For the fiscal year ended March 31, 2022






For the transition period from                            to                           






Date of event requiring this shell company report


Commission file number: 333-230170


Happiness Development Group Limited

(Exact name of Registrant as specified in its charter)



(Translation of the Registrant’s name into English)


Cayman Islands

(Jurisdiction of incorporation or organization)


No. 11, Dongjiao East Road, Shuangxi, Shunchang, Nanping City

Fujian Province, People’s Republic of China

(Address of principal executive offices)


Xuezhu Wang, Chief Executive Officer

Telephone: +86-0599-782-8808

No. 11, Dongjiao East Road, Shuangxi, Shunchang, Nanping City

Fujian Province, People’s Republic of China

(Name, Telephone, E-mail and/or Facsimile number and Address of Company Contact Person)


* Securities registered or to be registered pursuant to Section 12(b) of the Act:


Title of Each Class   Trading Symbol  

Name of Each Exchange On Which


Class A ordinary shares, par value US$0.0005 per share   HAPP   NASDAQ Capital Market


Securities registered or to be registered pursuant to Section 12(g) of the Act:



(Title of Class)


Securities for which there is a reporting obligation pursuant to Section 15(d) of the Act:



(Title of Class) 


The number of outstanding shares of each of the issuer’s classes of capital or common stock as of August 15, 2022  were 66,854,583 Class A ordinary shares, par value $0.0005 per share and 12,245,100 Class B ordinary shares, par value $0.0005 per share.




Indicate by check mark if the registrant is a well-known seasoned issuer, as defined in Rule 405 of the Securities Act.


Yes ☐ No ☒


If this report is an annual or transition report, indicate by check mark if the registrant is not required to file reports pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934.


Yes ☐ No ☒


Indicate by check mark whether the registrant (1) has filed all reports required to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 during the preceding 12 months (or for such shorter period that the registrant was required to file such reports), and (2) has been subject to such filing requirements for the past 90 days.


Yes ☒ No ☐


Indicate by check mark whether the registrant has submitted electronically every Interactive Data File required to be submitted pursuant to Rule 405 of Regulation S-T (§232.405 of this chapter) during the preceding 12 months (or for such shorter period that the registrant was required to submit such files).


Yes ☒ No ☐


Indicate by check mark whether the registrant is a large accelerated filer, an accelerated filer, or a non-accelerated filer. See definition of “accelerated filer and large accelerated filer” in Rule 12b-2 of the Exchange Act.


Large accelerated filer ☐ Accelerated filer ☐ Non-accelerated filer ☒ Emerging growth company ☒


If an emerging growth company that prepares its financial statements in accordance with U.S. GAAP, indicate by check mark if the registrant has elected not to use the extended transition period for complying with any new or revised financial accounting standards† provided pursuant to Section 13(a) of the Exchange Act. 


Indicate by check mark whether the registrant has filed a report on and attestation to its management’s assessment of the effectiveness of its internal control over financial reporting under Section 404(b) of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act (15 U.S.C. 7262(b)) by the registered public accounting firm that prepared or issued its audit report.


Indicate by check mark which basis of accounting the registrant has used to prepare the financial statements included in this filing:



International Financial Reporting Standards as issued by the

International Accounting Standards Board



If “Other” has been checked in response to the previous question, indicate by check mark which financial statement item the registrant has elected to follow: Item 17 ☐ Item 18 ☐


If this is an annual report, indicate by check mark whether the registrant is a shell company (as defined in Rule 12b-2 of the Exchange Act). Yes  No ☒















Unless otherwise indicated or the context otherwise requires in this annual report:


  “China” or the “PRC” refers to the People’s Republic of China, excluding, for the purposes of this annual report only, Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan;


  “Fujian Happiness” is to Fujian Happiness Biotech Co., Limited, a limited liability company organized under the laws of the PRC and a wholly-owned subsidiary of Happiness Nanping;


  “Shunchang Happiness” is to Shunchang Happiness Nutraceutical Co., Ltd, a 100% subsidiary of “Fujian Happiness”;


  “HAPP,” “Happiness Development,” “we,” “us,” “our company” and “our” refer to Happiness Development Group Limited (formerly known as “Happiness Biotech Group Limited”), an exempted company registered in the Cayman Islands with limited liability, and its subsidiaries and its consolidated variable interest entities, and, in the context of describing our operations and combined and consolidated financial information, also include its affiliated entity and its subsidiaries;


  “Happiness Hong Kong” refers to Happiness Biology Technology Group Limited, a Hong Kong limited liability company organized under the laws of Hong Kong and a wholly-owned subsidiary of Happiness Development;


  “Happiness Nanping” refers to Happiness (Nanping) Biotech Co., Limited, a limited liability company organized under the laws of the PRC and a wholly-owned subsidiary of Happiness Hong Kong;
  “Happy Buy” refers to Happy Buy (Fujian) Internet Technology Co., Limited, a limited liability company organized under the laws of the PRC and a wholly-owned subsidiary of Happiness Nanping;


  “RMB” and “Renminbi” refer to the legal currency of China;


  “Shares,” “shares,” or “ordinary shares” refers to the ordinary shares, par value $0.0005, of Happiness Development; and
  “Taochejun,” refers Taochejun (Fujian) Auto Sales Co., Limited., a 51% subsidiary controlled by Happiness Nanping; and


  “US$,” “U.S. dollars,” “$” and “dollars” refer to the legal currency of the United States.







This annual report on Form 20-F contains forward-looking statements that reflect our current expectations and views of future events. These statements are made under the “safe harbor” provisions of the U.S. Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. You can identify these forward-looking statements by terminology such as “may,” “will,” “expect,” “anticipate,” “aim,” “estimate,” “intend,” “plan,” “believe,” “is/are likely to,” “potential,” “continue” or other similar expressions. We have based these forward-looking statements largely on our current expectations and projections about future events and financial trends that we believe may affect our financial condition, results of operations, business strategy and financial needs. These forward-looking statements include, but are not limited to:


  the adverse effects of the COVID-19 outbreak on our business or the market price of our ordinary shares;


  our goals and strategies;


  our future business development, financial condition and results of operations;


  our expectations regarding the market for our concrete products;


  our expectations regarding demand for and market acceptance of our nutraceutical and dietary supplements products;


  our plans to establish partnerships and develop new businesses;


  our plans to invest in our business;


  our relationships with our partners;


  our future business development, results of operations and financial condition;


  market conditions affecting our equity capital;


  change in macroeconomic conditions;


  competition in our industry; and


  relevant government policies and regulations relating to our industry.


We would like to caution you not to place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements and you should read these statements in conjunction with the risk factors disclosed in “Item 3. Key Information—D. Key Information—Risk Factors.” Those risks are not exhaustive. We operate in an evolving environment. New risks emerge from time to time and it is impossible for our management to predict all risk factors, nor can we assess the impact of all factors on our business or the extent to which any factor, or combination of factors, may cause actual results to differ from those contained in any forward-looking statement. We do not undertake any obligation to update or revise the forward-looking statements except as required under applicable law. You should read this annual report and the documents that we reference in this annual report completely and with the understanding that our actual future results may be materially different from what we expect.









Not applicable.




Not applicable.




A. [Reserved]


B. Capitalization and indebtedness.


Not applicable.


C. Reasons for the offer and use of proceeds.


Not applicable.


D. Risk factors.


An investment in our ordinary shares involves a high degree of risk. You should carefully consider the risks and uncertainties described below together with all other information contained in this annual report, including the matters discussed under the headings “Forward-Looking Statements” and “Operating and Financial Review and Prospects” before you decide to invest in our ordinary shares. We are a holding company with substantial operations in China and are subject to a legal and regulatory environment that in many respects differs from the United States. If any of the following risks, or any other risks and uncertainties that are not presently foreseeable to us, actually occur, our business, financial condition, results of operations, liquidity and our future growth prospects could be materially and adversely affected. 





Summary of Risk Factors


Investing in our company involves significant risks. You should carefully consider all of the information in this annual report before making an investment in our company. These risks include but not limited to the following:


Risk factors relating to our business include but not limited to the following:


We face risks related to nature disasters (whether or not caused by climate change), unusually adverse weather conditions, pandemic outbreaks, in particular, the current coronavirus pandemic, terrorist acts and global political events. See more detailed discussion of this risk factor on page 5 of this annual report.


Our failure to compete effectively could adversely affect our market share, revenues and growth prospects. See more detailed discussion of this risk factor on page 6 of this annual report.


Any disruption in the supply chain of suppliers for and our dietary supplement products and our e-commerce solutions services could adversely impact our ability to produce products and deliver services. See more detailed discussion of this risk factor on page 7 of this annual report.


We are dependent on certain key personnel and loss of these key personnel could have a material adverse effect on our business, financial condition and results of operations. See more detailed discussion of this risk factor on page 7 of this annual report.


If we fail to increase our brands’ recognition, we may face difficulty in obtaining new customers. See more detailed discussion of this risk factor on page 7 of this annual report.


If we are unable to provide superior user experience, we may not be able to maintain or grow our user base or keep our users highly engaged. See more detailed discussion of this risk factor on page 7 of this annual report.


If we fail to renew our Food Production License and registration of our nutraceutical and dietary supplements products, we may receive fines or even sanctions which may prohibit us from production. See more detailed discussion of this risk factor on page 8 of this annual report.


Developments in China’s automotive industry will impact our automobile sales business’s net revenues and future growth, including government regulations and policies. See more detailed discussion of this risk factor on page 9 of this annual report.


Risk factors relating to doing business in China include but not limited to the following:


  Although the audit report included in this annual report is prepared by an auditor who are currently inspected by the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (the “PCAOB”), there is no guarantee that future audit reports will be prepared by auditors inspected by the PCAOB and, as such, in the future investors may be deprived of the benefits of such inspection. Furthermore, trading in our securities may be prohibited under the Holding Foreign Companies Accountable Act (the “HFCA Act”) if the SEC subsequently determines our audit work is performed by auditors that the PCAOB is unable to inspect or investigate completely, and as a result, U.S. national securities exchanges, such as Nasdaq, may determine to delist our securities. Furthermore, on June 22, 2021, the U.S. Senate passed the Accelerating Holding Foreign Companies Accountable Act, which, if enacted, would amend the HFCA Act and require the SEC to prohibit an issuer’s securities from trading on any U.S. stock exchanges if its auditor is not subject to PCAOB inspections for two consecutive years instead of three. See more detailed discussion of this risk factor on page 11 of this annual report.
  Our business is subject to certain PRC laws and regulations. There are uncertainties regarding the interpretation and enforcement of PRC laws, rules and regulations. The uncertainty in the PRC legal system may make it difficult for us to predict the outcome of any disputes that we may be involved in. See more detailed discussion of this risk factor on page 12 of this annual report.





  In light of recent events indicating greater oversight by the Cyberspace Administration of China, or CAC, over data security, we are subject to a variety of laws and other obligations regarding cybersecurity and data protection, and any failure to comply with applicable laws and obligations could have a material and adverse effect on our business, our listing on Nasdaq, financial condition and results of operations. See more detailed discussion of this risk factor on page 13 of this annual report.
  The approval of the China Securities Regulatory Commission, or the CSRC, may be required in connection with an offering under PRC rules, regulations, or policies, and, if required, we cannot predict whether or how soon we will be able to obtain such approval. As a result, both you and us fact uncertainty about future actions by the PRC government that could significantly affect our business, our listing on Nasdaq, financial condition and results of operations. See more detailed discussion of this risk factor on page 14 of this annual report.
  The PRC government has significant authority to intervene or influence the China operations of an offshore holding company, such as ours, at any time. The PRC government may exert more control over offerings conducted overseas and/or foreign investment in China-based issuers. If the PRC government exerts more oversight and control over offerings that are conducted overseas and/or foreign investment in China-based issuers and we were to be subject to such oversight and control, it may result in a material adverse change to our business operations, significantly limit or completely hinder our ability to offer or continue to offer securities to investors, and cause the ordinary shares to significantly decline in value or become worthless. See more detailed discussion of this risk factor on page 15 of this annual report.


  Our subsidiaries, main operations and assets are located in the PRC. Shareholders may not be accorded the same rights and protection that would be accorded under the US law. In addition, it would be difficult to enforce a U.S. judgment against our PRC subsidiaries and our officers and directors. See more detailed discussion of this risk factor on page 12 of this annual report.


  It may be difficult for overseas shareholders and/or regulators to conduct investigation or collect evidence within China. See more detailed discussion of this risk factor on page 16 of this annual report.


  Our results and financial conditions are highly susceptible to changes in the PRC’s political, economic and social conditions as our revenue is currently wholly derived from our operations in the PRC. See more detailed discussion of this risk factor on page 17 of this annual report.


  PRC regulations relating to the establishment of offshore special purpose companies by PRC residents may subject our PRC resident beneficial owners or our PRC subsidiary to liability or penalties, limit our ability to inject capital into our PRC subsidiary, limit our PRC subsidiary’s ability to increase their registered capital or distribute profits to us, or may otherwise adversely affect us. See more detailed discussion of this risk factor on page 16 of this annual report.


  PRC regulation of loans and direct investment by offshore holding companies to PRC entities may delay or prevent us from using the proceeds from the offerings of any securities to make loans or additional capital contributions to our PRC operating subsidiaries. See more detailed discussion of this risk factor on page 19 of this annual report.





  Uncertainty in the interpretation of PRC tax regulations may have a negative impact on our business operations, our acquisition or restructuring strategy or the value of our investment in it. See more detailed discussion of this risk factor on page 18 of this annual report.


  Currency fluctuations and restrictions on currency exchange may adversely affect our business, including limiting our ability to convert RMB into foreign currencies and, if RMB were to decline in value, reducing our revenues and profits in U.S. dollar terms. See more detailed discussion of this risk factor on page 19 of this annual report.


  We are subject to the risks relating to the restrictions on paying dividends or making other payments to us by our subsidiaries in China. See more detailed discussion of this risk factor on page 20 of this annual report.


Risk factors relating to our Ordinary Shares include but not limited to the following:


  Our Memorandum and Articles of Association afford less protection to our shareholders and may discourage claims and limit shareholders’ ability to bring claims. See more detailed discussion of this risk factor on page 21 of this annual report.


  Certain judgments obtained against us by our shareholders may not be enforceable. See more detailed discussion of this risk factor on page 21 of this annual report.


  We are an emerging growth company within the meaning of the Securities Act and may take advantage of certain reduced reporting requirements. See more detailed discussion of this risk factor on page 22 of this annual report.


  We qualify as a foreign private issuer and, as a result, we are not subject to U.S. proxy rules and are subject to Exchange Act reporting obligations that permit less detailed and less frequent reporting than that of a U.S. domestic public company. See more detailed discussion of this risk factor on page 22 of this annual report.


  As a foreign private issuer, we are permitted to adopt certain home country practices in relation to corporate governance matters that differ significantly from Nasdaq corporate governance listing standards. See more detailed discussion of this risk factor on page 23 of this annual report.


  There can be no assurance that we will not be a passive foreign investment company, or PFIC, for U.S. federal income tax purposes for any taxable year, which could result in adverse U.S. federal income tax consequences to U.S. holders of our ordinary shares. See more detailed discussion of this risk factor on page 23 of this annual report.


  We may be exposed to potential risks relating to our internal controls over financial reporting. See more detailed discussion of this risk factor on page 25 of this annual report.


  The relative lack of public company experience of our management team may put us at a competitive disadvantage. See more detailed discussion of this risk factor on page 25 of this annual report.


  Our ordinary shares are very thinly traded, and there can be no assurance that there will be an active market for our ordinary shares in the future. See more detailed discussion of this risk factor on page 25 of this annual report.





Risks related to Our Business


We face risks related to nature disasters (whether or not caused by climate change), unusually adverse weather conditions, pandemic outbreaks, in particular, the current coronavirus pandemic, terrorist acts and global political events, all of which could result in adverse effects to our business and financial performance. 


The occurrence of one or more natural disasters, such as hurricanes, fires, floods and earthquakes (whether or not caused by climate change), unusually adverse weather conditions, pandemic outbreaks, terrorist acts or disruptive global political events, could adversely affect our operations and financial performance.


On March 11, 2020, the World Health Organization declared the outbreak of COVID-19 a global pandemic. Many businesses and social activities in China and other countries and regions have been disrupted, including those of our business partners, customers and employees. This global outbreak has also caused volatilities in and damage to the global financial markets. Such disruption and the potential slowdown of the world’s economy in 2020 and beyond could have a material adverse effect on our results of operations and financial condition.


In particular, the Chinese government took a number of actions in order to contain the spread of COVID-19, including mandatory quarantine requirements, shutdown of schools, travel restrictions, prohibition of public gatherings, temporary closure of office buildings and facilities and postponed resumption of business operations. More specifically, the COVID-19 has negatively affected our business and operations in many ways, including the plump closures of experience stores, diving sales in our distribution channels of dietary supplement products, and shut down of production facilities for a period of approximately three months in 2020. And due to the continual impact of COVID-19 to our experience stores, we closed certain stores in 2021. Since early 2022, there has been a recurrence of COVID-19 outbreaks in certain provinces of China, including Shanghai, Beijing, Jiangsu, Yunnan, Liaoning and Fujian, due to the Delta and Omicron variants. As a result, similar emergency measures such as lockdown and mass testing policies have been implemented to contain further spread of COVID-19. More than 80% of the company’s suppliers and customers have experienced lockdowns in different levels. At least 30% of the company’s revenue was affected due to the constant spread of COVID-19 which increased costs and expenses. COVID-19 prevents people from gathering and has a great impact on the company’s travel authorized stores. Although the company invested a lot to maintain these specialty stores, there are still more than 7 stores closed this year. The lockdown also has a certain impact on e-commerce sales, mainly due to the impact of logistics and express delivery.


Many of the quarantine measures within China have been relaxed as of the date of this annual report, however, relaxation of restrictions on economic and social activities may lead to new cases. There have been occasional outbreaks of COVID-19 in various cities in China, and the Chinese government may again take measures to keep COVID-19 in check. In addition, the longer-term trajectory of COVID-19, both in terms of scope and intensity of the pandemic in China, together with its impact on the industry and the broader economy are still difficult to assess or predict and face significant uncertainties that will be difficult to quantify. If there is not a material recovery in the COVID-19 situation, or the situation further deteriorates in China, our business, results of operations and financial condition could be materially and adversely affected. While the potential downturn brought by and the duration of the COVID-19 outbreak is difficult to assess or predict and the full impact of the virus on our operations will depend on many factors beyond our control. Our business, results of operations, financial condition and prospects could be materially adversely affected to the extent that COVID-19 persists in China or harms the Chinese and global economy in general.





We may not effectively manage our growth, which could materially harm our business. 


We expect that our business will continue to grow, which may place a significant strain on our management, personnel, systems and resources. We must continue to improve our operational and financial systems and managerial controls and procedures, and we will need to continue to expand, train and manage our technology and workforce. We must also maintain close coordination among our compliance, accounting, finance, marketing and sales organizations. We cannot assure you that we will manage our growth effectively. If we fail to do so, our business could be materially harmed. 


Our continued growth will require an increased investment by us in technology, facilities, personnel and financial and management systems and controls. It also will require expansion of our procedures for monitoring and assuring our compliance with applicable regulations, and we will need to integrate, train and manage a growing employee base. The expansion of our existing businesses, any expansion into new businesses and the resulting growth of our employee base will increase our need for internal audit and monitoring processes that are more extensive and broader in scope than those we have historically required. Further, unless our growth results in an increase in our revenues that is proportionate to the increase in our costs associated with this growth, our operating margins and profitability will be adversely affected.


We operate in a highly competitive industry. Our failure to compete effectively could adversely affect our market share, revenues and growth prospects. 


The P.R.C. dietary supplement industry is large. Participants include specialty retailers, supermarkets, drugstores, mass merchants, on-line merchants, mail-order companies and a variety of other smaller participants. We believe that the market is also highly sensitive to the introduction of new products, which may rapidly capture a significant share of the market. We also compete for sales with heavily advertised national brands manufactured by large food companies, as well as other retailers. In addition, as some products become more mainstream, we experience increased price competition for those products as more participants enter the market. Our manufacturing operations compete with other manufacturers of third-party dietary supplements. We may not be able to compete effectively and our attempt to do so may require us to reduce our prices, which may result in lower margins. Failure to effectively compete could adversely affect our market share, revenues and growth prospects.


An increase in the price and shortage of supply of key raw materials of our dietary supplement products could adversely affect our business. 


Our dietary supplement products are composed of certain key raw materials. If the prices of these raw materials were to increase significantly, it could result in a significant increase in our production. Raw material prices may increase in the future and we may not be able to pass on such increases to our customers. A significant increase in the price of raw materials that cannot be passed on to customers could have a material adverse effect on our results of operations and financial condition. In addition, if we no longer are able to obtain products from one or more of our suppliers on terms reasonable to us or at all, our revenues could suffer. Events such as the threat of political or social unrest, or the perceived threat thereof, may also have a significant impact on raw material prices and transportation costs for our products. In addition, the interruption in supply of certain key raw materials essential to the manufacturing of our products may have an adverse impact on our suppliers’ ability to provide us with the necessary products needed to maintain our customer relationships and an adequate level of sales.





Any disruption in the supply chain of suppliers for and our dietary supplement products and our e-commerce solutions services could adversely impact our ability to produce products and deliver services.


As to the dietary supplement products we manufacture and the services we provided, we must manage our supply chain for raw materials and delivery of dietary supplement our products. Our top five suppliers provided approximately 61.85%   of the sourcing of the supplies for our business for the year ended March 31, 2022.


A significant disruption to our distribution network or to the timely receipt of inventory could adversely impact sales or increase our transportation costs, which would decrease our profits. 


We rely on our ability to replenish depleted inventory in our stores through deliveries to our distribution centers from vendors and then from the distribution centers or direct ship vendors to our stores by various means of transportation, including shipments by sea and truck. Unexpected delays in those deliveries or increases in transportation costs (including through increased fuel costs) could significantly decrease our ability to make sales and earn profits.


We are dependent on certain key personnel and loss of these key personnel could have a material adverse effect on our business, financial condition and results of operations.


Our success is, to a certain extent, attributable to the management, sales and marketing, and research and development expertise of key personnel. We are dependent upon the services of experienced personal and technicians, there can be no assurance that we will be able to recruit and retain qualified management team and skillful   labor, due to labor market competition. The loss of these officers could have a material adverse effect upon our business, financial condition, and results of operations.


We may not be able to hire and retain qualified personnel to support our growth and if we are unable to retain or hire these personnel in the future, our ability to improve our products and implement our business objectives could be adversely affected.


We must attract, recruit and retain a sizeable workforce of technically competent employees. Competition for senior management and personnel in the PRC is intense and the pool of qualified candidates in the PRC is very limited. We may not be able to retain the services of our senior executives or personnel, or attract and retain high-quality senior executives or personnel in the future. This failure could materially and adversely affect our future growth and financial condition.


If we fail to increase our brands’ recognition, we may face difficulty in obtaining new customers.


Although our brand of “Happiness” is well-recognized in the dietary supplement industry, we still believe that maintaining and enhancing our brand recognition in a cost-effective manner outside of that market is critical to achieving widespread acceptance of our current and future products and services and is an important element in our effort to increase our customer base. We are also working to promote our brands of “Happy Buy” and “Taochejun” in the e-commerce solutions and automobile sales industries, respectively. Successful promotion of our brand will depend largely on our ability to maintain a sizeable and active customer base, our marketing efforts and ability to provide reliable and useful products and services at competitive prices. Brand promotion activities may not yield increased revenue, and even if they do, any increased revenue may not offset the expenses we will incur in building our brand. If we fail to successfully promote and maintain our brands, or if we incur substantial expenses in an unsuccessful attempt to promote and maintain our brand, we may fail to attract enough new customers or retain our existing customers to the extent necessary to realize a sufficient return on our brand-building efforts, in which case our business, operating results and financial condition, would be materially adversely affected.


If we are unable to provide superior user experience, we may not be able to maintain or grow our customer base or keep our customers highly engaged. As a result, our revenues, profitability and business prospects may be materially and adversely affected.


The success of our business largely depends on our ability to provide superior user experience in order to maintain and grow our user base and keep our customers highly engaged on our online platform, which in turn depends on a variety of factors. These factors include our ability to continue to offer attractive and relevant content in engaging formats, source quality merchants to respond to user demands and preferences, maintain the quality of our products and services, provide reliable and user-friendly features for our users to browse for content and products, and provide high-quality customer service. If our users are not satisfied with our content, products or services, or our platform is severely interrupted or otherwise fail to meet our users’ requests, our reputation and user loyalty could be adversely affected.


In addition, if users cannot obtain satisfactory customer services after they purchase products with us, our brand and user loyalty may be adversely affected. Any negative publicity or poor feedback regarding our customer service may harm our brand and reputation and in turn cause us to lose users and market share.


As a result, if we are unable to continue to maintain our user experience and provide high-quality customer service, we may not be able to retain or attract users or keep them highly engaged with the content and products we offer on our platform, which may have a material adverse effect on our business, financial condition and results of operations.





If our dietary supplement products do not have the effects intended or cause undesirable side effects, our business may suffer.


Although many of the ingredients in our current dietary supplement products are vitamins, minerals, and other substances for which there is a long history of human consumption, they also contain innovative ingredients or combinations of ingredients. While we believe that all of these products and the combinations of ingredients in them are safe when taken as directed, the products could have certain undesirable side effects if not taken as directed or if taken by a consumer who has certain medical conditions. In addition, these products may not have the effect intended if they are not taken in accordance with certain instructions, which include certain dietary restrictions. Furthermore, there can be no assurance that any of the products, even when used as directed, will have the effects intended or will not have harmful side effects in an unforeseen way or on an unforeseen cohort. If any of our products or products we develop or commercialize in the future are shown to be harmful or generate negative publicity from perceived harmful effects, our business, financial condition, results of operations, and prospects could be harmed significantly.


Our dietary supplement business is subject to inherent risks relating to product liability and personal injury claims.


As a manufacturer of dietary supplement products designed for human consumption, we are subject to product liability claims if the use of our products is alleged to have resulted in injury. Our products consist of minerals, herbs and other ingredients that are classified as foods or dietary supplements and are not subject to pre-market regulatory approval in the United States. Our products could contain contaminated substances, and some of our products contain ingredients that do not have long histories of human consumption. Previously unknown adverse reactions resulting from human consumption of these ingredients could occur. We may also be obligated to recall affected products. If we are found liable for product liability claims, we could be required to pay substantial monetary damages. Furthermore, even if we successfully defend ourselves against this type of claim, we could be required to spend significant management, financial and other resources, which could disrupt our business, and our reputation as well as our brand name may also suffer. We, like many other similar companies in China, do not carry product liability insurance. As a result, any imposition of product liability could materially harm our business, financial condition and results of operations. In addition, we do not have any business interruption insurance due to the limited coverage of any available business interruption insurance in China, and as a result, any business disruption or natural disaster could severely disrupt our business and operations and significantly decrease our revenue and profitability.


If we fail to renew our Food Production License and registration of our nutraceutical and dietary supplements products, we may receive fines or even sanctions which may prohibit us from production.


The Food Safety Law of PRC, which was amended on April 24, 2015 and became effective on October 1 2015, requires the producers and business operators of dietary supplements to obtain licensing and to carry out production and operation in accordance with food safety standards. On February 26, 2016, the State Food and Drug Administration (the “CFDA”) promulgated the Administrative Measures for the Registration and Record-filing of Dietary Supplements which became effective on July 1, 2016. In accordance with the Administrative Measures for the Registration and Record-filing of Dietary Supplements, dietary supplements that use raw materials other than those included in the catalogue of raw materials for dietary supplements shall be registered with CFDA. Furthermore, dietary supplements whose raw materials used have been included in the catalogue of raw materials for dietary supplements shall be subject to record-filing. Under the laws and regulations on nutraceutical and dietary supplements, we have obtained Food Production License in December 2017 from Nanping Food and Drug Administration and the registration or record-filing of each nutraceutical and dietary supplements product that we produced. We have been closely monitoring the status of all the permits and applied for renewal before the relevant certificate expired. The failure to renew the relevant licenses and/or registrations may subject us to fines or sanctions which will have negative impact on our production.


The fluctuation and seasonality of tourism in China could adversely affect the sales of our experience stores for our dietary supplement products.  


We launched the experience store model to stimulate our sales in 2017. As of March 31, 2022, we had 10 experience stores in Xiamen, Mount Wuyi, Quzhou, Chaozhou, Guilin and other tourism sites in China, respectively.  Experience stores are all located in famous scenery areas in China. Such stores are targeted to tourists, and will be the focus of our growth in the future. The sales of our experience stores could be affected by the fluctuation and seasonality of tourism in China. The strict quarantine rule and travel restrictions enforced by PRC government and local governments enforced in 2020 due to the outbreak of COVID-19 have negatively affected the volume of tourists in the cities where our experience stores are located. Although of the quarantine measures within China have been relaxed as of the date of this annual report, there has been occasional outbreaks of COVID-19 in various cities in China, and the Chinese government may again take measures to keep COVID-19 in check, which places uncertainty on our sales of our experience stores.  





Our customers of automobile sale business and e-commerce business use third-party payment service providers to make payments on our platforms. If these payment services are restricted or curtailed in any way or become unavailable to us or our users for any reason, our business may be materially and adversely affected.


Our customers of automobile sale business and e-commerce business make payments through a variety of methods, including payment through our third-party online payment service partners, such as Weixin Pay, Paypal and Alipay. We may also be subject to fraud, user data leakage and other illegal activities in connection with the various payment methods we offer. In addition, our business depends on the billing, payment and escrow systems of the third-party payment service providers to maintain accurate records of payments of sales proceeds by users and collect such payments. If the quality, utility, convenience or attractiveness of these payment processing and escrow services declines, or if we have to change the pattern of using these payment services for any reason, the attractiveness of our platform could be materially and adversely affected.


Business involving online payment services is subject to a number of risks that could materially and adversely affect third-party online payment service providers’ ability to provide payment processing and escrow services to us, including:


dissatisfaction with these online payment services or decreased use of their services by users and merchants;


increasing competition, including from other established Chinese internet companies, payment service providers and companies engaged in other financial technology services;


changes to rules or practices applicable to payment systems that link to third-party online payment service providers;


breach of users’ personal information and concerns over the use and security of information collected from buyers;


service outages, system failures or failures to effectively scale the system to handle large and growing transaction volumes;


increasing costs to third-party online payment service providers, including fees charged by banks to process transactions through online payment channels, which would also increase our costs of revenues; and


failure to manage funds accurately or loss of funds, whether due to employee fraud, security breaches, technical errors or otherwise.


Certain commercial banks in China impose limits on the amounts that may be transferred by automated payment from users’ bank accounts to their linked accounts with third-party online payment services. We cannot predict whether these and any additional restrictions that could be put in place would have a material adverse effect on our platform. We may also be subject to various rules, regulations and requirements, regulatory or otherwise, governing electronic fund transfers and online payment, which could change or be reinterpreted to make it difficult or impossible for us to comply with.


In addition, we cannot assure you that we will be successful to enter into and maintain amicable relationships with online payment service providers. Identifying, negotiating and maintaining relationships with these providers require significant time and resources. They could choose to terminate their relationships with us or propose terms that we cannot accept. In addition, these service providers may not perform as expected under our agreements with them, and we may have disagreements or disputes with such payment service providers, any of which could adversely affect our brand and reputation as well as our business operations.


Developments in China’s automotive industry will impact our automobile sales business’s net revenues and future growth, the prospects of which are subject to many uncertainties, including PRC government regulations and policies.


Developments in China’s automotive industry will impact our automobile sales business’s net revenues and future growth. The prospects of China’s automotive industry are subject to many uncertainties, including those relating to general economic conditions in China, the urbanization rate of China’s population and the cost of automobiles. In addition, government policies may have a considerable impact on the growth of the automotive industry in China. For example, in an effort to alleviate traffic congestion and improve air quality, a number of cities, including Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Tianjin, Harbin, and Hangzhou, have issued regulations to limit the number of new passenger car plates issued each year starting from 2010. In 2018, Beijing local government extended for another year existing restrictions on private vehicle use, which greatly reduced the number of automobiles on the road. On the bright side, both central and local governments in China have adopted a series of favorable policies targeted at new energy vehicle manufacturers. For example, on January 29, 2019, the PRC Development and Reformation Commission released a national development plan that launched a new energy public transportation vehicle subsidy plan and reinforced the existing battery infrastructure development. Such regulatory developments, as well as other uncertainties, may affect the growth prospects of China’s automotive industry, and in turn reduce consumer demand for automobiles. If automakers, auto dealers or automotive service providers reduce their marketing expenditures as a result, our business, financial condition and results of operations could be materially and adversely affected.





Our automobile sales business is subject to risks related to the overall automotive industry ecosystem, including consumer demand, consumption habits, global supply chain challenges and other macroeconomic issues.


Decreasing consumer demand could adversely affect the market for automobile purchases and, as a result, adversely affect our automobile sales business. Consumer purchases of new and used automobiles generally decline during recessionary periods and other periods in which disposable income is adversely affected. Purchases of new and used automobiles are typically discretionary for consumers and have been, and may continue to be, affected by negative trends in the economy, including the rising cost of energy and gasoline, the limited availability and increasing cost of credit, reductions in business and consumer confidence, stock market volatility, and increased unemployment. Further, in recent years the automotive market has experienced rapid changes in technology and consumer demands. Self-driving technology, ride sharing, transportation networks, and other fundamental changes in transportation could impact consumer demand for the purchase of automobiles. A reduction in the number of automobiles purchased by consumers could adversely affect automakers and auto dealers and lead to a reduction in their spending on our services. In addition, our automobile sales business may be negatively affected by challenges to the overall automotive industry ecosystem, including global supply chain challenges and other macroeconomic issues such as the recent trade tension between China and the United States. The occurrence of any of the foregoing could materially and adversely affect our business, results of operations, and financial condition.


In addition, our automobile sales business is focused on third and fourth tier cities in China mainly due to the increasing consumer demand of neighborhood electric vehicles, or “NEVs”, lower initial investment costs, more affordable lease and less marketing costs. If there is a negative trend in the economy, consumer demand in third and fourth tier cities would decrease and thereby adversely affect our operations and financial conditions.


Our success depends on our ability to protect our intellectual property. However, we may not be able to adequately protect our intellectual property rights, and any failure to protect our intellectual property rights could adversely affect our revenues and competitive position.


Our success depends on our ability to obtain and maintain patent protection for products developed utilizing our technologies, in the PRC and in other countries, and to enforce these patents. There is no assurance that any of our existing and future patents will be held valid and enforceable against third-party infringement or that our products will not infringe any third-party patent or intellectual property. Although we have filed additional patent applications with the Patent Administration Department of the PRC, there is no assurance that they will be granted.


We have invested significant resources to develop our own intellectual property and acquire licenses to use and distribute the intellectual property of others. A failure to maintain or protect these rights could harm our business. In addition, any unauthorized use of our intellectual property by third parties may adversely affect our current and future revenues and our reputation.


The validity, enforceability and scope of protection available under intellectual property laws in the PRC are uncertain and still evolving. Implementation and enforcement of PRC intellectual property-related laws have historically been deficient and ineffective. Accordingly, protection of intellectual property rights in the PRC may not be as effective as in the United States or other western countries. Furthermore, policing unauthorized use of proprietary technology is difficult and expensive, and we may need to resort to litigation to enforce or defend patents issued to us or our other intellectual property or to determine the enforceability, scope and validity of our proprietary rights or those of others. Such litigation and an adverse determination in any such litigation, if any, could result in substantial costs and diversion of resources and management attention.





Risks Related to Doing Business in China


Although the audit report included in this annual report is prepared by an auditor who are currently inspected by the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (the “PCAOB”), there is no guarantee that future audit reports will be prepared by auditors inspected by the PCAOB and, as such, in the future investors may be deprived of the benefits of such inspection. Furthermore, trading in our securities may be prohibited under the Holding Foreign Companies Accountable Act (the “HFCA Act”) if the SEC subsequently determines our audit work is performed by auditors that the PCAOB is unable to inspect or investigate completely, and as a result, U.S. national securities exchanges, such as Nasdaq, may determine to delist our securities. Furthermore, on June 22, 2021, the U.S. Senate passed the Accelerating Holding Foreign Companies Accountable Act, which, if enacted, would amend the HFCA Act and require the SEC to prohibit an issuer’s securities from trading on any U.S. stock exchanges if its auditor is not subject to PCAOB inspections for two consecutive years instead of three.


As an auditor of companies that are registered with the SEC and publicly traded in the United States and a firm registered with the PCAOB, our auditor is required under the laws of the United States to undergo regular inspections by the PCAOB to assess their compliance with the laws of the United States and professional standards.


Although we operate substantially in mainland China, a jurisdiction where the PCAOB is currently unable to conduct inspections without the approval of the Chinese government authorities, our auditor, TPS Thayer LLC, the independent registered public accounting firm that issues the audit report included elsewhere in this annual report, is subject to laws in the United States pursuant to which the PCAOB conducts regular inspections to assess our auditor’s compliance with the applicable professional standards. Inspections of other auditors conducted by the PCAOB outside mainland China have at times identified deficiencies in those auditors’ audit procedures and quality control procedures, which may be addressed as part of the inspection process to improve future audit quality. The lack of PCAOB inspections of audit work undertaken in mainland China prevents the PCAOB from regularly evaluating auditors’ audits and their quality control procedures. As a result, if there is any component of our auditor’s work papers become located in mainland China in the future, such work papers will not be subject to inspection by the PCAOB. As a result, investors would be deprived of such PCAOB inspections, which could result in limitations or restrictions to our access of the U.S. capital markets.


As part of a continued regulatory focus in the United States on access to audit and other information currently protected by national law, in particular mainland China’s, in June 2019, a bipartisan group of lawmakers introduced bills in both houses of the U.S. Congress which, if passed, would require the SEC to maintain a list of issuers for which PCAOB is not able to inspect or investigate the audit work performed by a foreign public accounting firm completely. The proposed Ensuring Quality Information and Transparency for Abroad-Based Listings on our Exchanges (“EQUITABLE”) Act prescribes increased disclosure requirements for these issuers and, beginning in 2025, the delisting from U.S. national securities exchanges such as Nasdaq of issuers included on the SEC’s list for three consecutive years. It is unclear if this proposed legislation will be enacted. Furthermore, there have been recent deliberations within the U.S. government regarding potentially limiting or restricting China-based companies from accessing U.S. capital markets. On May 20, 2020, the U.S. Senate passed the Holding Foreign Companies Accountable Act (the “HFCA Act”), which includes requirements for the SEC to identify issuers whose audit work is performed by auditors that the PCAOB is unable to inspect or investigate completely because of a restriction imposed by a non-U.S. authority in the auditor’s local jurisdiction. The U.S. House of Representatives passed the HFCA Act on December 2, 2020, and the HFCA Act was signed into law on December 18, 2020. Additionally, in July 2020, the U.S. President’s Working Group on Financial Markets issued recommendations for actions that can be taken by the executive branch, the SEC, the PCAOB or other federal agencies and department with respect to Chinese companies listed on U.S. stock exchanges and their audit firms, in an effort to protect investors in the United States. In response, on November 23, 2020, the SEC issued guidance highlighting certain risks (and their implications to U.S. investors) associated with investments in China-based issuers and summarizing enhanced disclosures the SEC recommends China-based issuers make regarding such risks. On March 24, 2021, the SEC adopted interim final rules relating to the implementation of certain disclosure and documentation requirements of the HFCA Act. We will be required to comply with these rules if the SEC identifies us as having a “non-inspection” year (as defined in the interim final rules) under a process to be subsequently established by the SEC. The SEC is assessing how to implement other requirements of the HFCA Act, including the listing and trading prohibition requirements described above. Under the HFCA Act, our securities may be prohibited from trading on Nasdaq or other U.S. stock exchanges if our auditor is not inspected by the PCAOB for three consecutive years, and this ultimately could result in our Ordinary Shares being delisted. Furthermore, on June 22, 2021, the U.S. Senate passed the Accelerating Holding Foreign Companies Accountable Act (“HFCAA”), which, if enacted, would amend the HFCA Act and require the SEC to prohibit an issuer’s securities from trading on any U.S. stock exchanges if its auditor is not subject to PCAOB inspections for two consecutive years instead of three. On September 22, 2021, the PCAOB adopted a final rule implementing the HFCAA, which provides a framework for the PCAOB to use when determining, as contemplated under the HFCAA, whether the Board is unable to inspect or investigate completely registered public accounting firms located in a foreign jurisdiction because of a position taken by one or more authorities in that jurisdiction. On November 5, 2021, the SEC approved the PCAOB’s Rule 6100, Board Determinations Under the Holding Foreign Companies Accountable Act. On December 2, 2021, the SEC issued amendments to finalize rules implementing the submission and disclosure requirements in the HFCA Act. The rules apply to registrants that the SEC identifies as having filed an annual report with an audit report issued by a registered public accounting firm that is located in a foreign jurisdiction and that PCAOB is unable to inspect or investigate completely because of a position taken by an authority in foreign jurisdictions. On December 16, 2021, SEC announced that the PCAOB designated China and Hong Kong as the jurisdictions where the PCAOB is not allowed to conduct full and complete audit inspections as mandated under the HFCA Act.





While we understand that there has been dialogue among the CSRC, the SEC and the PCAOB regarding the inspection of PCAOB-registered accounting firms in China, there can be no assurance that we will be able to comply with requirements imposed by U.S. regulators. Delisting of our Ordinary Shares would force holders of our Ordinary Shares to sell their shares. The market price of our Ordinary Shares could be adversely affected as a result of anticipated negative impacts of these executive or legislative actions upon, as well as negative investor sentiment towards, companies with significant operations in China that are listed in the United States, regardless of whether these executive or legislative actions are implemented and regardless of our actual operating performance.


Our independent registered public accounting firm issued an audit opinion on the financial statements incorporated by reference in this annual report filed with the SEC. As an auditor of companies that are traded publicly in the United States and a firm registered with the PCAOB, our auditor is required by the laws of the United States to undergo regular inspections by the PCAOB. Our auditor is located in Sugar Land, Texas, not mainland China or Hong Kong. Furthermore, our auditor is not among the auditor firms listed on an HFCAA Determination List, which includes all of the auditor firms that the PCAOB is not able to inspect. Recent developments with respect to audits of companies of which the major operations are in China, such as us, create uncertainty about the ability of our auditor to fully cooperate with the PCAOB’s request for audit work papers without the approval of the Chinese authorities. As a result, our investors may be deprived of the benefits of PCAOB’s oversight of our auditors through such inspections.


Should the PCAOB be unable to fully conduct inspections of our auditors’ work papers due to a position taken by one or more authorities in the foreign jurisdiction, it will make it more difficult to evaluate the effectiveness of our auditor’s audit procedures or quality control procedures. Investors may consequently lose confidence in our reported financial information and procedures and the quality of our financial statements, which would adversely affect the market price of our Ordinary Shares.


Our subsidiaries, main operations and assets are located in the PRC. Shareholders may not be accorded the same rights and protection that would be accorded under the US law. In addition, it would be difficult to enforce a U.S. judgment against our PRC subsidiaries and our officers and directors.


We are a holding company and all of our operations and assets are held in overseas subsidiaries. Our PRC subsidiaries, Fujian Happiness, Happiness Nanping, and Shunchang Happiness were established in the PRC, and their main operations and assets are located in the PRC. Our PRC subsidiaries, main operations and assets are therefore subject to the relevant laws and regulations of the PRC. In addition, a majority of our officers and directors are non-residents of the United States and substantially all their assets are located outside the United States. As a result, it could be more difficult for investors to effect service of process in the United States, or to enforce a judgment obtained in the United States against any of our PRC subsidiaries or any of these persons.


Our business is subject to certain PRC laws and regulations. There are uncertainties regarding the interpretation and enforcement of PRC laws, rules and regulations. The uncertainty in the PRC legal system may make it difficult for us to predict the outcome of any disputes that we may be involved in.


The PRC legal system is based on the PRC Constitution and is made up of written laws, regulations, circulars and directives. The PRC government is still in the process of developing its legal system, so as to meet the needs of investors and to encourage foreign investment. As the PRC economy is generally developing at a relative faster pace than its legal system, some degree of uncertainty exists in connection with whether and how existing laws and regulations will apply to certain events or circumstances.


Some of the laws and regulations, and the interpretation, implementation and enforcement thereof, are still subject to policy changes. There is no assurance that the introduction of new laws, changes to existing laws and the interpretation or application thereof or the delays in obtaining approvals from the relevant authorities will not have an adverse impact on our PRC subsidiaries’ business, financial performance and prospects.


Further, precedents on the interpretation, implementation and enforcement of the PRC laws and regulations are limited, and unlike other common law countries such as the United States, decisions on precedent cases are not binding on lower courts. As such, the outcome of dispute resolutions may not be consistent or predictable as in the other more developed jurisdictions and it may be difficult to obtain swift or equitable enforcement of the laws in the PRC, or obtain enforcement of judgment by a court of another jurisdiction.


In addition, the PRC government has recently announced its plans to enhance its regulatory oversight of Chinese companies listing overseas. The “Opinions on Intensifying Crack Down on Illegal Securities Activities” issued on July 6, 2021 called for:


tightening oversight of data security, cross-border data flow and administration of classified information, as well as amendments to relevant regulation to specify responsibilities of overseas listed Chinese companies with respect to data security and information security;


enhanced oversight of overseas listed companies as well as overseas equity fundraising and listing by Chinese companies; and


extraterritorial application of China’s securities laws.





As the Opinions on Intensifying Crack Down on Illegal Securities Activities were recently issued, there are great uncertainties with respect to the interpretation and implementation thereof. The Chinese government may promulgate relevant laws, rules and regulations that may impose additional and significant obligations and liabilities on overseas listed Chinese companies regarding data security, cross-border data flow, and compliance with China’s securities laws. It is uncertain whether or how these new laws, rules and regulations and the interpretation and implementation thereof may affect us, but among other things, our ability and the ability of our subsidiaries to obtain external financing through the issuance of equity securities overseas could be negatively affected.


In light of recent events indicating greater oversight by the Cyberspace Administration of China, or CAC, over data security, we are subject to a variety of laws and other obligations regarding cybersecurity and data protection, and any failure to comply with applicable laws and obligations could have a material and adverse effect on our business, our listing on Nasdaq, financial condition and results of operations.


We are subject to PRC laws relating to the collection, use, sharing, retention, security, and transfer of confidential and private information, such as personal information and other data. Our compliance obligations include those relating to the Data Protection Act (As revised) of the Cayman Islands and the relevant PRC laws in this regard. These PRC laws apply not only to third-party transactions, but also to transfers of information between us and our subsidiaries, and among us, our subsidiaries, and other parties with which we have commercial relations. These laws continue to develop, and the PRC government may adopt other rules and restrictions in the future. Non-compliance could result in penalties or other significant legal liabilities.


Pursuant to the PRC Cybersecurity Law, which was promulgated by the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress on November 7, 2016 and took effect on June 1, 2017, personal information and important data collected and generated by a critical information infrastructure operator in the course of its operations in China must be stored in China, and if a critical information infrastructure operator purchases internet products and services that affects or may affect national security, it should be subject to cybersecurity review by the CAC. Due to the lack of further interpretations, the exact scope of “critical information infrastructure operator” remains unclear. On December 28, 2021, the CAC and other relevant PRC governmental authorities jointly promulgated the Cybersecurity Review Measures (the “new Cybersecurity Review Measures”) to replace the original Cybersecurity Review Measures. The new Cybersecurity Review Measures took effect on February 15, 2022. Pursuant to the new Cybersecurity Review Measures, if critical information infrastructure operators purchase network products and services, or network platform operators conduct data processing activities that affect or may affect national security, they will be subject to cybersecurity review. A network platform operator holding more than one million users/users’ individual information also shall be subject to cybersecurity review before listing abroad. The cybersecurity review will evaluate, among others, the risk of critical information infrastructure, core data, important data, or a large amount of personal information being influenced, controlled or maliciously used by foreign governments and network information security risk in connection with the overseas listing. As of today, we have not received any inquiry, notice, warning, or sanctions regarding our corporate structure from the CSRC, CAC or any other PRC governmental agency. As of today, we have not received any inquiry, notice, warning, or sanctions regarding our corporate structure from the CSRC, CAC or any other PRC governmental agency. As advised by our PRC counsel, Allbright Law Offices, we are unlikely to be subject to cybersecurity review, because: (i) we have not received any notice from governmental agency to treat us as an operator of critical information infrastructure, and (ii) we have not received any notice from governmental agency to treat us as an online platform operator who possesses personal information of more than one million users. In addition, we currently do not have over one million users’ personal information and do not anticipate to collect over one million users’ personal information in the foreseeable future. If we ever became subject to the cybersecurity review of CAC in the future as the applicable rules, regulations, policies or the interpretation thereof change, during such review, we may be required to suspend our operation or experience other disruptions to our operations. Cybersecurity review could also result in negative publicity with respect to our company and diversion of our managerial and financial resources. 


Furthermore, if we were found to be in violation of applicable laws and regulations in China during such review, we could be subject to administrative penalties, such as warnings, fines, or service suspension. Therefore, cybersecurity review could materially and adversely affect our business, financial condition, and results of operations.


In addition, the PRC Data Security Law, which was promulgated by the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress on June 10, 2021 and took effect on September 1, 2021, requires data collection to be conducted in a legitimate and proper manner, and stipulates that, for the purpose of data protection, data processing activities must be conducted based on data classification and hierarchical protection system for data security. As the Data Security Law was recently promulgated, we may be required to make further adjustments to our business practices to comply with this law. If our data processing activities were found to be not in compliance with this law, we could be ordered to make corrections, and under certain serious circumstances, such as severe data divulgence, we could be subject to penalties, including the revocation of our business licenses or other permits. Furthermore, the recently issued Opinions on Strictly Cracking Down Illegal Securities Activities in Accordance with the Law require (i) speeding up the revision of the provisions on strengthening the confidentiality and archives management relating to overseas issuance and listing of securities and (ii) improving the laws and regulations relating to data security, cross-border data flow, and management of confidential information. As there remain uncertainties regarding the further interpretation and implementation of those laws and regulations, we cannot assure you that we will be compliant such new regulations in all respects, and we may be ordered to rectify and terminate any actions that are deemed illegal by the regulatory authorities and become subject to fines and other sanctions. As a result, we may be required to suspend our relevant e-commerce businesses, including our internet information and advertising services, and automobile sale business, shut down our website and online platform, take down our operating application, or face other penalties, which may materially and adversely affect our business, financial condition, and results of operations.


On August 20, 2021, the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress of China promulgated the Personal Information Protection Law of the PRC, or the PIPL, which took effect in November 2021. As the first systematic and comprehensive law specifically for the protection of personal information in the PRC, the PIPL provides, among others, that (i) an individual’s consent shall be obtained to use sensitive personal information, such as biometric characteristics and individual location tracking, (ii) personal information operators using sensitive personal information shall notify individuals of the necessity of such use and impact on the individual’s rights, and (iii) where personal information operators reject an individual’s request to exercise his or her rights, the individual may file a lawsuit with a People’s Court. As uncertainties remain regarding the interpretation and implementation of the PIPL, we cannot assure you that we will comply with the PIPL in all respects, we may become subject to fines and/or other penalties which may have material adverse effect on our business, operations and financial condition.





While we take measures to comply with all applicable data privacy and protection laws and regulations, we cannot guarantee the effectiveness of the measures undertaken by us and our business partners. However, compliance with any additional laws could be expensive, and may place restrictions on our business operations and the manner in which we interact with our users. In addition, any failure to comply with applicable cybersecurity, privacy, and data protection laws and regulations could result in proceedings against us by government authorities or others, including notification for rectification, confiscation of illegal earnings, fines, or other penalties and legal liabilities against us, which could materially and adversely affect our business, financial condition, and results of operations, and the value of our ordinary shares. In addition, any negative publicity on our website or platform’s safety or privacy protection mechanism and policy could harm our public image and reputation and materially and adversely affect our business, financial condition, and results of operations.


The approval of the China Securities Regulatory Commission, or the CSRC, may be required in connection with an offering under PRC rules, regulations, or policies, and, if required, we cannot predict whether or how soon we will be able to obtain such approval. As a result, both you and us fact uncertainty about future actions by the PRC government that could significantly affect our business, our listing on Nasdaq, financial condition and results of operations.


On August 8, 2006, six PRC regulatory agencies, including the MOFCOM, the State-Owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission, or the SASAC, the SAT, the State Administration for Industry and Commerce, or the SAIC, the CSRC, and the State Administration of Foreign Exchange, or the SAFE, jointly adopted the Regulations on Mergers and Acquisitions of Domestic Enterprises by Foreign Investors, or the M&A Rules, which came into effect on September 8, 2006 and were amended on June 22, 2009. The M&A Rules include, among other things, provisions that purport to require that an offshore special purpose vehicle that is controlled by PRC domestic companies or individuals and that has been formed for the purpose of an overseas listing of securities through acquisitions of PRC domestic companies or assets to obtain the approval of the CSRC prior to the listing and trading of such special purpose vehicle’s securities on an overseas stock exchange. On September 21, 2006, the CSRC published on its official website procedures regarding its approval of overseas listings by special purpose vehicles. However, substantial uncertainty remains regarding the scope and applicability of the M&A Rules to offshore special purpose vehicles.


While the application of the M&A Rules remains unclear, we believe, based on the advice of our PRC legal counsel , that the CSRC approval is not required for the listing and trading our ordinary shares on the Nasdaq Capital Market because Happiness Nanping, or our WFOE was incorporated as a foreign-invested enterprise by means of foreign direct investments rather than by merger with or acquisition of any PRC domestic companies as defined under the M&A Rules. There can be no assurance that the relevant PRC government agencies, including the CSRC, would reach the same conclusion as our PRC legal counsel. If the CSRC or other PRC regulatory body subsequently determines that we need to obtain the CSRC’s approval for our offering or if the CSRC or any other PRC government authorities promulgates any interpretation or implements rules that would require us to obtain CSRC or other governmental approvals for our offering, we may face adverse actions or sanctions by the CSRC or other PRC regulatory agencies. In any such event, these regulatory agencies may impose fines and penalties on our operations in China, limit our operating privileges in China, delay or restrict the repatriation of the proceeds from our offerings into the PRC, restrictions on or prohibition of the payments or remittance of dividends by our subsidiaries in China, or other actions that could have a material and adverse effect on our business, reputation, financial condition, results of operations, prospects, as well as the trading price of the Ordinary Shares. The CSRC or other PRC regulatory agencies may also take actions requiring us, or making it advisable for us, to halt our offering before settlement and delivery of the Ordinary Shares that we are offering. Consequently, if you engage in market trading or other activities in anticipation of and prior to settlement and delivery, you would be doing so at the risk that the settlement and delivery may not occur. In addition, if the CSRC or other regulatory agencies later promulgate new rules or explanations requiring us to obtain their approvals for our offering, we may be unable to obtain waivers of such approval requirements. Any uncertainties or negative publicity regarding such approval requirements could materially and adversely affect the trading price of our Ordinary Shares.





As of the date of this annual report, we and our subsidiaries, (1) are not required to obtain permissions from any PRC authorities to list or trade our Ordinary Shares in foreign stock exchanges, (2) are not subject to permission requirements from the CSRC, CAC or any other entity that is required to approve of our PRC subsidiaries’ operations, and (3) have not received or were denied such permissions by any PRC authorities. Nevertheless, the General Office of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the General Office of the State Council jointly issued the “Opinions on Severely Cracking Down on Illegal Securities Activities According to Law,” or the Opinions, which were made available to the public on July 6, 2021. The Opinions emphasized the need to strengthen the administration over illegal securities activities, and the need to strengthen the supervision over overseas listings by Chinese companies. Given the current PRC regulatory environment, it is uncertain when and whether we or our PRC subsidiaries, will be required to obtain permission from the PRC government to list on U.S. exchanges in the future, and even when such permission is obtained, whether it will be denied or rescinded. We have been closely monitoring regulatory developments in China regarding any necessary approvals from the CSRC or other PRC governmental authorities required for overseas listings. As of the date of this annual report, we have not received any inquiry, notice, warning, sanctions or regulatory objection to this offering from the CSRC or other PRC governmental authorities. However, there remains significant uncertainty as to the enactment, interpretation and implementation of regulatory requirements related to overseas securities offerings and other capital markets activities.


Furthermore, on December 24, 2021, the China Securities Regulatory Commission, or the CSRC, issued Provisions of the State Council on the Administration of Overseas Securities Offering and Listing by Domestic Companies (Draft for Comments) (the “Administration Provisions”), and the Provisions of the State Council on the Administration of Overseas Securities Offering and Listing by Domestic Companies (Draft for Comments) (the “Measures”), which are now open for public comments. The Administration Provisions and Measures for overseas listings lay out specific requirements for filing documents and include unified regulation management, strengthening regulatory coordination, and cross-border regulatory cooperation. Domestic companies seeking to list abroad must carry out relevant security screening procedures if their businesses involve such supervision. Companies endangering national security are among those off-limits for overseas listings. According to Relevant Officials of the CSRC Answered Reporter Questions (“CSRC Answers”), after the Administration Provisions and Measures are implemented upon completion of public consultation and due legislative procedures, the CSRC will formulate and issue guidance for filing procedures to further specify the details of filing administration and ensure that market entities could refer to clear guidelines for filing, which means it still takes time to make the Administration Provisions and Measures into effect. As the Administration Provisions and Measures have not yet come into effect, we are currently unaffected. However, according to CSRC Answers, new initial public offerings and refinancing by existent overseas listed Chinese companies will be required to go through the filing process; other existent overseas listed companies will be allowed sufficient transition period to complete their filing procedure, which means we will certainly go through the filing process in the future.


The PRC government has significant authority to intervene or influence the China operations of an offshore holding company, such as ours, at any time. The PRC government may exert more control over offerings conducted overseas and/or foreign investment in China-based issuers. If the PRC government exerts more oversight and control over offerings that are conducted overseas and/or foreign investment in China-based issuers and we were to be subject to such oversight and control, it may result in a material adverse change to our business operations, significantly limit or completely hinder our ability to offer or continue to offer securities to investors, and cause the ordinary shares to significantly decline in value or become worthless.


Our business, prospects, financial condition, and results of operations may be influenced to a significant degree by political, economic, and social conditions in China generally. The PRC government has significant authority to intervene or influence the China operations of an offshore holding company at any time, which could result in a material adverse change to our operations and the value of the ordinary shares.


Furthermore, given recent statements by the Chinese government indicating an intent to exert more oversight and control over offerings that are conducted overseas, although we are currently not required to obtain permission from any of the PRC federal or local government and has not received any denial to list on the U.S. exchange, it is uncertain whether or when we might be required to obtain permission from the PRC government to list on U.S. exchanges in the future. Even if such permission is obtained, it is uncertain whether it will be later denied or rescinded, which could significantly limit or completely hinder our ability to offer or continue to offer our securities to investors and result in a material adverse change to our business operations, and damage our reputation, therefore, cause the value of our shares to significantly decline or be worthless.


We have limited insurance coverage for our operations in China. 


The insurance industry in China is still at an early stage of development. Insurance companies in China offer limited insurance products. We have determined that the risks of disruption or liability from our business, the loss or damage to our property, including our facilities, equipment and office furniture, the cost of insuring for these risks, and the difficulties associated with acquiring such insurance on commercially reasonable terms make it impractical for us to have such insurance. As a result, we do not have any business liability, disruption, litigation or property insurance coverage for our operations in China except for insurance on some company owned vehicles. Any uninsured occurrence of loss or damage to property, or litigation or business disruption may result in the incurrence of substantial costs and the diversion of resources, which could have an adverse effect on our operating results.





It may be difficult for overseas shareholders and/or regulators to conduct investigation or collect evidence within China. 


Shareholder claims or regulatory investigation that are common in the United States generally are difficult to pursue as a matter of law or practicality in China. For example, in China, there are significant legal and other obstacles to providing information needed for regulatory investigations or litigation initiated outside China. Although the authorities in China may establish a regulatory cooperation mechanism with the securities regulatory authorities of another country or region to implement cross-border supervision and administration, such cooperation with the securities regulatory authorities in the Unities States may not be efficient in the absence of mutual and practical cooperation mechanism. Furthermore, according to Article 177 of the PRC Securities Law, or Article 177, which became effective in March 2020, no overseas securities regulator is allowed to directly conduct investigation or evidence collection activities within the territory of the PRC. While detailed interpretation of or implementation rules under Article 177 have yet to be promulgated, the inability for an overseas securities regulator to directly conduct investigation or evidence collection activities within China may further increase difficulties faced by you in protecting your interests. 


Our principal business operation is conducted in the PRC. In the event that the U.S. regulators carry out investigation on us and there is a need to conduct investigation or collect evidence within the territory of the PRC, the U.S. regulators may not be able to carry out such investigation or evidence collection directly in the PRC under the PRC laws. The U.S. regulators may consider cross-border cooperation with securities regulatory authority of the PRC by way of judicial assistance, diplomatic channels or regulatory cooperation mechanism established with the securities regulatory authority of the PRC.


PRC regulations relating to the establishment of offshore special purpose companies by PRC residents may subject our PRC resident beneficial owners or our PRC subsidiary to liability or penalties, limit our ability to inject capital into our PRC subsidiary, limit our PRC subsidiary’s ability to increase their registered capital or distribute profits to us, or may otherwise adversely affect us.


In July 2014, SAFE promulgated the Circular on Relevant Issues Concerning Foreign Exchange Control on Domestic Residents’ Offshore Investment and Financing and Roundtrip Investment Through Special Purpose Vehicles, or SAFE Circular 37, to replace the Notice on Relevant Issues Concerning Foreign Exchange Administration for Domestic Residents’ Financing and Roundtrip Investment Through Offshore Special Purpose Vehicles, or SAFE Circular 75, which ceased to be effective upon the promulgation of SAFE Circular 37. SAFE Circular 37 requires PRC residents (including PRC individuals and PRC corporate entities) to register with SAFE or its local branches in connection with their direct or indirect offshore investment activities. SAFE Circular 37 is applicable to our shareholders who are PRC residents and may be applicable to any offshore acquisitions that we make in the future. 


Under SAFE Circular 37, PRC residents who make, or have prior to the implementation of SAFE Circular 37 made, direct or indirect investments in offshore SPVs will be required to register such investments with the SAFE or its local branches. In addition, any PRC resident who is a direct or indirect shareholder of a SPV is required to update its filed registration with the local branch of SAFE with respect to that SPV, to reflect any material change. Moreover, any subsidiary of such SPV in China is required to urge the PRC resident shareholders to update their registration with the local branch of SAFE. If any PRC shareholder of such SPV fails to make the required registration or to update the previously filed registration, the subsidiary of such SPV in China may be prohibited from distributing its profits or the proceeds from any capital reduction, share transfer or liquidation to the SPV, and the SPV may also be prohibited from making additional capital contributions into its subsidiary in China. On February 13, 2015, the SAFE promulgated a Notice on Further Simplifying and Improving Foreign Exchange Administration Policy on Direct Investment, or SAFE Notice 13, which became effective on June 1, 2015. Under SAFE Notice 13, applications for foreign exchange registration of inbound foreign direct investments and outbound overseas direct investments, including those required under SAFE Circular 37, will be filed with qualified banks instead of the SAFE. The qualified banks will directly examine the applications and accept registrations under the supervision of the SAFE.





We cannot assure you that all of our shareholders that may be subject to SAFE regulations have completed all necessary registrations with the local SAFE branch or qualified banks as required by SAFE Circular 37, and we cannot assure you that these individuals may continue to make required filings or updates in a timely manner, or at all. We can provide no assurance that we are or will in the future continue to be informed of identities of all PRC residents holding direct or indirect interest in our company. Any failure or inability by such individuals to comply with the SAFE regulations may subject us to fines or legal sanctions, such as restrictions on our cross-border investment activities or our PRC subsidiary’s ability to distribute dividends to, or obtain foreign exchange-denominated loans from, our company or prevent us from making distributions or paying dividends. As a result, our business operations and our ability to make distributions to you could be materially and adversely affected.


Furthermore, as these foreign exchange regulations are still relatively new and their interpretation and implementation has been constantly evolving, it is unclear how these regulations, and any future regulation concerning offshore or cross-border transactions, will be interpreted, amended and implemented by the relevant government authorities. For example, we may be subject to a more stringent review and approval process with respect to our foreign exchange activities, such as remittance of dividends and foreign-currency-denominated borrowings, which may adversely affect our financial condition and results of operations. In addition, if we decide to acquire a PRC domestic company, we cannot assure you that we or the owners of such company, as the case may be, will be able to obtain the necessary approvals or complete the necessary filings and registrations required by the foreign exchange regulations. This may restrict our ability to implement our acquisition strategy and could adversely affect our business and prospects.


Our results and financial conditions are highly susceptible to changes in the PRC’s political, economic and social conditions as our revenue is currently wholly derived from our operations in the PRC.


Since 1978, the PRC government has undertaken various reforms of its economic systems. Such reforms have resulted in economic growth for the PRC in the last three decades. However, many of the reforms are unprecedented or experimental, and are expected to be refined and modified from time to time. Other political, economic and social factors may also lead to further readjustment of the reform measures. This refinement and adjustment process may consequently have a material impact on our operations in the PRC or a material adverse impact on our financial performance. Our results and financial condition may be adversely affected by changes in the PRC’s political, economic and social conditions and by changes in policies of the PRC government or changes in laws, regulations or the interpretation or implementation thereof. The outbreak of COVID-19 heightens the possibility of unpredictable change and accelerates such changes in the PRC’s political, economic, and social conditions. Our sales of nutraceutical and dietary supplement are highly relevant to the local tourism, which is already and will be subject to unpredictable changes for an unforeseeable period under restrict travel rules promulgated by local governments.


We may rely on dividends and other distributions on equity paid by our PRC subsidiaries to fund any cash and financing requirements we may have, and any limitation on the ability of our PRC subsidiaries to make payments to us could have a material and adverse effect on our ability to conduct our business.


We rely principally on dividends and other distributions on equity from our PRC Subsidiary for our cash requirements, including for services of any debt we may incur.


Our PRC subsidiary’s ability to distribute dividends is based upon its distributable earnings. Current PRC regulations permit our PRC subsidiary to pay dividends to its respective shareholders only out of their accumulated profits, if any, determined in accordance with PRC accounting standards and regulations. In addition, our PRC Subsidiary is required to set aside at least 10% of its after-tax profits each year, if any, to fund a statutory reserve until such reserve reaches 50% of its registered capital. These reserves are not distributable as cash dividends. If our PRC operating subsidiary incur debt on their own behalf in the future, the instruments governing the debt may restrict their ability to pay dividends or make other payments to us. Any limitation on the ability of our PRC subsidiary to distribute dividends or other payments to their respective shareholders could materially and adversely limit our ability to grow, make investments or acquisitions that could be beneficial to our businesses, pay dividends or otherwise fund and conduct our business.


In addition, the Enterprise Income Tax Law and its implementation rules provide that a withholding tax rate of up to 10% will be applicable to dividends payable by Chinese companies to non-PRC-resident enterprises unless otherwise exempted or reduced according to treaties or arrangements between the PRC central government and governments of other countries or regions where the non-PRC resident enterprises are incorporated.





We may be subject to a significant withholding tax should equity transfers by our non-resident enterprises be determined to have been done without a reasonable business purpose.


In December 2009, the State Administration of Tax in China issued a circular on strengthening the management of proceeds from equity transfers by non-resident enterprises and requires foreign entities to report indirect sales of resident enterprises. If the existence of the overseas intermediary holding company is disregarded due to lack of reasonable business purpose or substance, gains on such sale are subject to PRC withholding tax. Due to limited guidance and implementation history of the circular, significant judgment is required in determining the existence of a reasonable business purpose by considering multiple factors, such as the form and substance of the arrangement, time of establishment of the foreign entity, relationship between each step of the arrangement, relationship between each component of the arrangement, implementation of the arrangement and the changes in the financial position of all parties involved in the transaction. Although we believe that our transactions during all the periods presented would be determined to have reasonable business purposes, should this not be the case, we would be subject to a significant withholding tax that could materially and adversely impact our financial position, results of operations and cash flows.


Uncertainty in the interpretation of PRC tax regulations may have a negative impact on our business operations, our acquisition or restructuring strategy or the value of our investment in it.


Pursuant to the Notice on Strengthening Administration of Enterprise Income Tax for Share Transfers by Non-PRC Resident Enterprises, or SAT Circular 698, issued by the State Administration of Taxation in December 2009, with retroactive effect from January 1, 2008, where a non-resident enterprise transfers the equity interests of a PRC resident enterprise indirectly by disposition of the equity interests of an overseas non-public holding company, or an Indirect Transfer, and such overseas holding company is located in a tax jurisdiction that: (i) has an effective tax rate of less than 12.5% or (ii) does not impose income tax on foreign income of its residents, the non-resident enterprise, being the transferor, must report to the competent tax authority of the PRC resident enterprise this Indirect Transfer. Using a “substance over form” principle, the PRC tax authority may disregard the existence of the overseas holding company if it lacks a reasonable commercial purpose and was established for the purpose of reducing, avoiding or deferring PRC tax. As a result, gains derived from such Indirect Transfer may be subject to PRC withholding tax at a rate of up to 10%. SAT Circular 698 also provides that, where a non-PRC resident enterprise transfers its equity interests in a PRC resident enterprise to its related parties at a price lower than fair market value, the relevant tax authority has the power to make a reasonable adjustment to the taxable income of the transaction.


On March 28, 2011, the State Administration of Taxation released SAT Public Notice (2011) No. 24, or SAT Public Notice 24, to clarify several issues related to Circular 698. SAT Public Notice 24 became effective on April 1, 2011. According to SAT Public Notice 24, the term “effective tax rate” refers to the effective tax rate on the gain derived from disposition of the equity interests of an overseas holding company; and the term “does not impose income tax” refers to the cases where the gain derived from disposition of the equity interests of an overseas holding company is not subject to income tax in the country/region where the overseas holding company is a resident.


There is uncertainty as to the application of SAT Circular 698. For example, while the term “Indirect Transfer” is not clearly defined, it is understood that the relevant PRC tax authorities have jurisdiction regarding requests for information over a wide range of foreign entities having no direct contact with China. Moreover, the relevant authority has not yet promulgated any formal provisions or made any formal declaration as to the process and format for reporting an Indirect Transfer to the competent tax authority of the relevant PRC resident enterprise. In addition, there are no formal declarations with regard to how to determine whether a foreign investor has adopted an abusive arrangement in order to reduce, avoid or defer PRC tax. SAT Circular 698 may be determined by the tax authorities to be applicable to previous investments by non-resident investors in its company, if any of such transactions were determined by the tax authorities to lack reasonable commercial purpose. As a result, we and our existing non-resident investors may be at risk of being taxed under SAT Circular 698 and may be required to expend valuable resources to comply with SAT Circular 698 or to establish that we should not be taxed under SAT Circular 698, which may have a material adverse effect on our financial condition and results of operations or such non-resident investors’ investments in us. We have conducted and may conduct transactions involving our corporate structure. We cannot assure you that the PRC tax authorities will not, at their discretion, adjust any capital gains and impose tax return filing obligations on us or require us to provide assistance for the investigation of PRC tax authorities with respect thereto. Any PRC tax imposed on a transfer of our shares or any adjustment of such gains would cause us to incur additional costs and may have a negative impact on the value of your investment in us.





PRC regulation of loans and direct investment by offshore holding companies to PRC entities may delay or prevent us from using the proceeds from the offerings of any securities to make loans or additional capital contributions to our PRC operating subsidiaries.


As an offshore holding company, our ability to make loans or additional capital contributions to our PRC operating subsidiaries is subject to PRC regulations and approvals. These regulations and approvals may delay or prevent us from using the proceeds we received in the past or will receive in the future from the offerings of securities to make loans or additional capital contributions to our PRC operating subsidiaries, and impair our ability to fund and expand our business which may adversely affect our business, financial condition and result of operations.


In 2008, the SAFE promulgated the Circular on the Relevant Operating Issues Concerning the Improvement of the Administration of the Payment and Settlement of Foreign Currency Capital of Foreign-Invested Enterprises, or SAFE Circular 142, which used to regulate the conversion by foreign-invested enterprises of foreign currency into Renminbi by restricting the usage of converted Renminbi. On April 8, 2015, the SAFE promulgated the Circular on Reforming the Management Approach Regarding the Foreign Exchange Capital Settlement of Foreign-Invested Enterprises, or SAFE Circular 19. SAFE Circular 19 took effect as of June 1, 2015 and superseded SAFE Circular 142 on the same date. SAFE Circular 19 launched a nationwide reform of the administration of the settlement of the foreign exchange capitals of foreign-invested enterprises and allows foreign-invested enterprises to settle their foreign exchange capital at their discretion, but continues to prohibit foreign-invested enterprises from using the Renminbi fund converted from their foreign exchange capitals for expenditures beyond their business scopes. On June 15, 2016, the SAFE promulgated the Circular on Reforming and Standardizing the Administrative Provisions on Capital Account Foreign Exchange, or SAFE Circular 16. SAFE Circular 19 and SAFE Circular 16 continue to prohibit foreign-invested enterprises from, among other things, using RMB fund converted from its foreign exchange capitals for expenditure beyond its business scope, investment and financing (except for guarantee products issued by banks), providing loans to non-affiliated enterprises or constructing or purchasing real estate not for self-use. SAFE Circular 19 and SAFE Circular 16 may significantly limit our ability to transfer to and use in China the net proceeds from our initial public offering, which may adversely affect our business, financial condition and results of operations. 


Currency fluctuations and restrictions on currency exchange may adversely affect our business, including limiting our ability to convert RMB into foreign currencies and, if RMB were to decline in value, reducing our revenues and profits in U.S. dollar terms.


Our reporting currency is the U.S. dollar and our operations in China use RMB as functional currencies. The majority of our revenues derived and expenses incurred are in Chinese RMB with a relatively small amount in U.S. dollars. We are subject to the effects of exchange rate fluctuations with respect to any of these currencies. For example, the value of the RMB depends to a large extent on Chinese government policies and China’s domestic and international economic and political developments, as well as supply and demand in the local market. Starting July 2005, the Chinese government changed its policy of pegging the value of the RMB to the U.S. dollar. Under the new policy, the RMB has fluctuated within a narrow and managed band against a basket of certain foreign currencies. It is possible that the Chinese government will adopt a more flexible currency policy, which could result in more significant fluctuations of the RMB against the U.S. dollar.


The income statements of our China operations are translated into U.S. dollars at the average exchange rates in each applicable period. To the extent the U.S. dollar strengthens against foreign currencies, the translation of these foreign currency-denominated transactions results in reduced revenues, operating expenses and net income for our non-U.S. operations. Similarly, to the extent the U.S. dollar weakens against foreign currencies, the translation of RMB denominated transactions results in increased revenues, operating expenses and net income for our non-U.S. operations. We are also exposed to foreign exchange rate fluctuations as we convert the financial statements of our non-U.S. subsidiaries into U.S. dollars in consolidation. If there is a change in foreign currency exchange rates, the conversion of the non-U.S. subsidiaries’ financial statements will similarly be affected.





We have not entered into agreements or purchased instruments to hedge our exchange rate risks, although we may do so in the future. The availability and effectiveness of any hedging transaction may be limited and we may not be able to successfully hedge our exchange rate risks.


Although Chinese governmental policies were introduced in 1996 to allow the convertibility of RMB into foreign currency for current account items, conversion of RMB into foreign exchange for most of the capital items, such as foreign direct investment, loans or securities, requires the approval of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange, or SAFE. These approvals, however, do not guarantee the availability of foreign currency. We cannot be sure that we will be able to obtain all required conversion approvals for our operations or that Chinese regulatory authorities will not impose greater restrictions on the convertibility of RMB in the future. Because a significant amount of our future revenues are in the form of RMB, our inability to obtain the requisite approvals or any future restrictions on currency exchanges could limit our ability to utilize revenue generated in RMB to fund our business activities outside China, or to repay non-RMB-denominated obligations, including our debt obligations, which would have a material adverse effect on our financial condition and results of operations.


We are subject to risks relating to the restrictions on paying dividends or making other payments to us by our subsidiaries in China.


We are a holding company and do not have any assets or conduct any business operations in China other than our investments in our subsidiaries in China. As a result, if our non-China operations require cash from China, we would depend on dividend payments from our subsidiaries in China. We cannot make any assurance that we can continue to receive payments from our subsidiaries in China. In addition, under Chinese law, our subsidiaries are only allowed to pay dividends to us out of their distributable earnings, if any, as determined in accordance with Chinese accounting standards and regulations. Moreover, our Chinese subsidiaries are required to set aside at least 10% of their respective after-tax profit each year, if any, to fund certain mandated reserve funds, unless these reserves have reached 50% of their registered capital. These reserve funds are not payable or distributable as cash dividends. For Chinese subsidiaries with after-tax profits for the periods presented, the difference between after-tax profits as calculated under PRC accounting standards and U.S. GAAP relates primarily to share-based compensation expenses and intangible assets amortization expenses, which are not pushed down to our subsidiaries under PRC accounting standards. In addition, under the EIT Law and its implementing Rules, dividends generated from our PRC subsidiaries after January 1, 2008 and payable to their immediate holding company incorporated in Hong Kong generally will be subject to a withholding tax rate of 10% (unless the PRC tax authorities determine that our Hong Kong subsidiary is a resident enterprise). If certain conditions and requirements under the Arrangement between the Mainland of China and the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region for the Avoidance of Double Taxation and the Prevention of Fiscal Evasion with respect to Taxes on Income entered into between Hong Kong and the PRC and other related PRC laws and regulations are met, the withholding rate could be reduced to 5%.


The Chinese government also imposes controls on the convertibility of RMB into foreign currencies and the remittance of currency out of China in certain cases. We have experienced and may continue to experience difficulties in completing the administrative procedures necessary to obtain and remit foreign currency. If we or any of our subsidiaries are unable to receive substantially all of the economic benefits from our operations through these contractual or dividend arrangements, we may be unable to effectively finance our operations or pay dividends on our ordinary shares.


The PRC Labor Contract Law and its implementing rules may adversely affect our business and results of operations.


The PRC Labor Contract Law became effective and was implemented on January 1, 2008. The PRC Labor Contract Law has reinforced the protection for employees who, under the PRC Labor Contract Law, have the right, among others, to have written labor contracts, to enter into labor contracts with no fixed terms under certain circumstances, to receive overtime wages and to terminate or alter terms in labor contracts. Furthermore, the PRC Labor Contract Law establishes additional restrictions and increases the costs involved with dismissing employees. As the PRC Labor Contract Law is relatively new, there remains significant uncertainty as to its interpretation and application by the PRC Government. In the event that we decide to significantly reduce our workforce, the PRC Labor Contract Law could adversely affect our ability to do so in a timely and cost-effective manner, and our results of operations could be adversely affected. In addition, for employees whose contracts include non-competition terms, the Labor Contract Law requires us to pay monthly compensation after such employment is terminated, which will increase our operating expenses.





Risks Related to Our Ordinary Shares


Our Memorandum and Articles of Association afford less protection to our shareholders and may discourage claims and limit shareholders’ ability to bring claims.


Our shareholders could have more difficulty protecting their interests than would shareholders of a corporation incorporated in a jurisdiction of the United States. As a Cayman Islands company, we are governed by our memorandum and articles of association and Cayman Islands Companies Law (as amended). The provisions of the Cayman Islands Companies Act, which applies to us, differs in some material respects from laws generally applicable to U.S. corporations and shareholders, including the provisions relating to shareholder lawsuits.


Our amended and restated memorandum and articles of association contain a provision by virtue of which we and our shareholders waive any claim or right of action that they have, both individually and on our behalf, against any director or officer in relation to any action or failure to take action by such director or officer, except in respect of any fraud or dishonesty of such director or officer. Class actions and derivative actions generally are available to shareholders under Delaware law for, among other things, breach of fiduciary duty, corporate waste and actions not taken in accordance with applicable law. In such actions, the court has discretion to permit the winning party to recover attorneys’ fees incurred in connection with such action. Although this provision does not preclude our shareholders to bring federal securities claims against us, it may be difficult or impossible for our shareholders to bring an action against us or against any director or officer in the United States in the event that our shareholders believe that their rights have been infringed under the United States federal securities laws or otherwise. Even if the Shareholder are successful in bringing an action of this kind, the laws of the Cayman Islands and of China may render you unable to enforce a judgment against our assets or the assets of our directors and officers.


As a result of these differences, investors could have more difficulty protecting their interests than would shareholders of a corporation incorporated in the United States.   


Certain judgments obtained against us by our shareholders may not be enforceable.


We are a Cayman Islands company and substantially all of our assets are located outside of the United States. Substantially all of our current operations are conducted in China. In addition, most of our current directors and officers are nationals and residents of countries other than the United States. Substantially all of the assets of these persons are located outside the United States. As a result, it may be difficult or impossible for you to bring an action against us or against these individuals in the United States in the event that you believe that your rights have been infringed under the U.S. federal securities laws or otherwise. Even if you are successful in bringing an action of this kind, the laws of the Cayman Islands and of China may render you unable to enforce a judgment against our assets or the assets of our directors and officers.





We are an emerging growth company within the meaning of the Securities Act and may take advantage of certain reduced reporting requirements.


We are an “emerging growth company,” as defined in the JOBS Act, and we may take advantage of certain exemptions from requirements applicable to other public companies that are not emerging growth companies, including, most significantly, not being required to comply with the auditor attestation requirements of Section 404 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 for so long as we remain an emerging growth company. As a result, if we elect not to comply with such auditor attestation requirements, our investors may not have access to certain information they may deem important.


The JOBS Act also provides that an emerging growth company does not need to comply with any new or revised financial accounting standards until such date that a private company is otherwise required to comply with such new or revised accounting standards. We do not plan to “opt out” of such exemptions afforded to an emerging growth company. As a result of this election, our financial statements may not be comparable to companies that comply with public company effective data.


We qualify as a foreign private issuer and, as a result, we are not subject to U.S. proxy rules and are subject to Exchange Act reporting obligations that permit less detailed and less frequent reporting than that of a U.S. domestic public company.


We report under the Exchange Act as a non-U.S. company with foreign private issuer status. Because we qualify as a foreign private issuer under the Exchange Act, we are exempt from certain provisions of the Exchange Act that are applicable to U.S. domestic public companies, including (i) the sections of the Exchange Act regulating the solicitation of proxies, consents or authorizations in respect of a security registered under the Exchange Act; (ii) the sections of the Exchange Act requiring insiders to file public reports of their stock ownership and trading activities and liability for insiders who profit from trades made in a short period of time; and (iii) the rules under the Exchange Act requiring the filing with the SEC of quarterly reports on Form 10-Q containing unaudited financial and other specified information, or current reports on Form 8-K upon the occurrence of specified significant events. In addition, our officers, directors and principal shareholders are exempt from the reporting and “short-swing” profit recovery provisions of Section 16 of the Exchange Act and the rules thereunder. Therefore, our shareholders may not know on a timely basis when our officers, directors and principal shareholders purchase or sell our ordinary shares. In addition, foreign private issuers are not required to file their annual report on Form 20-F within four months after the end of each fiscal year, while U.S. domestic issuers that are accelerated filers are required to file their annual report on Form 10-K within 75 days after the end of each fiscal year. Foreign private issuers also are exempt from Regulation Fair Disclosure, aimed at preventing issuers from making selective disclosures of material information. As a result of the above, you may not have the same protections afforded to shareholders of companies that are not foreign private issuers.


If we lose our status as a foreign private issuer, we would be required to comply with the Exchange Act reporting and other requirements applicable to U.S. domestic issuers, which are more detailed and extensive than the requirements for foreign private issuers. We may also be required to make changes in our corporate governance practices in accordance with various SEC and Nasdaq rules. The regulatory and compliance costs to us under U.S. securities laws if we are required to comply with the reporting requirements applicable to a U.S. domestic issuer may be significantly higher than the cost we would incur as a foreign private issuer. As a result, we expect that a loss of foreign private issuer status would increase our legal and financial compliance costs and would make some activities highly time consuming and costly. We also expect that if we were required to comply with the rules and regulations applicable to U.S. domestic issuers, it would make it more difficult and expensive for us to obtain and maintain directors’ and officers’ liability insurance, and we may be required to accept reduced coverage or incur substantially higher costs to obtain coverage. These rules and regulations could also make it more difficult for us to attract and retain qualified members of our board of directors.





As a foreign private issuer, we are permitted to adopt certain home country practices in relation to corporate governance matters that differ significantly from Nasdaq corporate governance listing standards. These practices may afford less protection to shareholders than they would enjoy if we complied fully with corporate governance listing standards.


As a foreign private issuer, we are permitted to take advantage of certain provisions in the Nasdaq rules that allow us to follow our home country law for certain governance matters. Certain corporate governance practices in our home country, the Cayman Islands, may differ significantly from corporate governance listing standards. We choose to follow home country practice with respect to our corporate governance, therefore, our shareholders may be afforded less protection than they would otherwise enjoy under the Nasdaq corporate governance listing standards applicable to U.S. domestic issuers. See Item 16G “Corporate Governance”.


There can be no assurance that we will not be a passive foreign investment company, or PFIC, for U.S. federal income tax purposes for any taxable year, which could result in adverse U.S. federal income tax consequences to U.S. holders of our ordinary shares.


A non-U.S. corporation will be a PFIC for any taxable year if either (1) at least 75% of its gross income for such year consists of certain types of “passive” income; or (2) at least 50% of the value of its assets (based on an average of the quarterly values of the assets) during such year is attributable to assets that produce passive income or are held for the production of passive income (the “asset test”). Based on our current and expected income and assets (taking into account the expected cash proceeds and our market capitalization), we do not presently expect to be a PFIC for the current taxable year or the foreseeable future. However, no assurance can be given in this regard because the determination of whether we are or will become a PFIC is a fact-intensive inquiry made on an annual basis that depends, in part, upon the composition of our income and assets. In addition, there can be no assurance that the Internal Revenue Service, or IRS, will agree with our conclusion or that the IRS would not successfully challenge our position. Fluctuations in the market price of our ordinary shares may cause us to become a PFIC for the current or subsequent taxable years because the value of our assets for the purpose of the asset test may be determined by reference to the market price of our ordinary shares. The composition of our income and assets may also be affected by how, and how quickly, we use our liquid assets and the cash raised in our initial public offering. If we were to be or become a PFIC for any taxable year during which a U.S. Holder holds our ordinary shares, certain adverse U.S. federal income tax consequences could apply to such U.S. Holder. See “Taxation— Passive Foreign Investment Company Consequences.”





The economic substance legislation of the Cayman Islands may adversely impact the Company or its operations.


The Cayman Islands, together with several other non-European Union jurisdictions, have introduced legislation aimed at addressing concerns raised by the Council of the European Union as to offshore structures engaged in certain activities which attract profits without real economic activity. With effect from January 1, 2019, the International Tax Co-operation (Economic Substance) Law, 2018 (the “ES Law”) and issued related Regulations and Guidance Notes came into force in the Cayman Islands introducing certain economic substance requirements for “relevant entities” which are engaged in certain “relevant activities,” which in the case of exempted companies incorporated before January 1, 2019, will apply in respect of financial years commencing July 1, 2019, onwards.  A “relevant entity” includes an exempted company incorporated in the Cayman Islands; however, it does not include an entity that is tax resident outside the Cayman Islands.  Accordingly, for so long as the Company is a tax resident outside the Cayman Islands, it is not required to satisfy the economic substance test. Although it is presently anticipated that the ES Law will have little material impact on the Company or its operations, as the legislation is new and remains subject to further clarification and interpretation it is not currently possible to ascertain the precise impact of these legislative changes on the Company.


We may be exposed to liabilities under the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, and any determination that we violated the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act or Chinese anti-corruption law could have a material adverse effect on our business. 


We are subject to the Foreign Corrupt Practice Act, or FCPA, and other laws that prohibit improper payments or offers of payments to foreign governments and their officials and political parties by U.S. persons and issuers as defined by the statute for the purpose of obtaining or retaining business. Chinese anti-corruption law also strictly prohibits bribery of government officials. We have operations, agreements with third parties and make sales in China, where corruption may occur. Our activities in China create the risk of unauthorized payments or offers of payments by one of the employees, consultants, sales agents or distributors of our Company, even though these parties are not always subject to our control. It is our policy to implement safeguards to prevent these practices by our employees. However, our existing safeguards and any future improvements may prove to be less than effective, and the employees, consultants, sales agents or distributors of our Company may engage in conduct for which we might be held responsible.


Violations of the FCPA or other anti-corruption laws may result in severe criminal or civil sanctions, and we may be subject to other liabilities, which could negatively affect our business, operating results and financial condition. In addition, the United States government may seek to hold our Company liable for successor liability FCPA violations committed by companies in which we invest or that we acquire.


We rely on internal models to manage risk, to provide accounting estimates and to make other business decisions. Our results could be adversely affected if those models do not provide reliable estimates or predictions of future activity. 


We rely heavily on internal models in making a variety of decisions crucial to the successful operation of our business, including the allowance for doubtful accounts and other accounting estimates. It is therefore important that our models are accurate, and any failure in this regard could have a material adverse effect on our results. Models are inherently imperfect predictors of actual results because they are based on historical data available to us and our assumptions about factors such as credit demand, payment rates, default rates, delinquency rates and other factors that may overstate or understate future experience. Our models could produce unreliable results for a number of reasons, including the limitations of historical data to predict results due to unprecedented events or circumstances, invalid or incorrect assumptions underlying the models, the need for adjustments in response to rapid changes in economic and health conditions. In particular, models are less dependable when the economic environment is outside of historical experience, as has been the case recently.





The relative lack of public company experience of our management team may put us at a competitive disadvantage.


Our management team lacks U.S. public company experience, which could impair our ability to comply with legal and regulatory requirements such as those imposed by the Sarbanes-Oxley Act. Our senior management does not have experience managing a U.S. publicly traded company and lacks knowledge about the Sarbanes-Oxley Act. Such responsibilities include complying with federal securities laws and making required disclosures on a timely basis. Our senior management are unable to implement programs and policies in an effective and timely manner or that adequately respond to the increased legal, regulatory and reporting requirements associated with being a U.S. publicly traded company. Our failure to comply with all applicable requirements could lead to the imposition of fines and penalties, distract our management from attending to the management and growth of our business, result in a loss of investor confidence in our financial reports and have an adverse effect on our business and stock price.


We may be exposed to potential risks relating to our internal controls over financial reporting. 


As directed by Section 404 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 or SOX 404, the SEC adopted rules requiring public companies to include a report of management on the company’s internal controls over financial reporting in their annual reports. Under current law, the auditor attestation will not be required as long as our filing status remains as a smaller reporting company, but we may cease to be a smaller reporting company in future years, in which case we will be subject to the auditor attestation requirement. We were subject to management report for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2022, and a report of our management for the 2022 fiscal year is included under Item 15 of this annual report concluding that, as of March 31, 2022, our internal controls over financial reporting were not effective. If we cannot remediate the material weakness identified in a timely manner, investors and others may lose confidence in the reliability of our financial statements, which could adversely affect the price of our ordinary shares. 


Our ordinary shares are very thinly traded, and there can be no assurance that there will be an active market for our ordinary shares in the future. 


Our ordinary shares are very thinly traded, and the price if traded may not reflect our value. There can be no assurance that there will be an active market for our ordinary shares in the future. The market liquidity will be dependent on the perception of our operating business and any steps that our management might take to bring us to the awareness of investors. There can be no assurance given that there will be any awareness generated. Consequently, investors may not be able to liquidate their investment or liquidate it at a price that reflects the value of the business. If a more active market should develop, the price may be highly volatile. Because there may be a low price for our ordinary shares, many brokerage firms may not be willing to effect transactions in the securities. Even if an investor finds a broker willing to effect a transaction in our ordinary shares, the combination of brokerage commissions, transfer fees, taxes, if any, and any other selling costs may exceed the selling price. Further, many lending institutions will not permit the use of such ordinary shares as collateral for any loans.


You may not receive dividends or other distributions on our ordinary shares and you may not receive any value for them, if it is illegal or impractical to make them available to you.


Under Cayman Islands law, we may only pay dividends out of our profits or share premium account subject to our ability to pay our debts as they fall due in the ordinary course of our business. Our ability to pay dividends will therefore depend on our ability to generate sufficient profits. On July 31, 2020, the Board of the Company declared a special cash dividend of $0.015 per Ordinary Shares. The dividend, equal to $375,000 in the aggregate, was fully paid on August 17, 2020. However, we cannot give any assurance that we will declare dividends of any amounts, at any rate or at all in the future. Future dividends, if any, will be paid at the discretion of our board of directors, subject to requirements under Cayman Islands law and our memorandum and articles of association, as amended and restated from time to time, and will depend upon our future operations and earnings, capital expenditure requirements, general financial conditions, legal and contractual restrictions and other factors that our board of directors may deem relevant.  





We may be subject to penny stock regulations and restrictions and you may have difficulty selling our ordinary shares.


The SEC has adopted regulations which generally define so-called “penny stocks” to be an equity security that has a market price less than $5.00 per share or an exercise price of less than $5.00 per share, subject to certain exemptions. If our ordinary shares become a “penny stock”, we may become subject to Rule 15g-9 under the Exchange Act, or the “Penny Stock Rule”. This rule imposes additional sales practice requirements on broker-dealers that sell such securities to persons other than established customers and “accredited investors” (generally, individuals with a net worth in excess of $1,000,000 or annual incomes exceeding $200,000, or $300,000 together with their spouses). For transactions covered by Rule 15g-9, a broker-dealer must make a special suitability determination for the purchaser and have received the purchaser’s written consent to the transaction prior to sale. As a result, this rule may affect the ability of broker-dealers to sell our securities and may affect the ability of purchasers to sell any of our securities in the secondary market.


For any transaction involving a penny stock, unless exempt, the rules require delivery, prior to any transaction in a penny stock, of a disclosure schedule prepared by the SEC relating to the penny stock market. Disclosure is also required to be made about sales commissions payable to both the broker-dealer and the registered representative and current quotations for the securities. Finally, monthly statements are required to be sent disclosing recent price information for the penny stock held in the account and information on the limited market in penny stock.


There can be no assurance that our ordinary shares will qualify for exemption from the Penny Stock Rule. In any event, even if our ordinary shares were exempt from the Penny Stock Rule, we would remain subject to Section 15(b)(6) of the Exchange Act, which gives the SEC the authority to restrict any person from participating in a distribution of penny stock, if the SEC finds that such a restriction would be in the public interest. 




  A. History and development of the company.


We were formed under the name of “Happiness Biotech Group Limited” on February 9, 2018, under the laws of the Cayman Islands. In October 2022, we changed the name from “Happiness Biotech Group Limited” to “Happiness Development Group Limited.” Our registered office is at Harnes Fiduciary (Cayman) Limited, with its offices located at 4th Floor, Harbour Place, 103 South Church Street, P.O. Box 10240, Grand Cayman, KY1-1002M Cayman Islands. Our principal executive offices are located at No. 11, Dongjiao East Road, Shuangxi, Shunchang, Nanping City, Fujian Province, People’s Republic of China. Our telephone number at that address is + 86-0599-782-8808. Our company website is http://www.fjxfl.com.


Happiness Development is the sole shareholder of Happiness Hong Kong, incorporated in Hong Kong on March 5, 2018, which is the sole shareholder of Happiness Nanping. Happiness Nanping was incorporated on June 1, 2018 under the laws of the People’s Republic of China, as a wholly-owned subsidiary of Happiness Hong Kong and a wholly foreign-owned entity under the PRC laws. Neither Happiness Development, Happiness Hong Kong nor Happiness Nanping is currently engaged in any active business other than acting as holding companies. We conduct our business mainly through Fujian Happiness, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Happiness Nanping and incorporated on November 19, 2004 under the PRC laws. Fujian Happiness holds all of the equity or ownership of Shunchang Happiness Nutraceutical Co., Ltd (“Shunchang Happiness”). Through Fujian Happiness and Shunchang Happiness, the Company is a biotech company that specializes in research, development, production and selling of nutraceutical and dietary supplements made of Ganoderma spore powder and others mainly in China.


On October 25, 2019, our ordinary shares commenced trading on Nasdaq under the symbol “HAPP.”


On July 17, 2020, Happy Buy (Fujian) Internet Technology Co., Limited, or “Happy Buy”, was incorporated under the laws of People’s Republic of China and is a wholly owned subsidiary of Happiness Nanping. Happy Buy was incorporated in order to develop our e-commerce business. Our e-commerce business focuses on providing e-commerce solutions and services for small and medium-sized enterprises. Our mission for the e-commerce business is to enable small and medium-sized enterprises to fully leverage the power of e-commerce to grow rapidly.





On April 27, 2021, Taochejun (Fujian) Auto Sales Co., Limited, “Taochejun”, was incorporated under the laws of People’s Republic of China and 51% of it is owned by Happiness Nanping. We launched this B2B (Business-to-Business) platform for sales of automobiles. Our automobile sales business was formerly under the brand name of “Happy Auto”, and was rebranded to “Taochejun” in June 2021. Taochejun mainly focuses on building a network among car dealers in China to offer better overall sales experience and services to purchasers, and to streamline the automotive industry transaction. China is one of the world’s largest automobile markets, both in terms of demand and supply. Through Taochejun, we plan to utilize our dealer network to distribute the inventories and used cars from large 4S stores, online car hailing platforms and car makers to third and fourth tier cities, which serves as a great solution to the over-supply issues in first tier cities. Meanwhile, new energy vehicles will also be one of Taochejun’s focuses. At present, electric vehicles are mostly concentrated in the first tier cities. In the future, we believe that new energy vehicles will start to popularize in lower tier cities and car makers will spend more resources on developing these markets.


On October 14, 2021, Happiness Development and its wholly-owned subsidiary, Fujian Happiness, acquired 70% of the equity interest in Fujian Shennong Jiagu Development Co., Ltd. (“Fujian Shennong”) to further strengthen the Company’s industrial integration. The acquisition of Fujian Shennong closed on November 22, 2021.


On March 4, 2022, Happiness Development and its wholly-owned subsidiary, Fujian Happiness, acquired 100% of the equity interest in Fuzhou Hekangyuan Trading Co., Ltd. (“Hekangyuan”) to further strengthen the distribution network of the Company.


The Company is subject to the informational requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, and will file reports, registration statements and other information with the SEC. The Company’s reports, registration statements and other information can be inspected on the SEC’s website at www.sec.gov and such information can also be inspected and copies ordered at the public reference facilities maintained by the SEC at the following location: 100 F Street NE, Washington, D.C. 20549. You may also visit us at http://www.fjxfl.com. However, information contained on our website does not constitute a part of this annual report.


  B. Business overview.


Our business currently has three revenue streams: nutraceutical and dietary supplements business, e-commerce business and automobile sale business. We are an innovative nutraceutical and dietary supplements producer focused on the research, development, manufacturing, marketing and sales of a variety of products made from Chinese herbal and animal extracts in China. We conduct our business through our wholly-owned subsidiaries, mainly Fujian Happiness. Founded in 2004, Fujian Happiness focuses on providing nutraceutical solutions made from Chinese herbal extracts. During the outbreak of COVID-19 in China, we have produced portable hand sanitizer and daily protective masks to supplement our herbal extracts sales but they are not our main products. We believe enhanced consumer awareness and demand for nutraceutical and dietary supplements, rising health care costs, aging populations, coupled with our effective sales have been the primary reasons for our growth throughout our 17 years of operating history.


We are one of the leading companies in Fujian Province specializing in research, development, manufacturing, and marketing of nutraceutical and dietary supplements authorized by Nutraceutical Association of Fujian Province. Our products are mainly made of Lucidum spore powder (also known as Ganoderma spore powder or Ganoderma Lucidum spore powder), Cordyceps mycelia, Ejiao, other traditional Chinese herbal and animal extracts, vitamins, minerals and amino acids. Our brand, “Happiness”, is a well-known trademark in Fujian Province and well-recognized in the nutraceutical industry in China. Headquartered in Fuzhou, the provincial capital of Fujian Province, and Nanping, our products are sold throughout China. In February 2020, we set up four production lines to produce portable hand sanitizer and daily protective masks to supplement our herbal extracts sales to combat the spreading of COVID-19 in China. The production lines ceased in August 2020.





In addition, we started two new revenue streams in the year ended March 31, 2021. We engaged in e-commerce business via Happy Buy in September 2020. Our e-commerce platform “Happy Buy” mainly focuses on providing small and middle size business with professional product marketing and e-commerce agency operation services. We also provide e-commerce solutions, internet information and advertising service to the small online stores or small manufactures in China in fiscal year ended March 31, 2021, leveraging our resources and experiences in marketing and in the e-commerce industry to provide efficient solutions to promote and sell products of our customers.


We began our automobile sale in November 2020. Our automobile sales platform “Happy Auto”, which later upgraded to “Taochejun”, focuses on empowering the automotive supply chain by building a network to connect different car dealers and offer better overall sales experience and services to purchasers, and to streamline the automotive industry transaction.


Products and Services


Nutraceutical and dietary supplements


Currently we market and sell approximately 23 kinds of nutraceutical and dietary supplements products through over 100 distributors in 20 different provinces and 10 experience stores in China.   We categorize our products into six groups: Lucidum spore powder products, Cordyceps mycelia products, Ejiao solution products, vitamins and dietary supplements products, American ginseng products, and others. For the years ended March 31, 2022, 2021, and 2020, our sales from Lucidum spore powder products, Cordyceps mycelia products and Ejiao solution products, approximately amounted 16.65%, 18.7%, and 66.6% of our gross sales, respectively.   


As in Administrative Measures for Nutraceutical Products promulgated by National Health Commission of PRC, nutraceutical and dietary supplements products are a category of food targeted to specific population with general health benefits for daily wellness. Nutraceutical and dietary supplements products are not intended to treat any specific diseases and must not cause any acute, subacute or chronic harm to the human body. With the requirements of nutraceutical and dietary supplements being met and approved by the CFDA, the predecessor of the NMPA, under regulations for nutraceutical and dietary supplements, herbal and animal extracts used as both nourishment food and traditional Chinese medicine can be included into raw materials of nutraceutical and dietary supplements products.


We mainly use herbal and animal extracts as raw materials of our Lucidum spore powder products, Cordyceps mycelia products, Ejiao solution products and others. These herbal and animal extracts have been used as both daily nourishment food and traditional Chinese medicine in China for a long time. Approved by CFDA under regulations for nutraceutical and dietary supplements, 32 kinds of our products are nutraceutical and dietary supplements products labeled with “Blue Caps.” All our products are produced in compliance with the regulations of food industry. 


In February 2020, we began the production of disinfectants for combatting the COVID-19 pandemic, including 75% alcohol disinfectant and hand sanitizer, after obtaining the Sanitation License of Disinfection Product Manufacture (the “Sanitation License”) issued by Fujian Provincial Health Commission. The production of disinfectants ceased in August 2020 and we do not anticipate to resume the production in any near future. 


Automobile Sales


In November 2020, the Company began its automobile sales business. The Company has entered into agreements with automobile companies to purchase cars and obtain authorization to distribute the cars in different cities in China including Xiamen, Zhangzhou and Hangzhou. The Company utilizes its online platform of “Taochejun” on WeChat, as a WeChat Mini Program (微信小程序), to link comprehensive automobile trade and resource providers, and provide vehicle source solutions for automobile dealers. It can display and sell the car source of the resource business alliance on the platform, and also help the comprehensive auto trade to solve its own car source demand.







Online Stores


In 2020, the Company has begun the online store business on several different platforms. The Company focuses on providing e-commerce overall services, internet promotion, agency operations, supply chain resources and logistics services for all types of enterprises. The company's main business forms are community group buying and cross-border e-commerce. The company has a delivery and optimization department, a procurement department, and a live streaming team, and has established a comprehensive business support center and management team.


Internet Information and Advertising Service


In 2021, the Company began to provide internet information and advertising service to small online stores or small manufacturers in China.




We consider our suppliers whose sales to us accounted for more than 10% of our overall purchases in any given period to be our major suppliers of such period. We have two such vendors of our advertising services during fiscal years ended March 31, 2022. These top 2 vendors accounted for approximately 19.62% and 18.35% of our overall purchases and our top 5 vendors accounted for 61.85% of our overall purchases, respectively.  


We purchase other types of raw materials for our dietary supplements products and engage services from a variety of suppliers at the market price. We believe these types of raw materials and services are widely available, and therefore if we were unable to purchase from our primary suppliers, we do not expect we would face difficulties in locating another supplier at substantially the same price. We have stable access to all the raw materials and services necessary for our operation. We believe our relationships with our suppliers are strong.


Sales and Marketing


As for our nutraceutical and dietary supplements products, we currently have two sales models, namely traditional distribution model and experience store model.


The main way we sell our dietary supplements products is through regional distributors and large-scale chain drugstores, malls and supermarkets. In selecting our regional distributors, we consider factors including capital strength, network coverage, marketing ability and etc. We are responsible for the training of distributors and their sales consultants. Our regional distributors focus on expanding sales network, distributing and promoting our products. Regional distributors directly sell our products to customers in retail sales terminals through their sales consultants after receiving training on marketing and basic information of our products. These consultants are not licensed medical professionals and not required to be licensed. At the sales terminals, customers can receive information on the efficacy and usage of our products provided by the sales consultants. Sales terminals are one of the main conduits through which we market our marketing and sales activities.


Our customers of dietary supplements products also include well-known chain drugstores, malls and supermarkets. Customers who fall under this category tend to have established cross-regional sales networks, strong sales capabilities, well-recognized brands and good reputation among the consumers. We tend to establish direct business partnership with this type of customers. We provide marketing plan, sales support, personnel training and after sales services to them.


The aforementioned two kinds of customers are together referred to as the traditional distribution model. Through our efforts for the past 16 years, we have successfully built our traditional distribution channel, as well as established a leading sales system in the industry. As of March 31, 2022, we had over 100 distributors with more than 20,000 sales terminals in 20 different provinces in China, and established close business relationships with them. With our expansive sales network and quality after-sales service, we have effectively promoted our sales and enhanced our brand image.





Traditional sales model face challenges when consumers start to demand high quality individualized health services. In 2017, we started to open experience stores to stimulate our sales. We enter into experience store agreements with participating distributors, who own and operate retail stores in popular tourist sites. Pursuant to such agreements, we provide consulting services to the distributors with respect to store site selection, equipment purchase, store decoration and design. As part of such agreement, we will coach the distributor to design a high-tech exhibition store of approximately 2,000 square meters (approximately 21,500 square feet). Further, we provide professional trainings to sales consultants employed by these exclusive distributors, so that these consultants are able to provide individualized nutrition tips to consumers. We also provide training to the personnel employed by the distributors so that such personnel are able to function as commentators to give in-depth presentation of the origin, tradition and history of our products in the background of the tourist sites.


The key difference between sales terminals operated by traditional distributors and the experience stores are that we provide more support to them and the experience stores are located in tourist sites where the sales consultants gave in-depth presentation of the origin, tradition and history of our products and as a result, the price at such stores are higher than those sold in the sales terminals operated by traditional distributors. The experience stores are presented by the tourists’ sites operators as part of its cultural offerings. The tourists are guided to enjoy a presentation of traditional Chinese herb culture offered by the distributors in the experience store. At the end of the presentation, the tourists are led to the counters and be presented with our products. We estimate about 50% of the tourists visited our experience stores will purchase our products in such stores.


As of March 31, 2022, we had 10 exclusive distributors in Xiamen, Chaozhou, Guilin and other touristic cities in China, with a customer conversion rate of approximately 50%.  


Our e-commerce solutions services aim to offer IT and advertising services to the small to medium sized businesses, assisting them to reach target customers via social media. Happy Buy, through its subsidiaries, uses domestic plus cross-border platforms, establishes internal front desk, middle desk, back-office systems and departments, forming a commercial closed loop, which greatly reduces the marketing costs and improving marketing efficiency. It also links factories, logistics, brands and sales together to provide an overall e-commerce solution for the small and middle-sized businesses.


Our automobile sales platform Taochejun commits to develop more sales channels for car dealers in the future to connect the upstream and downstream channel network of automobile distribution. Currently, we have developed a WeChat Mini Program for Taochejun, on which we provide car dealers with real and high-quality car sources as well as safe and efficient transaction services.




We compete with other top-tier dietary supplement producers in China. Many of our competitors also manufacture and sell products similar to ours. Furthermore, many of these companies entered into the market earlier than us, and thus they are more established than we are and have significantly greater financial, technical, marketing and other resources than we presently possess. Some of our competitors have greater name recognition and a larger customer base. Those competitors may be able to respond more quickly to new opportunities, market changes or changes of customer preferences, and may be able to undertake more extensive promotional activities, offer more attractive terms to distributors, and adopt more aggressive pricing policies.


Some of our competitors, including Shouxiangu Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. and Xianzhilou Biotechnology Co., Ltd., also sell dietary supplement products made of Lucidum spores. Some of our competitors are high-profile and large-scale companies along with some companies that have huge production and storage capacity to influence the market price. Despite that, we believe we are well positioned to compete in this fast-developing market with our diversified product portfolio, proven research and development and in-licensing capabilities, established sales and marketing network and management experiences.





Since we started our e-commerce business and automobile sale in 2020, which are both highly competitive and rapidly evolving industries in China, we are making great efforts to improve our competitiveness in both industries and attempting new business models to distinguish us from our competitors.


Trademarks, Copyrights, Patents and Domain Names


We regard our trademarks, domain names, know-how, proprietary technologies and similar intellectual property as critical to our success, and we rely on trademark and trade secret law and confidentiality and invention assignment with our employees and others to protect our proprietary rights.




“Happiness” is a Well-Known Trademark and well recognized by consumers in Southeastern China. “Happiness” was registered as a Well-Known Trademark in China by State Administration of Industry and Commerce of PRC in 2010 and Famous Brand in Fujian by Fujian Administration of Industry and Commerce in 2007. Our brand is also widely recognized in the nutraceutical industry in China as one of the most famous brands. It is especially recognized in Fujian Province where it was originated and provinces nearby, such as Zhejiang, Jiangsu and Guangdong.




We rely on our in-house research and development team to upgrade current products and invent new products. We were granted an award of “Outstanding Research and Development Companies” by Nanping Intellectual Property Office on October 16, 2017. We currently have 20 employees dedicated to research and development.


Domain Names


Our intellectual property includes our domain names of http://www.fjxfl.com., and https://www.happgo.net/.


Sources and Availability of Raw Materials


Property, Plant and Equipment  


There is no private land ownership in China. Individuals and entities are permitted to acquire land use rights for specific purposes. We were granted land use rights for our facilities in Nanping. Following is a list of our properties, all of which we own the land use rights to:


No.   Property  

Duration of Land

Use Rights(1)







Area (m2)

1   No. 134 Freight Yard Road, Shuangxi, Shunchang  

January 30, 2016 -

January 29, 2066

    12,120       16,038.22  
2   No. 11 Dongjiao East Road, Shuangxi, Shunchang  

May 12, 2006 -

May 11, 2056

    17,600       9,520.4 (2)


(1) We have the option to renew these land use rights agreements with the government.
(2) The certificate of the real estate is under processing.


Our headquarters and manufacturing facility is located at No.11 Dongjiao East Road, Shuangxi, Shunchang, Naping City, Fujian Province, PRC and No.134 Feight Yard Road, Shuangxi, Shuangchang, Nanping City, Fujian Province, PRC. At these locations, we have a variety of heavy equipment required to customize the products and laboratory equipment for research and development. None of our properties are encumbered by debt, and we are not aware of any environmental concerns or limitations on the use of our properties for the purposes we currently use them or intend to use them in the future.


In addition, our cooperation partners lease spaces from different real estate entities for our experience stores. Currently, the average lease term for flagship stores is five years and for the general stores is three years.





Research and Development


Nutraceutical and Dietary Supplements Products


We rely on our in-house research and development team to upgrade current products and invent new products. We were granted an award of “Outstanding Research and Development Companies” by Nanping Intellectual Property Office on October 16, 2017. We currently have 20 employees dedicated to research and development and we hold a total of 18 patents as of the date of this report.


Mr. Xuezhu Wang and Mr. Zongwei Zhang, our key technician, both have over twenty-six years of experiences in the nutraceutical industry. They lead our research team in the process of applying patents for the Company. Dr. Junsheng Fu joined the company as a consultant in June 2018 to assist our technical manager Yujing Zheng, who has over fourteen years of experiences in the food manufacturing industry, to rebuild our Research and Development team.   Dr. Fu holds Doctorate degree in Microbiology from Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University, and is currently as a professor at the same University. He established our general research and development strategy to use modern technology to improve the production process and continue developing newly advanced products to meet the highest quality standards. We believe that our research and development team holds a leading position in the nutraceutical and dietary supplements industry. We will continue to sharpen our advantages and expect to develop new advanced products in the foreseeable future. A detailed development process of our new products is as following:


  Start-up of a project: feasibility study on the formula, production process and technical requirements of the new product;


  Lab test of the formula and production process on small scale;


  Pilot production test of the formula and production process on medium scale;


  Make further modification on the formula and production process of the new product based on the results of lab test and pilot test to meet current technical requirements and quality standards of nutraceutical and diet supplements;


  Assessment on safety and general health benefits of the new product: the assessment covers hygienic testing, toxicological testing and functional testing on safety, stability and health benefits of the products. The assessment reports are required and reviewed by CFDA to make sure the product can not cause any acute, subacute or chronic harm to the human body. We mainly rely on third party assessment agencies authorized by CFDA to perform the assessment of the safety, stability and general health benefits of the new products.


  Submit the materials to CFDA for registration or record-filing process of the new product (for a detailed discussion on the materials needed, see section “Regulation”);


  Approved by CFDA and get the official approval and “Blue Cap” label of the new product: CFDA shall review the materials for registration or record-filing and perform on-site verification of the production process to confirm whether the products meet the requirements of nutraceutical and dietary supplements products. With the requirements of nutraceutical and dietary supplements being met, CFDA will issue the official approvals of the products to the manufacturers.





Hygienic testing of nutraceutical and dietary supplements products includes various trials on the functional ingredients of the products to assess whether the products meet the hygienic requirements for nutraceutical and dietary supplements products and whether the products contain ingredients harmful to human body, such as Lead, Arsenic and Mercury. Toxicological testing of nutraceutical and dietary supplements products includes experiments on the ingredients to ensure the product must not cause any acute, subacute or chronic harm to the human body. In the condition of the hygienic testing and toxicological testing being qualified, functional testing provide assessments to verify the specified functions of the products. Functional testing includes experiments on animals or human beings (if necessary) for the specific functions of the products. According to the Technical Standards for Testing &Assessment of Health Food promulgated by National Health Commission of PRC, functions of these nutraceutical and dietary supplements products must be covered by the 27 kinds of general health benefits listed in the standard, such as boosting the immune system, improvement of sleep etc.




As required by laws and regulations in China, we participate in various employee social security plans that are organized by municipal and provincial governments, including housing, pension, medical insurance and unemployment insurance programs. The Company is required under Chinese law to make contributions to employee benefit plans at specified percentages of the salaries, bonuses and certain allowances of our employees, up to a maximum amount specified by the local government from time to time. We have contributed to the basic and minimum social insurance plan. While we believe we have made adequate provision of such outstanding amounts of contributions to such plans in our financial statements, any failure to make sufficient payments to such plans would be in violation of applicable PRC laws and regulations and, if we are found to be in violation of such laws and regulations, we could be required to make up the contributions for such plans as well as to pay late fees and fines.




The sale of nutraceutical and dietary supplements product is slightly subject to seasonal changes, usually sales is higher in winter time due to traditional Chinese dietary culture. In addition, there are peak and low season period for various attractions with experience stores, which may lead to volatility of sales for different stores.


There is no seasonality impact to the business of automobile sales, online store or internet information and advertising services.




We currently have 218 full-time employees. We have employment contracts with all of our employees in China in accordance with relevant PRC laws. Our employees are not represented by a labor organization or covered by a collective bargaining agreement. We have not experienced any work stoppages.


We have contributed to the basic and minimum social insurance plan. While we believe we have made adequate provision of such outstanding amounts of contributions to such plans in our financial statements, any failure to make sufficient payments to such plans would be in violation of applicable PRC laws and regulations and, if we are found to be in violation of such laws and regulations, we could be required to make up the contributions for such plans as well as to pay late fees and fines.


Management, Culture and Training


We are guided by a philosophy that recognizes customer service and the importance of delivering optimal performance, allowing us to identify and reward teams that meet our high performance standards.


We provide professional trainings to sales consultants employed by these exclusive distributors, so that these consultants are able to provide individualized nutrition tips to consumers. We also provide training to the personnel employed by the distributors so that such personnel are able to function as commentators to give in-depth presentation of the origin, tradition and history of our products in the background of the tourist sites. We also provide all employees with appropriate workplace safety training.





Competitive Advantage


We believe our principal competitive strengths of our dietary supplements products are as follows:


Recognized Brand Name


“Happiness” is a Well-Known Trademark and well recognized by consumers in Southeastern China. “Happiness” was registered as a Well-Known Trademark in China by State Administration of Industry and Commerce of PRC in 2010 and Famous Brand in Fujian by Fujian Administration of Industry and Commerce in 2016. Our brand is also widely recognized in the nutraceutical industry in China as one of the most famous brands. It is especially recognized in Fujian Province where it was originated and provinces nearby, such as Zhejiang, Jiangsu and Guangdong.


Provider of a Wide Range of Nutraceutical and Dietary Supplements Products


We are a nutraceutical manufacturer producing a wide range of nutraceutical and dietary supplements products. We make products from ingredients such as Lucidum spore powder, Cordyceps mycelia, Ejiao, vitamins and minerals, American ginseng, and others. A broad product portfolio allows us to attract consumers with different preferences and to gain competitive advantages in our products.


Strong Research and Development Capability


We have established a strong research and development team (“R&D Team”) of 14 talented researchers as of the date of this annual report. Our R&D Team has demonstrated its success of developing new products and technologies that lend us an edge over our major competitors. Our R&D Team has developed several products that were successfully launched with positive consumer feedback, including melatonin tablets, calcium tablets, ginseng tea powders, and supplemental tablets with immune-boosting efficacy. Further, we cooperate with Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University and Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences on product research. We believe that our research and development capabilities, in addition to our partnership with scientific research institutions, allow us to provide steady pipeline of innovative dietary supplement solutions that fulfill our customers’ needs.


Experienced and accomplished leadership team with a proven track record.


We have an experienced management team. For example, Mr. Xuezhu Wang, our Chairman of the Board, has over twenty-five years of experiences in the dietary supplement industry. Mr. Zongwei Zhang, our key technician, have over twenty-five years of experience in the nutraceutical industry.   We believe that our leadership team is well-positioned to lead us through clinical development, regulatory approval and commercialization of our product candidates. Collectively, our management team has extensive experience in the research and development, manufacturing, and commercialization of nutraceutical and dietary supplement products. Experienced in managing fast-growing enterprises, our entrepreneurial management team takes the initiative to adapt our business strategies to market, industry and therapeutic trends. Our management team has successfully established a steady product pipeline and built an integrated research and development, production, sales and marketing infrastructure. Our success in product development and branding reflects the experiences that our management team has in their areas of expertise and their in-depth knowledge of the regulatory framework in China.


For our e-commerce business, we compete primarily on the basis of the following factors: (i) our ability to attract, incubate and empower high-quality key opinion leaders, or KOLs, in growing numbers; (ii) our strong network with small and middle size business in China; (iv) the superiors shopping experience on our platform; (v) pricing of products sold on our platform; (vi) our ability to attract and retain merchants; and (vii) product quality and selection. 


For our automobile sale business, we believe our primary competitive advantages are: (i) the internet-based and digitized sales model empowered the resource car dealers and comprehensive auto trade, fully improving the operation efficiency of the industry; (ii) the strong relationship with resourceful car dealers and (iv) the standardized service process, including car hailing services and potentially financing and insurance services.





Licenses, Permits and Government Regulations




Dietary Supplement Production License and Official Approvals


In China, food and nutritious supplement manufacturers are required to comply with the certain quality control, safety requirement and obtain “Food Production License” from CFDA for full compliance with the safety requirements set forth in Food Safety Law of People’s Republic of China. Besides, each nutraceutical product is required to obtain the official approval of manufacturing from CFDA, which is the commonly known as the “Blue Caps”. Currently 23 of our products are approved by CFDA. The approvals of our main products are listed in the below chart.


No.   Product Name   Code   Expiration Date   Owner
1   “Happiness” Lucidum Spore Powder Capsule   No.346(1998)   not applicable   Fujian Happiness
2   “Daguangrong” Cordyceps Mycelia Oral Liquid   No.220(1997)   not applicable   Shunchang Happiness
3   “Happiness” Ejiao Astragalus Oral Liquid   G20040107   not applicable   Fujian Happiness
4   “Happiness” Iron and Zinc Amino Acids Oral Liquid   G20060704   8/13/2025   Fujian Happiness
5   “Happiness” American Ginseng Capsule   G20050572   7/8/2025   Fujian Happiness
6   Lishi Jinjin Qingzhi Capsule   No.0288(2003)   not applicable   Fujian Happiness
7   “Happiness” Fenglingbao Capsule   No.0064(2003)   not applicable   Fujian Happiness
8   “Happiness” American Ginseng Original Grain Tea bag   No.0291(2003)   not applicable   Fujian Happiness
9   “Happiness” American Ginseng Oral Liquid   G20040182   not applicable   Shunchang Happiness
10   “Happiness” Taurine Zinc Oral Liquid   G20120537   1/6/2025   Fujian Happiness
11   “Happiness” Spirulina Tablets   G20050573   8/13/2025   Fujian Happiness
12   “Happiness” Sleeping Capsule   No.0198(2002)   not applicable   Fujian Happiness
13   “Happiness” Tablets   G20140404   5/22/2026   Fujian Happiness
14   “Happiness” American Ginseng Chicken Essence Tonic   G20040889   not applicable   Fujian Happiness
15   “Happiness” Calcium Iron Zinc Multidimensional Oral Liquid (pregnant type)   G20100149  


(under renewal)

  Fujian Happiness
16   “Happiness” Little Pigeon Oral Liquid   No.0487(1998)   not applicable   Fujian Happiness
17   “Happiness” Ginseng Taurine Drink   G20140393   8/22/2026   Fujian Happiness
18   “Happiness” Fish Oil Vitamin E Soft Capsule   G20100155   9/4/2024   Fujian Happiness
19   “Happiness” Vitamin E Soft Capsule   G20090458  


(under renewal) 

  Fujian Happiness
20   “Happiness” Calcium Tablets   G202035000761   not applicable   Fujian Happiness
21   “Happiness” Selenium tablets   G201935001306   not applicable   Fujian Happiness
22   “Happiness” Calcium Oral Liquid   G201935000766   not applicable   Fujian Happiness
23   “Happiness” Coenzyme Q10 Capsule   G202135100829   not applicable   Fujian Happiness


According to CFDA regulations, “Blue Caps” approvals granted prior to July 1, 2005 do not have any expiration date, “Blue Caps” approvals obtained after July 1, 2005 have a term of 5 years and maybe renewed. Our research and development team monitors the approval status of our products. For all of our products that require approval renewal, we have already submitted to CFDA the renewal applications, which are currently under review.   Pending the renewal applications, as long as the renewal requests have been filed with CFDA, we are still permitted to sell these products despite their approvals expired.





PRC Laws and Regulations Relating to Our Business 


Registration and Approval of Dietary Supplements


Pursuant to the Food Safety Law of PRC, which was amended on April 24, 2015 and became effective on October 1, 2015, the producers and business operators of dietary supplements shall obtain licensing and shall carry out production and operation in accordance with food safety standards.


On February 26, 2016, CFDA promulgated the Administrative Measures for the Registration and Record-filing of Dietary Supplements which became effective on July 1, 2016. In accordance with the Administrative Measures for the Registration and Record-filing of Dietary Supplements, dietary supplements that use raw materials other than those included in the catalogue of raw materials for dietary supplements shall be registered with CFDA.


To apply for the registration, the applicant shall submit the following materials:


  The application form for registration and written legal liability undertaking that the applicant shall be responsible for the truthfulness of the application material;


  Photocopies of the supporting documents on the registration of the registration applicant;


  The research and development reports of the dietary supplement, covering the research and development personnel, research and development time, development processes, validation data for tests at and above the level of intermediate pilot experiments, Non-catalogue Raw Materials, demonstration reports and relevant scientific bases for the safety, health benefits and quality controllability of the dietary supplements, product technical requirements determined in a comprehensive manner according to the research and development results;


  Materials on the formula of the dietary supplement, including the names and dosage of raw materials and auxiliary materials, production processes and quality standards; where necessary, the bases for use of certain raw materials, descriptions on the parts used, certificates of inspection conformity, variety appraisal reports, etc. shall also be provided in accordance with relevant provisions;


  Materials on the production process of the dietary supplement, covering the diagram and descriptions of the production processes, key process control points and descriptions;


  Materials on the assessment of the safety and health benefits of the dietary supplement, covering assessment materials on the safety and health benefits tests of Non-catalogue Raw Materials and the dietary supplements, assessment materials on the consumption of the dietary supplement by human beings, testing reports on the effective ingredients or symbolic ingredients, hygiene, stability, strain identification, strain virulence, etc. of the dietary supplement, as well as testing reports involving stimulants, ingredients of illegal substances;


  The types, names, relevant standards, etc. concerning the packaging materials in direct contact with the dietary supplement;


  Labels and instruction manual sample texts of the dietary supplement, and search materials proving that the generic names in the name of the dietary supplement are not the same as the names of any registered drug;


  Samples of the dietary supplement in three minimum sales packages; and


  Other materials related to the assessment of the registration of the dietary supplement.


The CFDA shall send all application materials to the Assessment Agency within three c upon acceptance of the application. The Assessment Agency shall organize assessment experts to examine application materials, organize Verification Agency to conduct on-site verification according to actual needs, and organize the inspection agency to carry out review inspection. The Assessment Agency shall put forward the suggestions on the supplement that the said product is scientific and safe, and has the claimed health benefits, that production processes of the said product are reasonable, feasible and controllable in terms of quality, and that the technical requirements and inspection methods of the said product are scientific and rational. After making comprehensive assessment conclusions and suggestions, the Assessment Agency shall submit the same to the CFDA within five business days. The CFDA shall examine the legality, standardization and integrity of assessment procedures and conclusions and suggestions within 20 business days upon acceptance of the comprehensive assessment conclusions and suggestions on the dietary supplement, and make a decision to register or not to register the said product.


In the event the registrant of a dietary supplement transfers relevant technology, the transferee shall submit a new application for registration of the dietary supplement under the guidance of the transferor, and the technical requirements, etc. of the dietary supplement shall remain consistent with the original application materials. In addition to the application materials for registration, the transferee shall also submit the notarized transfer contract. Where pertinent requirements are met, the CFDA will issue a new registration certificate of the dietary supplement to the transferee upon verification, and deregister the dietary supplement registration of the transferor.





Where the registration certificate of a dietary supplement that has already been manufactured for sale needs to be renewed upon expiry, the registrant of the dietary supplement shall apply for renewal six months prior to the expiry. The food and drug administration that receives an application for renewal of the registration of a dietary supplement shall make a decision on whether to approve the renewal application prior to the expiry of the registration certificate of the dietary supplement. The failure of the food and drug administration to make a decision within the prescribed time period shall be deemed as approval of renewal. Where renewal of registration is approved, a new registration certificate of dietary supplement shall be issued, and the original registration certificate of dietary supplement shall be deregistered at the same time.


Record-filing of Dietary Supplements


Pursuant to the Administrative Measures for the Registration and Record-filing of Dietary Supplement, dietary supplements whose raw materials used have been included in the catalogue of raw materials for dietary supplements shall be subject to record-filing.


To apply for the record-filing of a dietary supplement, a record-filing party shall submit the following materials:


  The record-filing and registration form for the dietary supplements, and written legal liability undertaking that the record-filing party shall be responsible for the truthfulness of the materials submitted;


  Photocopies of the supporting documents on the registration of the record-filing party;


  Materials on the formula of the dietary supplement, including the names and dosage of raw materials and auxiliary materials, production processes and quality standards; where necessary, the bases for use of certain raw materials, descriptions on the parts used, certificates of inspection conformity, variety appraisal reports, etc. shall also be provided in accordance with relevant provisions;


  Materials on the production process of the dietary supplement, covering the diagram and descriptions of the production processes, key process control points and descriptions;


  Materials on the assessment of the safety and health care functions of the dietary supplement, covering assessment materials on the safety and health benefits tests of Non-catalogue Raw Materials and the dietary supplement, assessment materials on the consumption of the dietary supplements by human beings, testing reports on the effective ingredients or symbolic ingredients, hygiene, stability, strain identification, strain virulence, etc. of the dietary supplements, as well as testing reports involving stimulants, ingredients of illegal substances;


  The types, names, relevant standards, etc. concerning the packaging materials in direct contact with the dietary supplement;


  Labels and instruction manual sample texts of the dietary supplement, and search materials proving that the generic names in the name of the dietary supplement are not the same as the names of any registered drug;


  Materials on the technical requirements of the dietary supplement;


  An all-item inspection report issued by a duly qualified inspection agency that the dietary supplement meets product technical requirements; and


  Other materials demonstrating the safety and health benefits of the dietary supplement.


Upon receipt of record-filing materials, CFDA shall process record-filing on the spot if such materials meet relevant requirements; and, where the record-filing materials fail to meet the relevant requirements, the food and drug administration shall inform the record-filing party concerned to make all necessary corrections/submit all necessary supplementary materials at one time.


Under the above laws and regulations, we have obtained Food Production License in December 2017 from Nanping Food and Drug Administration, and we also have obtained the registration and record-filing of dietary supplements that we produced.





Safety Standards relating to Dietary Supplements


Pursuant to the Food Safety Law of PRC, which was amended on April 24, 2015 and became effective on October 1, 2015, the producers and business operators of dietary supplements shall obtain licensing and shall carry out production and operation in accordance with food safety standards. According to ‘National Food Safety Standards: Nutraceutical Food’ (GB 16740-2014) by National Health Commission of PRC (formerly known as National Health and Family Planning Commission of PRC), dietary supplements shall meet the standard in the aspect of raw materials, physical-chemical properties, provisions on the quantitative limits of polluting substances, mycotoxin, and microorganisms, as well as food additives and nutrient supplement. According to the Administrative Measures for the Registration and Record-filing of Dietary Supplements, which became effective on July 1, 2016, to apply for the registration of dietary supplements, the applicant shall submit the research and development reports, materials on the formula of the dietary supplement, relevant standards concerning the packaging materials and other materials relating to the registration which are sufficient to prove the dietary supplement meets the standard provided by law and National Food Safety Standards. Under the laws and regulations on nutraceutical and dietary supplements, we have obtained the registration or record-filing of each nutraceutical and dietary supplements product that we produced and all of the products we produced meet the food safety standards.


Packages of Dietary Supplement


In accordance with the Administrative Measures for the Registration and Record-filing of Dietary Supplement, the labels and texts of the instruction manuals of dietary supplement shall cover the name, raw materials and auxiliary materials of the said product, its effective ingredients or symbolic ingredients and the contents thereof, the suitable and unsuitable groups, health care functions, consumption volume and methods, specifications, storage methods and shelf life of the said product, precautions and other relevant contents, as well as relevant formula bases and descriptions, etc. The labels and the main contents of the instruction manuals, of a dietary supplement shall not involve any disease prevention or treatment function, and shall include the statement that “This product is not a substitute for medication”.


Key Differences between Regulations on Dietary Supplements and on traditional Chinese Medicine


According to the Food Safety Law of PRC, the producers and business operators of dietary supplements shall obtain Food Production License. Pursuant to the Administrative Measures for the Registration and Record-filing of Dietary Supplements, dietary supplements that use raw materials other than those included in the catalogue of raw materials for dietary supplements shall be registered with CFDA. Furthermore, dietary supplements whose raw materials used have been included in the catalogue of raw materials for dietary supplements shall be subject to record-filing. Under the laws and regulations on nutraceutical and dietary supplements, we have obtained Food Production License in 2017 from Nanping Food and Drug Administration and the registration or record-filing of each nutraceutical and dietary supplements product that we produced, and there is no need to apply for additional permits from Nanping Food and Drug Administration in order to manufacture or sell our products.


According to the Food Safety Law of PRC, the State encourages enterprises engaging in food production and operation to meet the requirements of good manufacturing practice (“GMP”), and thus the GMP we obtained in 2005 does not need to be renewed.


According to the Law of the PRC on traditional Chinese Medicine, the traditional Chinese medicine is the umbrella term for the medicine of all ethnic groups in China; it is a medicine system with a long history and unique theoretical and technical methods. The State encourages the exchanges, mutual enhancement and coordinated development of the traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine. In China, nutraceutical industry belongs to food manufacturing industry and is subject to laws and regulations pertaining to the food manufacturing industry, while traditional Chinese medicine products are subject to various PRC laws and regulations pertaining to the pharmaceutical industry.


The Law of the PRC on the Administration of Pharmaceuticals provides the basic legal framework for the administration of the production and sale of pharmaceuticals in China and covers the manufacturing, distribution, packaging, pricing and advertising of pharmaceutical products. A pharmaceutical manufacturer, including a traditional Chinese Medicine products manufacturer, must obtain a pharmaceutical manufacturing permit from the CFDA’s relevant provincial branch. This permit is valid for five years and is renewable for an additional five-year period upon its expiration.





In addition, a pharmaceutical manufacturer, including a traditional Chinese Medicine products manufacturer, must meet the GMP standards for each of its production facilities in China for each form of pharmaceutical product it produces. GMP standards include staff qualifications, production premises and facilities, equipment, raw materials, environmental hygiene, production management, quality assurance and customer complaint administration. Furthermore, the staff qualifications set quality standards that the manufacturer should have an adequate number of management and operation personnel with the necessary qualifications. Premises, facilities and equipment must aim to minimize the risk of contamination, cross-contamination and permit effective cleaning operation and maintenance. As a part of quality management system, quality assurance system should be established by manufacturers, and integrated document system is required to ensure system effective operation. A reporting and supervising management system for drug adverse reactions are required by customer complaint administration and a person should be designated responsible for handling the complaints and deciding the measures to be taken; all complaint, investigation information shall be informed to a qualified person. If a manufacturer meets the GMP standards, the CFDA will issue to the manufacturer a GMP certificate with a five-year validity period. The New GMP Standards became effective on March 1, 2011 and pharmaceutical manufacturers (except manufacturers of injectable, blood products or vaccines, which have a three-year grace period) had a five-year grace period to upgrade existing facilities to comply with the new standards.


Manufacturers and vendors of defective products in the PRC may incur liability for losses and injuries caused by such products. Under the General Principles of the Civil Laws of the PRC, which became effective on January 1, 1987 and were amended on August 27, 2009, manufacturers or retailers of defective products that cause property damage or physical injury to any person will be subject to civil liability.


In 1993, the General Principles of the PRC Civil Law were supplemented by the Product Quality Law of the PRC (as amended in 2000 and 2009) and the Law of the PRC on the Protection of the Rights and Interests of Consumers (as amended in 2009), which were enacted to protect the legitimate rights and interests of end-users and consumers and to strengthen the supervision and control of the quality of products. If our products are defective and cause any personal injuries or damage to assets, our customers have the right to claim compensation from us.


Regulations on E-commerce


On August 31, 2018, the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress (the “SCNPC”) promulgated the PRC E-Commerce Law, or the E-Commerce Law, which became effective on January 1, 2019. The E-Commerce Law establishes the regulatory framework for the e-commerce sector in the PRC for the first time by laying out certain requirements on e-commerce operators, including e-commerce platform operators like us. Pursuant to the E-Commerce Law, e-commerce platform operators are required to (i) take necessary actions or report to relevant competent government authorities when such operators notice any illegal production or services provided by merchants on the e-commerce platforms; (ii) verify the identity of the business operators on the platforms; (iii) provide identity and tax related information of merchants to local branches of State Administration of Market Regulation and tax bureaus; or (iv) record and preserve goods and service information and transaction information on the e-commerce platform. The E-Commerce Law also specifically stipulates that e-commerce platform operators shall not impose unreasonable restrictions or conditions on the transactions of their business operators on the platforms. According to the E-Commerce Law, failures to comply with these requirements may subject the e-commerce platform operators to administrative penalties, fines and/or suspension of business. In addition, for goods and services provided via e-commerce platforms and pertinent to the life and health of consumers, e-commerce platform operators shall bear relevant responsibilities, which may give rise to civil or criminal liabilities if the consumers suffered damages due to the e-commerce platform operators’ failure to duly verify the qualifications or the licenses of the business operators on the platforms or to duly perform their safety protection obligations as required by the E-Commerce Law.


Moreover, the E-Commerce Law imposes a requirement on operators of e-commerce platforms to assist in tax collection with respect to income generated by sellers from transactions conducted on e-commerce platforms, including among others, submitting to the tax authority information on the identities of sellers on e-commerce platforms and other information relating to tax payment. Failure to comply with the requirement may result in operators of e-commerce platform being subject to fines and, in severe circumstances, suspension of business operations of e-commerce platforms.





On January 26, 2014, the State Administration for Industry and Commerce, which is the predecessor of the SAMR, promulgated the Administrative Measures for Online Trading, or the Online Trading Measures, which became effective on March 15, 2014, to regulate all operating activities for product sales and services provision via the internet (including mobile internet). It stipulates the obligations of online product operators and services providers and certain special requirements applicable to third-party platform operators. On March 15, 2021, the SAMR promulgated the revised vision of the Online Trading Measures, which took into effect on May 1, 2021. The revision makes further provisions with regard to emerging models of online trading (such as online social networking and online live streaming), consumer rights protection, personal information protection, etc. It also imposes new obligations on the e-commerce platform operators, such as verifying and registering the identity of trading parties on the platform either that are required to registered with SAMR or that are exempted from such registration, regular reporting of prescribed information of trading parties on the platform to the relevant branch of SAMR, establishing a system of inspection and monitoring of information on the goods sold or services provided on the platform.


Regulations on Consumer Protection


On October 31, 1993, the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress, or SCNPC, promulgated the Law on the Protection of Rights and Interests of Consumers, or the Consumer Protection Law, which was amended on August 27, 2009 and October 25, 2013. Pursuant to the Consumer Protection Law, the business operators must ensure that the commodities they sell satisfy the safety requirements, provide consumers with authentic information, and guarantee the quality, function, term of use of the commodities. Failure to comply with the Consumer Protection Law may subject business operators to liabilities such as refund, returns, repairs, and payment of damages. If business operators infringe the legal rights and interests of consumers, they may be subject to criminal liabilities. The amended Consumer Protection Law launched in October 2013 further enhances consumer protection and intensifies the obligations imposed on online trading platform and business operators.


The Tort Liability Law, which was promulgated by the SCNPC on December 26, 2009 and became effective on July 1, 2010, provides that if an online services provider is aware that an online user is engaged in infringing activities, such as selling counterfeit products through its internet services, but fails to take necessary measures, it shall be held jointly liable. If the online service provider receives any notice from the infringed party on any infringing activities, the online service provider shall take necessary measures, including removing, blocking and unlinking the infringing content, in a timely manner. Otherwise, it shall be held jointly liable with the relevant online user.


On May 31, 2010, the SAIC (the predecessor of the State Administration of Market Regulation) adopted the Interim Administrative Measures for the Online Commodities Trading and Relevant Services. According to these measures, enterprises or other operators which engage in online commodities trading and other services that have been registered with SAIC or its local branches must make the information available to the public in their business licenses, either through physical copies or electronic links. Operators that provide platform services for online trading shall review the identities of companies or individuals that apply for provision of commodities and services through online trading platform, conclude agreements with the aforesaid parties as well as establish relevant internal rules to provide necessary and reliable transaction environment and transaction service, and maintain order of online trading.


On January 26, 2014, the SAIC promulgated the Administrative Measure for the Online Trading, or the Online Trading Measures, which became effective as of March 15, 2014 and replaced the above measures. The online trading platform operators are obligated to examine the legal status of the third-party merchants and make the information such third-party merchants available to the public through business licenses, either through displaying the information specified in their business licenses or electronic links to their business licenses. The online trading platform operators must distinguish between their own products and those of third-party merchants on the platform, as applicable. Subsequent to the Online Trading Measures, the SAIC issued the Guidelines for the Performance of Social Responsibilities by Online Trading Platform Operators on May 28, 2014 to regulate online product trading and the relevant services, guide online trading platform operators to actively perform social responsibilities, protect the lawful rights and interests of consumers and business operators and promote the sustainable and healthy development of online economy. These guidelines aim at enhancing the social responsibilities of online trading platforms.





On January 6, 2017, the SAIC promulgated the Interim Measures for 7-day Unconditional Return of Online Purchased Goods, which was effective as of March 15, 2017. Under such measures, customers are entitled to return goods without cause, subject to certain exceptions. For example, these measures shall not apply to customized goods, newspapers or periodicals, perishable goods, audio-visual products, computer software and other digital products, products downloaded from the internet or products whose packages have been opened by customers. Online trading platform operators should guide and supervise the merchants who use the platform to perform the duties of “7-day Unconditional Return,” conduct inspections, and provide technical support.


Regulations on Advertising


On October 27, 1994, the SCNPC promulgated the Advertising Law, which was amended on April 24, 2015. Under the Advertising Law, advertisers refer to any legal persons, economic organizations or individuals that, directly or through agents, design, produce and publish advertisements to promote products or services. Advertisement operators refer to those legal persons, economic organizations or individuals consigned to provide advertisement content design, production and agency services. Advertisement publishers refers to those legal persons or other economic organizations that publish advertisements for the advertisers or for those advertisement operators which are consigned by the advertisers. An advertisement should present distinct and clear descriptions of the product’s function, place of origin, quality, price, manufacturer, validity period, warranties or the contents, forms, quality, price or promises of the services offered. False advertising that may mislead consumers and compromise legal rights and interests of consumers shall subject the advertiser to civil liabilities. Where the advertising operator or advertising publisher is unable to provide the real name, address or valid contact information of the advertiser, the consumers may require the advertising operator or advertising publisher make compensation in advance. For false advertisements of goods or services other than those stipulated in the preceding paragraph which caused harm to consumers, where the advertising operator, advertising publisher and advertising spokesperson knew or should have known the falsity yet still provided design, production, agency or publishing services, or provide recommendation or endorsement, they shall bear joint and several liability with the advertiser.


On July 4, 2016, the SAIC promulgated the Interim Measures for the Administration of Internet Advertising, or the Internet Advertising Measures, which became effective as of on September 1, 2016. The Internet Advertising Measures set forth further compliance requirements for online advertising business in addition to those in the Advertising Law. Pursuant to the Internet Advertising Measures, Internet Advertising refers to the commercial advertising for direct or indirect marketing goods or services in the form of text, image, audio, video, or others means through websites, webpages, internet apps, or other internet media. Major additional compliance requirements are: (i) advertisements must be identifiable and marked with the word “advertisement,” enabling consumers to distinguish them from non-advertisement content; (ii) publishing advertisements on the Internet through a pop-up page or in other forms shall provide a prominently marked “CLOSE” button to ensure “one-click closure”; (iii) sponsored search results must be clearly distinguished from organic search results; (iv) it is forbidden to send advertisements or advertisement links by email without the recipient’s permission or induce Internet users to click on an advertisement in a deceptive manner; and (v) internet information service providers that do not participate in the operation of internet advertisements should stop publishing illegal advertisements if they know or should know that the advertisements are illegal.


Regulations on Automobile Sales


Pursuant to the Administrative Measures on Automobile Sales promulgated by the Ministry of Commerce, or the MOFCOM on April 5, 2017, which became effective on July 1, 2017, automobile suppliers and dealers are required to file with relevant authorities through the information system for the national automobile circulation operated by the competent commerce department within 90 days after the receipt of a business license. Where there is any change to the information concerned, automobile suppliers and dealers must update such information within 30 days after such change.


Regulations on the Recall of Defective Automobiles


On October 22, 2012, the State Council promulgated the Administrative Provisions on Defective Automotive Product Recalls, which became effective on January 1, 2013. The product quality supervision department of the State Council is responsible for the supervision and administration of recalls of defective automotive products nationwide. Pursuant to the administrative provisions, manufacturers of automobile products are required to take measures to eliminate defects in products they sell. A manufacturer must recall all defective automobile products. Failure to recall such products may result in an order to recall the defective products from the quality supervisory authority of the State Council. If any operator conducting sales, leasing, or repair of vehicles discovers any defect in automobile products, it must cease to sell, lease or use the defective products and must assist manufacturers in the recall of those products. Manufacturers must recall their products through publicly available channels and publicly announce the defects. Manufacturers must take measures to eliminate or cure defects, including rectification, identification, modification, replacement or return of the products. Manufacturers that attempt to conceal defects or do not recall defective automobile products in accordance with relevant regulations will be subject to penalties, including fines, forfeiture of any income earned in violation of law and revocation of licenses.





Pursuant to the Implementation Rules on the Administrative Provisions on Defective Automotive Product Recalls which was promulgated by the QSIQ on November 27, 2015 and became effective on January 1, 2016, if a manufacturer is aware of any potential defect in its automobiles, it must investigate in a timely manner and report the results of such investigation to the QSIQ. Where any defect is found during the investigations, the manufacturer must cease to manufacture, sell, or import the relevant automobile products and recall such products in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.


Policies Relating to Incentives for Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure


On January 11, 2016, the MOF, the MOST, the MIIT, the NDRC and the National Energy Administration, or the NEA, jointly promulgated the Circular on Incentive Policies on the Charging Infrastructures of New Energy Vehicles and Strengthening the Promotion and Application of New Energy Vehicles during the 13th Five-year Plan Period, which became effective on January 1, 2016. Pursuant to such circular, the central finance department is expected to provide certain local governments with funds and subsidies for the construction and operation of charging facilities and other relevant charging infrastructure.


On November 29, 2016, the State Council promulgated Notice on the National Strategic Emerging Industry Plan during the 13th Five-year Plan. The State Council further encouraged the application of new energy and new energy vehicles, and intended to develop and construct these industries as pillar industries of the nation. Pursuant to the Notice, municipal governments include Anhui, Henan, and Sichuan Province, released development plans to promote the development of new energy vehicle industry. These measures range from constructing charging infrastructures to encouraging expansion of new energy sales market and sales of new energy vehicles.


Certain local governments have also implemented incentive policies for the construction and operation of charging infrastructure. For example, pursuant to the Supporting Measures on Encouraging the Development of Charging Infrastructures of the Electric Vehicles in Shanghai, builders of certain non-self-use charging infrastructure may be eligible for subsidies for up to 30% of its investment cost, and the operator of certain non-self-use charging infrastructure may be eligible for subsidies calculated based on electricity output.


All the above incentives are expected to facilitate acceleration of development of public charging infrastructure, which will consequently offer more accessible and convenient EV charging solutions to purchasers of electric vehicles.


Regulation on Foreign Exchange Control


Foreign exchange in China is primarily regulated by: 


  The Foreign Currency Administration Regulations (1996), as amended on January 14, 1997 and August 5, 2008; and


  The Administration Rules of the Settlement, Sale and Payment of Foreign Exchange (1996), or the Administration Rules.


Under the Foreign Currency Administration Regulations, the Renminbi is convertible for current account items, including the distribution of dividends, interest payments and trade and service-related foreign exchange transactions. Conversion of Renminbi into foreign currency for capital account items, such as, loans, investment in securities and repatriation of investments, however, remains subject to the registration of the SAFE or its local counterparts as required by law. Under the Administration Rules, foreign-invested enterprises may buy, sell and remit foreign currencies at banks authorized to conduct foreign exchange transactions for settlement of current account transactions after providing valid commercial documents and, in the case of capital account item transactions, only after registration with the SAFE and, as the case may be, other relevant PRC government authorities as required by law. Capital investments directed outside of China by foreign-invested enterprises are also subject to restrictions, which include registration filing with MOFCOM. If the investment is made to the sensitive countries, districts, or industries, it needs to be approved by MOFCOM.


The value of the Renminbi against the U.S. dollar and other currencies may fluctuate and is affected by, among other things, changes in China’s political and economic conditions. The conversion of Renminbi into foreign currencies, including U.S. dollars, has been based on rates set by the People’s Bank of China. On July 21, 2005, the PRC government changed its policy of pegging the value of the Renminbi to the U.S. dollar. Under the new policy, the Renminbi will be permitted to fluctuate within a band against a basket of certain foreign currencies. We receive a significant portion of our revenue in Renminbi, which is not a freely convertible currency. Under our current structure, our income will be primarily derived from dividend payments from our subsidiaries in China. Even though we may remit the income from China to anywhere we want, the fluctuation of exchange rate may be a disadvantage to us if Renminbi depreciated.


In November 2012, SAFE promulgated the Circular of Further Improving and Adjusting Foreign Exchange Administration Policies on Foreign Direct Investment, as amended on May 4, 2015, which substantially amends and simplifies the current foreign exchange procedure. Pursuant to this circular, the opening of various special purpose foreign exchange accounts, such as pre-establishment expenses accounts, foreign exchange capital accounts and guarantee accounts, the reinvestment of Renminbi proceeds derived by foreign investors in China, and remittance of foreign exchange profits and dividends by a foreign-invested enterprise to its foreign shareholders no longer require the approval or verification of SAFE, and multiple capital accounts for the same entity may be opened in different provinces, which was not possible previously. In addition, SAFE promulgated the Provisions on Foreign Exchange Administration over Direct Investment Made by Foreign Investors in China in May 2013, which specifies that the administration by SAFE or its local branches over direct investment by foreign investors in China must be conducted by way of registration and banks must process foreign exchange business relating to the direct investment in China based on the registration information provided by SAFE and its branches. On February 28, 2015, SAFE promulgated the Notice on Further Simplifying and Improving the Administration of the Foreign Exchange Concerning Direct Investment, or SAFE Notice 13. After SAFE Notice 13 became effective on June 1, 2015, instead of applying for approvals regarding foreign exchange registrations of foreign direct investment and overseas direct investment from SAFE, entities and individuals may apply for such foreign exchange registrations from qualified banks. The qualified banks, under the supervision of SAFE, may directly review the applications and conduct the registration.





On March 30, 2015, SAFE promulgated the Circular of the SAFE on Reforming the Management Approach regarding the Settlement of Foreign Capital of Foreign-invested Enterprise, or Circular 19, which expands a pilot reform of the administration of the settlement of the foreign exchange capitals of foreign-invested enterprises nationwide. Circular 19 came into force and replaced both the Circular of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange on Issues Relating to the Improvement of Business Operations with Respect to the Administration of Foreign Exchange Capital Payment and Settlement of Foreign-invested Enterprises, or Circular 142 and the Circular of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange on Issues concerning the Pilot Reform of the Administrative Approach Regarding the Settlement of the Foreign Exchange Capitals of Foreign-invested Enterprises in Certain Areas, or Circular 36 on June 1, 2015. Circular 19 allows foreign-invested enterprises established in China whose main business is investment to use their foreign exchange capitals to make equity investment and removes certain other restrictions under Circular 142. However, Circular 19 continues to prohibit foreign-invested enterprises from, among other things, using Renminbi fund converted from its foreign exchange capitals for expenditure beyond its business scope and providing entrusted loans or repaying loans between non-financial enterprises.


SAFE promulgated the Notice of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange on Reforming and Standardizing the Foreign Exchange Settlement Management Policy of Capital Account, or Circular 16, effective in June 2016, which reiterates some of the rules set forth in Circular 19, but compared to Circular 19, Circular 16 provides that discretionary foreign exchange settlement applies to foreign exchange capital, foreign debt offering proceeds and remitted foreign listing proceeds, and the corresponding Renminbi capital converted from foreign exchange are not restricted from extending loans to related parties or repaying the intercompany loans (including advances by third parties).


SAFE further promulgated Notice of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange on Further Facilitating Cross-border Trade and Investment, or Circular 28, effective from January 2020, which allows all foreign-invested enterprises to make domestic equity investments using their foreign exchange capitals or Renminbi fund converted from its foreign exchange capitals with limited preconditions. However, there exist substantial uncertainties with respect to the interpretation and implementation in practice with respect to the Circular 28, Circular 16 and other laws and regulations related to foreign currency exchange.


Regulation on Foreign Exchange Registration of Offshore Investment by PRC Residents


SAFE Circular on Relevant Issues Relating to Domestic Resident’s Investment and Financing and Roundtrip Investment through Special Purpose Vehicles, or SAFE Circular 37, issued by SAFE and effective on July 4, 2014, regulates foreign exchange matters in relation to the use of special purpose vehicles, or SPVs, by PRC residents or entities to seek offshore investment and financing and conduct round trip investment in China. Under SAFE Circular 37, an SPV refers to an offshore entity established or controlled, directly or indirectly, by PRC residents or entities for the purpose of seeking offshore financing or making offshore investment, using legitimate domestic or offshore assets or interests, while “round trip investment” refers to the direct investment in China by PRC residents or entities through SPVs, namely, establishing foreign-invested enterprises to obtain the ownership, control rights and management rights. SAFE Circular 37 requires that, before making contribution into an SPV, PRC residents or entities are required to complete foreign exchange registration with SAFE or its local branch. In the event of change of basic information such as the individual shareholder, name, operation term, etc., or if there is a capital increase, decrease, equity transfer or swap, merge, spin-off or other amendment of the material items, the PRC residents or entities shall complete foreign exchange alteration registration formality for offshore investment. The SAFE Circular 37 further provides that option or share-based incentive tool holders of a non-listed SPV can exercise the options or share incentive tools to become a shareholder of such non-listed SPV, subject to registration with SAFE or its local branch. In addition, according to the procedural guidelines as attached to SAFE Circular 37, PRC residents or entities are only required to register the SPV directly established or controlled (first level).


On February 13, 2015, SAFE further promulgated the Circular on Further Simplifying and Improving the Administration of the Foreign Exchange Concerning Direct Investment, or SAFE Circular 13, which took effect on June 1, 2015. SAFE Circular 13 has amended SAFE Circular 37 by requiring PRC residents or entities to register with qualified banks rather than SAFE or its local branch in connection with their establishment or control of an offshore entity established for the purpose of overseas investment or financing.


Regulation on Dividend Distributions


Our PRC subsidiary, Happiness Nanping is a wholly foreign-owned enterprise under the PRC law. The principal regulations governing the distribution of dividends paid by wholly foreign-owned enterprises include:


  Corporate Law (1993) as amended in 2005 and 2013;


  The Wholly Foreign-Owned Enterprise Law (1986), as amended in 2000;


  The Wholly Foreign-Owned Enterprise Law Implementation Regulations (1990), as amended in 2001; and


  The Enterprise Income Tax Law (2007) and its Implementation Regulations (2007).


Under these regulations, wholly foreign-owned enterprises in China may pay dividends only out of their accumulated profits, if any, as determined in accordance with PRC accounting standards and regulations. In addition, an enterprise in China is required to set aside at least 10% of its after-tax profit based on PRC accounting standards each year to its general reserves until its cumulative total reserve funds reaches 50% of its registered capital. Our Company’s reserve fund has not yet reached this level. The board of directors of a wholly foreign-owned enterprise has the discretion to allocate a portion of its after-tax profits to its employee welfare and bonus funds. These reserve funds, however, may not be distributed as cash dividends.





On March 16, 2007, the National People’s Congress enacted the Enterprise Income Tax Law, and on December 6, 2007, the State Council issued the Implementation Regulations on the Enterprise Income Tax Law, both of which became effective on January 1, 2008. Under this law and its implementation regulations, dividends payable by a foreign-invested enterprise in the PRC to its foreign investor who is a non-resident enterprise will be subject to a 10% withholding tax, unless any such foreign investor’s jurisdiction of incorporation has a tax treaty with the PRC that provides for a lower withholding tax rate.


M&A Rules and Regulation on Overseas Listings


On August 8, 2006, six PRC regulatory agencies, MOFCOM, the State Assets Supervision and Administration Commission, the State Administration for Taxation, the State Administration for Industry and Commerce, CSRC and SAFE, jointly adopted the Regulation on Mergers and Acquisitions of Domestic Enterprises by Foreign Investors, or the M&A Rules, which became effective on September 8, 2006, and were later amended on June 22, 2009. The M&A Rules purport, among other things, to require that offshore SPVs that are controlled by PRC companies or individuals and that have been formed for overseas listing purposes through acquisitions of PRC domestic interests held by such PRC companies or individuals, obtain the approval of the CSRC prior to publicly listing their securities on an overseas stock exchange.


On July 6, 2021, the relevant PRC government authorities issued Opinions on Strictly Cracking Down Illegal Securities Activities in Accordance with the Law, or the Opinions on Security Activities, which calls for the need to strengthen the administration over illegal securities activities and the supervision on overseas listings by China-based companies and proposed to take effective measures, such as promoting the construction of relevant regulatory systems to deal with the risks and incidents faced by China-based overseas-listed companies. On December 24, 2021, the State Council issued a draft Regulations of the State Council on the Administration of Overseas Issuance and Listing of Securities by Domestic Companies (Draft for Comments), or the Draft Provisions, and the CSRC issued a draft Measures for the Record-Filing of Overseas Securities Offering and Listing by Domestic Companies (Draft for Comments), or the Draft Administration Measures, for public comments. Pursuant to these drafts, PRC domestic companies that seek to directly or indirectly offer and list their securities, including overseas, should file with the CSRC certain required documents. Among the other things, “directly overseas offering and listing by PRC domestic companies” are defined as overseas offering and listing of the securities of PRC companies limited by shares, and “indirectly overseas offering and listing by PRC domestic companies” are defined as overseas offering and listing of the securities of offshore-incorporated companies whose main business operations are in mainland China, based on their onshore equity, assets or similar interests. Specifically, the examination and determination of an indirect offering and listing will be conducted on a substance-over-form basis, and an offering and listing shall be considered as an indirect overseas offering and listing by a domestic company if the issuer meets the following conditions: (i) the operating income, gross profit, total assets, or net assets of the domestic enterprise in the most recent fiscal year was more than 50% of the relevant line item in the issuer’s audited consolidated financial statement for that year; and (ii) senior management personnel responsible for business operations and management are mostly PRC citizens or are ordinarily resident in the PRC, and the main place of business is in the PRC or carried out in the PRC. According to the Draft Administration Measures, the issuer or its affiliated domestic company, as the case may be, should file with the CSRC for its initial public offering, follow-on offering, listing of securities in another overseas market, and other equivalent offing activities. Particularly, the issuer should submit the filing with respect to its initial public offering and listing or listing of securities in another overseas market within three business days after submitting the application documents for the foregoing transactions and the issuer should submit the filing with respect to its follow-on offering within three business days after completion of the follow-on offering. Besides, direct or indirect overseas listing of assets of PRC domestic companies by merger and acquisition, share swap, allocation, or other arrangements through one of a series of transactions are also subject to filing with the CSRC. Failure to comply with the filing requirements may result in fines to the relevant domestic companies, suspension of their businesses, revocation of their business licenses and operation permits and fines on the controlling shareholder and other responsible persons. The Draft Administration Measures also sets forth certain regulatory red lines for overseas offerings and listings by domestic enterprises. As of the date of this annual report, the Draft Provisions and the Draft Administration Measures were released for public comment only. There are uncertainties as to whether the Draft Provisions and the Draft Administration Measures would be further amended, revised or updated. Substantial uncertainties exist with respect to the enactment timetable and final content of the Draft Provisions and the Draft Administration Measures. As the CSRC may formulate and publish guidelines for filings in the future, the Draft Administration Measures does not provide for detailed requirements of the substance and form of the filing documents. In a Q&A released on its official website, the respondent CSRC official indicated that the proposed new filing requirement will start with new companies and the existing companies seeking to carry out activities like follow-on financing or listing of securities in another overseas market. As for the filings for the existing companies, the regulator will grant adequate transition period and apply separate arrangements. The Q&A also addressed the contractual arrangements and pointed out that if relevant domestic laws and regulations have been observed, companies with compliant variable interest entity structure may seek overseas listing after completion of the CSRC filings. Nevertheless, it does not specify what qualify as compliant variable interest entity structures and what relevant domestic laws and regulations are required to be complied with.





On December 27, 2021, the NDRC and the Ministry of Commerce, jointly issued the 2021 Negative List, which became effective on January 1, 2022. Pursuant to the 2021 Negative List, if a domestic company engaging in the prohibited business stipulated in the 2021 Negative List seeks an overseas offering and listing, it shall obtain the approval from the competent governmental authorities. Besides, the foreign investors of the company shall not be involved in the company’s operation and management, and their shareholding percentages shall be subject, mutatis mutandis, to the relevant regulations on the domestic securities investments by foreign investors. As the 2021 Negative List is relatively new, there remain substantial uncertainties as to the interpretation and implementation of these new requirements, and it is unclear as to whether and to what extent listed companies like us will be subject to these new requirements.


On April 2, 2022, the CSRC published the amended version of the Provisions on Strengthening the Confidentiality and Archives Administration Related to Overseas Issuance and Listing of Securities (Draft for Comments), or the Draft Amended Provisions on Confidentiality. According to the Draft Amended Provisions on Confidentiality, (i) domestic companies directly or indirectly listed overseas should obtain the approvals from the competent governmental authorities and file with secret administration authorities in advance, if such domestic companies intend to provide or disclose documents or files involving state secrets or government authorities’ secrets to securities companies, securities service providers or offshore regulators, and (ii) such domestic companies must comply with relevant rules and regulations and follow the applicable procedures in case of providing or disclosing documents or files, which may cause negative impacts to national interests or public interests in case of leakage, to securities companies, securities service providers or offshore regulators. Furthermore, the Draft Amended Provisions on Confidentiality provides that the oversea securities regulatory authorities and relevant competent authorities that intend to conduct investigations or inspections on domestic companies in relation to their overseas securities issuance and listing-related activities, will be subject to the cross-border regulatory cooperation mechanism, and the domestic companies involved should file reports to CSRC or competent authorities in advance before cooperating with such investigations or inspections. As of the date of this annual report, the Draft Amended Provisions on Confidentiality was released for public comment only. There are substantial uncertainties as to whether the Draft Amended Provisions on Confidentiality would be further amended, revised or updated.


Restriction on Foreign Ownership


Pursuant to the Foreign Investment Industries Guidance Catalog (2017 Revision), or the 2017 Catalogue, which was amended by the NDRC and the MOFCOM, and became effective on July 28, 2017 replacing the Foreign Investment Industries Guidance Catalog (2015 Revision). The 2017 Catalogue classifies the various industries into three categories: encouraged, restricted and prohibited. Our company’s primary products, nutraceutical products, are encouraged industries for foreign investors.


The Special Administrative Measures for Access of Foreign Investment (Foreign Investment Access Negative List) set forth in the 2017 Catalogue was replaced by the Special Administrative Measures for Access of Foreign Investment (Negative List) (2018 Version), or the 2018 Negative List, promulgated on June 28, 2018 with effect on July 28, 2018, which imposes the same restriction and prohibition on foreign investors. On June 30, 2019, the MOFCOM and the NDRC jointly released the Catalog of Industries Encouraging Foreign Investment (2019 Version), or the 2019 Encouraged Catalog, which became effective on July 30, 2019 and replaced the previous list of the industries in which foreign investment is encouraged to invest under the 2017 Catalogue, and the Special Administrative Measures for Access of Foreign Investment (Negative List) (2019 Version), or the 2019 Negative List, which became effective on July 30, 2019 and replaced the 2018 Negative List. On June 23, 2020, the MOFCOM and the NDRC jointly released the Special Administrative Measures for Access of Foreign Investment (Negative List) (2020 Version), or the 2020 Negative List, which superseded the 2019 Negative List on July 23, 2020. On December 27, 2021, the NDRC and the MOFCOM jointly released the Special Administrative Measures for Access of Foreign Investment (Negative List) (2021 Version), or the 2021 Negative List which came into effect on January 1, 2022 and replaced the 2020 Negative List.





Regulations on Offshore Parent Holding Companies’ Direct Investment in and Loans to Their PRC Subsidiaries


An offshore company may invest equity in a PRC company, which will become the PRC subsidiary of the offshore holding company after investment. Such equity investment is subject to a series of laws and regulations generally applicable to any foreign-invested enterprise in China, which include the Wholly Foreign Owned Enterprise Law, the Sino-foreign Equity Joint Venture Enterprise Law, the Sino-foreign Contractual Joint Venture Enterprise Law, all as amended from time to time, and their respective implementing rules; the Tentative Provisions on the Foreign Exchange Registration Administration of Foreign-Invested Enterprise; and the Notice on Certain Matters Relating to the Change of Registered Capital of Foreign-Invested Enterprises.


Under the aforesaid laws and regulations, the increase of the registered capital of a foreign-invested enterprise is subject to the prior approval by or registration with the original approval authority of its establishment. In addition, the increase of registered capital and total investment amount shall both be registered with SAIC.


Shareholder loans made by offshore parent holding companies to their PRC subsidiaries are regarded as foreign debts in China for regulatory purposes, which debts are subject to a number of PRC laws and regulations, including the PRC Foreign Exchange Administration Regulations, the Interim Measures on Administration on Foreign Debts, the Tentative Provisions on the Statistics Monitoring of Foreign Debts and its implementation rules, and the Administration Rules on the Settlement, Sale and Payment of Foreign Exchange.


Under these regulations, the shareholder loans made by offshore parent holding companies to their PRC subsidiaries shall be registered with SAFE. Furthermore, the total amount of foreign debts that can be incurred by such PRC subsidiaries, including any shareholder loans, shall not exceed the difference between the total investment amount and the registered capital amount of the PRC subsidiaries, both of which are subject to governmental approval.


Regulations on Trademarks


Trademarks are protected by the PRC Trademark Law adopted in 1982, as subsequently amended, as well as the Implementation Regulations of the PRC Trademark Law adopted by the State Council in 2002 and 2013. The Trademark Office under the SAIC handles trademark registrations. Trademarks can be registered for a term of ten years and can be extended for another ten years if requested upon expiration of the first or any renewed ten-year term. The PRC Trademark Law has adopted a “first-to-file” principle with respect to trademark registration. Where a trademark for which a registration application has been made is identical or similar to another trademark which has already been registered or been subject to a preliminary examination and approval for use on the same type of or similar commodities or services, the application for such trademark registration may be rejected. Any person applying for the registration of a trademark may not prejudice the existing right first obtained by others, nor may any person register in advance a trademark that has already been used by another party and has already gained a “sufficient degree of reputation” through such other party’s use. Trademark license agreements must be filed with the Trademark Office or its regional offices. Meanwhile, we have successfully obtained 38 trademarks.


Regulations on Patents


The PRC Patent Law provides for patentable inventions, utility models and designs, which must meet three conditions: novelty, inventiveness and practical applicability. The State Intellectual Property Office is responsible for examining and approving patent applications. A patent is valid for a term of twenty years in the case of an invention patent and a term of ten years in the case of utility models and designs. We have obtained 18 patents, all of which we have ownership of, including a number of those that were originally under the ownership of certain individuals affiliated with our Company through ownership transfer.





PRC Enterprise Income Tax Law and Individual Income Tax Law


Under the Enterprise Income Tax Law or EIT Law, enterprises are classified as resident enterprises and non-resident enterprises. PRC resident enterprises typically pay an enterprise income tax at the rate of 25%. An enterprise established outside of the PRC with its “de facto management bodies” located within the PRC is considered a “resident enterprise,” meaning that it can be treated in a manner similar to a PRC domestic enterprise for enterprise income tax purposes. The implementation rules of the EIT Law define “de facto management body” as a managing body that in practice exercises “substantial and overall management and control over the production and operations, personnel, accounting, and properties” of the enterprise.


The SAT Circular 82 issued by the SAT in April 2009 provides certain specific criteria for determining whether the “de facto management body” of a PRC-controlled offshore incorporated enterprise is located in China. Pursuant to the SAT Circular 82, a PRC-controlled offshore incorporated enterprise has its “de facto management body” in China only if all of the following conditions are met: (a) the senior management and core management departments in charge of its daily operations function have their presence mainly in the PRC; (b) its financial and human resources decisions are subject to determination or approval by persons or bodies in the PRC; (c) its major assets, accounting books, company seals, and minutes and files of its board and shareholders’ meetings are located or kept in the PRC; and (d) more than half of the enterprise’s directors or senior management with voting rights habitually reside in the PRC. The SAT Bulletin 45, in effect from September 2011, provides more guidance on the implementation of the SAT Circular 82 and provides for procedures and administration details on determining resident status and administration on post-determination matters. Although the SAT Circular 82 and the SAT Bulletin 45 only apply to offshore enterprises controlled by PRC enterprises or PRC enterprise groups, not those controlled by PRC individuals or foreign individuals, the determining criteria set forth there may reflect the SAT’s general position on how the “de facto management body” test should be applied in determining the tax resident status of offshore enterprises, regardless of whether they are controlled by PRC enterprises or PRC enterprise groups or by PRC or foreign individuals. 


Due to the lack of applicable legal precedents, it remains unclear how the PRC tax authorities will determine the PRC tax resident treatment of a foreign company controlled by individuals. We may be classified as a PRC “resident enterprise” for PRC enterprise income tax purposes. Such classification would likely result in unfavorable tax consequences to us and our non-PRC shareholders and have a material adverse effect on our results of operations and the value of your investment.


Employment Laws


In accordance with the PRC National Labor Law, which became effective in January 1995, and the PRC Labor Contract Law, which became effective in January 2008, as amended subsequently in 2012, employers must execute written labor contracts with full-time employees in order to establish an employment relationship. All employers must compensate their employees equal to at least the local minimum wage standards. All employers are required to establish a system for labor safety and sanitation, strictly abide by state rules and standards and provide employees with appropriate workplace safety training. In addition, employers in China are obliged to pay contributions to the social insurance plan and the housing fund plan for employees. We have contributed to the basic and minimum social insurance plan. While we believe we have made adequate provision of such outstanding amounts of contributions to such plans in our financial statements, any failure to make sufficient payments to such plans would be in violation of applicable PRC laws and regulations and, if we are found to be in violation of such laws and regulations, we could be required to make up the contributions for such plans as well as to pay late fees and fines.




Income Tax


The New Income Tax Law was promulgated by NPC on March 16, 2007 and came into effect on January 1, 2008. The Chinese domestic enterprises and FIEs are treated equally on the income tax rate, and the enterprise income tax rate shall be 25%. Enterprise Income Tax law grants preferential tax treatment to High and New Technology Enterprises (“HNTEs”). Under this preferential tax treatment, HNTEs are entitled to an income tax rate of 15%, subject to a requirement that they re-apply for HNTE status every three years. In accordance with the New Income Tax Law and its implementing regulations, the non-resident enterprise which has not set up institutions or establishments in China, or has set up institutions or establishments but the income has no relationship with such institutions or establishments, it shall pay enterprise income tax on such income sourced from China, and the income tax rate shall be 20%, subject to reduction as provided by any applicable double taxation treaty, unless the relevant income is specially exempted from tax under the applicable tax laws, regulations, notices and decisions which relate to FIEs and their investors.





The enterprises that were approved and established prior to the promulgation hereof and that, in accordance with the effective tax laws and administrative regulations, enjoy a special lower tax rate shall, in accordance with the provisions of the State Council, progressively transit to the tax rate specified herein within 5 years following the implementation hereof. Those enterprises that enjoy a fixed-term tax exemption or tax reduction shall, in accordance with the provisions of the State Council, continue to enjoy such exemption or reduction after the implementation hereof until the expiration of the term of such exemption or reduction. However, if an enterprise did not enjoy such preferential treatment because it has not yet achieved profitability, the term of such preferential treatment shall be calculated from January 1, 2008 until the expiration of the term of such exemption or reduction.


According to the Notice on Strengthening Administration of Enterprise Income Tax for Share Transfers by Non-PRC Resident Enterprise (Circular Guoshuihan [2009] No. 698) implemented on January 1, 2008, except for the purchase and sale of equity through a public securities market, where a foreign corporate investor indirectly transfers the equity of a PRC resident enterprise by disposing the equity of an overseas holding company (the “Indirect Transfer”) located in a tax jurisdiction that (i) has an effective tax rate of less than 12.5%, or (ii) does not tax its residents on their foreign income, the foreign corporate investor shall report the Indirect Transfer to the competent PRC tax authority within 30 days from the date when the equity transfer agreement was made. In this case, the PRC tax authority will examine the true nature of the Indirect Transfer. Should it deem the foreign investor to have made the Indirect Transfer without reasonable commercial purpose and in order to avoid the PRC tax, the PRC tax authority may disregard the existence of the overseas holding company that is used for tax planning purpose and re-characterize the Indirect Transfer. As a result, gains derived from such Indirect Transfer by the foreign investor may be subject to the EIT Law.


Value-Added Tax


Pursuant to the Provisional Regulations on Value-added Tax of PRC, last amended on November 5, 2008 and took effect from January 1, 2009, and its implementation rules which were revised on December 15, 2008 and took effect from January 1, 2009, all entities or individuals in PRC engaging in the sale of goods, the provision of processing services, repairs and replacement services, and the import of goods are required to pay value-added tax (“VAT”). The amount of VAT payable in the sale or import of goods except as otherwise provided by paragraph (2) and paragraph (3) of Article 2 of the Provisional Regulations on Value-added Tax of PRC.  Before May 1, 2018, the applicable VAT rate was 17%, while after May 1, 2018 and before April 1, 2019, the Company is subject to a VAT rate of 16%. After April 1, 2019, the Company is subject to a VAT rate of 13% based on the new Chinese tax law.


In November 2011, the Ministry of Finance (“MOF”) and the State Administration of Tax (“SAT”) promulgated the Pilot Plan for Imposition of Value-Added Tax to Replace Business Tax (the “Pilot Plan”). Since January 1, 2012, the PRC government has been implementing a pilot program in certain provinces and municipalities, to levy a 6% VAT on revenue generated from certain kinds of services in lieu of the 5% business tax. According to the Notice Regarding the Nationwide Implementation of B2V Transformation Pilot Program in respect of Transportation and Certain Modern Service Industries jointly issued by the MOF and SAT effective from August 1, 2013 (the “B2V Circular 37”), such policy has been implemented nationwide. In addition, the MOF and SAT released the Notice on Including Railway Transportation and Postal Services Sectors into the Pilot Scheme on Switching from Business Tax to VAT on December 12, 2013, which further expanded the scope of taxable services for value-added tax and replaced the B2V Circular 37 as of January 1, 2014.


Business Tax


Pursuant to the Interim Regulation of the People’s Republic of China on Business Tax (“Business Tax Regulation”) last amended on November 10, 2008 and took effect from 1 January, 2009, business that provide services (including entertainment business), assign intangible assets or sell immovable property became liable to business tax at a rate ranging from 3% to 20% of the charges of the services provided, intangible assets assigned or immovable property sold, as the case may be.





Tax on Dividends from PRC Enterprise with Foreign Investment


According to the New Income Tax Law and the Implementation Rules, income such as dividends and profits distribution from the PRC derived from a foreign enterprise which has no establishment in the PRC is subject to a 10% withholding tax, subject to reduction as provided by any applicable double taxation treaty.


Stamp Duty


Under the PRC Interim Regulations on Stamp Duty promulgated by the State Council on August 6, 1988 and amended in January 6, 2011, for building property transfer instruments, including those in respect of property ownership transfer, the duty rate shall be 0.03% of the amount stated therein; for permits and certificates relating to rights, including real estate title certificates and land use right certificates, stamp duty shall be levied on an item basis at an annual rate of RMB5 per item.


Urban Maintenance Tax


Under the PRC Interim Regulations on Urban Maintenance Tax promulgated by the State Council on February 8, 1985 and amended on January 8, 2011, any taxpayer, whether an individual or otherwise, of product tax, value-added tax or business tax shall be required to pay urban maintenance tax. The tax rate shall be 7% for a taxpayer whose domicile is in an urban area, 5% for a taxpayer whose domicile is in a county and a town, and 1% for a taxpayer whose domicile is not in any urban area or county or town.


Wholly Foreign-Owned Enterprise


WFOE is governed by the Law of the People’s Republic of China Concerning Enterprises with Sole Foreign Investments, which was promulgated on April 12, 1986 and was subsequently amended on October 31, 2000, and its Implementation Regulations promulgated on December 12, 1990 and was subsequently amended on April 12, 2001 (together the “Foreign Enterprises Law”).


Procedures for Establishment of a WFOE


The establishment of a WFOE will have to be approved by Ministry of Commerce (or its delegated authorities) (the “MOC”). If two or more foreign investors jointly apply for the establishment of a WFOE, a copy of the contract between the parties must also be submitted to MOC (or its delegated authorities) for its record. A WFOE must also obtain a business license from the State Administration of Industry and Commerce (or its delegated authorities) before it can commence business.




A WFOE is a limited liability company under the Foreign Enterprise Law. It is a legal entity which may independently assume civil obligations, enjoy civil rights and has the right to own, use and dispose of property. It is required to have a registered capital contributed by the foreign investor(s). The liability of the foreign investor(s) is limited to the amount of registered capital contributed. The foreign investor may make its contributions by installments and the registered capital must be contributed within the period as approved by the MOC (or its delegated authorities) in accordance with relevant regulations.





Profit Distribution


The Foreign Enterprise Law provides that after payment of taxes, a WFOE must make contributions to a reserve fund and at least 10% of the after-tax profits must be allocated to the reserve fund. If the accumulative amount of allocated reserve funds reaches 50% of an enterprise’s registered capital, the WFOE will not be required to make any additional contribution. The WFOE is prohibited from distributing dividends unless the losses (if any) of previous years have been made up.


In accordance with the Notice of the Ministry of Finance on the Issue of Handling Financial Issues by Relevant Enterprises after the Implementation of the Company Law promulgated by the Ministry of Finance on March 15, 2006 and effective April 1, 2006, from January 1, 2006 on, enterprises established in accordance with the Company Law shall distribute profits pursuant to Article 167 of the Company Law and shall no longer make contributions to the reserve fund. After an enterprise ceases to make contributions to the reserve fund, it may continue to make contributions to the employee bonus and welfare fund as decided by the board of directors if the purpose, use conditions, and procedures thereof shall be made clear, and such funds shall be manage as debts.


Company Law


The establishment and operation of corporate entities in China is governed by the PRC Company Law, which was promulgated by the Standing Committee of the NPC on December 29, 1993 and became effective on July 1, 1994 (“1993 PRC Company Law”). It was subsequently amended on December 25, 1999, August 28, 2004, October 27, 2005, December 28, 2013, and October 26, 2018.


The PRC Company Law generally governs 2 types of companies — limited liability companies and joint stock limited companies. Both types of companies have the status of legal persons, and the liability of a company to its debtors is limited to the value of assets owned by the company. Liabilities of shareholders of a limited liability company are limited to the amount of registered capital they have contributed.


The amendments to the PRC Company Law adopted in October 2005 seek to reform various aspects of the 1993 PRC Company Law and simplify the establishment and operation of companies incorporated in China by lowering capitalization requirements, increasing shareholder and creditor protection, improving corporate governance, and relaxing rules regarding the establishment of subsidiaries. Further, the restriction relating to the total investment of a company in other entities exceeding 50% of its net assets has been removed, the incorporation of one shareholder limited liability companies in addition to wholly State-owned enterprises is permitted, and the Chinese Company Law shall apply to foreign invested limited liability companies. Where laws on foreign investment have other stipulations, such stipulations shall apply.


The amendments to the PRC Company Law adopted in December 2013 took effect on March 1, 2014. These amendments cover three aspects: (a) replacing the paid-up capital registration system by subscribed capital registration system; (b) relaxing the requirements for registered capital registration; and (c) streamlining the registration items and requirements for registration documents.


On December 24, 2021, the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress issued the Company Law of the People’s Republic of China (Draft for Comments) (the “Revised Company Law”), which is now open for public comments. The Revised Company Law further stipulates the establishment and withdrawal of the company, the organizational structure and the capital system of the company, and strengthens the responsibilities of shareholders and management personnel and Corporate Social Responsibility. Foreign invested projects must also comply with the Company Law, with exceptions as specified in foreign investment laws.





PRC Laws and Regulations Relating to Foreign Investment


With respect to the establishment and operation of wholly foreign-owned projects, or WFOE, the MOFCOM and NDRC, promulgated the Special Administrative Measures for the Access of Foreign Investment (Negative List) (2021 Version) (the “2021 Negative List”) on December 27, 2021, which became effective on January 1, 2022. The 2021 Negative List will replace the Special Administrative Measures for the Access of Foreign Investment (2020 Version) (the “2020 Negative List”) and serve as the main basis for management and guidance for the MOFCOM to manage and supervise foreign investments. Those industries not set out on the 2021 Negative List shall be classified as industries permitted for foreign investment. None of our Group’s business activities are listed on the 2021 Negative List, nor on the 2020 Negative List. Therefore, the Company is able to conduct its business through its wholly owned PRC Subsidiaries without being subject to restrictions imposed by the foreign investment laws and regulations of the PRC.


The Foreign Investment Law of the People’s Republic of China (the “Foreign Investment Law”) was adopted by the second meeting of the 13th National People’s Congress on March 15, 2019, which became effective on January 1, 2020. On December 26,2019, the State Council promulgated Regulation for Implementing the Foreign Investment Law of the People’s Republic of China (the “Regulation”), which became effective on January 1, 2020.


The Foreign Investment Law and the Regulation apply the administrative system of pre-establishment national treatment plus negative list to foreign investment and clarify the state shall develop a catalogue of industries for encouraging foreign investment to specify the industries, fields, and regions where foreign investors are encouraged and directed to invest, which refers to the Catalogue of Industries for Guiding Foreign Investment Industries (amended in 2020) (the “Catalogue”). Specifically, the special administrative measures to be implemented are the restricted and prohibited industry categories as well as encouraged industry categories having shareholding and executive management requirements prescribed in the Catalogue (the Special Administrative Measures for the Access of Foreign Investment specified in the Catalogue was replaced by the 2020 Negative List, and the Catalogue of Industries for Encouraged Foreign Investment specified in the Catalogue was replaced by the Catalogue of Industries for Encouraged Foreign Investment (2020 Version).


Labor Law


Pursuant to the Labor Law of the PRC promulgated by Standing Committee of the NPC on July 5, 1994 and was subsequently amended on August 27, 2009, the Labor Contract Law of the PRC promulgated by Standing Committee of the NPC on June 29, 2007 and was subsequently amended on December 28, 2012 and the Labor Contract Law Implementation Rules of the PRC promulgated by the State Council on September 18, 2008, companies must enter into employment contracts with their employees, based on the principles of equality, consent and agreement through consultation. Companies must establish and effectively implement system of ensuring occupational safety and health, educating employees on occupational safety and health, preventing work-related accidents and reducing occupational hazards. Companies must also pay for their employees’ social insurance premium.


Social Insurance Law


Employers in China are required to contribute, on behalf of their employees, to a number of social security funds, including funds for basic pension insurance, unemployment insurance, basic medical insurance, work-related injury insurance, maternity insurance, and housing provident funds. These payments are made to local administrative authorities and an employer who fails to contribute may be fined and be ordered to make-up for the missed contributions. The various laws and regulations that govern the employers’ obligation to contribute to the social security funds include PRC Social Insurance Law promulgated by the Standing Committee of the NPC on October 28, 2010 and became effective July 1, 2011; the Interim Regulations on the Collection and Payment of Social Security Funds, which were promulgated by the State Council and became effective on January 22, 1999; the Interim Measures concerning the Maternity Insurance, which were promulgated by the Ministry of Labor on December 14, 1994 and became effective on January 1, 1995; the Regulations on Occupational Injury Insurance, which were promulgated by the State Council on April 27, 2003 and became effective on January 1, 2004 and was amended on December 20, 2010; the Regulations on Management of the Housing Provident Fund, which were promulgated and became effective on April 3, 1999 and was amended on March 24, 2002.





Where the enterprises fail to pay the full amount of the social insurance premiums, the relevant department aforesaid has the authority to check and decide on the amount of social insurance premiums that the enterprises should pay as the supplementary payment. If the enterprises do not pay for the social insurance premiums after the relevant department has charged the full amount of the supplementary payment, the relevant department is authorized to either inquire about the deposit account of such enterprises, or apply to the related department at or above the county level for making the decision of the allocation of social insurance premiums. The relevant department can also inform the bank or other financial institution to execute the allocation by written notice. If the amount of the deposit account is smaller than the amount of social insurance premiums required to pay by the enterprises, the enterprises may provide a security and delay the date to pay the social insurance premiums. If the amount of the deposit account is smaller than the amount of the social insurance premiums needed to pay by the enterprises, and the enterprises fails to provide a security, the relevant department shall apply to the court for the levying, sealing and auctioning of the property of such enterprises.


If the enterprises do not pay the full amount of social insurance premiums as scheduled, the social insurance premium collection institution shall order them to make the payment or make up the difference within a stipulated period and impose a daily fine equivalent to 0.05% of the overdue payment from the date on which the payment is overdue. If payment is not made within the stipulated period, the relevant administration department shall impose a fine from one to three times the amount of overdue payment.


Corporate Information


Our principal executive offices are located at No. 11, Dongjiao East Road, Shuangxi, Shunchang, Nanping City, Fujian Province, People’s Republic of China, where we owned the land use rights till 2056.


Our telephone number at that address is + 86-0599-782-8808. Our company website is http://www.fjxfl.com.





C. Organizational structure


The chart below presents our corporate structure as of the date of this report.



D. Property, Plants and Equipment


Information regarding our property, plants and equipment is described “Item 4. B. Business Overview.”




Not required.






The information in this report contains forward-looking statements. All statements other than statements of historical fact made in this report are forward looking. In particular, the statements herein regarding industry prospects and future results of operations or financial position are forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements can be identified by the use of words such as “believes,” “estimates,” “could,” “possibly,” “probably,” anticipates,” “projects,” “expects,” “may,” “will,” or “should” or other variations or similar words. No assurances can be given that the future results anticipated by the forward-looking statements will be achieved. Forward-looking statements reflect management’s current expectations and are inherently uncertain. Our actual results may differ significantly from management’s expectations.


The following discussion and analysis should be read in conjunction with our financial statements, included herewith. This discussion should not be construed to imply that the results discussed herein will necessarily continue into the future, or that any conclusion reached herein will necessarily be indicative of actual operating results in the future. Such discussion represents only the best present assessment of our management.





The following discussion and analysis of our financial condition and results of operations should be read in conjunction with our consolidated financial statements and related notes that appear in this annual report. In addition to historical consolidated financial information, the following discussion contains forward-looking statements that reflect our plans, estimates, and beliefs. Our actual results could differ materially from those discussed in the forward-looking statements. Factors that could cause or contribute to these differences include those discussed below and elsewhere in this annual report, particularly in “Risk Factors.” All amounts included herein with respect to the fiscal years ended March 31, 2022, 2021, and 2020 are derived from our audited consolidated financial statements included elsewhere in this annual report. The audited consolidated financial statements for the fiscal years ended March 31, 2022, 2021, and 2020 have been prepared in accordance with U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles, or US GAAP.




Incorporated on February 9, 2018, under the laws of Cayman Islands, Happiness Development currently has three business revenue streams: nutraceutical and dietary supplements, e-commerce and automobile sales. Happiness conducts its nutraceutical and dietary supplements business in China primarily through its wholly-owned subsidiary, Fujian Happiness. Founded in 2004, Fujian Happiness aims to make the world healthier and happier by developing and selling nutraceutical solutions for consumers looking to enhance their daily health performance. We believe enhanced consumer awareness and demand for our products due to trends such as the global awareness for health, increasing healthcare costs, increasing aging populations, and increasing needs of nutraceutical, coupled with the effectiveness of our distribution model and authorized experience store model have been the primary reasons for our success throughout our 17-year operating history.


We are one of the leading companies in Fujian which specialize in research, development, manufacturing, and marketing of nutraceutical and dietary supplements authorized by Nutraceutical Association of Fujian Province. Our products are mainly made of Lucidum spore powder, Cordyceps mycelia, Ejiao, vitamins, minerals, amino acids and others. Headquartered in Fuzhou, the provincial capital of Fujian Province, and Nanping, our products are sold throughout China.


Our objective is to provide the high-quality products to our consumers. We seek to accomplish this goal through execution of significant investments in quality control, scientific personnel, product testing, and self-manufacturing of our products. Our objective is rooted in using quality ingredients from traceable sources coupled with the continuous control during the manufacturing process of our products. We produce most of the products by ourselves without any outsource subcontracting.


Currently, we have mainly two kinds of sales channels for our dietary supplements products, which are traditional distribution channel and experience stores channel. Traditional distributors including regional distributors and large-scale chain drugstores, malls and supermarkets are our main sales channels and their sales terminals are the core resources of our marketing network and the main way to achieve sales. For well-known chain drugstores, malls and supermarkets customers, we tend to establish direct business partnership with them, rather than through our regional distributors. Experience store model is our new attempt in 2017 to boost our market share and the key point of our development strategy.


As of the date of this report, we have over 100 distributors and 10 experience stores in 20 different provinces in China for our nutraceutical and dietary supplements. Meanwhile, we have also built up our online sales, which also becomes our important distribution channel. We categorize our products into four groups: Healthcare products, e-commerce products, automobile and Internet information advertising services.


We started our online store business in September 2020. Our online store platform “Happy Buy” focuses on providing small and medium-sized enterprises with professional product sales and e-commerce agency operation services. The online store sales have grown steadily as the live streaming e-commerce industry, a form of online shopping that has developed rapidly in recent years, has been expanding its market scale in China.


We began our Internet information advertising services to individuals or small companies who want to get more exposure to expand their market in October 2020. We used our strength in this industry to provide them the more cost-effective information service.





In November 2020, we engaged in selling automobiles. Our auto sales platform “Happy Auto”, was later upgraded to “Taochejun”. Taochejun mainly focuses on building a network among car dealers in China. Currently, it operates an online platform of “Taochejun” on WeChat, as a WeChat Mini Program (微信小程序), where we and the car dealers can post information of available automobiles for sale. By utilizing our dealer network, the inventories and used cars from large 4S stores, the cars posted on Taochejun have competitive selling prices and Taochejun is able to provide services including car hailing in connection with the automobile sales. We plan to focus on the sales in small cities in China, and on the sales of new energy vehicles.


In summary, we generated a revenue and had net loss of $89,488,658 and $54,020,081, respectively, for the year ended March 31, 2022, representing an increase of $18,003,955 and decrease of $54,712,037 respectively, compared with the fiscal year ended March 31, 2021, during which we generated a revenue and net income of $71,484,703 and $691,956, respectively. We generated a revenue and net income of $71,484,703 and $691,956, respectively, for the year ended March 31, 2021, representing an increase of 9.9% and decrease of 94.5% respectively, compared with the fiscal year ended March 31, 2020, during which we generated $65,061,953 and $12,688,035, respectively.


Critical Accounting Policies


We believe it is helpful to investors to understand the critical accounting policies underlying our financial statements and the following discussion of our company’s financial condition and results of operations.


Use of Estimates


In preparing the consolidated financial statements in conformity with US GAAP, management makes estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities and disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of the financial statements and the reported amounts of revenues and expenses during the reporting period. These estimates are based on information as of the date of the consolidated financial statements. Significant estimates required to be made by management include, but are not limited to, the valuation of accounts receivable and related allowance for doubtful accounts, useful lives of property and equipment and intangible assets, the recoverability of long-lived assets, inventory reserve, allowance for credit losses, goodwill impairment, income taxes related to realization of deferred tax assets and uncertain tax position, provisions necessary for contingent liabilities and purchase price allocation in connection with the business combination. The current economic environment has increased the degrees of uncertainty inherent in those estimates and assumptions, actual results could differ from those estimates.


Accounts Receivable and Allowance for Doubtful Accounts


Accounts receivable are recognized and carried at original invoiced amount less an estimated allowance for uncollectible accounts. The Company determines the adequacy of reserves for doubtful accounts based on individual account analysis and historical collection trends. The Company establishes a provision for doubtful receivables when there is objective evidence that the Company may not be able to collect amounts due. The allowance is based on management’s best estimates of specific losses on individual exposures, as well as a provision on historical trends of collections. Based on management of customers’ credit and ongoing relationship, management makes conclusions whether any balances outstanding at the end of the period will be deemed uncollectible on an individual basis and on aging analysis basis. The provision is recorded against accounts receivables balances, with a corresponding charge recorded in the consolidated statements of income and comprehensive income. Delinquent account balances are written-off against the allowance for doubtful accounts after management has determined that the likelihood of collection is not probable.




Inventories are stated at the lower of cost or net realizable value. Cost of inventories is determined using the weighted-average method. In addition to cost of raw materials, work in progress and finished goods include direct labor costs and overheads. The Company periodically assesses the recoverability of all inventories to determine whether adjustments are required to record inventories at the lower of cost or market value. Inventories that the Company determines to be obsolete or in excess of forecasted usage are reduced to its estimated realizable value based on assumptions about future demand and market conditions. If actual demand is lower than the forecasted demand, additional inventory write-downs may be required.


No inventories write-downs for the year ended March 31, 2022 and 2021.





Value-added Tax


Value-added taxes (“VAT”) collected from customers relating to product sales and remitted to governmental authorities are presented on a net basis. VAT collected from customers is excluded from revenue. The Company is generally subject to the VAT for merchandise sales and services performed. Before May 1, 2018, the applicable VAT rate was 17%, while after May 1, 2018 and before April 1, 2019, the Company is subject to a VAT rate of 16%. After April 1, 2019, the Company is subject to a VAT rate of 13% based on the new Chinese tax law.


Revenue Recognition


The Company generates its revenue mainly from sales of healthcare products, automobiles, online store sales and internet information and advertising services.


The Company allows its customers to return products within some range. The range was limited to 3% of the customer’s yearly payment amount for the year for online store business. The transportation fee is borne by the customers in the condition of products return. For the year ended March 31, 2022, products return of all product sales amounted to $66,646, which is within the range.


The Company adopted the new guidance of ASC Topic 606, Revenue from Contracts with Customers (“Topic 606”), which supersedes the revenue recognition requirements in ASC Topic 605, Revenue Recognition on April 1, 2019.


The core principle of the guidance is that an entity should recognize revenue to depict the transfer of promised goods or services to customers in an amount that reflects the consideration to which the entity expects to be entitled in exchange for those goods or services. Revenue is the transaction price the Company expects to be entitled to in exchange for the promised services in a contract in the ordinary course of the Company’s activities and is recorded net of value-added tax (“VAT”). To achieve that core principle, the Company applies the following steps:


Step 1: Identify the contract (s) with a customer

Step 2: Identify the performance obligations in the contract

Step 3: Determine the transaction price

Step 4: Allocate the transaction price to the performance obligations in the contract

Step 5: Recognize revenue when (or as) the entity satisfies a performance obligation 


The Company generates revenues from providing transportation services and warehouse storage and management services. No practical expedients were used when adoption ASC 606. Revenue recognition policies for each type of revenue stream are as follow:


Healthcare products 


The Company sells nutraceutical and dietary supplements to third-party distributors and experience stores. Experience stores are owned by third parties, which are located in tourist sites where the sales consultants gave in-depth presentation of the origin, tradition and history of the Company’s products. Tourists are guided to enjoy a presentation of traditional Chinese herb culture offered by the distributors in the experience store and be presented with the Company’s healthcare products. The Company is a principal for the healthcare product sales as i) the Company produce or obtain control of the specified goods before transferring to the customers; ii) the Company has the right to determine the sales price; iii) the Company bears the risk of inventories and collection of consideration. For all sales, the Company requires a signed contract and sales order, which specifies pricing, quantity and product specifications. Under ASC 606, the Company recognizes revenue upon the satisfaction of its performance obligation, which is to transfer the control of the promised products to customers in an amount that reflects the consideration to which the Company expects to be entitled to in exchange for those products, excluding amounts collected on behalf of third parties (e.g., value-added taxes). The transfer of control of the products is satisfied at a point in time, which is the delivery of the products to distributors’ or the experience stores’ premises and evidenced by signed acknowledgment. The selling price, which is specified in the signed sales orders, is fixed. The Company has unconditional right to receive full payment of the sales price, upon the delivery of the products to distributors or experience stores and the signing of their acknowledgment. Distributors and experience stores are required to pay under the customary payment terms, which is generally less than six months. According to the sales agreement, the healthcare product sold cannot be returned after the acknowledgement.  







The Company sells automobiles in fiscal year 2022. For all sales, the Company requires a signed contract and sales order, which specifies pricing, quantity and product specifications. The Company is a principal for the automobiles sales as i) the Company produce or obtain control of the specified goods before transferring to the customers; ii) the Company has the right to determine the sales price; iii) the Company bears the risk of inventories and collection of consideration. Under ASC 606, the Company recognizes revenue upon the satisfaction of its performance obligation, which is to transfer the control of the promised products to customers in an amount that reflects the consideration to which the Company expects to be entitled to in exchange for those products, excluding amounts collected on behalf of third parties (e.g., value-added taxes). The transfer of control of the products is satisfied at a point in time, which is the delivery of the products to customers’ premises and evidenced by signed customer acknowledgment. According to the contract, the automobile sold cannot be returned after the customer acknowledgement.  The selling price, which is specified in the signed sales orders, is fixed. The Company has unconditional right to receive full payment of the sales price, upon the delivery of the products to customers and the signing of the customer acknowledgment, which is within 3 months after sales.  


Online store


The Company sells various goods through its online store business in fiscal year 2022. For all sales, the Company requires a sales order generated by the online store platform, which specifies pricing, quantity and product specifications. The Company is a principal for the online store sales as i) the Company produce or obtain control of the specified goods before transferring to the customers; ii) the Company has the right to determine the sales price; iii) the Company bears the risk of inventories and collection of consideration. Under ASC 606, the Company recognizes revenue upon the satisfaction of its performance obligation, which is to transfer the control of the promised products to customers in an amount that reflects the consideration to which the Company expects to be entitled to in exchange for those products, excluding amounts collected on behalf of third parties (e.g., value-added taxes). The transfer of control of the products is satisfied at a point in time, which is the delivery of the products to customers’ premises and evidenced by signed customer acknowledgment. The selling price, which is specified in the signed sales orders, is fixed. The Company has unconditional right to receive full payment of the sales price, upon the delivery of the products to customers and the signing of the customer acknowledgment unless the customers require sales return within 7 days after the acknowledgement. Customers are required to pay to the third-party platform before the goods were send out and the Company will receive the amount from the third-party platform after the customer sign off the acceptance form on the platform.


Internet information and advertising service


The Company provides internet information and advertising service online. For all sales, the Company requires a signed contract and sales order, which specifies the price and service range. The Company is a principal for the services as i) the Company has the right to determine the sales price; ii) the Company bears the collection risks; iii) the Company is responsible to the service provided. Under ASC 606, the Company recognizes revenue upon the satisfaction of its performance obligation, which is to provide specified information and advertising service to customers in an amount that reflects the consideration to which the Company expects to be entitled to in exchange for those services, excluding amounts collected on behalf of third parties (e.g., value-added taxes). The information and advertising service provided is satisfied at a point in time, which is the time when the information and advertising service is performed. No sales return is permitted after the service performed according to the contract signed. The selling price per click, which is specified in the signed sales orders, is fixed. The Company has unconditional right to receive full payment of the sales price, upon the completion of the service. Customers are required to pay to the Company in advance according to the contract.


The Company adopted ASC 606 as of April 1, 2019 using the modified retrospective transition method, the Company recognizes the cumulative effect of initially applying the new revenue standard as an adjustment to the opening balance of retained earnings; however, no adjustment was required as a result of adopting the new revenue standard.  Results for reporting periods beginning after April 1, 2019 are presented under the new standard. The comparative information has not been restated and continues to be reported under the historic accounting standards in effect for those periods.  The Company does not expect any impact to its net income from the adoption of ASU 2014-09 on an ongoing basis.


All of the Company’s revenues from contracts with customers represent products transferred at a point in time as control is transferred to the customer and are generated in PRC. All of the Company’s revenues are recognized on a gross basis and presented as revenue on the consolidated statements of operations and comprehensive income/(loss).


The following table presents an overview of our sales from our product lines for the years ended March 31, 2022, 2021 and 2020:


   For the years ended
March 31,
   2022   2021   2020 
Healthcare products  $30,323,831   $45,389,702   $65,061,953 
Online store   28,014,109    13,473,626    - 
Internet information and advertising   10,538,943    9,245,019    - 
Automobile   20,611,775    3,376,356    - 
Revenue  $89,488,658   $71,484,703   $65,061,953 





Income Taxes


The Company accounts for current income taxes in accordance with the laws of the relevant tax authorities. Deferred income taxes are recognized when temporary differences exist between the tax bases of assets and liabilities and their reported amounts in the consolidated financial statements. Deferred tax assets and liabilities are measured using enacted tax rates expected to apply to taxable income in the years in which those temporary differences are expected to be recovered or settled. The effect on deferred tax assets and liabilities of a change in tax rates is recognized in income in the period including the enactment date. Valuation allowances are established, when necessary, to reduce deferred tax assets to the amount expected to be realized.


The provisions of ASC 740-10, “Accounting for Uncertainty in Income Taxes”, prescribe a more-likely-than-not threshold for consolidated financial statement recognition and measurement of a tax position taken (or expected to be taken) in a tax return. This interpretation also provides guidance on the recognition of income tax assets and liabilities, classification of current and deferred income tax assets and liabilities, accounting for interest and penalties associated with tax positions, and related disclosures. The Company does not believe that there was any uncertain tax position at March 31, 2022 and 2021.


To the extent applicable, the Company records interest and penalties as a general and administrative expense. All of the tax returns of the Company and its subsidiaries remain subject to examination by PRC tax authorities for five years from the date of filing.


The Company is subject to Chinese tax laws. We are not subject to U.S. tax laws and local state tax laws. Our income and our related entities must be computed in accordance with Chinese and foreign tax laws, as applicable, and we are subject to Chinese tax laws, all of which may be changed in a manner that could adversely affect the amount of distributions to shareholders. There can be no assurance that Income Tax Laws of China will not be changed in a manner that adversely affects shareholders. In particular, any such change could increase the amount of tax payable by us, reducing the amount available to pay dividends to the holders of our ordinary shares.


We are a holding company with no material operations of our own. We conduct our operations through our subsidiaries in China. As a result, our ability to pay dividends and to finance any debt we may incur depends upon dividends paid by our subsidiaries. Under applicable PRC regulations, foreign-invested enterprises in China may pay dividends only out of their accumulated profits, if any, determined in accordance with PRC accounting standards and regulations. In addition, a foreign-invested enterprise in China is required to set aside at least 10% of its after-tax profit based on PRC accounting standards each year to its general reserves until the accumulative amount of such reserves reaches 50% of its registered capital. These reserves are not distributable as cash dividends.


As of March 31, 2022, our PRC subsidiaries had an aggregate retained earnings of approximately RMB 195.2 million (US$26.04 million) under PRC GAAP. With respect to retained earnings accrued after such date, our Board of Directors may declare dividends after taking into account our operations, earnings, financial condition, cash requirements and availability and other factors as it may deem relevant at such time. Any declaration and payment, as well as the amount, of dividends will be subject to our By-Laws, charter and applicable Chinese and U.S. state and federal laws and regulations, including the approval from the shareholders of each subsidiary which intends to declare such dividends, if applicable.


Foreign Currency Translation


The Company and its subsidiaries’ principal country of operations is the PRC. The Company maintained its financial record using the United States dollar (“US dollar”) as the functional currency, while the subsidiaries of the Company in Hong Kong and mainland China maintained their financial records using RMB as the functional currencies. The consolidated statements of income and comprehensive income and cash flows denominated in foreign currency are translated at the average rate of exchange during the reporting period. Assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies at the balance sheet date are translated at the applicable rates of exchange in effect at that date. The equity denominated in the functional currency is translated at the historical rate of exchange at the time of capital contribution. Because cash flows are translated based on the average rate of exchange, amounts related to assets and liabilities reported on the consolidated statements of cash flows will not necessarily agree with changes in the corresponding balances on the consolidated balance sheets. Translation adjustments arising from the use of different exchange rates from period to period are included as a separate component of accumulated other comprehensive income (loss) included in consolidated statements of changes in shareholders’ equity. Gains and losses from foreign currency transactions are included in the consolidated statement of income and comprehensive income.





The value of RMB against US$ and other currencies may fluctuate and is affected by, among other things, changes in the PRC’s political and economic conditions. Any significant revaluation of RMB may materially affect the Company’s financial condition in terms of US$ reporting. The following table outlines the currency exchange rates that were used in creating the consolidated financial statements in this report: 



    March 31,
  March 31,
  March 31,
Period-end spot rate   US$1=RMB 6.3482   US$1=RMB  6.5713   US$1=RMB 7.0851
Average rate   US$1=RMB 6.4083   US$1=RMB  6.7960   US$1=RMB 6.965


A. Operating Results  


Comparison of Fiscal Years Ended March 31, 2022, 2021, and 2020


The following table presents an overview of our results of operations for the years ended March 31, 2022, 2021 and 2020:


(All amounts, other than percentages, in U.S. dollars)


   For the years ended
March 31,
   2022   2021   2020 
Revenues  $89,488,658   $71,484,703   $65,061,953 
Cost of revenues   (85,777,192)   (53,309,102)   (34,642,649)
Gross profit   3,711,466    18,175,601    30,419,304 
Operating expenses:               
Selling and marketing   40,476,616    9,958,886    9,179,160 
General and administrative   9,126,812    5,030,899    3,482,459 
Research and development   1,684,089    1,660,100    2,358,968 
Goodwill impairment   






Total operating expenses   61,597,262    16,649,885    15,020,587 
Operating (loss) income   (57,885,796)   1,525,716    15,398,717 
Other income (expenses):               
Interest income   108,395    131,901    74,929 
Interest expense   (85,993)   (111,799)   (98,086)
Other income   117,086    105,522    156,562 
Total other income   139,488    125,624    133,405 
(Loss) Income before income taxes   (57,746,308)   1,651,340    15,532,122 
Income tax (provision) benefit   3,726,227    (959,384)   (2,844,087)
Net (loss) income  $(54,020,081)  $691,956   $12,688,035 


Year Ended March 31, 2022 Compared to Year Ended March 31, 2021







We generated $89,488,658 in revenues for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2022, representing an increase of $18,003,955 or 25.19%, as compared with $71,484,703 for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2021. The increase was primarily due to the increase of the revenues generated from the online stores and the automobile business.  


Our sales of the healthcare products had dropped down significantly to $30,323,831 during fiscal year 2022 due to the adverse impact of COVID-19 pandemic during 2022. The new variants of COVID-19 which occurred from time to time in different provinces in Chain have materially negatively impacted the performance of our experience stores and our customers and suppliers. During the year ended March 31, 2022, we continually closed 7 experience stores due to their poor performance to avoid further losses. Meanwhile, we tried to upgrade our online business model to realize the increase orders.


The revenue of our online store for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2022 increased to $28,014,109 from $13,473,626 for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2021. The increase was primarily due to the development of the online store business. We obtained more individual customer sales during this year ended March 31, 2022. In addition, we focused on providing e-commerce solutions and services for small and medium-sized enterprises. As Chinese young generations are used to making purchase online rather than offline, the online store sales increased within a short period of time. We will continue to invest in this revenue stream in the next few years.


In October 2020, we began the information service to individuals or small companies who want to get more online exposure to expand their market and gain more customers. We used our strength in the e-commerce industry to provide them with the more cost-effective information service. In the year ended March 31, 2022, the information service revenue reached $10,538,943, representing an increase of $1,293,924 or 14%, as compared with $9,245,019 for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2021.


In November 2020, we started our business of selling automobiles to companies or individual customers. The needs of automobile are still huge in China. We focus on building a network among car dealers in China. The unit price listed through our platform ranged from $10,396 to $642,702 for different brands. In the fiscal year ended March 31, 2022, the revenue of selling automobile increased $17,235,419 or 510.47% to $20,611,775 from $3,376,356 for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2021. The increase was primarily because that the automobiles sales commencing in November 2021 generated only four months income, in contrast to the whole-year of income generated from the automobile business in the year ended March 31, 2022. We are looking forward to our development in the automobile market and will continue to invest in it.





Cost of Revenues


Total cost of revenues was $85,777,192 for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2022, representing an increase of $32,468,090 or 60.91%, compared with $53,309,102 for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2021. The gross margin ratio of us was 4.2% for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2022, representing a decrease of 21.2%, compared with 25.4% for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2021. The decrease of gross margin ratio was mainly due to the lower gross margin of the healthcare products stream.


The gross margin ratio of healthcare products was negative 0.7% for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2022, representing a decrease of 38.6%, compared with 37.9% for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2021. The decrease was mainly due to the smaller product volume that pushed up the unit costs. Meanwhile, the decrease of high gross margin products and the discounted sales of raw materials also led to the decrease.


The gross margin ratio of online sale was 7.7% for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2022. representing an increase of 2.4%, compared with 5.3%   for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2021. The increase was mainly due to the increase of individual customers in the year ended March 31, 2022, which generated higher gross margin than that of business customers. The online store sales to business customers usually have 3-5% in gross margin rate.


The gross margin ration of information service and selling of automobile was 14.5% and 1.1% for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2022. As we are newcomer in these two industries, we were trying to get more market and maintain a good customer base in a short period with a lower gross profit margin.


All the above facts resulted in the significant drop in the gross profit margin ratio for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2022 compared to the fiscal year ended March 31, 2021.


Selling and Marketing Expenses


We incurred $40,476,616 in selling and marketing expenses for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2022, representing an increase of $30,517,730 or 306.44%, compared with $9,958,886 for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2021. The increase was primarily due to increases in higher advertising costs, and network flow fee


General and Administrative Expenses


We incurred $9,126,812 in general and administrative expenses for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2022, representing an increase of $4,095,913 or 81.4%, compared with $5,030,899 for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2021. The increase was primarily attributable to the shared granted to the employees in the year ended March 31, 2022 as well as the service charges by internet search engine of key words and brand promotion costs for company online sales.





Research and Development Expenses


We incurred $1,684,089 in research and development expenses for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2022, representing an increase of $23,989 or 1.45%, compared with $1,660,100 for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2021. The increase was primarily due to the increase of the sophisticated products   , including the wall-breaking method of Ganoderma lucidum spore and ginseng taurine drink, as a result of more intensive consumer preference among all market participants.


Goodwill impairment


We incurred $10,309,745 in goodwill impairment for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2022 and nil for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2021. The increase was primarily due to continually influence of the COVID-19 pandemic, which led to the dramatic decrease of operating performance in the two newly acquired entities.


Income from Operations


As a result of the factors described above, our operating loss was $57,885,796 for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2022, compared with operating income of $1,525,716 for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2021, increased by $44,778,859. The increase was primarily due to the higher advertising fee and network flow fee invested in new business streams and impairment of long-lived assets.


Interest income


Our interest income of $108,395 for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2022 decreased by $23,506 or 17.82%, compared with interest income of $131,901 for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2021. The decrease was primarily due to the decrease of our cash.


Interest expense


Our interest expense of $85,993 for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2022 decreased by $25,806 or 23.08%, compared with interest expense of $111,799 for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2021. The decrease was mainly due to the decrease of the interest rate.


Other Income (Expenses)


Our other income of $117,086 for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2022 increased by $11,564 or 10.96% compared with other income of $105,522 for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2021. The increase was primarily due to the changes in fair value recognized in profit of contingent assets derived from the redemption option of transaction agreements.


Income Tax


We incurred income tax benefit of $3,726,227 for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2022. The income tax provision for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2021 was $959,384. The change was primary attributable to provision of the deductible temporary difference. Our effective income tax rates for the years ended March 31, 2022 and 2021 are 17.7% and 22.4%, respectively, mainly due to difference to include tax non-deductible cost for this reporting period.


Net Income


As a result of the factors described above, our net loss for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2022 was $54,020,081, representing a decrease of $53,328,125, compared with net income of $691,956 for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2021 as a result of lower operating profit margin and higher operating expense in 2022.


Foreign Currency Translation


Our consolidated financial statements are expressed in U.S. dollars but the functional currency of our operating subsidiaries is RMB. Results of operations and cash flows are translated at average exchange rates during the period, assets and liabilities are translated at the unified exchange rate at the end of the period and equity is translated at historical exchange rates. Translation adjustments resulting from the process of translating the financial statements denominated in RMB into U.S. dollars are included in determining comprehensive income. Our foreign currency translation income for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2022 and 2021 was $2,523,258 and $6,113,570, respectively. The fluctuation was primarily due to the appreciation or depreciation of RMB against the U.S. dollars for the year ended March 31, 2022 and 2021. 





Year Ended March 31, 2021 Compared to Year Ended March 31, 2020




We generated $71,484,703 in revenues for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2021, representing an increase of $6,422,750 or 9.9%, as compared with $65,061,953 for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2020. The increase was primarily due to the new goods or service provided including online sale, automobile sale and advertising service in 2021.


Our sales from the healthcare products had dropped down significantly from $65,061,953 in the fiscal year 2020 to $45,389,702 during the fiscal year 2021 due to the adverse impact of COVID-19 starting from January 2020. As travelling is restricted in January to March 2020 in China, and continuous spreading of COVID-19 in different provinces in China, the performance of our experience stores were greatly impaired. During the year ended March 31, 2021, we closed 10 experience stores due to their poor performance to avoid further losses. Meanwhile, we tried to enhance our online sale model to increase our sales.


In September 2020, we started our online store sales, the revenue of which for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2021 was $13,473,626. In addition to the online sales, we also focus on providing e-commerce solutions and services for small and medium-sized enterprises in China. As Chinese young generations are used to consume online rather than offline, the online store sales got successfully soon. We will continue to invest in this revenue stream in the next few years.


In October 2020, we began providing the internet information and advertising service to individuals or small companies whose businesses need exposure online. We used our strength in the e-commerce industry to provide them the more cost-effective internet information and advertising service. For the year ended March 31, 2021, the information service revenue reached $9,245,019.


In November 2020, we started engaging in selling automobiles to companies or individual customers under the brand of “Taochejun”. The demand for automobile is huge in China. Through Taochejun, we aim to build a network among car dealers in China, especially in the third- and fourth-tier cities, and provide the purchasers with streamline services relating to the automobile sale. The unit price ranged from $8,000 to $512,066 for different brands of cars. In the fiscal year ended March 31, 2021, the revenue of selling automobile is $3,376,356. We are looking forward to this market and will continue to invest in it.


Cost of Revenues  


Total cost of revenues was $53,309,102 for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2021, representing an increase of $18,666,453 or 53.9%, compared with $34,642,649 for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2020. The gross margin ratio of our company was 25.4% for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2021, representing a decrease of 21.3%, compared with 46.8% for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2020. The decrease of gross margin ratio was mainly due to the lower gross margin of our new revenue streams.


The gross margin ratio of healthcare products was 37.9% for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2021, representing a decrease of 8.9%, compared with 46.8% for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2020. The decrease was mainly due to lower margin of lucidum spore powder raw material products. The gross margin ratio of other healthcare products was 42.6% for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2021.


The gross margin ratio of online sell was 5.3% for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2021. This is a normal gross profit margin in this industry as there is less operating expenses such as the rental expenses.


The gross margin ratio of information service and selling of automobile was 2.6% and 1.1% for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2021. As we are newcomer in these two industries and we were trying to grow our scale and retain a good customer base in a short period. Thus, our gross profit margin is lower.


All the above facts result in the significant drop in the gross profit margin ratio for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2021 compared to the fiscal year ended March 31, 2020.


Selling and Marketing Expenses


We incurred $9,958,886 in selling and marketing expenses for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2021, representing an increase of $779,726 or 8.5%, compared with $9,179,160 for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2020. The increase was primarily due to increases in higher advertising costs, and subsidy to our experience store operators.


General and Administrative Expenses


We incurred $5,030,899 in general and administrative expenses for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2021, representing an increase of $1,548,440 or 44.5%, compared with $3,482,459 for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2020. The increase was primarily attributable to the shares granted to our employees from April 1, 2020 through March 31, 2021, as well as the service charges by internet search engine of key words, brand promotion costs of the online sales.





Research and Development Expenses


We incurred $1,660,100 in research and development expenses for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2021, representing a decrease of $698,868 or 29.6%, compared with $2,358,968 for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2020. The decrease was primarily due to reduce of R&D lab equipment expenses. Our research and development expenses may increase in the future, for more sophisticated products as a result of more intensive consumer preference among all market participants.


Income from Operations


As a result of the factors described above, our operating income was $1,525,716 for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2021, compared with operating income of $15,398,717 for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2020, representing a decrease of $13,873,001 or approximately 90.1%.


Interest income


Our interest income of $131,901 for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2021, compared with interest income of $74,929 for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2020, which was primarily due to the average cash balance deposit in commercial bank.


Interest expense


Our interest expense of $111,799 for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2021, compared with interest expense of $98,086 for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2020, which was mainly due to the increase of the interest rate.


Other Income (Expenses)


Our other income of $105,522 for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2021, compared with other income of $156,562 for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2020, which was primarily government grants of compensation for our research and development efforts.


Income Tax


We incurred income tax expense of $959,384 for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2021, representing a decrease of $1,884,703 or 66.3%, compared with $2,844,087 for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2020. The decrease was primary attributable to less total income before corporate income tax for fiscal year ended March 31, 2021. Our effective income tax rates for the years ended March 31, 2021 and 2020 are 22.4% and 18.3%, respectively, mainly due to difference to include tax non-deductible cost for this reporting period.


Net Income


As a result of the factors described above, our net income for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2021 was $691,956, representing a decrease of $11,996,079 or 94.5%, compared with net income of $12,688,035 for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2020 due to the lower operating profit margin in the year ended March 31, 2021.


Foreign Currency Translation


Our consolidated financial statements are expressed in U.S. dollars but the functional currency of our operating subsidiaries is RMB. Results of operations and cash flows are translated at average exchange rates during the period, assets and liabilities are translated at the unified exchange rate at the end of the period and equity is translated at historical exchange rates. Translation adjustments resulting from the process of translating the financial statements denominated in RMB into U.S. dollars are included in determining comprehensive income (loss). Our foreign currency translation income (loss) for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2021 and 2020 was $6,113,570 and $(3,356,032), respectively. The fluctuation was primarily due to the appreciation or depreciation of RMB against the U.S. dollars for the year ended March 31, 2021 and 2020. 


B. Liquidity and Capital Resources


The following table presents an overview of cash flows for the periods indicated:


   For the years ended March 31, 
   2022   2021   2020 
Net cash (used in)/ provided by operating activities  $(28,134,783)  $2,904,466   $10,777,843 
Net cash used in investing activities   (8,476,879)   (13,222,847)   (1,159,355)
Net cash provided by financing activities   18,830,786    10,672,219    10,404,718 
Effect of exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents   955,755    2,550,149)   (1,169,213)
Net (decrease) increase in cash and cash equivalents  $(16,825,121)  $2,903,987   $18,853,993 


As of March 31, 2022, 2021 and 2020, we had cash and cash equivalents of $19,733,631, $36,558,752 and $33,654,765, respectively. We did not have any other short-term investments. As of March 31, 2022, 2021 and 2020, our current assets were approximately $56.6 million, $95.1 million and $70.0 million, respectively, and our current liabilities were approximately $17.9 million, $15.1 million and $5.5 million, respectively.





Operating Activities


Net cash used in operating activities for the year ended March 31, 2022 was approximately $28.1 million, which was primarily attributable to a net loss approximately $54.0 million, adjusted for non-cash items for approximately $10.8 million and adjustments for changes in working capital approximately $14.7 million. Net cash provided by operating activities for the year ended March 31, 2021 was approximately $2.9 million, adjusted for non-cash items for approximately $1.7 million and adjustments for changes in working capital approximately $0.6 million. Net cash generated from operating activities for the year ended March 31, 2020 was approximately $10.8 million, which was primarily attributable to a net profit approximately $12.7 million, adjusted for non-cash items for approximately $0.8 million and adjustments for changes in working capital approximately $2.7 million.


The decrease in the year ended March 31, 2022 was mainly due to the business expansion for the sales of automobiles and online stores.


Investing Activities


Net cash used in investing activities were $8.5 million, $13.2 million and $1.2 million for the year ended March 31, 2022, 2021 and 2020, respectively. For the year ended March 31, 2022, the decrease was primarily attributable to the new business acquisition of approximately $6.1 million and the proceeds of disposal of the subsidiaries. For the year ended March 31, 2021, the increase was primarily attributable to an increase of fixed assets of approximately $2.78 million, the purchase of software used for management of approximately $1.05 million and deposits paid for business acquisitions for approximately $9.31 million. For the year ended March 31, 2020, the increase was primarily attributable to an increase of fixed assets of approximately $1.15 million.


Financing Activities


Net cash provided by financing activities was approximately $10.4 million for the year ended March 31, 2020. It was primarily attributable to capital contributions of net proceeds $9.3 million from IPO issuance of new ordinary shares. In terms of bank loans, the proceeds from short-term bank borrowings was approximately $3.1 million and the repayments to short-term bank borrowings was approximately $2.1 million.


Net cash provided by financing activities was approximately $10.7 million for the year ended March 31, 2021. It was primarily attributable to capital contributions of net proceeds $11.0 million from issuance of new ordinary shares. In terms of bank loans, the proceeds from short-term bank borrowings was approximately $2.2 million and the repayments to short-term bank borrowings was approximately $2.1 million. Dividend paid in 2021 was $0.4 million.


Net cash provided by financing activities was approximately $18.8 million for the year ended March 31, 2022. It was primarily attributable to capital contributions of net proceeds $18.9 million from issuance of new ordinary shares. In terms of bank loans, the proceeds from short-term bank borrowings was approximately $2.2 million and the repayments to short-term bank borrowings was approximately $2.3 million. There was no dividend payment in 2022.


Capital Expenditures


Our capital expenditures consist primarily of expenditures for the construction of facilities, purchase of fixed assets and intangible assets as a result of our business growth. Our capital expenditures amounted to $2,407,504, $3,834,578 and $1,159,355 for the years ended March 31, 2022, 2021 and 2020, respectively.


Related Party Transactions  


In addition to the executive officer compensation arrangements discussed in “Executive Compensation,” below we describe transactions since April 1, 2016, to which we have been a participant, in which the amount involved in the transactions is material to us or the related party.


No balance of due to related parties as of March 31, 2022 and 2021.





Future Related Party Transactions


We will apply all rules about related party transactions as a listing company, and the Corporate Governance Committee of our Board of Directors (consist solely of independent directors) must approve all related party transactions. All related party transactions will be made or entered into on terms that are no less favorable to use than can be obtained from unaffiliated third parties. Related party transactions that we have previously entered into were not approved by independent directors, as we had no independent directors at that time.


Holding Company Structure


We are a holding company with no material operations of our own. We conduct our operations through our subsidiaries in China. As a result, our ability to pay dividends and to finance any debt we may incur depends upon dividends paid by our subsidiaries. Under applicable PRC regulations, foreign-invested enterprises in China may pay dividends only out of their accumulated profits, if any, determined in accordance with PRC accounting standards and regulations. In addition, a foreign-invested enterprise in China is required to set aside at least 10% of its after-tax profit based on PRC accounting standards each year to its general reserves until the accumulative amount of such reserves reaches 50% of its registered capital. These reserves are not distributable as cash dividends. The board of directors of a foreign-invested enterprise has the discretion to allocate a portion of its after-tax profits to staff welfare and bonus funds, which may not be distributed to equity owners except in the event of liquidation. Under PRC law, RMB is currently convertible into U.S. Dollars under a company’s “current account,” which includes dividends, trade and service-related foreign exchange transactions, without prior approval of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange (SAFE), but is not from a company’s “capital account,” which includes foreign direct investments and loans, without the prior approval of the SAFE.


As of March 31, 2022, our PRC subsidiaries had an aggregate retained earnings of approximately RMB 195.2 million (US$26.04 million) under PRC GAAP. With respect to retained earnings accrued after such date, our Board of Directors may declare dividends after taking into account our operations, earnings, financial condition, cash requirements and availability and other factors as it may deem relevant at such time. Any declaration and payment, as well as the amount, of dividends will be subject to our By-Laws, charter and applicable Chinese and U.S. state and federal laws and regulations, including the approval from the shareholders of each subsidiary which intends to declare such dividends, if applicable.


C. Research and development, patents, and licenses, etc.


Please refer to Item 4 Subparagraph B “Information on the Company—Business Overview—Research and Development”, “Information on the Company—Business Overview— Trademarks, Copyrights, Patents and Domain Names” and “Information on the Company—Business Overview—Licenses, Permits and Government Regulations.”


D. Trend Information


Other than as disclosed elsewhere in this annual report, we are not aware of any trends, uncertainties, demands, commitments or events that are reasonably likely to have a material effect on our net revenues, income from continuing operations, profitability, liquidity or capital resources, or that would cause reported financial information not necessarily to be indicative of future operating results or financial condition.


E. Critical Accounting Estimates  


Management makes estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities and disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of the financial statements and the reported amounts of revenues and expenses during the reporting period. These estimates are based on information as of the date of the consolidated financial statements. Significant estimates required to be made by management include, but are not limited to, the valuation of accounts receivable and related allowance for doubtful accounts, useful lives of property and equipment and intangible assets, the recoverability of long-lived assets, inventory reserve, goodwill impairment, income taxes related to realization of deferred tax assets and uncertain tax position, provisions necessary for contingent liabilities and contingent consideration. The current economic environment has increased the degrees of uncertainty inherent in those estimates and assumptions, actual results could differ from those estimates.







A. Directors and Senior Management


Our directors and executive officers are as follows:


Name  Age   Position
Xuezhu Wang   38   Chief Executive Officer, Chairman of the Board
Jiong Bian   54   Chief Financial Officer
Wenhui Lin   59   Director
Zhangshu Huang   66   Director
Lun Liu   50   Director
John Levy   66   Director


Below is a summary of the business experience of each of our executive officers and directors:


Xuezhu Wang


Mr. Xuezhu Wang has been our Chief Executive Officer since August 28, 2018, and Executive Director since February 9, 2018. He has been the Chief Executive Officer of Fujian Happiness, our Chinese subsidiary since 2015. As the CEO of Fujian Happiness, he was responsible for procurement and formulating a cost-effective strategy for purchasing goods and services. Mr. Xuezhu Wang studied the courses of Executive MBA in Peking University in 2013 and obtained an MBA degree from University of Wales in 2015. Mr. Xuezhu Wang received his college degree from Minjiang University in 2006.


Jiong Bian


Mr. Jiong Bian has been our Chief Financial Officer since August 26, 2018. From January 2013 to October 2017, Mr. Bian served as the Chief Financial Officer of CWZ China Flowers AG, formerly known as XinRuiKe, responsible for managing the China Flowers’ finances, including financial planning, management of financial risks, record-keeping and financial reporting. From 2008 to 2012, Mr. Bian was a vice president for Viscardi AG. China Division where he was responsible for introducing Frankfurt stock exchange listing incentives and the company’s scope of service to local companies, encouraging Chinese companies to have an IPO on the German equity market. From 2005 to 2007, Mr. Bian served as the Chief Financial Officer for Jiangsu Huadu Tongyi Co. Limited. Mr. Bian obtained a bachelor degree in economics from Shanghai University of Finance and Economics. He is also a CFA Charter holder in the U.S.


Wenhui Lin


Mr. Wenhui Lin was appointed as our director on November 13, 2020 and the Vice General Manager since 2007. Mr. Zhang served as the Deputy director of workshop at Shunchang Fubao Industrial Co., Ltd from March 1991 to March 2007. As the Vice General Manager, his responsibilities included supporting Mr. Xuezhu Wang to maintain a smooth process of purchase and production. Mr. Lin graduated from Jilin University in pharmaceutical specialty.


Zhangshu Huang


Mr. Zhangshu Huang was appointed as our director in annual meeting of shareholders for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2021 on October 21, 2021. He currently is a director of the Scientific Research and Disciplinary Construction Division of Yango University in China. He was a director and professor at School of Economics and Management at Fuzhou University from January 2016 to December 2017. He served as the executive Dean and a professor at the Business School of Yango University since January 2017 to May 2020. He has long been engaged in research and studies in topics including Internet economy, e-commerce, data mining and business intelligence, logistics and supply chain management, and Internet of Things applications. Since 2016, he has undertaken and participated in scientific research projects with organizations like the National Natural Science Foundation of China, Fujian Development and Reform Commission’s Soft Science Key Project, and the Fujian Information Industry Soft Science Research Major Project. Mr. Huang studied in the Department of Computer Science at Xiamen University and graduated in 1982 with a Bachelor’s Degree. He earned a Master’s Degree in Business Administration at the Business School of Hong Kong Metropolitan University in 2001. 





Lun Liu


Mr. Lun Liu was appointed as our director in annual meeting of shareholders for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2021 on October 21, 2021. Mr. Lun Liu is the chairman of Beijing Nine Cycle Wealth Investment Management Co., Ltd. Prior to this, Mr. Liu worked as a general manager at Shaanxi Financial Holding Group from October 2018 to January 2020. He was the deputy general manager at Financial Capital Department of Fujian Provincial Investment and Development Group from August 2014 to October 2018. Mr. Liu graduated in 1996 from Shihezi University with a Bachelor’s Degree in Economics and Trade, and in 1999 he earned his Master’s Degree in Economics and Trade from Xinjiang Agriculture University. Mr. Liu obtained his Doctorate Degree from China Agricultural University in 2004 with a major in Economics and Trade. He did his post-doctorate studies in Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and Tehua Postdoctoral Research Station from 2004 to 2006.


John F. Levy


John F. Levy has served as our independent director starting immediately upon the effectiveness of our registration statement on Form F-1. Mr. Levy currently serves as the chief executive officer and principal consultant for Board Advisory (the “Levy Company”). He has held this role since May 2005. Mr. Levy is a recognized corporate governance and financial reporting expert with over 30 years of progressive financial, accounting and business experience; including nine years in public accounting with three national accounting firms and having served as chief financial officer of both public and private companies for over 13 years. Mr. Levy currently serves on the board of directors of two other public companies: Applied Minerals, Inc. (since January 2008), whose common stock is quoted on OTC; and Happiness Development Group Ltd. (since October 2019), which is a company listed on Nasdaq Capital Market. Mr. Levy is a Certified Public Accountant. Mr. Levy is a graduate of the Wharton School of Business at the University of Pennsylvania, and received his MBA from St. Joseph's University in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.


Board Diversity


Board Diversity Matrix
Country of Principal Executive Offices: China
Foreign Private Issuer Yes
Disclosure Prohibited under Home Country Law No
Total Number of Directors 5
  Female Male



Did Not
Part I: Gender Identity  
Directors 0 5 0 0
Part II: Demographic Background  
Underrepresented Individual in Home Country Jurisdiction 0
Did Not Disclose Demographic Background 0


Employment Agreements with Senior Management


On August 28, 2018, we entered into an employment agreement with our CEO, Xuezhu Wang, effective on October 25, 2019. Pursuant to such agreement, he shall receive a monthly base salary of approximately $2,200, paid in periodic installments in accordance with the Company’s regular payroll practices, and such compensation is subject to annual review and adjustment by the Board. Mr. Wang is also eligible for bonus, benefits and reasonable expenses reimbursement. Under this employment agreement, Mr. Wang is employed as our CEO for a term of five years, which automatically renews for additional one year terms unless previously terminated on three months written notice by either party. We may terminate the employment for cause, at any time, without notice or remuneration, for certain acts of the executive officer, such as conviction or plea of guilty to a felony or grossly negligent or dishonest acts to our detriment, or misconduct or a failure to perform agreed duties. In such case, the executive officer will not be entitled to receive payment of any severance benefits or other amounts by reason of the termination, and the executive officer’s right to all other benefits will terminate, except as required by any applicable law. We may also terminate an executive officer’s employment without cause upon one-month advance written notice. In such case of termination by us, we are required to provide compensation to the executive officer, including (1) a lump sum cash payment equal to 1 months of the Executive’s base salary as of the date of such termination; (2) a lump sum cash payment equal to a pro-rated amount of his target annual bonus for the year immediately preceding the termination, if any; (3) payment of premiums for continued health benefits under the Company’s health plans for 12 months fo1lowing the termination, if any; and (4) immediate vesting of 100% of the then-unvested portion of any outstanding equity awards held by Mr. Wang.





Employment Agreement with Jiong Bian


On August 26, 2018, we entered into an employment agreement with our CFO, Mr. Jiong Bian, effective on October 25, 2019. Pursuant to such agreement, he shall receive a monthly base salary of approximately $3,200, paid in periodic installments in accordance with the Company’s regular payroll practices, and such compensation is subject to annual review and adjustment by the Board. Mr. Bian is also eligible for bonus, benefits and reasonable expenses reimbursement. Under this employment agreement, Mr. Bian is employed as our CFO for a term of five years, which automatically renews for additional one year terms unless previously terminated on three months written notice by either party. We may terminate the employment for cause, at any time, without notice or remuneration, for certain acts of the executive officer, such as conviction or plea of guilty to a felony or grossly negligent or dishonest acts to our detriment, or misconduct or a failure to perform agreed duties. In such case, the executive officer will not be entitled to receive payment of any severance benefits or other amounts by reason of the termination, and the executive officer’s right to all other benefits will terminate, except as required by any applicable law. We may also terminate an executive officer’s employment without cause upon one-month advance written notice. In such case of termination by us, we are required to provide compensation to the executive officer, including (1) a lump sum cash payment equal to 1 months of the Executive’s base salary as of the date of such termination; (2) a lump sum cash payment equal to a pro-rated amount of his target annual bonus for the year immediately preceding the termination, if any; (3) payment of premiums for continued health benefits under the Company’s health plans for 12 months fo1lowing the termination, if any; and (4) immediate vesting of 100% of the then-unvested portion of any outstanding equity awards held by Mr. Bian.


Mr. Bian may terminate the employment at any time with a one-month prior written notice to the Company, if (1) there is a material reduction in Mr. Bian’s authority, duties and responsibilities, or (2) there is a material reduction in Mr. Bian’s annual salary. Upon the Executive’s termination of the employment due to either of the above reasons, the Company shall provide compensation to the Mr. Bian equivalent to one month of his base salary that he is entitled to immediately prior to such termination. In addition, Mr. Bian may resign prior to the expiration of the agreement if such resignation is approved by the Board or an alternative arrangement with respect to the employment is agreed to by the Board. 


B. Compensation


Directors and Executive Compensation


The following table represents compensation earned by our executive officers in the fiscal year ended March 31, 2022:


Name and Principal Position 





















Xuezhu Wang (CEO and Chairman)   24,507    1,976    27,000    -    -    53,483 
Jiong Bian (CFO)   28,107    -    5,400    -    -    33,507 
Wenhui Lin (Director)   17,038    1,447    11,150    -    -    29,635 
Zhangshu Huang (Director)   -    -    5,400    -    -    5,400 
Lun Liu (Director)   -    -    50,640    -    -    50,640 
John Levy (Director)   50,000    -    2,700    -    -    52,700 
Wanhe Zhang (Former Director)             11,500              11,500 
Rui Qiang (Former Director)             15,660              15,660 





Grants of Plan Based Awards


From April 1, 2021 through the date of this annual report, we have issued a total of 1,478,103 Ordinary Shares to employees, directors and consultants.


Pension Benefits


None of the named executives currently participates in or has account balances in qualified or nonqualified defined benefit plans sponsored by us.


Nonqualified Deferred Compensation


None of the named executives currently participates in or has account balances in nonqualified defined contribution plans or other deferred compensation plans maintained by us.


Other than as disclosed above, we have not entered into any agreements or arrangements with our executive officers or directors, and have not made any agreements to provide benefits upon termination of employment.


C. Board Practices


Committees of the Board of Directors


We have established an audit committee, a compensation committee and a nominating and governance committee. Each of the committees of the Board has the composition and responsibilities described below.


Audit Committee


Zhangshu Huang, Lun Liu and John Levy are members of our Audit Committee, where John Levy, serves as the chairman. All members of our Audit Committee satisfy the independence standards promulgated by the SEC and by NASDAQ as such standards apply specifically to members of audit committees.


We have adopted and approved a charter for the Audit Committee prior to consummation of our initial public offering. In accordance with our Audit Committee Charter, our Audit Committee performs several functions, including:


  evaluates the independence and performance of, and assesses the qualifications of, our independent auditor, and engages such independent auditor;


  approves the plan and fees for the annual audit, quarterly reviews, tax and other audit-related services, and approves in advance any non-audit service to be provided by the independent auditor;


  monitors the independence of the independent auditor and the rotation of partners of the independent auditor on our engagement team as required by law;


  reviews the financial statements to be included in our Annual Report on Form 20-F and Quarterly Reports on Form 6-K and reviews with management and the independent auditors the results of the annual audit and reviews of our quarterly financial statements;


  oversees all aspects our systems of internal accounting control and corporate governance functions on behalf of the board;


  reviews and approves in advance any proposed related-party transactions and report to the full Board on any approved transactions; and





  provides oversight assistance in connection with legal, ethical and risk management compliance programs established by management and the Board, including Sarbanes-Oxley Act implementation, and makes recommendations to the Board regarding corporate governance issues and policy decisions.


It is determined that John Levy, possesses accounting or related financial management experience that qualifies him as an “audit committee financial expert” as defined by the rules and regulations of the SEC.


Compensation Committee


We have established the Compensation Committee in October 2019. Zhangshu Huang, Lun Liu, and John Levy are members of our Compensation Committee and Zhangshu Huang is the chairman. All members of our Compensation Committee are qualified as independent under the current definition promulgated by NASDAQ. We have adopted a charter for the Compensation Committee prior to consummation of this offering. In accordance with the Compensation Committee’s Charter, the Compensation Committee is responsible for overseeing and making recommendations to the Board regarding the salaries and other compensation of our executive officers and general employees and providing assistance and recommendations with respect to our compensation policies and practices.


Nominating and Governance Committee


Zhangshu Huang, John Levy and Lun Liu are the members of our Nominating and Governance Committee where Lun Liu serves as the chairman. All members of our Nominating and Governance Committee are qualified as independent under the current definition promulgated by NASDAQ. The Board of Directors adopted and approved a charter for the Nominating and Governance Committee prior to consummation of this offering. In accordance with the Nominating and Governance Committee’s Charter, the Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee is responsible to identify and propose new potential director nominees to the Board of Directors for consideration and review our corporate governance policies.


Code of Conduct and Ethics


On October 24, 2019, we adopted a code of conduct and ethics applicable to our directors, officers and employees in accordance with applicable federal securities laws and NASDAQ rules.


Corporate Governance


Our board of directors has adopted a code of business conduct and ethics, which is applicable to all of our directors, officers and employees. We will make our code of business conduct and ethics publicly available on our website prior to the initial closing of this offering.


Insider Trading Policy


On October 24, 2019, our Board of Directors adopted an insider trading policy that applies to our directors, officers and employees.


Director Independence


In conformity with Nasdaq’s Corporate Governance Rules, the Company, as a foreign private issuer, has opted not to comply with Nasdaq’s independence requirements. Accordingly, our Board of Directors has determined that three of our directors, Zhangshu Huang, Lun Liu and John Levy qualify as independent directors pursuant to the rules of the Nasdaq Marketplace.





D. Employees


As of March 31, 2022, we have a total of 218 full-time employees, all of whom are located in the PRC. We do not experience any significant seasonal fluctuations in our number of employees.


None of our employees are represented by a union. We believe that our relationship with our employees has historically been good and this is expected to continue.


The functional distribution of our full-time employees as of March 31, 2022 is as follows:


Function  Number 
Management   12 
Sales and marketing   38 
Research and Development   20 
Finance and administration   25 
E-commerce operation and logistics   123 
Total   218 


E. Share Ownership


The following table sets forth information regarding the beneficial ownership of our ordinary shares as of August 15, 2022:


  each person known by us to be the beneficial owner of more than 5% of our outstanding ordinary shares;


  each of our executive officers and directors; and


  all our executive officers and directors as a group.


The beneficial ownership of ordinary shares is determined in accordance with the rules of the SEC and generally includes any ordinary shares over which a person exercises sole or shared voting or investment power. For purposes of the table below, we deem shares subject to options, warrants or other exercisable or convertible securities that are exercisable or convertible currently or within 60 days of August 15, 2022, to be outstanding and to be beneficially owned by the person holding the options, warrants or other currently exercisable or convertible securities for the purposes of computing the percentage ownership of that person but we do not treat them as outstanding for the purpose of computing the percentage ownership of any other person. Unless otherwise indicated below, to our knowledge, all persons named in the table have sole voting and investment power with respect to their shares, except to the extent authority is shared by spouses under community property laws.


   Shares Beneficially Owned (1)(2)      
   Class A Ordinary Shares   Class B Ordinary Shares   % of Total
Voting Power
   Number   %   Number   %     
Directors and Executive Officers(3):                                  
Xuezhu Wang, Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of the Board(4)       *    12,245,100    100%   78.56%
Jiong Bian, Chief Financial Officer     16,200    *             
Wenhui Lin, Director   30,327    *             
Zhangshu Huang, Director     10,000    *             
Lun Liu, Director   10,000    *             
John Levy, Director     10,000    *             
All Directors and Executive Officers   76,527    *%   12,245,100    100%   78.58%
5% Shareholders:                            
Happy Group Inc.(4)           12,045,100    98.37%   77.27%


* less than 1%


(1)Beneficial ownership is determined in accordance with the rules of the SEC and includes voting or investment power with respect to the ordinary shares. All shares represent only ordinary shares held by shareholders as no options are issued or outstanding. The percentage of shares beneficially owned is based on 66,854,583 Class A ordinary shares and 12,245,100 Class B ordinary shares outstanding as of August 15, 2022.
(2)Each Class A ordinary share has one (1) vote per share. Each Class B ordinary share has twenty (20) votes per share.
(3)Unless otherwise noted, the business address for each of our beneficial owners is c/o Happiness Development Group Limited, NO. 11, Dongjiao East Road, Shuangxi, Shunchang Nanping City, Fujian, China
(4) Mr. Xuezhu Wang indirectly owns100% of our issued and outstanding Class B ordinary shares through Happy Group Inc., which is wholly owned by Mr. Wang







A. Major Shareholders


Please refer to Item 6 “Directors, Senior Management and Employees—E. Share Ownership.”


B. Related Party Transactions 


In addition to the executive officer and director compensation arrangements discussed in “Directors and Executive Compensation,” below we describe transactions since April 1, 2016, to which we have been a participant, in which the amount involved in the transactions is material to us or the related party.


From time to time, we receive cash advances from the related parties. The Company has repaid all related party balance during the year ended March 31, 2022.  


C. Interests of Experts and Counsel


Not applicable.




A. Consolidated Statements and Other Financial Information


Financial Statements


We have appended consolidated financial statements filed at the end of this report on 20-F, beginning on page F-1.


Legal Proceedings


We are currently not a party to any material legal or administrative proceedings. We may from time to time be subject to various legal or administrative claims and proceedings arising in the ordinary course of business. Litigation or any other legal or administrative proceeding, regardless of the outcome, is likely to result in substantial cost and diversion of our resources, including our management’s time and attention.




On July 31, 2020, the Board of the Company declared a special cash dividend of $0.015 per Ordinary Shares. The dividend, equal to $375,000 in the aggregate, was fully paid on August 17, 2020.





B. Significant Changes


Not applicable.




A. Offer and Listing Details


Our Class A ordinary shares are currently trading under the ticker symbol “HAPP.” The shares began trading on October 25, 2019 on the NASDAQ Capital Market.


B. Plan of Distribution


Not applicable.


C. Markets


Our Class A ordinary shares are currently traded on the NASDAQ Capital Market


D. Selling Shareholders


Not applicable.


E. Dilution


Not applicable.


F. Expenses of the Issue


Not Applicable.




A. Share Capital


Not applicable.





B. Memorandum and Articles of Association 


We are an exempted company incorporated in Cayman Islands and our affairs are governed by our second amended and restated memorandum and articles of association and the Cayman Islands Companies Act (2022 Revision) (as amended) (the “Cayman Companies Act”). A Cayman Islands exempted company:


is a company that conducts its business mainly outside the Cayman Islands;


  is prohibited from trading in the Cayman Islands with any person, firm or corporation except in furtherance of the business of the exempted company carried on outside the Cayman Islands (and for this purpose can effect and conclude contracts in the Cayman Islands and exercise in the Cayman Islands all of its powers necessary for the carrying on of its business outside the Cayman Islands);


  does not have to hold an annual general meeting;


  does not have to make its register of members open to inspection by shareholders of that company;


  may obtain an undertaking against the imposition of any future taxation;


  may register by way of continuation in another jurisdiction and be deregistered in the Cayman Islands;


  may register as a limited duration company; and


  may register as a segregated portfolio company.


The following description of our memorandum and articles of association, as amended and restated from time to time, are summaries and do not purport to be complete. Reference is made to our second amended and restated memorandum and articles of association, effective on October 21, 2021 (respectively, the “Memorandum” and the “Articles”).


All of our issued and outstanding Ordinary Shares are fully paid and non-assessable. Our Ordinary Shares are issued in registered form, and are issued when registered in our register of members. Unless and until the directors resolve to issue share certificates, no share certificate shall be issued, and the records of the shareholdings of each shareholder shall be in uncertified book entry form. Our shareholders who are non-residents of the Cayman Islands may freely hold and vote their Ordinary Shares. We may not issue shares or warrants to bearer.


On October 21, 2021, we re-classified and re-designated our Ordinary Shares into Class A Ordinary Shares and Class B Ordinary Shares by filing the amended and restated memorandum and articles of association with the Cayman Islands Registrar of Companies.


As of the date of this report, the authorized share capital of the Company is US $50,000 divided into 70,000,000 Class A Ordinary Shares of US $0.0005 par value each and 20,000,000 Class B Ordinary Shares with a par value of US $0.0005 each. The Articles provide that our authorized share capital is US$50,000 divided into 70,000,000 Class A Ordinary Shares of US $0.0005 par value each and 20,000,000 Class B Ordinary Shares with a par value of US $0.0005 each, and 10,000,000 Preferred Shares with a par value of US$0.0005 each. Subject to the provisions of the Cayman Companies Act and the provisions, if any, of the Articles, and any directions given by any ordinary resolution and the rights attaching to any class of existing shares, the directors may issue, allot, grant options over or otherwise dispose of shares (including any fractions of Shares) and other securities of our company at such times, to such persons, for such consideration and on such terms as the directors may determine. Such authority could be exercised by the directors to allot shares which carry rights and privileges that are preferential to the rights attaching to Ordinary Shares provided that if such operates to vary the rights of holders of Ordinary Shares then the sanction of a special resolution of the affected class is required. No share may be issued at a discount except in accordance with the provisions of the Cayman Companies Act. The directors may refuse to accept any application for shares, and may accept any application in whole or in part, for any reason or for no reason.





Ordinary Shares


General. The unissued shares of the Company shall be at the disposal of the Board, under its absolute discretion, at such times and for such consideration and upon such terms and conditions and for any reason, without limitation, but so that no shares shall be issued at a discount to par value. Except as otherwise expressly provided in the resolution or resolutions providing for the establishment of any class or series of preferred shares, no vote of the holders shall be a prerequisite to the issuance of any shares of any class or series of the preferred shares authorized by and complying with the conditions of the Memorandum and Articles of Association. The board may issue options, warrants, convertible securities or other similar nature securities.


Dividends. The holders of our ordinary shares are entitled to such dividends as may be declared by our board of directors. In addition, our shareholders may by ordinary resolution declare a dividend, but no dividend may exceed the amount recommended by our directors. 


Voting Rights. Subject to any special rights or restrictions as to voting attached to any shares, every shareholder who is present in person and every person representing a shareholder by proxy shall have one vote for each share of which he or the person represented by proxy is the holder. All votes at meetings of members shall be by way of poll. In addition, all shareholders holding shares of a particular class are entitled to vote at a meeting of the holders of that class of shares. Votes may be given either personally or by proxy.


Transfer of Ordinary Shares. Subject to these Articles, any Member may transfer all or any of his shares by an instrument of transfer in the usual or common form or in a form prescribed by the NASDAQ or in any other form approved by the Board and may be under hand or, if the transferor or transferee is a clearing house or a central depository house or its nominee(s), by hand or by machine imprinted signature or by such other manner of execution as the Board may approve from time to time. Our board of directors may, in its absolute discretion, and without assigning any reason, refuse to register any transfer of any ordinary share which is not fully paid up or upon which our company has a lien. Our directors may also decline to register any transfer of any ordinary share unless (a) a fee of such maximum sum as the NASDAQ may determine to be payable or such lesser sum as the Board may from time to time require is paid to the Company in respect thereof; (b) the instrument of transfer is in respect of only one class of shares; (c) the instrument of transfer is lodged at the Office or such other place at which the Register is kept in accordance with the Law or the Registration Office (as the case may be) accompanied by the relevant share certificate(s) and such other evidence as the Board may reasonably require to show the right of the transferor to make the transfer (and, if the instrument of transfer is executed by some other person on his behalf, the authority of that person so to do); and (d) if applicable, the instrument of transfer is duly and properly stamped.


If our directors refuse to register a transfer they shall, within one months after the date on which the instrument of transfer was lodged, send to each of the transferor and the transferee notice of such refusal. The registration of transfers may, on fourteen (14) days’ notice being given by advertisement in an appointed newspaper or any other newspapers or by any other means in accordance with the requirements of the NASDAQ to that effect, be suspended at such times and for such periods (not exceeding in the whole thirty (30) calendar days in any year) as our directors may determine.


Winding-Up/Liquidation. If we are wound up, the shareholders may, subject to the articles and any other sanction required by the Cayman Companies Act, pass a special resolution voluntarily winding up the company. Upon being appointed, a liquidator may do either or both of the following with the authority of a special resolution:


(a) divide in specie among the shareholders the whole or any part of our assets and, for that purpose, to value any assets and to determine how the division shall be carried out as between the shareholders or different classes of shareholders; and


(b) vest the whole or any part of the assets in trustees for the benefit of shareholders as the liquidator thinks fit.





The directors have the authority to present a petition for our winding up to the Grand Court of the Cayman Islands on our behalf without the sanction of a resolution passed at a general meeting.


Calls on Ordinary Shares and Forfeiture of Ordinary Shares. Our board of directors may from time to time make calls upon shareholders for any amounts unpaid on their shares in a notice served to such shareholders at least 14 days prior to the specified time and place of payment. The shares that have been called upon and remain unpaid on the specified time are subject to forfeiture.


Redemption of Shares. We may issue shares on terms that are subject to redemption, at our option or at the option of the holders, on such terms and in such manner as may be determined by our Board of Directors.


Inspection of Books and Records. The accounting records shall be kept at the office or, at such other place or places as the board decides and shall always be open to inspection by the directors. No member, non-director, shall have any right of inspecting any accounting record or book or document of the company except as conferred by the law or authorized by the board or the members in general meeting.


Issuance of Additional Shares. Our Memorandum and Articles authorize our Board of Directors to issue additional Ordinary Shares from time to time as our Board of Directors shall determine, to the extent there are available authorized but unissued shares.


Our Memorandum and Articles also authorizes our Board of Directors to establish from time to time one or more series of preferred shares and to determine, subject to compliance with the variation of rights of shares provision in the Memorandum and Articles, with respect to any series of preferred shares, the terms and rights of that series, including:


  the designation of the series;


  the number of shares of the series;


  the dividend rights, dividend rates, conversion rights, voting rights; and


  the rights and terms of redemption and liquidation preferences.


Our Board of Directors may, issue preferred shares without action by our shareholders to the extent there are authorized but unissued shares available.


General Meetings of Shareholders and Shareholder Proposals.


As a Cayman Islands exempted company, we are not obligated by the Cayman Companies Act to call shareholders’ annual general meetings; however, our articles provide that the Company shall hold a general meeting as an annual general meeting in each year other than the year in which the Articles are adopted. Any annual general meeting held shall be held at such time and place as may be determined by our board of directors. All general meetings other than annual general meetings shall be called extraordinary general meetings.


The directors may convene general meetings whenever they think fit. Upon the written request of shareholders holding 20% or more of the issued share capital of the Company carrying the right to vote in respect of the matter for which the meeting is requisitioned, any one or more of the directors shall forthwith proceed to convene a meeting of shareholders. The written request of shareholders to requisition a meeting must state the objects of the meeting and must be signed by the shareholders requisitioning the meeting. The written request must be lodged at the principal place of business of the Company (with a copy to the registered office) and may be delivered in counterpart. If our board of directors do not within 21 calendar days, proceed to convene a meeting of shareholders within a further 21 days, the requisitionists, or any of them together holding at least half of the total voting rights of all of them may convene the general meeting but any meeting so convened shall not be held after the expiration of three months after the expiration of the second 21 calendar days.





At least ten (10) clear days’ notice of a meeting shall be given to shareholders entitled to attend and vote at such meeting where such meeting is convened by the directors.


Subject to the Cayman Companies Act, a general meeting may be convened on shorter notice, if


  (a) In the case of an annual general meeting, by all the Members entitled to attend and vote thereat; and


  (b) In the case of any other meeting, by a majority in number of the Members having the right to attend and vote at the meeting, being a majority together holding not less than ninety-five per cent (95%) in nominal value of the issued shares giving that right.


The presence of one or more shareholders entitled to vote, whether in person or represented by proxy or (if a corporation) by its duly appointed representative representing not less than one-third in nominal value of the total issued voting shares in the Company throughout the meeting, shall constitute a quorum at a general meeting.


If, within 30 minutes (or such longer time not exceeding one hour as the chairman of the meeting may determine to wait) from the time appointed for the meeting a quorum is not present, the meeting, shall stand adjourned to the same day in the next week at the same time and place or to such other time and place as is determined by the directors and if at the adjourned meeting a quorum is not present within half an hour from the time appointed for the meeting the meeting shall be dissolved.


The chairman may, with the consent of a meeting at which a quorum is present, adjourn the meeting. When a meeting is adjourned for fourteen days or more, at least seven (7) clear days’ notice of the adjourned meeting shall be given specifying the time and place of the adjourned meeting but it shall not be necessary to specify in such notice the nature of the business to be transacted at the adjourned meeting.


At any general meeting a resolution put to the vote of the meeting shall be decided by poll by the affirmative vote of the majority of issued shares held by persons present in person or by proxy at the meeting entitled to vote and each shareholder shall be entitled to one vote in respect of each fully paid share held. A declaration by the chairman that a resolution has been carried, or carried unanimously, or by a particular majority, or not carried by a particular majority, or lost, and an entry to that effect made in the minute book of the Company, shall be conclusive evidence of the facts without proof of the number or proportion of the votes recorded for or against the resolution.


In the case of an equality of votes, on a poll, the chairman of the meeting at shall be entitled to a second or casting vote in addition to any other votes he may have.


Register of Members


Under Cayman Islands law, we must keep a register of members and there should be entered therein:


  the names and addresses of the members, a statement of the shares held by each member, and of the amount paid or agreed to be considered as paid, on the shares of each member;
  the date on which the name of any person was entered on the register as a member; and
  the date on which any person ceased to be a member.





Under Cayman Islands law, the register of members of our Company is prima facie evidence of the matters set out therein (i.e. the register of members will raise a presumption of fact on the matters referred to above unless rebutted) and a member registered in the register of members is deemed as a matter of Cayman Islands law to have legal title to the shares as set against its name in the register of members. Once our register of members has been updated, the shareholders recorded in the register of members are deemed to have legal title to the shares set against their name.


If the name of any person is incorrectly entered in, or omitted from, our register of members, or if there is any default or unnecessary delay in entering on the register the fact of any person having ceased to be a member of our Company, the person or member aggrieved (or any member of our Company or our Company itself) may apply to the Cayman Islands Grand Court for an order that the register be rectified, and the Court may either refuse such application or it may, if satisfied of the justice of the case, make an order for the rectification of the register.


Indemnification of Directors and Executive Officers and Limitation of Liability


Cayman Islands law does not limit the extent to which a company’s memorandum and articles of association may provide for indemnification of officers and directors, except to the extent any such provision may be held by the Cayman Islands courts to be contrary to public policy, such as to provide indemnification against civil fraud or the consequences of committing a crime. Our Memorandum and Articles require us to indemnify our officers and directors for actions, costs, charges, losses, damages, and expenses (“Indemnified Losses”) incurred in their capacities as such unless such Indemnified Losses arise from dishonesty or fraud of such directors or officers.


Insofar as indemnification for liabilities arising under the Securities Act may be permitted to our directors, officers or persons controlling us under the foregoing provisions, we have been informed that in the opinion of the SEC, such indemnification is against public policy as expressed in the Securities Act and is therefore unenforceable.


Differences in Corporate Law


The Companies Law is derived, to a large extent, from the older Companies Acts of England, but does not follow recent United Kingdom statutory enactments, and accordingly there are significant differences between the Companies Law and the current Companies Act of England.  In addition, the Companies Law differs from laws applicable to United States corporations and their shareholders.  Set forth below is a summary of certain significant differences between the provisions of the Companies Law applicable to us and the comparable provisions of the laws applicable to companies incorporated in the State of Delaware and their shareholders.


Mergers and Similar Arrangements.  The Companies Law permits mergers and consolidations between Cayman Islands companies and between Cayman Islands companies and non-Cayman Islands companies.  For these purposes, (a) “merger” means the merging of two or more constituent companies and the vesting of their undertaking, property and liabilities in one of such companies as the surviving company and (b) a “consolidation” means the combination of two or more constituent companies into a consolidated company and the vesting of the undertaking, property and liabilities of such companies to the consolidated company.  In order to effect such a merger or consolidation, the directors of each constituent company must approve a written plan of merger or consolidation, which must then be authorized by (i) a special resolution of the shareholders of each constituent company and (ii) such other authorization, if any, as may be specified in such constituent company’s articles of association.  The plan of merger or consolidation must be filed with the Registrar of Companies together with a declaration as to the solvency of the consolidated or surviving company, a list of the assets and liabilities of each constituent company and an undertaking that a copy of the certificate of merger or consolidation will be given to the members and creditors of each constituent company and that notification of the merger will be published in the Cayman Islands Gazette. Dissenting shareholders have the right to be paid the fair value of their shares (which, if not agreed between the parties, will be determined by the Cayman Islands court) if they follow the required procedures, subject to certain exceptions.  Court approval is not required for a merger or consolidation effected in compliance with these statutory procedures.





In addition, there are statutory provisions that facilitate the reconstruction and amalgamation of companies, provided that the arrangement is approved by a majority in number of each class of shareholders and creditors with whom the arrangement is to be made, and who must, in addition, represent three-fourths in value of each such class of shareholders or creditors, as the case may be, that are present and voting either in person or by proxy at a meeting, or meetings, convened for that purpose.  The convening of the meetings and subsequently the arrangement must be sanctioned by the Grand Court of the Cayman Islands.  While a dissenting shareholder has the right to express to the court the view that the transaction ought not to be approved, the court can be expected to approve the arrangement if it determines that:


  the statutory provisions as to the required majority vote have been met;


  the shareholders have been fairly represented at the meeting in question and the statutory majority are acting bona fide without coercion of the minority to promote interests adverse to those of the class;


  the arrangement is such that may be reasonably approved by an intelligent and honest man of that class acting in respect of his interest; and


  the arrangement is not one that would more properly be sanctioned under some other provision of the Companies Law.


When a take-over offer is made and accepted by holders of 90.0% of the shares affected (within four months after they marking the offer), the offeror may, within a two-month period commencing on the expiration of such four months period, require the holders of the remaining shares to transfer such shares on the terms of the offer.  An objection can be made to the Grand Court of the Cayman Islands but this is unlikely to succeed in the case of an offer which has been so approved unless there is evidence of fraud, bad faith or collusion.


If an arrangement and reconstruction is thus approved, the dissenting shareholder would have no rights comparable to appraisal rights, which would otherwise ordinarily be available to dissenting shareholders of Delaware corporations, providing rights to receive payment in cash for the judicially determined value of the shares.


Shareholders’ Suits.  In principle, we will normally be the proper plaintiff to sue for a wrong done to us as a company, and as a general rule a derivative action may not be brought by a minority shareholder.  However, based on English authorities, which would in all likelihood be of persuasive authority in the Cayman Islands, the Cayman Islands courts can be expected to apply and follow common law principles so that a non-controlling shareholder may be permitted to commence a class action against the company or a derivative action in the name of the company to challenge certain acts, including the following:


  an act which is ultra vires the company or illegal and is therefore incapable of ratification by the shareholders;


  an act which, although not ultra vires, could only be effected if duly authorized by a resolution with a qualified or special majority (i.e., more than a simple majority) that has not been obtained; and


  an act which constitutes a “fraud on the minority” where the wrongdoers are themselves in control of the company.


Indemnification of Directors and Executive Officers and Limitation of Liability.  Cayman Islands law does not limit the extent to which a company’s memorandum and articles of association may provide for indemnification of officers and directors, except to the extent any such provision may be held by the Cayman Islands courts to be contrary to public policy, such as to provide indemnification against civil fraud or the consequences of committing a crime.


Our Memorandum and Articles provide that our directors and officers shall be indemnified against all actions, proceedings, costs, charges, expenses, losses, damages or liabilities incurred or sustained by such director or officer, other than by reason of such person’s own dishonesty, willful default or fraud, in or about the conduct of our company’s business or affairs (including as a result of any mistake of judgment) or in the execution or discharge of his duties, powers, authorities or discretions, including without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing, any costs, expenses, losses or liabilities incurred by such director or officer in defending (whether successfully or otherwise) any civil proceedings concerning our company or its affairs in any court whether in the Cayman Islands or elsewhere.  This standard of conduct is generally the same as permitted under the Delaware General Corporation Law for a Delaware corporation.  In addition, we intend to enter into indemnification agreements with our directors and senior executive officers that will provide such persons with additional indemnification beyond that provided in our Memorandum and Articles.





Insofar as indemnification for liabilities arising under the Securities Act may be permitted to our directors, officers or persons controlling us under the foregoing provisions, we have been informed that, in the opinion of the SEC, such indemnification is against public policy as expressed in the Securities Act and is therefore unenforceable.


Directors’ Fiduciary Duties.  Under Delaware corporate law, a director of a Delaware corporation has a fiduciary duty to the corporation and its shareholders.  This duty has two components:  the duty of care and the duty of loyalty.  The duty of care requires that a director act in good faith, with the care that an ordinarily prudent person would exercise under similar circumstances.  Under this duty, a director must inform himself of, and disclose to shareholders, all material information reasonably available regarding a significant transaction.  The duty of loyalty requires that a director act in a manner he or she reasonably believes to be in the best interests of the corporation.  He or she must not use his or her corporate position for personal gain or advantage.  This duty prohibits self-dealing by a director and mandates that the best interest of the corporation and its shareholders take precedence over any interest possessed by a director, officer or controlling shareholder and not shared by the shareholders generally.  In general, actions of a director are presumed to have been made on an informed basis, in good faith and in the honest belief that the action taken was in the best interests of the corporation.  However, this presumption may be rebutted by evidence of a breach of one of the fiduciary duties.  Should such evidence be presented concerning a transaction by a director, a director must prove the procedural fairness of the transaction, and that the transaction was of fair value to the corporation.


As a matter of Cayman Islands law, a director of a Cayman Islands company is in the position of a fiduciary with respect to the company and therefore it is considered that he owes the following duties to the company—a duty to act bona fide in the best interests of the company, a duty not to make a profit based on his or her position as director (unless the company permits him to do so) and a duty not to put himself in a position where the interests of the company conflict with his or her personal interest or his or her duty to a third party.  A director of a Cayman Islands company owes to the company a duty to act with skill and care.  It was previously considered that a director need not exhibit in the performance of his or her duties a greater degree of skill than may reasonably be expected from a person of his or her knowledge and experience.  However, English and Commonwealth courts have moved towards an objective standard with regard to the required skill and care and these authorities are likely to be followed in the Cayman Islands.


Shareholder Action by Written Consent.  Under the Delaware General Corporation Law, a corporation may eliminate the right of shareholders to act by written consent by amendment to its certificate of incorporation.  As permitted by Cayman Islands law, our Memorandum and Articles provide that the shareholders may not take any required or permitted action at any annual or extraordinary general meetings of the Company by written resolution without a meeting.


Shareholder Proposals.  Under the Delaware General Corporation Law, a shareholder has the right to put any proposal before the annual meeting of shareholders, provided it complies with the notice provisions in the governing documents.  A special meeting may be called by the board of directors or any other person authorized to do so in the governing documents, but shareholders may be precluded from calling special meetings.


Cayman Islands law provides shareholders with only limited rights to requisition a general meeting, and does not provide shareholders with any right to put any proposal before a general meeting.  However, these rights may be provided in a company’s articles of association.  





Our Memorandum and Articles provide that general meetings shall be convened on the written requisition of one or more of the shareholders entitled to attend and vote at our general meetings who (together) hold not less than twenty percent (20%) of the issued share capital of the Company as at that date carries the right of voting at general meetings of the Company, specifying the purpose of the meeting and signed by each of the shareholders making the requisition. If the directors do not convene such meeting for a date not later than twenty-one clear days’ after the date of receipt of the written requisition, those shareholders who requested the meeting may convene the general meeting themselves within three months after the end of such period of twenty-one clear days in which case reasonable expenses incurred by them as a result of the directors failing to convene a meeting shall be reimbursed by us. Our articles provide no other right to put any proposals before annual general meetings or extraordinary general meetings. As a Cayman Islands exempted company, we are not obligated by law to call shareholders’ annual general meetings. However, our corporate governance guidelines require us to call such meetings every year. Cumulative Voting.  Under the Delaware General Corporation Law, cumulative voting for elections of directors is not permitted unless the corporation’s certificate of incorporation specifically provides for it.  Cumulative voting potentially facilitates the representation of minority shareholders on a board of directors since it permits the minority shareholder to cast all the votes to which the shareholder is entitled on a single director, which increases the shareholder’s voting power with respect to electing such director.  There are no prohibitions in relation to cumulative voting under Cayman Islands law, but Memorandum and Articles do not provide for cumulative voting.  As a result, our shareholders are not afforded any less protections or rights on this issue than shareholders of a Delaware corporation.


Removal of Directors.  


Under the Delaware General Corporation Law, a director of a corporation with a classified board may be removed only for cause with the approval of a majority of the outstanding shares entitled to vote, unless the certificate of incorporation provides otherwise. Under Cayman Islands law the office of director shall be vacated, if the director:


(a)resigns his office by notice in writing to the company


(b)becomes bankrupt or has a receiving order made against him or suspends payment or makes an arrangement or composition with his creditors generally;


(c)is found to be or becomes of unsound mind;


(d)without special leave of absence from the Board, is absent from meetings of the Board for six consecutive months and the Board resolves that his office be vacated; or;


(e)is prohibited from the law from being a Director; or


(f)ceases to be a Director by virtue of any provision of any Statutes or is removed from office pursuant to these Articles.


Transactions with Interested Shareholders.  The Delaware General Corporation Law contains a business combination statute applicable to Delaware corporations whereby, unless the corporation has specifically elected not to be governed by such statute by amendment to its certificate of incorporation, it is prohibited from engaging in certain business combinations with an “interested shareholder” for three years following the date that such person becomes an interested shareholder. An interested shareholder generally is a person or a group who or which owns or owned 15% or more of the target’s outstanding voting stock within the past three years.  This has the effect of limiting the ability of a potential acquirer to make a two-tiered bid for the target in which all shareholders would not be treated equally.  The statute does not apply if, among other things, prior to the date on which such shareholder becomes an interested shareholder, the board of directors approves either the business combination or the transaction which resulted in the person becoming an interested shareholder.  This encourages any potential acquirer of a Delaware corporation to negotiate the terms of any acquisition transaction with the target’s board of directors.





Cayman Islands law has no comparable statute.  As a result, we cannot avail ourselves of the types of protections afforded by the Delaware business combination statute.  However, although Cayman Islands law does not regulate transactions between a company and its significant shareholders, it does provide that such transactions must be entered into bona fide in the best interests of the company for a proper corporate purpose and not with the effect of constituting a fraud on the minority shareholders.


Dissolution; Winding up.  Under the Delaware General Corporation Law, unless the board of directors approves the proposal to dissolve, dissolution must be approved by shareholders holding 100% of the total voting power of the corporation.  Only if the dissolution is initiated by the board of directors may it be approved by a simple majority of the corporation’s outstanding shares.  Delaware law allows a Delaware corporation to include in its certificate of incorporation a supermajority voting requirement in connection with dissolutions initiated by the board of directors.  Under Cayman Islands law, a company may be wound up by either an order of the courts of the Cayman Islands or by a special resolution of its members or, if the company is unable to pay its debts as they fall due, by an ordinary resolution of its members.  The court has authority to order winding up in a number of specified circumstances including where it is, in the opinion of the court, just and equitable to do so.


Under the Companies Law of the Cayman Islands, our company may be dissolved, liquidated or wound up voluntarily by a special resolution, or by an ordinary resolution on the basis that we are unable to pay our debts as they fall due.


Variation of Rights of Shares.  Under the Delaware General Corporation Law, a corporation may vary the rights of a class of shares with the approval of a majority of the outstanding shares of such class, unless the certificate of incorporation provides otherwise.  Under our Memorandum and Articles, and as permitted by Cayman Islands law, if our share capital is divided into more than one class of shares, we may vary the rights attached to any class either with the written consent of the holders of two-thirds of the issued shares of that class or with the sanction of a special resolution passed at a general meeting of the holders of the shares of that class.


Amendment of Governing Documents.  Under the Delaware General Corporation Law, a corporation’s governing documents may be amended with the approval of a majority of the outstanding shares entitled to vote, unless the certificate of incorporation provides otherwise.  Under Cayman Islands law, our memorandum and articles of association may only be amended by special resolution.


Inspection of Books and Records.  Under the Delaware General Corporation Law, any shareholder of a corporation may for any proper purpose inspect or make copies of the corporation’s stock ledger, list of shareholders and other books and records.


Holders of our shares will have no general right under Cayman Islands law to inspect or obtain copies of our list of shareholders or our corporate records. However, we intend to provide our shareholders with annual reports containing audited financial statements.


Anti-takeover Provisions in Our Memorandum and Articles of Association.  Some provisions of our Memorandum and Articles may discourage, delay or prevent a change of control of our company or management that shareholders may consider favorable, including a provision that authorizes our board of directors to issue preference shares in one or more series and to designate the price, rights, preferences, privileges and restrictions of such preference shares without any further vote or action by our shareholders.


Such shares could be issued quickly with terms calculated to delay or prevent a change in control of our company or make removal of management more difficult.  If our board of directors decides to issue these preference shares, the price of our ordinary share may fall and the voting and other rights of the holders of our ordinary shares may be materially and adversely affected.





However, under Cayman Islands law, our directors may only exercise the rights and powers granted to them under our Memorandum and Articles association for a proper purpose and for what they believe in good faith to be in the best interests of our company.


Rights of Non-resident or Foreign Shareholders.  There are no limitations imposed by our Memorandum and Articles on the rights of non-resident or foreign shareholders to hold or exercise voting rights on our shares.  In addition, there are no provisions in our Memorandum and Articles of association governing the ownership threshold above which shareholder ownership must be disclosed.


C. Material Contracts


The following descriptions of the material provisions of the referenced agreements do not purport to be complete and are subject to, and qualified in their entirety by reference to the agreements which have been filed as exhibits to this report.


Securities Purchase Agreement relating to the offering and sale of 1,240,000 Ordinary Shares.


On June 25, 2021, pursuant to a securities purchase agreement with respect to a registered direct offering pursuant to a shelf takedown under a registration statement on Form F-3 (Registration No. 333-250026), the company agreed to sell 1,240,000 Ordinary Shares at a per share purchase price of $1.74, for gross proceeds of $2,157,600, before deducting any estimated offering expenses. The Company intended to use the net proceeds from the offering for the development of the Company’s auto business under the brand of “Taochejun”, working capital and other general corporate purposes.


The form of the securities purchase agreement is filed as Exhibit 1.1 to the Current Report on Form 6-K filed with the Commission on July 1, 2021, and such document is incorporated herein by reference.


The foregoing is only a brief description of the material terms of the securities purchase agreement, and does not purport to be a complete description of the rights and obligations of the parties thereunder and is qualified in its entirety by reference to such exhibit.


Share Purchase Agreement relating to the acquisition of Fujian Shennong Jiagu Development Co., Ltd. (“Fujian Shennong”)


On January 18, 2021, Fujian Happiness, a wholly-owned indirect subsidiary of the Company, entered into a letter of intent (the “LOI”) with an equity owner (the “Seller”) of Fujian Shennong for the purchase of 70% of the equity interest of Fujian Shennong (the “Equity Interests”). Pursuant to the LOI, Fujian Happiness paid RMB 60 million (approximately US$9.38 million) as an advance to the Seller.


On October 14, 2021, the Company, its wholly-owned subsidiary, Fujian Happiness, and the Seller entered into a share purchase agreement for the transaction contemplated in the LOI. The parties agreed that the valuation of all the equity interests of Fujian Shennong is RMB 103 million (approximately $16.1 million). The total consideration to be paid for the Equity Interests are RMB48 million (approximately $7.5 million) in cash and 4,200,000 ordinary shares of the Company (the “Shares”) to be issued to the Seller or his appointees. The Seller will return RMB 12 million (approximately $1.9 million) which was previously paid to him as an advance pursuant to the LOI and the Company issued the Shares in reliance on the exemptions from registration provided by Section 4(a)(2) under the Securities Act and Regulation D promulgated thereunder. The closing of the transaction shall take place after all necessary consents and regulatory approvals have been obtained.


According to the share purchase agreement, in the event that the aggregate net profits of Fujian Shennong in the next three fiscal years are less than RMB 45 million (approximately $7 million), then Fujian Happiness has the right to request the Seller to purchase back the Equity Interests at the price RMB 72.1 million (approximately $11.3 million) in cash.


The form of the share purchase agreement is filed as Exhibit 4.1 to the Current Report on Form 6-K filed with the Commission on October 25, 2021, and such document is incorporated herein by reference.





The foregoing is only a brief description of the material terms of the share purchase agreement, and does not purport to be a complete description of the rights and obligations of the parties thereunder and is qualified in its entirety by reference to such exhibit.


Private Placement of $10 million


On January 20,2022, the Company completed a private placement of 12,500,000 of our Class A Ordinary Shares to certain “non-U.S. Persons” (the “Investors”) as defined in Regulation S of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the “Securities Act”), at a price of $0.80 per ordinary share, which generated total gross proceeds approximately $10.0 million. Upon closing of this private placement, the Company had 36,523,003 Class A ordinary shares and 12,095,100 Class B ordinary shares issued and outstanding.


The parties to the securities purchase agreement have each made customary representations, warranties and covenants. The ordinary shares issued in the offering are exempt from the registration requirements of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, pursuant to Regulation S promulgated thereunder.


The form of the share purchase agreement is filed as Exhibit 99.1 to the Current Report on Form 6-K filed with the Commission on January 21, 2022, and such document is incorporated herein by reference.


The foregoing is only a brief description of the material terms of the securities purchase agreement, and does not purport to be a complete description of the rights and obligations of the parties thereunder and is qualified in its entirety by reference to such exhibit.


Share Purchase Agreement relating to the acquisition of Fuzhou Hekangyuan Trading Co., Ltd. (“Hekangyuan”)


On March 4, 2022, Fujian Happiness, a wholly-owned indirect subsidiary of the Company, entered into a certain equity transfer agreement with the equity owners (the “Sellers”) of Fuzhou Hekangyuan Trading Co., Ltd. (“Hekangyuan”) for the purchase of 100% of the equity interest of Hekangyuan (the “Equity Interests”). The parties agreed that the valuation of all the equity interests of Hekangyuan is $12 million. The total consideration to be paid for the Equity Interests are $8 million in cash and 10 million Class A ordinary shares of the Company (the “Shares”) to be issued to the Sellers or their respective appointees. The Company issued the Shares in reliance on the exemptions from registration provided by Section 4(a)(2) under the Securities Act and Regulation D promulgated thereunder. Upon the completion of the proposed acquisition, Hekangyuan became a wholly owned subsidiary of Fujian Happiness and an indirect subsidiary of the Company.


According to the equity transfer agreement, in the event that the aggregate net profits of Hekangyuan in the next three fiscal years are less than $4.5 million, than the Company has the right to request the Sellers to purchase back the Equity Interests at the price $12 million in cash.


The form of the equity transfer agreement is filed as Exhibit 4.1 to the Current Report on Form 6-K filed with the Commission on March 7, 2022, and such document is incorporated herein by reference.


The foregoing is only a brief description of the material terms of the equity transfer agreement, and does not purport to be a complete description of the rights and obligations of the parties thereunder and is qualified in its entirety by reference to such exhibit.


Securities Purchase Agreement relating to the offering and sale of 19,200,000 Class A Ordinary Shares.


On March 10, 2022, pursuant to a securities purchase agreement with respect to a registered direct offering pursuant to a shelf takedown under a registration statement on Form F-3 (Registration No. 333-250026), the company agreed to sell 19,200,000 Class A Ordinary Shares at a per share purchase price of $0.35, for gross proceeds of $6,720,000, before deducting any estimated offering expenses. The closing occurred on March 15, 2022. The Company intended to use the net proceeds from the offering for the development of the Company’s auto business under the brand of “Taochejun”, working capital and other general corporate purposes.





The form of the securities purchase agreement is filed as Exhibit 1.1 to the Current Report on Form 6-K filed with the Commission on March 16, 2022, and such document is incorporated herein by reference.


The foregoing is only a brief description of the material terms of the securities purchase agreement, and does not purport to be a complete description of the rights and obligations of the parties thereunder and is qualified in its entirety by reference to such exhibit.


D. Exchange Controls


Cayman Islands


There are currently no exchange control regulations in the Cayman Islands applicable to us or our shareholders.




General administration of foreign exchange


The principal regulation governing foreign currency exchange in the PRC is the Administrative Regulations of the PRC on Foreign Exchange (the “Foreign Exchange Regulations”), which were promulgated on January 29, 1996, became effective on April 1, 1996 and were last amended on August 5, 2008. Under these rules, Renminbi is generally freely convertible for payments of current account items, such as trade- and service-related foreign exchange transactions and dividend payments, but not freely convertible for capital account items, such as capital transfer, direct investment, investment in securities, derivative products or loans unless prior approval by competent authorities for the administration of foreign exchange is obtained. Under the Foreign Exchange Regulations, foreign-invested enterprises in the PRC may purchase foreign exchange without the approval of SAFE to pay dividends by providing certain evidentiary documents, including board resolutions, tax certificates, or for trade- and services-related foreign exchange transactions, by providing commercial documents evidencing such transactions.


Circular No. 75, Circular No. 37 and Circular No. 13


Circular 37 was released by SAFE on July 4, 2014 and abolished Circular 75 which had been in effect since November 1, 2005. Pursuant to Circular 37, a PRC resident should apply to SAFE for foreign exchange registration of overseas investments before it makes any capital contribution to a special purpose vehicle, or SPV, using his or her legitimate domestic or offshore assets or interests. SPVs are offshore enterprises directly established or indirectly controlled by domestic residents for the purpose of investment and financing by utilizing domestic or offshore assets or interests they legally hold. Following any significant change in a registered offshore SPV, such as capital increase, reduction, equity transfer or swap, consolidation or division involving domestic resident individuals, the domestic individuals shall amend the registration with SAFE. Where an SPV intends to repatriate funds raised after completion of offshore financing to the PRC, it shall comply with relevant PRC regulations on foreign investment and foreign debt management. A foreign-invested enterprise established through return investment shall complete relevant foreign exchange registration formalities in accordance with the prevailing foreign exchange administration regulations on foreign direct investment and truthfully disclose information on the actual controller of its shareholders.


If any shareholder who is a PRC resident (as determined by the Circular No. 37) holds any interest in an offshore SPV and fails to fulfil the required foreign exchange registration with the local SAFE branches, the PRC subsidiaries of that offshore SPV may be prohibited from distributing their profits and dividends to their offshore parent company or from carrying out other subsequent cross-border foreign exchange activities. The offshore SPV may also be restricted in its ability to contribute additional capital to its PRC subsidiaries. Where a domestic resident fails to complete relevant foreign exchange registration as required, fails to truthfully disclose information on the actual controller of the enterprise involved in the return investment or otherwise makes false statements, the foreign exchange control authority may order them to take remedial actions, issue a warning, and impose a fine of less than RMB300,000 on an institution or less than RMB50,000 on an individual.





Circular 13 was issued by SAFE on February 13, 2015 and became effective on June 1, 2015. Pursuant to Circular 13, a domestic resident who makes a capital contribution to an SPV using his or her legitimate domestic or offshore assets or interests is no longer required to apply to SAFE for foreign exchange registration of his or her overseas investments. Instead, he or she shall register with a bank in the place where the assets or interests of the domestic enterprise in which he or she has interests are located if the domestic resident individually seeks to make a capital contribution to the SPV using his or her legitimate domestic assets or interests; or he or she shall register with a local bank at his or her permanent residence if the domestic resident individually seeks to make a capital contribution to the SPV using his or her legitimate offshore assets or interests.


Circular 19 and Circular 16


Circular 19 was promulgated by SAFE on March 30, 2015 and became effective on June 1, 2015. According to Circular 19, foreign exchange capital of foreign-invested enterprises shall be granted the benefits of Discretional Foreign Exchange Settlement (“Discretional Foreign Exchange Settlement”). With Discretional Foreign Exchange Settlement, foreign exchange capital in the capital account of a foreign-invested enterprise for which the rights and interests of monetary contribution has been confirmed by the local foreign exchange bureau, or for which book-entry registration of monetary contribution has been completed by the bank, can be settled at the bank based on the actual operational needs of the foreign-invested enterprise. The allowed Discretional Foreign Exchange Settlement percentage of the foreign exchange capital of a foreign-invested enterprise has been temporarily set to be 100%. The Renminbi converted from the foreign exchange capital will be kept in a designated account and if a foreign-invested enterprise needs to make any further payment from such account, it will still need to provide supporting documents and to complete the review process with its bank.


Furthermore, Circular 19 stipulates that foreign-invested enterprises shall make bona fide use of their capital for their own needs within their business scopes. The capital of a foreign-invested enterprise and the Renminbi if obtained from foreign exchange settlement shall not be used for the following purposes:


  directly or indirectly used for expenses beyond its business scope or prohibited by relevant laws or regulations;
  directly or indirectly used for investment in securities unless otherwise provided by relevant laws or regulations;
  directly or indirectly used for entrusted loan in Renminbi (unless within its permitted scope of business), repayment of inter-company loans (including advances by a third party) or repayment of bank loans in Renminbi that have been sub-lent to a third party; and
  directly or indirectly used for expenses related to the purchase of real estate that is not for self-use (except for foreign-invested real estate enterprises).


Circular 16 was issued by SAFE on June 9, 2016. Pursuant to Circular 16, enterprises registered in the PRC may also convert their foreign debts from foreign currency to Renminbi on a self-discretionary basis. Circular 16 provides an integrated standard for conversion of foreign exchange capital items (including but not limited to foreign currency capital and foreign debts) on a self-discretionary basis applicable to all enterprises registered in the PRC. Circular 16 reiterates the principle that an enterprise’s Renminbi converted from foreign currency-denominated capital may not be directly or indirectly used for purposes beyond its business scope or purposes prohibited by PRC laws or regulations, and such converted Renminbi shall not be provided as loans to non-affiliated entities.


Circulars 16 and 19 address foreign direct investments into the PRC, and stipulate the procedures applicable to foreign exchange settlement. If and when circumstances require funds to be transferred to our WFOE in the PRC from our offshore entities, then any such transfer would be subject to Circulars 16 and 19.





E. Taxation


The following summary of the material Cayman Islands, PRC and U.S. tax consequences of an investment in our ordinary shares is based upon laws and relevant interpretations thereof in effect as of the date hereof, all of which are subject to change, possibly with retroactive effect. This summary is not intended to be, nor should it be construed as, legal or tax advice and is not exhaustive of all possible tax considerations. This summary also does not deal with all possible tax consequences relating to an investment in our ordinary shares, such as the tax consequences under state, local, non-U.S., non-PRC, and non-Cayman Islands tax laws. Investors should consult their own tax advisors with respect to the tax consequences of the acquisition, ownership and disposition of our ordinary shares.


Cayman Islands Taxation


The Cayman Islands currently levies no taxes on individuals or corporations based upon profits, income, gains or appreciation and there is no taxation in the nature of inheritance tax or estate duty. There are no other taxes levied by the Government of the Cayman Islands that are likely to be material to holders of ordinary shares or ordinary shares. The Cayman Islands is not party to any double tax treaties. There are no exchange control regulations or currency restrictions in the Cayman Islands.


People’s Republic of China Taxation


Under the EIT Law, an enterprise established outside the PRC with a “de facto management body” within the PRC is considered a PRC resident enterprise for PRC enterprise income tax purposes and is generally subject to a uniform 25% enterprise income tax rate on its worldwide income as well as tax reporting obligations. Under the Implementation Rules, a “de facto management body” is defined as a body that has material and overall management and control over the manufacturing and business operations, personnel and human resources, finances and properties of an enterprise. In addition, SAT Circular 82 issued in April 2009 specifies that certain offshore-incorporated enterprises controlled by PRC enterprises or PRC enterprise groups will be classified as PRC resident enterprises if all of the following conditions are met: (a) senior management personnel and core management departments in charge of the daily operations of the enterprises have their presence mainly in the PRC; (b) their financial and human resources decisions are subject to determination or approval by persons or bodies in the PRC; (c) major assets, accounting books and company seals of the enterprises, and minutes and files of their board’s and shareholders’ meetings are located or kept in the PRC; and (d) half or more of the enterprises’ directors or senior management personnel with voting rights habitually reside in the PRC. Further to SAT Circular 82, the SAT issued SAT Bulletin 45, which took effect in September 2011, to provide more guidance on the implementation of SAT Circular 82. SAT Bulletin 45 provides for procedures and administration details of determination on PRC resident enterprise status and administration on post-determination matters. If the PRC tax authorities determine that Happiness Development Group Limited is a PRC resident enterprise for PRC enterprise income tax purposes, a number of unfavorable PRC tax consequences could follow. For example, Fujian Happiness may be subject to enterprise income tax at a rate of 25% with respect to its worldwide taxable income. Also, a 10% withholding tax would be imposed on dividends we pay to our non-PRC enterprise shareholders and with respect to gains derived by our non-PRC enterprise shareholders from transferring our shares or ordinary shares and potentially a 20% of withholding tax would be imposed on dividends we pay to our non-PRC individual shareholders and with respect to gains derived by our non-PRC individual shareholders from transferring our shares or ordinary shares.


It is unclear whether, if we are considered a PRC resident enterprise, holders of our shares or ordinary shares would be able to claim the benefit of income tax treaties or agreements entered into between China and other countries or areas. See “Risk Factors — Risk Factors Relating to Doing Business in China — Under the PRC Enterprise Income Tax Law, we may be classified as a PRC resident enterprise for PRC enterprise income tax purposes. Such classification would likely result in unfavorable tax consequences to us and our non-PRC Shareholders and have a material adverse effect on our results of operations and the value of your investment”.





The SAT issued SAT Circular 59 together with the Ministry of Finance in April 2009 and SAT Circular 698 in December 2009. Both SAT Circular 59 and SAT Circular 698 became effective retroactively as of January 1, 2008. By promulgating and implementing these two circulars, the PRC tax authorities have enhanced their scrutiny over the direct or indirect transfer of equity interests in a PRC resident enterprise by a non-PRC resident enterprise. Under SAT Circular 698, where a non-PRC resident enterprise transfers the equity interests of a PRC resident enterprise indirectly by disposition of the equity interests of an overseas holding company, and the overseas holding company is located in a tax jurisdiction that: (1) has an effective tax rate of less than 12.5% or (2) does not impose tax on foreign income of its residents, the non-PRC resident enterprise, being the transferor, must report to the relevant tax authority of the PRC resident enterprise this Indirect Transfer. Using a “substance over form” principle, the PRC tax authority may disregard the existence of the overseas holding company if it lacks a reasonable commercial purpose and was established for the purpose of reducing, avoiding or deferring PRC tax. As a result, gains derived from such Indirect Transfer may be subject to PRC tax at a rate of up to 10%. Although it appears that SAT Circular 698 was not intended to apply to share transfers of publicly traded companies, there is uncertainty as to the application of SAT Circular 698 and we and our non-PRC resident investors may be at risk of being required to file a return and being taxed under SAT Circular 698 and we may be required to expend valuable resources to comply with SAT Circular 698 or to establish that we should not be taxed under SAT Circular 698. See “Risk Factors — Risk Factors Relating to Doing Business in China — We face uncertainty regarding the PRC tax reporting obligations and consequences for certain indirect transfers of our operating company’s equity interests. Enhanced scrutiny over acquisition transactions by the PRC tax authorities may have a negative impact on potential acquisitions we may pursue in the future.”


Pursuant to the Arrangement between the Mainland China and the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region for the Avoidance of Double Taxation and Tax Evasion on Income, or the Tax Arrangement, where a Hong Kong resident enterprise which is considered a non-PRC tax resident enterprise directly holds at least 25% of a PRC enterprise, the withholding tax rate in respect of the payment of dividends by such PRC enterprise to such Hong Kong resident enterprise is reduced to 5% from a standard rate of 10%, subject to approval of the PRC local tax authority. Pursuant to the Notice of the State Administration of Taxation on the Issues concerning the Application of the Dividend Clauses of Tax Agreements, or Circular 81, a resident enterprise of the counter-party to such Tax Arrangement should meet the following conditions, among others, in order to enjoy the reduced withholding tax under the Tax Arrangement: (i) it must directly own the required percentage of equity interests and voting rights in such PRC resident enterprise; and (ii) it should directly own such percentage in the PRC resident enterprise anytime in the 12 months prior to receiving the dividends. Furthermore, the Administrative Measures for Non-Resident Enterprises to Enjoy Treatments under Tax Treaties (For Trial Implementation), or the Administrative Measures, which became effective in October 2009, requires that the non-resident enterprises must obtain the approval from the relevant tax authority in order to enjoy the reduced withholding tax rate under the tax treaties. There are also other conditions for enjoying such reduced withholding tax rate according to other relevant tax rules and regulations. According to Circular 81, if the relevant tax authorities consider the transactions or arrangements we have are for the primary purpose of enjoying a favorable tax treatment, the relevant tax authorities may adjust the favorable withholding tax in the future.


United States Federal Income Taxation  


The following is a discussion of United States federal income tax considerations relating to the acquisition, ownership, and disposition of our ordinary shares by a U.S. Holder, as defined below, that acquires our ordinary shares and holds our ordinary shares as “capital assets” (generally, property held for investment) under the United States Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the “Code”). This discussion is based upon existing United States federal income tax law, which is subject to differing interpretations or change, possibly with retroactive effect. No ruling has been sought from the Internal Revenue Service (the “IRS”) with respect to any United States federal income tax consequences described below, and there can be no assurance that the IRS or a court will not take a contrary position. This discussion does not address all aspects of United States federal income taxation that may be important to particular investors in light of their individual circumstances, including investors subject to special tax rules (such as, for example, certain financial institutions, insurance companies, regulated investment companies, real estate investment trusts, broker-dealers, traders in securities that elect mark-to-market treatment, partnerships and their partners, tax-exempt organizations (including private foundations)), investors who are not U.S. Holders, investors that own (directly, indirectly, or constructively) 10% or more of our voting stock, investors that hold their ordinary shares as part of a straddle, hedge, conversion, constructive sale or other integrated transaction), or investors that have a functional currency other than the U.S. dollar, all of whom may be subject to tax rules that differ significantly from those summarized below. In addition, this discussion does not address any tax laws other than the United States federal income tax laws, including any state, local, alternative minimum tax or non-United States tax considerations, or the Medicare tax. Each potential investor is urged to consult its tax advisor regarding the United States federal, state, local and non-United States income and other tax considerations of an investment in our ordinary shares.







For purposes of this discussion, a “U.S. Holder” is a beneficial owner of our ordinary shares that is, for United States federal income tax purposes, (i) an individual who is a citizen or resident of the United States, (ii) a corporation (or other entity treated as a corporation for United States federal income tax purposes) created in, or organized under the laws of, the United States or any state thereof or the District of Columbia, (iii) an estate the income of which is includible in gross income for United States federal income tax purposes regardless of its source, or (iv) a trust (A) the administration of which is subject to the primary supervision of a United States court and which has one or more United States persons who have the authority to control all substantial decisions of the trust or (B) that has otherwise elected to be treated as a United States person under the Code.


If a partnership (or other entity treated as a partnership for United States federal income tax purposes) is a beneficial owner of our ordinary shares, the tax treatment of a partner in the partnership will depend upon the status of the partner and the activities of the partnership. Partnerships and partners of a partnership holding our ordinary shares are urged to consult their tax advisors regarding an investment in our ordinary shares.


The discussion set forth below is addressed only to U.S. Holders that purchase ordinary shares. Prospective purchasers are urged to consult their own tax advisors about the application of the U.S. federal income tax rules to their particular circumstances as well as the state, local, foreign and other tax consequences to them of the purchase, ownership and disposition of our ordinary shares.


Taxation of Dividends and Other Distributions on our Ordinary Shares


Subject to the passive foreign investment company rules discussed below, the gross amount of distributions made by us to you with respect to the ordinary shares (including the amount of any taxes withheld therefrom) will generally be includable in your gross income as dividend income on the date of receipt by you, but only to the extent that the distribution is paid out of our current or accumulated earnings and profits (as determined under U.S. federal income tax principles). With respect to corporate U.S. Holders, the dividends will not be eligible for the dividends-received deduction allowed to corporations in respect of dividends received from other U.S. corporations.


With respect to non-corporate U.S. Holders, including individual U.S. Holders, dividends will be taxed at the lower capital gains rate applicable to qualified dividend income, provided that (1) the ordinary shares are readily tradable on an established securities market in the United States, or we are eligible for the benefits of an approved qualifying income tax treaty with the United States that includes an exchange of information program, (2) we are not a passive foreign investment company (as discussed below) for either our taxable year in which the dividend is paid or the preceding taxable year, and (3) certain holding period requirements are met. Because there is no income tax treaty between the United States and the Cayman Islands, clause (1) above can be satisfied only if the ordinary shares are readily tradable on an established securities market in the United States. Under U.S. Internal Revenue Service authority, ordinary shares are considered for purpose of clause (1) above to be readily tradable on an established securities market in the United States if they are listed on Nasdaq. You are urged to consult your tax advisors regarding the availability of the lower rate for dividends paid with respect to our ordinary shares, including the effects of any change in law after the date of this report.


To the extent that the amount of the distribution exceeds our current and accumulated earnings and profits (as determined under U.S. federal income tax principles), it will be treated first as a tax-free return of your tax basis in your ordinary shares, and to the extent the amount of the distribution exceeds your tax basis, the excess will be taxed as capital gain. We do not intend to calculate our earnings and profits under U.S. federal income tax principles. Therefore, a U.S. Holder should expect that a distribution will be treated as a dividend even if that distribution would otherwise be treated as a non-taxable return of capital or as capital gain under the rules described above.





Taxation of Dispositions of Ordinary Shares


Subject to the passive foreign investment company rules discussed below, you will recognize taxable gain or loss on any sale, exchange or other taxable disposition of a share equal to the difference between the amount realized (in U.S. dollars) for the share and your tax basis (in U.S. dollars) in the ordinary shares. The gain or loss will be capital gain or loss. If you are a non-corporate U.S. Holder, including an individual U.S. Holder, who has held the ordinary shares for more than one year, you may be eligible for reduced tax rates on any such capital gains. The deductibility of capital losses is subject to limitations.


Passive Foreign Investment Company Rules


A foreign (i.e., non-U.S.) corporation will be a PFIC if at least 75% of its gross income in a taxable year of the foreign corporation, including its pro rata share of the gross income of any corporation in which it is considered to own at least 25% of the shares by value, is passive income. Alternatively, a foreign corporation will be a PFIC if at least 50% of its assets in a taxable year of the foreign corporation, ordinarily determined based on fair market value and averaged quarterly over the year, including its pro rata share of the assets of any corporation in which it is considered to own at least 25% of the shares by value, are held for the production of, or produce, passive income. Passive income generally includes dividends, interest, rents and royalties (other than certain rents or royalties derived from the active conduct of a trade or business) and gains from the disposition of passive assets.


Based on the composition of our assets and the nature of the Company’s income and subsidiaries’ income for our taxable year ended March 31, 2020, we do not expect to be treated as a PFIC for such year and we do not expect to be one for our taxable year ending March 31, 2021 or become one in the foreseeable future. Nevertheless, the application of the PFIC rules is subject to ambiguity in several respects and, in addition, we must make a separate determination each year as to whether we are a PFIC (after the close of each taxable year). Accordingly, we cannot assure you that we will not be a PFIC for the current or any other taxable year. Moreover, although we do not believe we would be treated as a PFIC, we have not engaged any U.S. tax advisers to determine our PFIC status. In addition, if a U.S. Holder owned our ordinary shares at any time prior to our acquisition of Elite, such U.S. Holder may be considered to own stock of a PFIC by virtue of the fact that we may have been a PFIC during the period prior to our acquisition of Elite, unless such U.S. Holder made either a valid and timely QEF election or a valid and timely mark-to-market election, in each case as described below.


If we are determined to be a PFIC for any taxable year (or portion thereof) that is included in the holding period of a U.S. Holder of our shares or redeemable warrants and, in the case of our shares, the U.S. Holder did not make either a timely qualified electing fund (“QEF”) election for our first taxable year as a PFIC in which the U.S. Holder held (or was deemed to hold) such shares, a QEF election along with a purging election, or a mark-to-market election, each as described below, such holder generally will be subject to special rules for regular U.S. federal income tax purposes with respect to:


  any gain recognized by the U.S. Holder on the sale or other disposition of its shares or redeemable warrants; and


  any “excess distribution” made to the U.S. Holder (generally, any distributions to such U.S. Holder during a taxable year of the U.S. Holder that are greater than 125% of the average annual distributions received by such U.S. Holder in respect of the shares or warrants during the three preceding taxable years of such U.S. Holder or, if shorter, such U.S. Holder’s holding period for the shares or warrants).


Under these rules,


  the U.S. Holder’s gain or excess distribution will be allocated ratably over the U.S. Holder’s holding period for the shares or redeemable warrants;


  the amount allocated to the U.S. Holder’s taxable year in which the U.S. Holder recognized the gain or received the excess distribution, or to the period in the U.S. Holder’s holding period before the first day of our first taxable year in which we are a PFIC, will be taxed as ordinary income;





  the amount allocated to other taxable years (or portions thereof) of the U.S. Holder and included in its holding period will be taxed at the highest tax rate in effect for that year and applicable to the U.S. Holder; and


  the interest charge generally applicable to underpayments of tax will be imposed in respect of the tax attributable to each such other taxable year of the U.S. Holder.


In general, if we are determined to be a PFIC, a U.S. Holder may avoid the PFIC tax consequences described above in respect to our shares by making a timely QEF election (or a QEF election along with a purging election, as described below). Pursuant to the QEF election, a U.S. Holder will be required to include in income its pro rata share of our net capital gains (as long-term capital gain) and other earnings and profits (as ordinary income), on a current basis, in each case whether or not distributed, in the taxable year of the U.S. Holder in which or with which our taxable year ends. A U.S. Holder may make a separate election to defer the payment of taxes on undistributed income inclusions under the QEF rules, but if deferred, any such taxes will be subject to an interest charge.


A U.S. Holder may not make a QEF election with respect to its redeemable warrants. As a result, if a U.S. Holder sells or otherwise disposes of a redeemable warrant (other than upon exercise of the redeemable warrant), any gain recognized generally will be subject to the special tax and interest charge rules treating the gain as an excess distribution, as described above, if we were a PFIC at any time during the period the U.S. Holder held the redeemable warrants. If a U.S. Holder that exercises such redeemable warrants properly makes a QEF election with respect to the newly acquired ordinary shares (or has previously made a QEF election with respect to our shares), the QEF election will apply to the newly acquired ordinary shares, but the adverse tax consequences relating to PFIC shares, adjusted to take into account the current income inclusions resulting from the QEF election, will continue to apply with respect to such newly acquired ordinary shares (which generally will be deemed to have a holding period for purposes of the PFIC rules that includes the period the U.S. Holder held the redeemable warrants), unless the U.S. Holder makes a purging election with respect to such shares. The purging election creates a deemed sale of such shares at their fair market value. The gain recognized by the purging election will be subject to the special tax and interest charge rules treating the gain as an excess distribution, as described above. As a result of the purging election, the U.S. Holder will increase the adjusted tax basis in its ordinary shares acquired upon the exercise of the redeemable warrants by the gain recognized and will also have a new holding period in such ordinary shares for purposes of the PFIC rules.


The QEF election is made on a shareholder-by-shareholder basis and, once made, can be revoked only with the consent of the IRS. A U.S. Holder generally makes a QEF election by attaching a completed IRS Form 8621 (Information Return by a Shareholder of a Passive Foreign Investment Company or Qualified Electing Fund), including the information provided in a PFIC annual information statement, to a timely filed U.S. federal income tax return for the taxable year to which the election relates. Retroactive QEF elections generally may be made only by filing a protective statement with such return and if certain other conditions are met or with the consent of the IRS.


In order to comply with the requirements of a QEF election, a U.S. Holder must receive certain information from us. Upon request from a U.S. Holder, we will endeavor to provide to the U.S. Holder no later than 90 days after the request such information as the IRS may require, including a PFIC annual information statement, in order to enable the U.S. Holder to make and maintain a QEF election. However, there is no assurance that we will have timely knowledge of our status as a PFIC in the future or of the required information to be provided.


If a U.S. Holder has made a QEF election with respect to our shares and the special tax and interest charge rules do not apply to such shares (because of a timely QEF election for our first taxable year as a PFIC in which the U.S. Holder holds (or is deemed to hold) such shares or a QEF election, along with a purge of the PFIC taint pursuant to a purging election, as described above), any gain recognized on the sale or other taxable disposition of our shares generally will be taxable as capital gain and no interest charge will be imposed. As discussed above, for regular U.S. federal income tax purposes, U.S. Holders of a QEF are currently taxed on their pro rata shares of the QEF’s earnings and profits, whether or not distributed. In such case, a subsequent distribution of such earnings and profits that were previously included in income generally should not be taxable as a dividend to such U.S. Holders. The adjusted tax basis of a U.S. Holder’s shares in a QEF will be increased by amounts that are included in income, and decreased by amounts distributed but not taxed as dividends, under the above rules. Similar basis adjustments apply to property if by reason of holding such property the U.S. Holder is treated under the applicable attribution rules as owning shares in a QEF.





Although a determination as to our PFIC status will be made annually, the initial determination that we are a PFIC generally will apply for subsequent years to a U.S. Holder who held shares or redeemable warrants while we were a PFIC, whether or not we meet the test for PFIC status in those subsequent years, unless such U.S. Holder made a purging election as described below. A U.S. Holder who makes the QEF election discussed above for our first taxable year as a PFIC in which the U.S. Holder holds (or is deemed to hold) our shares, however, will not be subject to the PFIC tax and interest charge rules discussed above in respect to such shares. In addition, such U.S. Holder will not be subject to the QEF inclusion regime with respect to such shares for any of our taxable years that end within or with a taxable year of the U.S. Holder and in which we are not a PFIC. On the other hand, if the QEF election is not effective for each of our taxable years in which we are a PFIC and during which the U.S. Holder holds (or is deemed to hold) our shares, the PFIC rules discussed above will continue to apply to such shares unless the holder files on a timely filed U.S. income tax return (including extensions) a QEF election and a purging election to recognize under the rules of Section 1291 of the Code any gain that the U.S. Holder would otherwise recognize if the U.S. Holder had sold our shares for their fair market value on the “qualification date.” The qualification date is the first day of our tax year in which we qualify as a QEF with respect to such U.S. Holder. The purging election can only be made if such U.S. Holder held our ordinary shares on the qualification date. The gain recognized by the purging election will be subject to the special tax and interest charge rules treating the gain as an excess distribution, as described above. As a result of the purging election, the U.S. Holder will increase the adjusted tax basis in its ordinary shares by the amount of the gain recognized and will also have a new holding period in the shares for purposes of the PFIC rules.


If a U.S. Holder did not make a timely “mark-to-market” election (as described above), and if we were a PFIC at any time during the period such U.S. Holder held our ordinary shares, then such ordinary shares will continue to be treated as stock of a PFIC with respect to such U.S. Holder even if we cease to be a PFIC in a future year, unless such U.S. Holder makes a “purging election” for the year we cease to be a PFIC. A “purging election” creates a deemed sale of such ordinary shares at their fair market value on the last day of the last year in which we are treated as a PFIC. The gain recognized by the purging election will be subject to the special tax and interest charge rules treating the gain as an excess distribution, as described above. As a result of the purging election, such U.S. Holder will have a new tax basis (equal to the fair market value of the ordinary shares on the last day of the last year in which we are treated as a PFIC) and tax holding period (which new holding period will begin the day after such last day) in such ordinary shares.


As an alternative to the QEF election, if a U.S. Holder, at the close of its taxable year, owns shares in a PFIC that are treated as marketable stock, the U.S. Holder may make a mark-to-market election with respect to such shares for such taxable year. If the U.S. Holder makes a valid mark-to-market election for the first taxable year of the U.S. Holder in which the U.S. Holder holds (or is deemed to hold) our shares and for which we are determined to be a PFIC, such holder generally will not be subject to the PFIC rules described above in respect to its shares. Instead, in general, the U.S. Holder will include as ordinary income each year the excess, if any, of the fair market value of its shares at the end of its taxable year over the adjusted tax basis in its shares. The U.S. Holder also will be allowed to take an ordinary loss in respect of the excess, if any, of the adjusted tax basis of its shares over the fair market value of its shares at the end of its taxable year (but only to the extent of the net amount of previously included income as a result of the mark-to-market election). The U.S. Holder’s adjusted tax basis in its shares will be adjusted to reflect any such income or loss amounts, and any further gain recognized on a sale or other taxable disposition of the shares will be treated as ordinary income. Currently, a mark-to-market election may not be made with respect to our redeemable warrants.


The mark-to-market election is available only for stock that is regularly traded on a national securities exchange that is registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission, including the NASDAQ Capital Market, or on a foreign exchange or market that the IRS determines has rules sufficient to ensure that the market price represents a legitimate and sound fair market value. Although our ordinary shares are listed and traded on the NASDAQ Capital Market, we cannot guarantee that our shares will continue to be listed and traded on the NASDAQ Capital Market. U.S. Holders should consult their own tax advisors regarding the availability and tax consequences of a mark-to-market election in respect to our shares under their particular circumstances.





If we are a PFIC and, at any time, have a foreign subsidiary that is classified as a PFIC, a U.S. Holder generally would be deemed to own a portion of the shares of such lower-tier PFIC, and generally could incur liability for the deferred tax and interest charge described above if we receive a distribution from, or dispose of all or part of our interest in, or the U.S. Holder otherwise were deemed to have disposed of an interest in, the lower-tier PFIC. Upon request, we will endeavor to cause any lower-tier PFIC to provide to a U.S. Holder no later than 90 days after the request the information that may be required to make or maintain a QEF election with respect to the lower-tier PFIC. However, there is no assurance that we will have timely knowledge of the status of any such lower-tier PFIC, and we do not plan to make annual determinations or otherwise notify U.S. Holders of the PFIC status of any such lower-tier PFIC. There also is no assurance that we will be able to cause the lower-tier PFIC to provide the required information. U.S. Holders are urged to consult their own tax advisors regarding the tax issues raised by lower-tier PFICs.


A U.S. Holder that owns (or is deemed to own) shares in a PFIC during any taxable year of the U.S. Holder may have to file an IRS Form 8621 (whether or not a QEF election or mark-to-market election is or has been made) with such U.S. Holder’s U.S. federal income tax return and provide such other information as may be required by the U.S. Treasury Department.


The rules dealing with PFICs and with the QEF and mark-to-market elections are very complex and are affected by various factors in addition to those described above. Accordingly, U.S. Holders of our shares and redeemable warrants should consult their own tax advisors concerning the application of the PFIC rules to our shares and redeemable warrants under their particular circumstances.


Non-U.S. Holders


Dividends (including constructive dividends) paid or deemed paid to a Non-U.S. Holder in respect to our securities generally will not be subject to U.S. federal income tax, unless the dividends are effectively connected with the Non-U.S. Holder’s conduct of a trade or business within the United States (and, if required by an applicable income tax treaty, are attributable to a permanent establishment or fixed base that such holder maintains or maintained in the United States).


In addition, a Non-U.S. Holder generally will not be subject to U.S. federal income tax on any gain attributable to a sale or other taxable disposition of our securities unless such gain is effectively connected with its conduct of a trade or business in the United States (and, if required by an applicable income tax treaty, is attributable to a permanent establishment or fixed base that such holder maintains or maintained in the United States) or the Non-U.S. Holder is an individual who is present in the United States for 183 days or more in the taxable year of sale or other disposition and certain other conditions are met (in which case, such gain from U.S. sources generally is subject to U.S. federal income tax at a 30% rate or a lower applicable tax treaty rate).


Dividends and gains that are effectively connected with the Non-U.S. Holder’s conduct of a trade or business in the United States (and, if required by an applicable income tax treaty, are attributable to a permanent establishment or fixed base that such holder maintains or maintained in the United States) generally will be subject to regular U.S. federal income tax at the same regular U.S. federal income tax rates applicable to a comparable U.S. Holder and, in the case of a Non-U.S. Holder that is a corporation for U.S. federal income tax purposes, may also be subject to an additional branch profits tax at a 30% rate or a lower applicable tax treaty rate.


The U.S. federal income tax treatment of a Non-U.S. Holder’s exercise of redeemable warrants, or the lapse of redeemable warrants held by a Non-U.S. Holder, generally will correspond to the U.S. federal income tax treatment of the exercise or lapse of redeemable warrants by a U.S. Holder, as described under “U.S. Holders — Exercise or Lapse of Redeemable Warrants” above.


Backup Withholding and Information Reporting


Dividend payments with respect to our ordinary shares and proceeds from the sale, exchange or redemption of our ordinary shares may be subject to information reporting to the U.S. Internal Revenue Service and possible U.S. backup withholding at a current rate of 24%. Backup withholding will not apply, however, to a U.S. Holder who furnishes a correct taxpayer identification number and makes any other required certification on U.S. Internal Revenue Service Form W-9 or who is otherwise exempt from backup withholding. U.S. Holders who are required to establish their exempt status generally must provide such certification on U.S. Internal Revenue Service Form W-9. U.S. Holders are urged to consult their tax advisors regarding the application of the U.S. information reporting and backup withholding rules.





Backup withholding is not an additional tax. Amounts withheld as backup withholding may be credited against your U.S. federal income tax liability, and you may obtain a refund of any excess amounts withheld under the backup withholding rules by filing the appropriate claim for refund with the U.S. Internal Revenue Service and furnishing any required information. We do not intend to withhold taxes for individual shareholders. However, transactions effected through certain brokers or other intermediaries may be subject to withholding taxes (including backup withholding), and such brokers or intermediaries may be required by law to withhold such taxes.


Under the Hiring Incentives to Restore Employment Act of 2010, certain U.S. Holders are required to report information relating to our ordinary shares, subject to certain exceptions (including an exception for ordinary shares held in accounts maintained by certain financial institutions), by attaching a complete Internal Revenue Service Form 8938, Statement of Specified Foreign Financial Assets, with their tax return for each year in which they hold ordinary shares.


F. Dividends and Paying Agents


Not applicable.


G. Statement by Experts


Not applicable.


H. Documents on Display


The Company is subject to the informational requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, and will file reports, registration statements and other information with the SEC. The Company’s reports, registration statements and other information can be inspected on the SEC’s website at www.sec.gov and such information can also be inspected and copies ordered at the public reference facilities maintained by the SEC at the following location: 100 F Street NE, Washington, D.C. 20549. You may also visit us at http://www.fjxfl.com. However, information contained on our website does not constitute a part of this annual report.


I. Subsidiary Information


Not applicable.




Interest Rate Risk


We deposit surplus funds with Chinese banks earning daily interest. We do not invest in any instruments for trading purposes. Most of our outstanding debt instruments carry loan prime rates plus basis points of interest. Our operations generally are not directly sensitive to fluctuations in interest rates and we currently do not have any long-term debt outstanding. Management monitors the banks’ prime rates in conjunction with our cash requirements to determine the appropriate level of debt balances relative to other sources of funds. We have not entered into any hedging transactions in an effort to reduce our exposure to interest rate risk.





Foreign Exchange Risk


While our reporting currency is the U.S. dollar, substantially all of our consolidated revenues and consolidated costs and expenses are denominated in RMB. Substantially all of our assets are denominated in RMB. As a result, we are exposed to foreign exchange risk as our revenues and results of operations may be affected by fluctuations in the exchange rate between the U.S. dollar and the RMB. If the RMB depreciates against the U.S. dollar, the value of our RMB revenues, earnings and assets as expressed in our U.S. dollar financial statements will decline. Assets and liabilities are translated at exchange rates at the balance sheet dates and revenue and expenses are translated at the average exchange rates and equity is translated at historical exchange rates. Any resulting translation adjustments are not included in determining net income but are included in determining other comprehensive income, a component of equity. An average appreciation of the RMB against the U.S. dollar of 5.7% decreased our comprehensive loss to $0.09   million based on our outstanding revenues, costs and expenses, assets and liabilities denominated in RMB   as of March 31, 2022. As of March 31, 2022. We have not entered into any hedging transactions in an effort to reduce our exposure to foreign exchange risk.


The value of RMB against the U.S. dollar and other currencies is affected by, among other things, changes in China’s political and economic conditions. Since July 2005, RMB has not been pegged to the U.S. dollar. Although the People’s Bank of China regularly intervenes in the foreign exchange market to prevent significant short-term fluctuations in the exchange rate, RMB may appreciate or depreciate significantly in value against the U.S. dollar in the medium to long term. Moreover, it is possible that in the future, PRC authorities may lift restrictions on fluctuations in RMB exchange rate and lessen intervention in the foreign exchange market.




Inflationary factors such as increases in the cost of our product and overhead costs may adversely affect our operating results. Although we do not believe that inflation has had a material impact on our financial position or results of operations to date, a high rate of inflation in the future may have an adverse effect on our ability to maintain current levels of gross margin and selling, general and administrative expenses as a percentage of net revenues if the selling prices of our products do not increase with these increased costs.




Not applicable.












Evaluation of Disclosure Controls and Procedures


Our management, with the participation of our chief executive officer and chief financial officer, has performed an evaluation of the effectiveness of our disclosure controls and procedures (as defined in Rule 13a-15(e) under the Exchange Act) as of the end of the period covered by this report, as required by Rule 13a-15(b) under the Exchange Act. Based on the foregoing evaluation, our principal executive officer and principal financial officer concluded that, as of March 31, 2022, our disclosure controls and procedures were not effective at the reasonable assurance level due to the material weaknesses described below.





Management’s Report on Internal Control over Financial Reporting


Our management is responsible for establishing and maintaining adequate internal control over financial reporting, as defined in Rules 13a-15 (f) under the Exchange Act. Our management, with the participation of our chief executive officer and our chief financial officer, evaluated the effectiveness of our internal control over financial reporting based on criteria established in the framework in Internal Control—Integrated Framework (2013) issued by the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission. Based on this evaluation under the 2013 Framework, our principal executive officer and principal financial officer have concluded that our internal control over financial reporting was not effective as of March 31, 2022 due to the following material weaknesses: 


  We had insufficient financial reporting and accounting with appropriate knowledge of U.S. GAAP and SEC reporting requirements to properly address complex U.S. GAAP accounting issues and to prepare and review our consolidated financial statements and related disclosures to fulfil U.S. GAAP and SEC financial reporting requirements;


  Welack personnel with technical knowledge of business combinations, fair value measurement, intangibles valuation and goodwill impairment analysis;


A material weakness is a deficiency, or a combination of deficiencies, within the meaning of PCAOB Auditing Standard AS 2201, in internal control over financial reporting, such that there is a reasonable possibility that a material misstatement of the Company's annual or interim financial statements will not be prevented or detected on a timely basis.


We plan to address the weaknesses identified above by implementing the following measures:


  (1) recruiting qualified professionals with appropriate levels of knowledge and experience to assist in resolving accounting issues in non-routine or complex transactions;


  (2) investing in technology infrastructure to support our financial reporting function;


  (3) improving the communication between management, board of directors and chief financial officer; and


Changes in Internal Control Over Financial Reporting


There were no changes in our internal control over financial reporting that occurred during the period covered by this annual report on Form 20-F that have materially affected, or are reasonably likely to materially affect, our internal controls over financial reporting.






Our board of directors has determined that Mr. John Levy is an independent director as defined by the rules of the NASDAQ Stock Market as well as qualifies as an audit committee financial expert as defined by the rules of the NASDAQ Stock Market, Inc. and Rule 10A-3 under the Exchange Act.







Our board of directors has adopted a code of ethics that applies to our directors, officers, employees and agents, including certain provisions that specifically apply to our chief executive officer, chief financial officer, vice presidents and any other persons who perform similar functions for us. We have posted a copy of our code of business conduct and ethics on our website at http://www.fjxfl.com. 




The following table sets forth the aggregate fees by categories specified below in connection with certain professional services rendered by our independent registered public accounting firm, we did not pay any other fees to our independent registered public accounting firm during the periods indicated below.



Year Ended

March 31, 



Year Ended 

March 31, 



Year Ended 

March 31,

Audit fees(1)  $200,000   $227,000   $181,000 
Audit related fees(2)   -    -    - 
Tax fees(3)   -    -    - 
All other fees(4)   -    -    - 
TOTAL  $200,000   $227,000   $181,000 


(1) “Audit fees” means the aggregate fees billed for each of the fiscal years for professional services rendered by our principal accountant for the audit of our annual financial statements or services that are normally provided by the accountant in connection with statutory and regulatory filings or engagements for those fiscal years.
(2) “Audit related fees” means the aggregate fees billed for each of the fiscal years for assurance and related services by our principal accountant that are reasonably related to the performance of the audit or review of our financial statements and are not reported under paragraph (1).


(3) “Tax Fees” represents the aggregate fees billed in each of the fiscal years listed for the professional tax services rendered by our principal auditors.


(4) “All Other Fees” represents the aggregate fees billed in each of the fiscal years listed for services rendered by our principal auditors other than services reported under “Audit fees,” “Audit-related fees” and “Tax fees.”


The policy of our audit committee and our board of directors is to pre-approve all audit and non-audit services provided by our principal auditors, including audit services, audit-related services, and other services as described above, other than those for de minimis services which are approved by the audit committee or our board of directors prior to the completion of the services.




Not applicable.











On March 30, 2022, the Company terminated its independent registered public accounting firm, Briggs & Veselka Co. as the Company’s independent registered public accounting firm, and appointed TPS Thayer, LLC as its new independent registered public accounting firm to audit and review the Company’s financial statements.




Our ordinary shares are listed on the NASDAQ Capital Market, or NASDAQ. As such, we are subject to corporate governance requirements imposed by NASDAQ. Under NASDAQ rules, listed non-US companies such as ourselves may, in general, follow their home country corporate governance practices in lieu of some of the NASDAQ corporate governance requirements. A NASDAQ-listed non-US company is required to provide a general summary of the significant differences to its US investors either on the company website or in its annual report distributed to its US investors.


Other than as described in this section, our corporate governance practices do not differ from those followed by domestic companies listed on the NASDAQ Capital Market. NASDAQ Listing Rule 5635 generally provides that shareholder approval is required of U.S. domestic companies listed on the NASDAQ Capital Market prior to issuance (or potential issuance) of securities (i) equaling 20% or more of the company’s common stock or voting power for less than the greater of market or book value (ii) resulting in a change of control of the company; and (iii) which is being issued pursuant to a stock option or purchase plan to be established or materially amended or other equity compensation arrangement made or materially amended. Notwithstanding this general requirement, NASDAQ Listing Rule 5615(a)(3)(A) permits foreign private issuers to follow their home country practice rather than these shareholder approval requirements. The Cayman Islands do not require shareholder approval prior to any of the foregoing types of issuances. The Company, therefore, is not required to obtain such shareholder approval prior to entering into a transaction with the potential to issue securities as described above. The Board of Directors of the Company has elected to follow the Company’s home country rules as to such issuances and will not be required to seek shareholder approval prior to entering into such a transaction. Rule 5620(a) requires each company listing common stock or voting preferred stock, or their equivalents, shall hold an annual meeting of shareholders no later than one year after the end of the issuer’s fiscal year-end. The Company follows the home country practice and expect to hold annual shareholders meetings only if there are matters that require shareholders’ approval.




Not applicable.




Not applicable









We have elected to provide financial statements pursuant to Item 18.




See the Index to Consolidated Financial Statements accompanying this report beginning page F-1.






        Incorporated by
reference to
Exhibit No.   Description    Form Exhibit Filing Date    herewith
1.1   Original Memorandum and Articles of Association dated March 4, 2019   F-1   3.1   March 8, 2019    
1.2   First Amended and Restated Articles of Association   F-1   3.1   March 28, 2019    
1.3   First Amended and Restated Memorandum of Association   F-1   3.2   March 28, 2019    
1.4   Second Amended and Restated Memorandum and Articles of Association               X
2.1   Specimen Certificate for Ordinary Shares   F-1   4.1   March 28, 2019    
4.1   Employment Agreement by and between CEO Xuezhu Wang and the Company dated August 28, 2018   F-1   10.3   March 28, 2019    
4.2   Employment Agreement by and between CFO Jiong Bian and the Company dated August 26, 2018   F-1   10.4   March 28, 2019    
4.3   Form of Securities Purchase Agreement, by and between Happiness Development Group Limited (formerly known as “Happiness Biotech Group Limited”) and the Purchasers, dated June 25, 2021   6-K   1.1   July 1, 2021    
4.4   Share Purchase Agreement, by and among Happiness Development Group Limited (formerly known as “Happiness Biotech Group Limited”), Fujian Happiness Biotech Co., Limited, and Fujian Shennong Jiagu Development Co., Ltd., dated October 14, 2021   6-K   4.1   October 25, 2021    
4.5   Form of Securities Purchase Agreement, by and between Happiness Development Group Limited (formerly known as “Happiness Biotech Group Limited”) and the Purchasers, dated January 18, 2022   6-K   99.1   January 21, 2022    
4.6   Equity Transfer Agreement, by and among Happiness Development Group Limited (formerly known as “Happiness Biotech Group Limited”), Fujian Happiness Biotech Co., Limited, and Fuzhou Hekangyuan Trading Co., Ltd., dated March 4, 2022   6-K   4.1   March 7, 2022    
4.7   Form of Securities Purchase Agreement, by and between Happiness Development Group Limited (formerly known as “Happiness Biotech Group Limited”) and the Purchasers, dated March 11, 2022   6-K   1.1   March 16, 2022    
8.1   List of Subsidiaries               X
11.1   Code of Business Conduct and Ethics of the Registrant     F-1   99.1   May 3, 2019    
12.1   Certification of the Chief Executive Officer (Principal Executive Officer) pursuant to  Rule 13a-14(a) of the Securities Exchange Act, as amended.               X
12.2   Certification of the Chief Financial Officer (Principal Financial Officer) pursuant to Rule 13a-14(a) of the Securities Exchange Act, as amended               X
13.1   Certification of the Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer pursuant to 18 U.S.C. 1350, as adopted pursuant to Section 906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002               X
101.INS   Inline XBRL Instance Document.
101.SCH   Inline XBRL Taxonomy Extension Schema Document.
101.CAL   Inline XBRL Taxonomy Extension Calculation Linkbase Document.
101.DEF   Inline XBRL Taxonomy Extension Definition Linkbase Document.
101.LAB   Inline XBRL Taxonomy Extension Label Linkbase Document.
101.PRE   Inline XBRL Taxonomy Extension Presentation Linkbase Document.
104   Cover Page Interactive Data File (formatted as Inline XBRL and contained in Exhibit 101).







The registrant hereby certifies that it meets all of the requirements for filing on Form 20-F and that it has duly caused and authorized the undersigned to sign this annual report on its behalf.


  /s/ Xuezhu Wang
  Xuezhu Wang
  Chief Executive Officer









FOR THE YEARS ENDED March 31, 2022 and 2021









Consolidated Financial Statements   Pages  
Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm   F-2
Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm   F-3
Consolidated Balance Sheets as of March 31, 2022 and 2021   F-4
Consolidated Statements of Income and Comprehensive Income for the Years Ended March 31, 2022, 2021 and 2020   F-5
Consolidated Statements of Changes in Shareholders’ Equity for the Years Ended March 31, 2022, 2021 and 2020   F-6
Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows for the Years Ended March 31, 2022, 2021 and 2020   F-7
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements   F-8







To the Board of Directors and Shareholders of


Happiness Development Group Limited


Opinion on the Consolidated Financial Statements


We have audited the accompanying consolidated balance sheet of Happiness Development Group Limited and its subsidiaries (collectively, the “Company”) as of March 31. 2022, and the related consolidated statements of income and comprehensive income, changes in shareholders’ equity, and cash flow for the year ended March 31, 2022, and the related notes (collectively referred to as the “financial statements”). In our opinion, the financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, the consolidated financial position of the Company as of March 31, 2022, and the consolidated results of its operations and its consolidated cash flow for the year ended March 31, 2022, in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America.


Basis for Opinion


These financial statements are the responsibility of the Company’s management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on the Company’s financial statements based on our audit. We are a public accounting firm registered with the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (United States) (PCAOB) and are required to be independent with respect to the Company in accordance with the U.S. federal securities laws and the applicable rules and regulations of the Securities and Exchange Commission and the PCAOB.


We conducted our audit in accordance with the standards of the PCAOB. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement, whether due to error or fraud. The Company is not required to have, nor were we engaged to perform, an audit of its internal control over financial reporting. As part of our audit, we are required to obtain an understanding of internal control over financial reporting, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the Company’s internal control over financial reporting. Accordingly, we express no such opinion.


Our audit included performing procedures to assess the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to error or fraud, and performing procedures that respond to those risks. Such procedures included examining, on a test basis, evidence regarding the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. Our audit also included evaluating the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial statements. We believe that our audit provides a reasonable basis for our opinion.


/s/ TPS Thayer, LLC  
We have served as the Company’s auditor since 2022
Sugar Land, TX
August 15, 2022  
PCAOB ID #6706  








To the Board of Directors and Shareholders of

Happiness Biotech Group Limited


Opinion on the Consolidated Financial Statements


We have audited the accompanying consolidated balance sheet of Happiness Biotech Group Limited and its Subsidiaries (collectively, the “Company”) as of March 31, 2021, and the related consolidated statements of income and comprehensive income, changes in shareholders’ equity, and cash flows for each of the two years in the period ended March 31, 2021, and the related notes (collectively referred to as the “financial statements”). In our opinion, the financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of the Company as of March 31, 2021, and the results of its operations and its cash flows for each of the two years in the period ended March 31, 2021, in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America.


Basis for Opinion


These financial statements are the responsibility of the Company’s management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on the Company’s financial statements based on our audit. We are a public accounting firm registered with the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (United States) (“PCAOB”) and are required to be independent with respect to the Company in accordance with the U.S. federal securities laws and the applicable rules and regulations of the Securities and Exchange Commission and the PCAOB.


We conducted our audit in accordance with the standards of the PCAOB. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement, whether due to error or fraud. The Company is not required to have, nor were we engaged to perform, an audit of its internal control over financial reporting. As part of our audit, we are required to obtain an understanding of internal control over financial reporting, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the Company’s internal control over financial reporting. Accordingly, we express no such opinion.


Our audit included performing procedures to assess the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to error or fraud, and performing procedures that respond to those risks. Such procedures included examining, on a test basis, evidence regarding the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. Our audit also included evaluating the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial statements. We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion.


/s/ Briggs & Veselka Co.

Briggs & Veselka Co.


Houston, Texas


August 2, 2021


We have served as the Company’s auditor since 2018.









   As of
March 31,
   As of
March 31,
   2022   2021 
Current assets        
Cash and cash equivalents  $19,733,631   $36,558,752 
Accounts receivable, net of allowance for doubtful accounts of $463,514 and $0, respectively   27,447,907    34,563,743 
Notes receivable   89,332    
Inventories   1,389,561    1,785,379 
Prepaid expenses and other current assets   7,909,233    22,189,744 
Total current assets   56,569,664    95,097,618 
Property, plant and equipment, net   11,246,815    10,514,031 
Intangible assets, net   10,101,405    1,832,099 
Goodwill   10,084,201    162,832 
 Deferred tax assets   3,796,492    
Prepaid assets   5,627,099    5,138,105 
TOTAL ASSETS  $97,425,676   $112,744,685 
Current liabilities          
Accounts payable  $12,155,733   $8,841,163 
Other payables and accrued liabilities   3,469,768    3,694,943 
Income tax payable   37,225    334,523 
Short-term bank borrowings   2,268,360    2,237,000 
Total current liabilities   17,931,086    15,107,629 
Deferred tax liability   2,079,986    
TOTAL LIABILITIES   20,011,072    15,107,629 
Preferred shares, $0.0005 par value, 10,000,000 shares authorized, 0 shares issued and outstanding   
Class A Ordinary shares, $0.0005 par value, 70,000,000 shares authorized, 67,004,583 and 30,481,580 shares issued and outstanding, respectively   33,502    15,241 
Class B Ordinary shares, $0.0005 par value, 20,000,000 shares authorized, 12,095,100 and 0 shares issued and outstanding, respectively   6,048    
Additional paid-in capital   53,871,226    26,545,384 
Statutory surplus reserve   7,622,765    7,622,765 
Retained earnings   12,285,281    61,475,891 
Accumulated other comprehensive income (loss)   4,306,536    (913,621)
Total Happiness Development Group Limited’s shareholders’ equity   78,125,358    94,745,660 
Non-controlling interests   (710,754)   2,891,396 
Total shareholders’ equity   77,414,604    97,637,056 


The accompanying notes are an integral part of these consolidated financial statements.









   For the years ended March 31, 
   2022   2021   2020 
Revenues  $89,488,658   $71,484,703   $65,061,953 
Cost of revenues   (85,777,192)   (53,309,102)   (34,642,649)
Gross profit   3,711,466    18,175,601    30,419,304 
Operating expenses:               
Selling and marketing   40,476,616    9,958,886    9,179,160 
General and administrative   9,126,812    5,030,899    3,482,459 
Research and development   1,684,089    1,660,100    2,358,968 
Goodwill impairment   






Total operating expenses   61,597,262    16,649,885    15,020,587 
Operating (loss) income   (57,885,796)   1,525,716    15,398,717 
Other income (expenses):               
Interest income   108,395    131,901    74,929 
Interest expense   (85,993)   (111,799)   (98,086)
Other income, net   117,086    105,522    156,562 
Total other income, net   139,488    125,624    133,405 
(Loss) Income before income taxes   (57,746,308)   1,651,340    15,532,122 
Income tax benefit (provision)   3,726,227    (959,384)   (2,844,087)
Net (loss) income  $ (54,020,081)  $691,956   $12,688,035 
Net loss attributable to non-controlling interests   4,829,471    94,400    - 
Net (loss) income attributable to Happiness Development Group Limited   (49,190,610)   786,356    12,688,035 
Other comprehensive income (loss):               
Foreign currency translation adjustments   2,523,258    6,113,570    (3,356,032)
Comprehensive (loss) income  $(51,496,823)  $6,805,526   $9,332,003 
Less: comprehensive (loss) income attributable to non-controlling interests   2,696,899    (2,873,378)   - 
Comprehensive (loss) income attributable to Happiness Development Group Limited  $(48,799,924)  $3,932,148   $9,332,003 
Basic and diluted earnings per ordinary share               
Basic and diluted
  $(1.22)  $0.03   $0.53 
Weighted average number of ordinary shares outstanding               
Basic and diluted
   40,485,912    26,160,270    23,843,836 


The accompanying notes are an integral part of these consolidated financial statements.











Class A




Class A








Class B






Class B










surplus reserve






other comprehensive income (loss)

   Total Happiness Development Group Limited shareholders’ equity   Non-controlling interests  



Balance at March 31, 2019   23,000,000   $11,500    -   $-   $5,702,663   $2,064,096   $53,935,169   $(797,781)  $60,915,647   $-   $60,915,647 
Ordinary shares issued for cash   2,000,000    1,000    -    -    9,341,339    -         -    9,342,339    -    9,342,339 
Net income   -    -    -    -    -    -    12,688,035    -    12,688,035    -    12,688,035 
Foreign currency translation adjustments   -    -    -    -    -    -    -    (3,356,032)   (3,356,032)   -    (3,356,032)
Balance at March 31, 2020   25,000,000   $12,500    -   $-   $15,044,002   $2,064,096   $66,623,204   $(4,153,813)  $79,589,989   $-   $79,589,989 
              -    -                                    
Ordinary shares issued for cash   5,100,000    2,550    -    -    10,723,150    -    -    -    10,725,700    -    10,725,700 
Ordinary shares issued for services   381,580    191    -    -    778,232    -    -    -    778,423    -    778,423 
Statutory reserves   -    -    -    -    -    5,558,669    (5,558,669)   -    -    -    - 
Contribution from non-controlling shareholders   -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    112,418    112,418 
Net income (loss)   -    -    -    -    -    -    786,356    -    786,356    (94,400)   691,956 
Dividend   -    -    -    -    -    -    (375,000)   -    (375,000)   -    (375,000)
Foreign currency translation adjustments   -    -    -    -    -    -    -    3,240,192    3,240,192    2,873,378    6,113,570 
Balance at March 31, 2021   30,481,580   $15,241    -    -   $26,545,384   $7,622,765   $61,475,891   $(913,621)  $94,745,660   $2,891,396   $97,637,056 
Ordinary shares issued for cash   32,940,000    16,470    -    -    18,861,130    -    -    -    18,877,600    -    18,877,600 
Ordinary shares issued for services   1,478,103    739    -    -    1,085,492    -    -    -    1,086,231    -    1,086,231 

Business acquisition (Note 14)

   14,200,000    7,100    -    -    7,379,220    -    -    -    7,386,320    3,924,220    11,310,540 
Convention of Class A Ordinary shares into Class B Ordinary shares   (12,095,100)   (6,048)   12,095,100    6,048    -    -    -    -    -    -    - 
Net (loss)   -    -    -    -    -    -    (49,190,610)   -    (49,190,610)   (4,829,471)   (54,020,081)
Foreign currency translation adjustments   -    -    -    -    -    -    -    5,220,157    5,220,157    (2,696,899)   2,523,258 
Balance at March 31, 2022   67,004,583   $33,502    12,095,100   $6,048   $53,871,226   $7,622,765   $12,285,281   $4,306,536   $78,125,358   $(710,754)  $77,414,604 


The accompanying notes are an integral part of these consolidated financial statements.









   For the years ended March 31, 
   2022   2021   2020 
Cash Flows from Operating Activities:            
Net (loss) income  $(54,020,081)  $691,956   $12,688,035 
Adjustments to reconcile net (loss) income to net cash (used in) provided by operating activities:               
Depreciation and amortization   2,187,206    880,879    690,749 
Provision for bad debt   463,514    
Goodwill impairment   10,407,349    
Inventory write-downs   
Loss on disposal of equipment   434,183    
Loss on disposal of subsidiaries   95,932    
Deferred taxes   (3,921,856)   
Share-based compensation   1,086,231    778,423    - 
Changes in operating assets and liabilities:               
Accounts receivable   23,222,982    (2,106,752)   393,143 
Notes receivable   (88,495)   
Inventories   454,262    389,388    (276,909)
Prepaid expenses and other current assets   12,250,088    (8,057,239)   1,525,053 
Prepaid assets   (329,926)   1,718,110    (4,402,208)
Accounts payable   (4,845,854)   6,723,151    (32,722)
Other payables and accrued liabilities   (15,213,292)   3,134,093    (559,496)
Due to related parties   
    (844,718)   966,589 
Income taxes payable   (317,026)   (402,825)   (332,182)
Net cash (used in) provided by operating activities   (28,134,783)   2,904,466    10,777,843 
Cash Flows from Investing Activities:               
Purchases of property, plant and equipment   (2,390,339)   (2,783,440)   (1,159,355)
Purchase of intangible assets   (17,165)   (1,051,138)   - 
Business acquisitions of Hekangyuan   (7,998,836)   
Business acquisitions of Baodeng   (79,584)   
Deposits return from Shennong   1,931,646    
Purchase of DAJI   
Deposits paid for business acquisitions   
Proceeds from disposal of subsidiaries   34,330    
Proceeds from disposal of equipment   43,069    
Net cash used in investing activities   (8,476,879)   (13,222,847)   (1,159,355)
Cash Flows from Financing Activities:               
Ordinary shares issued for cash   18,877,600    10,965,553    9,342,339 
Cash contribution from non-controlling shareholders   
    37,522    - 
Dividend payment   
    (375,000)   - 
Proceeds from short-term loans   2,247,086    2,163,037    3,129,711 
Repayments of short-term loans   (2,293,900)   (2,118,893)   (2,067,332)
Net cash provided by financing activities   18,830,786    10,672,219    10,404,718 
Effect of exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents   955,755    2,550,149    (1,169,213)
Net (decrease) increase in cash and cash equivalents   (16,825,121)   2,903,987    18,853,993 
Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of year   36,558,752    33,654,765    14,800,772 
Cash and cash equivalents at the end of year  $19,733,631   $36,558,752   $33,654,765 
Supplemental disclosures of cash flows information:               
Cash paid for income taxes  $570,113   $1,209,381   $3,176,269 
Cash paid for interest expense  $85,993   $111,790   $98,086 
Supplemental schedule of non-cash investing and financing activities               
Ordinary shares issued for acquisitions  $7,386,320   $


The accompanying notes are an integral part of these consolidated financial statements.










Happiness Development Group Limited (“Happiness Development”) is a holding company. It was incorporated on February 13, 2018 under the laws of the Cayman Islands and named Happiness Biotech Group Limited. On November 5, 2021, the Company changed its name to Happiness Development Group Limited under the special resolution dated October 21, 2021. The Company has no substantive operations other than holding all of the outstanding share capital of Happiness Biology Technology Group Limited (“Happiness Hong Kong”). Happiness Hong Kong is a holding company of all of the equity or ownership of Happiness (Nanping) Biotech Co., Limited (“Happiness Nanping”).


Happiness Nanping is a holding company of all of the equity or ownership of Fujian Happiness Biotech Co., Limited (“Fujian Happiness”), Fuzhou Happiness Enterprise Management Consulting Co., Ltd. (“Fujian Consulting”), Happy Buy (Fujian) Network Technology Co., Ltd. (“Happy Buy”), Taochejun (Fujian) Automobile Sales Co., Ltd. (“Fujian Taochejun”), Hangzhou Happiness Youche Automobile Partnership (Limited partnership) (“Happiness Youche”) and Haiwushuo (Fujian) Food Co., Ltd. (“Haiwushuo Food”).




A Reorganization of the legal structure was completed in August 2018. The Reorganization involved the incorporation of Happiness Development Group Limited, a Cayman Islands holding company; Happiness Biology Technology Group Limited, a holding company established in Hong Kong, PRC; Happiness (Nanping) Biotech Co., Limited, a holding company established in Fujian, PRC; and the transfer of 100% ownership of Fujian Happiness from the former shareholders to Happiness Nanping. Happiness Development, Happiness Hong Kong and Happiness Nanping are all holding companies and had not commenced operation until August 21, 2018.


Prior to the reorganization, Mr. Wang Xuezhu, Chief Executive Officer owns 47.7% ownership of Fujian Happiness. On August 21, 2018, Mr. Wang Xuezhu and other shareholders of Fujian Happiness transferred their 100% ownership interests in Fujian Happiness to Happiness Nanping, which is 100% owned by Happiness Hong Kong. After the reorganization, Happiness Development owns 100% equity interests of Fujian Happiness. Mr. Wang Xuezhu, who owns 52.37% ownership of Happiness Development, became the ultimate controlling shareholder (“the Controlling Shareholder”) of the Company.


Since the Company is effectively controlled by the same Controlling Shareholder before and after the reorganization, it is considered under common control. Therefore, the above-mentioned transactions were accounted for as a recapitalization. The reorganization has been accounted for at historical cost and prepared on the basis as if the aforementioned transactions had become effective as of the beginning of the first period presented in the accompanying financial statements of the Company.


On March 4, 2019, the Company subdivided its 50,000 ordinary shares into 90,000,000 Ordinary shares and 10,000,000 Preferred shares. The authorized ordinary shares became 100,000,000 shares and the par value was changed from $1 to $0.0005. On the same day, the Company cancelled 77,223,100 ordinary shares and sold additional 223,100 ordinary shares. As of March 31, 2019, the Company has 23,000,000 ordinary shares issued and outstanding. The Company has retrospectively reflected the stock subdivision and cancellation in all periods presented in these financial statements.





Initial Public Offering


On October 25, 2019, the Company announced the closing of its initial public offering of 2,000,000 ordinary shares, US$0.0005 par value per share (“Ordinary Shares”) at an offering price of $5.50 per share for a total of $11,000,000 in gross proceeds. The Company raised total net proceeds of $9,342,339 after deducting underwriting discounts and commissions and offering expenses. In addition, the Company granted to its underwriters, Univest Securities, LLC as the Underwriter Representative, an option for a period of 45 days after the closing of the initial public offering to purchase up to 15% of the total number of the Company’s Ordinary Shares to be offered by the Company pursuant to the initial public offering (excluding shares subject to this option), solely for the purpose of covering overallotments, at the initial public offering price less the underwriting discount.


During the reporting periods, the Company has several subsidiaries in PRC. Details of the Company and its operating subsidiaries are set out below:  


Name of Entity   Date of Incorporation   Place of Incorporation  




% of


  Principal Activities
Happiness (Nanping) Biotech Co., Ltd. (“Nanping Happiness”)   June 1, 2018   PRC   US$ 36,100,000       Investment
Fujian Happiness Biotech Co., Ltd (“Fujian Happiness”)   November 19, 2004   PRC   RMB 100,000,000   100% by Nanping Happiness   Research, development, production and selling of nutraceutical and dietary supplements
Fujian Happiness comes Medical Equipment Manufacturing Co., Ltd.   April 15, 2020   PRC   RMB 10,000,000   51% by Fujian Happiness   Selling of medical equipment
Shunchang Happiness comes Health Products Co., Ltd.   May 19, 1998   PRC   RMB 2,000,000   100% by Fujian Happiness   Research, development, production and selling of edible fungi
Fujian Shennongjiagu Development Co., Ltd.(“Shennong”)   December 10, 2012   PRC   RMB 51,110,000   70% by Fujian Happiness   Advertising service, online sales, food sales, data service, information consulting service
Fuzhou Hekangyuan Trading Co., Ltd. (“Hekangyuan”)   October 13, 2017   PRC   RMB 10,000,000   100% by Fujian Happiness   Advertising service, online sales, food sales, commodity sales, information consulting service
Fuzhou Happiness Enterprise Management Consulting Co., Ltd.   December 15, 2020   PRC   RMB 1,000,000   100% by Nanping Happiness   Management and consulting service
Happy Buy (Fujian) Network Technology Co., Ltd. (“Happy Buy”)   July 16, 2020   PRC   RMB 30,000,000   100% by Nanping Happiness   Advertising service, online sales
Fujian Happy Studio Network Technology Co. LTD   August 10, 2020   PRC   RMB 10,000,000   51% by Happy Buy   Advertising service
Hangzhou C’est la vie Interactive Technology Co., Ltd. (“Hangzhou C’est la vie”)   August 26, 2020   PRC   RMB 10,000,000   51% by Happy Buy   Online sales
Fujian Lever Media Co., Ltd. (“Fujian Lever”)   March 1, 2021   PRC   RMB 10,000,000   51% by Hangzhou C’est la vie   Online sales
Shunchang Baolong Electronic Commerce Co., Ltd.   December 3, 2020   PRC   RMB 100,000   100% by Fujian Lever   Online sales
Shunchang Shihong Electronic Commerce Co., Ltd.   December 3, 2020   PRC   RMB 100,000   100% by Fujian Lever   Online sales
Happiness Youdao (Hangzhou) Electronic Commerce Co., Ltd.   August 21, 2017   PRC   RMB 10,000,000   70% by Hangzhou C’est la vie   Online sales
Putian City Hanjiang District Luochen Network Technology Co., Ltd. (“Putian Luochen”)   February 8, 2021   PRC   RMB 100,000   100% by Hangzhou C’est la vie   Online sales
Putian City Hanjiang District Qiyao Trading Co., Ltd.   February 9, 2021   PRC   RMB 100,000   100% by Putian Luochen   Online sales




Putian City Hanjiang District Zhiran Trading Co., Ltd.   February 8, 2021   PRC   RMB 100,000   100% by Putian Luochen   Online sales
Fujian Seravi Electronic Commerce Co., Ltd. (“Fujian Seravi”)   November 30, 2020   PRC   RMB 10,000,000   100% by Hangzhou C’est la vie   Online sales
Shunchang Qida Electronic Commerce Co., Ltd.   December 3, 2020   PRC   RMB 30,000   100% by Fujian Seravi   Online sales
Shunchang Penghong Electronic Commerce Co., Ltd.   December 2, 2020   PRC   RMB 30,000   100% by Fujian Seravi   Online sales
Fujian Daji Media Co., Ltd. (“Daji”)   February 1, 2021   PRC   RMB 10,000,000   51% by Happy Buy   Live streaming service
Happy Buy (Nanping) Automobile Sales Co., Ltd.   December 15, 2020   PRC   RMB 5,000,000   100% by Happy Buy Automobile   Automobile sales
Happy Optimal (Fujian) Network Technology Co., Ltd. (“Happy Optimal”)   December 29, 2020   PRC   RMB 10,000,000   51% by Happy Buy   Advertising service
Shunchang Haiwushuo Brand Management Co., Ltd. (“Shunchang Haiwushuo”)   September 2, 2021   PRC   RMB 1,000,000   51% by Happy Buy   Advertising service, online sales
Shunchang Salt Sweet Network Technology Co., Ltd.   July 9, 2021   PRC   RMB 500,000   100% by Shunchang Haiwushuo   Online Sales
Haiwushuo (Hangzhou) Media Technology Co., Ltd.   October 29, 2021   PRC   RMB 1,000,000   100% by Shunchang Haiwushuo   Advertising service, online sales
Shunchang County Partners Supply Chain Management Co., Ltd.   June 11, 2021   PRC   RMB 2,000,000   51% by Hangzhou C’est la vie   Online Sales, Advertising
Shunchang Youxi e-commerce Co., Ltd.   May 18, 2021   PRC   RMB 200,000   100% by Fujian Seravi   Online Sales
Haiwushuo (Fujian) Food Co., Ltd.   March 9, 2022   PRC   RMB 10,000,000   51% by Nanping Happiness   Advertising service, online sales
Happy Unicorn (Hangzhou) Network Technology Co., Ltd. (“Happy Unicorn”)   June 1, 2021   PRC   RMB 10,000,000   51% by Happy Buy   Advertising service, online sales, automobile sales, Internet technology service
Ganzhou Youjia New Energy Automobile Sales Co., Ltd.   May 10, 2021   PRC   RMB 10,000,000   100% by Fujian Taochejun   Automobile sales
Happy car source (Ningbo) Automobile Service Co., Ltd.   May 14, 2021   PRC   RMB 10,000,000   100% by Fujian Taochejun   Automobile sales
Wuhan Xingfu Youxuan Automobile Sales Co., Ltd.   May 12, 2021   PRC   RMB 10,000,000   100% by Fujian Taochejun   Automobile sales
Taochejun (Hangzhou) New Energy Technology Co., Ltd. (“Hangzhou Taochejun”)   July 12, 2021   PRC   RMB 10,000,000   100% by Fujian Taochejun   Technology service, automobile sales
Zhejiang Yiche Chuxing Technology Co., Ltd.   May 26, 2020   PRC   RMB 10,000,000   100% by Hangzhou Taochejun   Technology service, automobile sales
Happy Travel Technology (Fujian) Co., Ltd.   October 27, 2020   PRC   RMB 50,000,000   100% by Fujian Taochejun   Technology service, automobile sales
Sichuan Taochejun New Energy Technology Co., Ltd.   July 13, 2021   PRC   RMB 10,000,000   100% by Fujian Taochejun  

Automobile sales.

Taochejun (Xi’an) Car Rental Co., Ltd.   August 20, 2021   PRC   RMB 10,000,000   100% by Fujian Taochejun   Automobile sales, online sales, car rental service
Taochejun (Fuzhou) Automotive Technology Co., Ltd.   December 27, 2019   PRC   RMB 30,000,000   60% by Fujian Taochejun   Automobile sales, online sales
Fuzhou Taochejun Culture Media Co., Ltd.   July 12, 2021   PRC   RMB 1,000,000   100% by Fujian Taochejun   Advertising service, information consulting service,
Taochejun (Hainan) New Energy Technology Co., Ltd.   June 15, 2021   PRC   RMB 10,000,000   100% by Fujian Taochejun   Automobile sales, online sales, car rental service
Hunan Xingfu Vehicle Source Technology Co., Ltd.   May 28, 2021   PRC   RMB 10,000,000   100% by Fujian Taochejun   NEV charging technology service, advertising service, automobile sales, automobile parts sales
Happy Automobile Service (Nanping) Co., Ltd.   December 4, 2020   PRC   RMB 30,000,000   70% by Fujian Taochejun   Automobile sales, online sales
Hangzhou Happiness Youche Automobile Partnership (Limited partnership)   December 29, 2021   PRC   RMB 3,000,000   60% by Nanping Happiness   automobile parts sales
Shunchang Bangren Electronic Commerce Co., Ltd. (a)   December 3, 2020   PRC   RMB 1,000,000   100% by Fujian Lever   Online sales  




Shunchang Shenzhou Electronic Commerce Co., Ltd. (a)   December 2, 2020   PRC   RMB 1,000,000   100% by Fujian Seravi   Online sales
Shunchang Tongyuan Electronic Commerce Co., Ltd. (a)   December 2, 2020   PRC   RMB 200,000   100% by Fujian Seravi   Online sales
Shunchang Guangxiang Electronic Commerce Co., Ltd. (a)   December 2, 2020   PRC   RMB 200,000   100% by Fujian Seravi   Online sales
Shunchang Lishijin Electronic Commerce Co., Ltd. (a)   December 2, 2020   PRC   RMB 200,000   100% by Fujian Seravi   Online sales
Shunchang Wangfu Electronic Commerce Co., Ltd. (a)   December 2, 2020   PRC   RMB 100,000   100% by Fujian Seravi   Online sales
Shunchang Yibo Electronic Commerce Co., Ltd. (a)   December 1, 2020   PRC   RMB 100,000   100% by Fujian Seravi   Online sales
Shunchang Runhao Electronic Commerce Co., Ltd. (a)   December 2, 2020   PRC   RMB 200,000   100% by Fujian Seravi   Online sales
Shunchang fanyanfull Electronic Commerce Co., Ltd. (a)   May 8, 2021   PRC   RMB 200,000   100% by Fujian Seravi   Online sales
Shunchang Fanquguan Electronic Commerce Co., Ltd. (a)   April 23, 2021   PRC   RMB 200,000   100% by Fujian Seravi   Online sales
Shunchang Youqiangdiao Electronic Commerce Co., Ltd. (a)   April 16, 2021   PRC   RMB 200,000   100% by Fujian Seravi   Online sales
Shunchang Shangyoupin Electronic Commerce Co., Ltd. (a)   April 15, 2021   PRC   RMB 200,000   100% by Fujian Seravi   Online sales
Fuzhou baodeng Trading Co., Ltd (“Fuzhou Baodeng”) (b)   April 1, 2021   PRC   RMB 4,000,000   51% by Happy Unicorn   Online sales
Fuzhou Dachen e-commerce Co., Ltd (b)   April 1, 2021   PRC   RMB 1,000,000   100% by Fujian Baodeng   Online sales
Fuzhou Nanen Trading Co., Ltd (b)   April 1, 2021   PRC   RMB 1,000,000   100% by Fujian Baodeng   Online sales
Fuzhou Dechen Trading Co., Ltd (b)   April 1, 2021   PRC   RMB 1,000,000   100% by Fujian Baodeng   Online sales
Fuzhou lehuang Trading Co., Ltd (b)   June 11, 2021   PRC   RMB 1,000,000   100% by Fujian Baodeng   Online sales
Happy Doddo (Fujian) Network Technology Co. , Ltd. (“Happy Doddo”) (c)   June 28, 2021   PRC   RMB 10,000,000   51% by Happy Unicorn   Online sales
Shunchang Shenghui Electronic Commerce Co., Ltd. (c)   December 3, 2020   PRC   RMB 200,000   100% by Happy Doddo   Online sales
Shunchang Wansheng Electronic Commerce Co., Ltd. (c)   December 2, 2020   PRC   RMB 30,000   100% by Happy Doddo   Online sales
Shunchang Jiefei Electronic Commerce Co., Ltd. (c)   December 2, 2020   PRC   RMB 30,000   100% by Happy Doddo   Online sales
Shunchang Zhibo Electronic Commerce Co., Ltd. (c)   December 3, 2020   PRC   RMB 1,000,000   100% by Happy Doddo   Online sales
Shunchang Herui Electronic Commerce Co., Ltd. (c)   December 1, 2020   PRC   RMB 100,000   100% by Happy Doddo   Online sales
Shunchang Xiaocongcong Electronic Commerce Co., Ltd. (d)   December 3, 2020   PRC   RMB 1,000,000   100% by Fujian Baodeng   Online sales  
Shunchang Xianghong Electronic Commerce Co., Ltd. (e)   December 2, 2020   PRC   RMB 200,000   100% by Happy Optimal   Online sales
Shunchang Happy Cat Electronic Commerce Co., Ltd. (f)   December 3, 2020   PRC   RMB 200,000   100% by Happy Optimal   Online sales
Shunchang Subobo E-commerce Co. , Ltd. (f)   July 9, 2021   PRC   RMB 500,000   100% by Happy Optimal   Online sales
Happy Feiyue (Fujian) Network Technology Co., Ltd. (“Happy Feiyue”) (g)   March 19, 2021   PRC   RMB 10,000,000   51% by Happy Unicorn   Online sales
HAPPINESS (HK) TECHNOLOGY LIMITED (g)   April 8, 2021   PRC   HK$ 10,000   100% by Happy Feiyue   Online sales


(a)During the year ended March 31, 2022, the Company closed 12 subsidiaries to optimize the Company’s structure on online store business.
(b)Fuzhou Baodeng and its subsidiaries were focus on the online store operation. In March 2022, the Company disposed Fuzhou Baodeng and its subsidiaries to a third party.
(c)Happy Doddo and its subsidiaries were focus on the online store operation. In February 2022, the Company disposed Happy Doddo and its subsidiaries to a third party.
(d)Shunchang Xiaocongcong Electronic Commerce Co., Ltd. was a company with no operation. The Company closed it in October 2021.
(e)Shunchang Xianghong Electronic Commerce Co., Ltd. was closed in October 2021 due to the business optimization.
(f)Shunchang Happy Cat Electronic Commerce Co., Ltd. and Shunchang Subobo E-commerce Co., Ltd. were disposed in November 2021 due to the business optimization.
(g)Happy Feiyue and its subsidiary were focus on the online store operation. In January 2022, the Company disposed Happy Feiyue and its subsidiary to a third party.






Basis of Presentation and Principles of Consolidation


The accompanying consolidated financial statements have been prepared in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America (“US GAAP”) and have been consistently applied. The accompanying consolidated financial statements include the financial statements of Happiness Development and its subsidiaries (collectively, the “Company”). All inter-company balances and transactions have been eliminated upon consolidation.


Non-controlling interests


For the Company’s non-wholly owned subsidiaries, a non-controlling interest is recognized to reflect the portion of equity that is not attributable, directly or indirectly, to the Company. Non-controlling interests are classified as a separate line item in the equity section of the Company’s consolidated balance sheets and have been separately disclosed in the Company’s consolidated statements of comprehensive (loss)/income to distinguish the interests from that of the Company. Cash flows related to transactions with non-controlling interests are presented under financing activities in the consolidated statements of cash flows.


Use of Estimates


In preparing the consolidated financial statements in conformity with US GAAP, management makes estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities and disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of the financial statements and the reported amounts of revenues and expenses during the reporting period. These estimates are based on information as of the date of the consolidated financial statements. Significant estimates required to be made by management include,   but are not limited to, the valuation of accounts receivable and related allowance for doubtful accounts, useful lives of property and equipment and intangible assets, the recoverability of long-lived assets, inventory reserve, allowance for credit losses, goodwill impairment, income taxes related to realization of deferred tax assets and uncertain tax position, provisions necessary for contingent liabilities and purchase price allocation in connection with the business combination. The current economic environment has increased the degrees of uncertainty inherent in those estimates and assumptions, actual results could differ from those estimates.


Business combination


Business combinations are recorded using the acquisition method of accounting. The assets acquired, the liabilities assumed, and any non-controlling interests of the acquiree at the acquisition date, if any, are measured at their fair values as of the acquisition date. Goodwill is recognized and measured as the excess of the total consideration transferred plus the fair value of any non-controlling interest of the acquiree and fair value of previously held equity interest in the acquiree, if any, at the acquisition date over the fair values of the identifiable net assets acquired. Common forms of the consideration made in acquisitions include cash and common equity instruments. Consideration transferred in a business acquisition is measured at the fair value as of the date of acquisition. Acquisition-related expenses and restructuring costs are expensed as incurred.


Accounting Standards Codification (“ASC”) 805   establishes a measurement period to provide the Company with a reasonable amount of time to obtain the information necessary to identify and measure various items in a business combination and cannot extend beyond one year from the acquisition date.





Cash and Cash Equivalents


The Company considers all highly liquid investment instruments with an original maturity of three months or less from the date of purchase to be cash equivalents. The Company maintains all bank accounts in the PRC. Cash balances in bank accounts in PRC are not insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or other programs.


Accounts Receivable and Allowance for Doubtful Accounts


Accounts receivable are recognized and carried at original invoiced amount less an estimated allowance for uncollectible accounts. The Company determines the adequacy of reserves for doubtful accounts based on individual account analysis and historical collection trends. The Company establishes a provision for doubtful receivables when there is objective evidence that the Company may not be able to collect amounts due. The allowance is based on management’s best estimates of specific losses on individual exposures, as well as a provision on historical trends of collections. Based on management of customers’ credit and ongoing relationship, management makes conclusions whether any balances outstanding at the end of the period will be deemed uncollectible on an individual basis and on aging analysis basis. The provision is recorded against accounts receivables balances, with a corresponding charge recorded in the consolidated statements of income and comprehensive income. Delinquent account balances are written-off against the allowance for doubtful accounts after management has determined that the likelihood of collection is not probable.




Inventories are stated at the lower of cost or net realizable value. Cost of inventories is determined using the weighted-average method. In addition to cost of raw materials, work in progress and finished goods include direct labor costs and overheads. The Company periodically assesses the recoverability of all inventories to determine whether adjustments are required to record inventories at the lower of cost or market value. Inventories that the Company determines to be obsolete or in excess of forecasted usage are reduced to its estimated realizable value based on assumptions about future demand and market conditions. If actual demand is lower than the forecasted demand, additional inventory write-downs may be required.




Goodwill represents the excess of the purchase price over the fair value of the identifiable assets and liabilities acquired in a business combination.


Goodwill is not depreciated or amortized but is tested for impairment on an annual basis as of March 31, and in between annual tests when an event occurs or circumstances change that could indicate that the asset might be impaired. In accordance with the FASB ASC 350 guidance on “Testing of Goodwill for Impairment”, a company first has the option to assess qualitative factors to determine whether it is more likely than not that the fair value of a reporting unit is less than its carrying amount. If the company decides, as a result of its qualitative assessment, that it is more likely than not that the fair value of a reporting unit is less than its carrying amount, the quantitative impairment test is mandatory. Otherwise, no further testing is required. The quantitative impairment test consists of a comparison of the fair value of each reporting unit with its carrying amount, including goodwill. If the carrying amount of each reporting unit exceeds its fair value, an impairment loss equal to the difference between the fair value of the reporting unit and the carrying amount will be recorded. Application of a goodwill impairment test requires significant management judgment, including the identification of reporting units, assigning assets and liabilities to reporting units, assigning goodwill to reporting units, and determining the fair value of each reporting unit. The judgment in estimating the fair value of reporting units includes estimating future cash flows, determining appropriate discount rates and making other assumptions. Changes in these estimates and assumptions could materially affect the determination of fair value for each reporting unit.





As of March 31, 2022, goodwill resulting from business acquisitions have been allocated into three reporting units, including Shennong, Hekangyuan and Daji. The Company evaluates if goodwill impairment may be indicated on quarterly basis and performs the annual goodwill impairment assessment as of March 31. As of March 31, 2022, the Company qualitatively assessed relevant events and circumstances, including macroeconomics conditions, industry and market considerations, its overall financial performance, and concluded by weighing all these factors in their entirety that it was more likely than not the fair value of the Company’s reporting unit was lower than its respective carrying value.


Property, Plant and Equipment


Property, plant and equipment are stated at cost. The straight-line depreciation method is used to compute depreciation over the estimated useful lives of the assets, as follows: 


    Useful Lives
Buildings   20 years
Machinery   10 years
Furniture, fixture and electronic equipment   3-10 years
Vehicles   4 years


Expenditures for maintenance and repairs, which do not materially extend the useful lives of the assets, are charged to expense as incurred. Expenditures for major renewals and betterment which substantially extend the useful life of assets are capitalized. The cost and related accumulated depreciation of assets retired or sold are removed from the respective accounts, and any gain or loss is recognized in the consolidated statements of income and other comprehensive income in other income or expenses.


Intangible Assets


Intangible assets with definite lives are initially recorded at cost. Amortization of definite-lived intangible assets is computed using the straight-line method over the estimated average useful lives. Intangible assets with indefinite lives should not be amortized but should be tested for impairment at least annually or when event occurs or circumstances that could indicate that the asset might be impaired.


The estimated useful lives of intangible assets are as follows:


    Useful life
Land use right   50 years
Licensed software   5-10 years
Trademark   10 years
Customer relationship   5 years


Impairment of Long-lived Assets other than goodwill


The Company reviews long-lived assets, including definite-lived intangible assets, for impairment whenever events or changes in circumstances indicate that the carrying amount of an asset may not be recoverable. If the estimated cash flows from the use of the asset and its eventual disposition are below the asset’s carrying value, then the asset is deemed to be impaired and written down to its fair value. There were no impairments of these assets as of March 31, 2022 and 2021.


Fair Value of Financial Instruments


The Financial Accounting Standards Board (“FASB”) Accounting Standards Codification 820, Fair Value Measurement and Disclosures, requires certain disclosures regarding the fair value of financial instruments. Fair value is defined as the price that would be received to sell an asset or paid to transfer a liability in an orderly transaction between market participants at the measurement date. A three-level fair value hierarchy prioritizes the inputs used to measure fair value. The hierarchy requires entities to maximize the use of observable inputs and minimize the use of unobservable inputs. The three levels of inputs used to measure fair value are as follows:


Level 1 - Quoted prices in active markets for identical assets and liabilities.


Level 2 - Quoted prices in active markets for similar assets and liabilities, or other inputs that are observable for the asset or liability, either directly or indirectly, for substantially the full term of the financial instrument.


Level 3 - Unobservable inputs that are supported by little or no market activity and that are significant to the fair value of the assets and liabilities. This includes certain pricing models, discounted cash flow methodologies and similar techniques that use significant unobservable inputs.





The Company considers the recorded value of its financial assets and liabilities, which consist primarily of cash and cash equivalents, accounts receivable, other receivable, accounts payable, short-term borrowings, accounts payable, income tax assets and liabilities and income taxes payable and to approximate the fair value of the respective assets and liabilities at March 31, 2022 and 2021 based upon the short-term nature of the assets and liabilities.




The Company accounts for the warrants pursuant to share exchange agreements in accordance with the guidance contained in ASC 815, under which the warrants do not meet the criteria for equity classification and must be recorded as liabilities. All such warrant agreements contain fixed strike prices and number of shares that may be issued at the fixed strike price, and do not contain exercise contingencies that adjust the strike price or number of shares issuable upon settlement of the warrants. All such warrant agreements are exercisable at the option of the holder and settled in shares of the Company. The warrants are qualified as equity-linked instrument embedded in a host instrument whereby do not meet definition of derivative, therefore it’s not required to separate the embedded component from its host.


The Company treats a modification of the terms or conditions of an equity award in accordance with ASC Topic 718-20-35-3, by treating the modification as an exchange of the original award for a new award. In substance, the entity repurchases the original instrument by issuing a new instrument of equal or greater value, incurring additional compensation cost for any incremental value. Incremental compensation cost is measured as the excess, if any, of the fair value of the modified award determined in accordance with the provisions of ASC Topic 718-20-35-3 over the fair value of the original award immediately before its terms are modified, measured based on the share price and other pertinent factors at that date. There is no modification of the terms or conditions of the warrant issued by the Company.




The Company accounts for the deconsolidation of a subsidiary by recognizing a gain or loss in net income/loss attributable to the parent, measured as the difference between:


a.The aggregate of all of the following:


1. The fair value of any consideration received;

2. The fair value of any retained noncontrolling investment in the former subsidiary at the date the subsidiary is deconsolidated;

3.The carrying amount of any noncontrolling interest in the former subsidiary (including any accumulated other comprehensive income attributable to the noncontrolling interest) at the date the subsidiary is deconsolidated.


b.The carrying amount of the former subsidiary’s assets and liabilities.


If the deconsolidation transactions were transacted with related parties under common control, the Group should not recognize gain on sales of the subsidiaries and losses should be recognized by the Company only when an impairment in value is indicated.


The Company has continued to operate the online store business through the other subsidiaries. Since the deconsolidated subsidiaries’ operating revenue was less than 1% of the Company’s consolidated revenue and the disposal did not constitute a strategic shift that would have a major effect on the Company’s operations and financial results. The results of operations for these subsidiaries were not reported as discontinued operations in the consolidated financial statements.


Revenue Recognition


The Company generates its revenue mainly from sales of healthcare products, automobiles, online store sales and internet information and advertising services.


The Company allows its customers to return products within some range. The range was limited to 3% of the customer’s yearly payment amount for the year for online store business. The transportation fee is borne by the customers in the condition of products return. For the year ended March 31, 2022, products return of all product sales amounted to $66,646, which is within the range.


The Company adopted the new guidance of ASC Topic 606, Revenue from Contracts with Customers (“Topic 606”), which supersedes the revenue recognition requirements in ASC Topic 605, Revenue Recognition on April 1, 2019.


The core principle of the guidance is that an entity should recognize revenue to depict the transfer of promised goods or services to customers in an amount that reflects the consideration to which the entity expects to be entitled in exchange for those goods or services. Revenue is the transaction price the Company expects to be entitled to in exchange for the promised services in a contract in the ordinary course of the Company’s activities and is recorded net of value-added tax (“VAT”). To achieve that core principle, the Company applies the following steps:


Step 1: Identify the contract (s) with a customer

Step 2: Identify the performance obligations in the contract

Step 3: Determine the transaction price

Step 4: Allocate the transaction price to the performance obligations in the contract

Step 5: Recognize revenue when (or as) the entity satisfies a performance obligation


Company generates revenues from providing transportation services and warehouse storage and management services. No practical expedients were used when adoption ASC 606. Revenue recognition policies for each type of revenue stream are as follow: 




Healthcare products


The Company sells nutraceutical and dietary supplements to third-party distributors and experience stores. Experience stores are owned by third parties, which are located in tourist sites where the sales consultants gave in-depth presentation of the origin, tradition and history of the Company’s products. Tourists are guided to enjoy a presentation of traditional Chinese herb culture offered by the distributors in the experience store and be presented with the Company’s healthcare products. The Company is a principal for the healthcare product sales as i) the Company produce or obtain control of the specified goods before transferring to the customers; ii) the Company has the right to determine the sales price; iii) the Company bears the risk of inventories and collection of consideration. For all sales, the Company requires a signed contract and sales order, which specifies pricing, quantity and product specifications. Under ASC 606, the Company recognizes revenue upon the satisfaction of its performance obligation, which is to transfer the control of the promised products to customers in an amount that reflects the consideration to which the Company expects to be entitled to in exchange for those products, excluding amounts collected on behalf of third parties (e.g., value-added taxes). The transfer of control of the products is satisfied at a point in time, which is the delivery of the products to distributors’ or the experience stores’ premises and evidenced by signed acknowledgment. The selling price, which is specified in the signed sales orders, is fixed. The Company has unconditional right to receive full payment of the sales price, upon the delivery of the products to distributors or experience stores and the signing of their acknowledgment. Distributors and experience stores are required to pay under the customary payment terms, which is generally less than six months. According to the sales agreement, the healthcare product sold cannot be returned after the acknowledgement.




The Company sells automobiles in fiscal year 2022. For all sales, the Company requires a signed contract and sales order, which specifies pricing, quantity and product specifications. The Company is a principal for the automobiles sales as i) the Company produce or obtain control of the specified goods before transferring to the customers; ii) the Company has the right to determine the sales price; iii) the Company bears the risk of inventories and collection of consideration. Under ASC 606, the Company recognizes revenue upon the satisfaction of its performance obligation, which is to transfer the control of the promised products to customers in an amount that reflects the consideration to which the Company expects to be entitled to in exchange for those products, excluding amounts collected on behalf of third parties (e.g., value-added taxes). The transfer of control of the products is satisfied at a point in time, which is the delivery of the products to customers’ premises and evidenced by signed customer acknowledgment. According to the contract, the automobile sold cannot be returned after the customer acknowledgement. The selling price, which is specified in the signed sales orders, is fixed. The Company has unconditional right to receive full payment of the sales price, upon the delivery of the products to customers and the signing of the customer acknowledgment, which is within 3 months after sales.  


Online store


The Company sells various goods through its online store business in fiscal year 2022. For all sales, the Company requires a sales order generated by the online store platform, which specifies pricing, quantity and product specifications. The Company is a principal for the online store sales as i) the Company produce or obtain control of the specified goods before transferring to the customers; ii) the Company has the right to determine the sales price; iii) the Company bears the risk of inventories and collection of consideration. Under ASC 606, the Company recognizes revenue upon the satisfaction of its performance obligation, which is to transfer the control of the promised products to customers in an amount that reflects the consideration to which the Company expects to be entitled to in exchange for those products, excluding amounts collected on behalf of third parties (e.g., value-added taxes). The transfer of control of the products is satisfied at a point in time, which is the delivery of the products to customers’ premises and evidenced by signed customer acknowledgment. The selling price, which is specified in the signed sales orders, is fixed. The Company has unconditional right to receive full payment of the sales price, upon the delivery of the products to customers and the signing of the customer acknowledgment unless the customers require sales return within 7 days after the acknowledgement. Customers are required to pay to the third-party platform before the goods were send out and the Company will receive the amount from the third-party platform after the customer sign off the acceptance form on the platform.


Internet information and advertising service


The Company provides internet information and advertising service online. For all sales, the Company requires a signed contract and sales order, which specifies the price and service range. The Company is a principal for the services as i) the Company has the right to determine the sales price; ii) the Company bears the collection risks; iii) the Company is responsible to the service provided. Under ASC 606, the Company recognizes revenue upon the satisfaction of its performance obligation, which is to provide specified information and advertising service to customers in an amount that reflects the consideration to which the Company expects to be entitled to in exchange for those services, excluding amounts collected on behalf of third parties (e.g., value-added taxes). The information and advertising service provided is satisfied at a point in time, which is the time when the information and advertising service is performed. No sales return is permitted after the service performed according to the contract signed. The selling price per click, which is specified in the signed sales orders, is fixed. The Company has unconditional right to receive full payment of the sales price, upon the completion of the service. Customers are required to pay to the Company in advance according to the contract.


The Company adopted ASC 606 as of April 1, 2019 using the modified retrospective transition method, the Company recognizes the cumulative effect of initially applying the new revenue standard as an adjustment to the opening balance of retained earnings; however, no adjustment was required as a result of adopting the new revenue standard.  Results for reporting periods beginning after April 1, 2019 are presented under the new standard. The comparative information has not been restated and continues to be reported under the historic accounting standards in effect for those periods.  The Company does not expect any impact to its net income from the adoption of ASU 2014-09 on an ongoing basis.





All of the Company’s revenues from contracts with customers represent products transferred at a point in time as control is transferred to the customer and are generated in PRC. All of the Company’s revenues are recognized on a gross basis and presented as revenue on the consolidated statements of operations and comprehensive income/(loss).


The following table presents an overview of our sales from our product lines for the years ended March 31, 2022, 2021 and 2020:


   For the years ended March 31, 
   2022   2021   2020 
Healthcare products  $30,323,831   $45,389,702   $65,061,953 
Online store   28,014,109    13,473,626    - 
Internet information and advertising   10,538,943    9,245,019    - 
Automobile   20,611,775    3,376,356    - 
Revenue  $89,488,658   $71,484,703   $65,061,953 


Cost of Revenues


Healthcare products


Cost of revenue of healthcare product is mainly composed of the cost of product sales, employees, depreciation expenses and other manufacturing overhead expenses that are directly attributable to the business.




Cost of revenue of automobile is mainly composed of the cost of automobile and other miscellaneous expenses that are directly attributable to the business.


Online store


Cost of revenue of online store is mainly composed of the cost of goods sales and other miscellaneous expenses that are directly attributable to the business.


Internet information and advertising service


Cost of revenue of automobile is mainly composed of the cost of service provide and other miscellaneous expenses that are directly attributable to the business.


Government Grant


Government grants are recognized when received and all the conditions for their receipt have been met. Government grants as compensation for the Company’s research and development efforts. For the years ended March 31, 2022, 2021 and 2020, the Company recognized government grants of $11,893, $63,520 and $162,268, respectively, for the government support of the Company’s research and development activities and patent applications. The government grants were recorded as other income.


Research and Development Costs


Research and development activities are directed toward the development of new products as well as improvements in existing processes. These costs, which primarily include salaries, contract services, raw materials, and supplies, are expensed as incurred. 


Shipping and Handling Costs


Shipping and handling costs are expensed when incurred as selling and marketing expense. Shipping and handling costs were $291,170, $1,104,120 and $1,869,505 for the years ended March 31, 2022, 2021 and 2020, respectively.


Advertising Costs


Advertising costs expensed as economic benefits are consumed in accordance with ASC 720-35, “Other Expenses-Advertising Costs”. Advertising costs were $26,210,291, $5,720,458 and $3,856,921for the years ended March 31, 2022, 2021 and 2020, respectively.


Stock-Based Compensation


The Company accounts for stock-based compensation to employees in accordance with ASC 718, “Compensation-Stock Compensation”. ASC 718 requires companies to measure the cost of employee services received in exchange for an award of equity instruments, including the equity incentive plan, based on the grant date fair value of the award and to recognize it as compensation expense over the period the employee is required to provide service in exchange for the award, usually the vesting period. Stock option forfeitures are recognized at the date of employee termination. Effective April 1, 2019, the Company adopted ASU 2018-07 for the accounting of share-based payments granted to non-employees for goods and services and no material impacts to the Financial Statements.







The fair value of options issued pursuant to the Company’s option plans at the grant date was estimated using the Black-Scholes option pricing model. This model was developed for use in estimating the fair value of traded options that have no vesting restrictions and are fully transferable. In addition, option-pricing models require the input of highly subjective assumptions, including the expected term of the options, the estimated forfeiture rates and the expected stock price volatility. The expected term of options granted represents the period of time that options granted are expected to be outstanding. The Group uses projected volatility rates based upon the Group’s historical volatility rates. These assumptions are inherently uncertain. Different assumptions and judgments would affect the Company’s calculation of the fair value of the underlying ordinary shares for the options granted, and the valuation results and the amount of option would also vary accordingly.


Income Taxes


The Company accounts for current income taxes in accordance with the laws of the relevant tax authorities. Deferred income taxes are recognized when temporary differences exist between the tax bases of assets and liabilities and their reported amounts in the consolidated financial statements. Deferred tax assets and liabilities are measured using enacted tax rates expected to apply to taxable income in the years in which those temporary differences are expected to be recovered or settled. The effect on deferred tax assets and liabilities of a change in tax rates is recognized in income in the period including the enactment date. Valuation allowances are established, when necessary, to reduce deferred tax assets to the amount expected to be realized.


The provisions of ASC 740-10, “Accounting for Uncertainty in Income Taxes”, prescribe a more-likely-than-not threshold for consolidated financial statement recognition and measurement of a tax position taken (or expected to be taken) in a tax return. This interpretation also provides guidance on the recognition of income tax assets and liabilities, classification of current and deferred income tax assets and liabilities, accounting for interest and penalties associated with tax positions, and related disclosures. The Company does not believe that there was any uncertain tax position at March 31, 2022 and 2021.


To the extent applicable, the Company records interest and penalties as a general and administrative expense. All of the tax returns of the Company and its subsidiaries remain subject to examination by PRC tax authorities for five years from the date of filing.


The Company is subject to Chinese tax laws. We are not subject to U.S. tax laws and local state tax laws. Our income and our related entities must be computed in accordance with Chinese and foreign tax laws, as applicable, and we are subject to Chinese tax laws, all of which may be changed in a manner that could adversely affect the amount of distributions to shareholders. There can be no assurance that Income Tax Laws of China will not be changed in a manner that adversely affects shareholders. In particular, any such change could increase the amount of tax payable by us, reducing the amount available to pay dividends to the holders of our ordinary shares.


We are a holding company with no material operations of our own. We conduct our operations through our subsidiaries in China. As a result, our ability to pay dividends and to finance any debt we may incur depends upon dividends paid by our subsidiaries. Under applicable PRC regulations, foreign-invested enterprises in China may pay dividends only out of their accumulated profits, if any, determined in accordance with PRC accounting standards and regulations. In addition, a foreign-invested enterprise in China is required to set aside at least 10% of its after-tax profit based on PRC accounting standards each year to its general reserves until the accumulative amount of such reserves reaches 50% of its registered capital. These reserves are not distributable as cash dividends.


As of March 31, 2022, our PRC subsidiaries had an aggregate retained earnings of approximately RMB 195.2 million (US$26.04 million) under PRC GAAP. With respect to retained earnings accrued after such date, our Board of Directors may declare dividends after taking into account our operations, earnings, financial condition, cash requirements and availability and other factors as it may deem relevant at such time. Any declaration and payment, as well as the amount, of dividends will be subject to our By-Laws, charter and applicable Chinese and U.S. state and federal laws and regulations, including the approval from the shareholders of each subsidiary which intends to declare such dividends, if applicable.


Value-added Tax


Value-added taxes (“VAT”) collected from customers relating to product sales and remitted to governmental authorities are presented on a net basis. VAT collected from customers is excluded from revenue. The Company is generally subject to the VAT for merchandise sales and services performed. Before May 1, 2018, the applicable VAT rate was 17%, while after May 1, 2018 and before April 1, 2019, the Company is subject to a VAT rate of 16%. After April 1, 2019, the Company is subject to a VAT rate of 13% based on the new Chinese tax law.





Earnings/ Loss per Share


Basic earnings/loss per share is computed by dividing net profit/loss attributable to holders of ordinary shares by the weighted average number of ordinary shares outstanding during the year using the two-class method. Using the two class method, net profit/loss is allocated between Class A ordinary shares, Class B ordinary shares and other participating securities (i.e. preferred shares) based on their participating rights.


The Company computes earnings per share (“EPS”) in accordance with ASC 260, “Earnings per Share”. ASC 260 requires companies with complex capital structures to present basic and diluted EPS. Basic EPS is measured as Net profit divided by the weighted average common shares outstanding for the period. Diluted earnings/loss per share is calculated by dividing net profit/loss attributable to ordinary shareholders as adjusted for the effect of dilutive ordinary equivalent shares, if any, by the weighted average number of ordinary and dilutive ordinary equivalents shares outstanding during the year/period. Dilutive equivalent shares are excluded from the computation of diluted earnings/loss per share if their effects would be anti-dilutive. Ordinary share equivalents consist of the ordinary shares issuable in connection with the Group’s convertible redeemable preferred shares using the if-converted method, and ordinary shares issuable upon the conversion of the stock options, using the treasury stock method. Except for voting rights, the Class A and Class B ordinary shares have all the same rights and therefore the earning/loss per share for both classes of shares are identical. The earning/loss per share amounts are the same for Class A and Class B ordinary shares because the holders of each class are entitled to equal per share dividends or distributions in liquidation.


Foreign Currency Translation


The Company and its subsidiaries’ principal country of operations is the PRC. The Company maintained its financial record using the United States dollar (“US dollar”) as the functional currency, while the subsidiaries of the Company in Hong Kong and mainland China maintained their financial records using RMB as the functional currencies. The consolidated statements of income and comprehensive income and cash flows denominated in foreign currency are translated at the average rate of exchange during the reporting period. Assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies at the balance sheet date are translated at the applicable rates of exchange in effect at that date. The equity denominated in the functional currency is translated at the historical rate of exchange at the time of capital contribution. Because cash flows are translated based on the average rate of exchange, amounts related to assets and liabilities reported on the consolidated statements of cash flows will not necessarily agree with changes in the corresponding balances on the consolidated balance sheets. Translation adjustments arising from the use of different exchange rates from period to period are included as a separate component of accumulated other comprehensive income (loss) included in consolidated statements of changes in shareholders’ equity. Gains and losses from foreign currency transactions are included in the consolidated statement of income and comprehensive income.


The value of RMB against US$ and other currencies may fluctuate and is affected by, among other things, changes in the PRC’s political and economic conditions. Any significant revaluation of RMB may materially affect the Company’s financial condition in terms of US$ reporting. The following table outlines the currency exchange rates that were used in creating the consolidated financial statements in this report: 


    March 31, 2022   March 31, 2021   March 31, 2020
Period-end spot rate   US$1=RMB 6.3482   US$1=RMB  6.5713   US$1=RMB 7.0851
Average rate   US$1=RMB 6.4083   US$1=RMB  6.7960   US$1=RMB 6.965


Comprehensive Income


Comprehensive income includes net income and foreign currency translation adjustments and is reported in the consolidated statements of income and comprehensive income.


Segment Reporting


The Company uses the “management approach” in determining reportable operating segments. The management approach considers the internal organization and reporting used by the Company’s chief operating decision maker (“CODM”) for making operating decisions and assessing performance as the source for determining the Company’s reportable segments. The Company’s CODM has been identified as the chief executive officer of the Company who reviews financial information of separate operating segments based on U.S. GAAP. In the year ended March 31, 2022, the CODM reviews financial information analyzed by customer, which only presented at the gross profit level with no allocation of operating expenses. Thus, the Company determined that it operates in four operating segments: (1) Healthcare products; (2) Automobile; (3) Online store; and (4) Internet information and advertising service. The Company’s reportable segments are strategic business units that offer different products and services. They are managed separately because each business requires different marketing strategies.


As the Company’s long-lived assets are substantially all located in the PRC and all of the Company’s revenue and expense are derived from within the PRC, no geographical segments are presented.





Concentration of Risks


Exchange Rate Risks


The Company operates in China, which may give rise to significant foreign currency risks from fluctuations and the degree of volatility of foreign exchange rates between the US$ and the RMB. As of March 31, 2022 and 2021, cash and cash equivalents of $19,571,668 (RMB 124,244,865) and $36,203,665 (RMB 237,905,147), respectively, is denominated in RMB and is held in PRC.


Currency Convertibility Risks


Substantially all of the Company’s operating activities are transacted in RMB, which is not freely convertible into foreign currencies. All foreign exchange transactions take place either through the People’s Bank of China or other banks authorized to buy and sell foreign currencies at the exchange rates quoted by the People’s Bank of China. Approval of foreign currency payments by the People’s Bank of China or other regulatory institutions requires submitting a payment application form together with other information such as suppliers’ invoices, shipping documents and signed contracts.


Concentration of Credit Risks


Financial instruments that potentially subject the Company to concentration of credit risks consist primarily of cash and cash equivalents and accounts receivable, the balances of which are stated on the consolidated balance sheets which represent the Company’s maximum exposure. The Company places its cash and cash equivalents in good credit quality financial institutions in China. Concentration of credit risks with respect to accounts receivables is linked to the concentration of revenue. To manage credit risk, the Company performs ongoing credit evaluations of customers’ financial condition.


Interest Rate Risks


The Company is subject to interest rate risk. Bank interest bearing loans are charged at variable interest rates within the reporting period. The Company is subject to the risk of adverse changes in the interest rates charged by the banks when these loans are refinanced.


Risks and Uncertainties


The operations of the Company are located in the PRC. Accordingly, the Company’s business, financial condition, and results of operations may be influenced by political, economic, and legal environments in the PRC, as well as by the general state of the PRC economy. The Company’s results may be adversely affected by changes in the political, regulatory and social conditions in the PRC. Although the Company has not experienced losses from these situations and believes that it is in compliance with existing laws and regulations including its organization and structure disclosed in Note 1, this may not be indicative of future results.


COVID-19 Pandemic


The outbreak of COVID-19 began in January 2020 and was quickly declared as a Public Health Emergency of International Concern and subsequently a pandemic by the World Health Organization. A series of prevention and control measures including quarantines, travel restrictions, and the temporary closure of facilities were implemented across the country.





The Company was impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic in many ways, including the plump of closures of experience stores, diving sales by distribution channels, and shut down or partly shut down of production facilities for several months.


Despite the fact that China has largely brought the pandemic under control, there is still a high degree of uncertainty as to how the pandemic will evolve going forward. A new outbreak in China could cause new disruptions of our production, distribution and sales, and have an adverse impact on our business, financial condition and results of operations for the remainder of the fiscal year ending March 31, 2022, which cannot be reasonably estimated at the current stage. The Company will regularly assess its business conditions and adopt measures to mitigate any new impact of the ongoing pandemic. 


Related Parties


The Company accounts for related party transactions in accordance with ASC 850 (“Related Party Disclosures”). A party is considered to be related to the Company if the party directly or indirectly or through one or more intermediaries, controls, is controlled by, or is under common control with the Company. Related parties also include principal owners of the Company, its management, members of the immediate families of principal owners of the Company and its management and other parties with which the Company may deal if one party controls or can significantly influence the management or operating policies of the other to an extent that one of the transacting parties might be prevented from fully pursuing its own separate interests. A party which can significantly influence the management or operating policies of the transacting parties or if it has an ownership interest in one of the transacting parties and can significantly influence the other to an extent that one or more of the transacting parties might be prevented from fully pursuing its own separate interests is also a related party. There were no related party transactions as of March 31, 2022.


Recent Accounting Pronouncements


The Company considers the applicability and impact of all accounting standards updates (“ASUs”). Management periodically reviews new accounting standards that are issued.


The Company is an “emerging growth company” (“EGC”) as defined in the Jumpstart Our Business Startups Act of 2012 (the “JOBS Act”). Under the JOBS Act, EGC can delay adopting new or revised accounting standards issued subsequent to the enactment of the JOBS Act until such time as those standards apply to private companies.


Recently Issued Accounting Pronouncements


In February 2016, the FASB issued ASU 2016-02, “Leases (Topic 842),” which increases lease transparency and comparability among organizations. Under the new standard, lessees will be required to recognize all assets and liabilities arising from leases on the balance sheet, with the exception of leases with a term of 12 months or less, which permits a lessee to make an accounting policy election by class of underlying asset not to recognize lease assets and liabilities. ASU 2016-02 is effective for fiscal years beginning after December 15, 2018, including interim periods within those fiscal years, and early adoption is permitted. In March 2018, the FASB approved an alternative transition method to the modified retrospective approach, which eliminates the requirement to restate prior period financial statements and requires the cumulative effect of the retrospective allocation to be recorded as an adjustment to the opening balance of retained earnings at the date of adoption. In May 2020, the FASB issued ASC 2020-05 to defer the effective date for non-issuer entities that have not yet issued their financial statements reflecting the adoption of leases; the amended effective date for non-issuer entities is for fiscal years beginning after December 15, 2021.


The Company as an “emerging growth company” has elected to adopt the new lease standard as of the effective date applicable to non-issuers and will adopt the new lease standard on April 1, 2022 using the modified retrospective method. The modified retrospective approach would not require any transition accounting for leases that expired before the earliest comparative period presented. The Company does not expect this update will have a material impact on the Company’s consolidated financial position, results of operations and cash flow.


In January 2017, the FASB issued ASU 2017-04, Simplifying the Test for Goodwill Impairment, which simplifies the accounting for goodwill impairment by eliminating Step two from the goodwill impairment test. If the carrying amount of a reporting unit exceeds its fair value, an impairment loss shall be recognized in an amount equal to that excess, versus determining an implied fair value in Step two to measure the impairment loss. The guidance is effective for annual and interim impairment tests performed in periods beginning after December 15, 2022. The guidance should be applied on a prospective basis, and is not expected to have a material impact on the Company’s consolidated financial statements.





The Company adopted ASU No. 2018-13, Fair Value Measurement (Topic 820): Disclosure Framework—Changes to the Disclosure Requirements for Fair Value Measurement on January 1, 2021 and the adoption of this standard did not have any material impact on the Company’s consolidated financial statements.




Accounts receivable consisted of the following as of March 31, 2022 and 2021:



As of

March 31,


As of

March 31,

   2022   2021 
Accounts receivable, gross  $27,911,421   $34,563,743 
Less: allowance for doubtful accounts   463,514    
Accounts receivable  $27,447,907   $34,563,743 


The Company recorded net of allowance for doubtful accounts of $463,514 as of March 31, 2022 due to uncollectible balances from three overseas companies. The Company gives its customers credit period of 180 days and continually assesses the recoverability of uncollected accounts receivable. As of March 31, 2022, the balance of the Company’s accounts receivable was all due within 2 years. As of March 31, 2021, the balance of the Company’s accounts receivable was all due within 1 year. The Company believes the balances of its accounts receivable are fully recoverable as of March 31, 2022.




All the inventories are located in China. Inventories consisted of the following as of March 31, 2022 and 2021:



As of

March 31,


As of

March 31,

   2022   2021 
Raw materials  $786,082   $1,422,941 
Work in process   
Finished goods   603,479    327,721 
Total  $1,389,561   $1,785,379 


No lower of cost or net realizable value adjustment was recorded as of March 31, 2022 and 2021, respectively.


No inventory provision or write-downs for the years ended March 31, 2022 and 2021.




Prepaid expenses and other current assets consisted of the following as of March 31, 2022 and 2021:


   As of
March 31,
   As of
March 31,
   2022   2021 
Prepayments to suppliers  $4,177,537   $9,334,225 
Loans receivables (a)   727,765    
Deposit   691,070    12,174 
Prepayments to technical provider   669,481    646,752 
VAT-in   560,155    - 
Prepayment to Weilan (b)   448,946    
Receivable from disposal of subsidiaries   408,106    - 
Deposit for the acquisition of Shennong (Note 14)   -    9,130,613 
Other current assets   226,173    3,065,980 
Total  $7,909,233   $22,189,744 


(a)Loans receivables to third parties mainly represent loan agreements entered with certain third-party companies to support their daily operation or bridge loan of mortgage with maturity from six to nine months and the interest rate from 0.03% to 0.5% per day.


(b) In the year ended March 31, 2022, the Company signed a cooperation agreement with a third party to invest in Hangzhou Weilan Automobile Co., Ltd. (“Weilan”) and paid $448,946 to the shareholders of Weilan. In June 2022, both parties agreed to terminate the cooperation agreement and the Company collected the full prepayment.







Property, plant and equipment consisted of the following as of March 31, 2022 and 2021:



As of

March 31,


As of

March 31,

   2022   2021 
Buildings  $15,345,997   $12,813,510 
Machinery   1,918,918    2,867,046 
Furniture, fixture and electronic equipment   179,667    231,929 
Vehicles   176,606    147,132 
Total property plant and equipment, at cost   17,621,188    16,059,617 
Less: accumulated depreciation   (6,374,373)   (5,545,586)
Property, plant and equipment, net  $11,246,815   $10,514,031 


As of March 31, 2022 and 2021, the Company pledged its building with a carrying value of approximately $2.1 million and $5.1 million, respectively, as the collateral for short-term bank loans (see Note 10).


Depreciation expense was $1,553,399, $849,454 and $674,247 for the years ended March 31, 2022, 2021 and 2020, respectively. Depreciation allocated as manufacturing overhead to inventories was $621,654, $589,610 and $555,636 for the years ended March 31, 2022, 2021 and 2020, respectively.


The carrying amount of disposed property, plant and equipment recognized for the year ended March 31, 2022 and 2021 were amounted to $505,969 and $0, respectively.




   As of March 31,   As of March 31, 
   2022   2021 
Land use right, cost  $910,808   $879,886 
Customer relationship (Note 14)   8,822,973    
Trademark   11,027    
Software, cost   1,127,710    1,084,858 
Total   10,872,518    1,964,744 
Less: accumulated amortization   (771,113)   (132,645)
Intangible assets, net  $10,101,405   $1,832,099 


As of March 31, 2022 and 2021, the Company pledged its land use right on its land with a carrying value of $93,140 (12,120 square meters) and $758,504 (29,720 square meters), respectively, as the collateral for a short-term bank loan (see Note 10).


Amortization expense was $633,807, $31,425 and $16,502 for the years ended March 31, 2022, 2021 and 2020, respectively.





Estimated future amortization expense is as follows as of March 31, 2022: 


Years ending March 31,  Amortization
2023  $1,897,000 
2024   1,897,000 
2025   1,897,000 
2026   1,897,000 
2027   1,897,000 
Thereafter   616,405 




Goodwill consisted of the following as of March 31, 2022 and 2021:


   As of
March 31,
   As of
March 31,
   2022   2021 
Shennong  $6,288,219   $- 
Hekangyuan   3,627,427    - 
Daji   168,555    162,832 
Total  $10,084,201   $162,832 


The changes in the carrying amount of goodwill for the years ended March 31, 2022 and 2021 were as follow:


   As of
March 31,
   As of
March 31,
   2022   2021 
Balance as of March 31  $162,832   $- 
Acquisitions (Note 14)   20,237,015    162,832 
Impairment   (10,309,745)   - 
Exchange gain and loss   (5,901)   - 
Goodwill, net  $10,084,201   $162,832 


The goodwill generated from the expected synergies from the output capacity of the transaction and service scenario of the multi-industry, full-link and full-closed-loop of Shennong, and cooperation of developing the health commodities business stably, combining the production and supply, jointly build a perfect supply chain system with Hekangyuan.


Due to the continually influence of the COVID-19 pandemic, Shennong and Hekangyuan’s operating result decreased significantly. The Company assessed qualitative factors and performed the quantitative impairment test. As of March 31, 2022 and 2021, the Company recognized impairment amounted to $10,309,745 (including $5,844,804 to Shennong and $4,464,941 to Hekangyuan) and nil, respectively.




Prepaid assets consisted of the following as of March 31, 2022 and 2021:



As of

March 31,


As of

March 31,

   2022   2021 
Prepayments for advertising or marketing  $5,485,325   $4,909,840 
Prepayment of celebrity endorsement fee   141,774    228,265 
Total  $5,627,099   $5,138,105 





Since October 1, 2018, the Company entered into agreements with exclusive distributors to provide subsidy of $152,177 to $913,062 (RMB 1.0 million to 6.0 million) to each exclusive distributor for advertising and marketing in the next 3 years when they open new stores. The Company provided $7.09 million and $2.95 million subsidy in the year ended March 31, 2022 and 2021. In November 2019, the Company also entered into a business development cooperation agreement with a service company located in the U.S, who provides market channel and advertisement supports to the Company, for a total of $1,600,000 over 3-year.


In October 2018, the Company paid a celebrity endorsement fee of $445,533 (RMB 3.0 million). The celebrity endorsement contract is for a period of 5 years. 




Short-term bank borrowings consisted of the following as of March 31, 2022 and 2021:



As of

March 31,


As of

March 31,

   2022   2021 
Industrial Bank Co., Ltd  $1,102,675   $1,065,238 
Postal Saving Bank of China   1,165,685    1,171,762 
Total  $2,268,360   $2,237,000 


On May 4, 2018, the Company entered into a bank loan agreement with Industrial Bank Co., Ltd to borrow $1,039,578 (RMB 7.0 million) as working capital for one year with due date on April 21, 2019 and it was renewed in 2019 for another year. The loan bears a fixed interest rate of 1-year Loan Prime Rate (“LPR”) +2.19% on the date of drawing per annum. The loan facility agreement is personally guaranteed by Mr. Xuezhu Wang, Mr. Xianfu Wang, and Mrs. Yanying Lin. Based on guarantee contract the maximum guaranteed amount was RMB 7.0 million. The Company also pledged its building and land use rights as collaterals. Based on the pledge agreement, the maximum pledged amount was RMB 17.4 million. There were no loan guarantee fees paid to the personal guarantors. In April 2020, Fujian Happiness renewed the loan agreement with Industrial Bank Co. Ltd for $1,065,238 (RMB 7.0 million) bearing interest rate at LPR plus 1.45% per annum, payable monthly. The loan was expired and paid off in April 2021. In addition, the Company entered into a loan agreement of $1,065,238 (RMB 7.0 million) bearing interest rate at LPR plus 0.75% on June 9, 2021 and repaid it on June 5, 2022.


On June 24, 2019, the Company entered into a loan facility framework agreement with Postal Saving Bank of China. The agreement allows the Company to access a total borrowing of approximately $3.4 million (RMB 24.4 million) for short-term loans. The loan facility agreement is valid until June 23, 2025 and subject to renewal. The loan facility agreement is personally guaranteed by Mr. Xuezhu Wang and Happiness Nanping. The Company also pledged its building and land use right as collaterals. Pursuant to the loan facility agreement with Postal Saving Bank of China, which is valid from June 24, 2019 to June 23, 2025. On January 12, 2022 and January 13, 2022, the Company entered into a loan agreement of $846,848 (RMB 6.0 million) and $197,597 (RMB 1.4 million) short-term loans bearing fixed interest rate of 4.25%, which was due on January 10, 2023 and February 12, 2023, respectively. In addition, on April 7, 2020 and January 15, 2021, the Company entered into a loan agreement of RMB 1.7 million and RMB 6.0 million with Postal Saving Bank of China as working capital for one year, respectively. The loans bear a fixed interest rate of LPR+20 BP. The Company repaid RMB 1.7 million on April 6, 2021 and April 8, 2021, and repaid RMB 6.0 million on January 12, 2022.


The carrying values of the Company’s pledged assets to secure short-term borrowings by the Company are as follows:



As of

March 31,


As of

March 31,

   2022   2021 
Buildings, net  $2,076,215   $5,062,724 
Land use rights, net   93,140    758,504 
Total  $2,169,355   $5,821,228 


For the years ended March 31, 2022, 2021 and 2020, interest expense on all short-term bank loans amounted to $85,993, $111,790 and $98,086, respectively.







2020 Equity incentive plan


In February 2021, the Company adopted the 2020 Equity incentive plan which allows the Company to offer incentive awards to employee, directors and consultants (collectively, “the Participants”). Under the 2020 Equity incentive plan, the Company may issue incentive awards to the Participants to purchase no more than 3,500,000 ordinary shares with no restrictive legend affixed.


Share-based compensation expense of $1,086,231 and $778,423 was immediately recognized in general and administrative expenses for the year ended March 31, 2022 and 2021 with no vesting conditions.


The fair values of share units are determined based on the fair value of the grant date of the Company’s ordinary shares.




Ordinary shares


Happiness Development was incorporated under the laws of the Cayman Islands on February 9, 2018. The Company issued 50,000 ordinary shares with par value of $1 to exchange for the ownership in Fujian Happiness from the former shareholders to Happiness Nanping.


A Reorganization of the legal structure was completed in August 2018. The Reorganization involved the incorporation of Happiness Development Group Limited, a Cayman Islands holding company; Happiness Biology Technology Group Limited, a holding company established in Hong Kong, PRC; Happiness (Nanping) Biotech Co., Ltd, a holding company established in Fujian, PRC; and the transfer of 100% ownership of Fujian Happiness from the former shareholders to Happiness Nanping.


In May 2018, the Company received $627,628 (RMB 4.0 million) from two investors into Fujian Happiness.


On March 4, 2019, the Company subdivided its 50,000 ordinary shares into 90,000,000 Ordinary shares and 10,000,000 Preferred shares. The authorized ordinary shares became 100,000,000 shares and the par value changed from $1 to $0.0005. On the same day, the Company cancelled 77,223,100 ordinary shares and sold additional 223,100 ordinary shares. The Company has retrospectively reflected the stock subdivision and cancellation in all periods presented in these financial statements.


On October 25, 2019, the Company announced the closing of its initial public offering of 2,000,000 ordinary shares, US$0.0005 par value per share (“Ordinary Shares”) at an offering price of $5.50 per share for a total of $11,000,000 in gross proceeds. The Company raised total net proceeds of $9,342,339 after deducting underwriting discounts and commissions and offering expenses.


The Company entered several Securities Purchase Agreement from September 2020 through March 2021. Pursuant to which, the Company issued 5,100,000 ordinary shares to the purchasers with a total consideration amounted $10,965,703. The Company collected total net proceeds of $10,725,700 after deducting commissions and offering expenses.


On March 15, 2021, the Company issued 381,580 ordinary shares to its management and employees for their service. The Company recorded compensation cost $778,423 according to the fair value of the shares issued.


On June 21, 2021, the Company issued an aggregate of 231,445 Class A ordinary shares of the Company to certain employees and a director for their services. The total compensation cost was $351,796.





On June 25, 2021, the Company entered several Securities Purchase Agreement with non-US investors. Pursuant to which, the Company issued 1,240,000 Class A ordinary shares to the purchasers with a total consideration amounted $2,157,600. The Company collected total net proceeds of $2,157,600 after deducting commissions and offering expenses.


On October 14, 2021, the Company issued an aggregate of 113,458 Class A ordinary shares of the Company to certain employees and a director for their services. The total compensation cost was $99,843.


On October 20, 2021, the Company entered into a certain equity agreement with Shennong for the purchase of 70% of the equity interest of Shennong at a consideration of RMB 103.0 million (approximately $16.1 million). The total consideration paid for the Equity Interests are RMB 48.0 million (approximately $7.5 million) in cash and 4,200,000 Class A ordinary shares of the Company. The Company issued an aggregate of 4,200,000 ordinary shares of the Company to certain transaction on November 12, 2021. The total compensation cost was $3,736,320.


On October 21, 2021, the Company held its annual meeting of shareholders for its fiscal year ending March 31, 2021. The Company approved as a special resolution an alteration to the share capital of the Company by: a: the conversion of each issued paid up Ordinary Share with a par value of $0.0005 each into stock (the “Stock”); b: the alteration of the authorized issued share capital of the Company from (i) US$50,000 divided into 90,000,000 Ordinary Shares with a par value of US$0.0005 each and 10,000,000 Preferred Shares with a par value of US$0.0005 each; to (ii) 70,000,000 Class A Ordinary Shares with a par value of $0.0005 each, 20,000,000 Class B Ordinary Shares with a par value of US$0.0005 each and 10,000,000 Preferred Shares with a par value of US$0.0005 each. Class A Ordinary Shares was entitled to one vote per share and to receive notice of, attend at and vote as a member at any general meeting of the Company; and be entitled to such dividends as the Board may from time to time declare; and generally be entitled to enjoy all of the rights attaching to shares. Class B Ordinary Shares was entitled to twenty (20) votes per share and to receive notice of, attend at and vote as a member at any general meeting of the Company; be entitled to such dividends as the Board may from time to time declare; and generally be entitled to enjoy all of the rights attaching to shares.


On January 12, 2022, the Company issued an aggregate of 1,133,200 Class A ordinary shares of the Company to certain employees for their services. The total compensation cost was $634,592.


On January 20, 2022, the Company entered several Securities Purchase Agreement with non-US persons. Pursuant to which, the Company issued 12,500,000 Class A ordinary shares to the purchasers with a total consideration amounted $10,000,000. The Company collected total net proceeds of $10,000,000 after deducting commissions and offering expenses.


On March 4, 2022, the Company entered into a certain equity transfer agreement with Hekangyuan for the purchase of 100% of the equity interest of Hekangyuan at a consideration of $12.0 million. The total consideration paid for the Equity Interests are $8.0 million in cash and 10,000,000 Class A ordinary shares of the Company. The Company issued an aggregate of 10,000,000 ordinary shares of the Company to certain transaction on March 7, 2022. The total compensation cost was $3,560,000.  


On March 10, 2022, the Company entered several Securities Purchase Agreement with non-US investors. Pursuant to which, the Company issued 19,200,000 Class A ordinary shares to the purchasers with a total consideration amounted $6,720,000. The Company collected total net proceeds of $6,720,000 after deducting commissions and offering expenses.


Non-controlling Interest


Non-controlling interests represent the interest of non-controlling shareholders in Happiness Development Group Limited based on their proportionate interests in the equity of that company adjusted for their proportionate share, which is 30% to 49% of the particular subsidiaries, of income or losses from operations. See Note 1 for details of the Company and its operating subsidiaries ownership.





Statutory reserve


The Company is required to make appropriations to certain reserve funds, comprising the statutory surplus reserve and the discretionary surplus reserve, based on after-tax net income determined in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles of the PRC (“PRC GAAP”). Appropriations to the statutory surplus reserve are required to be at least 10% of the after-tax net income determined in accordance with PRC GAAP until the reserve is equal to 50% of the entity’s registered capital. Appropriations to the discretionary surplus reserve are made at the discretion of the Board of Directors. In 2019, $56,077 was appropriated by Fujian Happiness to the statutory surplus reserve and the statutory reserve reached 50% of its registered capital. In 2020, no statutory surplus was appropriated. In 2021, $5,558,669 was appropriated by Fujian Happiness to the statutory surplus reserve. The reserved amounts as determined pursuant to PRC statutory laws amounted $7,622,765 and $7,622,765 as of March 31, 2022 and 2021.


Under PRC laws and regulations, statutory surplus reserves are restricted to set-off against losses, expansion of production and operation and increasing registered capital of the respective company, and are not distributable other than upon liquidation. The reserves are not allowed to be transferred to the Company in terms of cash dividends, loans or advances, nor allowed for distribution except under liquidation. Amounts restricted include paid-in capital, additional paid-in capital and statutory surplus reserves of the Company in PRC amounted $19,978,449 and $18,978,449 as of March 31, 2022 and 2021, respectively.


As of March 31, 2022, our PRC subsidiaries had an aggregate retained earnings of approximately RMB195.2 million (US$26.04 million) under PRC GAAP. With respect to retained earnings accrued after such date, our Board of Directors may declare dividends after taking into account our operations, earnings, financial condition, cash requirements and availability and other factors as it may deem relevant at such time.




In October 2019, the Company granted its underwriters an option for a period of 45 days after the closing of the initial public offering to purchase up to 15% of the total number of the Company’s Ordinary Shares to be offered by the Company pursuant to the offering (excluding shares subject to this option), solely for the purpose of covering overallotments, at the initial public offering price less the underwriting discount. These options expired and unexercised in 2020.


   Number Outstanding   Weighted Average Exercise Price   Contractual Life in Days   Intrinsic Value 
Options Outstanding as of March 31, 2020   
Options Exercisable as of March 31, 2020   
Options granted   300,000    5.12    45    
Options forfeited   
Options expired   (300,000)   5.12    45    
Options Outstanding as of March 31, 2022 and 2021   
Options Exercisable as of March 31, 2022 and 2021   




In October 2019, the Company granted to the underwriters warrants to purchase up to a total of 184,000 ordinary shares (equal to 8% of the aggregate number of ordinary shares sold in the offering, if over-allotment shares are placed by the underwriters. Without over-allotment share issuance, a total of 160,000 warrants will be granted). The warrants will be exercisable at an exercise price equal to one hundred twenty percent (120%) of the offering price, in whole or in parts, at any time from issuance and expire five (5) years from the effective date of the offering.


The Company’s outstanding and exercisable warrants as of March 31, 2022 are presented below:


   Number Outstanding   Weighted Average Exercise Price   Contractual Life in Years   Intrinsic Value 
Warrants Outstanding as of March 31, 2020   160,000   $6.60    4.6   $
Warrants granted   
Warrants forfeited   
Warrants exercised   
Warrants Outstanding as of March 31, 2021   160,000   $6.60    3.6   $
Warrants Outstanding as of March 31, 2022   160,000   $6.60    2.6   $







(a) Corporate Income Taxes (“CIT”)


The Company was incorporated in the Cayman Islands and is not subject to tax on income or capital gain under the laws of the Cayman Islands.


Happiness Hong Kong was incorporated in Hong Kong and is subject to a statutory income tax rate of 16.5%.


Under the Law of the People’s Republic of China on Enterprise Income Tax (“New EIT Law”), which was effective from January 1, 2008, both domestically-owned enterprises and foreign-invested enterprises are subject to a uniform tax rate of 25% while preferential tax rates, tax holidays and even tax exemption may be granted on case-by-case basis. EIT grants preferential tax treatment to High and New Technology Enterprises (“HNTEs”). Under this preferential tax treatment, HNTEs are entitled to an income tax rate of 15%, subject to a requirement that they re-apply for HNTE status every three years. Fujian Happiness, the Company’s main operating entity in PRC, was approved as HNTEs and is entitled to a reduced income tax rate of 15% from December 2019 to December 2022.


The Company evaluates each uncertain tax position (including the potential application of interest and penalties) based on the technical merits, and measure the unrecognized benefits associated with the tax positions. As of March 31, 2022 and 2021, the Company did not have any significant unrecognized uncertain tax positions. The Company did not incur any interest and penalties related to potential underpaid income tax expenses for the years ended March 31, 2022 and 2021, respectively, and also did not anticipate any significant increases or decreases in unrecognized tax benefits in the next 12 months from March 31, 2022.


The following table reconciles the statutory rate to the Company’s effective tax rate:


   For the years ended March 31, 
   2022   2021   2020 
PRC statutory income tax rate   25.0%   25.0%   25.0%
Effect of PRC preferential tax rate   (10.0)%   (10.0)%   (10.0)%
Effect of other deductible expenses   2.7%   7.4%   (3.3)%
Total   17.7%   22.4%   18.3%


The provision for income tax consisted of the following:

   For the years ended March 31, 
   2022   2021   2020 
Current income tax provision  $195,678   $959,384   $2,844,087 
Deferred income tax provision   (3,921,905)   
Total  $(3,726,227)  $959,384   $2,844,087 


The deferred income tax assets and liabilities as below:

   For the years ended March 31, 
   2022   2021   2020 
Net accumulated loss-carry forward  $4,402,633   $
Less: valuation allowance   (606,141)   
Net deferred tax assets  $3,796,492   $


   For the years ended March 31, 
   2022   2021   2020 
Beginning balance  $    $
Change of valuation allowance   4,402,633    
Ending balance  $4,402,633   $


   For the years ended March 31, 
   2022   2021   2020 
Intangible assets arising from acquisition  $(2,079,986)  $
Total deferred tax liabilities  $(2,079,986)  $





Deferred income taxes reflect the net effects of temporary difference between the carrying amounts of assets and liabilities for financial statement purposes and the amounts used for income tax purposes. The Company recorded deferred tax assets of $3,796,492 and deferred tax liabilities of $2,079,986 as of March 31, 2022. The Company recorded no deferred tax assets and liabilities as of March 31, 2021, as there was no material temporary difference between the carrying amounts of assets and liabilities.


(b) Taxes Payable


The Company’s taxes payable as of March 31, 2022 and 2021 consisted of the following:



As of

March 31,


As of

March 31,

   2022   2021 
Income tax payable  $15,078   $377,025 
VAT payable   2,189    (53,035)
Other tax payables   19,958    10,533 
Total  $37,225   $334,523 




Acquisition of Daji


On February 1, 2021, the Company acquired 51% equity interest of DAJI with total cash consideration of $75,044 (RMB510,000). DAJI is a company incorporated in Nanjing, the PRC and engages in providing live show service. The results of DAJI have been included in the consolidated financial statements of the Company since the acquisition date of February 1, 2021.


On the acquisition date, the purchase price was allocated to the assets acquired and liabilities assumed based on their fair values was as follows. Fair value of the non-controlling interests was estimated based on the equity value of DAJI derived by the discounted cash flow method after considering a discount for lack of control:


Net liabilities acquired  $(11,544)
Goodwill   162,832 
Non-controlling interests   (76,244)
Total   75,044 
Purchase price – cash consideration  $75,044 


The accompanying unaudited pro forma combined statements of operations presents the accounts of the Company and DAJI for the years ended March 31, 2021 and 2020, respectively, assuming the acquisition occurred on April 1, 2019.


2021 Summary Statement of Operations  HAPPINESS BIOTECH GROUP LIMITED   DAJI   Combined 
Revenue  $71,433,130   $175,425   $71,608,555 
Net Income (Loss)  $683,926   $(2,333)  $681,593 
Net Income (Loss) per ordinary share - basic and diluted
  $0.03        $0.03 
Weighted average ordinary shares - basic and diluted
   26,160,270         26,160,270 





2020 Summary Statement of Operations  HAPPINESS BIOTECH GROUP LIMITED   DAJI   Combined 
Revenue  $65,061,953   $7,429   $65,069,382 
Net Income (Loss)  $12,688,035   $(21)  $12,688,014 
Net Income (Loss) per ordinary share - basic and diluted
  $0.53        $0.53 
Weighted average ordinary shares - basic and diluted
   23,843,836         23,843,836 


Acquisition of Shennong


On November 12, 2021, the Company acquired 70% equity interest of Shennong with total cash consideration of $7.5 million (RMB 48.0 million) and 4,200,000 Class A ordinary shares of the Company. The Class A Ordinary Shares were registered on November 12, 2021, valued at $0.8896 per share. Shennong is a company incorporated in Fujian, the PRC and focus on agriculture products, electronic products and hardware products. Acquisition of Shennong has strengthen the supply-chain as well as the industrial integration of online store. According to the share transfer agreement signed with the transferer, the Company owns the right to require the transferer purchasing back all the equity interests in cash of RMB72.1million if the target company doesn’t meet the profit target. In the year ended March 31, 2021, the Company has paid $9.1 million (RMB 60.0 million) to the transferer as a deposit of this acquisition. And the overpaid RMB 12.0 million (approximately $1.9 million with $0.3 million exchange gain) has been collected back in the year ended March 31, 2022. The results of Shennong have been included in the consolidated financial statements of the Company since the acquisition date of November 12, 2021.  


The balance sheet as of March 31, 2022 and the statement of income and comprehensive income for the period from the acquisition date to March 31, 2022 has been consolidated into the Company’s consolidated financial statements. The net revenue and net income of Shennong since the acquisition date and that were included in the Company’s consolidated statements of operations and comprehensive income/(loss) for year ended March 31, 2022 are $4,444,960 and $354,722, respectively.


The Company engaged an independent valuation firm to assist management in valuing assets acquired, liabilities assumed, intangible assets identified, contingent consideration and non-controlling interests as of the acquisition day.


The identifiable intangible assets acquired upon acquisition were customer relationships with definite useful life. All other current assets and current liabilities carrying value approximated fair value at the time of acquisition. The fair value of the consideration was based on closing market price of the Company’s common share on the acquisition date.





According to the independent valuation report, the purchase price was allocated to the assets acquired and liabilities assumed based on their fair values. Fair value of the non-controlling interests was evaluated based on the equity value of Shennong derived by the discounted cash flow method after considering a discount for lack of control:


Fair value of total consideration transferred:    
Equity instrument (4.2 million Class A Ordinary Shares issued)  $3,736,320 
Cash consideration   7,492,391 
Subtotal  $ 11,228,711 
Recognized amounts of identifiable assets acquired and liability assumed:     
Cash  $59,091 
Current assets other than cash   13,591,825 
Intangible asset – customer relationships   4,214,470 
Current liabilities   (13,650,246)
Deferred tax liabilities   (1,053,617)
Total identifiable net assets  $3,161,523 
Fair value of non-controlling interests*   4,010,254 
Goodwill*  $12,077,442 


*The goodwill generated from the expected synergies from the output capacity of the transaction and service scenario of the multi-industry, full-link and full-closed-loop of Shennong.


Non-controlling interest was recognized and measured at fair value on the acquisition date by the Company.


Acquisition of Hekangyuan


On March 4, 2022, the Company acquired 100% equity interest of Hekangyuan with total cash consideration of $8 million and 10,000,000 Class A Ordinary Shares of the Company. The Class A Ordinary Shares were registered on March 4, 202, valued at $0.365 per share. Hekangyuan is a company incorporated in Fujian, the PRC and focus on the sales of healthcare products and optical glasses. The acquisition has further strengthened the distribution network of the Company. According to the share transfer agreement signed with the transferer, the Company owns the right to require the transferer purchasing back all the equity interests in cash of $12.0 million if the target company doesn’t meet the profit target. The results of Hekangyuan have been included in the consolidated financial statements of the Company since the acquisition date of March 4, 2022.


The balance sheet as of March 31, 2022 and the statement of income and comprehensive income for the period from the acquisition date to March 31, 2022 has been consolidated into the Company’s consolidated financial statements.The net revenue and net income of Hekangyuan since the acquisition date and that were included in the Company’s consolidated statements of operations and comprehensive income/(loss) for year ended March 31, 2022 are $917,787 and $38,178, respectively.


The Company engaged an independent valuation firm to assist management in valuing assets acquired, liabilities assumed, intangible assets identified and contingent consideration as of the acquisition day.


The identifiable intangible assets acquired upon acquisition were customer relationships with definite useful life. All other current assets and current liabilities carrying value approximated fair value at the time of acquisition. The fair value of the consideration was based on closing market price of the Company’s common share on the acquisition date.


According to the independent valuation report, the purchase price was allocated to the assets acquired and liabilities assumed based on their fair values was as follows:


Fair value of total consideration transferred:    
Equity instrument (10 million Class A Ordinary Shares issued)
Cash consideration   8,000,000 
Subtotal  $11,650,000 
Recognized amounts of identifiable assets acquired and liability assumed:     
Cash  $1,164 
Current assets other than cash   1,882,139 
Property, plant and equipment, net   187 
Intangible asset – customer relationships   4,582,227 
Current liabilities   (1,829,733)
Deferred tax liabilities   (1,145,557)
Total identifiable net assets  $3,490,427 
Fair value of non-controlling interests   - 
Goodwill*  $8,159,573 


*The goodwill generated from the expected synergies from the cooperation of developing the health commodities business stably, combining the production and supply, jointly build a perfect supply chain system with Hekangyuan.


The business combination accounting is provisionally complete for all assets and liabilities acquired on the acquisition date and the Company will continue to evaluate the asset values within the 1-year timeframe according to ASC 805.







During the year, the Company has disposed several subsidiaries supporting the online store business to optimize the Company’s structure and recognized loss resulting from the deconsolidation amounted to $95,932 and $0, for the year ended March 31, 2022 and 2021, respectively. 




As of March 31, 2022 and 2021, Company has no significant leases or unused letters of credit.


From time to time, the Company is involved in various legal proceedings, claims and other disputes arising from commercial operations, employees, and other matters which, in general, are subject to uncertainties and in which the outcomes are not predictable. The Company determines whether an estimated loss from a contingency should be accrued by assessing whether a loss is deemed probable and can be reasonably estimated. Although the Company can give no assurances about the resolution of pending claims, litigation or other disputes and the effect such outcomes may have on the Company, the Company believes that any ultimate liability resulting from the outcome of such proceedings, to the extent not otherwise provided or covered by insurance, will not have a material adverse effect on our consolidated financial position or results of operations or liquidity. As of March 31, 2022 and 2021, Company has no pending legal proceedings.




Before March 31, 2021, the Company’s CODM, chief executive officer, measures the performance of the Company based on metrics of revenue only and doesn’t focus on any profit of the business. Starting from April 1, 2021, the Company’s CODM, chief executive officer, measures the performance of each segment based on metrics of revenue and gross profit and uses these results to evaluate the performance of, and to allocate resources to each of the segments. As most of the Company’s long-lived assets are located in the PRC and most of the Company’s revenues are derived from the PRC, no geographical information is presented. The Company does not allocate assets and operating expenses to its segments as the CODM does not evaluate the performance of segments using asset and operating expenses information.


For the year ended March 31, 2022, the Company has determined that it operates in four operating segments: (1) Healthcare products; (2) Automobile; (3) Online store; and (4) Internet information and advertising service. The Company’s reportable segments are strategic business units that offer different products and services. They are managed separately because each business requires different marketing strategies.


The following tables present the summary of each reportable segment’s revenue and gross profit, which is considered as a segment operating performance measure, for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2022:


Fiscal year ended March 31, 2022    
    Healthcare products     Automobile     Online store     Internet information and advertising service     Consolidated  
Revenues   $ 30,323,831     $ 20,611,775     $ 28,014,109     $ 10,538,943     $ 89,488,658  
Cost   $ (30,538,282   $ (20,380,773 )   $ (25,844,918 )   $ (9,013,219 )   $ (85,777,192 )
Segment gross profit   $ (214,451   $ 231,002     $ 2,169,191     $ 1,525,724     $ 3,711,466  
Segment gross profit margin     (0.7 )%     1.1 %     7.7 %     14.5 %     4.1 %




Significant customers and suppliers are those that account for greater than 10% of the Company’s revenues and purchases.


The Company’s sales are made to customers that are located primarily in China. For the years ended March 31, 2022 and 2021, no individual customer accounted for more than 10% of the Company’s total revenues.


For the year ended March 31, 2022, Guanxian Chunjiang Ganoderma professional cooperative community and Fuzhou Chenyao Industrial Co., Ltd. contributed approximately 13.4% and 12.5% of total purchases of the Company, respectively, which amounted to $14.7 million and $13.7 million respectively. The accounts payable of Guanxian Chunjiang Ganoderma professional cooperative community and Fuzhou Chenyao Industrial Co., Ltd. amounted to $4.3 million and nil as of March 31, 2022. For the years ended March 31, 2021 and 2020, the Company purchased a substantial portion of raw materials from one third-party supplier (16.84% of total raw materials purchase for the year ended March 31, 2021 and 16.67% of total raw materials purchases for the year ended March 31, 2020). As of March 31, 2021, the amounts due to this vendor was $645,635. As of March 31, 2020, the amounts due to this vendor was $-0-




On April 21, 2022, 150,000 Class A Ordinary Shares owned by Xuezhu Wang were reconverted into Class B Ordinary Shares.


On June 1, 2022, the Company repaid $1,065,238 (RMB 7.0 million) under the above Max Pledge Amount Agreement from Industrial Bank Co., Ltd. On the same day, the Company borrowed $1,065,238 (RMB 7.0 million) bearing interest rate at LPR plus 0.9%. The loan facility agreement is personally guaranteed by Mr. Xuezhu Wang, Mr. Xianfu Wang, and Mrs. Yanying Lin. The Company also pledged its building and land use rights as collaterals. There were no loan guarantee fees paid to the personal guarantors.


On June 24, 2022, Ganzhou Youjia New Energy Automobile Sales Co., Ltd. was dissolved.


The Company evaluated all events and transactions that occurred after March 31, 2022 through the date of the issuance of the consolidated financial statements on August 15, 2022 and noted that there were no other material subsequent events.





353001 0.03 0.53 1.22 23843836 40485912 40485912 In the year ended March 31, 2022, the Company signed a cooperation agreement with a third party to invest in Hangzhou Weilan Automobile Co., Ltd. (“Weilan”) and paid $448,946 to the shareholders of Weilan. In June 2022, both parties agreed to terminate the cooperation agreement and the Company collected the full prepayment. Loans receivables to third parties mainly represent loan agreements entered with certain third-party companies to support their daily operation or bridge loan of mortgage with maturity from six to nine months and the interest rate from 0.03% to 0.5% per day. 0.03 0.03 26160270 26160270 0.53 0.53 23843836 23843836 10.0 false N/A FY 00000 0001751876 0001751876 2021-04-01 2022-03-31 0001751876 dei:BusinessContactMember 2021-04-01 2022-03-31 0001751876 us-gaap:CommonClassAMember 2022-08-15 0001751876 us-gaap:CommonClassBMember 2022-08-15 0001751876 2022-03-31 0001751876 2021-03-31 0001751876 us-gaap:CommonClassBMember 2022-03-31 0001751876 us-gaap:CommonClassBMember 2021-03-31 0001751876 us-gaap:CommonClassAMember 2022-03-31 0001751876 us-gaap:CommonClassAMember 2021-03-31 0001751876 2020-04-01 2021-03-31 0001751876 2019-04-01 2020-03-31 0001751876 us-gaap:CommonClassAMember us-gaap:CommonStockMember 2019-03-31 0001751876 us-gaap:CommonClassBMember us-gaap:CommonStockMember 2019-03-31 0001751876 us-gaap:AdditionalPaidInCapitalMember 2019-03-31 0001751876 happ:StatutorySurplusReserveMember 2019-03-31 0001751876 us-gaap:RetainedEarningsMember 2019-03-31 0001751876 us-gaap:AccumulatedOtherComprehensiveIncomeMember 2019-03-31 0001751876 us-gaap:ParentMember 2019-03-31 0001751876 2019-03-31 0001751876 us-gaap:CommonClassAMember us-gaap:CommonStockMember 2019-04-01 2020-03-31 0001751876 us-gaap:CommonClassBMember us-gaap:CommonStockMember 2019-04-01 2020-03-31 0001751876 us-gaap:AdditionalPaidInCapitalMember 2019-04-01 2020-03-31 0001751876 us-gaap:ParentMember 2019-04-01 2020-03-31 0001751876 us-gaap:RetainedEarningsMember 2019-04-01 2020-03-31 0001751876 happ:StatutorySurplusReserveMember 2019-04-01 2020-03-31 0001751876 us-gaap:AccumulatedOtherComprehensiveIncomeMember 2019-04-01 2020-03-31 0001751876 us-gaap:CommonClassAMember us-gaap:CommonStockMember 2020-03-31 0001751876 us-gaap:CommonClassBMember us-gaap:CommonStockMember 2020-03-31 0001751876 us-gaap:AdditionalPaidInCapitalMember 2020-03-31 0001751876 happ:StatutorySurplusReserveMember 2020-03-31 0001751876 us-gaap:RetainedEarningsMember 2020-03-31 0001751876 us-gaap:AccumulatedOtherComprehensiveIncomeMember 2020-03-31 0001751876 us-gaap:ParentMember 2020-03-31 0001751876 us-gaap:NoncontrollingInterestMember 2020-03-31 0001751876 2020-03-31 0001751876 us-gaap:CommonClassAMember us-gaap:CommonStockMember 2020-04-01 2021-03-31 0001751876 us-gaap:CommonClassBMember us-gaap:CommonStockMember 2020-04-01 2021-03-31 0001751876 us-gaap:AdditionalPaidInCapitalMember 2020-04-01 2021-03-31 0001751876 happ:StatutorySurplusReserveMember 2020-04-01 2021-03-31 0001751876 us-gaap:RetainedEarningsMember 2020-04-01 2021-03-31 0001751876 us-gaap:AccumulatedOtherComprehensiveIncomeMember 2020-04-01 2021-03-31 0001751876 us-gaap:ParentMember 2020-04-01 2021-03-31 0001751876 us-gaap:NoncontrollingInterestMember 2020-04-01 2021-03-31 0001751876 us-gaap:CommonClassAMember us-gaap:CommonStockMember 2021-03-31 0001751876 us-gaap:CommonClassBMember us-gaap:CommonStockMember 2021-03-31 0001751876 us-gaap:AdditionalPaidInCapitalMember 2021-03-31 0001751876 happ:StatutorySurplusReserveMember 2021-03-31 0001751876 us-gaap:RetainedEarningsMember 2021-03-31 0001751876 us-gaap:AccumulatedOtherComprehensiveIncomeMember 2021-03-31 0001751876 us-gaap:ParentMember 2021-03-31 0001751876 us-gaap:NoncontrollingInterestMember 2021-03-31 0001751876 us-gaap:CommonClassAMember us-gaap:CommonStockMember 2021-04-01 2022-03-31 0001751876 us-gaap:CommonClassBMember us-gaap:CommonStockMember 2021-04-01 2022-03-31 0001751876 us-gaap:AdditionalPaidInCapitalMember 2021-04-01 2022-03-31 0001751876 happ:StatutorySurplusReserveMember 2021-04-01 2022-03-31 0001751876 us-gaap:RetainedEarningsMember 2021-04-01 2022-03-31 0001751876 us-gaap:AccumulatedOtherComprehensiveIncomeMember 2021-04-01 2022-03-31 0001751876 us-gaap:ParentMember 2021-04-01 2022-03-31 0001751876 us-gaap:NoncontrollingInterestMember 2021-04-01 2022-03-31 0001751876 us-gaap:CommonClassAMember us-gaap:CommonStockMember 2022-03-31 0001751876 us-gaap:CommonClassBMember us-gaap:CommonStockMember 2022-03-31 0001751876 us-gaap:AdditionalPaidInCapitalMember 2022-03-31 0001751876 happ:StatutorySurplusReserveMember 2022-03-31 0001751876 us-gaap:RetainedEarningsMember 2022-03-31 0001751876 us-gaap:AccumulatedOtherComprehensiveIncomeMember 2022-03-31 0001751876 us-gaap:ParentMember 2022-03-31 0001751876 us-gaap:NoncontrollingInterestMember 2022-03-31 0001751876 happ:FujianHappinessMember 2018-08-31 0001751876 happ:MrWangXuezhuMember 2018-08-31 0001751876 2018-08-02 2018-08-21 0001751876 pf0:MinimumMember 2019-03-04 0001751876 pf0:MaximumMember 2019-03-04 0001751876 2019-03-04 0001751876 2019-02-28 2019-03-04 0001751876 us-gaap:CommonStockMember 2019-02-28 2019-03-04 0001751876 us-gaap:IPOMember 2019-10-25 0001751876 2019-10-25 0001751876 happ:HappinessNanpingBiologyTechnologyCoLtdNanpingHappinessMember 2021-04-01 2022-03-31 0001751876 happ:FujianHappinessBiotechCoLtdFujianHappinessMember 2021-04-01 2022-03-31 0001751876 happ:FujianHappinessComesMedicalEquipmentManufacturingCoLtdMember 2021-04-01 2022-03-31 0001751876 happ:ShunchangHappinessComesHealthProductsCoLtdMember 2021-04-01 2022-03-31 0001751876 happ:FujianShennongjiaguDevelopmentCoLtdShennongMember 2021-04-01 2022-03-31 0001751876 happ:FuzhouHekangyuanTradingCoLtdHekangyuanMember 2021-04-01 2022-03-31 0001751876 happ:FuzhouHappinessEnterpriseManagementConsultingCoLtdMember 2021-04-01 2022-03-31 0001751876 happ:HappyBuyFujianNetworkTechnologyCoLtdHappyBuyMember 2021-04-01 2022-03-31 0001751876 happ:FujianHappyStudioNetworkTechnologyCoLTDMember 2021-04-01 2022-03-31 0001751876 happ:HangzhouCestLaVieInteractiveTechnologyCoLtdHangzhouCestLaVieMember 2021-04-01 2022-03-31 0001751876 happ:FujianLeverMediaCoLtdFujianLeverMember 2021-04-01 2022-03-31 0001751876 happ:ShunchangBaolongElectronicCommerceCoLtdOneMember 2021-04-01 2022-03-31 0001751876 happ:ShunchangShihongElectronicCommerceCoLtdTwoMember 2021-04-01 2022-03-31 0001751876 happ:HappinessYoudaoHangzhouElectronicCommerceCoLtdMember 2021-04-01 2022-03-31 0001751876 happ:PutianCityHanjiangDistrictLuochenNetworkTechnologyCoLtdPutianLuochenMember 2021-04-01 2022-03-31 0001751876 happ:PutianCityHanjiangDistrictQiyaoTradingCoLtdMember 2021-04-01 2022-03-31 0001751876 happ:PutianCityHanjiangDistrictZhiranTradingCoLtdMember 2021-04-01 2022-03-31 0001751876 happ:FujianSeraviElectronicCommerceCoLtdFujianSeraviMember 2021-04-01 2022-03-31 0001751876 happ:ShunchangQidaElectronicCommerceCoLtdMember 2021-04-01 2022-03-31 0001751876 happ:ShunchangPenghongElectronicCommerceCoLtdMember 2021-04-01 2022-03-31 0001751876 happ:FujianDajiMediaCoLtdDajiMember 2021-04-01 2022-03-31 0001751876 happ:HappyBuyNanpingAutomobileSalesCoLtdMember 2021-04-01 2022-03-31 0001751876 happ:HappyOptimalFujianNetworkTechnologyCoLtdHappyOptimalMember 2021-04-01 2022-03-31 0001751876 happ:ShunchangHaiwushuoBrandManagementCoLtdShunchangHaiwushuoMember 2021-04-01 2022-03-31 0001751876 happ:ShunchangSaltSweetNetworkTechnologyCoLtdMember 2021-04-01 2022-03-31 0001751876 happ:HaiwushuoHangzhouMediaTechnologyCoLtdMember 2021-04-01 2022-03-31 0001751876 happ:ShunchangCountyPartnersSupplyChainManagementCoLtdMember 2021-04-01 2022-03-31 0001751876 happ:ShunchangYouxiEcommerceCoLtdMember 2021-04-01 2022-03-31 0001751876 happ:HaiwushuoFujianFoodCoLtdMember 2021-04-01 2022-03-31 0001751876 happ:HappyUnicornHangzhouNetworkTechnologyCoLtdHappyUnicornMember 2021-04-01 2022-03-31 0001751876 happ:GanzhouYoujiaNewEnergyAutomobileSalesCoLtdMember 2021-04-01 2022-03-31 0001751876 happ:HappyCarSourceNingboAutomobileServiceCoLtdMember 2021-04-01 2022-03-31 0001751876 happ:WuhanXingfuYouxuanAutomobileSalesCoLtdMember 2021-04-01 2022-03-31 0001751876 happ:TaochejunHangzhouNewEnergyTechnologyCoLtdHangzhouTaochejunMember 2021-04-01 2022-03-31 0001751876 happ:ZhejiangYicheChuxingTechnologyCoLtdMember 2021-04-01 2022-03-31 0001751876 happ:HappyTravelTechnologyFujianCoLtdMember 2021-04-01 2022-03-31 0001751876 happ:SichuanTaochejunNewEnergyTechnologyCoLtdMember 2021-04-01 2022-03-31 0001751876 happ:TaochejunXianCarRentalCoLtdMember 2021-04-01 2022-03-31 0001751876 happ:TaochejunFuzhouAutomotiveTechnologyCoLtdMember 2021-04-01 2022-03-31 0001751876 happ:FuzhouTaochejunCultureMediaCoLtdMember 2021-04-01 2022-03-31 0001751876 happ:TaochejunHainanNewEnergyTechnologyCoLtdMember 2021-04-01 2022-03-31 0001751876 happ:HunanXingfuVehicleSourceTechnologyCoLtdMember 2021-04-01 2022-03-31 0001751876 happ:HappyAutomobileServiceNanpingCoLtdMember 2021-04-01 2022-03-31 0001751876 happ:HangzhouHappinessYoucheAutomobilePartnershipLimitedPartnershipMember 2021-04-01 2022-03-31 0001751876 happ:ShunchangBangrenElectronicCommerceCoLtdMember 2021-04-01 2022-03-31 0001751876 happ:ShunchangShenzhouElectronicCommerceCoLtdMember 2021-04-01 2022-03-31 0001751876 happ:ShunchangTongyuanElectronicCommerceCoLtdMember 2021-04-01 2022-03-31 0001751876 happ:ShunchangGuangxiangElectronicCommerceCoLtdMember 2021-04-01 2022-03-31 0001751876 happ:ShunchangLishijinElectronicCommerceCoLtdMember 2021-04-01 2022-03-31 0001751876 happ:ShunchangWangfuElectronicCommerceCoLtdMember 2021-04-01 2022-03-31 0001751876 happ:ShunchangYiboElectronicCommerceCoLtdMember 2021-04-01 2022-03-31 0001751876 happ:ShunchangRunhaoElectronicCommerceCoLtdMember 2021-04-01 2022-03-31 0001751876 happ:ShunchangFanyanfullElectronicCommerceCoLtdMember 2021-04-01 2022-03-31 0001751876 happ:ShunchangFanquguanElectronicCommerceCoLtdMember 2021-04-01 2022-03-31 0001751876 happ:ShunchangYouqiangdiaoElectronicCommerceCoLtdMember 2021-04-01 2022-03-31 0001751876 happ:ShunchangShangyoupinElectronicCommerceCoLtdMember 2021-04-01 2022-03-31 0001751876 happ:FuzhouBaodengTradingCoLtdFuzhouBaodengMember 2021-04-01 2022-03-31 0001751876 happ:FuzhouDachenEcommerceCoLtdMember 2021-04-01 2022-03-31 0001751876 happ:FuzhouNanenTradingCoLtdMember 2021-04-01 2022-03-31 0001751876 happ:FuzhouDechenTradingCoLtdMember 2021-04-01 2022-03-31 0001751876 happ:FuzhouLehuangTradingCoLtdMember 2021-04-01 2022-03-31 0001751876 happ:HappyDoddoFujianNetworkTechnologyCoLtdHappyDoddoMember 2021-04-01 2022-03-31 0001751876 happ:ShunchangShenghuiElectronicCommerceCoLtdMember 2021-04-01 2022-03-31 0001751876 happ:ShunchangWanshengElectronicCommerceCoLtdMember 2021-04-01 2022-03-31 0001751876 happ:ShunchangJiefeiElectronicCommerceCoLtdMember 2021-04-01 2022-03-31 0001751876 happ:ShunchangZhiboElectronicCommerceCoLtdMember 2021-04-01 2022-03-31 0001751876 happ:ShunchangHeruiElectronicCommerceCoLtdMember 2021-04-01 2022-03-31 0001751876 happ:ShunchangXiaocongcongElectronicCommerceCoLtdMember 2021-04-01 2022-03-31 0001751876 happ:ShunchangXianghongElectronicCommerceCoLtdMember 2021-04-01 2022-03-31 0001751876 happ:ShunchangHappyCatElectronicCommerceCoLtdMember 2021-04-01 2022-03-31 0001751876 happ:ShunchangSuboboEcommerceCoLtdMember 2021-04-01 2022-03-31 0001751876 happ:HappyFeiyueFujianNetworkTechnologyCoLtdHappyFeiyueMember 2021-04-01 2022-03-31 0001751876 happ:HAPPINESSHKTECHNOLOGYLIMITEDMember 2021-04-01 2022-03-31 0001751876 us-gaap:CashEquivalentsMember 2022-03-31 0001751876 us-gaap:CashEquivalentsMember 2021-03-31 0001751876 us-gaap:BuildingMember 2021-04-01 2022-03-31 0001751876 us-gaap:MachineryAndEquipmentMember 2021-04-01 2022-03-31 0001751876 pf0:MinimumMember happ:FurnitureFixtureAndElectronicEquipmentMember 2021-04-01 2022-03-31 0001751876 pf0:MaximumMember happ:FurnitureFixtureAndElectronicEquipmentMember 2021-04-01 2022-03-31 0001751876 us-gaap:VehiclesMember 2021-04-01 2022-03-31 0001751876 us-gaap:LandMember 2021-04-01 2022-03-31 0001751876 pf0:MinimumMember us-gaap:SoftwareLicenseArrangementMember 2021-04-01 2022-03-31 0001751876 pf0:MaximumMember us-gaap:SoftwareLicenseArrangementMember 2021-04-01 2022-03-31 0001751876 us-gaap:TrademarksMember 2021-04-01 2022-03-31 0001751876 us-gaap:CustomerRelationshipsMember 2021-04-01 2022-03-31 0001751876 happ:HealthcareProductsMember 2021-04-01 2022-03-31 0001751876 happ:HealthcareProductsMember 2020-04-01 2021-03-31 0001751876 happ:HealthcareProductsMember 2019-04-01 2020-03-31 0001751876 happ:OnlineStoreMember 2021-04-01 2022-03-31 0001751876 happ:OnlineStoreMember 2020-04-01 2021-03-31 0001751876 happ:InternetInformationAndAdvertisingMember 2021-04-01 2022-03-31 0001751876 happ:InternetInformationAndAdvertisingMember 2020-04-01 2021-03-31 0001751876 happ:AutomobileMember 2021-04-01 2022-03-31 0001751876 happ:AutomobileMember 2020-04-01 2021-03-31 0001751876 happ:PeriodEndSpotRateMember 2021-04-01 2022-03-31 0001751876 happ:PeriodEndSpotRateMember 2020-04-01 2021-03-31 0001751876 happ:PeriodEndSpotRateMember 2019-04-01 2020-03-31 0001751876 happ:AverageRateMember 2021-04-01 2022-03-31 0001751876 happ:AverageRateMember 2020-04-01 2021-03-31 0001751876 happ:AverageRateMember 2019-04-01 2020-03-31 0001751876 pf0:MinimumMember 2022-03-31 0001751876 pf0:MaximumMember 2022-03-31 0001751876 us-gaap:BuildingMember 2022-03-31 0001751876 us-gaap:BuildingMember 2021-03-31 0001751876 us-gaap:MachineryAndEquipmentMember 2022-03-31 0001751876 us-gaap:MachineryAndEquipmentMember 2021-03-31 0001751876 us-gaap:FurnitureAndFixturesMember 2022-03-31 0001751876 us-gaap:FurnitureAndFixturesMember 2021-03-31 0001751876 us-gaap:VehiclesMember 2022-03-31 0001751876 us-gaap:VehiclesMember 2021-03-31 0001751876 happ:ShennongMember 2021-04-01 2022-03-31 0001751876 happ:HekangyuanMember 2021-04-01 2022-03-31 0001751876 happ:ShennongMember 2022-03-31 0001751876 happ:HekangyuanMember 2022-03-31 0001751876 happ:DajiMember 2022-03-31 0001751876 happ:DajiMember 2021-03-31 0001751876 pf0:MinimumMember 2021-04-01 2022-03-31 0001751876 pf0:MaximumMember 2021-04-01 2022-03-31 0001751876 2019-11-01 2019-11-30 0001751876 2018-10-01 2018-10-31 0001751876 happ:IndustrialBankCoLtdMember 2018-05-04 0001751876 happ:IndustrialBankCoLtdMember 2018-04-28 2018-05-04 0001751876 happ:IndustrialBankCoLtdMember 2022-03-31 0001751876 happ:IndustrialBankCoLtdMember 2020-04-01 2020-04-30 0001751876 happ:IndustrialBankCoLtdMember 2020-04-30 0001751876 happ:PostalSavingBankOfChinaMember 2019-06-24 0001751876 happ:PostalSavingBankOfChinaMember 2022-01-12 0001751876 happ:PostalSavingBankOfChinaMember 2022-01-13 0001751876 happ:PostalSavingBankOfChinaMember 2020-04-07 0001751876 happ:PostalSavingBankOfChinaMember 2021-01-15 0001751876 happ:PostalSavingBankOfChinaMember 2021-04-01 2021-04-06 0001751876 happ:PostalSavingBankOfChinaMember 2021-04-01 2021-04-08 0001751876 happ:IndustrialBankCoLtdMember 2021-03-31 0001751876 happ:PostalSavingBankOfChinaMember 2022-03-31 0001751876 happ:PostalSavingBankOfChinaMember 2021-03-31 0001751876 us-gaap:LandMember 2022-03-31 0001751876 us-gaap:LandMember 2021-03-31 0001751876 happ:EquityIncentivePlanMember 2021-02-01 2021-02-28 0001751876 us-gaap:CommonStockMember 2018-02-09 0001751876 happ:TwoInvestorMember 2018-05-01 2018-05-31 0001751876 us-gaap:CommonStockMember 2019-03-04 0001751876 2020-09-01 2021-03-31 0001751876 2021-03-15 0001751876 us-gaap:CommonClassAMember 2021-06-21 0001751876 2021-06-01 2021-06-21 0001751876 us-gaap:CommonClassAMember 2021-06-25 0001751876 2021-06-01 2021-06-25 0001751876 us-gaap:CommonClassAMember 2021-10-01 2021-10-14 0001751876 2021-10-01 2021-10-14 0001751876 2021-10-01 2021-10-20 0001751876 us-gaap:CommonClassAMember 2021-10-20 0001751876 2021-11-01 2021-11-12 0001751876 2021-11-12 0001751876 2021-10-21 0001751876 us-gaap:CommonStockMember 2021-10-21 0001751876 us-gaap:PreferredStockMember 2021-10-21 0001751876 us-gaap:CommonClassAMember 2021-10-21 0001751876 us-gaap:CommonClassBMember 2021-10-21 0001751876 us-gaap:CommonClassAMember 2022-01-12 0001751876 2022-01-12 0001751876 us-gaap:CommonClassAMember 2022-01-20 0001751876 us-gaap:CommonClassAMember 2022-01-01 2022-01-20 0001751876 2022-01-01 2022-01-20 0001751876 happ:HekangyuanMember 2022-03-01 2022-03-04 0001751876 2022-03-01 2022-03-04 0001751876 2022-03-04 0001751876 us-gaap:CommonClassAMember 2022-03-10 0001751876 2022-03-01 2022-03-10 0001751876 2022-03-10 0001751876 happ:PRCMember 2022-03-31 0001751876 us-gaap:IPOMember 2019-10-01 2019-10-31 0001751876 us-gaap:WarrantMember 2019-10-01 2019-10-31 0001751876 happ:HongKongMember 2021-04-01 2022-03-31 0001751876 happ:AcquisitionOfDajiMember 2021-02-02 0001751876 2021-02-02 2021-02-02 0001751876 us-gaap:CommonClassAMember 2021-11-01 2021-11-12 0001751876 happ:ShennongMember 2021-11-01 2021-11-12 0001751876 happ:ShennongMember 2021-04-01 2022-03-31 0001751876 happ:ShennongMember 2020-04-01 2021-03-31 0001751876 happ:AcquisitionOfHekangyuanMember 2022-03-01 2022-03-04 0001751876 us-gaap:CommonClassAMember 2022-03-01 2022-03-04 0001751876 happ:HekangyuanMember 2021-04-01 2022-03-31 0001751876 happ:HekangyuanMember 2020-04-01 2021-03-31 0001751876 happ:HappinessBiotechGroupLimitedMember us-gaap:SeriesOfIndividuallyImmaterialBusinessAcquisitionsMember 2020-04-01 2021-03-31 0001751876 happ:DajiMember us-gaap:SeriesOfIndividuallyImmaterialBusinessAcquisitionsMember 2020-04-01 2021-03-31 0001751876 us-gaap:SeriesOfIndividuallyImmaterialBusinessAcquisitionsMember 2020-04-01 2021-03-31 0001751876 happ:HappinessBiotechGroupLimitedMember us-gaap:SeriesOfIndividuallyImmaterialBusinessAcquisitionsMember 2019-04-01 2020-03-31 0001751876 happ:DajiMember us-gaap:SeriesOfIndividuallyImmaterialBusinessAcquisitionsMember 2019-04-01 2020-03-31 0001751876 us-gaap:SeriesOfIndividuallyImmaterialBusinessAcquisitionsMember 2019-04-01 2020-03-31 0001751876 happ:ShennongMember 2021-04-01 2022-03-31 0001751876 happ:ShennongMember 2022-03-31 0001751876 happ:HekangyuanMember 2021-04-01 2022-03-31 0001751876 happ:HekangyuanMember 2022-03-31 0001751876 us-gaap:HealthcareSectorMember 2021-04-01 2022-03-31 0001751876 happ:AutomobileMember 2021-04-01 2022-03-31 0001751876 happ:OnlineStoreMember 2021-04-01 2022-03-31 0001751876 happ:InternetInformationAndAdvertisingServiceMember 2021-04-01 2022-03-31 0001751876 us-gaap:ConsolidatedEntitiesMember 2021-04-01 2022-03-31 0001751876 happ:GuanxianChunjiangGanodermaProfessionalCooperativeCommunityMember 2021-04-01 2022-03-31 0001751876 happ:FuzhouChenyaoIndustrialCoLtdMember 2021-04-01 2022-03-31 0001751876 happ:XuezhuWangMember us-gaap:CommonClassAMember us-gaap:SubsequentEventMember 2022-04-21 0001751876 us-gaap:SubsequentEventMember 2022-06-01 0001751876 us-gaap:SubsequentEventMember 2022-06-01 2022-06-01 xbrli:shares iso4217:USD iso4217:USD xbrli:shares xbrli:pure iso4217:CNY
Happiness Development (NASDAQ:HAPP)
과거 데이터 주식 차트
부터 8월(8) 2024 으로 9월(9) 2024 Happiness Development 차트를 더 보려면 여기를 클릭.
Happiness Development (NASDAQ:HAPP)
과거 데이터 주식 차트
부터 9월(9) 2023 으로 9월(9) 2024 Happiness Development 차트를 더 보려면 여기를 클릭.