The main role of the Companys Board of Directors is management oversight and the purpose of the Board
of Directors of the Company is to strive for the Companys sustainable growth and maximization of corporate value over the mid to long-term. The Board of Directors, in addition to ensuring the fairness and transparency of the management,
determines the Fundamental Management Policy, and appointments of Executive Officers that manage the Company such as the Group CEO and important business execution decisions are made based on such policy.
The Board of Directors of the Company, to enable active discussion from diversified perspectives, consists of members with diversity, such as in gender,
internationality, and professional background, and with expertise in areas such as corporate management, international business, the financial industry, accounting/finance, legal systems/regulation, internal controls including risk management,
digital (IT) such as blockchain technology, and sustainability. Further, for the appropriate exercise of the Board of Directors management oversight function, there is a general rule that the majority of the Board of Directors must be Outside
Eight out of the current twelve Directors of the Companys Board of Directors are Outside Directors, and out of the eight Outside
Directors, there is a diverse composition of four non-Japanese Directors and three female Directors. In particular, as a result of the expansion of the U.S. business, Directors with an extensive understanding
of the U.S. financial industry, macro economy, and regulatory environment have been appointed. Further, in consideration of factors including the geographical distribution of Directors, in addition to the appointment of a Director well-versed in
finance from Asia, in view of the importance of the managerial knowledge of Japanese companies that engage in global business development, a Director who is a domestic executive has been appointed.
The Board of Directors is chaired by a Director who is not concurrently serving as an Executive Officer, allowing the Board of Directors to concentrate on
overseeing the business conducted by the Executive Officers. Further, with respect to each of the Nomination/Audit/Compensation/Board Risk committees, by having Outside Directors serve as the chair, independence from the management has been made
even clearer.
A summary of the Board of Directors and each Committee is as set out below.
Aiming for transparent management under oversight with an emphasis on external perspective, the Companys Board of Directors is comprised of twelve
members: Koji Nagai, Kentaro Okuda, Tomoyuki Teraguchi, Shoji Ogawa, Kazuhiko Ishimura, Takahisa Takahara, Noriaki Shimazaki, Mari Sono, Laura Simone Unger, Victor Chu, J. Christopher Giancarlo and Patricia Mosser (including 8 Outside Directors).
The Outside Directors, by applying their extensive experience and comprehensive knowledge, and through their activities at the Board of Directors and each of the Nomination, Audit, Compensation and Board Risk Committees, monitor management decisions
on significant issues and business execution.
At meetings of the Board of Directors, activities such as the adoption of resolutions concerning matters
such as financial results and budgets, reporting of the business environment and business execution of each division, and discussions regarding management strategies are carried out. Concerning information such as details about the number of times a
meeting of the Board of Directors was held, the number of times that each director attended and summaries of discussions, please refer to the Companys website or the section entitled Reference Materials for the General Meeting of
Shareholders in the Notice of Convocation of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders.
This Committee is a statutory organ which determines the details of any proposals concerning the election and dismissal of Directors to be submitted to general
meetings of shareholders. The three members of the Committee are elected by the Board of Directors. As for the Committees decisions, fixed nomination standards such as character/knowledge, corporate management experience, and expertise are
established, and they are carried out based on such standards. In addition, the Committee establishes Independence Criteria for Outside Directors to maintain their independence from Nomura Group. The current members of this Committee are: Outside
Directors Kazuhiko Ishimura, Takahisa Takahara and Koji Nagai, a Director not concurrently serving as an Executive Officer. This Committee is chaired by Kazuhiko Ishimura.
In addition, the Nomination Committee supervises discussions of a nature sought by the Group CEO based on factors such as the management environment and the
succession plan which includes matters such as the business execution structure incorporating the point of view of successor development. Concerning information such as the number of times a meeting of the Committee was held and the status of
attendance of each member, please refer to the Reference Materials for the General Meeting of Shareholders in the Notice of Convocation of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders.
This Committee is a statutory organ which (i) audits the execution by the Directors and Executive Officers of their duties and the preparation of audit
reports and (ii) determines the details of proposals concerning the election, dismissal, and non-reappointment of the accounting auditors to be submitted to general meetings of shareholders. The four
members of the Committee are elected by the Board of Directors. The current members of the Committee are: Outside Directors Noriaki Shimazaki Mari Sono and Victor Chu, and Shoji Ogawa, a Director not concurrently serving as an Executive Officer and
a full-time member of the Audit Committee. This Committee is chaired by Noriaki Shimazaki. All members satisfy requirements for independent directors as defined in the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, and Noriaki Shimazaki is a Financial Expert under
this Act and has comprehensive knowledge in the areas of finance and accounting. Concerning information such as the status of Audit Committee audits, please refer to the section entitled 4. Status of Corporate Governance and Other
(3) Status of audit in the Form 6-K English translation of certain items disclosed in the Annual Securities Report pursuant to the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act.