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The Law Offices of Vincent Wong are investigating potential claims against the Board of Directors of Cobra Electronics Corporation...
INVESTOR ALERT - Cobra Electronics Corp.: The Law Offices of Vincent Wong Investigates the Sale of Cobra Electronics Corp. to Monomoy Capital...
Law office of Brodsky & Smith, LLC announces that it is investigating potential claims against the Board of Directors of Cobra Electronics...
Rigrodsky & Long, P.A.: Do you own shares of Cobra Electronics Corporation (NASDAQ GM: COBR)? Did you purchase any of your...
Monomoy Capital Partners II, L.P. (“Monomoy”) today announced that its affiliate Venom Electronics Merger Sub, Inc. (“Purchaser”) has...
The securities litigation law firm of Brower Piven, A Professional Corporation, has commenced an investigation into possible breaches of...
Cobra Electronics' Entree into European Market Kicks off with Debut at ShowStoppers and IFA Berlin PR Newswire BERLIN, Sept. 4, 2014 -- Company...
COBRA SHAREHOLDER ALERT: Levi & Korsinsky, LLP Announces Investigation of Cobra Electronics Corp. and Its Board of Directors In Connection...
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