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Fannie Mae (QB)

Fannie Mae (QB) (FNMAK)

( -4.62% )
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FNMAK Discussion

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fdicr fdicr 14 분 전
When is Pulte's confirmation? Someone mentioned tomorrow? Thanks in advance
Red Cloud Red Cloud 17 분 전
All Talk.......?

I'd say my comments are more conjecture than idle talk. But here's somebody who matters who is actually talking about releasing Fannie and Freddie:

And then there's this other guy, who although more nuanced is at least speaking publicly about Fannie, Freddie and privatization:

As far as what is demonstrable:

Here's some hard facts for you to sink your teeth into. My shares in FMCC have gone from being in the red to way way way up. I know some other long-term holders on this board can say the same.

Hoping you have a nice position in GSE commons and we"ll all end up happy
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nagoya1 nagoya1 43 분 전
Going to miss her positivity like brain cancer.
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RickNagra RickNagra 44 분 전
Oops I meant 240 million shares.
jcromeenes jcromeenes 51 분 전
240 Billion? That's a rather Trumpian comment! lol.
amelia43 amelia43 1 시간 전
Guess not! Looks like maybe 6 more months, hopefully shorter.
stockprofitter stockprofitter 1 시간 전
I thought American Growth Fund owned $890 Billion?
Huntbeachwhale Huntbeachwhale 1 시간 전
Trump is businessman deal maker. Trump should tell his advisors he wants a $200 common price.

He can extract big cash for govt selling shares at 2 hundy per share.

Pulte confirmation begins the fireworks show.

Buckle Up my friends, grab your popcorn and junior mints.
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RickNagra RickNagra 1 시간 전
Ackman owns 240 billion combined far greater than the American Growth Fund.
stockprofitter stockprofitter 1 시간 전
#commonsense will prevail and the GSEs will be free fully intact
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bobstruths bobstruths 1 시간 전
Nobody is above the law, Treasury and Director of FHFA both broke the HERA Laws from the get go with their agreements ...........UNWIND IT !!!!
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FOFreddie FOFreddie 2 시간 전
Yes - I know jog49 but I believe it is the right thing to do and also the pragmatic thing to do - since I have been holding since May of 2008 - I have been alone in the wilderness many times especially when others have thought a fair outcome for GSE shareholders would be politically impossible. I believe Director Calabria believes he did the right thing at the time and in totality I believe Director Calabria's role with the DJT Administration will increase the likelihood of EXIT. Regarding fairness I have to believe he knows the shareholders were screwed since he was on Senator Shelby's staff when the Senate recap plans were sabotaged by the UST and the NEC in March of 2008 by leaking the Barron's "For your eyes only Memo" .
He was also on Shelby's staff when the GSEs were told to raise billions of JPS while knowing that the NEC Special Advisor to the President said that "shareholders would be wiped " in the For Your Eyes Only Memo . He knows enough about Securities Regulation that this would be considered fraud by omission at the time unwitting shareholders like me paid $ 25 per share for FNMAT on May 2008. So yes - alone in the forest but there is a new sunrise starting to beam through the trees and it is MAGAnifficent!!
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TightCoil TightCoil 2 시간 전
Order of Attack Strategy for Win-Win
1. Re-list
2. Repay Shareholders (Reparations)
3. Release from C-Ship

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stockprofitter stockprofitter 2 시간 전
They will all merge into 1
bobstruths bobstruths 2 시간 전
I have been giving this some thought and think it is critical for the cause of the shareholders:

copied directly from HERA:
[color=red] Page 2665]122 STAT. 2665

(a) In General.--The Federal Housing Enterprises Financial Safety
and Soundness Act of 1992 (12 U.S.C. 4501 et seq.) is amended by
inserting after section 1313 the following:
``(a) In General.--There is established the Federal Housing Finance Oversight Board, which shall advise the Director with respect to overall strategies and policies in carrying out the duties of the Director under this title.
``(b) Limitations.--The Board (of which one member is Treasury) may not exercise any executive authority, and the Director may not delegate to the Board any of the functions, powers, or duties of the Director.
``(c) Composition.--The Board shall be comprised of 4 members, of whom--
``(1) 1 member shall be the Secretary of the Treasury;
``(2) 1 member shall be the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development;
``(3) 1 member shall be the Chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission; and
``(4) 1 member shall be the Director, who shall serve as the
Chairperson of the Board.
This is clear proof that the FHFA Director and the Secretary of the Treasury have broken the laws of HERA. The Director of FHFA is prohibited from transmitting to Treasury any executive authorities like control of payments, and Treasury breaks the laws of HERA when it demands control of any responsibility assigned to the Director of FHFA by HERA.
jog49 jog49 2 시간 전
Socialism is alive and well in the good old U.S. of A. It doesn't need to be suppressed, it needs to be crushed. Unchecked, it will hinder Fannie and Freddie's return to post 1970 business as usual.
jog49 jog49 2 시간 전
"Release, Re-list and Repay. Then we are talking about $300.00 / share. With a cherry on top."

To date . . . . all talk!
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NeoSunTzu NeoSunTzu 2 시간 전
Regardless of what we think the current and past FHFA / UST letter agreements say or allow expect one thing to be certain. If President Trump uses an executive order or any of his administrative powers, through Pulte and Bessent, to end the c'ship and/or release expect the Democrats to judge shop for an injunction and force the issue to higher courts (SCOTUS).

"Judge shopping" virutally guarantees an injunction as there are plenty of O'Biden judges to choose from. They just successfully pulled this on a Trump EO to get a $2B USAID foreign payment to go through - SCOTUS upheld the lower court injunction against Trump's EO power to stop all of these payments.

After witnessing last night's address to Congress and the Democrat Party rebuttal, one thing is certain: they are dug in against any of his policies - especially if they are implemented through EO's or administrative action. Will they win? Who knows. Can they win? Well, they just successfully pulled this off. If they do not like what they see in the action, or if they are cut out of the process expect them to nose their way in through the courts. It's how they operate. If nothing else the delay is a way to claim victory with their base, fill the media with more nonsense, and thumb their nose at Trump and main street shareholders.
stockprofitter stockprofitter 2 시간 전
Fannie Mae flat today
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Red Cloud Red Cloud 3 시간 전
Thanks Viking....
Thought there might be more to this. I'm still hoping that the Trump family has taken a massive position in the GSE's and would then structure the Release and Re-list in the most favorable conditions possible. Release, Re-list and Repay. Then we are talking about $300.00 / share. With a cherry on top.
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jog49 jog49 3 시간 전
Essentially, you are all alone in the wilderness.
Viking61 Viking61 3 시간 전
Red, it was a try to get all small businesses to disclose their beneficial ownership In a personal corporation. This was attempted under the Biden administration under the guise of finding money laundering. It was a terrible idea for the Mom and Pop small corporations.
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FOFreddie FOFreddie 3 시간 전
Personally I think Director Calabria did a good job. It is my impression that he knew that we needed high capital requirments to deal with the political push back from EXIT and that he would have managed an EXIT before meeting the ERCF with a Consent Decree and retained earnings to build capital post EXIT. It is great that he is in the DJT II Admin.
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Red Cloud Red Cloud 3 시간 전
What's your opinion...?

Yes, no, maybe.....nothing burger.....super-size value meal....?
stockprofitter stockprofitter 3 시간 전
Good. American growth fund passed Billy boy now with 150 million common Fannie / Freddie combined, something around that number.
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tzebedee tzebedee 3 시간 전
Awesome! Good to hear from him
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tzebedee tzebedee 3 시간 전
Haha no no.. I'm good i guess
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jog49 jog49 3 시간 전
"If he makes it thru committee does anyone believe that will ignite the Stock price? Quite honestly feel very negatively convex on this one. Say again, stock price action across the whole GSE complex telling me something changed and I have no idea what."

I'm in your camp. Something is wrong here but I can't get my finger to point.
stockprofitter stockprofitter 3 시간 전
Bessent on X - TAD benefits FnF bigtime!!

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stockprofitter stockprofitter 3 시간 전
120,000,000 Common shares of Fannie Mae

Anything else you need?
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tzebedee tzebedee 3 시간 전
Anything from Bill Ackman?
For real? You think this has any semblance of relevance to GSEs?
stockprofitter stockprofitter 3 시간 전
This is for shell companies, does not apply.
Red Cloud Red Cloud 3 시간 전
Anyone comment on this story....?

Seems as if people or persons who might be influential or possibly have a personal financial interest in Release and Re-List might no longer be obligated to disclose their positions.
If I have this right, great news and interesting timing
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TightCoil TightCoil 3 시간 전
Fannie Mae - All The Way
Imminent Buying Frenzy
Beat 'em to the Punch - Put some of these hotcakes on YOUR plate now
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JSmith5 JSmith5 4 시간 전
I don't think it will follow that pattern, we're in for an interesting ride.

Definitely will be interesting. But I think the exit itself and even the SWF are on well trodden ground - the SWF if not for the US, then other countries. Its going to be a cut and paste from something. Its just in their DNA. Just what they cut and paste from is the issue.

Angelmin Angelmin 4 시간 전
100% sure he will get the job.
If he makes it thru committee does anyone believe that will ignite the Stock price? Quite honestly feel very negatively convex on this one. Say again, stock price action across the whole GSE complex telling me something changed and I have no idea what.
DCBill DCBill 4 시간 전
I think he makes it!
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stockprofitter stockprofitter 4 시간 전
stockprofitter stockprofitter 4 시간 전
This is the Golden Age - I am expecting $500 / share.
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DaJester DaJester 4 시간 전
We should sticky this for the links!
2latefortears 2latefortears 4 시간 전
Yes, Patswil's $325/share. 🙂
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Donotunderstand Donotunderstand 4 시간 전
I do not view this as a tug of war between the FED and White House

Within relative bounds EVERYONE wants the lower interest rates that help investment - consumers - and people buying houses. That is true for the FED as well as EVERY politician (non partisan) . And politicians say they hate inflation

But politicians continue to put upward pressure on rising inflation - non partisan or BI partisan. (So - do politicians (bi partisan) say one thing and do another - i suggest yes)

Upward pressure on inflation continues from political actions. Debt financed spending like Biden Anti Covid Stimulus puts upward pressure on inflation. Debt financed tax cuts like Trump 4.5T tax cut for the 2% puts upward pressure on inflation. ion. So summary = politicians want low inflation but help cause high inflation (unfunded tax cuts are the same as unfunded spending - deficit spending is deficit spending)

FED - while imperfect is trying to fight inflation with the one big tool it has - raising ST interest rates. To stay recent - neither Biden nor Trump focus on fighting inflation with more than words and promises

FED - it seems DID tame the 9% inflation mid Biden term to just under 3% by raising interest rates - as is their JOB.

Right now there are cross currents on inflation - not the least of which is how high and long tariff taxes kick up prices - if at all.

So the tug of war is not between the FED and WH - but between those who focus on inflation and want to fight it and those that want to cut 4.5Trillion from GOV income (or spend and spend as noted). If inflation comes down from FED actions and any help from
the WH - the FED will not be fighting the WH one bit
Patswil Patswil 4 시간 전
THE COMMITTEE ON BANKING, HOUSING, AND URBAN AFFAIRS will meet in EXECUTIVE SESSION--Thursday, March 6, 2025 TIME:11:00 AM-- to Vote on the following nominations: Mr. William Pulte, to be Director, Federal Housing Finance Agency
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DaJester DaJester 4 시간 전
The old saying goes: Expect the Unexpected... But does anyone know how to do this? Does anyone have a model that assumes a significant possibility that none of their known "probabilities" will actually come to fruition?

I always give a 50% or greater probability that I'm wrong. It's like including a bet on the "field" rather than a specific outcome.
DaJester DaJester 5 시간 전
I have never, NEVER, NEVER, seen or heard of a consultant who deals with the Government that had an original thought.

That's certainly the norm in many cases. But I would argue that the GSEs have defied this norm. The initial terms with the SPS that can't be paid down as the entities return to profitability, followed by the Net Worth Swipe, and finally a "win" for shareholders that solidifies that the GSEs breached their side of the shareholder agreement by intentionally thwarting the shareholders. There are plenty of unprecedented examples for the GSEs.

Because they entered their situation differently, I believe the exit will also incorporate new methods not seen before. For example, the Sovereign Wealth Fund comes to mind. The ability to predict what has happened (before it happened) and what will happen is far more challenging that most are wanting to admit. They just want to slap a 20 year old model on the current situation and call it a day. I don't think it will follow that pattern, we're in for an interesting ride.
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JSmith5 JSmith5 5 시간 전

Thanks Rodney5!

JSmith5 JSmith5 5 시간 전
We have covered these many times; it is not the courts' fault...
Again, the plaintiffs' brought the wrong lawsuits.

Thanks Rodney - You are right. As I said, the law is on our side.

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Possum336 Possum336 5 시간 전
The FED will win this one because the markets dictate that action. Lean times = Low rates but that also comes with inability to pay. No independent FED means no impact on rampant inflation. Hello Venezuela.

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