5 월 전
due to an issue, my post was deleted..
I am an investor that lost money in Paragon but as i continue investing with Greek companies I have been following B's and his employee's ( Skrimizas) case through my Greek contacts and local media.
In light of the recent postings i'd like to share the information and facts that i have obtained from Greek media sites and mainstream newspapers for the benefit of investors who have not been following the case in Greece.
1. The alleged violations by B are supposed to have taken place in 2015 and 2016.
There has not been any evidence or any rumors that there have been any negative findings relevant to Box or Paragon by the SEC to this date and I now understand from the recent postings that the Greek prosecution service has just dismissed the criminal law suit against B, filed by some of my co-investors, based on the allegations made and information provided by "inv justice" some years ago.
The Logical conclusion is that the allegations against B are unfounded and not the opposite.
2. That the allegations on B originally launched on this site by "Inv justice" are time barred since long ago from civil consequences.
3. That one of B's employees named G. has been charged by the Greek authorities for theft of about 5 mill usd from B ( he is due to appear in the Greek criminal high court shortly)
, he is obligated to physically present him self to the police station monthly and there is a court injunction in force against him for the 5 mill . All the above info has been extensively circulated in mainstream greek media such as "proto thema", " mononews" etc
4. It has also been circulated extensively in the Greek media ( " edolio", "mononews"etc) that the above named employee , has launched a series of defamation campaigns against B in order to use them as leverage against the latter's law suits against him. To my knowledge none of the allegations were substantiated by the subsequent official investigations that took place by the Greek Authorities . I strongly suspect therefore that the allegations concerning Box and Paragon were also initiated and being pursued by the particular employee for the same reasons.
Frankly i suspect that "inv justice",
" faitrgoal" and others adopting the aggressive tone of the " prosecutor" against B are in fact acting at the instructions of the former employee aiming at luring investors into filing criminal law suits!
5. Why i care? Because I believe that All investors should be aware of the above facts since I am sure that none of us would like to be mislead and be used for unlawful "goals " of a third party while risking of being sued for libel in the process.
Especially so when there can be no financial gain to be expected for any of us due to the time bar.
inv justice
5 월 전
Great. You want your money back. Contact the lawyers, present yourself, ask them what they do and see if you want to follow.
Skras and anything else is not of shareholders concerns and it is suspicious that several of you mention this. How do you know?
The boats are gone, the company disappeared, money lost, investors destroyed.FACTS.
And as you say you lost money!!
Do you ALL the recent posts expect to have the lawyers replying to you on this board? Ridiculous and surely you are not serious.
The Lawyers are there.
But you always have the choice to follow your own path. Who says you have to join us? Who says our Lawyers are to answer to you?😂😭😂😭
If you believe that Bgloo did well then do not waste your time.
But you seem very anxious and you only prove that Bgloo is worried with what is coming. That is why he put all of you in posting those hilarious posts.
inv justice
5 월 전
Faitrgoal1 is so right. Posts that serve BGloo interests and attempts to frighten us. Well, thats in vain.LOL.
Posts from 2-3 newcomers who started right after the lawsuit was revealed.
Why do u care what we do and if we go after BGloo so that we claim our money?
Did anyone force you to follow us?
How s that n u follow our lawsuit, you allegedly know results in the Greek courts, what BGloo does?
Very simple. U r either his employee or his lawyer or BGloo himself. Your terminology makes it apparent. You cannot hide.
Bgloo knows we are coming and he is terrified.
He took 3 boats from us for cents, embezzled millions from our Company, issued illegally, bonds that killed our investments and he ignored major shareholders (check munhoi on this board) who urged him to protect our interests. A lot of selfsealing transactions.
Your interests surely are not aligned with ours. Your other “colleague” posted, immediatelly after you, that “were played”. Hilarious. You are not part of the team who go after Bgloo so nobody “played” you.
And you want answers from our Lawyers😭😭. Lawyers talk to their clients, do not post on boards.
Greek lawyers contact details have been on this board. Contact them identify yourself and find out why Bgloo is scared.
US based lawyers do not allow to make their contacts public, only on private mode, but be rest assured they are active.
SEC is on the game, US embassy in Greece, Marshall Islands lawyers.
Bgloo is a big time Greek crook who caused damages to many and soon will be behind the bars.
5 월 전
True or not soon we ll find out. We have many ways to fight. I do not give up on my pension money and there are many of us. Someone could check what is happening in the States and in Greece. Pinstripes suit is already made for B, the biggest crook ever. He will bring our ships and sholders money back. He stole them from us. Whoever wants i can share, privately, also the American Lawyers' contact details.
Thanks for the wishes, although you realize it s obvious u r not a shareholder who lost money from this fraud, but most probably a servant of B.
Please no reply. My time is precious and the team is determined. Cant be intimidated.
2 년 전
Shareholder participating in the lawsuit. REposting.
although i had asked not to get replies in my post, and waste more time, i received more than 8 private messages so i had to block and remove.
However because it seems people are interested i repeat, but
i am shareholder of Paragon and Box. i have joined the team of shareholders who filed lawsuit in Greece against Boogalloo and the BOD. It is the place where a lawsuit could be filed, according to the Lawyers. HQ of both cos in Athens, B leaves in Athens, the courts of Athens have jurisdiction.
i have talked to the Lawyers. Seem knowledgeable and credible. They sent to me plenty of evidence, they explained the case and i feel very comfortable and risk-free. To my eyes the evidence cannot be challenged. The District Atty will investigate and decide. Do not forget that it is companies that belong to the public, not private entities. Where on earth would someone see assets of a listed Company, worth millions, ending up to its CEO for $0.50? The lawyers believe that SEC, who have received the lawsuit and the evidence, will also conduct investigation (if not started yet).
The money i lost, by a very rich Greek shipping guy were supposed to use in my retirement. I will definitely try to get it back.
Institutional shareholders seem to have stepped in. That is another good sign.
For the shareholder who made a lot of noise and suddenly...disappeared, i have received information, but it is not disclosable. It is for the lawyers to use, the way they deem appropriate.
Dear ....nerds, you are asking for assurances. Do you expect that the lawyers read the hub? or that they communicate through it, with anonymous aliases? Have you contacted the Lawyers? The contact details have been posted in this board. Have you identified yourselves as Shareholders? If you do, as others did, i am sure you will get what you want. Otherwise, your posts look suspicious and serve other purpose.
I was told that the case is big and in Greece articles in the press already appeared. Check the below link, from a site which covers legal matters.
it is in Greek, i used translation app. Interesting article, in the same site you will find another three for the same person.
Lastly, i was told that B is also investigated by the Anti Money Laundering authority in Greece, for multi million, real estate related, fraud (the money we lost had to be invested somehow?).
2 년 전
Shareholder participating in the lawsuit. REposting.
although i had asked not to get replies in my post, and waste more time, i received more than 8 private messages so i had to block and remove.
However because it seems people are interested i repeat, but
i am shareholder of Paragon and Box. i have joined the team of shareholders who filed lawsuit in Greece against Boogalloo and the BOD. It is the place where a lawsuit could be filed, according to the Lawyers. HQ of both cos in Athens, B leaves in Athens, the courts of Athens have jurisdiction.
i have talked to the Lawyers. Seem knowledgeable and credible. They sent to me plenty of evidence, they explained the case and i feel very comfortable and risk-free. To my eyes the evidence cannot be challenged. The District Atty will investigate and decide. Do not forget that it is companies that belong to the public, not private entities. Where on earth would someone see assets of a listed Company, worth millions, ending up to its CEO for $0.50? The lawyers believe that SEC, who have received the lawsuit and the evidence, will also conduct investigation (if not started yet).
The money i lost, by a very rich Greek shipping guy were supposed to use in my retirement. I will definitely try to get it back.
Institutional shareholders seem to have stepped in. That is another good sign.
For the shareholder who made a lot of noise and suddenly...disappeared, i have received information, but it is not disclosable. It is for the lawyers to use, the way they deem appropriate.
Dear ....nerds, you are asking for assurances. Do you expect that the lawyers read the hub? or that they communicate through it, with anonymous aliases? Have you contacted the Lawyers? The contact details have been posted in this board. Have you identified yourselves as Shareholders? If you do, as others did, i am sure you will get what you want. Otherwise, your posts look suspicious and serve other purpose.
I was told that the case is big and in Greece articles in the press already appeared. Check the below link, from a site which covers legal matters.
it is in Greek, i used translation app. Interesting article, in the same site you will find another three for the same person.
Lastly, i was told that B is also investigated by the Anti Money Laundering authority in Greece, for multi million, real estate related, fraud (the money we lost had to be invested somehow?).