8 년 전
Strange trading DID happen
I consider it strange since the stock does not trade for days, or even weeks, and now the two times I put in a trade there follows a 'flurry of activity'.
Since my trade earlier, there has been another 20,000 shares. The bid ask is now at $0.12/$0.04. No idea why the bid keeps showing above the ask, but the ask did go higher, and there were trades below mine at $0.0193.
Louis J. Desy Jr.
8 년 전
Shows strange $0.12/$0.02
I have no idea why, buy for some reason the stock is showing on the bid/ask as $0.12/$0.02 with 5,000/10,000 shares available.
I tried to sell at $0.12 but the system wouldn't let me enter the order, but I was able to buy a block of 10,000 at $0.02 with no problem.
Also unusual that the block on the ask was replaced with another block on the ask of 10,000 shares at $0.02.
I am waiting to see if there is a 'flurry of activity' in the shares for the remainder of the day just like the last time I bought.
Louis J. Desy Jr.
8 년 전
Is someone painting the tape?
What IS going on?
Today, after getting an email with the latest financial statements, I put in an order for 1,000 shares at the ask, just to get some shares and be on the list for quarterly reports and such.
I figure, no big deal, and expect no other trading since it looks like the stock has not traded in days. My trade at $0.0808 is also a 52 week high for the stock. Prior to my order the bid/ask was 10,000/10,000 (market maker?) with the price $0.05/$0.09.
Now, for whatever reason, an additonal 62 shares trade and the price falls as low as $0.01, ending the day at $0.02/$0.04
no idea why my one small block set off a flurry of activity, or at least appears to have.
Louis J. Desy Jr.
8 년 전
What is going on?
I came upon this company from a posting on seekingalpha.com about a book on unlisted stocks.
1: The company is still and in operation.
2: The state reports are current, but there was an interruption a few years ago when they let them lapse for a while.
3: The latest reports I can find so far are from 2004.
4: The stock appears to be still trading under this symbol.
I am trying to see about getting a recent set of financial statements.
I think the problem is that a majority of the shares are held by insiders and they appear to have nothing built up over the years;i.e. most of the earnings may have been paid out. If that is the case, with no dividend and no equity built up, the stock may have little value since buying the remaining shares would give one less than 50% of the votes and no control to change anything beyond how they are running now.
The insiders, if they were thinking a bit more, would make changes to give people a reason to buy the shares and then could sell off their shares for more than what ever they are getting out of the company now, and be taxed at a capital gains rate instead of income tax rates.
Louis J. Desy Jr.
11 년 전
MGTC - Still working with the defense department
PIID/MOD: M6785413C0235 / 0
525 WOBURN ST STE 3, TEWKSBURY, Massachusetts
Program Source: 17-1109
Department/Agency: Department of Defense
Signed Date:
Obligation Amount:
Company website http://www.megatechcorp.com
Share structure:
5,000,000 authorized
Last confirmed outstanding: 3,811,944 (1/12/12)
Market cap at .025: $95,298
12 년 전
More MGTC tidbits
A sponsor here and for many years before:
2012 National Automotive Technology Competition
"Skip Saurman
Varant Basmajian
Seminar Title: Attend M.I.T. (Megatech Interactive Training, that is!)
Experience a unique, blended-learning curriculum for Automotive Technology programs. Taking you from an interactive, hands-on theory concept . . . to dedicated practice on industry component trainers . . . to final application on “live” vehicles (please note: some simulation may be necessary for this presentation).
All participants will receive a complimentary evaluation copy (computer CD) of this program. This CD includes a self-running demonstration as well as a link to on-line instruction and a “do-it-yourself” feature for accurate assessment.
Seminar Title: The Future of Automotive Technology Programs
Where do YOU think your Automotive Technology program is headed? Come and participate in a discussion on what the automotive industry may look like in the year 2020, based upon the combined knowledge of a few notable industry experts and presented by Megatech Corporation, a leader in quality automotive education. Learn what we are attempting to do in order to assure that your programs remain viable and up-to-date.
You should leave this presentation with the knowledge to either build upon what you are already doing successfully or initiate the changes that can enhance your program to meet the future needs of the automotive industry, including some important resources for funding
12 년 전
Megatech MGTC .03 Main DD_Points>>>:
Mr. Vahan V. Basmajian President
Board Member
Merrimack Valley Economic Development Council Inc
B.S. degree , Business
Bentley College
Masters Degree , Aeronautics
Govt Contracts
Par-Value $.0143 Common Stock: http://www.otcmarkets.com/edgar/GetFilingHtml?FilingID=3258505
Still supplying the U.S Government in 2012
Conferences/seminars/trade shows they attended in 2012:
Over 100 exhibitors at the iitsec conference December 2012.
And this info from their profile at the above exhibit last month shows new names not seen in their previous filings:
Megatech has over 4,000 public and private schools, as well as Ford Motor Company, American Honda, BMW, General Motors, Kia, Mack Truck, Saab, Subaru that are utilizing our services for training.
Found other shows they attended in 2012, and their current association with Ford/AAA is meaningful.
Certified with the Automotive Society of Engineers (ASE) "CASE" program through 4/01/2014
The CASE program offers a certification of providers of training for working technicians. The National Automotive Technicians Education Foundation (NATEF) will evaluate the training providers' process of developing and delivering training and then recommend certification as an ASE Certified Training Provider of Continuing Automotive Service Education (CASE).
A current sponsor of the Ford/AAA Student Auto Skills Program, along with some major corporate names (Hertz, Cintas, Ingersoll Rand, et al). Megatech Corporation, a world leader since its inception in 1971, manufactures automotive and diesel training aids, mock-ups and cutaways. Using NATEF standards, Megatech develops turnkey training modules to provide hands-on competency based instruction for the latest technologies.
This site is interesting...
http://www.macroaxis.com/invest/market/MGTC--fundamentals--Megatech_Corp Wouldn't it be nice if they went to industry average at price to sales, would be a 236-bagger from here :)
Price to Book
0.08 times (MGTC)
4.88 times (industry average)
Price to Sales
0.03 times (MGTC)
7.09 times (industry average)
MGTC is an "educational partner" here http://www2.palomar.edu/pages/diesel/educational-partners/
This company is still an authorized reseller of Megatech products
They're still connected here
Had sales in Australia in 2010-2011
"Emerald TAFE
Emerald TAFE as like Rockhampton TAFE, have purchased quite a variety of Megatech Automotive Training Equipment to service the requirements of their student group who predominantly come from the various mines within the Emerald District. These Trainers service the Light to Heavy Vehicle Range and combine Brake, Propulsion and Electrical Systems Training."
"Barrier Reef Institute of TAFE (BRIT) located in Townsville has recently purchased identical Hampden Enginnering HVAC equipment to service the same needs as Rockhampton. In addition, the Automotive Dept has purchased a number of pieces of Megatech Automotive Trainers to support the Automotive Training they provide. Again, well done to the management and staff in both areas in selecting Hampden and Megatech trainers to assist with their training programs."
Some other tidbits:
"Remarks by Mcc Chief of Staff Steven M. Kaufmann Marking the Completion of El Salvador's Mcc Compact
States News Service; October 10, 2012; 700+ words ...000 households to the electricity grid; * 81,700 residents are benefiting from small bridges and rural roads; * a new Megatech vocational training school was constructed; and * an additional 20 technical high schools have been remodeled and equipped..."
They re-upped their trademark in 2012
Appreciate the time e-ore put into the majority of this post: http://investorshub.advfn.com/boards/profilea.aspx?user=141727
12 년 전
Total $
% of Total Vol
12 년 전
FW: Updates?
7:45 AM
Reply ?
Dan Hettler
Add to contacts
To adamsywong@hotmail.com
I forwarded this to Vahan Basmajian (CEO), see his response below.
Dan Hettler
Marketing Coordinator
525 Woburn St. Suite 3
Tewksbury, MA 01876
(978) 937-9600, ext. 214
From: Vahan's Mail [mailto:vahan@cox.net]
Sent: Friday, January 11, 2013 10:42 AM
To: Dan Hettler
Subject: Re: Updates
Hi All,
Financials for the calendar year 2012 will be available in couple of months.
Thanks for the interest
From: Adam Wong [mailto:adamsywong@hotmail.com]
Sent: Thursday, January 10, 2013 10:03 PM
To: info@megatechcorp.com
Subject: Updates
I am currently an investor in your company. I was wondering if you are planning to update investors with a press release or filings in the near future?