American Express Reports Second Quarter Earnings of $762 Million 
                       Record Results Driven by Strong 
               Cardmember Billings, Lending and Credit Quality 
    NEW YORK, July 29 -- American Express Company today 
reported record net income of $762 million for the second quarter, up 11 
percent from $683 million a year ago.  Diluted earnings per share (EPS) rose 
to $0.59, up 16 percent from $0.51. 
               (Dollars in millions, except per share amounts) 
                                                       Six Months 
                      Quarters Ended   Percentage        Ended      Percentage 
                          June 30       Inc/(Dec)       June 30      Inc/(Dec)  
                        2003      2002               2003      2002           
    Net Income          $762      $683     11%    $ 1,454   $ 1,301     12%  
    Revenues          $6,356   $ 5,945      7%    $12,379   $11,704      6%  
    Per Share Net Income      
      Basic           $ 0.59     $0.52     13%      $1.13     $0.98     15%  
      Diluted         $ 0.59     $0.51     16%      $1.12     $0.97     15%  
    Average Common Shares  
      Basic            1,283     1,325    (3%)      1,290     1,325    (3%)  
      Diluted          1,295     1,341    (3%)      1,300     1,338    (3%)  
    Return on Average  
     Total Shareholders'       
     Equity*           20.1%     15.2%**    -       20.1%     15.2%**   -  
    *  Computed on a trailing 12-month basis using total Shareholders' Equity  
       as reported in the Consolidated Financial Statements prepared in  
       accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United  
       States (GAAP). 
    ** Revised from previously reported amounts that excluded the effect on  
       Shareholders' Equity of unrealized gains or losses related to Statement  
       of Financial Accounting Standards (SFAS) No. 115, "Accounting for  
       Certain Investments in Debt and Equity Securities," and SFAS No. 133,  
       "Accounting for Derivative Instruments and Hedging Activities."  
    The company's return on equity was 20.1 percent. 
    Revenues on a GAAP basis totaled $6.4 billion, up seven percent from  
$5.9 billion a year ago.  This growth reflects greater spending on American 
Express cards, higher cardmember lending balances, and the initial impact of 
improved financial markets on revenues at American Express Financial Advisors 
    Consolidated expenses on a GAAP basis totaled $5.3 billion, up five 
percent from $5.0 billion a year ago.  This increase reflects in part higher 
cardmember loyalty costs, higher human resources expense and increased card 
marketing program costs.  Partially offsetting this increase were lower 
provisions for losses and benefits, reflecting continued strong credit 
performance, as well as lower funding costs.  
    Kenneth I. Chenault, Chairman and CEO, said: "The record 2003 results 
reflect our success in adapting to a more difficult and uncertain economic 
environment. This -- along with our decision to ramp up investment spending a 
year ago while many others were cutting back -- generated one of our strongest 
quarters in recent years.  
    "Despite the fallout from the war in Iraq and the SARS outbreak, we 
delivered double-digit growth in cardmember billings and lending, added  
2.7 million cards in force in the last year, and sustained our  
industry-leading credit quality indicators.  In addition, we saw the initial 
benefit of improved financial markets on revenues at AEFA. 
    "During the quarter we also expanded our rewards programs to include new 
airline partners and reached agreement to acquire London-based Threadneedle 
Asset Management, a move that will help us to expand our investment products 
both in the U.S. and abroad. In addition, we recently agreed to acquire 
Rosenbluth International, a leading global travel management company. 
    "The strong momentum we're now generating gives us additional confidence 
in our ability to deliver earnings growth for the medium and long term.  It 
also provides us with the flexibility to capitalize on competitive 
opportunities at a time when we are seeing some early signs of an economic 
recovery.  While we are still cautious about the outlook for economic growth, 
we plan to increase our spending on business-building initiatives during the 
second half of the year rather than flow the full benefits of our progress to 
the bottom line.   
    "We expect our diluted earnings per share before accounting changes to 
exceed the current 2003 Wall Street consensus of $2.26. However, in light of 
our plans to increase investment spending, such earnings are not likely to 
exceed $2.29 for the year. This would allow us to deliver strong growth this 
year while also building on the momentum that we've generated from earlier 
    Second Quarter Results/GAAP Basis 
    The second quarter revenue growth reflected increases of six percent at 
TRS and 11 percent at both AEB and AEFA.  More specifically, 
    -- Discount revenue from cardmember spending increased eight percent.   
    -- Net finance charge revenue increased nine percent from strong growth in  
       the cardmember lending portfolio.   
    -- Securitization income rose 17 percent, primarily reflecting a higher  
       level of securitized lending balances for this portfolio. 
    -- Investment income and insurance-related revenue rose at AEFA. 
    These items were partially offset by: 
    -- A six percent decline in management and distribution fees reflecting a  
       decrease in the assets managed for AEFA clients.  
    The rise in second quarter expenses reflected an increase of four percent 
at TRS, 12 percent at AEFA and five percent at AEB.  More specifically, the 
overall increase reflected:  
    -- A nine percent increase in other operating expenses, including a  
       10 percent increase at TRS.  This increase was driven primarily by  
       higher cardmember loyalty program costs and the impact of technology  
       and service-related outsourcing, which transferred certain costs that  
       had previously been included as human resources expense. 
    -- A 15 percent increase in marketing and promotion expenses, driven by a  
       15 percent increase at TRS. This is in addition to a 14 percent  
       increase in marketing and promotion at TRS in the year-ago period.  
    -- An eight percent increase in human resources expense, partially due to  
       increased costs related to merit increases and employee benefits. 
    These items were partially offset by: 
    -- A 17 percent decline in interest expense, primarily reflecting a  
       20 percent decline in charge card interest expense at TRS. 
    -- A three percent decrease in total provision for losses.  Credit quality  
       remained very strong in TRS' charge and credit card portfolios as the  
       charge card provision declined 27 percent and the lending provision  
       declined four percent.  Reserve coverage ratios remained strong. 
    Travel Related Services (TRS) reported record net income of $634 million 
for the second quarter, up 12 percent from $565 million a year ago.   
    On a GAAP basis, TRS' results for both periods included net cardmember 
lending securitization gains.  Net gains for the 2003 quarter totaled  
$81 million ($53 million after-tax) compared with net gains of $85 million 
($55 million after-tax) a year ago. 
    The following discussion of second quarter results presents TRS segment 
results on a "managed basis," as if there had been no cardmember lending 
securitization transactions.  This is the basis used by management to evaluate 
operations and is consistent with industry practice.  For further information 
about managed basis and reconciliation of GAAP and managed TRS information, 
see the "Managed Basis" section below.  The AEFA, AEB and Corporate and Other 
sections below are presented on a GAAP basis. 
    Total net revenues increased six percent from the year-ago period, 
reflecting strong growth in spending and borrowing on American Express cards.   
    Higher cardmember spending contributed to an eight percent rise in 
discount revenue.  The spending increase reflected growth in the number of 
American Express cards, higher average cardmember spending and the continued 
benefit of rewards programs. Cardmember spending was particularly strong in 
the retail and everyday spending categories. 
    Net finance charge revenue increased nine percent, reflecting strong 
growth in loan balances offset in part by a lower net interest yield.  Net 
card fees increased as a result of higher cards in force. 
    Total expenses increased five percent. Marketing and promotion expenses 
rose 18 percent from year-ago levels, primarily reflecting the continued 
expansion of card-acquisition programs.  This is in addition to a 17 percent 
increase in marketing and promotion in the year-ago period.  
    Human resources expense increased 10 percent largely due to higher costs 
related to merit increases and employee benefits.  Other operating expenses 
increased due in part to higher cardmember loyalty program costs and the 
impact of technology and service-related outsourcing, which transferred 
certain costs that had previously been included in human resources expense. 
    The total provision for losses declined eight percent, reflecting very 
strong overall credit quality in both the charge card and lending portfolios.   
    Charge card interest expense decreased 19 percent largely due to lower 
funding costs.   
    American Express Financial Advisors (AEFA) reported second quarter net 
income of $157 million, up eight percent from $145 million a year ago.  Total 
revenues increased 11 percent.   
    Investment income rose 31 percent reflecting a higher level of owned 
investments, which was partially offset by lower yields on invested assets.  
Invested assets increased due to strong cash sales of annuities, insurance and 
certificate products.     
    AEFA realized a net loss of $16 million in its investment portfolio during 
the second quarter.  On a gross basis, AEFA realized gains of $64 million 
versus $80 million of impairments and losses.  Year-ago net investment losses 
of $85 million included a $78 million pre-tax investment loss related to 
WorldCom debt holdings.  On a gross basis for the year-ago period, AEFA 
realized gains of $58 million versus $143 million of impairments and losses. 
    Despite recent improvements in the market, average equity values for the 
quarter were below last year's levels. This, along with net outflows, 
contributed to lower levels of assets under management and management fees 
compared with year-ago levels. 
    Total expenses increased 12 percent.  Human resources expense increased 
three percent, reflecting increased costs related to employee benefits. These 
costs were partially offset by lower sales-related compensation and continued 
benefits of re-engineering and cost controls.  Other operating expenses 
increased 23 percent.  This reflected in part higher expenses resulting from 
fewer capitalized costs due to the ongoing impact of the comprehensive review 
of Deferred Acquisition Costs-related practices discussed in the third quarter 
of 2002.  Other operating expenses also increased due to a higher minority 
interest expense related to a premium deposits joint venture with American 
Express Bank.  
    American Express Bank (AEB) reported net income for the second quarter of 
$27 million up 45 percent from $18 million a year ago.   
    AEB's results reflect greater fee-related, foreign exchange and other 
revenues in Private Banking and the Financial Institutions Group, as well as 
lower provisions for losses primarily due to the continued stabilization of 
write-offs in the consumer lending portfolio.  These benefits were partially 
offset by higher technology and human resources expenses.  
    Corporate and Other reported second quarter net expenses of $56 million in 
2003 compared with $45 million in 2002.   
    Other Items 
    As previously announced, the company increased its quarterly dividend to 
$0.10 per share for shareholders of record on July 3, 2003. 
    As previously noted in year-end and first quarter filings, the company 
will adopt a new accounting rule in the third quarter of 2003:  FASB 
Interpretation No. 46, "Consolidation of Variable Interest Entities" (FIN 46). 
    FIN 46 requires the consolidation for reporting purposes of assets within 
certain structured investments that AEFA either owns or manages for third 
    The company is still evaluating the impact of this rule.  However, it 
plans to recognize a below-the-line charge relating to this accounting change 
when it consolidates those assets in the third quarter.  The preliminary 
estimate of this impact is approximately $150 million.  It will have no effect 
on cash flow, and the company expects that it will be reversed at a later date 
as the structured investments mature. 
    Managed Basis - TRS 
    Managed basis means the presentation assumes there have been no 
securitization transactions, i.e. all securitized cardmember loans and related 
income effects are reflected as if they were in the company's balance sheet 
and income statement, respectively.  The company presents TRS information on a 
managed basis because that is the way the company's management views and 
manages the business.  Management believes that a full picture of trends in 
the company's cardmember lending business can only be derived by evaluating 
the performance of both securitized and non-securitized cardmember loans.   
    Asset securitization is just one of several ways for the company to fund 
cardmember loans.  Use of a managed basis presentation, including  
non-securitized and securitized cardmember loans, presents a more accurate 
picture of the key dynamics of the cardmember lending business, avoiding 
distortions due to the mix of funding sources at any particular point in time.   
    For example, irrespective of the funding mix, it is important for 
management and investors to see metrics, such as changes in delinquencies and 
write-off rates, for the entire cardmember lending portfolio because they are 
more representative of the economics of the aggregate cardmember relationships 
and ongoing business performance and trends over time.  It is also important 
for investors to see the overall growth of cardmember loans and related 
revenue and changes in market share, which are all significant metrics in 
evaluating the company's performance and which can only be properly assessed 
when all non-securitized and securitized cardmember loans are viewed together 
on a managed basis. 
    The Consolidated Section of this press release and attachments provide the 
GAAP presentation for items described on a managed basis. 
    The following table reconciles the GAAP-basis TRS income statements to the 
managed basis information. 
    Travel Related Services 
    Selected Financial Information 
    Quarters Ended June 30, 
                                                    GAAP Basis 
                                            2003       2002      Inc/(Dec) 
    Net revenues: 
     Discount revenue                     $ 2,152    $ 1,997        7.7% 
     Net card fees                            455        429        6.0 
      Finance charge revenue                  512        493        4.1 
      Interest expense                        115        127       (9.2) 
                                          --------   -------- 
       Net finance charge revenue             397        366        8.6 
     Travel commissions and fees              373        369        1.0 
     Travelers Cheque investment 
          income                               92         95       (2.2)  
     Securitization income                    630        540       16.8 
     Other revenues                           635        666       (4.7) 
                                          --------   -------- 
           Total net revenues               4,734      4,462        6.1 
                                          --------   -------- 
     Marketing and promotion                  417        365       14.5 
     Provision for losses and 
        Charge card                           205        280      (27.0) 
        Lending                               278        290       (4.4) 
        Other                                  37         37        1.1 
                                          --------   -------- 
         Total                                520        607      (14.5) 
     Charge card interest expense             204        256      (20.1) 
     Human resources                          965        879        9.8 
     Other operating expenses               1,691      1,539        9.9 
     Restructuring charges                     -          (6)        - 
                                          --------   -------- 
           Total expenses                   3,797      3,640        4.3 
                                          --------   -------- 
    Pretax income                             937        822       14.0 
    Income tax provision                      303        257       18.2 
                                          --------   -------- 
    Net income                            $   634    $   565       12.1 
                                          ========   ======== 
    Travel Related Services 
    Selected Financial Information 
    Quarters Ended June 30, 
                                   Effect               Managed Basis 
                              ----------------   ---------------------------- 
                               2003      2002      2003      2002   Inc/(Dec) 
                              ----------------   ---------------------------- 
    Net revenues:                              
     Discount revenue 
     Net card fees                 
      Finance charge revenue   $  652    $  623   $ 1,164   $ 1,116     4.3% 
      Interest expense             50        73       165       200   (17.7) 
                               -------   -------  --------  -------- 
       Net finance  
        charge revenue            602       550       999       916     9.1 
     Travel commissions and fees 
     Travelers Cheque investment 
     Securitization income       (630)     (540)       -         -       - 
     Other revenues               244       183       879       849     3.6 
                               -------   -------  --------  -------- 
           Total net revenues     216       193     4,950     4,655     6.3 
                               -------   -------  --------  -------- 
     Marketing and promotion      (48)      (51)      369       314    17.6 
     Provision for losses and 
        Charge card                   
        Lending                   297       282       575       572     0.4 
                               -------   -------  --------  -------- 
         Total                    297       282       817       889    (8.2) 
     Charge card  
      interest expense              -        (4)      204       252   (19.0) 
     Human resources                                 
     Other operating expenses     (33)      (34)    1,658     1,505    10.2 
     Restructuring charges                               
                               -------   -------  --------  -------- 
           Total expenses      $  216    $  193   $ 4,013   $ 3,833     4.7 
                               -------   -------  --------  -------- 
    American Express Company (, founded in 1850, is a 
global travel, financial and network services provider. 
    Note:  The 2003 Second Quarter Earnings Supplement, as well as CFO Gary 
Crittenden's presentation from the investor conference call referred to below, 
will be available today on the American Express web site at  An investor conference call to discuss second 
quarter earnings results, operating performance and other topics that may be 
raised during the discussion will be held at 5:00 p.m. (ET) today.  Live audio 
of the conference call will be accessible to the general public on the 
American Express web site at  A replay of the 
conference call also will be available today at the same web site address. 
    This release includes forward-looking statements, which are subject to 
risks and uncertainties. The words "believe," "expect," "anticipate," 
"optimistic," "intend," "plan," "aim," "will," "should," "could," "likely," 
and similar expressions are intended to identify forward-looking statements. 
Readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on these forward-looking 
statements, which speak only as of the date on which they are made. The 
company undertakes no obligation to update or revise any forward-looking 
statements. Factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from 
these forward-looking statements include, but are not limited to:  the 
company's ability to successfully implement a business model that allows for 
significant earnings growth based on revenue growth that is lower than 
historical levels, including the ability to improve its operating expense to 
revenue ratio both in the short-term and over time, which will depend in part 
on the effectiveness of re-engineering and other cost control initiatives, as 
well as factors impacting the company's revenues; the company's ability to 
grow its business and meet or exceed its return on shareholders' equity target 
by reinvesting approximately 35% of annually-generated capital, and returning 
approximately 65% of such capital to shareholders, over time, which will 
depend on the company's ability to manage its capital needs and the effect of 
business mix, acquisitions and rating agency requirements; the ability of the 
company to generate sufficient revenues for expanded investment spending, to 
actually spend such funds over the remainder of the year to the extent 
available, particularly if funds for discretionary spending are higher than 
anticipated, and to capitalize on such investments to improve business 
metrics; credit risk related to consumer debt, business loans, merchant 
bankruptcies and other credit exposures both in the U.S. and internationally; 
fluctuation in the equity and fixed income markets, which can affect the 
amount and types of investment products sold by AEFA, the market value of its 
managed assets, and management, distribution and other fees received based on 
the value of those assets; AEFA's ability to recover Deferred Acquisition 
Costs (DAC), as well as the timing of such DAC amortization, in connection 
with the sale of annuity, insurance and certain mutual fund products; changes 
in assumptions relating to DAC, which could impact the amount of DAC 
amortization; the level of guaranteed minimum death benefits paid to clients; 
potential deterioration in AEFA's high-yield and other investments, which 
could result in further losses in AEFA's investment portfolio; the ability to 
improve investment performance in AEFA's businesses, including attracting and 
retaining high-quality personnel; the success, timeliness and financial 
impact, including costs, cost savings and other benefits including increased 
revenues, of re-engineering initiatives being implemented or considered by the 
company, including cost management, structural and strategic measures such as 
vendor, process, facilities and operations consolidation, outsourcing 
(including, among others, technologies operations), relocating certain 
functions to lower cost overseas locations, moving internal and external 
functions to the Internet to save costs, and planned staff reductions relating 
to certain of such re-engineering actions; the ability to control and manage 
operating, infrastructure, advertising and promotion and other expenses as 
business expands or changes, including balancing the need for longer-term 
investment spending; the potential negative effect on the company's businesses 
and infrastructure, including information technology systems, of terrorist 
attacks, disasters or other catastrophic events in the future; the impact on 
the company's businesses resulting from the recent war in Iraq and its 
aftermath and other geopolitical uncertainty; the overall level of consumer 
confidence; consumer and business spending on the company's travel related 
services products, particularly credit and charge cards and growth in card 
lending balances, which depend in part on the ability to issue new and 
enhanced card products and increase revenues from such products, attract new 
cardholders, capture a greater share of existing cardholders' spending, 
sustain premium discount rates, increase merchant coverage, retain cardmembers 
after low introductory lending rates have expired, and expand the global 
network services business; the impact of severe acute respiratory syndrome 
(SARS) on consumer and business spending on travel, including its potential 
spread to the United States and other locales that have not, to date, been 
significantly affected; the ability to manage and expand cardmember benefits, 
including Membership Rewards(R), in a cost effective manner; the triggering of 
obligations to make payments to certain co-brand partners, merchants, vendors 
and customers under contractual arrangements with such parties under certain 
circumstances; successfully cross-selling financial, travel, card and other 
products and services to the company's customer base, both in the U.S. and 
internationally; a downturn in the company's businesses and/or negative 
changes in the company's and its subsidiaries' credit ratings, which could 
result in contingent payments under contracts, decreased liquidity and higher 
borrowing costs; fluctuations in interest rates, which impact the company's 
borrowing costs, return on lending products and spreads in the investment and 
insurance businesses; credit trends and the rate of bankruptcies, which can 
affect spending on card products, debt payments by individual and corporate 
customers and businesses that accept the company's card products and returns 
on the company's investment portfolios; fluctuations in foreign currency 
exchange rates; political or economic instability in certain regions or 
countries, which could affect lending and other commercial activities, among 
other businesses, or restrictions on convertibility of certain currencies; 
changes in laws or government regulations; the costs and integration of 
acquisitions; the ability to accurately interpret and apply FASB 
Interpretation No. 46, the recently issued accounting rule related to the 
consolidation of variable interest entities, including those involving 
collateralized debt obligations (CDOs) and secured loan trusts (SLTs) that the 
company manages and/or invests in, and the impact of the rule on both the 
company's balance sheet and results of operations, which could be greater or 
less than that estimated by management to the extent that certain assumptions 
have to be revised, such as estimates of the valuations of the underlying 
collateral of the CDO or SLT structures, or the application of the rule to 
certain types of structures has to be re-evaluated; and outcomes and costs 
associated with litigation and compliance and regulatory matters.  A further 
description of these and other risks and uncertainties can be found in the 
company's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2002, and 
its other reports filed with the SEC. 
    All information in the following tables is presented on a basis prepared 
in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United 
States (GAAP), unless otherwise indicated. 
                               AMERICAN EXPRESS COMPANY 
                                              Quarters Ended 
                                                 June 30, 
                                         ------------------------   Percentage 
                                            2003          2002       Inc/(Dec) 
                                         ----------    ----------   ---------- 
      Discount revenue                  $   2,152     $   1,997          7.7 % 
      Interest and dividends, net             780           658         18.6 
      Securitization income                   630           540         16.8 
      Management and distribution fees        569           609         (6.5) 
      Net card fees                           455           429          6.0 
      Cardmember lending net 
          finance charge revenue              397           366          8.6 
      Travel commissions and fees             373           369          1.0 
      Other revenues                        1,000           977          2.3 
                                        ----------    ---------- 
        Total revenues                      6,356         5,945          6.9 
      Human resources                       1,576         1,454          8.4 
      Provision for losses and benefits     1,075         1,104         (2.8) 
      Marketing and promotion                 443           386         14.5 
      Interest                                231           277        (16.6) 
      Other operating expenses              1,934         1,776          9.0 
      Restructuring charges                     -            (6)           - 
      Disaster recovery charge                  -            (7)           - 
                                        ----------    ---------- 
        Total expenses                      5,259         4,984          5.5 
                                        ----------    ---------- 
    Pretax income                           1,097           961         14.3 
    Income tax provision                      335           278         21.0 
                                        ----------    ---------- 
    Net income                          $     762     $     683         11.5 % 
                                        ==========    ========== 
                               AMERICAN EXPRESS COMPANY 
                                             Six Months Ended 
                                                 June 30, 
                                         ------------------------   Percentage 
                                            2003          2002       Inc/(Dec) 
                                         ----------    ----------   ---------- 
      Discount revenue                  $   4,128     $   3,842          7.4 % 
      Interest and dividends, net           1,547         1,416          9.3 
      Securitization income                 1,116           923         21.0 
      Management and distribution fees      1,089         1,206         (9.7) 
      Net card fees                           906           852          6.3 
      Cardmember lending net 
          finance charge revenue              855           771         11.0 
      Travel commissions and fees             713           697          2.2 
      Other revenues                        2,025         1,997          1.4 
                                        ----------    ---------- 
        Total revenues                     12,379        11,704          5.8 
      Human resources                       3,066         2,932          4.6 
      Provision for losses and benefits     2,185         2,263         (3.5) 
      Marketing and promotion                 807           748          7.8 
      Interest                                461           548        (15.8) 
      Other operating expenses              3,767         3,420         10.2 
      Restructuring charges                     -           (19)           - 
      Disaster recovery charge                  -            (7)           - 
                                        ----------    ---------- 
        Total expenses                     10,286         9,885          4.0 
                                        ----------    ---------- 
    Pretax income                           2,093         1,819         15.1 
    Income tax provision                      639           518         23.5 
                                        ----------    ---------- 
    Net income                          $   1,454     $   1,301         11.7 % 
                                        ==========    ========== 
                               AMERICAN EXPRESS COMPANY 
                                               June 30,      December 31, 
                                                 2003            2002 
                                             ------------    ------------ 
      Cash and cash equivalents              $         7     $        10 
      Accounts receivable                             29              29 
      Investments                                     56              54 
      Loans                                           28              28 
      Separate account assets                         24              22 
      Other assets                                    15              14 
                                             ------------    ------------ 
        Total assets                         $       159     $       157 
                                             ============    ============ 
    Liabilities and Shareholders' Equity 
      Separate account liabilities           $        24     $        22 
      Short-term debt                                 17              21 
      Long-term debt                                  18              16 
      Other liabilities                               86              84 
                                             ------------    ------------ 
        Total liabilities                            145             143 
                                             ------------    ------------ 
      Shareholders' Equity                            14              14 
                                             ------------    ------------ 
        Total liabilities and 
             shareholders' equity            $       159     $       157 
                                             ============    ============ 
    Note: Certain prior period amounts have been restated to conform to  
          current year presentation. 
                               AMERICAN EXPRESS COMPANY 
                                   FINANCIAL SUMMARY 
                                              Quarters Ended 
                                                  June 30, 
                                         ------------------------   Percentage 
                                            2003          2002       Inc/(Dec) 
                                         ----------    ----------   ---------- 
      Travel Related Services           $   4,734     $   4,462            6 % 
      American Express Financial Advisors   1,496         1,351           11 
      American Express Bank                   200           180           11 
                                       ----------    ---------- 
                                            6,430         5,993            7 
      Corporate and other, 
        including adjustments and 
        eliminations                          (74)          (48)         (52) 
                                       ----------    ---------- 
    CONSOLIDATED REVENUES               $   6,356     $   5,945            7 % 
                                       ==========    ========== 
      Travel Related Services           $     937     $     822           14 % 
      American Express Financial Advisors     209           202            4 
      American Express Bank                    39            27           43 
                                       ----------    ---------- 
                                            1,185         1,051           13 
      Corporate and other                     (88)          (90)           3 
                                       ----------    ---------- 
    PRETAX INCOME                       $   1,097     $     961           14 % 
                                       ==========    ========== 
      Travel Related Services           $     634     $     565           12 % 
      American Express Financial Advisors     157           145            8 
      American Express Bank                    27            18           45 
                                       ----------    ---------- 
                                              818           728           12 
      Corporate and other                     (56)          (45)         (21) 
                                       ----------    ---------- 
    NET INCOME                          $     762     $     683           11 % 
                                       ==========    ========== 
    (A)  Managed net revenues are reported net of American Express Financial 
         Advisors' provision for losses and benefits and exclude the effect of 
         TRS' securitization activities. The following table reconciles 
         consolidated GAAP revenues to Managed Basis net revenues: 
       GAAP revenues                    $   6,356     $   5,945            7 % 
         Effect of TRS securitizations        216           193 
         Effect of AEFA provisions           (526)         (458) 
                                        ----------    ---------- 
       Managed net revenues             $   6,046     $   5,680            6 % 
                                        ==========    ========== 
                               AMERICAN EXPRESS COMPANY 
                                   FINANCIAL SUMMARY 
                                             Six Months Ended 
                                                 June 30, 
                                         ------------------------   Percentage 
                                            2003          2002       Inc/(Dec) 
                                         ----------    ----------   ---------- 
      Travel Related Services           $   9,220     $   8,661            6 % 
      American Express Financial Advisors   2,907         2,785            4 
      American Express Bank                   397           358           11 
                                        ----------    ---------- 
                                           12,524        11,804            6 
      Corporate and other, 
        including adjustments and 
        eliminations                         (145)         (100)         (45) 
                                        ----------    ---------- 
    CONSOLIDATED REVENUES               $  12,379     $  11,704            6 % 
                                        ==========    ========== 
      Travel Related Services           $   1,795     $   1,488           21 % 
      American Express Financial Advisors     387           454          (15) 
      American Express Bank                    68            47           46 
                                        ----------    ---------- 
                                            2,250         1,989           13 
      Corporate and other                    (157)         (170)           7 
                                        ----------    ---------- 
    PRETAX INCOME                       $   2,093     $   1,819           15 % 
                                        ==========    ========== 
      Travel Related Services           $   1,218     $   1,032           18 % 
      American Express Financial Advisors     290           327          (11) 
      American Express Bank                    46            31           49 
                                        ----------    ---------- 
                                            1,554         1,390           12 
      Corporate and other                    (100)          (89)         (12) 
                                        ----------    ---------- 
    NET INCOME                          $   1,454     $   1,301           12 % 
                                        ==========    ========== 
    (A)  Managed net revenues are reported net of American Express Financial 
         Advisors' provision for losses and benefits and exclude the effect of 
         TRS' securitization activities. The following table reconciles 
         consolidated GAAP revenues to Managed Basis net revenues: 
       GAAP revenues                    $  12,379     $  11,704            6 % 
         Effect of TRS securitizations        480           446 
         Effect of AEFA provisions         (1,032)         (928) 
                                        ----------    ---------- 
       Managed net revenues             $  11,827     $  11,222            5 % 
                                        ==========    ========== 
                               AMERICAN EXPRESS COMPANY 
                             FINANCIAL SUMMARY (CONTINUED) 
                                              Quarters Ended 
                                                 June 30, 
                                         ------------------------   Percentage 
                                            2003          2002       Inc/(Dec) 
                                         ----------    ----------   ---------- 
      Earnings per common share         $    0.59     $    0.52          13  % 
                                        ==========    ========== 
      Average common shares 
           outstanding (millions)           1,283         1,325          (3) % 
                                        ==========    ========== 
      Earnings per common share         $    0.59     $    0.51          16  % 
                                        ==========    ========== 
      Average common shares 
           outstanding (millions)           1,295         1,341          (3) % 
                                        ==========    ========== 
    Cash dividends declared 
           per common share             $    0.10     $    0.08          25  % 
                                        ==========    ========== 
                           SELECTED STATISTICAL INFORMATION 
                                              Quarters Ended 
                                                 June 30, 
                                         ------------------------   Percentage 
                                            2003          2002       Inc/(Dec) 
                                         ----------    ----------   ---------- 
    Return on average total 
         shareholders' equity (A)            20.1%         15.2%          - 
    Common shares outstanding (millions)    1,286         1,332          (3) % 
    Book value per common share         $   11.27     $    9.98          13  % 
    Shareholders' equity (billions)     $    14.5     $    13.3           9  % 
    (A)  Computed on a trailing 12-month basis using total shareholders'  
         equity as reported in the Consolidated Financial Statements prepared  
         in accordance with GAAP.  All return on average total shareholders'  
         equity and return on average total asset calculations in this and  
         following tables are revised from amounts previously reported.   
         Previously, these calculations excluded the effect on shareholders'  
         equity and total assets of Statement of Financial Accounting  
         Standards (SFAS) No. 115, "Accounting for Certain Investments in Debt  
         and Equity Securities" and SFAS No. 133, "Accounting for Derivative  
         Instruments and Hedging Activities." 
                               AMERICAN EXPRESS COMPANY 
                             FINANCIAL SUMMARY (CONTINUED) 
                                             Six Months Ended 
                                                  June 30, 
                                         ------------------------   Percentage 
                                            2003          2002       Inc/(Dec) 
                                         ----------    ----------   ---------- 
      Earnings per common share         $    1.13     $    0.98          15  % 
                                        ==========    ========== 
      Average common shares 
           outstanding (millions)           1,290         1,325          (3) % 
                                        ==========    ========== 
      Earnings per common share         $    1.12     $    0.97          15  % 
                                        ==========    ========== 
      Average common shares 
           outstanding (millions)           1,300         1,338          (3) % 
                                        ==========    ========== 
    Cash dividends declared 
         per common share               $    0.18     $    0.16          13  % 
                                        ==========    ========== 
                           SELECTED STATISTICAL INFORMATION 
                                             Six Months Ended 
                                                  June 30, 
                                         ------------------------   Percentage 
                                            2003          2002       Inc/(Dec) 
                                         ----------    ----------   ---------- 
    Return on average total 
         shareholders' equity (A)           20.1%         15.2%          - 
    Common shares outstanding (millions)   1,286         1,332          (3) % 
    Book value per common share        $   11.27     $    9.98          13  % 
    Shareholders' equity (billions)    $    14.5     $    13.3           9  % 
    (A)  Computed on a trailing 12-month basis using total shareholders'  
         equity as reported in the Consolidated Financial Statements prepared  
         in accordance with GAAP.  All return on average total shareholders'  
         equity and return on average total asset calculations in this and  
         following tables are revised from amounts previously reported.   
         Previously, these calculations excluded the effect on shareholders'  
         equity and total assets of Statement of Financial Accounting  
         Standards (SFAS) No. 115, "Accounting for Certain Investments in Debt  
         and Equity Securities" and SFAS No. 133, "Accounting for Derivative  
         Instruments and Hedging Activities." 
    To view additional business segment financials go to: 
SOURCE  American Express Company 
    -0-                             07/29/2003 
    /CONTACT:  Molly Faust, +1-212-640-0624,, Michael J. 
O'Neill, +1-212-640-5951, mike.o', both of American Express 
        /FCMN Contact: / 
    /Web site: / 