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Element Solutions Inc (NYSE:ESI) (“Element Solutions”), a global and diversified specialty chemical technology company, today announced the close...
Net sales of $2.46 billion, an increase of 5% on a reported basis or 4% on an organic basis from 2023 Reported net income of $245 million...
Element Solutions Inc (NYSE: ESI) announced today that its board has declared a quarterly cash dividend of $0.08 per share of the company's...
Element Solutions Inc (NYSE:ESI) ("Element Solutions") announced today that it intends to release its 2024 fourth quarter and full year financial...
(ビジネスワイヤ) -- 規制関連ニュース: 本プレスリリースではマルチメディアを使用しています。リリースの全文はこちらをご覧ください。:https://www...
Die ESI Group (Paris:ESI) und das China Automotive Engineering Research Institute Co. Ltd. (CAERI) haben eine Partnerschaft ins Leben gerufen, um...
Regulatory News: Ce communiqué de presse contient des éléments multimédias. Voir le communiqué complet ici :
Element Solutions Inc (NYSE:ESI) announced today that Benjamin Gliklich, Chief Executive Officer, will participate in a fireside chat at the UBS...
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