RNS Number : 0390O

TechFinancials Inc.

29 September 2023

29 September 2023

TechFinancials, Inc.

("TechFinancials" or the "Company")

Unaudited Interim Report for the Six Months Ended 30 June 2023

TechFinancials Inc. (AQUIS: TECH), today announces its unaudited interim results for the six-month period ended 30 June 2023 ("H1 2023 ").

Financial Overview

 --   Company Revenues of US$ nil (H1 2022: US$ nil) 
 --   Loss for the period attributable to shareholders of US$0.0 
       7 m (H1 2022: loss of US$0.1 6 m) 
 --   Cash position at the period end of H1 2023 US$0.45m (31 
       December 2022: US$0.55m) 
 --   Basic loss per share ("EPS") of (US$0.001) (H1 2022 (US$0.002)) 

Asaf Lahav, Chief Executive Board Member of TechFinancials, commented:

"In the first half of the year the Company continued to focus on administrative cost reductions and will continue to look for investment opportunities to maximize the Company's value, leveraging its available cash."

The directors of the Company accept responsibility for the contents of this announcement.

For further information:

 TechFinancials, Inc.                 Tel: +972 54 5233 
 Asaf Lahav, Executive Board Member 
 Peterhouse Capital Limited (Aquis Growth   Tel: +44 (0) 20 
  Market Advisor and Broker)                 7469 0930 
 Eran Zucker and Guy Miller 

Chairman's Statement

In H1 2023 the Company continued to focus on reducing costs. The Board decided to invest some amounts in listed companies. The Company will continue to look for new ways to increase its value.


We will continue to look for opportunities to materialize our assets or join forces with other companies in order to be able move forward.

I would like to thank our shareholders for their continued support in what has been a difficult period globally as well as for the Company.

We look forward to updating the market on our progress in due course.

Eitan Yanuv

Independent Non-Executive Chairman

29 September 2023

Executive's Board Member Statement

Financial Results

The operating loss for the period was US$0.074m (H1 2022: loss of US$ 0.16m); the operating expenses for the period were attributed mainly to general and administrative costs associated with being a publicly quoted Company.

Financial gain for the period were US$ 0.021m, attributed predominantly to US$0.024m gain from exchange rate differences.

No t axes on income were recorded in the period (H1 2022: US$ 0.00m).

The loss after taxation for the period attributable to shareholders of the Company was US$ 0.073m (H1 2022: loss of US$ 0.16m).

The Company's cash position for the period ended 30 June 2023 was US$0.449m (31 December 2022: US$0.548m).

The unaudited interim financial results have not been reviewed by the Company's auditor.

Eitan Yanuv


29 September 2023

Statement of Comprehensive Income

For the six months period ended 30 June 2023

                                            6 Months Period         Unaudited                  Audited 
                                                 Ended         6 Months Period Ended    12 Months Period Ended 
                                             30 June 2023          30 June 2022            31 December 2022 
                                  Note          US$'000               US$'000                  US$'000 
 Revenue                                          -                     -                         - 
 Cost of sales                                    -                     -                         - 
                                          -----------------  -----------------------  ------------------------ 
 Gross profit                                     -                     -                         - 
 Selling and marketing                            -                     -                         - 
 Administrative                                 ( 94 )                 (74)                    ( 175 ) 
 Operating Income (Loss)                        ( 94 )                 (74)                     (175) 
                                          -----------------  -----------------------  ------------------------ 
 Bank fees                                      ( 2 )                  (3)                       (7) 
 Foreign exchange loss                           (1)                   (58)                     (44) 
 Gain (loss) from tradable securities             24                   (28)                     (43) 
                                          -----------------  -----------------------  ------------------------ 
 Financing Income (expenses)                      21                   (89)                     (94) 
 Other Income (expenses) 
 Other income (expenses), net                     -                     -                         - 
 Loss before taxation                           ( 73 )                (163)                     (269) 
                                          -----------------  -----------------------  ------------------------ 
 Taxation                                         -                     -                         - 
                                          -----------------  -----------------------  ------------------------ 
 Loss from continuing operations                ( 73 )                (163)                     (269) 
                                          -----------------  -----------------------  ------------------------ 
 Other comprehensive income                       -                     -                         - 
 Total comprehensive Loss                       ( 73 )                (163)                     (269) 
                                          -----------------  -----------------------  ------------------------ 
 Profit (Loss) attributable to: 
 Owners of the Company                          ( 73 )                 (163)                    (269) 
 Non-controlling interests                        -                     -                         - 
                                          -----------------  -----------------------  ------------------------ 
 Loss for the period                            ( 73 )                (163)                     (269) 
 Earnings per share attributable to owners of the parent during the year (Note 3) : 
                                            6 Months Period         Unaudited                  Audited 
                                                 Ended         6 Months Period Ended    12 Months Period Ended 
                                             30 June 2023          30 June 2022            31 December 2022 
                                              (Cents USD)           (Cents USD)              (Cents USD) 
 Basic                                          (0.09)                (0.19)                   (0.32) 
 Diluted                                         N/A                   N/A                       N/A 
 From continuing operations - Basic             (0.09)                (0.19)                   (0.32) 
 From continuing operations - Diluted            N/A                   N/A                       N/A 
 From discontinued operations - Basic             -                     -                         - 
 From discontinued operations - Diluted          N/A                   N/A                       N/A 
                                          =================  =======================  ======================== 

Consolidated Statement of financial position

As of 30 June 2023

                                                           30 June      Unaudited          Audited 
                                                             2023      30 June 2022    31 December 2022 
                                                   Note    US$'000       US$'000           US$'000 
 Current assets 
 Trade receivables, net and other receivables      4          -            11                 3 
 Short term investment                                       95            74                59 
 Cash                                                        449           687               548 
                                                         ----------  -------------- 
                                                             544           772               610 
                                                         ----------  --------------  ------------------ 
 Total Assets                                                544           772               610 
                                                         ==========  ==============  ================== 
 Non-Current liabilities 
 Shareholders loan                                           82            89                83 
 Current Liabilities 
 Trade and other payables                          5         31            73                23 
 Total Liabilities                                           113           162               106 
                                                         ----------  --------------  ------------------ 
 Share Capital                                               61            61                61 
 Share premium account                                     12,022        12,022            12,022 
 Share-based payment reserve                                 798           798               798 
 Accumulated losses                                       (12,450)      (12,271)          (12,377) 
                                                         ----------  --------------  ------------------ 
 Equity attributable to owners of the Company                431          1,225              504 
                                                         ----------  --------------  ------------------ 
 Non-controlling interests                                    -             -                 - 
                                                         ----------  --------------  ------------------ 
 Total equity                                                413           610               504 
 Total Equity and Liabilities                                544           772               610 
                                                         ==========  ==============  ================== 

Consolidated Statement of changes in equity

For the six months period ended 30 June 2023

                                              Share-based   Accumulated                 Non- 
                                                payment       profits/              controlling 
                Share capital  Share premium    reserve       (losses)     Total     interests     Total 
                   US$'000        US$'000       US$'000       US$'000      US$'000    US$'000      US$'000 
Balance at 31 
 December 2021       61           12,022          798         (12,108)       773         -          773 
                =============  =============  ============  ============  ========  ============  ======== 
 loss for the 
 year                 -              -             -           (269)       (269)         -         (269) 
Balance at 31 
 December 2022       61           12,022          798         (12,377)       504         -          504 
                =============  =============  ============  ============  ========  ============  ======== 
 loss for the 
 period               -              -             -            (73)         (73)        -          (73) 
Balance at 30 
 June 2023           61           12,022          798         (12,450)       431         -          431 
==============  =============  =============  ============  ============  ========  ============  ======== 

Consolidated statement of cash flows

For the six month s period ended 30 June 2023

                                    Note      Unaudited         Audited Year 
                                            6 months ended    ended 31 December 
                                             30 June 2023           2022 
                                               US$'000            US$'000 
 Cash Flow from operating 
 Loss before tax for the 
  period                                       ( 73 )              (269) 
 Adjustment for: 
 Foreign exchange differences                     -                  44 
 Loss (gain) from short 
  term investment                               (24)                 43 
 Operating cash flows before movements 
  in working capital: 
 Decrease (increase) in 
  trade and other receivables        4            3                 (3) 
 Increase (Decrease) in 
  trade and other payables           5           15                 (64) 
 Decrease in other current                       (8) 
  liabilities                                                        - 
 Income tax paid                                  -                  - 
                                          ----------------  ------------------- 
 Net cash used in operating 
  activities                                   ( 87 )              (249) 
 Cash Flow from investing 
 Purchase of tradable securities                (68)                (76) 
 Sale of tradable securities                     56                  - 
                                          ----------------  ------------------- 
 Net cash used in investing 
  activities                                    (12)                (76) 
 Net decrease in cash 
  and cash equivalents                          (99)               (325) 
 Cash and equivalents at 
  beginning of period                            548                920 
 Effect of changes in exchange 
  rates on Cash                                   -                 (47) 
                                          ----------------  ------------------- 
 Cash and equivalents 
  at end of period                               449                548 
                                          ================  =================== 

Notes to the financial statements

   1.    General Information 

TechFinancials, Inc, (the "Company") was engaged until the end of 2020 in the development of blockchain-based digital assets solutions and licensing of financials trading platforms to businesses. Having disposed predominantly of its businesses, the Company has been an investing company since the year 2021.

Basis of preparation

As permitted, the Company has chosen not to adopt International Accounting Standard 34 'Interim Financial

Reporting' in preparing these interim financial statements. The condensed consolidated interim financial

statements should be read in conjunction with the annual financial statements for the year ended 31

December 2022, which have been prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards

(IFRS) as adopted by the European Union.

The interim financial information set out above does not constitute statutory accounts. The information has

been prepared in accordance with the recognition and measurement criteria of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) as adopted by the European Union.

The accounting policies applied in preparing the interim financial information are consistent with those that

have been adopted in the Company's 2022 audited financial statements. Statutory financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2022 were approved by the Board of Directors on 29 June 2023.

The Directors approved these condensed interim financial statements on 28 September 2023.

Risks and uncertainties

The key risks that could affect the Company's short and medium term performance and the factors that mitigate those risks have not substantially changed from those set out in the Company's 2022 Annual Report and Financial Statements, a copy of which is available on the Company's website: www.techfinancials.com .

   2.    Accounting policies 

The condensed consolidated interim financial statements have been prepared under the historical cost convention, as modified by the revaluation of certain financials assets and liabilities at fair value through the statement of profit and loss.

The financial information for the 6 months ended 30 June 2023 and the 6 months ended 30 June 2022 has not been audited.

No dividends have been paid in the period (2022: $nil).

Critical accounting estimates and judgements

The preparation of condensed consolidated interim financial statements requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities and disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the end of the reporting period. Significant items subject to such estimates have not changed during the interim period and are set out in note 3(v) of the Company's 2022 Annual Report and Financial Statements.

   3.    Earnings per share 

The calculation of earnings per share is based on the following losses and number of shares:

 Loss per share                           Unaudited                Unaudited 
                                     6--month period ended    6--month period ended             Audited 
                                         30 June 2023             30 June 2022         Year ended 31 December 2022 
                                           US$'000                  US$'000                     US$'000 
 Loss attributable to equity 
  holders                                   (73)                     (163)                       (269) 
 Weighted average number of 
  shares basic                           85,680,979               85,680,979                  85,860,979 
                                   =======================  =======================  ============================= 
                                             US$                      US$                         US$ 
 Loss per share - basic and 
  diluted:                                (0.0009)                 (0.0019)                    (0.0032) 
 Loss per share from continuing 
  operations - basic                      (0.0009)                 (0.0019)                    (0.0032) 
 Loss per share from discontinued 
  operations - basic                          -                        -                           - 
   4.    Trade and other receivables 
                Unaudited     Unaudited 
                  30 June      30 June     31 December 
                   2023          2022         2022 
                 US$'000       US$'000      US$'000 
 Prepayments         -           11            3 
       -                         11            3 
 ============                ==========  ============= 

The carrying amounts of trade and other receivables represent approximately their fair values.

   5.    Trade and other payables 
                        Unaudited   Unaudited 
                         30 June     30 June     31 December 
                           2023        2022         2022 
                         US$'000     US$'000      US$'000 
    Trade Payable          15           -            - 
 Accrued liabilities       16          73            23 
                           31          73            23 
                       ==========  ==========  ============= 
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(END) Dow Jones Newswires

September 29, 2023 02:00 ET (06:00 GMT)

TechFinancials (AQSE:TECH)
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부터 2월(2) 2025 으로 3월(3) 2025 TechFinancials 차트를 더 보려면 여기를 클릭.
TechFinancials (AQSE:TECH)
과거 데이터 주식 차트
부터 3월(3) 2024 으로 3월(3) 2025 TechFinancials 차트를 더 보려면 여기를 클릭.