2 년 전
Let's hope our Verdant CEO with his new company cuts a deal! This is what they say they do. SMI Corporation..
Services available from SMI Group Consulting’s for enterprises of all sizes and stages of development, include, among others:
Strategy, including business growth, acquisitions, customer acquisition and retention, digital, and technology optimization and identifying strategic alliances. Other units of SMI Group are available to source, structure, negotiate and conclude business combinations and similar transactions.
Sales and Marketing, including analysis and improvement of customer experience and pricing models, using AI-enabled support.
Operations, including, among other disciplines, budgeting, operations and working capital management, and optimizing the use of technology.
Transformation, including evolving the organization to meet tomorrow’s needs, recruitment and retention of employees, cultural issues and integration of acquisitions.
Business Intelligence, including executive information and advisory services, CIO dashboards and advanced analytics.
Turnaround, including cost reductions, organizational transformation and business alliances. Other units of SMI Group are available to provide sophisticated financial advice.
2 년 전
Yeah, and it's because British Volt was saved by an Australian company. That's why the bid is back up!
The platform now operates as an important channel to market for innovative software solutions developed by other Scale Facilitation® portfolio companies.
Green Energy
Generating our green future, Recharge Industries™ is establishing onshore battery research and production.
Using world-leading artificial intelligence (AI) and multinational research partnerships, Recharge Industries™ is finding ways to make batteries better, safer, and longer lasting.
Recharge Industries™ is powering the transition to a low emissions future by creating advanced battery manufacturing capabilities on shore.
2 년 전
The British Volt deal is dead. There still is a chance that Enersys is the guarantor to the bankruptcy and now will have to deal with this situation ... Let us see what happens next!
Due to circumstances outside the control of Monbat AD, the transaction with Britishvolt was not finalized within the planned timeframe. The management of Monbat AD has promptly undertaken a plan to alternatively secure funds for the payment. The expectation was that by the maturity date the necessary funds would be available. Unfortunately, the short time for reaction reflects on the ability of Monbat AD to make the principal payment due on 20 January 2023 in a timely manner.
The quarterly reports pursuant to Article 100b (8) of the Public Offering of Securities Act (POSA) on compliance with the terms of the bond loan indicate that a substantial part of the proceeds from the bond issue were used to acquire shares in the capital of the entity Monbat Holding Germany GmbH, in the balance sheet of which the lithium-ion division of the Monbat Group is consolidated. On 28.05.2022 Monbat AD announces its intention to sell the shares in the capital of Monbat Holding GmbH to Britishvolt, a pioneer in the battery industry whose activities focus on the development of next-generation lithium-ion battery technologies and related research and solutions. The value of the transaction for the shares of Monbat Holding GmbH is EUR 36 million and includes two components - a cash payment and the acquisition of ordinary shares from a subsequent capital increase of Britishvolt. The expected cash portion to be received by Monbat AD from the transaction significantly exceeds the amount of the obligation for the first principal payment of the convertible bond issue. For this reason, the intention of the management of Monbat AD was to use the cash from the Britishvolt transaction to service this payment.