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Fannie Mae (QB)

Fannie Mae (QB) (FNMAO)

( 1.72% )
업데이트: 00:06:26

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2.00 52주 범위 7.995
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평균 볼륨(3m)
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US$ 78,578

FNMAO 최신 뉴스

Free Real-Time Level 2 Quotes Available in Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac at

Free Real-Time Level 2 Quotes Available in Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac at PR Newswire NEW YORK, Dec. 5, 2013 NEW YORK, Dec. 5, 2013 /PRNewswire/ -- Investors and traders in Fannie...

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FNMAO Discussion

게시물 보기
jcromeenes jcromeenes 2 분 전
Really? 1 hour left in the trading day and we have yet to hit 1M shares traded.
Guido2 Guido2 1 시간 전
Why don’t you tell the public how ACA was funded? Only COWARDS hide behind Executive Privilege. Why don’t you want the records read in court?

Above is my response to a former President on Facebook.
👍️ 4
TightCoil TightCoil 2 시간 전
Hang on, Forks, she's gettin' ready to Launch Big Time!
🌩️ 1 👍️ 4 🥱 1
wingnutt01 wingnutt01 2 시간 전
Given"ALL" of the upgrades that have occurred over the past 16 years, it only stands to reason
that the staff would be twice the size. You know, COVID and all, Not going to the office, not actually
performing a real work task, just having that title is sufficient when you were (Placed) in the position
for No reason that you would care to talk about or have to defend.
DaJester DaJester 2 시간 전
I haven't seen the clip, but wouldn't surprise me. The big deception was that they needed aid to begin with after passing all the stress tests. Now it's just assumed that they did need the original bailout, and that the actions of FHFA/Treasury since then were "helpful"... Clearly not the case to anyone paying attention. Also clear from the jury decision.

If the question the reporters are asking is how many billions need/should to go to taxpayers to release the companies, they should be reporting on how much the taxpayer has already reaped over the past 16 years. I haven't seen much of that reporting at all.
👍️ 4
ewtrader ewtrader 3 시간 전
Appears Andrew Ross Sorkin on Squawk Box with CNBC per his recent report he doesn’t fully understand the situation of the conservatorship. Nor that these companies mission is not to be profitable for the government per say as that is not the purpose of a conservatorship if it is truly a rescue due to GSE capital concerns as they are public chartered companies. These companies goals are not to be cash cows for off the book gov projects. The conservatorship was not needed. Maybe he he is clueless on the jury trial or facts of any cases so far. Young reporters ….
👍️ 4 🤣 1
skeptic7 skeptic7 3 시간 전
He'd be out of a job? To what "job" are you referring? Don't understand that
Guido2 Guido2 4 시간 전
@VivekGRamaswamy @DineshDSouza

Just check out how many Congressional girlfriends and boyfriends are "employed" by @FHFA . No wonder the Commies won't release @FannieMae & @FreddieMac from the bogus "temporary" conservatorship after over 16 years as they fund FHFA operations.— Guido da Costa Pereira (@GuidoPerei) September 24, 2024
👍️ 6
MRJ25 MRJ25 4 시간 전
I have had KT on ignore for about 5 years.
I only see his comments through responses from other people.
I wish everybody would put him on ignore. He would be out of a job.
👍️ 3 💯 1
Acme Investments Acme Investments 16 시간 전
Same formula guys!! When you least expect it.......Boom!!
👍️ 4
TightCoil TightCoil 18 시간 전
Fannie Mae - All The Way
Freddie Mac - Load Up and Don't Look
Seems like when KThompson is on the board
Our PPS Goes Down and Down and Down and Down
👍️ 1
Viking61 Viking61 20 시간 전
It was just a notice of request of transcript.
jcromeenes jcromeenes 20 시간 전
Let's hope it's not out. If it's out and all we got from it was a daily total volume of 1.2m shares traded and down 2 cents that's awful bad.
👍️ 1
Golfbum22 Golfbum22 21 시간 전
Jury verdict opinion is out? see below post...

can anyone confirm Judge L finally doin his job or not?


Re: RickNagra post# 46341
Friday, September 20, 2024 8:20:05 PM
Post# of 46349 Go
PACER account holder needed. Judge Lame's opinion is on PACER....
TightCoil TightCoil 21 시간 전
FNMA - You know it, I know it, the Whole World knows it:
FNMA will g o up and up, no matter if we're released or not,
FNMA is a good stock to buy and hold
Strong Buy - Strong Hold
🌩️ 1 👍️ 3
jog49 jog49 22 시간 전
I think in the beginning the instigators didn't realize they could steal and not be accountable so easily. Once they did, Katie bar the door!
👍️ 4
jog49 jog49 23 시간 전
"just when you think somebody knows sumthin, nutin honey, including and especially KTCarneyCanival Crowd who taints everything so u can only see that perspective in the fog, all BS facts out of context that dont mean a damn thing. (they are getting smaller and smaller as they dumped preferreds) so goes the GES extended saga."

As the old saying goes "don't nobody know squat!" And with nobody knowing squat, no squat is going to happen. We remain in limbo for the foreseeable future. Fannie, Freddie and the Invisible Man have much in common.
👍️ 1
RickNagra RickNagra 23 시간 전
Oh wow. Sherwin Williams strikes again end of day one second before the close.
Guido2 Guido2 1 일 전
Any different from @FHFA seizing @FannieMae & @FreddieMac 16 years ago on the pretext of "temporary" conservatorship and sending $301 billion of their equity to @USTreasury for pet projects not funded through Congress?

If USA isn't a 🍌REPUBLIC...

FREE FREDDIE!— Guido da Costa Pereira (@GuidoPerei) September 23, 2024
👍️ 1
jcromeenes jcromeenes 1 일 전
And I wish that was because Freddie jumped up but the reality is that Fannie dropped more.
trunkmonk trunkmonk 1 일 전
just when you think somebody knows sumthin, nutin honey, including and especially KTCarneyCanival Crowd who taints everything so u can only see that perspective in the fog, all BS facts out of context that dont mean a damn thing. (they are getting smaller and smaller as they dumped preferreds) so goes the GES extended saga.
👍️ 2
RickNagra RickNagra 1 일 전
Delta is now 2 cents. That’s just my 2 cents worth.
😃 1
Guido2 Guido2 1 일 전
Thanks DaJester for combating the commie propaganda that (in this bastion of democracy) individuals aren't entitled to their property rights.
👍️ 2 😆 1
DaJester DaJester 1 일 전
Did you miss the part about "Deem seniors paid?" You aren't going to school him on the illegality as evidenced by a book quote?

Or it's "reasonable numbers" when he projects it, but not when others think the seniors will be deemed paid? Hypocrite.
👍️ 2 💯 1
DaJester DaJester 1 일 전
KThomp mentioned AIG again. Everyone drink!
👍️ 1 😂 1 🤣 2
DaJester DaJester 1 일 전
"Reasonable shareholder expectations for any implied covenant claim over an action after the NWS has to take into account that the NWS itself was in place."

This would ONLY be true if a reasonable shareholder should expect that the NWS:
1.) Is not a breach of the shareholder agreement
2.) Exists in perpetuity, implying a permanent conservatorship

Since neither of those are reasonable nor true, your implication that the shareholders should have zero expectation to share in future financial profits is an incorrect conclusion.
👍️ 4 💯 2
DaJester DaJester 1 일 전
"As to why the commitment fee wasn't charged between the start of conservatorship and the NWS, I don't know."

This is the first time I recall you claiming you don't know something. But I think this is a disingenuous claim. I believe you do know that the commitment fee would be illegal per the Charter Act.
👍️ 2 💯 1
DaJester DaJester 1 일 전
I keep saying I'm not going to repeat myself, but since you keep repeating yourself, I suppose I have no choice.

"The only evidence we have is that Treasury thinks it is illegal. Why would you expect Treasury to do something they think is illegal?"

TREASURY does not "think" anything - FFS. There are over 100K employees there. You can keep talking about "they" as if it's a single person. Unless you know about secret surgeries Mnuchin may have had, you are falsely attributing a stance to the entire US Treasury.

1.) Non-sequitur: an inference or a conclusion that does not follow from the premises. Your premise is that since Calabria quoted a conversation with Mnuchin, therefore the writedown is illegal. You can try to reframe it now, but in the past you have said if "Treasury thinks it's illegal" that is evidence that it is, and DOJ would be giving guidance to Treasury, therefore the position is more valid than my position, which is that it is NOT illegal. Go ahead and try to deny it or change your stance.

2.) False-attribution: Appealing to an irrelevant, unqualified, fabricated or unidentified source in support of an argument, or when a quote is attributed to the wrong person or group. You consistently attribute the quote as if it applies to "Treasury" when Treasury has said no such thing. If you are going to use the quote, be specific with who said it. Do not imply an official department stance nor infer the opinion of 100K employees. Go ahead and refute this: Treasury has NEVER said the SPS writedown is illegal.

3.) Argument from Authority: The argument is based on the idea that if an authority figure in a field makes a statement about that field, it's probably true. However, this can be a logical fallacy and lead to unreliable conclusions if the authority figure is not qualified or the claim is made in a way that's misleading. First, Calabria is not an authority on the legality of the SPS write-down, he is simply recalling a conversation. Second, whomever he spoke with at Treasury may or may not be an authority on the legality of the SPS write-down. Calabria being the former director of the FHFA does not provide any relevant authority for your argument. Go ahead and refute this: The quote in Calabria's book did not come with any legal references that would support the illegality claim.

"Three strikes and you're out. Clearly giving you the list of logical fallacies wasn't enough because you don't seem to understand what any of them actually mean."

Ummm. You may want to read this post again, slowly. Maybe you need to use a lifeline - poll the audience, and see if they are following your understanding of the fallacies or mine.
👍️ 2 💯 1
DaJester DaJester 1 일 전
Welcome back. Glad you are still kickin'... Even if you can't understand my points.
🤣 1
Viking61 Viking61 1 일 전
Robert from yahoo, are you still with us buddy?
Boat Shoes From Yahoo Boat Shoes From Yahoo 1 일 전
Good Morning Warriors! It’s been awhile! Let’s get a WARRIOR headcount.
Give a thumbs up! Hang in there! The BOAT is just getting warmed up!
👍️ 5
stockprofitter stockprofitter 1 일 전
Just because it’s taking time doesn’t mean it’s not happening.

At this point all we have is algorithms.
👍️ 1
nagoya1 nagoya1 1 일 전
In 5 minutes, ….stay tuned…fart, plop plop. Flush.
Sound familiar tight coil and cat
👍️ 1
Wingsjr Wingsjr 1 일 전
Aaaaaaa, it was 2:00 pm Pacific when he posted it. 7:00 pacific is 5 hours. Anyway, nothing was announced so who cares.
👍️ 1
TightCoil TightCoil 2 일 전
No, No, Don't Say That:
Someone tampered with The Algorithm
It wasn't my fault, it was The Algorithm
👍️ 1 🔥 1 ⚡️ 1
TightCoil TightCoil 2 일 전
Sometimes Time Stands Still in TheTwilightZone
👍️ 2
nagoya1 nagoya1 2 일 전
It’s past that time- what news didn’t show up…your bird got the bird. Lol
EternalPatience EternalPatience 2 일 전
Ohh no

What would happen to my shares??
Viking61 Viking61 2 일 전
What is the land speed velocity of a sparrow???
Viking61 Viking61 2 일 전
If I’m taking a six hour flight from East to west then what time will it happen???
RickNagra RickNagra 2 일 전
Oh wow. Thirty five minutes to go. I can hardly wait.

Yes, that would be 10;:15pm
East Coast Time
👍️ 1
RickNagra RickNagra 2 일 전
Oh wow. I was planning to get me some shut eye early tonight but now I will have to stay up for this big news event.

CountDown for Huge Breaking News Story for Sheerholders
Coming at 7:15 pm CA Time - Exactly 5 hours from NOW
👍️ 1
TightCoil TightCoil 2 일 전
Yes, Just imagine a Bird of Paradise landing in your yard, and they're carryiing a basket covered with a golden doily. You're reach to open it and inside is Wealth the likes of which are only in Dreams
👍️ 1
jcromeenes jcromeenes 2 일 전
This is 5 month old news. Here's other news -
👍️ 1
nagoya1 nagoya1 2 일 전
Are you going to give us something to think about before the time....(I won't tell anyone, promise. wink wink)

👍️ 1
TightCoil TightCoil 2 일 전
Yes, that would be 10;:15pm
East Coast Time
👍️ 1
nagoya1 nagoya1 2 일 전
Funny how you of all people, the many times with your incorrect info, would mention that….huh
👍️ 1
CatBirdSeat CatBirdSeat 2 일 전
If Nothing, May Lighting Strike You Twice And Vaporize You To Ashes
⚡️ 1 ⚱️ 1
nagoya1 nagoya1 2 일 전
How is that 5 hours…east coast/west coast 3 hours…
👍️ 2
TightCoil TightCoil 2 일 전
CountDown for Huge Breaking News Story for Sheerholders
Coming at 7:15 pm CA Time - Exactly 5 hours from NOW
👍️ 4 🚀 1 ⚡️ 1 ⚱️ 1

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