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Nikron Technologies Inc (CE)

Nikron Technologies Inc (CE) (NKRN)

마감 02 12월 6:00AM

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NKRN 최신 뉴스

Nikron Technologies Capitalizes on Giant Niche in Oil Market

Nikron Technologies Capitalizes on Giant Niche in Oil Market PR Newswire TOPEKA, Kan., Feb. 15, 2012 TOPEKA, Kan., Feb. 15, 2012 /PRNewswire/ -- Nikron Technologies, Inc. (OTC Pink: NKRN...

University of Wyoming Enhanced Oil Recovery Institute Assisting Nikron Technologies With Identification of Potential Heavy Oi...

University of Wyoming Enhanced Oil Recovery Institute Assisting Nikron Technologies With Identification of Potential Heavy Oil Production PR Newswire TOPEKA, Kan., Feb. 13, 2012 TOPEKA...

Nikron Technologies Announces Significant Reduction in Outstanding Shares

Nikron Technologies Announces Significant Reduction in Outstanding Shares PR Newswire TOPEKA, Kan., Jan. 24, 2012   TOPEKA, Kan., Jan. 24, 2012 /PRNewswire/ -- The Board of Director of...

Nikron Technologies Collaborates With University of Wyoming Enhanced Oil Recovery Institute to Tap Into 1 Billion Barrels of ...

Nikron Technologies Collaborates With University of Wyoming Enhanced Oil Recovery Institute to Tap Into 1 Billion Barrels of Potential Oil PR Newswire TOPEKA, Kan., Dec. 13, 2011 TOPEKA...

Nikron Technologies Targets Heavy Oil Recovery

Nikron Technologies Targets Heavy Oil Recovery A $20 Trillion Dollar Opportunity PR Newswire TOPEKA, Kan., Dec. 8, 2011 TOPEKA, Kan., Dec. 8, 2011 /PRNewswire/ -- Nikron Technologies...

Nikron Technologies Addresses Pressing Need For Increased Oil Production

Nikron Technologies Addresses Pressing Need For Increased Oil Production PR Newswire TOPEKA, Kan., Dec. 6, 2011 TOPEKA, Kan., Dec. 6, 2011 /PRNewswire/ -- The management of Nikron Technologies...

기간변동변동 %시가고가저가평균 일일 거래량VWAP


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GPDBGreen PolkaDot Box Incorporated (CE)
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FCGDFirst Colombia Gold Corporation (PK)
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BIIOBionovate Technologies Corporation (CE)
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US$ 0.000001
SBBGSeibels Bruce Group Inc (CE)
US$ 0.000001
MXLGFMX Gold Corporation (CE)
US$ 0.000001
VIVEViveve Medical Inc (CE)
US$ 0.000001
SMGISMG Industries Inc (CE)
US$ 0.000001
AITXArtificial Intelligence Technology Solutions Inc (PK)
US$ 0.00275
GTEHGenTech Holdings Inc (CE)
US$ 0.000001
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GTVHGolden Triangle Ventures Inc (PK)
US$ 0.0008

NKRN Discussion

게시물 보기
Million shares Million shares 11 년 전
Do you know if there is a class action lawsuit here? I have a couple thousand dollars I can add to it lol
TripleOG TripleOG 11 년 전
Complete scam and fraud

Sorry guys
TheArtfulDodger TheArtfulDodger 12 년 전
There are many.

What you need to know is that equipment to do this costs over 100k per site, so it is a very long way to positive cash flow if ever.

Forcealpine Forcealpine 13 년 전
Where has "Inside Guy" gone? Why isn't he providing his inside information on NKRN anymore?
ebiljoe ebiljoe 13 년 전
Check out this link and tell me...

are the 3 comanies mentioned in the article competitors of Nikron or same company under other names, kinda fishy them coming up doing the same thing while Nikron falls. Please give me your thoughts.
Sandman601 Sandman601 13 년 전
I might have a very little bit of hope if the company knew what year it is...........

(d) As of May 10, 2011 (present date) there were 262 common stock
shareholders of record.

Balance, December 31,
19,905,050 19,905 175,000 (365,173) (170,268)
Net Loss (91,535) (91,535)
Shares issued for cash --- 127,500 127,500
Balance, June 30, 2012 30,015,000 19,905 302,500 (456,708) (134,303)
Net Loss (2,922) (2,922)
Shares issued for cash 365,543,050 178,488 178,488
Balance, September 30,
395,558,050 19,905 480,988 (459,630) 41,263
Net Loss (36,526) (36,526)
Shares Issued for Cash 24,300,000 41,000 41,000
Balance, December 31,
419,858,050 19,905 521,988 (496,156) 45


I guess this is what they mean by "forward looking statement" !!!!
Slojab Slojab 13 년 전
Sorry to see there's a board for this stock after reading this.

420,000,000 shares outstanding puts the mc at $21,000,000!

Being an overvalued grey with no revenues doesn't hold much hope for the sp moving up.
ebiljoe ebiljoe 13 년 전
I hear ya man, all we can do is sit and wait while making other plays, I'm currently playing with RIGH :)) very few will sell at .0002 so I bought at .0003 we'll see how it goes :))
asdfu099 asdfu099 13 년 전
Sorry to hear that. At least they are trying to get you top dollar! Like I said before I REALLY HOPE for the shareholders sake that they file whatever they have to to get this trading again. But with no news or updates on the matter from the company, I just don't get that warm comfy feeling.

ebiljoe ebiljoe 13 년 전
Ameritrade wouldn't let me sell at .03 but they would at .08 and I bought it at .21 so I am already set as low as they will let me and taking a loss whenever it goes through.
asdfu099 asdfu099 13 년 전
Although this things sound like it had some promise I doubt very much this will ever trade again. i.e.. with a reflected bid and ask.

If it is not trading by the end of the year I suggest you low offer until it gets filled. Perhaps it will be .001 who knows. But you need to make the sale to get your tax loss.

FOr everyone here I home I am wrong.

Good luck everyone.

ebiljoe ebiljoe 13 년 전
Please refer to post #974
Forcealpine Forcealpine 13 년 전
Anyone have any news on NKRN as of late?
If they have been under 3 month probation or temporary suspension of trade, then May 15 should open them back up for mainstream trading. I hope so anyways..
ebiljoe ebiljoe 13 년 전
Congratz! I'm in it for the long hall, good thing I have a winner in KMAG :))
ajr72 ajr72 13 년 전
My ask hit today. I'm out. GL!!
ebiljoe ebiljoe 13 년 전
TY AJ, I'm still caught in it, waiting for them to file that form that takes 30 to 90 then they can have that bogus charge removed and we can see the bid and ask back to normal.
ebiljoe ebiljoe 13 년 전
TY AJ, I am still caught in it, waiting for that 90 day filing thing to go through to release them from that bogus charge.
ajr72 ajr72 13 년 전
If anyone's still caught in this. I just had to call and talk to my broker in order to get an order in that had a chance of filling. The indications they have is a bid of .035 and ask of .08.
dbob dbob 13 년 전
just remember no market orders or the mm's will douse you. Price seems to be .02 by 06
ajr72 ajr72 13 년 전
Has anyone here successfully had a trade executed, either buy or sell?
Buddhas_Brew Buddhas_Brew 13 년 전
Yes, this is HUGE that the stock closed UP today after seeing those orders go through.....

At this rate, this is amazing... to see shares actively trading and then to have it close up one cent from the previous day...

I believe that once the promoters who were behind this see that this stock is trading again after the halt, it will verify this company is legit, that they were able to make it though a trading halt...

Those updates about the pink sheets were amazing, keep them coming, so we have about 30-60 days to get back to pink sheets?
dbob dbob 13 년 전
you have to have a broker that can get you the quote. This is not something you can find from ameritrade or etrade or scottrade, as far as market price. For anyone who puts in market orders to sell you will get screwed the mm's are thieves anyway this way sellers at market make it easier for them to gouge you. If you put a market order in you will get .01 or .02 like the genius who looks like they put in a 20k market order without knowing price and he got 4000 at .02 and 16,000 at .01. That is foolish. Investors wake up to what these mm's can do to you.
ajr72 ajr72 13 년 전
I guess I now understand what they mean when they say don't invest in pennies if you can't afford to lose your entire investment....
globewatcher globewatcher 13 년 전
Thanks for the additional info -- especially about NITE being the only active MM right now. I'm curious how you found that out, if you have time to tell...
dbob dbob 13 년 전
Stock is trading that is a miracle. The fact that it is .06 or .07 means nothing. Obviously you only have sellers here, so people feeling good to pick up 200k of shares at .06 and .07 is an excellent sign. The company was halted for bogus reasons that is why they are back so fast, also they are filing a 15C211 which could take from 30-90 days once filed. That will get issue back on to pinks and then trades will be seen with bid and ask, until then very difficult to see bids and asks. Nite is the market maker you must tell your brokers to go to if you want to buy or sell. He is the only one trading it until the 15C211 is complete. The company is good so no reason to dump stock at these levels. GLTA, I will remain long and strong.
Buddhas_Brew Buddhas_Brew 13 년 전
Ok guys, lets just relax, at least its a good sign this stock is trading.

many stocks that go through this NEVER see the night of day and eventually get revoked....

This is back trading right on schedule to say the least.

The company has got to bring some info the shareholders
globewatcher globewatcher 13 년 전
Interesting question you raise, about who can/can't actually do the trading. I know Schwab has accepted my sell order, but I don't really know what they're doing yet to match it with any bids or if they've just got it on hold until the bid/ask situation is back to normal. Of course my price is a long way from being met yet, so I don't expect anything to happen real soon anyway. But the timeframe for filling broker-based trades is certainly unclear right now, and may even vary among brokerages...

FYI, the last two trades were 10,000 shares each at .07 -- which I guess should be slightly encouraging, since that's at least above the opening price. And considering the situation the volume isn't too bad either, although that may be completely misleading because of backed-up orders from when trading was halted...
BoBo Brazil BoBo Brazil 13 년 전
Too bad us regular investors are allowed to trade, I called my broker and they won't let any trades go through until the BID ASK shows up. Who is trading this thing?

$NKRN 17 trades from .06 to .08, 165K shares, all on the ASK.
globewatcher globewatcher 13 년 전
Actually one trade at .08 so far today. It was only for 1,000 shares, but at least shows that the stock is alive and there is some competitive bidding & asking happening behind the scenes...
ajr72 ajr72 13 년 전
Got it. Thanks for the info. I see that it ticked up a penny. We may be in the dark but at least we see that it's not been driven to zero. I'll keep my sell order in the dark until this gets back on the pinks. GLTA!
globewatcher globewatcher 13 년 전
Repeating from my previous note: I think we're not seeing any bid/ask info on L2 because the stock is probably still trading on the "grey market" for the moment, and the OTC doesn't gather and relay that info to brokers or streaming-feed programs. Eventually, I think, the process will get back to normal and the MM info will be available again. But until then anybody who wants to buy or sell is pretty much "bidding in the dark". By the way, another trade just went through at .07 -- so the price is already going up!...
ajr72 ajr72 13 년 전
I put in an order and it hasn't been kicked back yet. When I try to view level 2 (using iPhone app) it just says loading and nothing comes up.
BoBo Brazil BoBo Brazil 13 년 전
Do you see your sell order on L2? Nothing is showing on either side. The pictures I posted below still look the same.

ajr72 ajr72 13 년 전
Just got back from lunch to find that my holdings dropped by 53 percent. I don't see bid or ask. I have tdameritrade. I don't have an order in at the moment. The last time I tried (a couple days ago) it initially was accepted but I later got a message saying the mm canceled it. Looks like this is going to be a rough ride...
Memphis_Dave Memphis_Dave 13 년 전
Mine is for sell at .19. I will sit on that ask until the pps gets close. I may be making a big mistake, but I am taking my chances.
BoBo Brazil BoBo Brazil 13 년 전
Here's the trades:

BoBo Brazil BoBo Brazil 13 년 전
Where's the bid & ask?? Something's fishy IMO

globewatcher globewatcher 13 년 전
Yes, it's finally trading again. As of this writing (9:40am Pacific Time), my stock-tracking program shows a volume of 11,500 traded this morning at the price of .06 -- doesn't say how many individual trades were involved, but I suspect it was just one since the same price also shows as the open, high and low of the day so far. That's down 55% from the price when trading was halted a few weeks ago. My program does NOT display any bid/ask for the stock, which probably means it's still being traded for now on the "grey market" where such numbers aren't available. But hopefully things will slowly get back to normal, and the price will climb back too. I have a sell order in at a much higher level, don't see any point in taking this big a hit without waiting to see which way the wind is blowing...
BoBo Brazil BoBo Brazil 13 년 전
$NKRN looks to be trading. Anyone able to trade this yet?
dbob dbob 13 년 전
Spoke directly to the guy in the office. Sounded sincere so lets hope for the best.
ajr72 ajr72 13 년 전
Thank you for posting this. If true it provides some relief.
dbob dbob 13 년 전
i was able to talk to a gentlemen there on friday. He was the one that told me that they had filed the 211 required in order to get back to the pink sheets. He seemed very positive on all things he was definitely not a stock guy strictly oil business guy. Was impressed with what he said. They are definitely not a scam of sorts. We shall see as things move forward.
lake19 lake19 13 년 전
If nkrn isnt bogus, then why wont they pick up the phone
dbob dbob 13 년 전
It has been cleared to trade by sec. It currently trades on grey sheets. Believe stock is offered at .10 for buying. I know that they have filed a 211 form to get back on the pinks that could take 2 weeks to 12 weeks. I would imagine it would take place before outside date. I would think 2-4 weeks. Company needs to put out pr so shareholders know exactly what is going on.
Buddhas_Brew Buddhas_Brew 13 년 전
Buddhas_Brew Buddhas_Brew 13 년 전
Really? So after the suspension gets lifted... the stock doesnt resume trading?

Obviously, I should educate my self a little more, but Im not that interested. I have 1500 shares of NKRN that I held onto as freebies after scalping 20000 shares.

Been around for a few years, never been in a stock when it got halted...

So this company is pretty trashy or the SEC wouldnt have halted them?

I doubt the SEC would have done the HALT if the company had any firepower to fight back... must be a worthless shell, although the SEC is sooo scummy and pathetically slimy, its hard to take a side :P)
BoBo Brazil BoBo Brazil 13 년 전
$NKRN DTCC officially cleared on 3-2-2012. Wonder if they will ever come back?

dbob dbob 13 년 전
All promoters use that disclaimer where have you been. Also the fact that it is not trading today does not mean it will never come back. There are steps that need to be done. Also no one really knows the reason for the halt. I heard from a source that it had nothing to do with news content, and if that is truly the case then until those problems are rectified it could take a bit longer. I only know that today was the day that it could come back to trade. If anyone knows anything please post so shareholders can get some sort of update. GLTA
arting arting 13 년 전
lol. Trading DOES NOT RESUME just because the suspension is lifted. Most companies NEVER RETURN TO ACTIVE TRADING following a suspension. Don't expect to be able to sell this. Ever. Sorry. You lost it all. You could call the SEC or write them a letter thanking them for the wonderful work they are doing. The stock promoter that pumped this to you started using a new disclaimer last week: "Don't invest in any stocks promoted here unless you can afford to lose your entire investment." Why do you think they added that disclaimer suddenly?
ajr72 ajr72 13 년 전
Thanks. For some reason I thought it was 11:59 am. Either way I think I have little hope for getting out alive....