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Company to Begin Trading under New Symbol “ALBT” on November 10, 2022 Symbol Change Better Reflects Avalon’s...
Company to acquire a majority interest in Laboratory Services MSO, LLC, a leading reference laboratory with...
FREEHOLD, N.J., Sept. 29, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Avalon GloboCare Corp. (NASDAQ: AVCO), a leading global...
Findings support utility of QTY protein code as a novel platform to generate water-soluble proteins for wide...
FREEHOLD, N.J., May 25, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Avalon GloboCare Corp. (NASDAQ: AVCO), a leading global...
Goal of Partnership is to expand Avalon’s R&D pipeline to include innovative companion diagnostics in...
Co-inventors are leading international universities and cellular therapy developers Patent applications cover...
Leveraging Avalon’s existing Flash-CARTM technology platform to develop next-generation mRNA-based CAR-NK...
Company continues to expand and accelerate its R&D strategies for high-impact translational and clinical...
FREEHOLD, N.J., Dec. 22, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Avalon GloboCare Corp. (NASDAQ: AVCO) (Avalon or The...
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