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Jefferies Financial Group Inc. Announces Quarterly Dividend Jefferies Financial Group Inc. (NYSE:JEF), formerly known as Leucadia National...
Leucadia National Corporation (NYSE: LUK), in anticipation of discussing these matters at tomorrow’s annual meeting, announced today that it...
Among eight other finalists in the competition, M Science triumphs in the Finding Alpha Through Alternative Data category M Science, the...
Leucadia National Corporation (NYSE:LUK) today announced its financial results for the three month period ended March 31, 2018. Consistent...
LONDON and NEW YORK, April 23, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- FXCM Group, LLC (“FXCM Group” or “FXCM”), a...
CloudMargin Attracts New US$10 Million Round of Investment Led by Leucadia National Corporation, IHS...
Leucadia National Corporation to Sell 48% of National Beef to Marfrig Global Foods S.A. at a $2.3 Billion Enterprise Valuation, Reducing...
Jefferies Group LLC today announced financial results for its fiscal first quarter 2018. Highlights for the three months ended February...
New data offering expands dataset and enables clients to view global semiconductor component trends in near real time M Science, the leader...
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