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enGene Holdings Inc. (Nasdaq: ENGN or “enGene” or the “Company”), a clinical-stage genetic medicines company whose non-viral lead investigational...
enGene Holdings Inc. (Nasdaq: ENGN, “enGene” or the “Company”), a clinical-stage genetic medicines company whose non-viral lead investigational...
Detalimogene voraplasmid is a novel, investigational, pivotal-stage, non-viral genetic medicine designed to mitigate systemic risks and deliver...
BLA filing for detalimogene in BCG-unresponsive NMIBC with CIS on track for mid-2026 All cohorts of the Phase 2 LEGEND study now recruiting under...
Data from pivotal cohort demonstrate compelling clinical activity, consistent with Phase 1 results Favorable tolerability profile with no...
Company remains on track to report preliminary LEGEND data in September 2024 Cash and cash equivalents of $257.7 million provide runway into...
enGene Holdings Inc. (Nasdaq: ENGN, “enGene” or the “Company”), a clinical-stage genetic medicines company whose non-viral lead program...
enGene Holdings Inc. (Nasdaq: ENGN, “enGene” or the “Company”), a clinical-stage genetic medicines company whose non-viral, intravesical lead...
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