disposals                                    -             -           (5)             -           (5)
Transfers                                    -             -           (3)             -           (3)

Balance at June 30, 2007                 3,897        18,771         1,783         1,303        25,754

Accumulated depreciation

Balance at January 1, 2006                -            2,851         1,501         1,181         5,533

Charged for the period                       -           340            30            47           417
Disposals for the period                     -         (109)         (278)         (429)         (816)
Transfers                                    -           328          (15)           180           493

Balance at June 30, 2006                     -         3,410         1,238           979         5,627

Charged for the period                       -           241             6            50           297
Disposals for the period                     -             -             -             -             -
Transfers                                    -          (42)             -             -          (42)

Balance at December 31, 2006                 -         3,609         1,244         1,029         5,882

Charged for the period                       -           258            17            52           327

Balance at June 30, 2007                     -         3,867         1,261         1,081         6,209

Carrying amount at                       2,443        15,967           518           666        19,594
January 1, 2006

Carrying amount at                       2,659        16,074           545           499        19,777
June 30, 2006

Carrying amount at                       2,269        15,162           547           274        18,252
December 31, 2006

Carrying amount at                       3,897        14,904           522           222        19,545
June 30, 2007

18.       Investment property (continued)

Non-current assets and investment properties with total carrying amount as of
June 30, 2007 amounting to BGN 50,193 thousand are pledged as collateral under
bank and trade loans granted to the Parent company and to the Ultimate parent
company (see also note 37).

As at June 30, 2007 property, plant and equipments and intangible assets of the
subsidiary New-Co Zagora EOOD, amounting to BGN 759 thousand have been
transferred to non - current assets, held for sale (see also note 25).

19.       Investments in associates and other investments

                                For the six months        For the twelve months    For the six months
                                       ended                      ended                   ended
                                   30 June 2007              31 December 2006         30 June 2006

Investments in associates     % of     Value of  Share in     Value of  Share in     Value of   Share in
                           capital  investments      loss  investments      loss  investments       loss
                                        BGN'000   BGN'000      BGN'000   BGN'000      BGN'000    BGN'000

Varna Business Services
IID                         42.69%        1,650     (166)        1,816     (231)        1,911      (136)
Petrol Engineering AD,
net of impairment           40.00%            -         -            -         -            -          -
Total                                     1,650     (166)        1,816     (231)        1,911      (136)
Capital 3000 AD,
net of impairment            6.92%            -         -            -         -            -          -
Total                                     1,650     (166)        1,816     (231)        1,911      (136)

The investments in Petrol Engineering AD and Capital 3000 AD have been fully
impaired in previous reporting periods.

The total amounts of the assets, liabilities, income and loss of the associate
company Varna Business Services IID as at June 30, 2007, March 31, 2007 and
December 31, 2006 are as follows:

                                            Assets    Liabilities          Net     Revenue        Profit
                                                                        assets                    (loss)
                                           BGN'000        BGN'000      BGN'000     BGN'000       BGN'000
June 30, 2007                                6,602          2,738        3,864         854         (391)
March 31, 2007                               6,766          2,676        4,090         481         (165)
December 31, 2006                            7,191          2,936        4,255       2,116         (539)

20.       Goodwill

The goodwill presented in the consolidated financial statement of the Group
arose from the acquisition of two subsidiary companies - BPI EAD and Naftex
Petrol EOOD. The acquisition of the latter was a result of the restructuring
policy of the companies within the group of the ultimate controlling party -
Petrol Holding AD. According to the adopted accounting policy these acquisitions
has been measured by using the purchase method. According to the requirements of
IFRS 3 Business combinations as of January 1, 2005 the accumulated amortization
of goodwill was eliminated with a corresponding decrease in the cost of the
goodwill and as of the same date the Group discontinued amortizing it. As of
June 30, 2007, 2006 the total carrying amount of the goodwill is BGN 20,309

21.       Interest bearing loans granted

Interest bearing loans include receivables from related parties (see also note
35). The contracted interest rate on the long term loan granted is 3 m. SOFIBOR
plus a fixed margin of 2 %, and the interest rate on the short term loans
granted is 3 m. SOFIBOR plus a fixed margin of 1 %.

22.       Inventories

                                                         June 30,          March 31,        December 31,
                                                             2007               2007                2006
                                                          BGN'000            BGN'000             BGN'000
                                                                      (not reviewed)

Light fuels (gasoline, diesel oil and jet oil)            108,719            139,302             126,472
Lubricants and other goods                                  8,728              8,056               7,299
Materials                                                   4,697              4,231               4,080
Heavy fuels (heating oil)                                     146              6,441                 117

Total                                                     122,290            158,030             137,968

As of June 30, 2007 available and future inventories amounting totally to BGN
79,218 thousand, BGN are pledged as securities for bank loans utilized by the
Group (see also note 27 and 37).

23.       Trade and other receivables, net

                                                          June 30,          March 31,       December 31,
                                                              2007               2007               2006
                                                           BGN'000            BGN'000            BGN'000
                                                                    (not reviewed and         (restated)

Trade receivables and advances granted,

net of impairment losses                                   107,221             81,380             93,389
Related party receivables                                    4,809             32,211              9,472
VAT and excise duties refundable                             8,197              2,754                  -
Litigations and writs, net of impairment losses                484                467                547
Other, net of impairment losses                             10,299              6,124              4,323

Total                                                      131,010            122,936            107,731

23.       Trade and other receivables, net (continued)

Due to a technical error current trade receivables and advances granted  and
current  payables to suppliers and advances received as at December 31, 2006 and
March 31, 2007 were understated by the amount of BGN 25,830 thousand, as
reported in the consolidated financial statements for these periods. The
presentation error was discovered in the current reporting period and was
corrected retrospectively in the comparative amounts of the respective items in
compliance with the requirements of IAS 8 Accounting Policies, Changes in
Accounting Estimates and Errors (see also note 26).

Trade receivables as of June 30, 2007, March 31,2007 and December 31, 2006 do
not include Company's claims against the Counterparty for 2006, at the
cumulative amount respectively of BGN 10,253 thousand, BGN 8,445 thousand and
BGN 7,263 thousand, excluding VAT (see also note 6).

As of June 30, 2007 other receivables include deposited court guarantee related
to the claim against the Counterparty amounting to BGN 4,719 thousand.

As of June 30, 2007 a subsidiary of the Group has receivables amounting to BGN
16,595 thousand (see also note 37), which are pledged as collateral under
utilized bank loans.

Group's management believes that the carrying amount of trade and other
receivables approximates to their fair value as of as of June 30, 2007 and
December 31, 2006.

24.       Cash and cash equivalents

                                                         June 30,           March 31,        December 31,
                                                             2007                2007                2006
                                                          BGN'000             BGN'000             BGN'000
                                                                       (not reviewed)

Cash at banks                                              30,972              10,817              56,325
Cash in transfer                                            5,323               4,481               6,472
Cash on hand                                                  313                 398              190

Total                                                      36,608              15,696              62,987

Cash included in a disposal group                               1                   -                -

Total in cash flow                                         36,609              15,696              62,987

The cash in transfer comprises of cash, collected from the fuel stations as of
the balance sheet date, but deposited in the Group's bank accounts at the
beginning of the next reporting period.

Cash at banks as at June 30, 2007 includes also restricted cash on margin
deposits amounting to BGN 9,830 thousand.

25.       Non-current assets, held for sale

The major classes of assets and liabilities classified as held for sale are as

                                                            June 30,          March 31,      December 31,
                                                                2007               2007              2006
                                                             BGN'000            BGN'000           BGN'000
                                                                         (not reviewed)

Land, buildings and other assets held for sale                 1,387              1,387             1,387

Assets of the subsidiary company New Co Zagora EOOD            1,079                  -                 -

Total                                                          2,466              1,387             1,387

Liabilities associated with non-current assets
held for sale                                                     87                  -                 -

Land, buildings and other assets held for sale

In 2006 the Group classified some of its investment properties, mainly land and
buildings, as non-current assets, held for sale. The Group management believes
that the sale of these assets is very probable, since it has engaged itself in a
plan of sale and has initiated steps in locating buyers.

Net assets of subsidiary company New Co Zagora EOOD

As at June 30, 2007 the Group intends to dispose of its subsidiary company New
Co Zagora EOOD, to which the electric power business has been transferred. The
decision for the sale of the subsidiary to the Ultimate Parent Company is taken
on the Annual General Meeting. The subsidiary company is sold in July 2007 (see
also note 40).

                                                            June 30,          March 31,      December 31,
                                                                2007               2007              2006
                                                             BGN'000            BGN'000           BGN'000
                                                                         (not reviewed)

Property, plant and equipment                                    759                  -                 -
Trade and other receivables                                      319                  -                 -
Cash and cash equivalent                                           1                  -                 -

Assets of subsidiary company New Co Zagora EOOD
classified as held for sale                                    1,079                  -                 -

Trade and other payables                                        (74)                  -                 -
Deferred tax                                                    (13)                  -                 -

Liabilities of subsidiary company New Co Zagora
EOOD with assets classified as held for sale                    (87)                  -                 -

Net assets of subsidiary company New Co Zagora
EOOD classified as held for sale                                 992                  -                 -

26.       Trade and other payables, net

                                                            June 30,          March 31,      December 31,
                                                                2007               2007              2006
                                                             BGN'000            BGN'000           BGN'000
                                                                      (restated and not        (restated)

Payables to suppliers and advances received, net             110,537            127,969           121,681
Relate party payables                                         30,654              3,355             2,022
VAT and excise duties payable                                 23,812              1,239            57,407
Payables to personnel and social security funds                5,326              4,772             3,790
Other                                                          5,651              6,047             3,986

Total                                                        175,980            143,382           188,886

The Group has adopted the policy to present its payables to the Counterparty net
of its receivables  decreased by the accrued impairment of these receivables. As
it was disclosed in note 23, due to a technical error, when calculating the net
balance payable to the Counterparty as of  December 31, 2006 and March 31, 2007,
the amount of impairment of BGN 25,830 thousand accrued in previous accounting
periods was not taken into account. The error does not affect equity, but as a
result current trade receivables and advances granted  and current  payables to
suppliers and advances received as at December 31, 2006 and March 31, 2007 were
understated by the amount of BGN 25,830 thousand, as reported in the
consolidated financial statements for these periods. The presentation error was
discovered in the current reporting period and was corrected retrospectively in
the comparative amounts of the respective items under the requirement of IAS 8
Accounting Policies, Changes in Accounting Estimates and Errors.

A company from the Group has obtained a license for the management of tax
warehouse for eleven storage facilities. These licenses allow the following
activities: to receive energy products both under deferred excise payment regime
and with a paid excise in the tax warehouses; to store energy products both
under deferred excise payment regime and with a paid excise in one joint
reservoir; to store additives for energy products; to blend energy products; to
add additives to energy products for trade and technical purposes; to mark
energy products; to empty energy products' reservoirs and remove the waste from
the bottom. The receipt and storage of energy products under the deferred excise
payment regime is secured by bank guarantees at the amount of BGN 53,938
thousand (see also note 37).

Related party payables are disclosed in note 35.

The Group accrues liabilities for unused annual paid leave of employees in
compliance with IAS 19 Employee Benefits. The movement of these liabilities for
the reported periods is as follows:
                                                            June 30,          March 31,      December 31,
                                                                2007               2007              2006
                                                             BGN'000            BGN'000           BGN'000
                                                                         (not reviewed)

Balance at the beginning of the period                         1,667              1,667             1,409
Accrued during the period                                      2,192              1,266             1,263
Utilized during the period                                     (605)              (307)           (1,005)

Balance at the end of the period, including:                   3,254              2,626             1,667
For salaries on unused paid leave                              2,651              2,128             1,357
For social security contributions on unused paid
leaves                                                           603                498               310

The balance at the end of the period is presented in the balance sheet together
with the current liabilities to employees and Social security funds. The Group's
management believes that the carrying amount of the Group's current liabilities,
presented in the balance sheet as of June 30, 2007, March 31, 2007 and December
31, 2006 , approximates to their fair value.

27.       Interest-bearing loans

                                                                June 30,        March 31,    December 31,
                                                                    2007             2007            2006
                                                                 BGN'000          BGN'000         BGN'000
                                                                           (not reviewed)

Current liabilities under interest-bearing loans

Current portion of liabilities on bank loans                      46,429           83,173          48,741
Current portion of liabilities on trade loans from
related parties                                                    5,435            5,273           5,157
Current portion of liabilities on debenture loans                 11,021            7,252           3,055

Total                                                             62,885           95,698          56,953

Non-current liabilities under interest-bearing loans

Non-current portion of liabilities on bank loans                     282              380             725
Non-current portion of liabilities on debenture loans            206,789          206,595         206,492

Total                                                            207,071          206,975         207,217

Total current liabilities under interest bearing loans           269,956          302,673         264,170

Non-current liabilities under bank loans mature within the period of one to two

The liabilities under interest-bearing loans analyzed by currency type are as

                                 June 30,                  March 31,                 December 31,
                                   2007                       2006                       2006
                                                         (not reviewed)
Currency type                  Original    BGN'000        Original    BGN'000        Original    BGN'000
                               currency                   currency                   currency
                           in thousands               in thousands               in thousands

BGN, including:
Bank loans                       45,446     45,446          79,636     79,636          47,308     47,308
Debenture loans                  15,035     15,035          15,348     15,348          15,011     15,011
Trade loans                       5,435      5,435           5,273      5,273           5,157      5,157
EUR, including:
Bank loans                          647      1,265             866      1,694           1,104      2,158
Debenture loans                 103,677    202,775         101,491    198,499          99,465    194,536
USD including:
Bank loans                            -          -           1,514      2,223               -          -                

Total                                      269,956                    302,673                    264,170

27.       Interest-bearing loans (continued)

For 2007 the average interest rates on bank loans are in the range between 5,44
% and 7,92 %, and respectively 4.37% and 6.86% for 2006. The contracted interest
rate on trade loans from related parties is 3 m. SOFIBOR plus a fixed margin of

In November 2003 the Parent company issued registered, dematerialized, ordinary,
interest bearing and freely transferable corporate bonds at the total amount of
BGN 15,000 thousand, with BGN 1,000 par value per bond. The maturity of the
corporate bond is 5 years. The interest rate on the bond is 8.375% per annum. It
is secured by a corporate guarantee, issued by the majority shareholder of the
Parent company. Interest is payable twice a year, for the term of the loan.

In October 2006 the Parent company issued 2,000 registered, transferable notes
with fixed annual interest rate of 8.375% and issue price - 99.507% of the
principal amount determined at EUR 50,000 for each note. The maturity date of
the bond is in 5 years period. The issue is secured by Group's receivables under
loans, granted to related parties and a corporate guarantee, issued by a
subsidiary. The transaction costs for the bond issue amount to BGN 3,049
thousand. Interest is paid annually. The annual effective interest rate is

28.       Obligations under finance lease

                                        Minimum lease payments        Present value of minimum lease
                                     June 30,  March 31, December 31,June 30,  March 31, December 31,
                                         2007       2007       2006       2007       2007         2006                  
                                      BGN'000    BGN'000    BGN'000    BGN'000    BGN'000      BGN'000           
                                                    (not                             (not
                                               reviewed)                        reviewed)
Amounts payable under finance

Within one year                         2,458      2,394      2,360      2,108      2,014        1,955
More than one year                      5,022      5,197      5,558      4,370      4,663        4,955

Less: Interest payable                (1,002)      (914)    (1,008)          -          -            -

Present value of finance lease
obligations                             6,478      6,677      6,910      6,478      6,677        6,910

Less: Present value of finance
lease obligations with maturity
less than 1 year                                                       (2,108)    (2,014)      (1,955)

Present value of finance lease
obligations with maturity over 1
year                                                                     4,370      4,663        4,955

Assets acquired by the Group under finance leases comprise mainly of vehicles.
The lease term of the contracts is between 3 to 6 years.

Management believes that the fair value of the obligations under finance leases
does not differ significantly from their carrying amount.

29.       Current income tax

Income tax payable includes the amount of the corporate income tax for the
current and prior reporting periods, payable as of the balance sheet date.

                                                             June 30,         March 31,     December 31,
                                                                 2007              2007             2006
                                                              BGN'000           BGN'000          BGN'000
                                                                         (not reviewed)
Income tax payable as of January 1, net                           328               328            3,396
Accrued corporate income tax                                    2,004               526            4,562
Corporate income tax paid                                     (1,177)             (581)          (7,630)

Income tax payable at the end of the period, net                1,155               273              328

30.       Share capital

The share capital is presented at par value, according to the court decision for
registration. The fully paid-in share capital, at the amount of BGN 109,250
thousand, is distributed into 109,249,612 registered shares with a par value of
BGN 1 each.
Shareholders of the Parent company are as follows:

Shareholder                                            June 30,           March 31,        December 31,
                                                           2007                2007                2006
                                             % of share capital  % of share capital  % of share capital
                                                                     (not reviewed)

Petrol Holding AD                                         68.99               69.84               71.75
Naftex Refining and Petrochemical
Engineering Services
(Former Naftex Oil Shipping Corporation
(United Arab Emirates)                                    18.84               18.84               18.84
Ministry of Economics                                      0.86                0.91                0.94
Other minority shareholders                               11.31               10.41                8.47

Total                                                    100.00              100.00              100.00

31.       Revaluation reserve

The reserve of revaluation of non-current assets, net of accrued deferred tax,
as of June 30, 2007, March 31, 2007 and December 31, 2006 at the amount of BGN
28,536 thousand, BGN 28,631 thousand and BGN 28,817 thousand, respectively, is
allocated as a result of revaluations of property, plant and equipment and
intangible assets, carried out in the period 1997 - 2001, as well as of
revaluation as of December 31, 2002 in compliance with the changes of the
applicable Bulgarian accounting legislation (see also note 3.1).

The revaluation reserve is transferred to retained earnings on the disposal of
the respective asset.

32.       Earnings (loss) per share

Earnings (loss) per share are calculated by dividing the net distributable
profit (loss) by the weighted average number of ordinary shares held during the
reporting period. There are no dilutive instruments in issue.

                                                   Six months    Six months  Three months  Three months
                                                   ended June    ended June    ended June    ended June
                                                          30,           30,           30,           30,
                                                         2007          2006          2007          2006
                                                      BGN'000       BGN'000       BGN'000       BGN'000
                                                                                     (not          (not
                                                                                reviewed)     reviewed)

Weighted average number of shares ('000)              109,250       109,250       109,250       109,250
Profit (loss) (BGN'000)                               (3,336)        14,323         (78)         13,952

Earnings(loss) per share (BGN)                         (0.03)          0.13          0.00          0.13

33.       Liabilities for retirement benefits to employees

As of December 31, 2006 the Group has accrued liabilities for retirement
benefits at the amount of BGN 470 thousand. This amount was based on an actuary
valuation taking into consideration assumptions for mortality, disability,
employment turnover, salaries' growth, etc. The present value of the liability
was calculated by applying a discount factor of 4%.

34.       Subsidiaries

The consolidated subsidiaries, on which the Parent company exercises control as
of June 30, 2007, March 31,2007 and December 31, 2006, are as follows:

Subsidiary                   Main activities               Investments      Investments      Investments
                                                                 as of            as of            as of
                                                              June 30,        March 31,     December 31,
                                                                  2007             2007             2006
                                                                         (not reviewed)

Petrol Trans Express EOOD    Transport services                 100.0%           100.0%           100.0%
Petrol Technica EOOD         Service and maintenance
                             of fuel stations                   100.0%           100.0%           100.0%
New Co Zagora EOOD (Petrol   Electricity generating
Storage EOOD)                                                   100.0%           100.0%           100.0%
Petrol Trade EOOD            Trade                              100.0%           100.0%           100.0%
BPI EAD                      Trade with fuels and rents         100.0%           100.0%           100.0%
Naftex Petrol EOOD           Wholesale with fuels               100.0%           100.0%           100.0%
Eurocapital Bulgaria EAD     Investing activities               100.0%           100.0%           100.0%
Petrol Card Service OOD      Trade with fuels with fleet
                             cards                              100.0%           100.0%           100.0%
Trans Operator AD            Trade, intermediation and
(Translotto AD)              representation                      99.9%            99.9%            99.9%
Vratzata EOOD                Recreation services                100.0%           100.0%           100.0%
Petrol Gaz OOD               Trade with petrol products            90%                -                -
34.  Subsidiaries

A new subsidiary Petrol Gaz OOD was established in May 2007.

According to the Law for Public Offering of Securities, General meeting of the
shareholders of the Parent company, held on June 11, 2007, empowered the
Managing Board and the Executive Director to conclude contracts for the sale of
the shares of the subsidiary company New Co Zagora to the Ultimate Parent
Company Petrol Holding AD (see also note 25 and 40).

35.       Related parties transactions

The Parent company exercises control and significant influence over related
parties, disclosed in note 19 and 34. The Ultimate parent company is Petrol
Holding AD.

In 2007 and 2006 the Group has performed transactions with the following related

Related party

Petrol Holding AD                    ultimate parent company
Varna Business Services OOD          associate
Izvor Bottling Company AD            subsidiary of Petrol Holding AD
Air Lazur - General Aviation EOOD    subsidiary of Petrol Holding AD
Interhotel Bulgaria Burgas EOOD      subsidiary of Petrol Holding AD
Naftex Security EAD                  subsidiary of Petrol Holding AD
PFC Naftex AD                        subsidiary of Petrol Holding AD till 
                                     August 2006
Ross Oil EOOD                        subsidiary of Petrol Holding AD
Transhold Bulgaria Holding AD        subsidiary of Petrol Holding AD
Jurex Consult AD                     subsidiary of Petrol Holding AD
Tema Sport OOD                       subsidiary of Petrol Holding AD
PSFC Chernomorets AD                 subsidiary of Petrol Holding AD
Balneohotel Pomorie AD               subsidiary of Petrol Holding AD
Transat AD                           subsidiary of Transhold Bulgaria Holding AD
Trans Telecom EOOD                   subsidiary of Transhold Bulgaria Holding AD
Transcard AD                         subsidiary of Transhold Bulgaria Holding AD
Transcard Financial Services EAD     subsidiary of Transcard AD

The transactions performed relate primarily to:
*    purchase and sale of liquid fuels and other goods;
*    purchase and sale of property, plant and equipment;
*    holding fees and services;
*    rents;
*    supply of materials;
*    maintenance and servicing;
*    legal consultations;
*    telecommunication services;
*    other.

There are no unusual conditions or deviations from the average market prices in
these transactions.
35.  Related parties transactions (continued)

In 2007 and 2006 transactions with related parties are as follows:

Related party                    Six months ended Six months ended     Three months  Three months ended
                                         June 30,         June 30,   ended June 30,            June 30,
                                             2007             2006             2007                2006
                                                                     (not reviewed)      (not reviewed)
                                          BGN'000          BGN'000          BGN'000             BGN'000
                                   Sale of goods,   Sale of goods,   Sale of goods,      Sale of goods,
                                      non-current      non-current      non-current  non-current assets
                                       assets and       assets and       assets and        and services
                                         services         services         services

Ultimate parent company                       392              428              106                 252
Companies under common control              2,229            1,626              879                 755
Associates                                     22               34                8                  11

Total                                       2,643            2,088              993               1,018

Related party                    Six months ended Six months ended     Three months  Three months ended
                                         June 30,         June 30,   ended June 30,            June 30,
                                             2007             2006             2007                2006
                                                                     (not reviewed)      (not reviewed)
                                          BGN'000          BGN'000          BGN'000             BGN'000
                                      Purchase of      Purchase of      Purchase of  Purchase of goods,
                                           goods,           goods,           goods,  non-current assets
                                      non-current      non-current      non-current        and services
                                       assets and       assets and       assets and
                                         services         services         services

Ultimate parent company                     1,687            3,065              704               (773)
Companies under common control             30,953            4,175           24,025               (813)
Associates                                    234              207              117                  74

Total                                      32,874            7,447           24,846             (1,512)

Related party                    Six months ended Six months ended      Three months Three months ended
                                         June 30,         June 30,    ended June 30,           June 30,
                                             2007             2006              2007               2006
                                                                      (not reviewed)     (not reviewed)
                                          BGN'000          BGN'000           BGN'000            BGN'000
                                   Finance income   Finance income    Finance income     Finance income

Ultimate parent company                     2,436            1,699             1,234                995
Companies under common control                  9                -                 5                  -

Total                                       2,445            1,699             1,239                995

Related party                    Six months ended Six months ended      Three months Three months ended
                                         June 30,         June 30,    ended June 30,           June 30,
                                             2007             2006              2007               2006
                                                                      (not reviewed)     (not reviewed)
                                          BGN'000          BGN'000           BGN'000            BGN'000
                                          Finance          Finance           Finance            Finance
                                            costs            costs             costs              costs

Ultimate parent company                       139              129                72                 60
Total                                         139              129                72                 60

35.              Related parties transactions (continued)

The outstanding balances with related parties as of June 30, 2007, March 31,
2007 and December 31, 2006 are as follows:

Related party                                               June 30,          March 31,      December 31,
                                                                2007               2007              2006
                                                                         (not reviewed)
                                                             BGN'000            BGN'000           BGN'000
                                                             Amounts            Amounts           Amounts
                                                          receivable         receivable        receivable

Ultimate parent company, incl.:                               75,135             86,044            85,372
Interest-bearing loans - non current portion                  44,698             44,698            44,698
Interest- bearing loans -current portion                      27,315             39,695            39,695
Companies under common control, incl.:                         1,630             30,597             8,441
Interest- bearing loans -current portion                          51                 51                51
Associates                                                       108                 14               103

Total                                                         76,873            116,655            93,916

Related party                                               June 30,          March 31,      December 31,
                                                                2007               2007              2006
                                                                         (not reviewed)
                                                             BGN'000            BGN'000           BGN'000
                                                             Amounts            Amounts           Amounts
                                                             payable            payable           payable

Ultimate parent company, incl.:                               12,482              6,689             5,863
Interest- bearing loans -current portion                       5,435              5,273             5,157
Companies under common control                                21,038              1,838             1,207
Associates                                                        80                 54                60
Others                                                         2,489                 47                49

Total                                                         36,089              8,628             7,179

Payables to other related parties as at June 30, 2007 comprise mainly of
dividend payables to minority shareholders of the Parent company, net of tax

36.       Segment reporting

June 30, 2007                          Wholesale       Retail        Other   
                                        of fuels     of fuels   activities   Elimi-nations   Consolidated
                                         BGN'000      BGN'000      BGN'000         BGN'000        BGN'000

External sales                           211,977      343,416        6,673               -        562,066
Inter-segment sales                       31,873        1,243        7,393        (40,509)              -

Total revenue                            243,850      344,659       14,066        (40,509)        562,066

Result of the segment                     11,980        9,795        3,009               -         24,784

Share of net profits of associates             -            -        (166)               -          (166)
Foreign exchange rate gains, net               -            -            -               -            115
Loss on dealings with derivatives              -            -            -               -       (19,010)
Interest expenses and fees and other           -            -            -               -        (8,474)
financial expenses, net
Tax expense                                    -            -            -               -          (585)

Net profit of the Group                        -            -            -               -        (3,336)

Depreciation and amortization            (1,338)      (4,964)      (2,347)               -        (8,649)

Impairment of assets                         (8)            -            -               -            (8)

June 30, 2006                          Wholesale       Retail        Other  
                                        of fuels     of fuels   activities   Elimi-nations   Consolidated
                                         BGN'000      BGN'000      BGN'000         BGN'000        BGN'000

External sales                           357,061      278,357        8,257               -        643,675
Inter-segment sales                       19,352        2,837        7,918        (30,107)              -

Total revenue                            376,413      281,194       16,175        (30,107)        643,675

Result of the segment                     14,428        2,292        3,035               -         19,755

Share of net profits of associates             -            -        (136)               -          (136)
Foreign exchange rate gains, net               -            -            -               -            803
Interest expenses and fees and other
financial expenses, net                        -            -            -               -        (3,342)
Tax expense                                    -            -            -               -        (2,757)

Net profit of the Group                        -            -            -               -         14,323

Depreciation and amortization            (1,262)      (6,192)      (2,511)               -        (9,965)

Impairment of assets                           -         (27)        (576)               -          (603)

36.       Segment reporting (continued)

                                                      Wholesale       Retail        Other   
                                                       of fuels     of fuels   activities   Consolidated
                                                        BGN'000      BGN'000      BGN'000        BGN'000

June 30, 2007

Segment assets                                          275,455      275,050       65,920        616,425

Investment in equity method associates                        -            -        1,650          1,650

Segment liabilities                                     117,220      323,690       13,216        454,126

Capital expenditure                                       2,329       15,746        2,709         20,784

December 31, 2006

Segment assets (restated)                               307,138      267,902       61,052        636,092

Investment in equity method associates                        -            -        1,816          1,816

Segment liabilities (restated)                          146,803      301,827       12,134        460,764

Capital expenditure                                       3,856        9,972        8,599         22,427

37.  Contingent assets and liabilities

Contingent liabilities

As of June 30, 2007 the Group has contingent liabilities under guaranteed
promissory notes to third parties for liabilities of related parties, at the
amount of BGN 37,636 thousand, and for available and future assets are mortgaged
and/or pledged as collateral under bank and trade loans, granted to the Group
and to related parties, at the amount of BGN 146,006 thousand.

As at June 30, 2007 a company from the Group has issued bank guarantees
amounting to BGN 53,938 thousand in favour of the Customs Agency according to
the requirements of Excise Duties and Tax Warehouses Act. Bank guarantees
amounting to BGN 114 thousand were issued related to public orders.
37.  Contingent assets and liabilities (continued)

Contingent assets

In 2006 the Group has recognized income from penalties amounting to BGN 8,196
thousand, calculated to a counterparty because of a quantitative non-execution
of a fuel supply contract. As of December 31, 2006 the income has been reversed,
because the management has assessed that the income recognition criteria in
accordance with IAS 18 Revenue have not been met. In view of this fact as of
June 30, 2007a contingent asset amounting to BGN 8,196 thousand arises for the
Group, because the receivable from the counterparty was not recognized in the
consolidated financial statements, but the management believes that it has
reasonable and justifiable legal grounds to claim this receivable.

As of June 30, 2007 bank guarantees at the amount of BGN 5,430 thousand;
promissory notes at the amount of BGN 6,368 thousand, mortgage at the amount of
BGN 1,200 thousand serve as collateral for receivables from customers.

38.       Environment

In relation to the privatization of Petrol AD in 1999 for most of the Company's
sites (storage facilities and fuel stations) reports for valuation of the
influence on the environment are prepared and approved by a council of experts
with the Ministry of Environment and Waters (MoEW). Based on these reports
Permissions for Exploitation of MoEW are issued. After the privatization the
Parent company undertakes a large-scale investment programme aiming to set its
sites in compliance with the best European practices. Hence, the sites are
reconstructed in compliance with Directive 94/63/EC, which has been transferred
to the Bulgarian legislation by means of Regulation No 16 of August 12, 1999
(the Regulation) on the control of volatile organic compound emissions resulting
from the storage, loading or unloading and transportation of petrol, issued
based on Art. 9, par. 1 of the Clean Air Act. The reconstruction of the fuel
stations is preceded by environmental characteristics for each investment offer.
These characteristics are presented to the Regional Inspections of Environment
and Waters (RIEW) for construction permission.

During the period 2007 - 2009, depending on the technological characteristics
and by observing the requirements of the Regulation, 282 fuel stations and 11
storage facilities will be set in compliance with the respective standards. The
approximate estimation of the management of the total value of the
reconstructions for the whole period amounts to BGN 23,780 thousand.

The actual results and the time for construction works may differ significantly
from the approximate estimates.

As of the date of these consolidated financial statements there is no obligating
event under IAS 37 - Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets,
related to the commitment of the Company for environment protection, according
to the current legislation in Bulgaria, and therefore no provisions have been

39.       Legal proceeding

On February 13, 2007, in reply to a letter from Lukoil Bulgaria EOOD (the
Counterparty) dated January 17, 2007, the Parent company officially requests the
Counterparty to pay its debt of BGN 83,973 thousand within 20 days of the date
of the letter. The Parent company's claims are based on the contract for sale of
fuels, signed by the parties in July 2001 (see also note 6), according to which
the Counterparty should pay to the Parent company remuneration, calculated under
a formula specified in the contract, and also should reimburse the Parent
company for some expenses (budget), related to the contract execution. The total
Parent company's claim of BGN 83,973 thousand includes claim for non-reimbursed
expenses, related to the contract execution, at the amount of BGN 43,568
thousand, and claim for an additional remuneration at total amount of BGN 40,405
thousand. The claimed amounts do not include interest on overdue payment, which
should be calculated additionally.

The Parent company's claims are related to depreciation charges under the signed
contract not covered by the Counterparty, expenses at the actual amount spent
not covered by the Counterparty, as well as expenses incurred by the Parent
company for discounts given to customers as a result of its marketing policy.
Until December 31, 2005 the Parent company has recognized only part of the
claims (see also note 6), as it was convinced in its entitlement to receive
them, based on the concluded contract. In the view of the intensifying
disagreement with the Counterparty, arising doubt of the collectibility of these
receivables; and the grounds for revenue recognition in compliance with IAS 18
Revenue, since January 1, 2006 the Parent company ceased to include these
receivables, and respectively revenue, in its financial statements, and started
to present these claims off balance sheet.

In reply to the Parent company's request for payment of the claimed amounts
under the signed contract, the Counterparty filed an appeal with the Petrich
District Court for securing a future claim of the Counterparty against the
Parent company, at the approximate amount of BGN 60,000 thousand. The security
measure, requested by the Counterparty, for real estates owned by the Parent
company (99 fuel stations) to be placed under interdiction, has been satisfied.
These fuel stations have been mortgaged under a contract between the Ultimate
parent company and the Counterparty, signed in 2001.

In March 2007 the Counterparty filed a claim against the Parent company at the
amount of BGN 89,557 thousand, including principal of BGN 70,946 thousand and
penalty interest for delay of BGN 18,611 thousand, in relation to the contract
signed by the parties in July 2001. The Counterparty's claims for the principal,
according to the filed statement of claim, are based on "incorrect execution of
transactions, reported by the Company, at the amount of BGN 59,585 thousand" and
"amounts retained by the Company in the form of reported lower sales at the
amount of BGN 11,361 thousand". The first hearing of the court took place in May
2007. The Counterparty was asked by the court to specify its claim in a more
understandable manner and to make a breakdown of the amount claimed for the each
of the five years envisaged in the claim. The next hearing is scheduled for
September 2007.

On its turn Parent company filed a partial claim against the Counterparty for
BGN 117,982 thousand, including principal of BGN 84,878 thousand, value added
tax amounting to BGN 16,975 thousand and penalty interest of BGN 16,129 thousand
for unpaid expenses due to the Parent company since 2001. The first hearing of
the court took place in June 2007. As a result the court appointed independent
experts to carry out an accounting investigation with regard to the filed claim.
The next hearing is scheduled for September 2007.

39.       Legal proceeding (continued)

In view of the fact that the lawsuit is in its initial phase and the parties'
counter claims are significant, the Parent company has not accrued provisions
for obligations arising on the lawsuit in the present consolidated financial
statements. The Parent company's management believes that the Counterparty's
claims are unfounded, whereas the Parent company's claims are in full compliance
with the Company's rights under the retail fuel supply agreement, signed in July
2001. The Parent company is confident in the strength of its legal position
based on legal opinion sought from both in-house and outside lawyers and law
firms, including reputed international law firms represented in Bulgaria.

40.       Post balance sheet events

According to the decision of the General meeting of the shareholders of the
Parent company, in July 2007 the subsidiary New Co Zagora EOOD was sold to the
Ultimate parent company Petrol Holding AD. The net assets of the company are
presented in these consolidated financial statements as disposal group (see also
note 25 and 34).

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange

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