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First Potomac Realty Trust (NYSE:FPO) (“First Potomac” or the “Company”) today announced that, at a special meeting held earlier today, First...
First Potomac Realty Trust Announces Special Meeting of Shareholders to Vote on Merger with Government...
SHAREHOLDER ALERT: Monteverde & Associates PC Announces An Investigation Of First Potomac Realty Trust...
First Potomac Realty Trust Reports Second Quarter 2017 Results First Potomac Realty Trust to be Acquired by...
WEISSLAW LLP: First Potomac Realty Trust Acquisition May Not Be in the Best Interests of FPO Shareholders PR Newswire NEW YORK, June 29, 2017 NEW...
Harwood Feffer LLP Announces Investigation of First Potomac Realty Trust PR Newswire NEW YORK, June 28, 2017...
Transaction Follows Thorough Review Process by First Potomac Board and Management to Maximize Shareholder Value First Potomac...
First Potomac Realty Trust Reports First Quarter 2017 Results Completed Sales of One Fair Oaks, Plaza 500, Aviation Business Park and Rivers Park...
First Potomac Realty Trust Sets Dates For First Quarter Earnings Release And Conference Call PR Newswire BETHESDA, Md., April 6, 2017 BETHESDA...
First Potomac Realty Trust Sells Two Joint Venture Assets For $59.5 Million Proceeds from the Sale Were Utilized to Pay Off Existing Debt PR...
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