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(5 March 2020): P/F Bakkafrost ("Bakkafrost") initiated, on 13 January 2020, a compulsory acquisition of all of The Scottish Salmon...
P/F Bakkafrost ("Bakkafrost") has, today, initiated a compulsory acquisition of the shares in The Scottish Salmon Company PLC (the...
The Scottish Salmon Company PLC is pleased to announce that its wholly owned subsidiary, The Scottish Salmon Company Limited, has refinanced its...
Harvest volumes in Q4 2019 are 7.9 thousand tonnes. Harvest volumes for the full year 2019 are 33.8 thousand tonnes. The harvest volumes are...
The Scottish Salmon Company (the "Company") today announced that, following the impending merger with Bakkafrost, it has been jointly...
BAKKAFROST -- Settlement Date for the Mandatory Offer for the Depositary Receipts and Common Shares in The Scottish Salmon Company PLC Reference...
Update on the P/F Bakkafrost mandatory offer for the depositary receipts and outstanding common shares in The Scottish Salmon Company Plc...
Reference is made to the Company's announcement dated 9(th) December regarding the transfer of treasury shares under the Company's...
The Scottish Salmon Company PLC has accepted the mandatory offer from Bakkafrost for 138,675 Treasury Shares. The Scottish Salmon Company PLC...
Please find attached the minutes of the EGM held on 9th December 2019. This information is subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to...
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