RNS Number : 1548O

Ace Liberty & Stone PLC

27 January 2023

Ace Liberty and Stone plc

("Ace" or "the Company")


Ace Liberty and Stone Plc (AQSE: ALSP), the active property investment company capitalising on commercial property investment opportunities across the UK, is delighted to announce Interim Results for the period from 1 May 2022 to 31 October 2022.

Highlights * :

-- Pre-tax profit decreased marginally by 3% to GBP 731,383 (H1 2022) from GBP754,911 (H1 2021)

-- Rental income slightly reduced by 6% d own from GBP2,887,723 (H1 2021) to GBP2,700,031 (H1 2022)

-- Open Offer and re-finance provide cash resources of GBP9.5m for investment in UK commercial property

   --      Contracts exchanged for the Dorchester property. 

*Note: Full details can be found in the Chairman's statement

Ismail Ghandour, Chief Executive Officer, commented:

"The half year shows a stable operating position and ends with the Group poised for expansion."

Chairman's statement

I am pleased to announce the Company's interim results for the half year ended 31 October 2022. Turnover at GBP2,700,031 for the half year is down by 6.5% on the comparable value for the previous year of GBP2,887,723 as a result of properties sold in the year ended 30 April 2022 and commented upon in those results. The results show a one-off increase in administrative expenses, and income from dilapidations in respect of the Fawcett House, Sunderland property; no adjustments have been considered necessary to the values of investment property assets.

Discussions have continued with Sunderland City Council on the future re-development of Fawcett House. A cost of GBP184,000 has been recorded in the period for rates charges on empty portion of that property ( approximately GBP130,000 relating to a previous period), contributing to the increase in administrative expenses. Measures have been put in place to mitigate this expense for the future.

Contracts have been exchanged for the purchase of Loders Service Station, Dorchester at a cost of GBP2,080,000 and completion is expected shortly. The property yields a rental income of GBP167,914 initially, with substantial increases embedded in its fifteen-year unexpired lease.

The Company is proceeding to completion of the acquisition of the property at Unit M, 9 Hunters Row, Stafford.

Several other purchases are under consideration and acquisitions will be made when advantageous to the Company in the current unsettled economic circumstances.

The Company has continued with its programme of management changes. Mark Thomas, Commercial Director, who has been a director of the Company since its formation has resigned to pursue his other interests. His role has been assumed by Nick Jones, Property Director designate, who joined Ace in January 2022. I thank Mark for his hard work in helping to establish Ace and wish Nick well for his future role.

There have also been changes within the staffing of the Finance department, including a period of Maternity Leave for an employee.

These actions have driven an increase in salary costs of GBP115,000, which are mainly non-recurring, included in Administration Expenses during the period.

The re-finance of the Group's secured loan facility by Coutts & Co was satisfactorily concluded during the period and all obligations to Lloyds Banking Group were satisfactorily settled.

On 21 October, the Company announced an Open Offer of one share at nominal value for every four held at the record date. The offer closed on 30 November and raised GBP3,074,653 represented by the issue of 12,298,612 new ordinary shares of 25p. The new shares were admitted to trading on 14 December. These funds, together with the cash balances available at period end, leave Ace with approximately GBP9.5 million available for investment opportunities.

As a result of the re-finance and the Open Offer, the Company currently has cash resources of approximately GBP9.5m to invest in UK freehold and long leasehold commercial properties according to its existing policies.

Surplus funds will be invested short term with UK deposit takers regulated by the Bank of England.

There has been no change in the status of the GBP4.2m placed with LiBank s.a.l.

On 21 October the Company paid a dividend of 3.4p per share to mark its intention to resume shareholder distributions after the pause dictated by the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic. The previous payment had been 13 November 2019.

The following statistics are key to the Company's activities at 31 October 2022:

   a)     Portfolio Loan to Value is 55% (H1 2021: 50%) 
   b)    Weighted Average Unexpired Lease to Break is 6.52 years (H1 2021: 7.03 years) 

c) 47% of tenants are government bodies (H1 2021: 57%); 51% are triple-A commercial (H1 2021:42%)

The directors believe the Group is well positioned to thrive whatever the UK economy may have in store.

 Dr Tony Ghorayeb 
  27 January 2023 

Unaudited group statement of comprehensive income

for the six months ended 31 October 2022

                                            Year to             Six months          Year ended 
                                            date 31               ended 31            30 April 
                                            October               October          2022 (Audited) 
                                        2022 (Unaudited)      2021 (Unaudited) 
                                             GBP                   GBP                  GBP 
 Turnover                                      2,700,031             2,887,723          5,697,850 
                                    --------------------  --------------------  ----------------- 
 Gain / (loss) on disposal of 
  investment property                           (29,442)                     -            917,203 
 Administrative expenses                       (867,144)             (579,241)        (1,291,943) 
 Fair value gain on investment 
  property                                             -                     -            193,704 
 Fair value loss on investments                        -                     -          (797,576) 
 Fair value loss on assets held 
  for sale                                             -             (100,000)          (200,000) 
 Loss on disposal of subsidiaries                      -             (314,800)          (412,382) 
 Dilapidations Settlement                        127,954                     -                  - 
 Finance cost                                (1,536,238)           (1,550,156)        (2,792,045) 
 Finance income                                  336,222               411,385            751,421 
 Profit for the period                           731,383               754,911          2,066,232 
                                    --------------------  --------------------  ----------------- 
 Taxation                                      (144,557)             (215,540)          (769,427) 
 Profit after taxation                           586,826               539,371          1,296,805 
                                    --------------------  --------------------  ----------------- 
 Other comprehensive income                            -               202,302            202,302 
 Total comprehensive income for 
  the period                                     586,826               741,673          1,499,107 
                                    ====================  ====================  ================= 
 Earnings per share - profit 
  after tax 
                                        Pence*   Pence*   Pence* 
   Basic                                  1.00     0.92    2.21 
   Diluted                                0.80     0.72    1.76 
 Earnings per share - total 
  comprehensive income on redemption 
  and rollover of CLNs                  Pence*   Pence*   Pence 
   Basic                                  1.00     1.26    2.55 
   Diluted                                0.80     0.99    2.03 


 Unaudited group statement 
 of changes 
 in equity for the six 
 months ended                                                                    Treasury      Retained       Total 
 31 October 2022               Share capital    Share premium    Other reserve     shares      earnings       equity 
                                    GBP              GBP              GBP           GBP          GBP           GBP 
 Balance at 30 April 2021         14,626,463       16,773,712          202,302   (480,620)     1,074,323    32,196,180 
                             ---------------  ---------------  ---------------  ----------  ------------  ------------ 
 Total comprehensive income 
 for the 
 Profit for the period                     -                -                -           -       539,371       539,371 
 Other comprehensive income                -                -                -           -       202,302       202,302 
                                           -                -                -           -       741,673       741,673 
                             ---------------  ---------------  ---------------  ----------  ------------  ------------ 
 Transactions with owners 
 Shares issued during the 
  year                                62,500          137,500                -           -             -       200,000 
 Value of conversion rights 
  on convertible 
  notes                                    -                -        (202,302)           -             -     (202,302) 
 Equity element of new 
  issue on convertible 
  notes                                    -                -          208,600           -             -       208,600 
                                      62,500          137,500            6,298           -             -       206,298 
                             ---------------  ---------------  ---------------  ----------  ------------  ------------ 
 Balance at 31 October 2021       14,688,963       16,911,212          208,600   (480,620)     1,815,996    33,144,151 
                             ---------------  ---------------  ---------------  ----------  ------------  ------------ 
 Total comprehensive income 
 for the 
 Profit for the period                     -                -                -           -       757,434       757,434 
                                           -                -                -           -       757,434       757,434 
                             ---------------  ---------------  ---------------  ----------  ------------  ------------ 
 Transactions with owners 
 Shares issued during the 
  year                                22,750           64,150                -           -             -        86,900 
                                      22,750           64,150                -           -             -        86,900 
                             ---------------  ---------------  ---------------  ----------  ------------  ------------ 
 Balance at 30 April 2022         14,711,713       16,975,362          208,600   (480,620)     2,573,430    33,988,485 
                             ---------------  ---------------  ---------------  ----------  ------------  ------------ 
 Total comprehensive income 
 for the 
 Profit for the period                     -                -                -           -       586,826       586,826 
                                           -                -                -           -       586,826       586,826 
                             ---------------  ---------------  ---------------  ----------  ------------  ------------ 
 Transactions with owners 
 Shares issued during the 
  year                                 5,850           17,550                -           -             -        23,400 
 Dividend on ordinary 
  shares                                   -                -                -           -   (1,985,948)   (1,985,948) 
                                       5,850           17,550                -           -   (1,985,948)   (1,962,548) 
                             ---------------  ---------------  ---------------  ----------  ------------  ------------ 
 Balance at 31 October 2022       14,717,563       16,992,912          208,600   (480,620)     1,174,307    32,612,762 
                             ---------------  ---------------  ---------------  ----------  ------------  ------------ 
 Unaudited group statement of 
  financial position 
 at 31 October 2022 
                                            At 31               At 31            At 30 
                                           October             October         April 2022 
                                       2022 (Unaudited)    2021 (Unaudited)    (Audited) 
                                                    GBP                 GBP           GBP 
   Non-current assets 
   Investment properties                     76,500,343          79,706,639    76,500,343 
   Investments                                4,240,851           5,000,680     4,240,851 
   Deferred tax                                 186,738             223,541       186,738 
   Derivative Financial Instrument              662,864               3,293       326,651 
                                             81,590,796          84,934,153    81,254,583 
                                     ------------------  ------------------  ------------ 
   Current assets 
   Assets held for sale                               -           3,050,000       850,000 
   Deferred tax                                       -              76,000             - 
   Trade and other receivables                  570,885             628,090       533,079 
   Cash and cash equivalents                  6,581,380           1,309,086     2,245,873 
                                              7,152,265           5,063,176     3,628,952 
                                     ------------------  ------------------  ------------ 
   TOTAL ASSETS                              88,743,061          89,997,329    84,883,535 
                                     ==================  ==================  ============ 
   Current Liabilities 
   Liabilities held for sale                          -           1,227,563             - 
   Trade and other payables                   2,915,535           3,326,249     3,072,567 
   Taxation                                     835,999             540,714       953,280 
   Borrowings                                11,467,712          32,168,011    17,644,125 
   Derivative due within 1 year                       -              16,472             - 
                                             15,219,246          37,279,009    21,669,972 
                                     ------------------  ------------------  ------------ 
   Non-current liabilities 
   Borrowings                                40,911,053          19,574,169    29,225,078 
                                             40,911,053          19,574,169    29,225,078 
                                     ------------------  ------------------  ------------ 
   Issued capital and reserves 
   Share capital                             14,717,563          14,688,963    14,711,713 
   Share premium reserve                     16,992,912          16,911,212    16,975,362 
   Other reserve                                208,600             208,600       208,600 
   Treasury shares                            (480,620)           (480,620)     (480,620) 
   Retained earnings                          1,174,307           1,815,996     2,573,430 
   Total equity attributable to 
    owners of the parent                     32,612,762          33,144,151    33,988,485 
                                     ------------------  ------------------  ------------ 
   TOTAL EQUITY AND LIABILITIES              88,743,061          89,997,329    84,883,535 
                                     ==================  ==================  ============ 

Unaudited Group cash flow statement

for the six months ended 31 October 2022

                                                      Year to             Six months          Year ended 
                                                      date 31               ended 31            30 April 
                                                      October               October          2022 (Audited) 
                                                  2022 (Unaudited)      2021 (Unaudited) 
                                                               GBP                   GBP                GBP 
   Profit before tax                                       731,383               754,911          2,066,232 
   Cash flow from operating activities 
   Adjustments for: 
   Finance income                                        (336,222)             (411,385)          (751,421) 
   Finance costs                                         1,536,238             1,550,156          2,792,045 
   (Gain)/loss on disposal of investment 
    property                                                29,442                     -          (917,203) 
   Fair value adjustment                                         -               100,000            803,872 
   Loss on disposal of subsidiaries                              -               314,800            412,382 
   (Increase) / decrease in receivables                   (33,481)               110,122            200,258 
   Increase / (decrease) in payables                     (247,356)             (394,859)        (1,789,890) 
   Tax paid                                              (258,810)               (5,659)          (189,720) 
   Interest paid                                       (1,242,204)           (1,069,446)        (2,050,999) 
   Other financial costs paid                            (454,535)              (17,320)           (39,469) 
   Net cash generated/ (used) by operating 
    activities                                           (275,545)               931,320            536,087 
                                              --------------------  --------------------  ----------------- 
   Cash flows from investing activities 
   Interest received                                             9                   619                825 
   Purchase of investment properties                       (4,326)                     -                  - 
   Sale of investment properties                           820,558                     -          4,317,203 
   Sale of subsidiaries                                          -             3,241,484          5,067,061 
   Investment into LiBank                                        -                                 (37,747) 
   Net cash (used) / generated by investing 
    activities                                             816,241             3,242,103          9,347,342 
                                              --------------------  --------------------  ----------------- 
   Cash flows from financing activities 
   Share issue, net of issue costs                               -                     -                  - 
   Long term loans advanced                             22,027,500                     -                  - 
   Long term loan repaid                                 (379,850)             (382,100)          (761,950) 
    Short term loans repaid                           (15,890,751)           (5,395,600)        (9,788,969) 
   Equity dividend paid                                (1,962,088)                     -                  - 
   Net cash generated by financing 
    activities                                           3,794,811           (5,777,700)       (10,550,919) 
                                              --------------------  --------------------  ----------------- 
   Net increase/(decrease) in cash and 
    cash equivalents                                     4,335,507           (1,604,277)          (667,490) 
   Cash and cash equivalents at the 
    beginning of the period                              2,245,873             2,913,363          2,913,363 
                                              --------------------  --------------------  ----------------- 
   Cash and cash equivalents at the 
    end of the period                                    6,581,380             1,309,086          2,245,873 
                                              --------------------  --------------------  ----------------- 

The interim financial information set out herein does not constitute full financial statements within the meaning of Section 240 of the Companies Act 2006. The interim results have not been audited or reviewed by the Company's auditors. The unaudited interim results have been prepared under the historical cost convention, in accordance with the Companies Act 2006 and applicable accounting standards in the United Kingdom.

The interim report has been prepared using accounting policies consistent with those set out in the Company's Annual Report and Accounts for the period to 30 April 2022. Those financial statements were prepared on a going concern basis.

The interim report for the six months to 31 October 2022 was approved by the Board on 27 January 2023

The Directors of Ace Liberty & Stone Plc accept responsibility for this announcement.

Notes to Editors

Ace Liberty & Stone Plc is a property investment company with a diverse portfolio of properties located across the UK, predominantly in the midlands and north of England, which are now the focus of Government incentives. The Company locates commercial properties which have creditworthy tenants, several years' rental income and the potential for an increase in value through creative asset management activity, such as change of tenancy, change of use or new lease negotiation. Ace has maintained a track record of generating strong profits at disposal of properties and achieving better-than average returns on capital. With strong support from shareholders and mortgage lenders, the Company is currently seeking to deploy its strong balance sheet and is seeking further investment opportunities in the UK to create value for existing and new investors.

Ace is run by a board with extensive property experience, an excellent network of contacts and relevant professional qualifications. This sector expertise has allowed the Board to identify opportunities and act promptly to secure investments.

For more information on the Company please visit www.acelibertyandstone.com

For further information, please contact:

 Ace Liberty & Stone Plc 
 Ivan Minter, Chief Finance Officer             Tel: +44 (0) 20 7201 8340 
 Alfred Henry Corporate Finance 
  AQSE Growth Market Corporate Adviser 
 Nick Michaels                                  Tel: +44 (0) 20 3772 0021 
 SP Angel Corporate finance LLP 
 Vadim Alexandre / Rob Rees                      Tel: +44 (0)20 3861 6625 

- Ends -

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(END) Dow Jones Newswires

January 27, 2023 10:52 ET (15:52 GMT)

Ace Liberty & Stone (AQSE:ALSP)
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부터 2월(2) 2025 으로 3월(3) 2025 Ace Liberty & Stone 차트를 더 보려면 여기를 클릭.
Ace Liberty & Stone (AQSE:ALSP)
과거 데이터 주식 차트
부터 3월(3) 2024 으로 3월(3) 2025 Ace Liberty & Stone 차트를 더 보려면 여기를 클릭.